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Thematic Analysis

Jaspreet Kaur - 77242878

Leeds Beckett University

Wednesday, January 13, 2021



The thematic analysis is conducted on the respondents view and the nature of
survey conducted. The thematic analysis is about having the measurement of right
features for which the respondent answered the question for [ CITATION Lor17 \l 1033 ].
The need for asking the carer is about knowing their point of view from the stance of
their life and feelings. Thematic analysis has been conducted to measure their
response and how the feelings were defined, according to the collective technique of
analyzing theme. The model chosen to conducted the study is:

Figure 1 – Thematic Analysis Model. Source: [ CITATION Mar1914 \l 1033 ]

The figure 1 shows the model that would be used to understand the theme of
complete environment with the procedure being followed collectively.

Coding and Theme Identification

The process of code identification is managed according to the respondent’s

approach and directive. It helps the theme to be identified according to the right
nature and approach which is bent towards the collective environment while linking
overall directive. The coding process helps the theme to be identified in the
responses being directed according to thematic analysis [ CITATION Moj19 \l 1033 ]. The
theme identification occurs after the coding of each response being measured. The
individual stance and providing effective approach for them justification is necessary
to built the connection. The coding in thematic analysis is the premilitary part of
theme identification. The following table shows the coding and theme identification.

Codes Theme

“You worry in case you become ill and who would step in to look after your loved one.”

“discouraging when there is an obvious decline in their health” Health

“I took my partner for a blood test last week – to see if she has Fragile X as it is
hereditary in her family”

“Once it has got through to me that my husband is not lying, he just cannot remember I
have been better”
“I adore my daughter and do not mind caring for heart all”
“Unable to leave my son – family holidays have stopped”

“Alternatively, it can be an opportunity to side-step career expectations and concentrate

on relationships:

“it can be seen as an opportunity to practice patience, and it’s ‘just life’ and a challenge”
“Yet I would not change it it’s deeply rewarding 90% of the time.”

The themes that have been identified been identified are based on how the
respondents have answered the query. The stance of linking overall importance and
relations with the coding is not about having the them be identified but the evaluation
of feeling for respondents. The cares have different problems in their sector while
creating a constructive solution for the proper approach. The necessary coding helps
to understand and categorize the theme for further analysis. The provision of data
and evaluation of right approach is targeted through the thematic point of view. The
stance of carers is required to be understood with collective need and opportunity
while defining the existing system.

The system of the thematic analysis has defined the themes due to the approach of
respondents towards the duty of carer. The life of a carer gets difficult while facing

collective problems and situation that is not supporting for the future activities. The
life gets disturbed, which the knowledge is developed through themes and targeted
approach. The necessity to handle the mindset is based on the thematic point of
view while realizing the main characteristics according to the controlled situation and
collective need. The opportunity is understood according to identified theme while
having the importance of carers’ approach.

The stance of arriving at these 3 themes is identified through the need of evaluating
the importance of their work and what problems they face. The quotations and the
responses of the carers have been established in the table which describes the
mindset where the pressure is built on their healthcare, family problems and going
for further opportunities. The stance of theme identification is trailed through the
response behavior and the opportunity according to the positive point of view. The
main theme is defined with the theme nature and target based on the collective view
of carers.

Story and Main Themes

The approach of theme is defined according to feelings and judgement based on the
stance of respondents. The opportunity for the development of theme is directed
according to the nature of analysis through the story point of view. The realization is
dependent on the control system which is limited according to the nature of carers
through the management of their life. The importance is given to the characteristics
while having the targeted mindset of developing the nature and stance of thematic
analysis. The whole theme is identified according to individual point of view of carers
which are not aware of being judged thematically.

Health Concerns

The stance of health concern has been observed a lot more through the
development of directive being measured according to their health. “In case of
becoming ill” is defined with how the nature of health is under consideration for the
health concern. The stance of health approach can be supported while other
response was “... obvious decline in health.” The overall stance is built and
developed according to right approach and measurement scale through the nature of

health concern being developed for the carers while working with high intensity and

Family Problems

For carers, the prime concern is about their family and how the time is limited for
their approach and mindset. The concern while being developed according to the
collective nature is based on the theme being identified according to family
approach. “I adore by daughter” is the supportive stance on having the hear to live
for their family. While “Husband cannot remember, I have been better’ shows the
problem which is associated for the development of completely different mindset.
Furthermore, “Unable to leave my son” is another targeted approach which highlights
the family problem in the complete system.

Opportunity Identification

The carers are fed up with their life while they are looking for ongoing and future
opportunities. This puts the pressure on having better future and moving on with the
existing intense life as supported by “… an opportunity to side-step career”. The
nature of carers is being bound to the existing limited life conditions because for
some it is just “‘just life and a challenge”. The nature of looking for further growth and
opportunity for carers do not want to move as one respondent said, “I would not
change it it’s deeply rewarding”.


By being a carer, the requirement for having the selfless approach is very necessary.
The directive of cares is to help other and regardless of the situation and
circumstance, they look forward to help future of some people and make them
stable. The nature of carer differs from everyone while having the themes identify the
problem. I am of the view, that people should enter the field of carer while having the
determined and necessary approach for helping other. The situation would arise for
leaving the current job of carer while the determination should be the only thing that
would carry on the future of person as a carer [ CITATION Vir19 \l 1033 ].

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Striving to Meet the Trustworthiness Criteria. International Journal of Qualitative
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Rosala, M., 2019. How to Analyze Qualitative Data from UX Research: Thematic
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