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This is to certify that SIMO LESLIE NATACHA of the College of Technology matriculation
number CT17A052 carried out an internship program at Appstech, Akwa, and Douala.



Signature: _____________________________

Date: ______________________________



Signature: _____________________________

Date: _____________________________
This is the internship report based on the three month long internship program that I had
successfully completed in AppsTech Cameroon from 19.08.2019 to 22.11.2019 as a
requirement of my Bachelor in Technology Degree program on the Computer Department in
College of Technology at the University of Buea. As being completely new to practical,
corporate world setting, every hour spent at AppsTech gave me some amount of experience
all the time all of which cannot be explained in words. But nevertheless, they were all useful
for my career.

This internship program was divided into two phases which where six weeks each. Phase one
was the learning Phase on which we had to give a presentation of our findings. Phase two was
the Project development phase. We were divided into three groups and each group had a final
project to present at the end of the internship. My group was the UI and UX Design team
(User Interface and User Experience) and our final project was to create a website which
displays Business Data of a Company.

During the first six weeks my group and I learn on the different languages needed for our
project which were HTML and CSS, JAVASCRIPT, Bootstrap, PHP. On learning JavaScript,
we went forward in to learn two of its framework which are JQUERY and REACTJS.
Through this Learning phase, we made some small projects to help us understand the different
languages and frameworks.

On the fifth week, we had the chance to have Professional Skills Class which was meant to
teach us the different behaviors to adopt in the professional world, dressing code and a
revision on writing Professional Emails and Resumes.

The second phase involved the project development, where we had to start implementing our
project. During this phase, I had the chance to meet the Minister of Small and Medium
Enterprises which was a great experience I had.

In General, I made power point presentations on weekly basis and I also attended meeting
conducted by Mr. Ben Ewodo. These series of meetings were to ensure that all the interns
were on track in every aspect, i.e. morally, mentally and physically. It was a once in a life
time experience and which cannot be forgotten

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY...........................................................................................................................3
GENERAL INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................8
CHAPTER 1: ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE.........................................................................................9
1.1 Goals and objectives of AppsTech.................................................................................................9
1.2 Area of Expertise..........................................................................................................................9
1.3 Locations of AppsTech..................................................................................................................9
1.4 ORGANIGRAM OF APPSTECH......................................................................................................10
CHAPTER 2: INTERNSHIP ACTIVITIES.....................................................................................................11
2.1 Activity Outline...........................................................................................................................11
2.2 PHASE ONE.................................................................................................................................11
2.2.1 Period One...........................................................................................................................11
2.2.2 Period Two...........................................................................................................................12
2.2.3 Period Three........................................................................................................................12
2.2.4 Period Four..........................................................................................................................13
2.3 PHASE TWO................................................................................................................................13
CHAPTER 3: PRESENTATION OF FINDINGS AND COMPANY REVIEW.....................................................15
3.1 PRESENTATION OF FINDINGS......................................................................................................15
3.1.0 User Analysis........................................................................................................................15
3.1.1 Task Analysis........................................................................................................................15
3.1.2 Low Fidelity..........................................................................................................................16
3.1.3 High Fidelity Prototyping.....................................................................................................16
3.1.4 Implementation and Testing................................................................................................17
3.1.5 Integration...........................................................................................................................17
3.1.6 Professional Skills................................................................................................................17
3.2 Company Review........................................................................................................................18
3.2.1 Shortcomings.......................................................................................................................18

Figure 1.1 Location of Appstech....................................................................................................7

Figure 1.2 Organigram of Appstech................................................................................................7
Figure 2.1 Presentation on User Experience Design .....................................................................8
Figure 2.2 Presentation on User Experience Design.......................................................................8
Figure 2.3 Report on Prototyping and Web development...............................................................8
Figure 2.4 Report on Design Principles...........................................................................................9
Figure 2.5 Report on User interface Design....................................................................................9
Figure 2.5 Project Presentation of AppsTechLabs website……………………………………

Figure 2.6 Low Fidelity and High Fidelity of AppsTechLabs website……………………….

Figure 3.1 Task Analysis Report ……………………………………………………………...

Figure 3.2 Low Fidelity of Univers……………………………………………………………

Figure 3.3 High Fidelity of Univers……………………………………………………………

Figure 3.4 Final Univers Project ………………………………………………………………

As my academics and internship experience are success, I express my deepest appreciation to
all those who provided me the opportunity and guidance. First and foremost, I thank the
almighty Lord for giving me Life. I cannot wish for anything more from Him.
A special gratitude I give to the Founder and CEO, Madame Rebecca Enonchong, of
AppsTech Company, who gave me the chance of doing internship with this esteem company.
I say thank you very much Madame. To my field supervisor, Mr. Patrick Ndjientcheu, your
contribution in stimulating suggestions and encouragement is forever going to guide me in my
engineering career path, thank you sir.
I would also like to acknowledge with much appreciation the important role of the staff of
AppsTech Cameroon, especially, Mr Benjamin Ewodo, who in spite of his duties, got time
to listen, guide and keep me on the correct path. To Mr Herve and Mr Ebot, my internal
audit work could not have been completed without your time in providing the needed
documents. I say thank you.
Furthermore, my distinguished appreciation also goes to the management of University of
Buea most especially the Director of College of Technology, Dr Sone Ekonde Micheal. The
Head of Computer Department, Dr Mih Thomas Atiah, My Internship supervisor Mr
Megoze Hilaire and all others involved in making internship part of the academic assessment
to enable students gain the aspiring work experience before graduation. I can never forget to
mention my lovely dad Mr Yegun Gregoire, if it hadn’t been him, I won’t be so far in my
education. God bless you daddy.
As part of my three (3) years Bachelor’s Degree studies in Computer Engineering per the
requirement of the University of Buea, College of Technology, it is mandatory for Level 300
students going to level 400 the next academic year to perform an internship. Students being
degree or diploma are to embark on this internship for minimum of two months to enable
them obtain practical industrial experience in the field of study and also to abreast themselves
of the business environment. AppsTech, a company founded by Madame Rebecca Enonchong
in 1999 in the US, a technology service provider of enterprise application solutions such as
License Management, Oracle database, Oracle E-Business Suit services, thought it essential to
open a branch in Cameroon and introduce these technologies. With a team of experts, they
provide services to companies, including training and Oracle certification. “The world of
technology is fast, But AppsTech moves faster.” Some companies like CAMAIRCO, Addax
Petroleum Cameroon, are benefiting from the services offered by this company. The company
strives to bring up young techies too, with AppsTech labs (to test new technologies, innovate
and train users) and ActiveSpaces Cameroon to bring up young Tech Entrepreneurs.
An internship is an extensive program through which an intern can learn the practical aspects
of what is taught between the four walls of the University lecture halls. This internship help
me to learn, know and understand what actually happen on the field as compared to what I
have studied in the school.

1.1 Goals and objectives of AppsTech

AppsTech was founded in 1999 in Bethesda, Maryland by Madame Rebecca Enonchong. It is
an Oracle Platinum Partner and a leading global provider of enterprise application solutions.
AppsTech offers a full spectrum of products and services to serve all your enterprise software
requirements, from architecting a solution, license, sales, implementation, integration, training
and application management services. They have one of the highest concentrations of Oracle
experts anywhere in the world that are committed to delivering end-to-end technology
solutions to meet the needs of their clients. These solutions are powered by Oracle and lets
them help clients streamline operations, gain greater visibility into supply-chains, optimize
assets, attract and retain customers, and better manage human resources whether on premise
or in the cloud. So, AppsTech is basically a company built to take care of other companies
with and through technology.

1.2 Area of Expertise

AppsTech has expertise in Oracle Database, Oracle E-Business Suite, Oracle Data Security,
and Oracle RAC, Business intelligence, Oracle Cloud solutions and making company’s
applications more mobile and social. Also providing License Management and Oracle
Training. Oracle here is an American multinational computer technology corporation, that
specializes in developing and marketing database software and technology, cloud engineered
systems and enterprise software products.

1.3 Locations of AppsTech

AppsTech has established offices in three continents that is, in USA, Europe and Africa, with
the head-quarter in Washington DC. In USA, there are offices in Washington DC and
Cleveland. In Europe, there are offices in France. And finally, in Africa, there are offices in
Cameroon, Ghana and Cote d’Ivoire. In Cameroon, where I carried out my internship,
AppsTech is located at 1389, rue Boulevard de la Liberté, (across Douala Stock Exchange)
BP 15412 Akwa, Douala.
Figure 1.1 Location of Appstech


Figure 1.2 Organigram of Appstech


2.1 Activity Outline

During the Internship we were divided into teams and each had a supervisor, Mr. Patrick
Ndjientcheu was my supervisor. We were given a particular project to work on at the
beginning of the internship. Our activities where divided into two phases.


This phase was meant for my team mates and me to make researches, learn programming
languages, frameworks which will help us for the implementation of our project at Phase two.
Phase one was meant to be of 6 weeks. Each finding was scheduled for a period of time which
was two weeks at most. Every week, each team had to do a presentation on their findings of
the week and other time give a report.

2.2.1 Period One

During this period, 19th of August to the 23rd of August I was given a warm welcome, the
outline of the internship and what was expected of me. I was then put in a team of six where
we started right on User Experience Design and its principles. We were given courses on it to
facilitate our understandings.

Figure 2.1 Presentation on User Experience Design

2.2.2 Period Two
During this period, from the 26th of August to the 6th of September, my team mates and I when
forward on in familiarizing ourselves with Adobe XD which is used to make high and low
fidelity prototypes and making an introduction to HTML and CSS.

Figure 2.2 Report on Prototyping and Web development

2.2.3 Period Three

During this period (9th September to 20thth September), we worked on design principles of
human-computer interaction mostly principles of a useable system. Went forward on learning
JavaScript and decided to do more findings on JQUERY a JavaScript framework.

Figure 2.3 Report on Design Principles

2.2.4 Period Four

At this period (23rd of September to 4th of October), we decided continued on our learning
program which was User Interface Design. Our mentor Mr Patrick gave us MIT Notes to read
in order to understand better the topic. Under this topic, we learned on the design process for
user interface, and the process of Generating design and Software architectures.

Figure 2.4 Report on User Interface Design


This phase was called the Project Phase. From the 4th of October to the end of the internship,
my team mates and I worked on two projects. The first project which is a website for
AppsTechLabs and the second project called Univers which was the project given to us at the
beginning of the internship. Below is sample presentation of the First project we made.

Figure 2.5 Project Presentation of AppsTechLabs website

Figure 2.6 Low Fidelity and High Fidelity of AppsTechLabs website


Below is a brief overview on the projects which were an AppstechLabs website and a website
that’s displays business data of a company. For these projects, I worked in a team of six.
Sometimes, we shared the work load amongst us to facilitate work and other times we worked
on everything. I’ll base this part of my report mainly on the first project which is the
AppstechLabs website. For this project we had steps which includes:

3.1.0 User Analysis

The user analysis consists of determining the character and behavior of our users. In order to
do so, we decided to do a persona. A persona is a fictional character created to represent a
user type that might use our project. Here our user was CEO and we decided to call him

3.1.1 Task Analysis

Here, we came out with the different tasks involved in usage of the project. From these tasks
we identities sub-tasks and preconditions needed for any task or sub-task to be done.

Figure 3.1 Task Analysis Report

3.1.2 Low Fidelity
Low fidelity prototyping consist of make a hand-drawing illustration without colors, which is
a sketch of our project. Below is the low fidelity prototype of our project.

Figure 3.2 Low Fidelity of Univers

3.1.3 High Fidelity Prototyping

This prototype is the low fidelity prototype but with precision on the colors. It is a most define
version of your project. Below is the High fidelity prototype of our project.

Figure 3.3 High Fidelity of Univers

3.1.4 Implementation and Testing
Here we used the technologies learned during phase one to implement our project which were
HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT and little PHP. During this step, the project was divided amongst
each member who was to code his given part before the dateline given to him/her. During
testing, we made sure that everyone’s part was working.

3.1.5 Integration
Here, we integrated the sub-parts given to each member together. Bringing them together
wasn’t easy though but we made it and it all worked well.

Figure 3.4 Final Univers Project

3.1.6 Professional Skills

The classes we had on professional skills, made me learn a lot about how to behave in the
professional world. Dressing, body language, manner of expression, team work, leadership,
understanding self and handling emotions, all this taught to me to make me best.

The first class handled skills on communication and corporate behavior, and I learnt one
important lesson there was to always engage and show the sense of engagement, I had a
difficulty here but after the class I improved.

The second class focused on Leadership Skills and team work. Here I learnt to be a good team
player and saw the things I use to do wrong in my team. I also learnt that good leaders never
stop learning
3.2 Company Review

AppsTech was so perfect. They welcomed us with love, put their company struggles and
differences aside to make sure the interns had a beautiful time. They pushed us to bring out
our best and also gave us gifts. We were given 5000 FRS in a restaurant, for us to use as
monthly feeding. AppsTech is an amazing Company with a Lovely CEO, Mme Rebecca
Enonchong. I acquired a lot from AppsTech.

3.2.1 Shortcomings
The only problems I faced while doing my internship was the poor internet connection. But
when Mme Rebecca noticed about this, she immediately bought a MTN bundle of 75G of
internet and gave to us to use. I admire her a lot.
As a young lady, my thoughts on what the professional world is all about, changed when I got
into it, because I got exposed to more happenings than before and I now know that it is a
totally different world all together. Hard work, ability to handle pressure, time consciousness,
and selling technology are the skills I learnt from AppsTech. Also, not forgetting the
importance of “Team Work” and “Professionalism.” Technology is innovating, and we have
to innovate with it.
1. 28th of August).
2. (17th of September).

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