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Kat Kerr Revelations

The following revelations were transcribed from actual meetings that Kat Kerr conducted or was
speaking in over the last several years. As always, ask the Spirit to guide you into all truth and
understand that there’s usually always some level of mixture in humans and only the Bible is
infallible. I think Kat is legit and has had real heaven experiences from the Lord. Without fail she
emphasizes that the Blood of Jesus is the only way into heaven. I personally did not transcribe
this but found it on other blogs across the internet. I am not receiving any financial gain from
posting this and claim the “FAIR USE” law in sharing it. I hope this inspires your faith and draws
you deeper into the goodness of God and His love for you. I have no affiliation with
Kat, but have been present in some of her meetings. Here is the main
page to her website.
Heaven Invasion I
#1) Kat Kerr – Not a Dream or a Vision
“Well He came in and told me that the Father and He had decided to take me on tours of Heaven.
Since 1996 they’ve been taking me and they still take me. So if you think I could ever run out of
things to say about Heaven, you’re wrong! I could never stop talking about the things I’ve seen,
the places I have literally visited, not in a dream, not in a vision. I am caught up
by the Spirit of God like John was in the Book of Revelation. Actually there were several people in
the Word who were caught up by the Spirit. You can’t tell if you’re in the Spirit…”
From the Heaven Invasion Tour…
#2) Kat Kerr – Jesus Walked Into My Home
“If you have a problem with some of the things I say, pray for me. But please
put your mind on the shelf right now, and open your spirits right up to receive from what God
wants you to know… “
“Years and years ago, He came walking into my home, after having known Him, loved Him, and
operated for Him for over 30 years; He walked into my home…I’ve never asked to be taken to
Heaven. …and He said: “We’re going to start taking you on tours of Heaven,
and I didn’t say no. He takes me by my spirit. The Holy Spirit does; shows me some
amazing things.. Has me come back, get it all down. He’s never stopped taking me. Since
1996, He’s taken me there. He’d let me stand by people and observe. No one
ever spoke to me in Heaven. I never talked to the redeemed.”
“In 2005, He walked back in my home and said: “All those things we’ve shown you, we
want you to write a book about it. We want you to illustrate that book so our people will
know what literally exists there. We’re tired of the myths and the mysteries that
man and the enemy has built around us. We want to reveal Heaven to the
earth like we never have before.”
“You are not going to be the same. You won’t be the same person. You
can’t be the same!”
The Celestial Realm
Kat Kerr – Caught Up Like John
“It talks about when John was caught up “instantly”, by the way, that’s exactly what He does to
me, and they say, “There’s nowhere where that happened.” And I say, you don’t read your Word.
There’s an account of eight people mentioned in the Bible that were caught up to Heaven. By the
way, Elijah and Enoch are still there, and we all know they were taken. They’re still living in their
natural bodies. So what would it be for God to catch someone up and show them things?
Nothing. Actually thousands of people have been taken, and there’s going to
be a lot more taken in this move of God that’s coming on the earth.”
This is a quote from Kat’s website about the book “Revealing Heaven 1”
“Kat Kerr was taken by the Spirit of God on tours of Heaven for over ten years and has now been
commissioned to reveal what she was shown. Two scribe angels were assigned to assist her and
they have also delivered the ‘Foreword’ for the book, which is a profound message from God!
She not only visited Heaven, but was shown visions of many things that are about to take place
on earth. We are entering into a ‘Holy’ season of Heaven being released on earth – it will change
life as we know it!”
Beyond the Veil Part 2
#3) Kat Kerr – How it works
“He’s been taking me on tours of Heaven since 1996, and what He would do was, the
Spirit of God would catch me up, by my spirit, and I would instantly be
somewhere in Heaven, just like John in the Book of Revelation. If you read
Revelation 4, you will find what he saw when he got there. But as for me, it was wherever He
desired me to be. And although I cannot draw you a map of Heaven, since I haven’t been let
loose just to go where I please, I can describe many, many things I saw there. He would take me
to some place in Heaven and let me listen to someone in particular, and let me tell you what,
people talk about you. People love to talk about their families on earth, and their
friends. That is the biggest topic of conversation in Heaven. So let me tell you
they haven’t forgotten about you. So when He takes me somewhere, and He’ll pick out a specific
person and give me their name, I will stand there and listen to them talk about their life on earth.
Most of these people I have never met or known in my life. There’s no possible way I could have
known the details about that person’s life unless I had seen them in Heaven. All of these
particular things that happened, explain to me, that the Father has made an amazing amusement
park in Heaven for us. And I know that you never expected that to be said, and neither did I when
I saw it. I was raised in Holiness, I’d rather tell you to repent of your sins or die, than to share
about the fun things in Heaven. You know what? He wants me to share about the holy things and
the fun things… “
Some of these people who she has ministered to have their names in the book and even contact
information is available for verifying their testimony of how Kat saw their loved ones in Heaven.
She told them things that would only be known by the “deceased”.
The Celestial Realm
Kat Kerr – Heaven…
“Heaven is huge. It’s a world. It’s not a flat place in the clouds, with billowing fabric blowing
around, baby angels sitting on clouds, dropping grapes in your mouth…”
#4) Kat Kerr – Worship
“But there are kinds of amazing things in this amusement park He showed me. In Heaven like I
was talking about, the concerts, they’re everywhere in Heaven. God love dance. He loves
worship, and ever though I’m talking about entertainment. Guess what? Even entertainment is
done as worship. Trust me, you will praise God, when you get to go into these places and enjoy
them. Your life is never going to be the same when you live in that amazing realm!”
#5) Kat Kerr – This Word Going Out Into the World
“I did know one day I would stand before millions, be on every media channel, every newspaper,
every magazine, billboards all over the country (with my pink hair), saying: “Heaven is real, and
you need to find out about it. You need to know who God really is, and what He has prepared for
you.” But He told me first, He was going to let me meet His friends.
You know He shares things with His friends… His secrets, before He tells
everyone else. That’s why I am here today, because you are some of the
friends of God, and you are going to hear some of His secrets.
#6) Kat Kerr – Glowing with the Glory of God
“A lot of things made out of gold are transparent. Some of the buildings are. Everything up there
reflects His glory, which is why there are no shadows in Heaven. Because the streets and the
road and the grass, everything reflects the glory of God. The trees, the buildings, even the sky, so
you are engulfed by light at all times.”
#7) Kat Kerr – Moving Streets of Heaven
“When you’re carried into the glory realm, and you start going down the
paths of Heaven, as soon as you decide where you want to go in Heaven,
that path starts to move with you.
You actually cause things to be created in Heaven when you’re there. When you walk past the
flowers, they change colors. They sing. They make music. Some flowers look like gems cut with
the most beautiful facets you can imagine. A lot of gems that are being dropped
down to earth into meetings; they are the mulch in the flower beds. They
don’t have cypress mulch. They don’t have rocks. They have gems, because God gives you the
very best…”
#8) Kat Kerr – Light and Food
“No matter where you go in Heaven, even the ground you walk on; the trees; the sky, it all reflect
His glory. That’s why you don’t need a light in Heaven. It’s strange to look in the sky
and see no sun. There’s no direct beam of light anywhere. It engulfs you. God is light. Your
spirit beings are made from light. The reason you don’t gain weight from the food, or there’s no
waste is because all the food from Heaven is made from light…
If you go into the bakeries of Heaven, the cinnamon rolls are the size of
dinner plates. I’m going to tell you of a few of the places. I’ve been there… There are
restaurants in Heaven because people have gifts. I have been to pizza parlors because I love
pizza. I have been to ice cream parlors, and that’s why I say that there is chocolate in
Heaven. You can eat all the ice cream you want. It’s not going to hurt you,
and nobody’s going to tell you that you can’t have it.”
Throne Room Declarations
#9) Kat Kerr – Purpose for Sharing
“The purpose for sharing is to share Jesus Christ. Because of the price He
paid, this is available. Because of how much He loves them, this is
And the revelation He kept for this day and hour, some of those things He showed John, and He
said: “Seal it up for another time.”, the people in that day and age could not comprehend some of
the things I’m going to share with you. There’s no way their mortal minds could have even known
what that was. So yes, He did save some things for the end times. He knew what we would be
facing. He’s not surprised the world is in the situation that they’re in. But He loves to come during
the hard times, in the crisis, and show up and show off for His people! He’s coming to reveal
Himself to the earth and the people in it, and He’s using His people to do it. Jesus will be seen
many places in the earth. He is appearing even now to some of the Islamic leaders, to the very
people who want to destroy us. He is appearing in person. They are surrendering everything. One
of the things the Father told me, is that He is about to save some of the most wicked people on
this earth. Because He has a better plan than we do. We would like to destroy them and put them
away, He knows what happens when they get saved. They are the strongest witnesses. They’ve
lived for the enemy. They already know what the power of the enemy is. When they say His is
greater, His love for them. They cannot resist it. They are captivated. He is captivating the hearts
of some very wicked people, and very soon you will hear them declaring what they have changed
their hearts for.”
Divine Encounter II Disc 1
Kat Kerr – What’s it Like to Be in Heaven?
“I’m trying to look at everything all at the same time. People say, “What’s it like to be in Heaven?”
I say, it’s like being a kid in the candy shop!” Why do you think He says in His Word, you have to
be like a little child to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven? Because you have to be, because when
you get there, you’re going to act like one. You’re going to have more fun than you ever did down
Throne Room Declarations
Kat Kerr – Used in the Prophetic
“Although I can see into the hearts of people, and discern what is your life, what has been your
life, and what will be your life, He has used me in the prophetic for over 30 years, there is nothing
greater than having a Rhema revelation from the Father for today in your life…”
“I have been taken to Heaven since 1996, about three times a week; so if you want to multiply,
that’s probably how many times I’ve been, I’ve lost count…”
Divine Encounter II Disc 1
#10) Kat Kerr – I’ve Been Kept Hidden
“My name is Kat Kerr. I’ve known the Lord since the age of 4, and I’m 57, so that’s a long time. I
have seen into the spirit realm since the age of 14, prophesied for over 30 years, been kept
“hidden”, from the Body of Christ, and from the world, until God has been
ready to use me… I am not any more holy than you. I may live an extreme holy life, because
the Lord requires that of me, but He doesn’t love me anymore than He loves you…
But I can tell you right now, you matter to Him. Because He said: “I’m taking you to the
world, not only will My people desire this revelation, the world will race
after it. I’m setting up the entire world to receive this revelation. Not only is
Heaven real, but We are real, and We want them. First I’m taking you to meet My friends…”
#11) Kat Kerr – Don’t Miss it
“There is nothing on this earth worth missing it. Even though I’ve shared the fun stuff, the one
thing that’s the most important, is you will be in the presence of a holy, loving God, and His Son
that paid that price for you to be there, never forget it. When Jesus comes across
Heaven, it’s like a million diamonds blazing across the sky. People run
before Him and cry out, they worship Him, everyone, it richochets and
causes a chain reaction. You can’t help it because the Lord of glory has coming to see you.
He will make you feel like you’re the only person that exists there. He’ll walk right up to you and
look in your eyes. For the first time, you will understand that passion, that love that took Him to
the cross for you… and you will love Him forever.
You’ll never be left lonely. You’ll be with your family members and your friends. Can you
imagine going through eternity with your best buddy, or your best
girlfriend. It’s like a girl’s or guy’s day out every day. You’ll always have fun. You’ll always be
with each other. So make sure you all make it to Heaven. Make sure your friends make it. He
wants everyone to be there.”
Divine Encounter I
Kat Kerr – People Know Your Name
“People know your name, when you get there and walk down the streets, if
they never met you. And people love you. They don’t care who you were.
What you did. What your position was. How much money you had. None of that matters in
Heaven. It matters what’s in your heart. If God qualifies you through salvation to get you there,
that’ all that matters. You are accepted into the family of God. And no matter where you go, you
will feel that presence and love in Heaven.”
Warning! Heaven Rocks
Kat Kerr – Lost Someone Recently?
“If you’ve lost someone recently, I know that hurts. I know you miss them. But while
we’re down here grieving, they’re celebrating. So you have to understand, going to
Heaven to God, is a good thing. When somebody comes home, all of Heaven celebrates…”
Beyond the Veil Part 1
#12) Kat Kerr – When you die (Part 1)
“Every believer who has accepted Christ as their savior, will one day make Heaven their home.
The Father wants them to know, It is holy, and you do not get in there, unless you are holy. You
must accept Jesus Christ. But let me tell you Heaven is not boring. Having been there many
times, I have countless hours I could share with you, if I had the time.
When you die, and your spirit leaves your body, you feel amazing, because if your body is sick, is
no longer sick. If you were old, you are now young again. Your spirit being is eternal, and it
cannot age. Nor can it decay. Therefore, you’d better know who you belong to, because when
you die, they will come for you. No spirit is left on this earth, there are no human spirits living on
this earth. All those spirits that claim to be, the life of someone who once lived here, are familiar
spirits used by the enemy to deceive people. Many times psychics will call them up in front on
you. They will mimic your grandparents, or other people that you knew, those are evil spirits who
have lived here on this earth for millions of years. They know exactly what went on in those
people’s lives, therefore it is very easy to mimic them. But the spirit of a dead person will either go
to Heaven or Hell. I will first talk about one that goes to Heaven. It is an amazing thing to belong
to the Lord, and pass away. Even all of Heaven rejoices when this happens. It’s like a child
coming home to their Heavenly Father. When they leave their body, they will feel freedom and
liberty; joy and peace. The angels of the Lord are awaiting to escort them to Heaven. No one is
left to wander around, or try to make their way through to the other side. There are transports
waiting, or chariots to carry them to Heaven, as they streak across the universe,
they’ll be able to see the planets, the stars, the nebula, all the beautiful
things that the Father created and put in place years ago. As they approach
the brightest thing they’ve ever seen in their life in the skies, thousands of
angels will pour forth from Heaven to welcome them. They’ll be escorted to the
landing pad, and disembark. Many are overwhelmed and awed at the beauty, the splendor and
the wealth of Heaven. Father Abraham many times is there to greet you. He considers us all his
seed, all apart of his family because of the covenant he made with the Father. He is “big!” He is
amazing. He has fabulous blue eyes and a very broad chest and he will grab you and hug you to
himself. He is so excited to finally meet one of his children.”
“Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay
aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the
race that is set before us, Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy
that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right
hand of the throne of God.”
Heb 12:1-2
Beyond the Veil Part 1
#13) Kat Kerr – When you die (Part 2)
“Your journey will then take you towards the gate, past the river of life. People sometimes will be
standing in it or try and drink it. It looks like a million gems or diamonds have dropped into this
water. The sparkle and the life that comes forth from it, it’s absolutely beautiful. As you approach
the gate, your family members and friends will run out to greet you. They will embrace you. They
have been waiting for a long time. They’re not surprised at your arrival, they already knew that
you would be there. The Father is very good to let people know that their loved ones are coming
home. They will escort you through the gate, on to your mansion, where you will Have the biggest
welcome home party you ever imagined. Because you see your family and friends
who have been living there have not forgotten you, nor have they ignored
you. Actually, they have a way to see you on earth. Hebrews 12:1 talks about the
great cloud of witnesses that surrounds us continually. So run your race, get rid of the sin that
holds you back, so you can get that goal. They’re up there cheering you on in this amazing place
called the Portal. I have seen it and been there several times. It is a wonder to see.
Your family still loves you. They haven’t forgotten you. Actually, they know the things that you love
and like to do, so while they’re in Heaven, they’re acquiring gifts for you. When you get
home to your mansion, you’ll have gifts piled high to the ceiling. I have been
to one of those parties. It was an awesome thing to watch everyone love one another and hug,
the surprise and delight as they open each gift that they had saved for them. You see in Heaven,
you still use your gifts, you do not sit around on a cloud. You do not become a robot. You are still
you. And the gifts you had, will be in full force and effect when you enter through those gates,
even if you never got to use them before. If you were a carpenter you’ll still build. If you were a
baker, you’ll still bake. If you were a fashion designer, you’ll design. If you were a dancer, you will
dance. If you were a musician, you’ll still play music. And you see everybody does things in
Heaven to bless one another, so nothing costs anything. So your loved ones and family have
been living in the most amazing, exciting, holy place, filled with adventure and excitement. Don’t
you think that’s amazing?”
#14) Kat Kerr – Visit to the Throne Room
“After your welcome home party, you’ll be escorted to the Throne Room, one of the most beautiful
places to see in Heaven. On the way there, you’ll pass by flower beds, and as you pass by the
flowers will begin to sing to you. Some of them even change color. As you walk past them,
the heads of the flowers will move and watch the direction that you go in.
As you walk along, you may see streams of people go across the sky. Do you
know what they’re doing? They’re worshipping. No matter where you are in Heaven, when you
begin to worship, your spirit being is literally carried on your worship across the sky. It is a marvel
to see. If you want to join in, you go right ahead, just join them, because all worship in Heaven,
goes directly to the Throne Room. When you do arrive in the Throne Room, you will see
celebration going on, people dancing and celebrating and rejoicing, that they are there with the
one that they love the most. You are greeted as the people part like the sea, and you make your
line right up to the Father’s throne. People stand up and embrace you and welcome
you home. What a celebration that will go on in the Throne Room. They love to
dance and celebrate in Heaven. The living creatures are there near the throne. They are quite
awesome. One has the head of a lion. One has the head of an eagle. One has the head of an ox.
One has the head of a man. They’re positioned at the four corners of the throne. They all have
six wings, and the strange thing about them, they have eyes all over in
their body. In the front, in the back, in all of their wings, even on their
hands. They’re there to serve His holiness and to guard the glory of God. There are angels
flying overhead at the top of the Throne Room, declaring His holiness, His glory, there’s Seraphim
and they have fire literally that comes out of the top of their heads.”
Kat Kerr – The Celestial Realm
“But in the Throne Room, under God’s throne, on the armrest, under the
armrest are these other living creatures, they have four heads. It’s quite
shocking to see something like that. They have eyes all over their body, not two or three or four.
Literally hundreds of eyes in their body, in their wings, and on their heads. But there are four living
creatures that are stationed at the four corners of the throne. They’re massive creatures… “

#15) Kat Kerr – More From The Throne Room

“I’m going to talk the Throne Room of God for a few minutes… in the Throne Room of God, my
favorite scripture is Revelation 4… It is one of the best explanations of what the Throne Room
looks like. The throne is high and lifted up. The Father sits in His throne. His Son does
not have a separate throne. He sits IN His Father’s throne at His right side.
So the Father sits in all of His glory. You can see Him from the shoulders down, but His
face has so much glory emanating from it, it’s like the most brilliant light coming from His being.
His eyes when I saw them, they were blue, the Father God, but the thing that got me was the
passion that was coming from them. Out of the Father’s very being are spirits. We came from
Him. That’s why He calls Himself our Father…
The Throne Room, the people in there, it doesn’t matter what they’re doing, they will fall on their
face. Because you can’t stand even there, in the glory. That glory is what is going to
come, into the congregations of the churches. Many times the people, not even the
pastor will be able to stand. They’ll preach laying down. Because they can’t stand in that glory.
But the day will come when we will carry it. So where you look at where you are now, to being in
that place. That’s why God is coming to transform the hearts of His people. So
they can carry that glory. The very glory that emanates from the Throne
Heaven Invasion III Disc 2
#16) Kat Kerr – Seeing Jesus
“When you stand in front of Jesus in Heaven, people say they have all of these things they want
to say to Him, you won’t say anything. Trust me, you won’t go before the Throne of God and
complain about things that went on in your life that you didn’t understand. You won’t. You won’t be
able to do anything but be overwhelmed by the waves of love you feel coming from Him. When
He looks in your eyes, you’re going to know why He died for you. Because
the same passion that came from Him when He was on the cross, that’s
what you’re going to see when you look at Him. Your heart will beat like it’s
going to explode. Yes, you still feel like you have a heart. You still breathe even though you
don’t need to do it to live. You have to smell in Heaven. But you will only have eyes for the one
who gave His life for you, and the only thing you’ll think of, “I should have loved more.”. But
there’s no condemnation. Wave after wave of the fiery passion will hit you until you think you’re
going to melt. Every little thought that you had or conceived of who God was will disappear.
Because there’s nothing in this mortal mind that could even come close to who He is, or what He
wants for you, until you stand in front of Him. People always ask me, “What did you do?”, I’ve
heard people say, they couldn’t do anything but scream. They were so overwhelmed by His
presence, but because of the relationship I have with my father, I ran up to His throne, and I sat
on His lap. And He held me tenderly in His arms, like a child, because He loves me. And He
wants to do that with everybody here. He doesn’t want anyone left out. He hates rejection. He
hates fear. He really hates abuse. He never purposed any of that for mankind, and He doesn’t
cause it
he Celestial Realm
#17) Kat Kerr – Jesus’ Appearance
“When He goes across the land, angels fly in front of Him, declaring His holiness. Children run in
front of Him throwing flowers that make music while you’re throwing them. You know if He’s
coming. You see the most brilliant diamond coming across the meadows
towards you, until He gets closer and closer and He dims that aura so you
can see Him face to face, and you know how beautiful He is.
I’ll tell you what He looks like. Not like most of the pictures I’ve seen. He doesn’t look weak. He’s
powerful. He was a carpenter. Back in those days He didn’t have a lot of equipment to help Him.
He lifted trees. He moved them around. He used His arms. He was very strong looking. His hair is
not straight parted down the middle. It’s kind of curly. It’s beautiful. He has blue eyes, and
people go: “He was Jewish!” He was part Jewish. He had a Father and a
mother. A Heavenly Father, and the only time I’ve seen His eyes, they’ve been blue, but they’re
filled with passion. His skin does look like that of a Jew. It’s beautiful. It’s beautiful, it’s got olive
colored, tan skin. Because you remember, He’s got His glorified body. It’s not His spirit you see in
Heaven, it’s His actual physical being. His holes in His hands are not in His hands, they‘re “here”.
They’re right here, because the hand would never have supported Him on the cross. You can see
all of the way through it’s about “this big”. You can see daylight through it. It’s big. He’s the only
one that kept scars, when He went to Heaven. He’s proud of those, because He knows that He
did that for you and I. And His feet, they’re above right here, by the ankle, not in
the middle of His feet. I’ve never seen the piercing in His side, but I’m sure it’s there. But
He doesn’t think about those things. He thinks about how happy He is that you’re there.
#18) Kat Kerr – What does Jesus look like?
“In His natural state, when He lived on the earth, because you know He can change His size and
as tall as He wants to. I’ve seen Him appear as a lion, a lamb, an eagle, they all represent things,
but in His natural state, He’s 6’ foot tall. I know because my husband is just about six foot tall, and
He’s about the same height as my husband. He has dark curls all over His head. About down to
His shoulder. He doesn’t have straight hair split down the middle. I don’t like those paintings. He
is not milky, meek, or mild looking in any way whatsoever. He is very strong, very muscular. He
was a carpenter on this earth, and He lifted trees. So all of these pictures, a lot of these pictures
they share with you , that is not what He looks like. He looks like a king, who is about to rule and
reign over His people. The glory of God comes from His face. He has the ability to turn
on that glory till it looks like a million diamonds that you can see a mile
away coming across Heaven. The closer He gets to you, He begins to dim
that until He’s standing face to face to you.
His eyes are the most beautiful thing about Him. If you ever once look in His eyes, when you get
to Heaven, you are never coming back. You are never coming back. You are consumed with
waves of holy, pure, unlimited, unbridled love that begin to consume you from the top of your
head to the soles of your feet. You never want to be apart from Him again. He will step on
the inside of you. You’re spirit beings. He’ll turn around and look out of
your eyes and you’ll begin to burn with that same love for everybody in
Heaven. It is a supernatural thing. He is beautiful. He’s got a beard, a mustache. A neatly
trimmed beard and mustache. The holes are here, they’re not in the middle of the palm. They’re
right here, because it would have ripped right through His hand. Those holes are about this big
around, you can literally put your finger through them. If the breeze blows in Heaven, you can see
His hair move. You can see all the holes where the crown of thorns were in Him. He is the only
one in Heaven that bears scars on Himself. If you ever have scars or anything on you now, they’ll
be gone when you go to Heaven. You will not have tattoos on you. People ask me all of the time.
But you know God is going to tattoo you Himself. Some people are really shocked. That’s what
the Word says. He’s going to put His mark on your head, and in your hand. Guess who copied
that? It never has failed to amaze me how many things Satan has taken and defiled on this earth.
Why do you think He picked those places? Because God Himself said: “I’m going to mark My
people with the name of My city” and the name of your God in your hand and on your forehead,
exactly where the mark of the beast is going to be.”
Throne Room Declarations
#19) Kat Kerr – Jesus Took on a Human Body
“You’re caught up! You have to declare His glory! You can’t contain it. You are so grateful for what
He’s given you there. The fact that He was merciful to you. Even though you liked, you cheated,
you’ve stolen, you sinned. While you were sinning, He gave Himself for you. He didn’t just pour
out His blood. He forever changed His person and His identity. The One who was, and is, and
always will be; who is everywhere all at the same time chose to have His being come to this earth
and be put in a human body. He can never be rid of that body. He chose to take it
on. He can still be everywhere. He can still do everything He did before, He
will forever and all eternity have that body. He didn’t have it before. So yes, He died
on the cross and He took your sins, but He did even more than that. This holy, amazing being
took all that He was, trusted the Father by living a life like everyone else on this earth, and be put
in a baby’s body. And being raised up, having been through everything. Tested and tried in every
way that we have, but remained holy. He chose to do that because of love.”
Heaven 2 4_23_11 pm Oasis Church
#20) Kat Kerr – On The Journey Home
“You don’t have to look through a telescope, you get to go right past them or through them. You
go through some of the nebulas. Do you know what the nebulas are? They’re nests for baby
stars. It’s not just space dust. God made everything with a purpose. So you see all of these
beautiful things. They tell you funny stories. They have a captive audience (Heaven‘s transports
after physical death)…”
He will let you do things you always wanted to do, but didn’t get to…
“Some people are taken in chariots, like Oral Roberts was picked up in a chariot of God. Jesus
came and got him Himself. Sometimes He comes for you. If you had a special relationship with
Him. He won’t wait for you to get to Heaven. He’ll come and get you…
The Throne Room of God is the most amazing place to visit when you get home to Heaven. You’ll
want to go there. When you get out of these transports or chariots come up to a place where you
disembark; when you begin to see Heaven going through the heavenlies, you’ll see the brightest
thing you’ve ever seen in your life. It is just huge. Our planet would not even look like a speck of
dust next to it. Just so you get your mind in the right place, there are angels in Heaven bigger
than our planet. That’s how big it is. He’s got room for everybody. In Revelation, it talks about an
angel that can put one foot in the middle of the sea, and one in the middle of a continent. That’s a
big angel isn’t it? They’re not the biggest ones they have. They have angels bigger than our
planet in Heaven. It is a huge, huge, place. I’ve been going for 14 years, and have only seen a
little bit of it. It will take forever…and you can imagine when Heaven finally
comes to the new earth, and we’re on the new earth how fantastic it’s
going to be. People are concerned, “Is it going to be the same planet?” I don’t care, do you?
Who cares! We’re going to be with Him! We’ll be with Him for eternity. We won’t have to go
somewhere. He’ll be right there with us. Their won’t be a building that can even contain Him, He’ll
just be out there with us…
Throne Room Declarations
#21) Kat Kerr – Your Personality is Enhanced
“You don’t lose your feelings, and you don’t become some kind of robot!
Your gifts and your personality are even greater enhanced. So if you have somebody who is
funny person, a nut, or a card, guess what? They’re going to be even better in Heaven. I just
challenge you to really open your spirit to hear what He’s got to say to you.”
Heaven Invasion
“You fellowship all of the time in Heaven. You go from mansion to mansion. You visit with your
friends. You go on tours… There are many, many, many places in Heaven to go; things for you to
do; things for you to create yourself. You will NEVER be bored, NEVER run out of things to do.
The biggest thing you do is get together with your family and friends and go everywhere. You get
your own mansion. Stop asking to have one with somebody else. Cause you know what? You’ll
be glad you got it get there. He makes it just for you. When you go home. You’re His kid. You’ll
remember you were so-and-so’s wife, mother, they’re brother, they’re uncle, you remember that,
but when you go home, you’re His kid! He made something just for you… to bless you!”
The Celestial Realm
“God’s got a sense of humor. They actually have tour guides that go around, and they have a cap
that says “Tour Guide”. They wear little money changers. There’s no money in Heaven. They
want to look the part.”
Heaven Invasion I
#22) Kat Kerr – The Portal
“He is now in Heaven watching this meeting, as are all of your family and friends. So you’re being
watched right now, so I’m going to get you out of your comfort zone, and look up to the
ceiling, through the portal, which I know a lot of you cannot see, and your
going to wave at your family and friends. Hello! I can tell you that you just sent a
shockwave through the portal because they are excited that they were recognized. If you truly
believe Heaven exists, you have family and friends there and they can see and hear you… This is
one of the most profound significant places He took me to…”
“There’s like a green aura that comes from the portal. It represents the life
of God. That’s why that rainbow is around the throne.”
More About the Portals
“(The portals btw are places provided for the saints to view their loved ones and the move of God
on the earth. It’s a heavenly cheering section spoken of in the Book of
Hebrews. )
This is taken from Chapter 5 “The Portal” from the book “Revealing
“It was extremely exciting to be there and I shall never forget the expressions of love, joy, surprise
and victory I saw on the faces of the people. They were allowed to see significant
events in their family’s lives, such as marriages, births, celebrations and
especially when they accepted Jesus as their Savior. How good of God to bless
them, so that they can still be a part of the lives of those they left on earth.
Heaven Invasion
#23) Kat Kerr – Cloud of Witnesses – Your Loved Ones
He said: “Where you take this message, whoever is there, all their family
and friends and loved ones, will be watching that meeting. It’s Hebrews 12:1.
They are the great cloud of witnesses. They come and walk up a stairway and look over a
balcony railing and whoever they’re thinking about, God lets them see and hear you from
Heaven, as close as this ceiling…not miles away.”
‘Your loved ones are the biggest thing on God’s heart. They were His first. He
loaned us to each other. “I loaned you to each other for a while on this earth, so I have you be
born into the earth. You all belong to Me. I want the vilest sinner to be free, because they are all
My offspring. I sent you here so you could know Me and I could take you back home and be with
“He’s married to the backslider. He will pursue them when you pray for them. Don’t ever stop
praying for your loved ones (or anyone you know). You may be the only rescue line that ties them
to Him. Your family members especially. If they’re your kind, either through
marriage or adoption or you loved them and called them family, you and
your household (maybe will be saved?) will be saved. Because you’re standing for
their salvation But you can’t talk bad about them. “They’re in prison.” “They’re low life!” You
cancelled your prayers. You can’t be double minded. You can’t make a stand and then step back.
You’re not going to drop the words you’ve been saying because if you won’t drop them, He won’t
either. If He needs to wrestle with them on their death bed,… Christ has the
keys of Hell, death, and the grave. Don’t you think that does something
with those keys. Your words give Him the right to do it. If you won’t stop the words you speak
for your family members salvation, the last breath they take, he will go and wrestle with them.
They could be in a coma and He’ll go wrestle with them. Because if He lets your words drop to
the ground, then His Word is not true. If you abide in Me and My Words abide in you, you can ask
what you will, and it shall be done unto you.” You can stand on that scripture for your family
members salvation. If you don’t turn from what you’re saying for your family member’s salvation.
If you don’t turn from what you’re saying, He’s bound to do something about this. There is hope
for everybody no matter how wicked they are, if you’re standing for their salvation. “They’re
running around in My hand.” “When I’m ready, I’m going to make them
Mine!” You can’t stop declaring, you’ve got to stand on My Word that says
and you can’t let those words drop and you can’t start talking bad about
them.” Those words will not drop even if someone gets taken home to Heaven. The words you
declare over those people are still there, still crying out. God still hears them.”
“The balconies of Heaven are real. Get in your prayer closet and declare: “I declare
that they’ll be a mighty man or woman of God.” “I declare they’re going to
be free.” I declare they won’t miss their destiny.” “I declare they will be a
living testimony of the saving power of the Blood of Jesus Christ. And then
you’re actually releasing life and power with your mouth. Choose life and not death Stop saying
what the enemy already knows what he’s doing with them. He laughs every time you talk bad
about your family members. The demons laugh “They’re agreeing with us!” “We got ‘em!” You’ve
got to release life. You’ve got to release love. It’s the greatest weapon ever
created in this world.”
Scriptures Dealing with Prayer and Salvation for Our Loved Ones
“And Joshua saved Rahab the harlot alive, and her father’s household, and
all that she had; and she dwelleth in Israel even unto this day; because she hid the
messengers, which Joshua sent to spy out Jericho.”
Josh 6:25
“And when the morning arose, then the angels hastened Lot, saying, Arise, take thy wife,
and thy two daughters, which are here; lest thou be consumed in the
iniquity of the city.”
Gen 19:15
“And he shewed us how he had seen an angel in his house, which stood and said unto him, Send
men to Joppa, and call for Simon, whose surname is Peter; Who shall tell thee words,
whereby thou and all thy house shall be saved.”
Acts 11:13-14
“And brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved? And they said, Believe on
the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.”
Acts 16:30-31
“Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe
that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.”
Mark 11:24
“Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the
fruit thereof.”
Prov 18:21
“And he said unto them, When ye pray, say, Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy
name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, as in heaven, so in earth.”
Luke 11:2
“If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will,
and it shall be done unto you. Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so
shall ye be my disciples.”
John 15:7-8
The Celestial Realm
#24) Kat Kerr – Insight From the Portal – More about God saving loved
“We declare that they’ll become a mighty man of God! We declare that you’ll be a living testimony
to the saving power of Jesus Christ. So they have declared what they know God wants said. You
shouldn’t say anything else over your loved ones. That’s what you need to
be declaring. Agree with Heaven. “My will be done on earth, as it is in Heaven.” They
don’t have to decide in Heaven whether to serve Him or not, or whether we’re to love Him or not.
They’re already there. The agreement is, that they know what God’s will is for your lives, and
when we agree that His will be done in our family’s lives, the way He wants it done and the
people that are in Heaven are agreeing with that, you’re agreeing with Heaven. If you don’t know
how to pray for someone, that’s the safest prayer besides praying in the Holy Ghost that you can
pray. So if you have someone in your family running from God, guess what? They’re running right
around in His hand. And as long as you’re praying for them one day, He’s going
to close it, and they’ll surrender (even if you never see them do it). The Word
declares that if you know Him, and you love Him (I’m paraphrasing), if you serve Him, you AND
your household will be saved! He didn’t say maybe, and He didn’t say sometimes. He said they
would be saved. So don’t ever stop praying for your loved ones. I don’t care if
they’re in a coma. Guess what? HE can still speak to their spirit. They can
still hear the Holy Spirit. They can still be reached. So don’t give up on
He told me to tell people, “Don’t you ever say, somebody went to
Hell.” Because even if you never saw them accept Him, you don’t know what went on in the
spirit realm, you don’t know what went on before that very second of death if He presented
Himself to them, because of family members and people standing on that Word. He won’t let it
return to Him void.”
25) Kat Kerr – Praying for Your Family
“You may be the only reason someone gets into Heaven. The first time I went, the Father told
me: “Don’t you ever stop standing for your family members. You tell My
people, don’t ever stop praying I don’t care how bad they are, how far
they’re running. My Word says that if you love Me and serve Me, you and
you household will be saved…not maybe!” But you have to stand on that. You can’t
talk about them bad after you’ve made that declaration.
“They still have to make that choice, but if someone is standing on that
word, God has to do something. He can’t let it return to Him void. So don’t
give up. I don’t care if they’re in prison. I don’t care what crimes they have committed, or are
committing. Don’t stop declaring that they will be saved and know Him. That they won’t miss their
destiny. Because even if they don’t do it here, guess what? We’re coming right back to this earth
for a thousand years. People will still use their gifts. It doesn’t stop when you die…
Throne Room Declarations
#26) Kat Kerr – Death and More Portal Information
“We need to realize that when you grieve, that’s a normal, natural thing. But if you let it consume
you, to the point of despair, it is sin. Because you’re not believing and trusting Him. That’s like
unbelief. The Word says that you will be reunited with them. They’re living an amazing life. They
can see and hear you.
You go through this beautiful building, this golden building. You pass these
arched hallways. You come into a huge room, the size of a football
field. There are columns there that are about eighty feet high. Four of them. At the base of them
are monitors. They’re huge screens, probably 30-40 feet high, and this is how people find out
when a family member is going to be saved… In Heaven they know when somebody’s going to
be saved. Because the columns on the right hand side of this room, when they stand there and
see a family member’s face appear there, and God will let them know ahead of time. He knows
the end from the beginning and the beginning from the end. They get to watch them being saved.
If you want to move Heaven, you pray for someone to be saved. You start
witnessing and they’ll start celebrating. It is an amazing thing that happens in
Heaven. The columns on the left side, the big screens, when people’s faces begin to appear
there, those people are about to come home to Heaven. No one in Heaven is shocked or
surprised when someone shows up at the gates…
Most of the time they walk up those steps and look over, they’re declaring God’s will over your
life. That’s why the Lord said “Pray this way”. May Your will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.
They know what the will of God is. Not just for themselves, but for their family members. And
they’re looking over that balcony, looking down at you and saying: “I declare they’ll become a
mighty man of God!” “I declare they will not miss their destiny!” “I declare that they’ll become a
living testimony to the saving power of Jesus Christ… They just don’t pray like we do.
Crying and whining, hoping, that somebody hears. They know that the
Father hears the prayers of those that love Him. And His greatest desire is to have
them know Him and come home. So I can tell you that Heaven is in agreement with you.
This amazingly beautiful place, people of all ages come, the angels come to
peer over. They’re very curious about us. Sometimes frustrated with us,
because we don’t act like he exists, let alone believe that He can do
something for us. Because God is attracted to your faith. He knows what you’re going
through. He wants to see faith extended. If you don’t have any. Ask Him for some. If you have
unbelief, ask Him to help your unbelief and He will do it. In this day and hour, He wants people to
use their faith. There is power is what you declare and believe in your heart.”
Divine Encounter 2
#27) Kat Kerr – Smells From the Portal
“You cannot be a witness, unless you are seeing and hearing
something. Since God is the One would said, there is a cloud of witnesses, which means
they’re in Heaven. And if they’ witnesses, they can see and hear you. That’s why He took me to
this place, so you would know about it and see. Your family and friends go to see and
hear you on earth whenever they want to. There’s no reason to keep things
back from people in Heaven. They’re already been approved by Him to be there.
Everything that is up there is revealed for you to enjoy, to partake of. He does not separate them
completely from you. Even though you can’t see them, I’m sure some people have felt
the presence of their family members, when you feel that, they are at this
place watching you. Because when they go there and look down, they can
see and hear you as close as that ceiling. Not millions of miles away.
I know a woman, her daughter loved brownies. She used to make them all of the time, and she
knows when her daughter goes to the portal to see her, because she smells brownies. I’ve
heard wives and husbands say, they can smell their husband’s cologne, or
their wife’s perfume. That doesn’t mean they’re wearing it, that’s just a kiss from
Heaven to let you know they still care. Because they do. You don’t become a robot.
You’re not a disembodied spirit floating through walls.”
en Invasion IV Disc 1
#28) Kat Kerr – Your Loved Ones are Closer Now Than Ever Before
“They don’t set you on some kind of shelf up there and act like they were never a part of your life.
They actually love you even more than they did when they were here. They don’t just think about
you often. They come and see you often. I have seen husbands at the portal, and
when they’re thinking about their wives, they throw rose petals down
through the portal. They recite poetry to them even though they can’t hear them, and wives
do the same thing for their husbands. If you had a very special relationship, I know some
marriages don’t always go that way, although it is God’s purpose for people to be married, so you
will have someone to come alongside of you. A husband wasn’t given a wife so they could abuse
you and treat them like a doormat. A husband was given a thing to behold, to love, to cover, to
protect. That’s what a real man of God is supposed to be like. It is said that they were supposed
to love their wives like Christ loved the church, and we all know He died for us. That means you
put aside your feelings, your opinions, your wants, your desires, men. You consider your wife.
She is supposed to be a precious thing, and to God she is. And one day, you’ll be held
accountable how you treated your wife.
And guess what wives? One day you’ll be held accountable how you treated your husbands.
We’re supposed to respect, honor, adore, admire, and adapt ourselves to them. So even though I
don’t like fishing, guess what I get to do a lot of… But I’m just sharing with you from the heart of
the Father right now. That is what He meant for every marriage to be, a thing of beauty, peace,
and joy. But you’re supposed to go down that road together, hand in hand, even if you have
separate callings. Even if you have separate ministries. He always intended for people, husbands
and wives to set boundaries around their marriage. This is something I will have a book on and
will teach on… It’s about setting boundaries on your life, so your ministry does
not destroy your marriage. So your job does not destroy your marriage. So
your hobbies don’t destroy your marriage. Because if you set a boundary with your
loved ones and say “This time is yours, I’m giving it only to you, that gives them the security in
their life to know that they can always depend on you to be there for them…
29) Kat Kerr – Your Spouses in Heaven
“But you’re like best friends. You will live right next door to each other. You
will remember you were married. He actually lets families live right next to each other.
You do things together all over Heaven. It’s like that special person, trust me, you’ll always be
together and do things in Heaven. You have no desire for like physical relations, but you have the
purest kind of love in Heaven. It’s like one big long date… and you don’t have to pay for it!”
Heaven Invasion II Disc 1
#30) Kat Kerr – Your Mouth Hold the Power of Life and Death
“We are made in God’s image. He wants to empower us. We are His sons and His daughters. He
wants us to operate like Him. But we ourselves are our worst enemy. Not Satan. It’s us. We
hold God back from coming to us. We hold ourselves back from receiving
from Him. And one of the ways we do it the most is this little thing right
here in our mouth. The Word say, it holds the power of life and death. What you speak with
your mouth has everything to do with where you are right now in your life. You can say all you
want to, you love the Lord, serve the Lord, and you love people, but when you use this as a
weapon for the enemy, you invite him. You give him permission to come into your life, your home,
and your family’s lives. Especially if you’re the head of the house. You’re met to be a guardian
and a protector. You need to declare what God says. That’s what the Word says.
You’re supposed to speak life, encouragement, edification. You’re supposed
to declare what God wants over people’s lies, not what you’re seeing with
your eyes. If you want a family member to change, stop saying what they’re doing. Stop telling
everybody else what they’re doing. If you say: “Father, I want you to save them”, then don’t say
how awful they are, lousy, mean, hateful, bitter, spiteful. You’ve just tagged them. You just wiped
out your prayer. You can pray all day long and every time you turn around and say the negative
things about, you cancelled your prayer. You may be the only hope that family member or friend
has to make it Heaven. When you stand in the gap for somebody, and I’m stand! Declare that you
want them to know the Lord, that they will be a mighty man or woman of God, that they will not
miss their destiny. The Father loves them. He purposed for them to belong to them. You release
great power on their behalf for their salvation. That’s what God wants you to say. Even if they’re
mean. Even if they hate you. That’s what walking in love is called. That’s what He means when
He says “lay down your life for another”. That doesn’t mean taking a bullet. That would be too
easy. Then you wouldn’t have to give up your flesh, your opinions, your ideas. What you
want. You’d have to walk like Christ did. He loved the very ones who crucified
#31) Kat Kerr – More On Your Mouth!
“Not only will He change your life, your love, your family, your business, He
is about to release wealth to the people He can trust, to the people who can
keep it, hold it, and use it for Him where He wants. I’m not talking about a little bit.
He owns everything… He created it. I don’t care who has it in their hands, it belongs to Him. He’s
about to change the scene, and you can just mark my words, the world will not own it! He is about
to give it to His people. They’ll have to go to them for help. The government’s not helping. And no
government could fix what’s wrong with this earth, only God can. And He wants to. But you have
to be in a place to receive it. If you’re not before the end of today, you will be. Because we’re all
going to pray and declare to wipe our records clean. I’m not talking about sins if you’ve already
done that, I’m talking about things you’ve said with your mouth. Because when you start
declaring things against people, you can actually withhold blessings that
God is waiting to give you. Really, He can. You wonder why your prayers aren’t
answered. And I’m not saying everybody does that. there are very precious people in this place
who have used their mouth in the right way. They’re already sealed for this transfer of wealth,
they don’t have to worry about it. But the reason God gives correction is because He loves you. If
He didn’t care about you, He’d just let you go on with your life the way it is. He wants you to live
victorious. He wants you to stomp on the enemy’s head. He wants you to give him the worst days
he’s ever had. It’s about time God’s people stood up and acted like He actually exists. If you
want to know the thing that bothers the Lord the most, it’s the fact that His
own people sometimes don’t believe Him. He has the ability to do anything
that you can believe Him for. The Word says: “With God all things are possible.” And the
people in the past who believed that got great reward…”
#32) Kat Kerr – Forgiveness and Angels Recording Your Words
“…I’m talking about what you’ve done with your tongue. You want your record erased from all
those words. It’s clean. I’m telling you, breakthrough will come right away. It’s already been
happening from the other services I’ve had here. I’ve had people do that, their lives are already
changing. What you bind on earth is bound in Heaven. You can bind and loose
with your mouth. When someone does something against you and you hold
it against them, you are binding on earth. You bind God’s hands in
Heaven. He can’t come to help you. He can’t heal you, because you’re holding something
against somebody, and the Word says, if you don’t forgive, you won’t be forgiven. So you need to
watch what you’re saying with your mouth. When you love somebody, when you encourage them
and pray for them, you “loose” things on earth. When you forgive that person, you literally not
only loose that thing that’s blocking for you, you sick the Holy Spirit on that person. Because
you’re holding nothing against them. You’re not wanting it even written down, and yes I do say
that. It says you act like nothing ever happened. It’s hard, but you can do it if the Holy Spirit helps
you. You would not believe the blessings, the mercy, the goodness that
come into your life when you forgive somebody. Literally Heaven will shower things
on you. He wants you to know that’s the way you’re supposed to live.
If it’s hard to forgive them, then you tell the Father: “As an act of my will, even if my
feelings don’t feel like it, as an act of my will, I decide to forgive that
person.” It works. Because your will is what matters. That’s how you get into Heaven or Hell.
It’s an act of your will. He won’t make you do it. You have to be willing.
There are angels that record. They don’t just record your words. If you
allow somebody to gossip to you, and get away with it, that means you’re
acknowledging what they’re saying. They will record the fact that you allow
people to gossip in front of you, or shred somebody in front of you. Don’t
let them do it. You don’t have to be rude. Just say, “I’m sorry. I’d rather go pray for them.”
Because if you listen to it, nine times out of ten, you’re going to repeat it. there are scribe angels
that are assigned to this earth and they do record things that you say. Things that you do. It is
#33) Kat Kerr – Repentance Prayer for a Froward Gossiping Mouth
“And I have to do it to. We all fall sometimes, and there’s nothing wrong with repenting. But the
longer you wait, the harder it is, so we’re going to say this right now!
“Father, in Jesus’ name, I come before you. I repent for allowing the enemy
to use my mouth as a weapon against You, myself, or man. I repent for
backbiting, for gossiping, for shredding people, for cursing, for not
speaking love. I renouncing association with the enemy in this matter. I
break the enemy’s power over my life, over my family’s life, right now, I
loose anyone who has spoken against me, who has cursed me, who has hurt
me, who has abused me. I am free to love and serve you. In Jesus’ name
Amen! Celebrate! Your records are squeaky clean, every one of you! I absolutely expect
breakthrough to come into every one of your lives. Things you’ve been asking for, things you’ve
been expecting. Things you need, they will be put in your hands, because you obeyed the Spirit
of God…
#34) Kat Kerr – Your Vision
“So God has a plan. He knows exactly what’s going on in your life. He knows exactly
what’s going on in this earth, but He needs your voice to be heard. He
spoke things into existence. He wants you to call those things that be not,
as though they were. Start declaring in your life what He says about you. If
He gave you a vision, make sure you’ve written it down because He’s about to make it possible
for you to carry that out. If He gave you and it hasn’t happened yet, that does not mean no. That
means it wasn’t time, and if you tried to make it happen yourself, that was a big mistake. I know,
I’ve done that before. But that doesn’t mean I lost it, because things are about to change on this
earth. And the darkness may get darker, but it never is going to be greater than the light, and the
glory of God that He is about to send to this earth and change His people. Amen!”
#34) Kat Kerr – Get Revelation About Who He Is
“If you don’t believe it, I’ll love you anyway! I’ll forgive you in advance if
you say anything against it…
This is a message of hope. This isn’t so I can make something or be somebody I am His
daughter, that’s enough for me… I’m here for you. I’m not here for me. He took me for
you. He didn’t take me for me. He’s never stopped taking me since 1996…”
‘You don’t need me. You need revelation about who He is. Revelation about what
Christ gave you when He died on the cross. That’s what you need, revelation on the Word of God
in your life. Please read the Bible. You can’t take spiritual experiences and think it can make up
for the Word of God… “
“Your words do create. You need to be careful what you say… “
#35) Kat Kerr – Background
“I have known the Lord was from the age of four, and I’m 57; poured out, broken, surrendered,
totally surrendered. The words I speak are not my own, even in normal conversation when I talk,
I’m prophesying. His ways are my ways; His thoughts are my thoughts; and His Words are my
words. When you live your life like that, this is a word for this new season for all those who live
their life like that. He wants you to know that your needs have become His responsibility, and your
desires are His pleasure. In this season we’re entering into, their will not be a struggling for
finances, for revelation, for power, for passion. It will be downloaded into you from the Father.
This is a new season. He is going to do things a new way, and use people in a new way (that‘s
why I have pink hair). I’m opening that season of the new thing because He does not care what
color your hair is…
“He took me home, so I could spend eight to ten hours a day with Him, to
prepare me for what He called me to do now. In 1993 He warned me ahead of time that He would
be removing me from my job. It was a very lucrative job in a law firm. I had to have that money
replaced somehow. It was done by the provision of the Holy Spirit. But first, He allowed us
to lose everything. Some people would say, “That wasn’t God.” Yes it was,
because He told us first before He did it. We did. We lost our house. We lost
everything. We slept on someone’s floor and we didn’t care. Because we knew we were being
prepared for something. We knew He was using for an example for someone who would
surrender, lose everything, and still worship Him the same as if they were kings in palace. That is
exactly what we did. Not just myself and my husband, but our children. The day we picked our
daughter up from school, she was 16. Everything we owned was in a truck. When I told her she
didn’t have a home, these were the words she spoke: “What an adventure with God. I cannot wait
to see how He will prove Himself for us! She didn’t care that she didn’t have a place to hang her
clothes. She didn’t care if people knew we didn’t have a place. It didn’t matter what the world
thought. It mattered what God said to us. We knew what we were called to do. What our
purposes were. This was just part of the journey. We had enough money left to get a
hotel room. We took our kids out of school and we danced all day long
before the throne of God. We were going to show the enemy, he didn’t control anything in
our lives; that we knew this was the Father doing something in us. People have watched us for
years to see what God was going to do with us. I want you to know that He opened a door very
soon after that. We stayed in one of the wealthiest communities in our city. Keys were given to us
to come and stay. Everything was there including the dishes. Don’t tell me that He can’t provide
for those who live a surrendered life. He does.”
“So I did pay a great price to be here, to stand here. He knew that I would have a platform to
share, and He had to make sure I would not say anything that was not Him.
#36) Kat Kerr – Abraham’s Bosom
“…Abraham’s Bosom, that is not Heaven. That is the place where the righteous dead were kept,
until Christ paid the price for us to go to Heaven. The scripture that said: “He led captivity
captive”, that was where, He was resurrected, He went to Abraham’s Bosom,
preached the gospel to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and all of the rest of
them. And because of the love He had for them by dying for them, He
captivated their hearts. That’s leading captivity, someone held in a place, He captivated
them, and they all went to Heaven with Him. That place no longer has people in it. There is no
purgatory. When you die, you go to Heaven or Hell. And you don’t live on this earth, your spirit
being cannot live on this earth. It doesn’t have the ability to exist here by itself. Whoever owns
you when you die, comes and gets you, and that’s either the angelic beings, or the demonic
beings. You don’t have power over your life anymore when you become a spirit being. You will
belong to the spirit realm that you gave yourself to. And if I could tell you one
thing that is so critically important that you accept Christ. Just because you say you are a
Christian, read the Word of God and go to church, does not get you into Heaven. You must repent
of your sins. “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever
believeth on Him, shall not perish, but will have everlasting life.
#37) Kat Kerr – The Rainbow Around The Throne
“In Revelation 4 when John was caught up into the Third Heavens, he was in the Throne Room of
God. He saw the Lord sitting on the throne and he described Him. He talked about the
rainbow that was around the throne that was like an emerald. That’s
because they didn’t have a name for the color teal. And teal is a blue-green mix.
It’s an amazing color… That’s why that color is on the book cover. The rainbow that’s around the
throne, it’s starts off with a really faint emerald color. Then it goes into the most beautiful teal
green you have ever seen in your life…
#38) Kat Kerr – The “Living Creatures”
“In the Throne Room of God, there are these living creatures, they continually shout “Holy, Holy,
Holy”. There’s not one person on this earth who could say it like they say it. The walls shake in
the Throne Room when they declare this. They’re at the four corners of the throne for a
purpose. They were with Him before any human being was ever created. They
love and adore Him. They’re intelligent beings, they do not walk on all fours. They walk upright
like us. One does have the head of a lion, he is massive. He is beautiful to
look at. His eyes are filled with fire. When he walks, the floor shakes. There
is one that has the head of an eagle. It represents wisdom. All of the
feathers in their wings are white. They have feathers on other parts of their
body, especially the one that has the head of the eagle. It isn’t just the head that
looks like a bird. It’s not a bird with a person’s body. In our minds we can’t always imagine, I will
never draw them… They walk upright. They actually wear clothes. They don’t have animal skin
on their body. They walk upright like you and I. They do have “hooves” for their feet. They’re gold.
That’s the only part of their body that’s not white. They are bleached white by being in the
proximity of the throne from the glory and holiness of God. You can’t be in His presence and not
have it affect you. They have been with Him for billions of years before He ever created this earth.
They declare: “Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord God Almighty!” When they say that, and He is caught
in the crossfire of their worship, something happens in the heart of the fire. There’s like a dynamo
that explodes within Him, and love and glory pour out of Him. He wants us to do the same thing
here. He wants us to declare who He is. He wants us to worship Him like that. Declaring He is
holy. Knowing He is holy. Wanting that holiness in our life. And when the time comes that the
worship team can do it, and the congregation can do it, and that glory builds. Guess what’s going
to happen in the middle. God is going to explode in your presence. It is His purpose on this earth,
as part of the worship for that to happen. It’s up to us to do it. And it will happen in these end
days. They have other purposes that they perform, but like I said, they walk upright. They have
hundreds of eyes in their body. They wear these gossamer costumes. It’s
like a transparent fabric, like some of the ones you see around here. That
you can kind of see through, it’s shimmery. But when you look at them,
hundreds of eyes all moving independently of each other. If they turn around,
they have hundreds of eyes in their back, in the back of their head, in their bodies. They have six
wings. Every wing has eyes in it, and all of those eyes are looking all of the time.”
#39) Kat Kerr – The Living Creatures
“In the Throne Room of God, there are four living creatures, three of them have heads of animals.
Let me tell you, you can’t measure their size… They have thousands… they don’t have a few…
They walk upright like us. They are some of the most intelligent beings in all of Heaven. They
have some of the closest relationships with God… Here’s God’s huge throne, high and lifted up
Here’s the Father, here’s Jesus and the Holy Ghost, and the very next thing are the four living
creatures. After that, are the twenty four elders. I’m not counting the seven lamp stands.
Sometimes they look like columns of fire like they did when they led the children across the
wilderness…. It doesn’t matter what I tell you, you’re going to stand in shock and in awe. You’ll
think you’re going to melt into the floor… The first time you see that throne and
who’s sitting on it, high and lifted up, you will be undone just like Isaiah
was! This is the cover of the book. I didn’t pick anything. Jesus, the Father and the Holy Spirit
picked what was on the cover of the book, they named. They sent the forward to the book… This
is their plan. I didn’t even get to pick the chapter titles. Those were picked for me, because after
going for fifteen years, there’s no way I could decide what to talk about, so they gave me the
chapter titles.
There are six wings; two that come up from behind their head on their
neck, two that come from their shoulder, and they have 2 on their
ankles. Everyone of those feathers on those wings have eyes. Thousands of eyes, in their
bodies, in their hands, in their arms, in their heads; all down the back of them, and it doesn’t
matter if they are facing the throne, they can see you, trust me! He’ll catch me up sometime and I
want to run right up to Him, you know, He’s my Daddy, but I always kind of stand there and watch
them. In my natural mind, I think this, (they laugh at me in Heaven). I don’t think it’s the pink hair
though. I stand there and think, I’ll wait till they’re not looking. The Holy
Spirit laughs and laughs and laughs and laughs at me, and says “That is
never going to happen.” Then I pretend they’re not there and run right past them up the
steps…. And these beings, I know you hear people say, when they say: “Holy, Holy Holy
(shouting), Is the Lord God Almighty! The whole Throne Room begins to shake. The people begin
to shake, and then they all start shouting that. And here’s the Father high and lifted up, and He
gets caught because the Throne is in the middle of the Throne Room, it’s not on the back wall;
and all His kids are around Him, when they all begin to shout that, He gets caught in the crossfire
of their worship… when that happens in the Throne Room, lightning begins to shoot out of the
heart of the Father. Blue lightning comes from His being. Thunder like you’ve never heard, but
you know what, it sends shivers up you in the Throne Room. Those of shivers of excitement.
They’re not fear. You don’t have fear in Heaven. You’re about to get overwhelmed
from the glory of God that’s about to come from Him in waves and waves of
love begin to leave Him, and you a literally drowning in a pool of love, a
pool of liquid love. You want to know if you go down? You can’t stand up. Everything goes
down, the living creatures.. Man does that make a sound… Let me tell you when they fall, it
makes a big sound!”
#40) Kat Kerr – Around the Throne
“The twenty four elders, if they’re all on their thrones, they go down. Everybody goes down. It
doesn’t matter how long you are down, you don’t care! You’re consumed as much as you can be,
you’re actually floating in it. Then you stand up and begin to worship. And you are caught up off
the floor in the Throne Room. If you’re inside, there’s a huge temple in Heaven right now. It’s
alive! And it opens to let more people into it. And the walls expand, no matter how
many people.. Everyone in Heaven could fit in there at one time if He
wanted them to. There’s a throne outside, that has heavenly things going on in the
atmosphere… Inside the Throne Room, that rainbow begins to leave His being, it goes in and
out… Sometimes it goes outside the walls, sometimes it goes inside, but outside you see all of it.
And there’s waves of this beautiful rainbow. The main color is teal green… He loves that color. He
loves sapphire blue… He loves purple, He loves sapphire blue, He loves teal, because those are
the three biggest parts of the rainbow that come from Him. All of the other colors move in and out
of Him, but those are the outer bands. The sapphire blue engulfs the throne completely until you
think it is all blue. It is an amazing thing to stand before Him, even if you just get a glimpse. But
to go up there and sit on His lap. Have Him hold you in His arms. Tell you
how much He loves you. You think you are ever going to be afraid of the
enemy again? You think there is any threat he can make against you? Not even death would
matter! It sets you free when you know Him!”
Shouts of Grace Church 4-24-11 Morning Session
#41) Kat Kerr – You are Never Going to Stop Laughing
“…it’s good to laugh. You’d better get used to it, because you are never going to stop laughing,
and you’ll laugh. You know you do still cry, but it’s happy tears. You know how when you laugh so
hard you just cry, you just fall apart and just laugh. You do that a lot in Heaven. Every time you
turn a corner and see what’s there, you’re going to do it . People go, “Oh no, we’re just going to
praise God. We’re just going to be like real holy.” I’m like become holy when you get there. You’re
there because you are holy. You’re not going to have classes on “Holy 101”, what are you going
to do? You’re going to have fun with your Daddy! And honestly, that’s what He said: “I’m like any
Father on earth, but much better. If they got you gifts, and did things for you, and took you to
places to have fun, why would I be any different?” “And why would I say that you have to be like
(what? …That’s what He wants us to be like, little children!). So Heaven is really, until the
new earth is made, the most exciting, captivating, adventurous place that
you could possibly live.”
#42) Kat Kerr – You Don’t Become an Angel
“If you like waterfalls, you don’t have one outside, you have one inside. It is a supernatural place.
Whatever it is that you desire or want to have… That’s why you don’t take anything with you, you
don’t want it, if you took it, it would look like junk!”
“The streets of gold are transparent. You can see your reflection in it. You can see yourself in the
mirror too, because you’re not a ghost…. You don’t get wings and you wouldn’t know
what to do with them if you had them. Some people think you will become an angel.
You were not created as one and you’re not going to become one, and you wouldn’t want fifteen
foot wings on your back anyway…So you don’t get wings.”
#43) Kat Kerr – Heaven…a Radical Place for the Young in Heart
“Heaven is a radical place, made for people with a young heart. You have to be like a child or a
youth to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, because He’s going to make you have fun. I didn’t
have fun growing up, and when they said they took me, they said: “We’re going to make you have
fun.” because my whole life was poured out to live and help, when I go to Heaven, if you want to
know what I do? I play! I go to the concerts. I go to the movie theaters. I go to the ice cream
parlors. I go watch people play their extreme sports. I go to an eight hundred acre surf park called
“Wipe Out”. You can ride 80 foot waves, and if you fall off and crash, you’re not going to get hurt.
You go in the water and you’re all wet, when you step out, you’re perfectly dry. You never have to
dry off. You can ride on the whales or the dolphins as long as you want to, because you don’t
have to worry about breathing to live. It is a fascinating place. You get your own fireworks shows
over your home if you want one, you can have them all of the time. Invite your friends over to
have a party and then have your own fireworks…
#44) Kat Kerr – Mansions and babies Part 1
“When you get to your mansion, if you haven’t already been greeted by your family and your
friends, trust me, they will have lists of places they’re going to take you, and since they got there,
they are getting gifts for you. It’s going to take some time to open all of your gifts. Sometimes
they’re piled to the ceiling in your mansion and I told you that each story in your mansion is
twenty feet high. You don’t get a small place. A 5,000 square foot mansion
would be a cabin. They’re amazing. They’re beautiful. Made just for you. With supernatural
things in them. They will delight you. You’ll never get tired of coming back to your mansion. No
matter where you go in Heaven, you’re going to be happy when you get back there because
there’s never been any place like it that you have ever lived. You’re going to know that
that is your place that your Father built and designed and filled with
wonderful things for you. You’re not a spirit that’s going to pass through the walls or sit on
the clouds. You’re going to get to enjoy everything that he prepared for you. You’ll make friends
with people you haven’t seen for a long time that made Heaven, you’ll meet siblings that maybe
your parents miscarried, and they know your name. They know what you like. They know all
of your favorite things, because they’re aware of you. Even the babies are
aware of you on this earth. They get carried to the portal many times to see
their families on earth. They love their families. They want to see their
parents. They want to see their brothers and sisters. They’re waiting with excitement for the
day that you finally get there. They’re not like little babies here. They don’t have to be educated or
taught. They already know who they were born into. They know the family members. They
even know if they were aborted. They have a ceremony before the Throne
of God that they forgive those people, and they love you…They unquestionably
want their parents to make it to Heaven. If you know someone that had an abortion, tell them,
“There is still hope. The baby that was destroyed will be restored to you. You get to finish raising it
in Heaven.” You can still give it all that love that you regretted that you never got to give. And you
won’t go through eternity repenting to them. They’ll give you so much love, kiss you probably all
over yourself, climb up on you, and hug you and call you Mom and Dad. You’ll get to take them
out to this park where all these amazing animals are. You’ll get to do all of the same things you
would have done if you were on earth, except they love you, with His love. So please if
people have abortions ask them to repent, get saved and then they will
have their baby.”
Divine Encounter III – Disc 1
#45) Kat Kerr – Mansions and babies Part 2
“I have a woman that I prayed with that had five abortions.. and all those years she had suffered
from guilt. She had three other children, she couldn’t share that with them. It was a hidden secret
life that was tormenting her, she came to one of my book signings,
She left a changed person. She got set free from that guilt, from that condemnation. She stood
there and named her babies, and we celebrated together. She has not been
the same since. She rejoices every day and called her children and told them. You have five
brothers and sisters in Heaven, and these are their names…
I tell you their was rejoicing that day in Heaven, when those babies knew
that they were recognized by their mother, named by their mother, and
loved by their mother. You can even impact Heaven with your life down
here… So you should rejoice that we live and love such a wonderful God.”
“He makes me talk about this everywhere I go. If you’ve ever lost children, they’re not lost. They
haven’t lost them. Heaven has every one of them. And this is whether they were miscarried,
whether they died young, or even aborted babies. They have MILLIONS and MILLIONS
of babies in Heaven. When you go home, you get to finish raising your baby.
God keeps it very young. They know, especially any mother, you want to hold that baby, don‘t
you? And when you get to Heaven, guess what, it’s not going to miss its destiny either. The only
is misses is being raised in this earth. When you go home to Heaven, it could be fifty or sixty
years later, He’ll keep that baby little so when you get there, you’ll finish raising it. Even though
you’re not married as husband and wife, you will live right next door to each other. It takes turns
being with you. Those babies already know who the parents are. They’re not like the little flesh
you have to raise up in the natural mind. The minute that little spirit leaves that body, they
understand who their parents are. They know they came from God. They go back home to Him
#46) Kat Kerr – Nurseries in Heaven.
“One of the most amazing things I saw , were the nurseries in Heaven. The
babies, the aborted babies. They have every single one of them. It’s one of the
most amazing stories I tell people. And I have had people get saved, women in the world that had
abortions, they get saved, do you know when they get to Heaven, that baby they destroyed gets
restored and given back to them. They get a second chance to raise that child in Heaven. Anyone
who miscarried a baby… It’s not lost. They live in one of the most beautiful places in Heaven. And
when you get there, you’re going to get your baby. You did not miss that baby growing up. Guess
what? It did NOT miss it’s destiny. Because your gift and callings are without repentance.
Whatever those children were supposed to become, they will still be that. Because God loves
you, that baby will grow so slowly, that if you went to Heaven 50 years
later, 60 years later, it would still be little. And they’ll be waiting on you to
get there. They know who their parents are. They want their parents to
make it to Heaven. Even the aborted babies, they realize when that little spirit leaves that
body the angels carry it to Heaven. Jesus is the first person to greet those little babies. He heals
those wounds of their heart, and they fall in love with Him. But the thing they want the
most, is for their parents to know that they have forgiven them They have a
special ceremony before the Throne of God. Those babies come, and they forgive
their parents for aborting them. They’re not angry. They’re not upset. They’re in love with you.
They want to be recognized as a member of your family, because they came from you. They want
to be named. If you had abortions or miscarriages, please name your child.
When you name your baby, if you don’t know what it is, it’s not that hard to pick a boy name or a
girl name. It has to be one or the other…. It’s going to be given whatever it was… When you
name your baby, even if its 30 years later, btw, it has a name, the angels give it a nickname when
it arrives. They’re not a number… they live in some of the most beautiful places in Heaven. The
nurseries in Heaven, the beds of the babies are the most beautiful seashells. I’m talking about
like mother of pearl, embellished with beautiful things on them. They don’t sleep. They don’t have
to. You don’t sleep when you go there, and they don’t either. You know what they do? They play!
They play just like if they were down here, only they play and they’re never going to get hurt.
They’re not going to get lost. They’re going to be scared. They’re never going to be rejected or
abuse. They are loved by the Father.”
#47) Kat Kerr – Babies and Kangaroos
“Even the babies in Heaven experience amazing things. Their slides are rainbows. They go for
rides on the dear. The little babies that go to Heaven. The angels bring the dear, and they put
them on their backs and take them for rides in the meadow. Even the kangaroos come
and they stick them in their pockets, and they get to go hopping around.
48) Kat Kerr – Mansions and babies Part 3
“One day you’re going to get them all back. God loves you so much, He is not going to allow you
to miss that. If your child died young, if it was four, or five, or seven, it will be the same age when
you get there. You didn’t miss them either. Any gifts He gave them. He didn’t take them away
from them. You’re given gifts on the inside of you before you’re sent here. The one thing He
wants you to know, even if you never knew it, you have some kind of
artistic gift on the inside of you. Everybody has one. Maybe what you’re doing isn’t
using your gift. Maybe what you’re doing is just to make a living. You’re not going to have to clean
somebody’s sewers. You’re not going to have to repair something when you get to Heaven,
there’s nothing to repair. You’re not going to have to fix anything. You’re not going to have to
clean anything. God’s going to let you use the gifts He gave you when you go home to Heaven.
Those children, whatever gifts He gave them, whatever they were supposed to become, they will
still become that. You get to see them grow up and begin to use those gifts in Heaven. He’s not
going to less you miss that. That’s how much He loves you.
#49) Kat Kerr – Mansions in Heaven
“I have walked through people’s mansions. Let me tell you, they are amazing! Every story in a
mansion, if you have two or three, are twenty feet high. Most of them are about 10,000
square feet. Many of them bigger than that, depending on really what you’ve done for the
Lord. Salvation is free, but what happens in Heaven, your reward is determined by the way you
lived your life. The more of yourself you pour out, the more He rewards you with. When you
get to Heaven, you get an amazingly beautiful gown filled with the light of
God. You get a robe. The gowns are all the same, but the robes are different. An intercessor
can walk down the streets of Heaven and you know they poured their life out because they are
embellished with every kind of gem, beautiful gems and detail on them. God did that to honor
those who deserve honor. So when you get to Heaven, you’ll walk down the street, you’ll know
every person that did something with their life. And you’ll know the ones who made it in with a
deathbed confession. But let me tell you they’re glad they’re there instead of down there
#50) Kat Kerr – Grace for Today
“Another thing He did was catch me up to the throne one time, He didn’t want me to show up out
of my house anymore when I got up in the morning, He said, “If you will learn to do this,
then you’ll be filled with fuel from Heaven every day.” We’re saved by
grace but there’s grace for abundant life. You get saved by grace for eternal life, but
God said: “When I sent My Son to the earth”, (if look in the scriptures it will say) “I filled Him with
My grace as a child. That grace is grace for abundant life. That’s one of the reasons why Christ
walked through this life and didn’t let things touch Him. And He said: “My Word says to come
before the throne of grace to find grace for help in time of need. That would be every day of our
life. You find it. You come before and find it. He said: “This is how you find it every
morning when you wake up, you look up and say this: “Father, I ask for and
receive, abundant grace for this day.” Then He said: “When you do that, I
will fill you with fuel from Heaven for that day.” You won’t be the same person
when you come out of that room. You won’t be you. You’ll have every little thing, whatever you
need in your life for that day, you will have it from Heaven. Every day when you get up, you ask
for it. You find grace. When you go before His throne, you ask for it, and it doesn’t cost you
anything. People will ask you, “What’s wrong with you?” Things won’t touch you. It’s like you get
filled with Heaven. It’s like you don’t get offended. You don’t get angry. Fear doesn’t come in you.
My family asked me, “What did you do?” I tell all of them to do it. We do not have strife in our
#51) Kat Kerr – When Believers Pass On
“…tell people, “Please don’t throw yourself on the body and start weeping.” I know you miss
them, but the best thing you could do for them is to look up and wave
goodbye… Do you know how thrilled they would be? … But if you waited for a few
minutes, till they left, and you turned and looked up and said “Goodbye. I’ll see you later”, they’d
leave with a thrill in their heart, because they would feel like you actually believed I’m going there.
And if you were a born again Christian, and you truly believed that your loved one was going to
Heaven, and they know the Lord, then you need to act like it. It’s OK to miss them. That’s normal.
It’s natural. But if a year later, you’re still going through that, you need prayer. Because you don’t
have the reality of it being an actual place. It is not different, if they moved from here to the other
side of the world. They moved to a fantastic place, but they are still living. Much better than you
And they’ve prepared an amazing welcome home party. So we’re down here
grieving, having this funeral dirge, and they’re up there having the most
fantastic welcome home party you’d ever throw. So what do you think they would
like for you to do? Celebrate their home-going! And trust God you’re going to see them again one
day. And they still see you! They would much rather just look down here and see you celebrating
your life, rejoicing that they’re up there, going on with what God called you to do. He won’t leave
you lonely and abandoned. He won’t. He can fill that place that that person had. And they’re up
there in His presence. Saying, “Lord can you do something about that? Give them some extra
joy! Let them find someone that can fill them full of Heaven.” That’s what you’re all here. Because
you won’t have any excuse. You’re going to know before you leave what’s there and what you get
to do there. What they get to experience all the time. You’re taken home and you’re greeted by
Father Abraham, not Peter… Then if you had a very passionate, special, intimate relationship
with the Lord. He’ll come and get you and take you to the Throne Room, so you can meet the
Father. But if you were a nominal Christian, who lived your life, who made it through, made it into
Heaven, then most likely your family and friends will be the first ones to greet you. They will take
you and pull you into the gates. They won’t wait for you to come in the gates. They will come out
and get you, and there’s nothing wrong with that
#52) Kat Kerr – They Have Fallen More in Love with You Than Ever
“On the other side, on the columns on this side, those monitors, when your faces appear, you’re
about to come home to Heaven. See, they even let them know that. You know what they think?
They’re not thinking about how you got there, or how you died, all they know is “I can’t
wait to get my hands on them. I can’t wait for them to see what God has
made for them. Their mansion is amazing. They’ve already been there a lot. They go into
your mansions while they’re being built and they get gifts for you and leave them there. Because
when you get home, they’ll have a welcome home party. Don’t wonder about what you’ll have to
do, it’s going to be, how can you get away from them to do your own thing. Because if
they’ve been there a long time, they’ve got a long list. Every time they see
something they know you would love, they write it down by your
name. When you get there, they’re going to come get you out of the Throne Room and take you
to your mansion. You have a welcome home party. Then they start taking you on tours of
Heaven. So you’re not separated from your family. They haven’t forgotten
you. They have fallen more in love with you, than they ever have before
#53) Kat Kerr – More Heaven
“If you don’t read the Word of God, you’d better start reading it, because
there are universities in Heaven where you will learn the Word of
God. Wouldn’t you rather teach it instead of have to learn it? Some of them learning it are
pastors, because they just don’t teach the Word, they teach the revealed Word of God. The
mansions are amazing, some of them have live flowers growing out of the walls of people’s
houses. They have streams running through them. They have waterfalls in them. It is a
supernatural place. Whatever your desire is, or what you’d want, the Father has already got it
furnished. That mansion is completely furnished. You’re not a spirit being floating through the
walls. Why would He give you something to sit on if you were going to float through it?”
“Yes you eat food in Heaven. Not because you have to, but because you want to. There are
restaurants in Heaven because you use your gifts, and people have the gift of a chef. They still do
that in Heaven But nothing costs anything. If you’re an artist, you get a studio. You get a gallery,
everything you need. People walk in there, they give you the artwork. The jewelers give you the
jewelry. The reason they have gifts in Heaven, is to give gifts to you, so when they get there they
can collect them. When their family members come home, you have a big party
in your mansion. It’s filled with gifts from your family and friends .They
haven’t forgotten about you. They’re up there getting things ready for you.
#54) Kat Kerr – Suicide
“Now I’m going to explain to you something. Some people find it hard to understand, but
because I was commanded by the Lord to share it, I will. Not every person
who commits suicide goes to Hell. And this is how He looks at it. Every case is taken
individually. He looks at their heart. Have they accepted Me? When they got to the point either
through a traumatic experience, emotional, physical, accident, any kind of trauma that totally
makes them not being in control of their mind or they physical, emotional senses, then He does
not send them to Hell. To Him it is like a sickness or disease, and so that I would understand what
they experience, He allowed me to experience despair for a week, and believe it or not, I got to
the point where I wanted to leave. It is one o the most hideous things that can attack you, and it is
the very last thing that happens before suicide. You cannot bear what is going on in your mind,
your emotions. You cannot think normally, experience anything normally. Nothing anyone says to
you that can help you, change your mind, take you out of that despair. It is terrible. And I’m telling
you I couldn’t stand it and I was not even allowed to tell my family what was wrong with me. It
was a horrible experience. I have known several people that have committed suicide, and it was
hard to understand, because they loved God and some o them wrote notes: “I have to go home
to Him. I can’t live here anymore. There is nothing I can do that will help me. I have tried
(She goes on to provide 2 examples of people she knew who committed suicide; one of which
God had her tell their family what she saw in Heaven.)
“Not every person who commits suicide goes to Hell. And this is how He
looks at it. Every case is taken individually.”
#55) Kat Kerr – (Taken from the book “Revealing Heaven II”
“In January of this year, 2010, the Father told me He would show me how
the rainbow (mentioned in Revelation 4) was generated from His being.”
“As I stood there, feeling like a little girl, the Father reached inside Himself and pulled
out the biggest diamond I had ever seen,,,”
“I knew instantly how the Father’s rainbow was made, from the Stones of Fire that burned with
passionate fire in the heart of His being!”
#56) Kat Kerr – Little Spirits Coming Out of the Father
“…if you stand there long enough, you’ll see these spirits coming in and out
of the Father. And you can hear them talking. They ride on the beams of glory, that emanate
from Him. They go in and out. They can’t go around, they go in and out of Him. And they all
say: “Send me!” Send me so I can live for you on this earth.” “Send me so I
can let people know about you. That you love them.” And you know He won’t send
anyone until they ask. So at one time, everyone of you asked to come here. And He has to send
you really loving you. Wanting you to come home. And if you could ever feel that love coming
from Him you could understand why He wants the vilest sinner set free. That blood of His Son
can cover, and demolish, and erase, and eradicate, and evaporate any sin. Any sin! There’s
nothing greater that He cannot take care of. But He wants you to come home. We couldn’t call
Him our Father if we didn’t come from Him. It says in the Word of God that we are His offspring.
#57) Kat Kerr – God “Flipped” Everything
“There is scripture that talks about that. “In Him we live, we move, we have our being”, in Him.
And something He said to me the other day, He always surprises me with these little sayings,
He’ll say to me: “You know I just actually just flipped everything.” And I said, what do you mean?
He goes: “Well, at one time you all lived on the inside of Me, and I sent you
to earth so I could live on the inside of you.” Isn’t that powerful? And now we’ll all go
home to Heaven so we can live with Him!”
#58) Kat Kerr – Gemstones
“Every time you portray the Father’s heart on earth, He embellishes your robe with gemstones.”
“We shall become precious living stones. The Word says that about us. He meant these. That we
will become these (gemstones). It says that we are the light of the world. Well, gemstones, they
reflect light. And the cornerstone of all buildings in Heaven is a massive gemstone. So when it
talks about Christ being the chief cornerstone, He meant this. “On this rock I will build My church.”
What do you call a diamond women, if it’s a big stone? A rock…
But the one thing the Father wants you to know is that when He looks at you, He sees this. And
that one day we will shine like the stars in the heaven, because every time
you go through a trial and a tribulation, you’re just getting another facet
cut in you. And the reason why we really love them so much, is because He created them. He
said: “Never say that you’re dust or earth again.” He said: “what do they dig out of the dirt and the
earth and they make it beautiful?” Gemstones.
#59) Kat Kerr – Taken from Chapter 4 “The Valentine“ (pg 18) of the
book “Revealing Heaven“.
“I immediately turned to go down the hallway (I knew Vickie worked in the church office)
and suddenly the heavens opened and I saw Jesus playing golf with John,
Vickie’s late husband.”
“I stood there staring when Jesus said, “This is John’s backyard, his own
private golf course, something he really desired.”
I want to entice those of you who bear witness to these accounts by the Spirit of God to look into
the book. You’ll really enjoy it and it will ignite a fire in your walk with God when you realize how
much God loves you and what He has planned for you. It makes the journey seem much shorter,
and we’ll view the “loss” of our loved ones in a different way. I love getting things like this for my
closest friends and family!
#60) Kat Kerr – Prayer, Sleep, & Fasting
“For three years I spent about twelve hours a day with Him to prepare for what I am doing now.
And I enjoyed that time very much…
I spend four hours a night, from Midnight to four in the morning, that is my
time Him, I only sleep four hours a day. I’ve always done that all my life… I eat once a
day, though I’ve eaten a little bit more than that while I’ve been here… I eat only what you
can hold in your hand and that’s not required by you, but that’s what the Lord requires to
live a fasted life. When I do fast, it’s not food, it’s Dr. Pepper… I love it, so when I have to give
that up, it is a big deal with me(!); and He does require that sometimes. But powerful things
happen. It’s not what it is you give up, it’s what it means to you that you’re giving up. You’re going
to make a sacrifice in your life, so your body is put down and your spirit is awakened, and you
can hear Him. It isn’t always the situation you want changed, it’s you
changing. Because when you change, things around you will begin to
Divine Encounter I
Kat Kerr – You’ll Be a Part of Their Lives Again
“…and I know what it’s like to stand before that throne of God. And you might think that you have
all kinds of things to say to Him, or even tell Him when you get there, you won’t do it. You will
barely be able to stand in the glory that is in that place.
All of Heaven celebrates when one child comes home to Heaven. I’ve seen it happen. Everybody
in there celebrates. They’re thrilled. They go and find their family members are congratulate them.
Because they know that someone is coming home to be there.
And I know now sometimes it might be tragic the way they come, but I want you to know that the
very second their spirit leaves their body they do not think about how they die. You continue to
think about it, sometimes way too long. God never meant for you to carry grief forever on the
inside of you. There is hope, and if you belong to Him, you won’t just see them again, you won’t
just do things with them again, you’ll be a part of their lives again. He’s not going
to separate you up there. And they know that. They know about that hope. They’re
already living in His presence. They’re not suffering. They’re not alone. They’re not poor. You
don’t need to take anything with you, because everything you’d ever dreamed you could possibly
want is already there waiting for you. And the day your mansion is done, is the day
you go home to Heaven. He doesn’t get surprised by someone going early. If your children
die, they stay with family members. They’re not shoved off somewhere in a corner of Heaven
trying to find their way around.
#61) Kat Kerr – Valley of the Falls
“There’s all sort of places “Valley of the Falls”, where you get to go and dive over waterfalls.
When you dive over waterfalls, you’re going to land into these flowers that are bigger than a three
story house. These flowers are amazing, you go down in and swirl around, and
you go over the leaves like in a waterslide, and you dip up and fall and go
into the water.”
The Ancient Paths
Kat Kerr – Valley of the Falls Part 1
“There are mansions in Heaven shaped like these huge gemstones. In this one place He
took me, called ‘Valley of the Falls‘, you go up to this mountain of spices
and every level has a new aroma. You never get tired. You could walk, just forever. If
you like to hike, you’re going to love Heaven. And every level has trees and plants that don’t even
exist here. And, there are creatures that exist in those mountains that don’t exist here. there are
many strange and wonderful things in Heaven, but when you get to the top and just go over and
look into this valley, it goes forever; there’s fifty waterfalls that go into this beautiful valley. And
they call it, literally “Valley of the Falls”. And some people have mansions right on the
edge of the cliff and they’re shaped like a gemstone. If you could see it, it looks
just like this. They actually have furniture and stuff, it’s all decorated inside. But there’s something
different about them, no matter where you are in your home if you started to walk to the back of
the home, it turns as you walk, so you always have a view of the falls. Isn’t that amazing? Who
wants to go to Heaven?!”
#62) Kat Kerr – Valley of the Falls Part 2
“The other things that is so amazing is that you go there, and people leap
into the falls. You’re not going to get hurt. You died to go there. You’re not going to
get hurt. They actually have diving platforms, and some of these falls are a hundred or two
hundred foot drop. But the other thing that was wonderful was, in that river, where the all fall into
this beautiful river are flowers, and each flower is the size of a three story house. See on the
original earth when He made it, dinosaurs were here, not people. He created plants that don’t
longer exist here, they couldn’t because the atmosphere was made dense with moisture,
because those dinosaurs had to stay in the moisture, or their skin would have cracked and fallen
off. The flowers He had at that time are in Heaven. And some flowers were massive. A dinosaur
could have stood underneath them for shelter. So you get to see of the beautiful
things, the dinosaurs are there too by the way. Only you can ride on
them. Do you know what? Unicorns are there. They’re mentioned in the Bible, they belong to
God. He created them. Read the Psalms and you’ll find it. Heaven is a beautiful, amazing place
#63) Kat Kerr – Giving
“…the Father told me this: “If they tithe, I will bless them.” If they’re willing to give a
small portion to Me, because My Word says to… (it all belongs to Him anyway. You tithe and you
cannot out-give God). And then when you give offerings on top of that, especially when you have
needs yourself, you absolutely overwhelm Him. You do, because you bless Him and bless Him,
because He goes: “Look at them. Look at My precious child. They need things
for themselves, yet they’re taking things from their own hurt, their need,
and giving to others.” It blesses Him. The only thing that blesses Him more, are when
people get saved on earth.
#64) Kat Kerr – “We’re Going To Have a Barbeque!”
“That is something you’ll never see anywhere in Heaven. You’ll never see a clock, a watch, a
calendar. No alarms to wake you up in the morning, because there is no morning or night, there’s
just day all the time. It’s eternity…
It’s the most freeing thing to be in Heaven, and you’re never late, you’re never early. You can
never stay too long, and people go “How do you when to do things?” Well, you know what? If
you’re gonna have, let me tell you what you do besides in the Throne Room, you party all over
Heaven. You fellowship and have celebrations all over Heaven. People do give testimonies, but
they know when they get there what happened in the spirit realm all around them. It’s a whole
different story, when you know how many times Heaven was in your life, and every bit of that is
revealed to you when you go home, so yeah, people still give their testimonies. It’s powerful! But
you’ll stand in your mansion, say: “Hey everybody! We’re going to have a get-
together you know, and we’re going to have barbeque, and we’re just going
to talk about God, by the way, Jesus is coming too, I think Peter and Paul,
and maybe Elijah might be here, so you don’t want to miss it! Because we’re
going to let them share to, so if you want to come, try to get here quickly! And that’s it, and
everyone that you are thinking of, that you want to come will hear that no matter where
they are in Heaven, and they just show up. Isn’t that wonderful? You don’t have to
pack anything. You don’t have to drive if you don’t want to. By the way if you want an antique car
or chariot, you get those. There’s so many things I could share…
#65) Kat Kerr – Mansions
“I have literally walked through people’s mansions… Some of them are so huge that you need a
map to find your way around. These mansions are designed specifically to everything you could
desire, even supernatural things. You will go in there and out of the walls of some people’s homes
are growing rose gardens. They do grow in the ground, and they are alive! And you walk up
the stairway and masses of roses, every step you take is a different aroma
coming from the walls. That isn’t the only thing they do, they make music. They
actually sing to you. Not just all of the time, when you come home. They
welcome you… and you just hear the sounds of Heaven, floating through your being and into
your home. You talk about an atmosphere. It is fantastic.”
The Ancient Paths
“Everything in Heaven has life. Literally, when Christ walks by, the trees do
clap their branches, and the flowers sing to Him
#66) Kat Kerr – Comfort
“Comfort isn’t something you want, it’s something that lives in Heaven.
And it doesn’t matter where you sit, where you recline, it literally comes up
around you and surrounds you. So non matter where you are, you have comfort all of the
time. The peace of God is everywhere in Heaven. There is no fear. There is still that excitement.
You can be amazed. You can be surprised, and He does it all of the time. He can make you
feel like you’re the only person there. And the Lord will walk up to you
literally and step inside of you. You would think that you were going to melt
from the passion that comes into your being. You are overwhelmed and engulfed by
wave after wave of love. We don’t know what love is here. We don’t. No matter how much people
say they love you, it would never compare to the love the Father has for you. The love that Christ
gave when He laid down His life, and by the way, it was a lot more than the physical suffering He
had. He forever changed His state of being. Forever and eternity put flesh on His body… He
decided to become like us. Still God. Still all God, but He did it so that He would know what it felt
like to be in flesh. He is acquainted with your pains, with pour sufferings, with your distress, but
also with your joy, with your excitement, with your amazement. That’s why it is so awesome to
except Him, for He is now one of us, but still all God, forever changing. He cannot ever go back to
what He was before He was born into that body…
#67) Kat Kerr – Flowers
“If you’re in a massive area that’s coated with flowers, and you stand in the
middle, it’s like you are in the best symphonic orchestra you have ever
heard in your life. That music will engulf you and surround you and consume you. It’s like it’s
just flowing right through you, and you get carried away… When you walk by them, they all turn
their heads and watch the direction you walk in.
You don’t get wings when you go to Heaven. You don’t become an angel. Those beings were
created long before we were ever here.
#68) Kat Kerr – John 14 – “I go and prepare a place for you…”
“I have seen, many of the places that He has prepared for you and His family. You don’t want to
miss it. There are mansions that are magnificent… Even the people whom
make it by the skin of their teeth on a deathbed confession, I have seen their
places and they’re amazing. They may not rule and reign with Christ and may serve you, those
who don’t do what they’re supposed to for the Lord, who don’t use their gifts and callings, those
that make it through, just barely through, they’ve got “Hell insurance”, just so they’d get to
Heaven, and not do a thing for His kingdom, they will serve all of those who will rule and reign.
God is a just God., and He gives just rewards. They may be in Heaven, and they love it, and let
me tell you, they won’t even care that they’re going to serve you, because they’re glad they’re
NOT somewhere else… “
#69) Kat Kerr – Seeing the Father and Jesus
“He picked the name ‘Revealing Heaven’, cause that’s what it does. That beautiful light you see
from the corner, that’s what God’s face looks like. It’s brilliant. If you stand close enough, and
stand there long enough, you see the outline of His face. You can see His eyes, and their
filled with this blue fire. It’s His passion for you. If you ever get that close, you’re
undone! You’re not going anywhere. You ever get that close to Him, you don’t ever want to come
back! You can’t even think of yourself living apart from Him. That’s how people feel when they go
home to Heaven. The first time Jesus walks up to you, you will fall so in love with Him. You’ll be
so consumed by Him, and His presence. How awesomely beautiful He is. People talk about His
eyes that have seen Him. They are the most beautiful thing about Him. Because they’re so much
love in them for you. You know what He does? The most amazing thing, He steps inside of you.”
“I could be gone from here for three seconds and have been in Heaven for what seemed like for
hours, because there is no time
#70) Kat Kerr – Angels in Waterfalls
“There are so many supernatural things in Heaven, when you walk by these
beautiful waterfalls, out of the waterfalls, steps these angels who’s job it is
to care for them. They’re most amazing creatures. That is where, Satan I’m sure got the idea
of fairies, because if you were going to identify tem without knowing who they were, they’re very
delicate in appearance, they’re green. Some of them are blue. They are filled with light. It’s like
they sparkle all over their being, and yet you can see their appearance. You can actually see
them as real beings. But they actually live in the waterfalls. It’s their job to care for them. But
they’ll step out and start talking to you. When they do, light, like little fireworks starts sparking out
of them. You just get joy all over you. You don’t just look at something in Heaven, you experience
From Behind the Veil Part 1
#71) Kat Kerr – Pets in Heaven
“And by the way, I might as well tell you, all of your pets go to Heaven. It
has nothing to do with whether they have a spirit or not. It has everything to do
with the fact that you love them. And because you love them, your Heavenly Father makes sure
that they are there waiting on you. They will remember you. They will love you. Isn’t God
awesome? Before I wrote the book, He had me do a survey of 400 people and ask them one
question. “If you could ask God one question about Heaven, what would it be?” And do you know,
that one third of all 400 people, age 5 to 95, all ages, asked the same question. That all wanted to
know if their pets went to Heaven. The answer is absolutely ‘Yes!’.”
The Celestial Realm
“Which by the way, they will remember everything that happened when
they lived with you. And He does care whether it’s a goldfish or an alligator named Charlie,
a duck named Max, a hen named Mollie, a pigeon named Daisy. It doesn’t matter. He loves
Kat Kerr – Heaven 2 4_23_11 pm Oasis Church
“When He came back in 2005 and asked me to write the book, He said: “You’re going to go
back to all those people you ministered to over the years, that you shared
Heaven with about their family members, you’re going to get them to sign
legal releases, you’re going to put their stories in the book. Do not change
any names.” Can you imagine? They let me use their real name. “Then you’re going to get
their personal statement confirming that what you told them was really Heaven.” You can call any
of the people listed in these books, and they will talk to you. People do it all of the time.
#72) Kat Kerr – Angels
“You do have guardian angels, and they are with you all of the time, although you cannot see
them. They all have names. They all have personalities. They are not robots either. And actually,
they do have a will, because some of them could not have chosen to go with Satan, instead of
the Father. They can never be redeemed, nor can they have their former
status or position back again.”
The Ancient Paths
Kat Kerr – Guardian Angels
“See I have the ability to see into the spirit realm, I can see your angels. There’s more angels
than people in here. Do you know why? Because people that have more than
three angels have a divine call on your life. And if you’re under attack a lot, that’s
probably why. Because he’s not going to attack people that aren’t a threat to him. He doesn’t
attack out of anger, he attacks out of fear. So if he’s been beating you up a lot lately, he’s terrified
of you.
He wants you to be empowered. He doesn’t want you to just make a stand, to go
after, stop being on the defensive and start going on the offensive with the
authority that’s been given to you. So first I’m going to tell you a few things, at what He
thinks about you and what He calls you in His Word. He calls you the Sons of God. The fullness
of the Godhead bodily. Remember what I said, we used to live inside of Him, now He lives inside
of you if you’re a believer. He’s there. He knows everywhere you go, knows everything you see
and everything you say. So don’t make him put up with no garbage. You remember that.
Your guardian angel is with you all of the time. If you watch something that
you’re not supposed to, they will cover their eyes, but they will not leave
you. They’ll go into places you shouldn’t be in, but they won’t look. But they won’t ever leave
you. They are assigned to be with you until the day you go home and they actually go with you
when you go home. They’re usually the first person you see when you die, is your guardian
angel. Waiting to escort you home. So they’re very fervent about their assignment with you. They
love you because the Father gave you to them to care for. So you think about that before you
decide to go someplace. Ok, there are eyes watching all of the time. Sometimes I might
apologize to mine if I maybe don’t act so nice sometimes. That’s rare. You know, but I want them
to be pleased that they saw me pour out my life for God. Because their first assignment to is love
Him, but their second one is to love us, and to make us flames of fire
#73) Kat Kerr – Story of Maurissa Part 1
“{Kat and her mother were called as members of the hospitality ministry to
clean a home for a woman attending a funeral of a family member. There is
more in the book “Revealing Heaven” about this. This is not taken from the
book, but from a testimony given at Shouts of Grace Church.)
“The call was made asking: “Would you come and clean?”
“…and my mom answered the phone, she said, “Yes, we’ll do it.” So we went and we started
cleaning and my Mom said, “I’ll go clean in the kitchen, and you dust”. So I’m dusting, and this is
what the Lord does with me: “I’m going to give Melodee a message.” And I’m dusting, and I go:
“Who’s Melodee?” “Well that’s Maurissa’s Mom”. “Well who’s Maurissa?” “That’s the young girl
who just died in the ski accident. You’re standing in her Grandmother’s home. He talks to me just
like this. So now I’m dusting and trying to figure out who’s home am I in. All I knew is that her
name was Esther, I didn’t know these people, and He said: “I want her Mother to know that I did
not cause her death. I did not cause her death, but I saw her life, and I knew the die she would
die, and I chose to take her home. And I want her to know that she’s living with her Great-
Grandfather, and he’s going to take her someplace to have lots of fun.” And I’m still dusting and
I’m listening. And He started talking about this girl’s life, He said: “I want her Mother to know, that I
chose her for a specific purpose in Heaven. That I looked down through time and eternity, and I
saw her life, I’m going to choose her for something.” And He said He chose her to be in charge of
all of the youth, and it’s time for the youth in Heaven to get together and start planning their part
in the Marriage Supper of the Lamb celebration. And He chose this thirteen year old girl to be in
charge of all the youth in Heaven and plan this. So on earth, this looks like an utter tragedy. It’s a
reward in Heaven. You need to change the way you think about people going to Heaven. It
changed her Mom. So I’m still listening to her talk about this girl, and all of a sudden I was not in
front of the fireplace!
I was on a path in Heaven. In front of me were these three people. I knew that was Maurissa,
even though I’d never seen her before in my life. She was a teenager, she had strawberry blonde
hair, she had blue eyes, she was looking up in to the face of her Great-Grandfather who looked
like he was twenty years old. He looked great! He didn’t look like a Great-Grandfather, but I knew
it was him, and she was talking all about her Mom, The Lord said: “Get closer, I want you to hear
what she’s saying”, and you don’t understand, when you’re in Heaven, it’s not like that’s all you
see. You’re walking past flowers singing to you, you’re seeing streams of people going across the
sky caught up in their praise and worship going up in the Throne of God. You’re seeing all of
these amazing, beautiful things and you’re trying to focus on what He wants me to hear, so I just
ran up there and got closer, and I could hear her. She didn’t see me. They never see me. She
started saying: “I wish I could have told my Mom goodbye. I wish I could tell her I love her so
much. When I see her again, I’m going to kiss her on both cheeks. I’m going to tell her everything
that’s happened to me. I want her to know I’m a youth leader in Heaven.
Shouts of Grace Church 4_24_11 Night Evening Session Part 2
#74) Kat Kerr – Story of Maurissa Part 2
“She kept talking about all these special things they’d done together, and her Great-Grandfather
was just smiling and shaking his head; and they got closer and closer, and I could hear people
yelling and screaming. And I’m like: “Where are we going?” And I said: “Why are they not wearing
gowns?” You get a gown and a robe when you go home to Heaven, but you actually get a
wardrobe. You can’t swim in the crystal sea in a gown, you’d be in trouble. You can’t surf in the
surf park either with a gown, you’d really be in trouble. And you can’t ride roller-coasters in a
gown! And that was His answer. “You can’t ride roller-coasters in a gown.” And I’m like, “There are
roller-coasters in Heaven?” And the closer we got, in the distance I could see the biggest roller-
coaster I have ever seen in my life. And these people were laughing and screaming. You could
hear them way away. And I knew that’s where he was taking her because she was excited about
it. She still kept talking about her Mom and pretty soon they were talking about the amusement
park that we were entering into. There’s gates all over Heaven, but there’s no
walls. They have columns with gate. They’re are always open. Every time
you go through them, you’re going into a new part of Heaven. I learned that a
long time ago. Get ready! Because something different is coming up. And it’s probably something
you never experienced before and neither were those roller-coasters. The closer we got, I could
see the people on them, these cars, they looked like bullets with no top on them,
and they were speeding at the speed of a bullet. They would shoot up three
or four hundred feet up in the air, and they would drop, and everybody on there
would lift up their hands and scream all the way down! Even the angels were riding the roller-
coasters. It was probably their guardian angels. You actually get to know them after you go home
to Heaven. You think he’s not going to do that after what they put up with for years with you on
this earth? They hang out with you so they can ask you questions. “What were
you doing when I was trying to tell you something, and you stubborn
thing… you went right on ahead and did… “Did you know I had to save your life so
many times? You’re going to be apologizing a lot to your guardian angel. But they do actually do
things with you in Heaven. So they were riding the roller coaster with the people laughing and
screaming. It would zip down, fly back up. Fly off the track, through the air across Heaven on to
another track. That roller-coaster He told me was called “The Rush”, it’s our
largest roller-coaster, which meant their were more.”
There is much more to the story of Maurissa, as written in Kat’s
book “Revealing Heaven”. You get a good perspective of the story and how
God uses Kat to hear the family of “lost” believers, and then she goes and
tells them what she saw and heard. You can imagine how this would
minister to you if it were you grieving over the “loss” of your beloved. God
is so wonderful!
#75) Kat Kerr – Hall of Nations
There is a place called the “Hall of Nations” where you see yourself in the appearance of a
person in another race, clothing and all! Below is an abbreviated account. The book goes into
greater detail.
“…a low stage-like platform rose up from the floor…I stepped up onto the platform and
immediately in front of me appeared a floor to ceiling mirror / monitor with reflective abilities…I
looked down the hallway and could see a young man who looked of Asian decent stepping up
onto one of the platforms…he reached forward and passed his hand over the top arrow on the
frame. Immediately, a solid stream of light in the shape of a cylinder, poured over him. It was
coming from a small dome in the ceiling above him and completely covered his entire being from
head to toe. What I saw happen next, completely floored me. Right before my
eyes, he was transformed from the Asian race to Bahamian!”
#101) Kat Kerr – In The Mornings
“I spend four hours a night with Him, and the first thing I do, I had a question asked: “What do you
do?” #1 “What is it like to live with you?” It’s not easy. And I do spend half the night with Him, and
in the morning I sleep about four hours. The minute my eyes open, I say “Good morning to the
Father. Good morning to the Son, good morning to the Holy Spirit”. Tell them how much I love
them. And then of course I ask for grace: “Father I ask for and receive grace
for this day”. It’s one of the most important things you can do in your life.
You’ll get grace for abundant life, every day of your life. And then the next thing
that happens, is I get the news bulletin from Heaven. The Holy Spirit will start talking to me about
something specific. Either something He wants me to do. Many times, that’s when they’ll take me
to Heaven. Before it was random, now it’s just about every day. And actually,
yesterday morning I was taken, it was amazing.
#102) Kat Kerr – Food in Heaven
“You go to fantastic places, and the food doesn’t make you fat. You do not gain weight. I might as
well throw that in there for free. there are no food allergies at all. You eat what you want to
because all the food is made out of light. It’s like Heaven’s tofu. Have you ever
eaten tofu? Don’t do it! To me it tastes like white paste, and they decorate it to make it look like
things and taste like things, but to me it never works. I’m sorry if you’re a nutritionist! Well, in
Heaven it looks like steak. Smells like steak, and it tastes like steak. If you like fried chicken then
it looks like fried chicken, it tastes like fried chicken, and it smells like fried chicken. If you like
pizza like me, it looks like pizza, it smells like pizza, and it certainly tastes
like it. And I happen to like bell pepper and bacon, thin crust. And their pizzas are bigger than
that tabletop. They’re huge! You could feed thirty people off of one pizza. And the cinnamon rolls
in Heaven are the size of dinner plates. If you want to enjoy yourself in Heaven, go visit one of
the bakeries. Because they have them and you walk down the streets of Heaven, you don’t have
to worry about if you have enough change in your pocket to get something, you go into any store
you want to, and whatever is there is for your pleasure. And the people are very happy to give it
to you. Because they get to go right down the same streets you did, and do the same thing. And
there are jewelers in Heaven, artists in Heaven. There’s fashion designers. There is furniture
It is real. It is fantastic, and He’s always adding more wonderful things for you when you get
there. People there, if they could come down here and stand in front of you would be telling you
the same things I am, and they know more. They’ve been there. I’ve only seen a very
few places in Heaven, but I’ve been going for twelve years, and He still
takes me. Almost every day.
Divine Encounter 2 Disc 1 Part 3
#103) Kat Kerr – Cowboy Heaven Pt 3
“So you get to enjoy all of those things in Cowboy Heaven, you can go into the corral and lasso
the horses. You might have to practice a little bit, you don’t instantly know how to do that. People
will come and watch you just so they can be entertained. To see if you can catch a horse. If you
want them to do it, they’ll do it, but if you’ve always wanted to do that, you saw a rodeo on
TV, they have a place you can go and get bucked off if you want to, but you
won’t get hurt. But that doesn’t normally happen in the stables, you actually go to an arena,
so all your family and friends can watch you become “Cowboy Sam”. You’re probably going to
make them laugh a lot. Because that’s what people do. They glorify God, and they laugh. They
worship God and they laugh. They fellowship with people, and they laugh. And
you never stop laughing! You have real joy because you are living in a place that your
Father made especially for you.
And your children that are little budding comedians, guess what? They actually get to be them in
Heaven. If you’ve always wanted to be in the band like me, always wanted to be in a rock band
(the only kind that would take me now, is the kind that threw rocks), Because I can talk, but I
cannot sing or dance…
Roy Roger lives there. Dale Evans lives there. A lot of the people from the old western films that
loved God and knew God, they all live there. You can even be in a western movie if you want to
be. Chase villains across the prairie, but they’re not villains. Nobody ever gets killed or shot or
hurt in Heaven…
Guess what? When you go through Cowboy Heaven, there’s these big posts,
with a big sign over the top of it, just like you see in the western movies ,
and it says “Cowboy Heaven”. And it’s got two cowboy boots on either side. There’s a
place when you go in there, you can get fitted out for whatever you need to wear while you’re
there enjoying yourself. You can try to get a ten gallon hat. I wouldn’t recommend it unless you’ve
got a big head. Some people are born with those. But you get to have the whole experience. He
doesn’t just make place and not give you every part of it. So you really get to enjoy that. My Dad
lives in Cowboy Heaven. He always wanted a ranch. All he ever got was a little farm with pigs and
about 50 roosters on it. He’d go to the market and buy these little chicks, and they’d tell him, “Get
one or two roosters“. They were all roosters! …My Dad always wanted and ranch, and guess
what? He got a really big one…
So He creates places like Cowboy Heaven, when you get there. You can do things that you
always wanted to experience and never got to. So don’t think it’s a weird thing. Where do you
think Roy Rogers would live? He wouldn’t live in a condo in the city. He
wouldn’t live in the Amazon jungle. He loves the West. So he lives in Heaven’s “Cowboy Heaven”.
#104) Kat Kerr – Lame Jokes Club
“…You’re going to laugh about how silly you were. You really do change your heart and your
mind. You still have your same personality. If you were a comedian, you’ll be there, you’ll have
some of the “best worst jokes” you’ve ever had in your life. My Dad is a member of the
“Lame Joke Club” in Heaven. I don’t think I’ve ever told anybody that. He had the worst
jokes in the world, but he laugh at them himself. He thought they were funny. And the only other
people who laughed were the ones that had lame jokes too. And you all get together and
share them all with each other and laugh at them. So you still are ‘you‘.”
NOT SURE WHY IT WENT BACK TO #101 on the blog after #104
#101) Kat Kerr – Using Your Weapons Against the Enemy
“You can’t touch him (Satan) physically, but your worship becomes a
weapon in God’s hand. So when you worship next time, you think about what you’re doing.
When you pray for people, out of your mouth comes a sword. The angel of the Lord is waiting
there to take that sword. Instantly they will take that sword and start fighting on behalf of what you
just prayed for. Your words have power and He wants you to know it. You may
not see the answer to that prayer even for years, but guess what, the
minute you do it something happens. Power is released on behalf of what
you prayed for. That’s why He says to pray without ceasing. Because guess what? Power
would be released without ceasing. Don’t think your words are dropping to the ground. If you’re
truly interceding for a situation or a person, or a government, those words
will produce power. They will produce an immediate reaction in the spirit
realm around you. So not only can you do things in your life that cause the evil to react and
respond, you can do things for Heaven and God to respond and react to. I would much rather
help the Kingdom of God, wouldn’t you?
…You have power in your words. You create now. One day, He’s training you to literally create. In
this place I saw the most amazing thing happen, I saw Him form Adam from the dust of the earth.
I saw Him take the water in His hand and pour it into the oceans. I saw Him flinging stars up into
the sky. And every time He sent one, He named it. He loves to name things. It means something.
You get to that there and see everything from the beginning of time, if you had time. He’s not
going to hide anything from you when you get there. He’s taken me back twice to this place. It’s
an amazing place.”
Heaven Invasion II Disc 2
#102) Kat Kerr – Kissed by Heaven
“In the spirit realm around you when you pray, when you intercede for somebody, out of your
mouth, a sword begins to form in the spirit realm. When you are done praying the angel of the
Lord takes that swords, or he goes and begins to fight on behalf of the person you were praying
for. Instantly it happens, whether you see the results or not. Every time you do that, and I don’t
mean just these ridiculous prayers, I’m saying really pray for that person and stand
on their behalf, and you use the Word of God. It is a two-edged sword. So it
comes out of your mouth. The angel of the Lord takes it, he begins to battle on the behalf
of that person. Victory will come, because something has already been started. And who started
it? You did! God doesn’t do anything down here unless we pray. That’s why
He’s coming on this new move that He’s doing on this earth. He’s pouring out
His passion, His fire, you will get to live and experience Joel 2 happening on this earth…
He will use anyone who wants to be used by Him if your life is in order. So get ready for the most
tremendous time to be alive on this planet. Amazing things are going to happen!
“My children, I declare that you will be blessed. That you will receive from Me in this move that I
am sending to the earth. Yes you will be kissed by Heaven; yes My passion will go into your
heart. Yes it will pierce it. It will transform you. It is the same fire that took My Son to the cross.
That passion that burns in My heart, that comes from the stones of fire that reside on the inside of
Me.” I release that fire now! Now! Now! Now! Now! Now! Now! Now!.. In Jesus’ name!
“Get ready for the best of your life. Because I’m about to show up, and
show off on your behalf. If you will believe what I have said, if you will
receive it. No man, no demon can keep you from having it. I created you. I love you. I will
bless you, says the Lord God Almighty!
#103) Kat Kerr – Spiritual Cities Built Over the Top of Physical Cities
“Let me tell you what it does, the anointing breaks the yoke because, the reason it breaks the
yoke is it breaks up darkness. And it doesn’t matter what it is. It doesn’t matter if it is demonic
possession, it doesn’t matter if it’s sickness, it doesn’t matter if it is a spirit of poverty. There’s
something you can also do about that and teach everybody you know. Repent for having written
bad checks, mishandled money. Taken stuff that should have been used somewhere and put it
somewhere else, what that does is, inside of you when you do things like that, people think that’s
just in the natural realm. No, everything you do with your life affects the spirit realm around you. I
can tell you what, in the third book, God’s going to have me draw a city street scene here on
earth. Then I’m going to draw the spiritual city that’s built over the top of that. And you will see
how, you will see people, how believers know, some won’t believe it, that there’s demons, and
there’s the angelic. They all believe that, most of them, that they’re down here and interact with
us. But what they don’t realize is that when there is a stronghold in a
region, that the darkness has actually built a city over the top of that city.
And they live there… When there’s a place that hungers for the supernatural, I see this
every time, it’s like it’s made out of crystal, and all around this building is a stand like a
grandstand, sort of like the Super Bowl I guess… Literally, it’s built a spiritual one all the way
around here and Heaven comes to this place to watch you run your race. And so see, there’s
things people don’t understand Yeah, you’re angels here watching you, you have a whole lot
more watching you. The demonic would like to get in here, to maybe squeeze in every now and
then, but they get beat up real bad when they come in because the angelic are so strong here.
Because there is a place established. And God is going to take a lot of places in the last days
where some people’s eyes will be opened. They won’t just see the angelic or demonic, they’ll see
the spiritual cities that are established in different regions. So you have to understand that it isn’t
just the beings that are here, they literally build spiritual buildings and places on this earth over
areas. But everything you say and do in your life either opens something up
in here for Heaven to come and deposit things in, or opens something up in
here for the enemy to come and steal from you. If people are operating in a lot of
lack in their lives, they need to repent of those things because a little entrance and the enemy
keeps coming back and stealing, and stealing, and stealing, and stealing your money. The reason
I know that is I had to repent of all that too. See we live our life on this earth and think, “Well this
is the way the world lives. These are the standards, and as long as I abide by theirs, I’m fine. But
God doesn’t operate by the world’s standards.”
#104) Kat Kerr – Kids Looking for Love
“Most people, all they want is love. That’s why young people often try to find acceptance
wherever they can. If God’s people aren’t going to accept them, they’re going to find someone
who does. But when they find out what real love is, and what it’s like to really live for God, it’s not
boring. It’s not like a bunch of monks in a monastery up there. It isn’t and it shouldn’t be down
here. Church should be the most exciting, fun place you go to… You should
go into someplace, and yes you should attract attention!
#105) Kat Kerr – Blessings of Obedience & Your Parents
“If you will obey your parents, clean your room without being asked, help without being asked to
do it, guess what God does for you? He will give you things that there is no
way, no man could give them to you… If you do things, and when they say things, don’t
be sarcastic. You need to answer in a kind way, number one, you’re making brownie points with
your parents; but more importantly, you’re getting brownie points with Him. If there is something
that you desire to do, He will make it possible. That’s why it says to honor your parents. He meant
it when He said that. You get rewards for doing that.”
Heaven 2 4-23 11 Kat PM Oasis Church
#122) Kat Kerr – Eve Was Used to Communicating with Animals
“But she (Eve) answered the animal, to her, it was an animal, because they
were used to communicating with them. Adam called them by name. He didn’t say
“horse”, “pig”, “goat”. He named them. So in Heaven, yeah, your animals talk to you. There’s no
sin there. That’s restored to them so YOU’D better be nice to your pets.
“He was going to make sure I knew they (her pets) went there. They don’t have to get saved.
They don’t have a soul, but because you love them… People care, that’s why He cares. Some
people think, “Oh, they’re just animals”, “I don’t care, I never had pets. It doesn’t matter.” Well, it
might not to you, but it matters to somebody.
“That’s why there’s places in Heaven made for everyone to enjoy that you love doing. All kinds of
things are there. If you love it, He has it there for you. We don’t all love the same thing, but
many of you enjoy things in the snow… But some people love it, and they
want to live there. So your mansion is probably in a place they call
“Christmas-town”. Don’t look at me like that! They name everything in Heaven. Places,
buildings, all kinds of things. They name them…
Heaven Invasion I
#123) Kat Kerr – The Living Creatures Part 1
“Around the Throne of God, there’s these four living creatures. They do not
walk on all fours. I’ve seen many pieces of artwork where people draw them like animals
crawling around. They walk upright like us. They’re very intelligent, holy beings. Because they are
so close to the proximity of the throne, they are bleached white by His holiness. Their bodies are
white. Their heads are white. Their feathers. They have six wings. You say: “Why would He make
one with six wings?” There’s a reason for that. They have two that proceed from the
shoulders (they’re the biggest ones). That’s what’s on the cover of the book. They
have two that actually come behind their head. They use it at times to cover their eyes. They
have two that come from their ankles. Although these creatures have these wings,
they’re actually moved by the wheels within wheels. I believe they have the ability
to fly on their own, but most of the time when they move, they don’t actually move their bodies
like you would expect them to, like a bird. Then stand in one position and when these wheels lift
them… and I’m telling you the wheels are filled with eyes… These living wheels have eyes within
their rims. I know Ezekiel saw them by the brook. He described them. They’re described in
Daniel, but the Book of Revelation also talks about them.”
#124) Kat Kerr – The Living Creatures Part 2
“There are more than just these four creatures that are like that. Now the others I’ve actually seen
have taupe colored feathers, but the ones right near the throne are bleached white. They actually
take a part in the end times, they’re talked about in the Book of Revelation, that God has them
say and release specific things into the earth during the last days. When they say “Holy, Holy,
Holy”, there’s no way I could even duplicate that, that would be like the loudest thunder you ever
heard, and it literally shakes the Throne Room. It is so profound, it rivets and drives through
everybody who is present. And when the “Holy, Holy” builds to a certain thing, it does something
to the heart of God when He’s worshipped. When He’s caught in the crossfire, that’s why they’re
saying it from those places, because they’re crying it from each corner of the throne. So He’s
being hit and bombarded in every direction by worship from these Holy beings, which we’re
supposed to be, by the way, if you haven’t started getting it yet. When we start declaring
His holiness like they do, it builds in the heart of God until there is an
explosion of power from the throne. When that happens, things happen in
Heaven and things happen in the earth. When we reach the point in our lives when we
realize what that does, and we can have the same heart to do that and worship Him, and it
comes from the worshippers leading us in the platform, and it comes from the people in the
congregation, God comes and He’s caught in that crossfire. When that happens, an explosion
takes place in the sanctuary. Miracles happen. Healings take place. The people are slain in the
125) Kat Kerr – More About the Living Creatures Part 1
“They look at Them. They’re always looking at Them. They’re huge. Their eyes are everywhere in
their bodies, not just in their wings. In their head. In their arms, they’re strange looking. I had a
lady come up, she was still shaking, she said a couple of years ago: “I was caught up into the
heavenlies. I saw the living creatures and they extended their hand towards me. I was terrified!
Well, I’m still a little in awe of them, as many times as I’ve been their. They’re just massive. They
don’t talk a lot to you. They’re not like the disciples. You know, Smith Wigglesworth, Oral, who’s
there how, and everyone else will want to talk to you all of the time. They kind of, that’s “them”.
They’re all about them.
They will actually declare some things sometimes in the Throne Room and you listen. If they
say: “It sounds like roaring, like the loudest thunder and roaring.” I don’t
even know how to, like worse than a tornado coming. It’s LOUD when they say
something, and the walls shake. So every now and then, they will just burst out: “Holy! Holy! Holy!
Is the Lord God Almighty!” And then the other one will shout it. One starts it. Over “here” they’ll
say it. And over “here” they’ll say it. Over here, and they’re being engulfed, totally consumed in
the center, don’t you know, that’s what the worship team is, and the people… We’re supposed to
be them. God gets caught in the middle. When that happens in the Throne Room of God, it’s like
shock waves. You can see them, because you’re in the spirit realm. You can see, I don’t know
how to explain… Here you see these walls. Whatever’s physical you see it. Well, if you have a
see’er anointing. And guess what? God’s going to start giving that to a lot of people. It might not
be twenty four hours a day, but He is literally going to start opening the eyes of His people just
because of the times we’re coming into. You see the shock waves coming off of the Father, and
the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and they start going into the people. And it feels like you’re just
being.. I don’t know, you’re pierced with love. You’re pierced with love. And then it will keep going
and going, and pretty soon everybody goes down. And like these waves, tidal waves of
love start pouring off of them. It’s like you’re drowning in it. It’s awesome.
It’s amazing!
#126) Kat Kerr – More About the Living Creatures Part 2
“But they’re there for Them. That’s what they’re all about. They’re for Them. This one girl said that
she was overwhelmed because when he reached his hand out, it didn’t look totally like our hands.
They have them, but their were eyeballs all over the fingers, and all the way up their arms. And
they’re all in their backs. So even though they’re looking at Them, they can see you! They see
everything all the time. No matter where they’re standing. They can see everything behind them,
on the sides, because they’re all in their bodies. Thousands! I don’t think anybody’s had the time
to count them. And they all move individually of each other. They’re really, really, amazing
creatures. But the four, there’s four there
#127) Kat Kerr – The Throne Room and the Twenty Four Elders
“The Throne Room, outside it looks like a regular building, but inside its like round. It’s sort of
circular. The twenty four elders, remember them? They’re not the twelve
disciples and the twelve elders of the tribes of Israel. These are created
beings that have been with Him forever and ever. Actually, if you go to the proximity
to the throne, is actually when those beings were created. So it was Them, the three, and then
they made the living creatures; and then the elders. And the elders many times aren’t on their
throne. You know where they are? Out in Heaven trying to serve you. To be the greatest of all,
you’ll be the servant of all, that’s how they live in Heaven. The disciples will hunt you down to do
things for you. Jesus comes off His throne and comes by to see you, to see what He can do for
you. He doesn’t sit on that throne all of the time. He runs down the throne and dances with His
people. They’re real! They’re real. I don’t how else to explain to you. It’s like if you saw your Mom
or your Dad. If you hadn’t seen them in a long time, you’d hug them. Wouldn’t you hold them?
Wouldn’t you want to be with them? You wouldn’t say hi and then go some where else. You’ve
been waiting a long time. They want to be with you all the time. And you can leave the Throne
Room and they’re still there with you. You feel that presence so powerful. You know what I’m
talking about, when Jesus consumes you. And you never want to leave that place, because He’s
right there with you, you feel Him all over, you walk and live like that in Heaven.”
#128) Salons, Hair, Nails, Wardrobe, Shopping Part 1
“ You can have your hair any color you want, whenever you want and you know women like to
change their minds, and guess what? You still change it in Heaven. You’ll change your clothes
fifteen times, it doesn’t matter, they’re just going to look a whole lot better on that body you have
up there than the one you had down here. But they have some really high tech… They do not
really know what high-tech is down here on earth. They have some things, this one whole wall,
when I went in there had all of these little drawers, I didn’t know what they were. And this
technician had this person in their chair, and instead of them walking around the chair to do their
stuff, the chair moved. They stepped on this little platform that was a part of the chair and it just
whizzed them around the person. The person didn’t move. They did on this little disk, and they
would just move around, it would move around automatically. She didn’t touch anything, move
anything, and knew exactly which direction to take, how long to stay there, up or down, whatever
she needed to do, it did it automatically. Isn’t that amazing? And if you didn’t like your
cut, it grew back! Instantly! So you’re never going to have to worry about it
not being right.
#129) Kat Kerr – Salons, Hair, Nails, Wardrobe, Shopping Part 2
“…and this thing came up, out of this counter, and it moved around where the lady was, and it
looked like an “arc”, and their was some kind of a dial thing… and she said: “I would like
to have some red and green streaks in my hair… She’s adjust this dial, and
all she did was pass this thing over her head, and instantly it was
highlighted! I mean that fast, it was done! No waiting, no sitting, nothing, it was done! And she
looked at it and she goes: “I don’t’ know, that’s just not quite what I was thinking about.” So she
passed it back over and all of the color was gone! It was back the way it was before. So she
adjusted it again, and passed it over her head, and she goes” That’s just right.
#130) Kat Kerr – Salons, Hair, Nails, Wardrobe, Shopping Part 3
“And if you want curls in it, for us people. It will do the same thing; and if you want your hair
straight, they use that same thing. It passes over and your hair is straight, perfectly straight, no
harsh chemicals, no sitting there waiting…beautiful! And it will be the length you want when you
leave, and if you change your mind, you can turn around and walk right back and you can have
something completely different, because He knows that we like to be pampered and He wants to
pamper us. So He has designed everything you can imagine to spoil us with.
How do you like that?
#131) Kat Kerr – Wardrobe
“You get a gown like a king or a queen would wear. Filled with the light of
God, the most beautiful radiant thing you’ve ever seen or worn in your life,
and a lot of people want to wear them all of the time… It has a beautiful collar, a
beautiful gem here, and it flows down your back, like a king’s robe. So let’s change your whole
mindset about that…”
#132) Kat Kerr – Jewelers & Dropping Gems in Services
google_ad_section_start “ And He is actually dropping gems in church services
and in home fellowship groups from Heaven. Not just a little bit, hundreds
all over the world… I know people that have some. They have colors that we don’t
have down here. And when they take them experts, and they cannot explain where they came
from, the only thing they can tell them, is “These are priceless!” There’s a cut they do to a gem
called a “trillion cut” It’s almost impossible to do. Those facets aren’t just cut on the top of the
gem, they’re cut on the sides and on the bottom. And when you look at it, it sparkles, like a million
#133) Kat Kerr – Another Whole Place Taking Up the Same Space
(As a temple of God) “He steps inside of you. Heaven is a spirit realm, not a physical realm. In
this world, in this physical world, one thing takes up a space at one time… In Heaven there is no
time, it is eternity. I could be gone for what seemed like three seconds, and in
Heaven have been gone for what seemed like for hours, because there is no
time. The whole space thing, is the supernatural part of Heaven, but there are things in realms
on your property, when He gives you property…. There are doors on your property
that are suspended in the air. All it those amazing things that you ever
wanted to do and didn’t get to do, it can be right there in the middle of
your property and can walk all the way around it and you see nothing until
you go through that door, and in that door is another whole place taking up
the same space. That’s the best way to explain to you that there is no space in Heaven. God
is unlimited in His ability to create things for you to enjoy. People come to your property,
not just to see your mansion…they want to see what’s in your doors!”
#135) Kat Kerr – Concerts, Sports, Gifts & Callings
“They have concerts everywhere in Heaven. It’s not Southern Gospel. I’m sure
somewhere there’s some of that, but the elderly people who think they might want it, remember
you’re going to be in your 20’s, you’re going to want to rock when you get to Heaven… there is
dancing and joy and celebration all over Heaven. Hell did not create parties, God did. When you
go there, you have the biggest celebration party you could ever imagine. Because when your
loved ones get there, they start collecting gifts for you… There’s places to go shop.
There’s places to go and eat out. There’s places to go enjoy entertainment.
It’s all godly but it is fun. They have concerts in Heaven where even the angels crowd surf (you
have to watch out for their wings)… If you like music, it’s everywhere in Heaven. You can’t go
anywhere and not hear music. And there are all forms of music. They have rap. They have hip-
hop. And I’m from the 60’s, so I like to rock…There’s a place that has extreme sports
in Heaven. I’m not just talking about football and basketball, although
those are there. Because see those athletes have gifts. You don’t stop
using your gifts. Your gifts and callings… they’re eternal. They’re without repentance, which
means that, you have no excuse not to use them, well when you use them down here,
#136) Kat Kerr – Your Birth Was No Mistake
“No child is a mistake. I don’t care how your birth happened. You are of great value to God. He
has a destiny for your life. It was planned before you were born. It wasn’t that
He intentionally sent you to parents that were wicked or evil. He wants you to impact their lives.
You can stand for their salvation. Maybe they weren’t the best parents, but He can be your
Heavenly Father. When you act like Him, He can do miraculous things (in your family members
that you don’t even want to be near).”
#137) Kat Kerr – Remember When Gallery
“When you get to Heaven, there’s a place you can go into, and actually see
your life re-lived. No sin is going to be there. This is a very fun place to go. It’s called
“Remember When Gallery”. You can go and see all of the crazy things that your parents did when
they were growing up, that they never told you about. You know what? All of your secrets may
have been exposed to them, but you get to go and see what they did… You get all of your friends
together and go in there and laugh and laugh at yourself. And you will wonder, “Why in the world
did I do that?” So guys, all the crazy things that you pull on each other that you never tell anyone
else about, that’s going to be revealed. Nothing bad you did, if you repented, is going to be in this
movie. I’m telling you, people pour into those places all the time, and you
hear them laughing and screaming, when they see the crazy things that their parents
and grandparents did that they were never told about. They were told not to do some of these
things, but they’re not telling you why. It’s because they did them and found out, you get hurt
sometimes when you do things, or you make a fool out of yourself. But in Heaven you’re going
#138) Kat Kerr – Awareness of Heaven
“God is for a season releasing Heaven all over this earth. And He said: “I’m going to
release it to the point where believers will literally have a celebration party
when a loved one goes home to Heaven. They’ll know so much about Heaven. They’ll
know what they’re doing. What their place looks like. Things they get to do. They’ll be so happy
for them, that they won’t grieve. to find out all that stuff, and they can’t hide it from you…
#139) Kat Kerr – (More Remember When)
“You get to go into individual theaters and watch your entire life replayed with all the sin blotted
out. But you won’t just be watching it in the natural realm. You’re going to
see the spirit realm that was present at the same time. You will know how
many times He intervened for you. What you already planned in advance, and you jut
walked along the path He gave you, and how preparation met destiny. So it will be an experience,
but you will also see funny things. Silly things. You know, your children are going to see it. You get
to go see what your parents did. All those crazy silly things that they did, you get to experience
them in this theater, and they can’t stop the tape… So you get to go to this place, and
it’s wonderful, and you can see anybody’s life you want to that‘s there.
Your best friend… People and families will be restored. If you were adopted, you’re going to
find out who your real parents were. Who the rest of your family would have been on earth. You’ll
meet people who are in your family line 500 years before.
#140) Kat Kerr – He Won’t Put Young Kids in Culture Shock
“They get to enjoy a wonderful experience. Older children get to do things. If you’re from in the
middle of Africa, He doesn’t drop you into the city in Heaven, and put you in culture
shock. There’s parts in Heaven where children live, that look just like the
place they came from, except it’s not dirty. It’s not threatening. It’s not
dangerous. It’s beautiful and wonderful, but it’s something they
recognize. God even created angels that don’t have wings that look like children. And they
become the best friends of these little children when they come to Heaven. What kid, who didn’t
want to have a friend come in and say, “Come on, let’s go out and play”. All the shy ones always
do it. And they don’t stay shy for long in Heaven. They’re out there running around, having a good
#141) Kat Kerr – Jewels and Crowns
“One of the mansions I saw, it took three rooms to carry all of the wardrobes of this one person.
They had whole rooms to hold their jewels in.
I don’t know how many of you have seen the Princess Diaries, have you ever seen that closet,
they had all of these drawers come out, with the jewels in it. That would be NOTHING compared
to what they have up there. And it’s not just some king or queen’s crown down
here, it’s the Crown of Life. The soul winner’s crown that will almost blind
you when you look at it. When you arrive in Heaven, what ever of those crowns you have
earned, They’re waiting in your mansion. At one time, when we’re all there together, we will cast
them at His feet, but until that time, it’s in your mansion. They even design its own room to hold
them; and they’re on these beautiful pillows, and everybody comes in to see yours when they
come to visit. “Can I see your crown?” “Take me and let me see it!” They’re so
fascinated by it. They are not all the same… Everybody wants to see how yours was
designed, and the jewels and the gems that He put in it. Just to bless YOU! You want to make
sure you win people to the Lord, because He is going to reward you for that. You don’t want to
miss that Soul Winner’s Crown. It is one of the most beautiful things I saw in Heaven.”
#142) Kat Kerr – Jesus and His Disciples
“People have the wrong idea about Jesus and His disciples. I call them:
“Jesus and His merry men!” because when you get a bunch of guys
together, you know what you do. You pull tricks on each other, gags on each other. You
do, and guess what? They weren’t any different. They had a holy assignment. He is a holy being,
but He also lived in a natural body. He knew and felt everything we experience. He did. He knew
what it was like to be angry, be upset, be frustrated, He knew what it was like to be rejected;
picked at; to be lied about. He knew what all those things feel like. But He had victory. He knew
He was the Son of God. He went through this earth and never sinned, so that He could pour out
that spotless, holy blood for each and every one of you.
#143) Kat Kerr – We’re Not Separated from Our “Departed” Family
“Your family members are excited. Your friends are excited they’re in Heaven. They see you when
they want to. I’m not telling you to make some shrine to them. It’s not called ancestor worship if
you recognize every now and then that they’re up there. Especially if they did something
wonderful for you, it might be nice every now and then to say “Thank you for
praying for me.”. “Thank you for the things you did for me.” “I know you’re
up there enjoying yourself.” “I know you’re up there cheering me on.” It’ll
bless them! Especially people who have children in Heaven. You can even ask
the Lord to take them a gift, and He’ll do it. If you have brothers or sisters that have passed away,
and you want to bless them, ask the Lord to take them a gift. You’re not doing anything wrong,
and He’ll do it. Because He wants the people there to know that you still love them. That they
know what you’re going through. That they’re cheering you on. We’re not supposed to be
separated in Heaven. It’s a part of our being. We’re from Heaven. It’s our
actual home.
#144) Kat Kerr – The Crystal Sea Part 1
“We’re going to talk about the crystal sea… The best way to describe it, is if you could take liquid
mercury and thin it down. You know how it looks kind of strange when it moves back and forth,
like it moves slowly. It’s heavy. Mercury is actually very light in consistency. That’s the easiest way
to explain to you what it looks like. Some people that have been there say it looks
like you threw a million diamonds in the water and they all sparkle. It has that
affect too. It has that sparkly affect, like they’re diamonds in the water. Like in the middle of the
summer, the ocean or on the river, all those lights hit it, you see all the little sparkling, that’s what
it looks like. It’s an amazing thing. It comes out, flows under the Throne Room of
God out into Heaven. It starts not really wide, but it actually becomes a sea that goes all
over Heaven. You could actually tour Heaven by boat. There are boats. There’s massive sailing
ships, and you get to be the captain. If you’ve always wanted to do that, you get to do that in
Heaven. Actually take people for rides. There’s smaller boats you can take out by yourself.
They’re either powered by the wind or by light. There’s no fuel in Heaven except light or wind.
#145) Kat Kerr – The Crystal Sea Part 2
“The crystal sea even meanders up into places that causes little harbors and bays. Some people
live all along the crystal sea. I went to someone’s house that was like that. In order to get to their
home, you had to go by boat. It was a beautiful, beautiful place. Everyone was coming
there to visit this person, and they all had beautiful boats. Some had different
colors. Some had sails, some didn’t have sails. I told you, you could go all around Heaven in a
boat, you could do that. My husband’s going to live on one. I know that because he’s a fisherman
and his greatest love of this life, besides Jesus and me is fishing.
But in Heaven you get to enjoy all this amazing stuff on the Crystal Sea. I have even seen kids,
little kids play Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Fin. They make a raft and go out on the Crystal Sea.
They’re not going to drown. They’re not even going to get lost. But you get to have adventures in
Heaven that you would not do down here. Parts of the Crystal Sea can eve come up on your
property. It can come around your house. It can come in the form of a waterfall. People have
beautiful foot bridges and they have beautiful ponds that come off the Crystal Sea. You don’t even
have to supply it with fish. They come with the water. It’s an amazing, beautiful place. There are
places that you can go swimming in the Crystal Sea. When you go in there, and I’m not going to
tell you what the bathing suits look like, I’ll just let you find out for yourself. There are no bikinis in
Heaven. That’s not allowed, and I wouldn’t want to wear one anyway. Not even with a twenty five
year old body! But you can go swimming in the Crystal Sea. It feels like water.
It splashes like water, but when you get out, you’re perfectly dry. So you never
have to carry a towel. You’re not going to take suntan lotion with you. You’re not going to need it.
But you get to have all of the enjoyment of swimming.
#146) Kat Kerr – The Crystal Sea Part 3
The peacock is also considered a very royal thing. A lot of kings even now have them in their
palace. They roam all over Heaven. There’s a lot of them that go into the parks near the Crystal
Sea. They still make that weird off noise, but it doesn’t annoy you. Do you know what? They were
created because they actually represent the living creature. The next time you get to see a
peacock feather, look at it real close. Because at the end of the feather, it looks like there’s an
eyeball there. And all the living creatures, like I shared before… All of the living creatures in
Heaven, they have an eye in their feathers. Each one of their feathers has an eyeball. They look
everywhere, at everything, all of the time. So God created the peacock to represent
them on earth. All of the colors that are on the peacock are in the Throne
Room of God. So isn’t that amazing that He made something like that to
represent something that is in Heaven? So the next time you get a picture of a
peacock, look at their back. It is an amazing and beautiful teal green and blue. It doesn’t even
look real. You wonder how something that beautiful can be created. Only God can make it that
color. They also have purple in them. They have gold. They have amazing colors in them… And
they stand around like they’re the king of the hill. Some people use them as guard dogs or watch
dogs, because they won’t let anything on anyone’s property. They make horrible screaming
sounds. You wonder how something so beautiful can make a sound like that? But they don’t
sound anything like the living creatures… But these beautiful peacocks roam around
by the Crystal Sea. They have these beautiful royal palm trees. Parts of it look
like the Amazon jungle. A lot of the animals that live down here in the Amazon jungle are in these
areas, all along the Crystal Sea.
#147) Kat Kerr – The Crystal Sea Part 4
“You just can’t image in your mind how beautiful these places are. Some
people that ever wanted to live on an island, there’s islands in middle of
the Crystal Sea… There’s a beautiful breeze that blows along the water…
You’re never going to have storms, although there are rainbows in Heaven everywhere. Along
one part of the Crystal Sea, there is an amazing playground that the kids get to go play on, and
their slides are real rainbows. They’ll slide down these rainbows and land into a pool of water. It’s
beautiful. You can have a rainbow in your backyard in you want to. They actually have substance
to them, not like down here on earth. Everything in Heaven has a supernatural quality to it…
People actually still water-ski. They surf. There is a surf park in Heaven.
Because people like it. The Crystal Sea does not make waves, so you’re not going to have
them wash up on your home or your property. But God actually created a place where it comes
into. And there is a surf park. It’s 800 acres. It’s going to be talked about in my second book. You
can ride an 80 foot wave. And I know someone who has a surf ministry in our city, and they are
excited about the surf park. Because they thought, because there’s no waves up there, we’ll
never get to enjoy that. But guess what? God knew it. If they were the only people who like to do
it, they would have created it.
If you want to know how big Heaven is, sometimes I forget to share this. If you took a footstool
and put it in outer space next to our earth, our footstool would be earth. And our earth would be
Heaven. There are angels in Heaven almost the size of our planet. So Heaven is huge. There is
room for everybody.”
#148) Kat Kerr – Angels Part 1
“Angelic activity, Has been, I wont say it has been random, and some people have experienced
it.. You’re about to get a lot of it on this earth. God is releasing angels from Heaven, thousands of
angels down from Heaven to assist us. This is what God said: “You’re on one of the
greatest races ever run and Heaven will run it with you.” He’s going to run with
you. People will visibly see them doing things with you. Helping you, assisting you. He said:
“People need to understand, that if I commission you to do something for
Me. I give you the authority to use the angels who are with you.” And another
big religious battle that goes on is that you don’t have the right to command the angels. And yet
the Word of God says: “Command ye Me.” He doesn’t want you to beg Him. Stop begging and
crying and begging God for stuff. You declare and decree. Whatever you declare and decree will
be established unto you. If He commissions you, like I am commissioned… I have a hundred
angels assigned to me. Twenty five travel with me, seventy five stay at my home. And God
said: “If you need anything, you tell them to go get it.” So I’m commissioned.
I’ve been given authority to say things to them. If I need something related to the commission that
I have. I have every right to ask them to go and do things. I don’t’ know why people fight against
that. Did they not do that in the Old Testament and the New Testament? They did. They sent them
for things. They’re sent ahead of you to guard and protect you… They’re sent to go and
get things for you that you need related to your commission.
#149) Kat Kerr – Angels Part 2
“God is about to train His body in doing that. That doesn’t mean you’re
ruling over the angels, although in the angels to come, we will rule over
them. I’m not saying to call Angels to your house and sit and have tea with them. I’m not saying
that you can send angels out to get all of the stuff just because you want it. That’s not what I’m
saying. I’m saying that related to what God gave you as an assignment on
this earth to commission you; or in the necessary things you need for your
gift.. There’s nothing wrong, if God commissioned you to be an artist, and to paint scenes from
Heaven, and you need something. You can actually say: “Angels, go out to the North, South,
East, West, bring in the supplies I need to do this for God.” Do you know what they’re doing,
they’re hearkening unto the Word of the Lord, because He put it in you, He commissioned and
assigned you to do this for Him; you’re doing His Word, so when you speak that, they’re
hearkening unto the Word of the Lord that He gave you. So we need to stop being so legalistic.
We need to understand what the Word means when He says that. That also doesn’t mean, that
you’re supposed to be afraid to say: “I need help God. Send some angels.” Angels
of the Lord come in, on my behalf, you were sent to help me, become the
flame of fire, you were sent to guard and protect me, and I need help.” I
don’t think God is going to get mad in Heaven for saying that
#150) Kat Kerr – Wiping Away All Our Tears google_ad_section_end
google_ad_section_start “One day when we’re all in glory, millions of years from now, you’ll never
stop feeling that wave, when you stand before the Father. He’ll always love you. You’ll always
feel His presence in Heaven, no matter where you go. You’ll remember what
happened on this earth until a certain point in your life. In Revelation 21, where it talks: “He’ll wipe
away all tears”, and you will not remember the former things. People ask me this all of the time,
“What about family members who don’t make it?”, at that time they’ll be erased from your
memory, because you will not go through Heaven in eternity grieving for those who didn’t make
it. People who are in Heaven now, and they realize some didn’t make it,
because they knew they passed away, they don’t have grief in them. You are
surrounded and engulfed by the love of God, and you realize they got to make a choice. They
knew and they had to choose. Although God will move Heaven and earth to get every person in
there, especially if you’re praying for them. That’s why I said don’t stop praying…
Kat Kerr – Christmas town Part 1
“This may be hard for some very religious spirits, they’re not going to like this at all when I tell you
this, but God recognizes and uses everyone’s gift when they get to Heaven. And there’s someone
who lives there, who’s been there a very long time, that literally lived on this earth. He used the
same gift on this earth that he uses in Heaven. If you’re a carpenter, you’re one there. If you’re an
artist, you’re one there. If you’re a baker, you’re one there. And if you’re someone who
makes toys and gives them away, you still do it there, including Saint Nic.
There is a place in Heaven, and God chose to call it Christmas-town. I’m sure
He did it to offend every religious person who actually makes it there, because people act like
Santa is Satan. They even say you spell it the same name. God doesn’t have a problem with him,
if you do not worship him. The commercialization and marketing firms of this world took
something that was meant to spread good, because it’s the only time of the year that people
actually step out of themselves, and give and help others. They actually do. Even people who
would normally never do it. They give to charities. They give to people. It makes you actually
come together as a family. And guess what? Nicholas, which is his actual name is
still using the same gift he did down here. You can go there and visit him.
He gives gifts to everyone who comes. He does not have elves helping him in his
workshop. People who have gifts to create and make toys, that’s where they work, because that’s
what their gift is, and you’re going to use it. But when you go to this place, there’s actually snow
on the ground. You’re not going to freeze to death, and you’re not going to get frostbite. But you
can actually go ice-skating. You can go sledding. You can go skiing. You can build snowmen, and
you can even have snowball fights. And nobody’s going to put a rock in a snowball. It is an
amazing beautiful place, and it’s made to look in the time when Norman
Rockwell lived. So you get to back around the 30’s and enjoy everything,
the homes look like that period, the shops that are there; things that the people get to
do, are all around that period of time.”
#152) Kat Kerr – Christmas town Part 2
“I’m sure my sister will probably live in Christmas-town. She was born on the day after Christmas.
It’s her favorite time of the year. And they decorate Christmas trees, and if you
throw Christmas trees out of your home, God doesn’t mind if you have
one. People say they were idols. Foreign lands worship them. Are you worshipping them in your
home? Are you lighting candles? Are you bringing food to the Christmas tree? You might think I’m
being sarcastic, I’m being real. God created the trees. He loves beautiful things, and people do
that to honor the birth of Christ. Put a manger under the tree. Put one outside your house, and let
them know that you’re not a commercialized person, that celebrates this wonderful time of the
year. You give gifts because Christ was a gift to us.. ..they celebrate Christmas in
Heaven. And even though that is not an actual date that Christ was born.
People love to do it and they all give gifts to each other. They all come and
celebrate Jesus’ birthday. I know that sounds funny to you, but you have to understand
that Heaven is a real literal place. It is not a bizarre weird place. You will enjoy your life there.
Your family members love being there. It’s a beautiful time of the year down here. I’m looking
forward to it. My family gets together, we always make a cake for Jesus and sing happy birthday
to Him. And I’ve even heard of people who loved the Lord so much, they buy Him gifts on a
regular basis. They don’t worry about getting them up to Heaven, but I want you to know that one
Christmas, they made something special for the Lord that cost them very dearly to make this
thing. And I want you to know that angels came from Heaven and took it. In the middle of the
night. And I’m sure that whatever that was, Jesus probably has it. Because when people do
things that mean a lot for Him
#167) Kat Kerr – Your Words Create Life or Death
Your Words Create Life or Death
“When you speak with your words it creates life or death. That’s what the Word says. The power
of life and death are in the power of the tongue. That means what you say matters, is
that right? We’re supposed to speak life, not death. When you speak life to
people, out of your mouth flows the river of life. Literally in the spirit realm, if you
could see, I see I the spirit realm. And I see in people’s homes. Sometimes it’s engulfed by the
river of life. You walk in, the life of God is there. If I go into a place where people scream and
argue, it is a cesspool. So if speaking life creates a river of life, guess what speaking death?
That’s gossiping, backbiting, screaming, yelling, hating. You actually in the spirit realm, release a
cesspool in your home. Demons will come and swim in that cesspool. Don’t invite the enemy into
your life. I know at one time in our life spoke things, and the worse thing you can do is
talk bad about your family members. I know they’re rascals! God knows
their rascals. He knows what they’re doing. He’s not been blinded to what’s going on
down here. But you know what, they’re all His kids, and He love them. Remember what I told you
they say in Heaven, “They’re going to become a mighty man or woman of God”. “You’re not going
to miss your destiny.” “Your going to become a living testimony of the saving power of Jesus
Christ.” That’s what you’re supposed to say about your family members that don’t want God.
They don’t know Him. Then when you turn around and tell everybody how bad
they are, you wipe out your prayer. You cannot be double minded. That
means you’re saying one thing, then turning around and saying just the
opposite. You’re being tossed to and fro like waves in the sea, that’s what
the Word says. You wont get anything from God. If you want to stand for their
salvation, you say what Heaven says about them. Don’t let other people say otherwise. If they’re
doing bad things and someone calls you and says: “Well, I heard your brother was running
around. He got drunk everyday, and he’s doing all this.” Do you know what? He’s going to
become a mighty man of God! He will not miss his destiny! Start saying what Heaven says. You
know what? You’re going to hear “click”, and they won’t call you back to gossip anymore… The
enemy loves it. God hates it. It’s on His deadly sins list. When you speak
like that about people you release stuff in your life that gives the enemy
entrance. So we’re going to get our records totally wiped clean
#168) Kat Kerr – You’re Marked When You Fall
“Lucifer/Satan does not want you to worship God. There’s more than one reason. #1 He is still
thinks it belongs to him, but this is the second reason. He built his place in the second
heaven, and he has a palace and a museum, and a trophy room. And he has
this mock graveyard, when a believer sins, he goes and scratches your
name on one of the tombstones. You don’t want that to happen. Then he’ll
begin to pursue you. So they know when you fall. You get marked in the
spirit realm. They’ll hunt you when they see stuff on you. That’s why it’s important to repent
and have that stuff removed. But he has a place in the second heaven which is a spiritual place.
Your praise is incense and it’s a spiritual weapon. When you worship God on earth, it goes right
through the second heaven to get to him. Busts up his stuff in the second heaven. When you
come together corporately and worship, it’s like sending a ballistic missile through there. When
you go home to Heaven as a believer, you bust the biggest hole ever through his second heaven.
He was really dumb putting it there. He thought he could do it to interfere with God and all of his
people, and all he did was make himself a waiting target. So don’t stop worshipping. Don’t stop
#168) Kat Kerr – Some Babies…
“All life comes from God. When there is conception, He takes one of those little spirits and He
places it in the body of those babies, and they become a human being. No matter what time,
these little babies if they die whether miscarriage or abortion, they’re taken to Heaven. their are
a reserve few, I don’t know who they are, that’s God’s choice, that He
wants them born into this earth for a divine purpose, guess what? He’ll
send them back. Because there are some people He won’t replace. He
wouldn’t do it in the Bible, He wouldn’t do it in the Old Testament. If He purposed for someone to
be here for a divine purpose, the enemy will try over and over again to destroy destinies, and
many times he gets to do that, but there are certain individuals that must be born into this earth.
That is not the normal thing that happens, but if He has a destiny planned, they will be born into
this earth.
#169) Kat Kerr – We’re Going to Make You Have Fun
“You taste, you feel, you don’t pass through buildings. I haven’t done that yet! But you actually
walk. You still talk. You can communicate by thoughts. In Heaven everyone can.
Here I was approaching 50, and the Lord said: “We’re going to make you have
fun!” And I said, Well my fun is being with you. He said: “No! I mean real
fun like a child That’s why the Word said that you must be like a child to
enter into the kingdom of Heaven, because you’re going to have fun there!” It is holy. It
is awesome, but it is the most adventurous place ever dreamed of.”
#170) Kat Kerr – Flying
Warning! Heaven Rocks
Amusement Park and Flying
“You can go into places. It’s amazing the things you get to do. In the amusement park, I’m going
to tell you. I know you’ll all love it. People ask me all of the time. Do you get wings? Do you
become an angel. No. You wouldn’t know what to do with a twelve foot pair of wings on your
back. You wouldn’t know how to put clothes on. You wouldn’t know how to sit down. You’d be
shutting them in the door, so you don’t get wings. But God did create a way for you to fly. In this
amusement park I went into, there’s actually an area, it’s called “fly by”.
There is two parts of it. You learn to fly like Superman. As you go into the
beginner’s area, you bring all your friends, and there’s actually stands there to sit and watch them
try. They look somewhat like Peter Pan hooked to a wire. They’ll try to swim in the air. It’s
absolutely hysterical to watch them. They’ll start spinning because they don’t know what they’re
doing. So that’s one place you actually get trained. Then you go to the intermediate
and advanced area, and you literally soar just like Superman did. Just like
the angels do. You fly and dart everywhere. It is a huge area, and people
love to go there and enjoy that. You don’t get a cape. I guess if you wanted one, you
could probably have one.”
Shouts of Grace Church 4_24_11 Night Evening Session Part 2
Kat Kerr – Learn to Fly
“This amusement park, they took me back later, I never saw the end of it. There’s actually a place
in the amusement park where you can learn to fly like Superman. God has a sense
of humor. Guess who teaches you? Take a guess? It’s always a redeemed
person who went home to Heaven. Who do you think teaches you to fly like
Superman in Heaven? Christopher Reeves! Christopher Reeves teaches you
to fly like Superman. If God ever had a sense of humor, that proves it right there! You learn
when you first get in there, because you can’t go from the beginner’s area, to the intermediate,
until you get really good. You would get flied over! Because they fly like jets. That’s how you get
around. People learn to fly. You fly from place to place in the amusement park. All over the place:
“Let’s go! Swoosh!” Who wants to do that?”
#171) Kat Kerr – The Ball
“But we girls are so spoiled. Our Father has amazing events in Heaven, where you get to go to
“the Ball”, and you dress just like Cinderella did, and you receive a royal invitation from
the King to come. And they will hand deliver it to your door. As they open it in
front of you, you will see the Lord Himself in a “hologram” inviting you to this special event. Isn’t
that precious? Don’t you feel special already? And then they will send you an escort to take you
to it. You don’t even have to go yourself. When you arrive, you will feel like “Belle of the Ball”.
That you are worth so much to Him.”
#172) Kat Kerr – Television and Movies
“And talking of television, I may as well go into the acting and actresses. Guess what? They have
movie theaters in Heaven. And I know that might sound strange, that was the first place
He took me. He’s been taking me since 1996. The Father said, “We’re going
to let you see what our reality theaters look like in Heaven. People think…Why
are you commercializing this? I’m not. It was there first, and then it came here. But the enemy
takes the things that God gives us as gifts and he defiles them. So the movie theaters in Heaven
have no defilement. They don’t have to have ratings on their movies. But you will never see
anything so intense and exciting and dramatic and funny and amazing as the movies in Heaven.
But there is another side to that. When you go into the movie theater to sit down…you go in the
double doors and sit down, you go down the hallway and the single door, and you step
through that door, you will be in the movie…instantly! You’re not just going to
wander in there and be in something you don’t know about, you actually get to go and sign up,
you pick the one that you want to be in, you take the part you want to play, and when you step
through that door, you know the script, if it’s a musical, you know the song, you know the whole
plot, you know everything. You don’t have to read scripts. Isn’t that awesome?! I want to do that. I
don’t know about you? I’m excited about that.
And these movie theaters. When I went in there, there was no screen. There was like a waterfall
at the end of the theater. The light panels were built into the wall…and it would dim as it needed
to. When the movie was ready to start, the waterfall “metamorphed” into
the screen. It was amazing!… When you sit in those seats, they will conform
to your being in every way.”
Heaven Invasion IV Disc 1
#173) Kat Kerr – Eternal Planning & Excelling in Your Calling
“By the way, you should do some eternal planning yourself… People do all kinds of
planning. Vacation plans, savings plans, college plans, retirement plans.
Even their funeral plans. But they don’t always think about eternal
plans. You can still do that because there’s still breath in your body. Your eternal position
is decided by the time you die. You can’t change it once you get to
Heaven. You can’t do something m re or better for God. Whatever you accomplish on
this life for Him determines if you will serve, if you will rule and reign, or if
you will serve the people ruling and reigning. You want to rule and reign. He wants
that for everyone of His children. And it’s really not that hard to accomplish. You find out what He
called you to do on this earth. It might be no more than helping somebody mow their lawn every
week. It might be helping an elderly person get a ride. You might be called to be the
neighborhood greeter and bake pies and take them to them and love them. Visit people in the
hospital. Write notes for people who are handicapped. Go and pray for people’s healing. You
don’t all have to be Billy Grahams or Oral Roberts. That was their calling. If you will achieve what
He called you to do, let me tell you, everyone’s called to love people. You don’t know what it is,
just keep loving people, and He’s going to make sure you find out what it is. If He called you to be
an artist and you knew it, and you decided to be a lawyer, you are not going to get any reward for
that. That’s what the Judgment Seat of Christ is. When you go to the Judgment Seat of Christ, it’s
only for Christians. And it says you’ll be judged for deeds done in the flesh. People ask me time
and again: “Does that mean I’ll be judged for my sins?” No, you wouldn’t be there. Your sins are
forgotten. The deeds done in the flesh are things you want to do, and you decide to do even
though you know what God called you to do. If He called you to be a minister, and you said:
“That’s too hard. I’m going to be a lawyer.”, you won’t get much reward because all those things
you did as a lawyer, even though they may have been “good things”, they will be burned up…
You don’t have to decide to be someone you aren’t called to be. You just have to be you…
He wants to use your gifts. Your personality. You, just like you are
#174) Kat Kerr – The Judgment Seat of Christ
(Answering a question about the Judgment Seat of Christ) – “You’re talking about the Judgment
Seat of Christ, and the Judgment Seat of Christ is not about sins. The Judgment Seat of Christ is
separate from the Great White Throne Judgment, but the Great White Throne Judgment is for all
the wicked dead, and I don’t believe we’re going to be there at all to see that. The Judgment Seat
of Christ will judge you for deeds done in the flesh. He’s not talking about sins. He’s really talking
about things you came up with to do with your life; if you knew what your destiny was, but you
chose to do something else, that’s a deed done in the flesh. In other words, you knew
what He called you to do, but you decided, “I don’t think I like that, so I’ll
go do this instead”, you will get absolutely no reward for what you chose to
do. It says those works will be burned up. It’s really important to find out
what He called you to do, and it you don’t know, you can’t lose by doing
this: Loving God, and loving others. If you’re doing that, He’ll make sure
you don’t miss your destiny. But that’s what that’s talking about. Things you decide to do
on your own, that were not what God said. Now if you’re doing His will in your life, He’ll let you do
all kinds of extra things, and you’ll get rewarded for that, but you cannot ignore the call of God on
your life, and decide like: “He called you to be a preacher, and you decided to be
a lawyer”, or vice versa, He called you to be a lawyer and you said: “I’m
going to be a preacher. It’s a lot easier, You get some money. People will love me.” Believe
it or not, you won’t get rewarded for that. That’s what the Word says, it will be burned up. So
that’s not going to send you to Hell or anything. That’s why you need to live your life,
if you follow after the Spirit, you won’t fulfill the lusts of the flesh. You
need to have a real relationship with God.
#175) Kat Kerr – Millenial Reign
“The economy’s not crashing. He couldn’t download wealth into His people. They would have no
way to use it. And we’re going to be building for the millennial reign. When that wealth
comes and God puts it in your hand, you ask Him what He wants you to do
with it. The things that you develop and produce out of that wealth will be used during the
millennial reign. You’re not waiting for it. You’re already millennial people if you belong to Him.
And all those things you never got to do with your family, you regret, and they’re no longer living
here? Guess what? You’re all going to be right back on this very earth for a
thousand years together. But you’ll be in glorified bodies. It won’t get sick.
It won’t die. You can’t sin. You’ve already been transformed into your
glorified body, because at that time, the tribulation would have taken place. The rapture
would have taken place. That final battle. All that will have taken place, and for a thousand years,
Christ will literally sit on that throne in Jerusalem, so it’s not going to be wiped out, by the way.
Keep praying for them, but it won’t be wiped out. That third temple has to be built. Guess who’s
going to help them build it? God’s people will do it. So get ready to do extreme, amazing things in
your life.”
Shouts of Grace Church 4-24-11 Night Evening Session Part 2
Kat Kerr – The Millenial Reign
“During the millennial reign, probably almost all of us will have our glorified bodies at that
point. When Christ had His glorified body, He went back and forth to Heaven
all of the time. A lot of the people the Word says that were martyred during the time of the
tribulation, a lot of people will be ruling on the earth with Him, just because of what they did with
their lives to belong to Him, but we also will have a part of that, we will leave Heaven and come
down here and be in charge of things and be over things, then we’ll be going back to Heaven.
#176) Kat Kerr – Millenial Reign
“You will also learn how to rule and reign during the millennial reign. He
isn’t going to turn loose His people and say: “Here’s this country. Just take
over it!” Aren’t you glad to know you get training? And they do train in Heaven,
and actually the angels have been trained during the last five years He’s been taking me. There is
an amazing activity that was not there when He first started taking me. That’s because Heaven is
about to be poured out on this earth like it never has before, and they’ve been training for it for
the last five years…”
“You will actually know some of the things that are going to happen during the thousand years
that all of God’s people will come from Heaven. You won’t stay in Heaven forever. That’s not
eternity. It’s like you’re getting a break. It’s like you’re getting to go on a vacation, because when
we come back to the millennial reign, we’ll have many things to do on this very
earth we’re on now. So it is not going to be completely destroyed, no
matter what anyone has told you. We’re not going to have just a charred piece of hunk,
sitting in space to come back to and do things on.
The Celestial Realm
#177) Kat Kerr – Write Out Your Dreams & Visions
“The finances and the wealth will be fantastic, and God’s people who have
got dreams and visions given to you.. Don’t give up on them! Because He’s
about to make it possible for you to fulfill every one of them. I challenge people
to go home and start making a list of things you want to do for Him. If He’s given you a dream and
vision, please write it out. What property will you need? What facilities will you need. What it will
cost to supply it? How many employees will you need? Where on the earth are you going to be
doing these things for Him. There’s nothing that you can plan, that is too big for Him to fulfill.
There are people in Heaven who wish they could be here right now, because they know what is
about to happen. Because when those bowls tip, nothing or no one will be able to stop Him
coming here. It is not Jesus coming to sit on His throne. It is Him inhabiting His people.”
The Celestial Realm
Heaven isn’t just another place, it’s supposed to be a part of your life.
#178) Kat Kerr – He Knew You Before you Were Born
“The Word says, He knew you before you began to breathe. That meant
that He knew you before you ever came to this earth, because you don’t
have to breathe to exist in Heaven. We all came from God. That’s why He
calls us His children. That’s why He calls Heaven our home. He knew you before you were
ever put into a human body. He knew what your life would be like. He even knew if you would
choose Him or not. But He is up there, desiring for you to know Him. Not as someone with a big
stick wanting to beat you… Yes it does hurt Him when we sin. And you know He cries more over
His own children than the lost. When we disobey, it hurts Him more than when the heathen’s do
something. They don’t know Him. We should know better. That’s what the fear of the Lord is, it’s
not being afraid of Him, it’s being afraid, that you love Him so much you would hurt Him. That
fear, is the beginning of all wisdom. When you feel that for Him. When you love somebody
so much, you don’t want things to hurt them do you?”
#179) Kat Kerr – Satan and his demons
“The biggest mistake he made was setting up his kingdom in the second heaven. He doesn’t live
in Hell. I’ve seen Satan and he’s not ugly. He doesn’t have red horns or a pitchfork. He looks
like a Spanish prince. He’s absolutely gorgeous, except his eyes. They are filled
with death. there is no love in him for anyone. He hates everyone, even his own demons. He
hates them, and they hate each other. If they were more organized, they’d being doing a lot more
destruction than they’ve already done. But let tell lies about each other. They try to
get each other tripped up. They get beaten if they come back and they’re
not successful with their assignments against you. It is an army. It’s a
vicious army. They know all of your weaknesses and they make sure you get reminded of
them all of the time. But God has a heavenly host. Twice as big as Satan has. Twice as big in
number and in size…”
Shouts of Grace Church 4-24-11 Night Evening Session Part 2
Kat Kerr – What Satan Knows
“Satan doesn’t know anything except the present. Satan cannot read your mind, cannot read your
thoughts. All he knows is what comes out of you. He can put thoughts into
your mind, which he does a lot. He doesn’t know they’re having any affect
on you unless you act on them. They cannot tell the future. The only thing He knows is
what’s in the Word of God. If he really knew the future, he would have given up a long time ago,
because he would understand what his end is, but he still doesn’t know your future, God knows
#180) Kat Kerr – Satan & his Demons
“…He has jet black hair. He is very beautiful except his eyes. His eyes are filled with absolute
hate. They are cold. He loves nobody. Not even himself. He hates his demons. He hates you
because you’re made in the image of God. He doesn’t love anybody.
Everything in him is evil that is created. All of the evil that is in this world came from him. That’s
why he was kicked out of Heaven.
The demonic beings are assigned to you for specific reasons. They don’t have to wonder
if someone has a divine calling on their life, because those who have divine
callings always have more than one angel with them to protect them and
cover them. They become big targets. So you have to understand that there are things
going on in the spirit realm around you. It’s as real as Heaven.
…Satan actually has a castle, but guess what, when we praise God, our
praises go right through his kingdom. He thought, “If I can’t take over this earth, I’m
setting up my kingdom in between. So I will interfere with Him and His people. But what he didn’t
realize, that He would have a passionate people filled with His glory. When you worship Him,
when you worship, it’s like sending missiles through his kingdom. He is always repairing and
patching, because there are so many cracks and crevasses in it. It’s always falling apart. When
you have a time of glory and praise, like now, you do a lot of damage to his kingdom.
So his kingdom is between Heaven and earth, but that was a very bad decision by the enemy.
#181) Kat Kerr – The Enemy’s Workings
“I have seen the enemy and I usually don’t talk about it, but tonight I guess He wants me to. He
does not have horns and he does not have a pitchfork. He’s not throwing hay somewhere. He is
beautiful to look at. He is extremely handsome. But he is evil. His eyes are
cold as death. He looks something like a Spanish prince. Nothing against the Spanish nation,
I could have said any other nation. He’s not pale or white, let’s just say it like that. He is very
handsome. He does have seducing spirits. He does control people with lust. It one of the chief
things he likes to use. But he hates every living human being… He even hates his own demons.
If their was love in that camp, they would have already won a lot more than they
have. They don’t trust each other. They don’t. They will actually try to fool
each other. Lie about each other. They try to put fear into each other. They
bring confusion to each other.
#182) Kat Kerr
“So therefore he decided to build his kingdom in the second heaven which I already shared
about. He doesn’t live in Hell. He operates out of Hell. It’s for the demons. Unfortunately, people
who are wicked who don’t accept Christ go there. I have been there. I talk about it in the book….
But Satan built his kingdom in the second heaven. He has a palace. He actually has
real dragons in his mote, but he doesn’t have water in that mote. He has
the cesspools that they swim in. that cesspool comes from the mouths of
people when the say awful things. When they sware. When they shred people. When
they talk ugly. When they gossip. When they backbite. In the spirit realm, you create cesspools
out of your mouth. I talked about that in an earlier meeting. Even Christians. Because you
gave permission for the enemy to come and be a part of your life. When you
don’t repent for that, that cesspool doesn’t go away… It doesn’t matter if its only
one person doing that. You don’t want to bring that stuff into your family. Because demons will
come and dwell in that place. They love it. They feed off of your anger, your hate,
your words. That’s why God said life and death was in the power of the
tongue. He meant it. You’re creating with your mouth and you don’t even
know it…
#183) Kat Kerr – More Baptism in Fire – The Mercy Seat
“And I began to hunger after baptism in fire. A friend of mine got it. I went: “What happened to
you? I’ve got to have that.” And he said: “The Word says this about baptism in fire. You have to
desire and hunger after it.” So for two years I hungered after that, and one night my pastor said:
“Whoever’s going to be in the ministry, you need to get down here. I’m just going to lay hands on
you.” He didn’t say he was going to release baptism in fire. But God will use willing vessels. And I
didn’t go up first and I said: “Well, I’m not in the ministry yet”, and the Holy Spirit said: “Get down
there!” I went down there and I was so hungry, I wanted that baptism in fire inside of me, and I
stood there, and I was the last person he laid hands on. When he laid hands on me, it went so
forcefully in me, it threw me into the usher, into the congregation. It came in like a
blowtorch. It burned in through my spirit, all the way up through my body,
through my brain. It wiped everything off of the walls in my heart that ever
might have belonged to the enemy. Anything that I had seen that I
shouldn’t have seen was wiped off, he could never replay that again. That’s
what happens in baptism in fire. It wipes clean the walls of your heart and your memory
banks. You can’t even bring up or think of those things that happened to you. Things that
happened to you. Things that you saw, even by mistake, and today it’s real easy to do that. It puts
such a fire inside of you for God. So much boldness you’re like you’re a lion. You
want to stand on the street corner and just roar and tell everybody about
God. My body began to shake with the fire of God on it, and I didn’t normally do that… My body
shook with the fire of God on it. I was not in my body. That’s the only time I ever remember
traveling. The Spirit of God caught me up. This time angels were with me in the spirit of God, and
I literally saw, you know on Star Trek, or Star Wars, where it looks like you’re going warp speed,
and all the lights are coming at you like that? That’s the only time that happened. It was really
cool! I didn’t know anything that was going on with my body. My daughter at midnight stuck a note
up my sleeve that said when my Mom comes to, call my Dad, and he’ll come get her. Because
they’re not going to wait any longer on me. My husband’s “Well, is that what happened honey?”
… he had to carry me home. I couldn’t walk… We traveled for some time, then all of a
sudden, my feet hit the ground, and I had never been in Israel in my life,
but I knew where I was. I was overwhelmed. When He takes me somewhere, nobody
sees me. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, the angels, they see me in Heaven. No redeemed see
me. Don’t ask me to find your loved ones and say hello… When my feet landed and I
could see, I was outside the tomb, and the stone had already been rolled
away. And I hid behind a tree “Isn’t that funny?” It’s just your natural mind, I’m thinking, What is
He going to do? … and this was 1998, so I’d already been gone to Heaven for two years.”
#184) Kat Kerr – More Baptism in Fire
“I was used to them just doing what they want to with me. The garden tomb was the
most beautiful place. There were flowers growing all over the place. All
around the tomb, there was gardens in front of it, and beautiful trees right
there. There was the big stone, that had been rolled away. I can tell you which one is the right
one. They say there’s two different places, but it’s not the one place that’s like inside of the big
building… It’s the one out in the garden. You know what? I know why she said, He
thought He was the gardener. He was smelling the flowers. Jesus was
smelling the flowers. He just came out of Hell. He was real happy to be back up there on
earth. He’d just been in Hell for three days. He got up. He was literally bent over. I saw Him… He
had on this beautiful white/blue thing, that was absolutely gorgeous. I could see the glory on Him.
He was bent over just smelling the flowers that His Father had made… He came Mary
Magdalene out of the corner. She was beautiful! She was sixteen or seventeen. She was
beautiful. Just beautiful long black hair… And she was weeping, and she had her arms full of
these jars of stuff. I didn’t know what it was. She ran. She saw the stone. She actually dropped
the stuff and ran inside, and there were the two angels sitting on the slab. I could hear her, but I
couldn’t understand what she was saying, because she wasn’t speaking in English, but I head
her talking. I knew what was happening. I knew what the Word said. She was asking, “Where did
you take Him?” “Let me know. He’s gone. Where is He?” I heard the angels responding. I could
understand what they were saying. I could hear their voices. Some of it sounds like melodies
when they speak. Some of it is so soothing and amazing. Some of it booms like huge drums, the
thunder or something, but they weren’t thundering that day. She was grieving. So they talked to
her. She comes outside the tomb. So she turns around and sees Jesus. She thought He was a
gardener. Because He had His back turned and was smelling the flowers. And she ran up to Him,
and I knew what she said, because I knew what it said in the Word of God. So she said: “Where
is He? Have you taken Him away? Tell me, and I’ll go get Him.” And He turned around, and as He
was turning, He said her name. So she didn’t know who He was, until literally when He turned
and said her name… He turned and He goes: “Mary!” Let me tell you, her heart jumped! It
jumped outside of her. And she ran to grab Him… He hadn’t poured out His blood on the mercy
seat yet. He had to do that. Now the work of the cross, that was done. He had done the work of
the blood covenant. It was sealed. He paid that price. Then He went into Hell. He did
the enemy openly, braggingly, openly so they would know forever and
ever. You aren’t never touching Me. You have no power over God. You have no power over
anyone that belongs to Him, because they’re made in our image, and He knew if He ever got to
go up there and share, because He was always sharing the message. He’s already telling people
to repent. Receive Me, and you will never thirst again. They knew that they were doomed
eventually but they were still going to fight against it. So He openly defeated them. Then His
next job was to go to Heaven and pour out that blood. So He told Mary:
“Run and go tell the others! Run!” And let me tell you, she ran away as fast
as she could. She could not wait to tell them that He had risen. Then I followed
Him. He had about a thousand angels with Him. One of them had this beautiful urn, it looked like
mother of pearl. I knew that it probably had His blood in it. It did… And I actually followed
Him up through the heavenlies. Let me tell you, they had to go right
through the second heaven. There wasn’t hardly anybody there, because
they were all still down there weeping and crying over their defeat. There
were some up there, and let me tell you, He bust the biggest hole through there.
#185) Kat Kerr – Resurrection to the Throne Room of God Part 1
“So they went up past up into Heaven, all the thousands of angels, and
Jesus Christ, the Son of God was on the way up to the Throne Room of God,
and I just followed them up there. I tell you, millions of angels poured out of Heaven.
That was the first time Christ had been back, since He went to the earth. Except the time He was
glorified, when they appeared with Him on the mount. But He on the way back to see His Daddy.
He was bringing the evidence to pour out on the mercy seat of God. I followed Him in there,
millions of angels poured out of Heaven and escorted Him there. The Throne Room doors
were thrown wide open, and angels were laying prostrate as far as I could
see in that place, as the Son of glory walked up to that throne. In front of the
Father, they had a golden altar there. They had this beautiful, it was like a banner or a piece of
fabric. It was laid over it, like it was alive. I could not explain that to you. Fabrics are alive in
Heaven. Buildings are alive! Your clothes make music when you wear them. You walk down the
streets of gold and music comes out of your clothes. It’s a supernatural place.
So He walks up there, and the angel hands Him this urn, and the Father stood up. There was
nothing said. Absolute silence in the Throne Room of God, and a word
appeared, I could just see over around Him, and a word appeared on there.
It was like “hate”, or “murder”, everything would appear… and He would
lean and drop one drop of His blood, His holy precious blood. It was like
water hitting a hot skillet. It would go “ssssh!” It evaporated. He didn’t cover it
up. It hasn’t been hidden. He destroyed it, and evaporated it, and that’s exactly what happens
when you repent and you receive Him. That’s what happens to your sins. He doesn’t remember
them any more because they’re wiped out.
#186) Kat Kerr – Resurrection to the Throne Room of God Part 2
“He stood there and one word at a time appeared, when I gave my illustration, my sketch to my
artist, he decided to let you see a list. He wanted to give you an idea, all these words appeared,
one by one. They were dissolved by the Blood of Christ. The last one was “death”. And it seemed
like I was there a long time. When death appeared on that thing, and that last
drop of blood hit that, it hit that and went “ssssh!”, and death was gone.
The Father raises His arms and yells: “Yes!” (See, we didn’t create that either.) When
He yelled “Yes!”, all of the angels jumped up and started screaming, and dancing, and
celebrating, and it went on and on. And they were grabbing Jesus and hugging Him. They were
worshipping Him. It was celebration big-time in Heaven! Because they had had a great victory.
And forever and all time, all sins could be forgiven. They could be wiped out by the blood sacrifice
of Jesus Christ. And then at the last moment (that story is in my book, but this part is not in the
book, and He wants to make sure I tell you). All of a sudden, the floor opened in front
of the throne, and I literally could see all the way into Hell. I saw Satan on
his face. I saw him beaten and bruised. The feathers of his wings were
filthy. He’s just been rubbed in the dirt of Hell. He had scars all over him, where every
gemstone had been plucked off of him. I saw him. I have seen him with the gemstones. I’ve seen
him. He was beautiful beyond description. Beautiful, and here’s this utter defeated being laying
there, his wings just laying in the dust, every gemstone plucked off of his being. Not a single one
left on there. And when the Father had said “Yes!”, all of a sudden, Satan raise
his arms, and he goes: “No!”, and when he did that, I heard this, I’ll never
forget the sound “clamp!” “clamp!”. Bracelets appeared on his wrists with
a little thing on it like that. Guess what that’s for? When they bind him with the
chain, and throw him in the bottomless pit. He already has the hardware on him to bind him. It
was God letting Him know, “I am not done with you yet!” They are a continual reminder for what’s
coming for him. That when the time comes, at the end of the tribulation when he is taken, and
they bind him with the chain, they’re going to put it through those loops and bracelets, and bind
him and throw him in a bottomless pit for a thousand years. And that will be the millennial reign
on this earth.
#187) Kat Kerr – The Park
“There’s a place called “The Park” in Heaven. I don’t think I have been able to share it in detail
with people. I tell them there’s animals there, a lot of animals. It’s an amazing
place. It’s huge. There’s no fences. There’s no cages. There’s nothing to keep the
animals in. They don’t have to be. Nothing up there is wild. It’s not going to harm you.”
Animals – Dinosaurs Part 1
“Nothing evil exists in Heaven. They actually welcome you to come and pet them,
touch them, even ride on some of them. Every animal that He’s ever
created, even though you don’t see it on this earth, it is in Heaven. There
are unicorns in Heaven, because God created them. They are real creatures,
not mythical. There are dinosaurs of every kind in Heaven because God
created them, not Satan. They may not have been around when Noah went on the Ark,
but they were here when God originally created the earth before He put Adam and Eve, before
the Ice Age came, which was not caused by a cataclysmic event, it was caused by God when He
blew on it. Because He was tired of Satan when he was cast down from Heaven, destroying the
planet that He created. He knew he couldn’t do anything to a block of ice, and he didn’t have the
power to defrost it. There are animals in Heaven that we don’t know about that our books and
science tell them us about them. There are even T-Rexs, there’s pterodactyls, all
the ones that you saw as you grew up in earth science, reading about them,
only they’re tame. And children love for me to share this. You can ride on
them. They’re not going to eat you. They’ll follow you around like pets.
They’ll want you to pet them. Sit near them. They love humans. So God has created
every kind of animal. Even the fish in the sea. Even fish that don’t exist now, that existed back
then there’s some very strange looking ones. They’re in the Crystal Sea. But when you go the
park, people it there and picnic while the dinosaurs walk around them. The kids run and play with
them. They get on the pterodactyls and go for a ride. One of their wings would go from one end of
this wall to the other. They are huge creatures. The T-Rex’s, there’s no way that even half of their
body would fit in this building. Some of them are 50 and 60 feet high, and on earth, they would
weigh tons. One leg might fit in this building, and yet, no one is afraid of them, because they’re
not going to harm you. Beautiful horses. All kinds of animals that God created. The Lions will
lay next to you. You can pet their mane. Little kids braid it, try to put
ribbons in it. You have to get a whole different mindset about Heaven. It’s amazing. All of the
birds will come and sing to you while you eat your food. They won’t try to steal it
#188) Kat Kerr – Animals – Dinosaurs Part 2
“You can ride any of the horses, they’re not going to buck you off… Some of
the animals, and I know you might find it strange to say this, but some of
them talk. In the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve were first placed there. The animals
communicated with them. I have proof. If that were not true, when that snake came and sat next
to Eve, she would have either beaten it to death, or she would have ran for her life because I
promise you, if an eight foot snake comes next to you and starts talking, you are not going to talk
back to it, and she would not have either. But after evil entered into this planet, besides before
that, no animal on this planet ever ate each other. They weren’t vicious and they weren’t wild.
They were all tame. But when sin entered into this earth, and Adam and Even gave up their
power and authority. Sin affected everything, including the animals. They were
taken away the ability to communicate. They turned on each other, and
even wanted to turn on humans. But in Heaven, everything has been
restored the way it was in the Garden of Eden. So you know what? You better be
good to your pets! Because if you aren’t, when you get to Heaven, they may say something to
you… It’s real. They do exist in Heaven, and it isn’t because they have a spirit or a soul, it’s
because you love them. And yes, God lets you have them. So remember to be nice to them.
#189) Kat Kerr – A Place Called Creation Lab
“…One of my most favorite places to talk about is Creation Lab. There’s a reason why they call it
a “lab”. You know what you do in a laboratory. What do you do? You experiment. God has plans
for you on the new earth. He’s shown me before I was taken to Heaven, He’s shown me through
the move of God, through the millennial reign, before He ever took me to Heaven. He’s shown me
ages to come. You actually get to go in this place called Creation Lab. One of the things they do
in there is, there’s this huge big room, a massive room, and I’m sure more things get
created. You have to create the door to get in. Don’t think you’re not going to
use your faith. You might not be using it to be healed, to get your rent paid,
or for God to fulfill the vision, but you’ll still have to use it, use faith to
create, now on this earth… Everything you get is by faith from God. He is moved by the
faith of people, and you get to a level where you go from believing to having faith. And there is a
level where you cross over, and you go: “I’ve been saying it. I’ve been saying it.” You say you’re
believing it, but when something happens in “here”, then your spirit, something clicks, and it
doesn’t matter what anyone says to you, no one’s ever going to steal it from you, you’re in faith.
That’s the difference. But it’s important to declare things, because it builds it,
and when you declare what God said, that’s still the Word of God. Faith
cometh by hearing and hearing by the spoken Word of God. And if it’s you
speaking His Word, it’s still building faith.
If you don’t having anything else, get the Bible out and start declaring
things He’s said about you. Really! But you have to have faith to create the door to get
in Creation Lab, or you’re never getting in there
#190) Kat Kerr – Creation Lab
“One of the places in Heaven I went to, it’s absolutely amazing. It still actually mystifies
me. there is a place in Heaven where you are taught to create, because we
are sons and daughters. Our Father wants us to learn what He does. We are supposed to
be like our Father. So there is a place called Creation Lab. When you go up to this place, there
are no entrances to it. You have to use your faith to get in there. So people who thought you’d
never have to use your faith again, you’re wrong! I went up there several times. I couldn’t get in. I
didn’t know what was wrong! I wanted to know if God was made at me which was ridiculous. So
finally the Holy Spirit said: “You have to just ask.” I asked Him what He meant, He said: “Just
believe that you can enter into that place.” I said, “There’s no door!” He
said: “You make the door”. Remember? It’s Creation Lab. So you’re trained before you
ever get in there. You have to use your faith. So I just walked up to it the next time, I
go: “Father, I believe that I can enter into that place.” A doorway
appeared. There were no handles on it. So I had the door, but I still didn’t have any way to get
in there. I thought: “Should I go up there and knock?” I’m telling you, the angels laugh hysterically
at me all of the time. I know they record every thing I do, because they show it over for reruns. So
now I’m standing in front of this, I’m like, I believed I could get in, and there’s the door. He said:
“You believed you could get in, but you have to believe that you will enter
in.” So you’re like right there. And how many things in our lives does that happen to us? We kind
of believe God, but we never take that next step. You have to use faith. It blesses the Father. He
responds to your faith, no your need. I know that might sound harsh, but He wants you to use
faith. He exists. He wants to help you. So then I walked up to it and said: “Father, I
believe I can enter in.” And from out of nowhere, that door split down the
middle and opened up. So now I go to go in! So when I was inside, I didn’t know
what else to do next!”
#191) Kat Kerr – Creation Lab
“The first time He took me there, I was so totally blown away, there wasn’t even a door to get into
the place…Cause you’re going to have to use your faith, not because of battle’s and trials, but
because He’s training you. Because you see, when He speaks, He knows it’s going to happen.
He will train you even to get into this place. You have to believe that you can enter in. That’s what
He told me when I first saw this beautiful building it’s an emerald green building ,it’s fantastic!
There’s this light that emanates from it and it’s a green color you’ve never seen in your life. Green
represents life… I wanted to get in and I’m standing there going. “I can’t get in Lord!”, and He
goes, “You have to believe that you can get in!” So I go up to this wall with no entrance, if He tells
me to do something, I’m going to go do it…
So I stand outside this place, and I’m going: “I believe I can enter in and nothing
happens. And I said, “Well, Lord, I tried to enter in“, He said: “No you
didn’t, you were just saying something. You have to say it from here.” So, I
stood there and I went: “I believe I can get into this place!” and a doorway appeared. I was
shocked! I was standing there, I walked right up thinking it was going to open, and I run into it.
And I went, “Well there’s the door, but it didn’t open” You’ve got to BELIEVE that you can
enter in, not just get in.” So I’m ready now, I walk up and go: “I BELIEVE I
can enter in!” and it opens all by itself. So I run in there and don’t have any idea what
I’m going to do next. I’m trying to look at everything all at the same time
#192) Kat Kerr – The Dinosaurs Part 1
“So I went into this place, and I’m looking around, and I didn’t know what I was going to do next,
and He said: “What do you want to do?” He actually asked me! I said: “Well,
I have always wanted to see when you originally created the earth. I want
to see the time the dinosaurs were there. I always wanted to know that He made
them… So I knew God had created the dinosaurs, and He said: “Step forward!” I stepped forward
into this amazing room. I couldn’t even see the roof of this place on the inside. It was amazing!
And this platform raises up out of the middle of the floor, I didn’t even see one before, I stepped
on it, and I’m waiting. And all of a sudden, all around me was a “hologram”. It was so real, I felt
like I was there. It was amazing! It was like if I touched it, I really thought that I could feel it! But it
wasn’t. It was a “recording” of when God literally created the earth. When you get there,
you’re going to get to see Him when He originally created the earth that
had the dinosaurs on it. When He created the Ice Age to stop Satan from
destroying this planet. When He put Adam and Eve here. You’re actually going to get to
see it. You’re not going to I wonder how He did it. But I tell you what, there is NO such thing as
evolution. And just for your information, Darwin went to Heaven. He repented before
he died. They even found the Bible open by his nightstand with words written on it by him. Yes,
he regrets having brought that theory, never knowing or thinking that it would become a religion,
or a belief system. But God forgave even him for that. If he could come down here now, it would
be a whole different story. But the evolutionist wouldn’t like that. That’s shows you how far
reaching God’s love and mercy is. So guess what? He knows who created the heavens and the
earth. He knows things didn’t evolve. That they were created by the Most High God who created
everything that ever existed.
#193) Kat Kerr – The Dinosaurs Part 2
“I was right there while the dinosaurs were roaming the earth. The pterodactyls. You know what
was strange? The earth looked different. It had different plants on it that no longer exist here.
There were flowers as tall as buildings. Even the pterodactyls could nest in the middle of the
flowers. I’ve never shared a lot of this with anybody. One of the dinosaur eggs could fit five people
inside of it. There were tremendous beings and creatures that they haven’t even discovered were
on the planet on that time. And you know what? None of them ate each other. Not
when they were first created. There was no hate, no evil. They all ate plants. But when
Satan was cast down from Heaven, when he rebelled, he was sent down to this earth. And if you
will find and read in the Word, it says, he made it a wilderness. They were not talking about when
Adam and Eve were here. This was before He created them. When He saw the
evil happening on His planet, over the earth and around the earth, it looked
like it was encased in a big bubble. And it was a water bubble. I’m not saying
that you were swimming in it, but their was literally a bubble that enveloped the earth that was
filled with water. That caused extra saturation on the planet. It didn’t even rain back then. The
dew and the mist that came from this bubble that enveloped the whole earth brought water to the
foliage. There were lakes on the earth at that time, that water came up from the ground. So it was
a totally different thing to exist back then. I did not see man on the earth. There were not
cavemen on the earth like they say their were during the dinosaur days. A
lot of things they’re trying to claim are the “missing link” were actually
apes… They were from great apes that existed at that time.”
#194) Kat Kerr – The Dinosaurs Part 3
“No man lived on this planet until He created Adam and Eve. So that part
the creationists were right about. It was around 6,000 years ago. But what
they don’t understand was that millions of years happened here before
they were created. That’s why the scientists will say this planet is millions of years old, and
the Creationists say it can only be 6,000 years old. Well yes, man was created back then, but this
planet existed long before that. Because when they were talking about the war in the Heavens,
when Lucifer rebelled, he was cast down here with one third of the angels, Adam and Eve were
not on this planet. And it says clearly in the Word, they were cast down to the earth. So he
decided, since I can’t take over Heaven, I’ll take over His planet. And guess what God did?
He broke that water bubble. It flooded and covered the entire earth and He
froze it. That is what we call the ice age. When God was ready to put man on this
earth, it says that His Spirit hovered over the waters, because no land was visible at that time. So
He remove the land from the waters, separated it, and created the earth as we know it now. And
then He started putting things on it. The plants, the animals. But not the same animals. That’s
why their aren’t dinosaurs. That’s why they find entire ones frozen, they say it
had to be done in an instant, because they even found dinner in their
stomachs that had not been digested. So it had to be a rapid thing that
happened. It was, God blew on it, and froze it into an ice-ball, because
Satan could do nothing to it while it was a frozen hunk of ice.”
#195) Kat Kerr – Creation and Creativity as God’s Children
“And so yes He did do it in six days, not 6,000 years. I know some people
say well, “There’s no way He could have done it in six days, oh yes He did. I
saw it. When you get there, you get to see it yourself. It was absolutely beautiful. The waters
coming up. The land separated. The waters coming up from beneath. The trees, the birds, the
fish. There is no such thing as evolution. It’s creation. God created the Heavens and the earth,
and He created you and me to have dominion over it. There are many other things in that place,
and the reason He has it, is because on the new earth. You will learn to create. You will literally
get to create. Not people. He’s the only One that can do that. I have some more information for
you, and it’s going to be even more shocking. On the new earth, when you go on
vacation, you’ll go to other planets. When you get to those other planets,
you will get to create. You get to create flowers, trees, beautiful things. We
are going to be like our Father in Heaven. We are made in His image. We are not
God, but we will be like Him. No one ever has to die again to bring salvation, that’s only once, and
it will never will be done again. You don’t lose anything by accepting Christ and going to
Heaven. It is an amazing awesome place, and He wants His children to enjoy
that creativity. Why wouldn’t He create other places for us to go? Why
wouldn’t we visit planets? We don’t have to breathe, we don’t have to have a space suit.
Why wouldn’t He make something for us like that? He is unlimited in what He does for His
He’s shown me way into the millennial reign, I don’t have time to tell you all of that.
He showed me that before He ever took me to Heaven. I’ve been operating in the prophetic for
over 30 years… I didn’t expect the trips to Heaven, but I’ve seen Heaven on earth many times.
#196) Kat Kerr – The First State of the Earth
“First you see how the earth split into the different land masses, cause it
was one land mass. Isn’t that awesome? And then you actually see the whole process of
time. How God brought the Ice Age, how He froze it with His breath. How He defrosted it with His
breath. And in verse 2, the rest of it starts. In between (Gen) 1:1, and 1:2 are millions
of years. And you see all of it standing here. You see Adam and Eve being created…”
Where We Came From
“Where did Adam’s spirit come from God? He breathed out from Himself. Everyone of you came
from inside God. We were spirits. Little spirits. We were His offspring. Is that what the Word says?
You’re His offspring. You lived some place before you came to this earth. It was inside God.
Inside God is eternity. He doesn’t have organs like us. He’s not human. If you stepped in
Him, you’d see the most beautiful land you‘ve ever seen. The holy mount of
God. The stones of fire are inside Him. The stones of fire are the heart of
#197) Kat Kerr – A Lot of Wanna-Be’s Get to Be!
“John 14:2-3, ‘In My Father’s house…’, that would be the planet called Heaven, ‘are many
mansions‘. Then He says, He’s going to prepare a place for you. That means you individually,
He’s going to make you a place so perfect and so amazing that you will absolutely love it. That’s
why He makes one for everybody. Everybody has their own place, but you visit each other all of
the time. He lets you share all of the things you’ve got. You bless people all of the time. He lets
you use your gifts in Heaven so that no matter what you were, a chef, a designer, a baker, you
could have been someone who designed fashions, or maybe you were a musician (they have a
lot of musicians in Heaven) A lot of wanna-be’s, you get to be! You may not have
ever played an instrument in your life down here, you go up there, you’ll be
able to play, and you get to learn from some of the greatest people. The great
artists, if they made it, you get to learn from them! They have a place in Heaven called “Word
University”, you will learn the Word of God, whether you do it down here, or when you go
home to Heaven. The good thing about Heaven is this, don’t wait till you get there. You need
to have some knowledge of it, but the person who wrote the book, teaches
the class! Some people go, “Oh, I gotta go to school!” Wouldn’t you want to hear from the one
who wrote that book
#198) Kat Kerr – Ask The Disciples What You Want to Know
“It is the most exciting, fascinating, adventurous place you could live in, and that’s one of the
reasons why they don’t want to come back, and they get to do those things with the Father and
with Jesus. The disciples come to your home looking for you, so you can go for
walks and ask them everything you ever wanted to know. There’s a place in
Heaven where you can see the entire Bible recorded and watch it. The whole
thing…the way it actually happened. God knows what you want to know….
The closer we get to the last days, He is going to catching up a lot of people, literally thousands
of people all over the world are taken without dying
#199) Kat Kerr – Tell My People I Have Keys
“There are too many testimonies, where people were dying and descending into Hell, and Christ
caught them and said: “This person is praying for you. I have to give you a chance.” And He
said: “Tell My people. I have keys. I go into Hell when I want to, beyond the
grave when I want to, and even at death if I want to. My Word if you make a
stand and you stand there for. And it says, “If you abide in Me and My
Words abide in you, you shall ask what you will, and it shall be done unto
you.” You make a stand in faith for your family members salvation, the Word says: “Your and
your household MIGHT be saved? It says, “Will be saved!” So if you’re standing for your family
members salvation, guess what happens? God said their will be many people you’d thought
would never make it to Heaven. Even if they’re in comas, their spirit is awake. He
can go in the spirit to them, while they’re in a coma and speak to them. If
you’re with somebody in the hospital and they’re in that, you preach the
gospel to them. Their spirit can hear it. Because He has the keys. He said:
“They’re not hanging on some pretty hook in Heaven.” He said: “I have
them. They’re Mine. I paid a price, and I use them when I want to.” So that’s
some new revelation for you.
Why do you think He got the keys? He uses them, but He needs your words. Your words
produce power and weapons for Him to use against the enemy.. But He walked
over to Satan after defeating all of the hierarchy, and He stripped everything off of him, and one
by one, plucked those gemstones off of his being. And he laid their in absolute, utter defeat. Then
He ascended back up through the tomb. And the stone was rolled away.
#200) Kat Kerr – Even More About the Portal
“They hear you all of the time. ALL the time. Make sure you’re saying good
things down here to each other too! They do because God made a way for them to see
and hear you. They go to the portal as often as they want to. They look down, they see every
special event in your life. They never missed a baby being born. They never missed anything
significant in your life on this earth. He lets them see them all… I actually just heard from
somebody who heard all of my testimonies about the portal, and he answered something I didn’t
know. I go into mansions all of the time and see things, I have no idea of
what they are, I’ve seen like monitors or screens on whole walls. I didn’t
know what they were. They could be portals to step into and go someplace
else in Heaven. They have a lot of those places like that. I’ve never actually seen one
activated when I was there. I didn’t know what they were. “He said, God caught him up one time
and several mansions and are like televisions. He said, you actually have a channel
that you can dial into and watch your family on earth from your mansion.
And there’s other places you can dial in and see different places on the
earth to see what is happening on the earth, right there in your mansion,
and that actually seems reasonable. But God made a place for you to come together,
corporately to see things on the earth, because when one family gets saved, everybody in that
place runs over and congratulates you, and you have a big party.”
#201) Kat Kerr – More From the Cloud of Witnesses
“Anytime you blow a kiss, they catch it! They hear you every time you talk to them.
He makes sure they’re listening. They haven’t missed anything important in your life.
They haven’t missed anything significant in your life. “I wish so and so were there.” Well guess
what? They were. They saw it all. They got more excited than you did. They didn’t miss any
babies being born. No one being married, especially being born again. They have parties when
that happens. Cause that means one day, you’re coming home.
#202) Kat Kerr – Warrior Angels Sang with Gabriel at Annunciation
“The warring angels don’t do anything but fight for us. They don’t cross over and do other things.
Their was a day when they did do something, I’m going to give you revelation in scripture. It was
the day Jesus was born. If you understood the significance of this, you’d understand why the
shepherds were terrified. Because it said: “Great fear came over them”. I’ll tell you why…
Because it wasn’t the worshipping angels they saw singing in the heavens. They were kicked out
with Lucifer. Do you remember one third of the angels (Some people need a Bible lesson)? When
Lucifer was kicked out of Heaven, one third of the angels went with him. There are three
archangels, that would be Michael over all the armies; Gabriel is over the scribe angels, the
courier angels, the messenger angels; and, Lucifer was over the worship angels. One third of the
angels were created just to worship God. We replace them, by the way. We replace them, that’s
why the enemy hates it when you worship, because we’re taking their place. They lost it. So
guess what? When Jesus was born it wasn’t the worship angels that came with
Gabriel, it was the host. It says: “A great host appeared in the
heavenlies”. That is the name for the armies of Heaven. They’re always called “the host”.
Michael is always called the “captain of the host”. The host are a different category of
angel. They look completely different from other angels. Some of them are so
powerful, they look like they are made of some metal alloy. It looks like
bolts hold their feathers in. Their shoulders are five to ten feet wide. Some
of them have facets cut into their face. Some of them are the weapon.
Those are the ones who came to sing for the birth of Christ. A great host
appeared in the skies. Great fear came over the shepherds. First Gabriel, who is beautiful beyond
description, Gabriel is absolutely beautiful. He is the messenger angel, so he came to deliver the
message. But all the host singing, were the warring angels. I can imagine how they felt when they
said: “You get a new assignment!” It wont’ be fighting the enemy today. You will be singing in the
choir! And so I can imagine what they felt when they saw some of these created beings in the
heavens singing. I don’t even know what that sounded like, but I’m sure great fear would come
over them, because I’ve seen some of them. They’re twenty, to fifty, to sixty feet high… Some of
them use swords. Some of them have hi-tech weapons…”
 “I’ve seen many things on the earth I knew came from Heaven.
#203) Kat Kerr – The Atmosphere in Your Home
“He says: “Please stop talking about the doom and gloom”. The enemy doesn’t need any help,
ok? We’re not ignorant. We know what the enemy has planned. We know God’s got plans that
surpass his. Amen, and just like before, when He didn’t know what God was going to do, in
Heaven when he was going around deceiving all of the angels, God said nothing. And he thought
that God was stupid. He didn’t know what He was doing. He thought he could get away with it all.
Did He know what He was doing? Yes He did! And when He was ready, He kicked him out. Well
He’s got some plans that He’s going to be revealing on this earth. What He’s going to with
believers, He’s never done before. You need to wake up every morning, expecting God to use
you. You need to wake up every morning and start talking to Them: “Good
morning Father, I love You.” “Good morning Jesus, my beloved, I love You.”
Good morning Holy Spirit, my best friend, I love you.” I can’t wait to see
what you’re going to do with me today.” “I can’t wait to see what you’re
going to reveal to me today”. I know I’m going to make a difference in this
world for you. It doesn’t matter what’s going on in my life, what I have or
don’t have, You hold my life in your hands. You are my provider. You are my
protector.” You’re just worshipping Him. Do you know what? The devil won’t want to hang
around your house. Amen? That’s what you do when you think things have gone wrong, it’s just
God transitioning you. He’s actually removed people from their jobs, because He’s about to give
you your own business. He’s going to have a lot of entrepreneurs in the last day. He’s going to do
so many things to the marketplace. It will stun this world what God is going to do with you. Amen?
And that’s why He’s letting people know who He is. We need to know.”
Dunamis – 3 Operatives of Darkness
#204) Kat Kerr – You’re Always Watched
“In Heaven there is no time, and I’ve been there so many times, I live my life that way. Most of the
time I couldn’t tell you what day it was; even where I was. Sometimes I forget where I am. It
doesn’t matter. I’m just here to share about God and about Heaven. Because you need to be
changed. You need to be empowered. You need to know who you are. You need to be excited to
be alive right now. Your loved ones in Heaven, if they could come back, it would be for one
reason, to run with you in this race and the things you’re going to do…”
“Your words are powerful. They release stuff into the atmosphere. When you declare things for
God into the atmosphere here, when you worship, when you pray, you suck the air away from the
enemy. He is the prince and power of the air. He wants to control everything that passes through
the air. All sounds, frequencies, words, it doesn’t matter. He wants it all. He actually gets us to
pollute the atmosphere for him so he can take it. Now when you do that stuff, you take it away
from him, but when you do the opposite, you pollute it. I can tell you what comes out of your
mouth when you speak words of life to people, that life of God pours out of your mouth, and
engulfs people, your home, the places where you are. But when you shred people, backbite,
gossip, a cesspool comes out of your mouth, and you pollute the atmosphere, and the enemy
comes in and collects it. God collects your worship, the enemy collects just the opposite. Who do
you want to give a supply to? This is what God’s doing in the last days, He’s letting you know
what goes on. This is not all that exists that you’re seeing with your natural eyes. There is another
whole realm around you that was here before you were here. Heaven is a spiritual realm, you live
a spiritual life in your body up there, like you live in this physical world. Hell is a spiritual realm.
The demonic are spiritual beings. The angels are spiritual beings. And all that, stuff is around your
life. Everybody sees your life. You need to live your life like you’re being watched
all of the time. You are. You really are, and when you sin, the enemy marks
you in the spirit realm, and then all they have to do is you walk around with
all these things on you because you fell into sin and every demon you walk
past knows you just did something wrong. He doesn’t have enough demons to go
around every person in this world. So Heaven’s army, they have a way they operate. Hell has an
army that has a way they operate.” Heaven’s army has a way that they operate. Every time you
do something for God amazing wonderful things for God, you know on the inside you have
something beautiful and God cuts another facet in you. The Word says that you will “shine like the
stars in the Heavens”. You shall become precious living stones. He’s not talking about a river
rock. He’s talking like a diamond. Precious living stones that reflect His glory and His love. So
when one of those spiritual beings look at you they can see light coming from you, or they can
see scum on you, and the enemy will hunt you and try to get you to fall again and again. That’s
why it’s important to repent when you sin. You didn’t do it secretly. Trust me, it’s not a secret when
you leave wherever you did it. You’re being watched. This is the reality of what’s going
on around you. And you either draw Heaven in your home or your life, or
Hell in your life. God doesn’t want Hell in your life. And you know Christ, the reason He was
so successful, it because as He said “there is no of him in me”. There was nothing of the enemy
in Him. He guarded His heart. You don’t want to get darkness inside of you, amen?
“Father, I repent for every ungodly, unkind, hurtful, negative, wasteful words I’ve ever spoken.
Please wipe them from my record. I renounce any association with any words I spoke from the
enemy. And Father, as an act of my will, I choose to forgive anyone who has lied about me,
spoken against me, or hurt me with their words. I want them free. So help me to act like they
never said it. And I break the power of the enemy over my life, my home, my finances, my body,
and my destiny. I am free from any of those words. Amen!
# 205) Kat Kerr – Mansions
He’s created mansions that are beyond your imagination for you. Not everybody wants something
that looks like the White House… I’ve seen aqua mansions under the Crystal Sea, I’ve seen sky
mansions that are on these 200 foot pedestals into the skies of Heaven, and they look a whole lot
like the prayer tower at ORU. The beauty and design that’s in them, you can see all over Heaven
from them, you walk in to this column and say what floor you want, and it zips you up there. God
has amazing things for you in Heaven. Things that you love. Colors you like. Designs you like.
He’s uses some of them, but He goes way beyond that. And you’ll never stop being blessed and
surprised when you live in Heaven because your Daddy keeps giving you things when you get
You don’t need “night time” because you never get tired. You don’t have to sleep…
They keep saying: “Man you look good!” “Man you look good!” “Man you
look good!” You hear that a lot in Heaven
# 206) Kat Kerr – Dinner at Your Mansion – Doors to other Places
But the thing He does that will amaze you all of the time is that you can go in your mansion and
enjoy living there, if you don’t want a kitchen you won’t get a kitchen, women. If you don’t want to
cook, you don’t have to cook people. You’ll sit at your dining room and sometimes
they’ll seat fifty people in your dining room. Your chandeliers are solid
diamonds. They don’t give you anything cheap in Heaven. Rainbows shoot
all over inside your house from those beautiful things that He gives you
there. Everyone will come sit down. You’ll say what you want to eat. It appears on the plates,
and when you’re done it disappears…
Your property is also designed just for you. You go outside an you’ll see a door suspended. Just a
door. It’s going to show you how there’s no space in Heaven. No limit to space. You’ve got
beautiful things all around there, things you always wanted to do but couldn’t afford it. God gives
it to you in Heaven to bless you. I was taken one time and saw a huge family having a picnic.
They were playing all over this beautiful lawn, and there was a door suspended, just like right
here, just hanging in the air. God said “Walk around it.” I walked around it, there’s the back of the
door. I walked around it, there’s the front of the door. Then He goes: “Now open it”. When I
opened that door and stepped in, I was in an entirely different place taking
up the same space as that person’s property and their mansion. And He
said: “This belongs to them too”. I couldn’t see the end of this place. I was
somewhere on the Crystal Sea. It was absolutely beautiful, and all I did was walk
through that door. Because you know what? There’s no space limit in Heaven. This takes up one
place in one space, right? If you tried to put a car here, would something happen? Yes! But in
Heaven, you can have more than one thing taking up the same space in Heaven. There’s realms
within realms in Heaven, because God is a supernatural God. Amen?
#206) Kat Kerr – Whitney Houston in Heaven
“I was sitting on the front row, waiting to speak somewhere, I think it was out in Phoenix, or
Arizona somewhere, and God caught me up to His throne, and I saw Whitney
Houston receiving a reward. Some of you may not understand that, if they receive Him…
If they receive Jesus Christ, even the night before they die, they’re going to Heaven. And that’s
exactly what she did. God knows the hearts of the people. All I can tell you is that she was there,
and she looked gorgeous. And she was undone, by standing in front of the Father. And He was
telling her this, “Because you were willing to use the gift I made you to be,
and you sang the song I put in you and released it in the earth, I’m going to
give you some of my own personal songs that have never been sung, not
even in Heaven.” And He reached behind and picked up this beautiful chest about “this big”,
the most beautiful… it had pearls, beautiful design and colors on it. I didn’t know what to say, I
was just watching, it was beautiful, and He opened it. And I “saw” music. In Heaven you see
aromas. You see music. You walk on roads of light and rainbow bridges in Heaven. You can even
ride on music, when you worship God. So this beautiful, like garnet color, came out, was swirling,
and I heard this song, so captivating, and it was beautiful. And it began to swirl around Whitney
Houston, and it was like life was coming into her. She didn’t know what to do, she was so
overwhelmed. I still get goose bumps talking about it.
And I was so blessed He let me see her. And she was so in love with Him, and He said: “Because
you used your gift, I’m giving you one of My own personal gifts.” And it began to wrap around her.
He said: “I’m giving you garments of praise.” They’re real! Those are real, something tangible and
real. You can wear music in Heaven. When it stopped coming out of the box, she was wearing the
most beautiful gown. This garnet gown, and everywhere she moved, her arm or anything, that
song came off of her. And He said: “Everywhere you go in Heaven, people are going to hear that
song. They’re going to know I gave you that as a gift.” He said: “When you get to your
mansion and you go to your treasure room, there’s a lot more of those
Say: “Awesome God!”
So I’m going to write that all down and give it to Whitney’s mother and grandmother. By the
way, I was traveling when I heard someone say, “Did you hear Whitney
Houston passed?” And the second I heard those words, the Holy Spirit said:
“She sang her salvation!” Does anyone know what happened the night before she died?
Some people might know. I didn’t know when I heard Him say that, but I found out later, that after
she had done something, or gone somewhere, or something, her friend talked her into going to
this bar and grill place, whatever it was, and they talked her into getting up on the platform and
singing. And she didn’t want to do it. And they said, “We made her get up there and sing. We
wanted to hear her sing.” She sure wasn’t in really good shape at the time, and guess what she
sang? Out of any song she could have picked on the earth, because she was desperate, she
sang “Yes, Jesus Loves Me”. And they have witnesses that will tell you, she sang it with
everything she had within her, and God said, “Once she sang that, she gave herself back to Me”
#207 Kat Kerr – Going Up to the Throne
“And you come home to Heaven and Jesus will come looking for you. He is
the One that takes you up the steps of the throne and takes you back to the
Father. You don’t have to look for Him. You don’t have to wonder, “When am I going to meet
Him?” You come In. You begin to enter into the Throne Room, the temple of God in Heaven is
beautiful. One day we won’t need a new temple on the new earth. Isn’t that fantastic? Right now
there is a temple. There is a Throne Room, and the living creatures, I used to picture them
looking at all of the people, like this, but they look at Them. Like here’s God, and the throne high
and lifted up. Four sets of steps going up to the throne. And you run up there any time you want
to, to be with Him. And you walk in there, and here’s these living creatures with the eyes…
And when someone comes home for the first time, people part like the Red Sea. They know
you’re new, you’re gawking at everything. You know how you go to a wonderful place, and you’re
going like (gasp) Look at that! Look! Look! Look! People go down and look at a blade of grass
But when you come in for the first time, and they part like the Red Sea, and Jesus comes down
the steps and gets you on His arm. That’s enough to make anyone melt. I can tell you He’s about
6’ tall. He’s got dark curls that go all over His head about down to “here”. He’s got a neatly
trimmed beard and mustache. He’s very muscular. He is not weak looking in any way. The
glory that comes from His being is like a million diamonds, but He dims that
glory so you can see Him face to face. You’re trying to tell Him how much
you love Him, and He’s saying one thing, “Oh, but you have to see the
Father. I can’t wait for you to meet the Father. He loved you enough to send
Me. You’ve got to meet the One who made you.” So you’re still trying to love on
Him. You feel like your legs are turning into jelly, your spiritual legs, and you’re walking up the
steps of this throne that’s high and lifted up , and if you look down on any of the steps,
you see creation, something being created somewhere in Heaven. It flows
from Him. You hear life going in and out of God, this loud sssshhh! In and out of God; and you
hear rumblings and thunder. And you get excited… And you’re standing there next to the King of
Kings, walking up these steps to meet the One who made you, and the light is so brilliant coming
from the Father, and then these bands of the rainbow, they’re not just a rainbow, it goes like this,
by the way. It’s like a circle that goes into the floor. It appears up into the atmosphere of the glory
that sits over His throne. And it actually moves in and out of Him like this. Like waves of
these beautiful colors moving in and out of God’s person. You get up there and
stand, and here’s this brilliant light shooting from Him. Every light beam piercing you with love.
And it goes right through you being. You feel life being put into you. You feel so alive. You’re like,
“Why would I ever want to go back?”… If they only knew what I was feeling. If they could only
stand there and experience it. We weren’t even living on the earth. We were
existing… Now, here you’re filled with life. Your loved one’s bodies might be
dead, but they are not. They’re living in life. Filled with the life of God, that comes from
everywhere in Heaven. And then all of a sudden, if you stand there long enough, you’ll be able to
see the shape of His face. His hair is so beautiful. White as wool. Even His hair has the glory
coming off of it. Waves of the glory. If He turns His head a little bit, you can see His
profile. His white hair. His white beard. When Jesus is in His glory, you see Him in all
His glory, He looks just like His Father. His hair white as wool. I’ve seen as the King of Kings. I’ve
seen Him with the crowns. I’ve seen Him with that sword coming out of His mouth.
#208) Kat Kerr – Comforting Family Members on Earth
“…He has me watch things, and listen to people talk about their family members and they don’t
see me. He keeps me hidden. I tell you why He keeps me hidden. They’d be
doing the same thing you’d do. The next time you go to Heaven, would you
find my mother, my brother, my father, my sister, whatever, and tell them I
love them. And they would do the exact same thing. “When you go back to
earth, would you please tell my mother, my father, my sister, my brother,
my friend, that I’m up here cheering them on, and I love them. So He doesn’t
let them see me, and I hear them talk all the time about things they did as kids. Their family
members. These are people I never met before in my life. Then He’d bring me back down. Have
me type it down. Then He, who made everything, including every hair on your head would tell me
where that person’s family members were living, their address, their phone number, and their
name. And then, how would you like to do this? He had me call them and say that I had
information about their loved one in Heaven, and would they like to know what God told me? How
would you like that ministry?
…And I’d meet with these people, and they all said (Guess what?) yes! And so I would meet
them, they wouldn’t let me come to their home, not one person ever let me come to their home
(bless their heart). They didn’t know who I was, they had never met me. So we’d meet at a park
or at a mall, or some common area like that. Then I’d make them sit down, then I’d read off my
piece of paper what I saw. I wouldn’t even look at them. I’d hold it like “this”. And just read off the
piece of paper. I could hear them gasping and choking and laughing and
crying, because I was telling them things only they knew. I didn’t know anything
about it. You know what God was doing? He was creating evidence that Heaven was real. I can
tell you what, you could take either of my books, and take them before a
judge and a jury, when they read the evidence that was in here, they would
have to say it was real.”
“…now they’re taking you to your own mansion where they have a welcome home party planned
for you….”
“Father: “I’m glad they don’t give me a funeral when I come home to Heaven!”
“…they have a party in Heaven for you!
They have a party in Heaven for you. And God said the reality of Heaven will be so
widely known and understood, what happens when they go there, one day
they won’t take you to the funeral home to send you to Heaven, they’ll take
you down here to a party depot!
Father: “We need some party depots!”
I’d much rather take my family there than to a funeral home. Because you know what they’ll do?
They’ll celebrate down here while they’re celebrating in Heaven. Praise God!”
#210) Kat Kerr – They See Their Homegoing Service
“From what it looks like, only God can do something. He has a plan! Hey they’re not worried in
Heaven about our country. God calls America His gift. And He said, He’s not going
to let the enemy have His gift. Please be encouraged, Amen!”
In Hebrews 12:1, He really meant it when He had that put in there. Since you’re surrounded
about, and right now, you’re surrounded about right now, by such a great cloud of witnesses.
Guess what? People always go, “I don’t think they can see from Heaven.” What about Hebrews
12:1? I think a witness means you can see and hear. Is that right? And they can. They don’t miss
anything important in your life. I’ll tell you right now, they don’t miss any major thing in your life.
They’ve seen them all. They saw all the babies being born, every time every family member got
saved and received Jesus Christ. That’s the most favorite thing that they want to
see, and they don’t miss any of it. Any marriages, any special things. And
they all saw their homegoing service. They were right there watching
it. Probably cheering you on with your life. And I will tell you, I know some things they do, that
every year on your birthday, they go to a portal and sing happy birthday to you. People think
they’re up there enjoying their life, and when I’m done telling you what’s up there, you’ll
understand that they do enjoy their life, but the most important thing for them is they can’t wait for
you to come there and be with them . They do not forget you. They fall more in love with you,
living in the presence of love itself..
#212) Kat Kerr – Titles of Places worth Exploring!
When you see Jesus, you’ll feel like you’re going to melt and go under the floor. And you’re going
to want to come back here again, amen?
If you like antique car shows. Guess what will be part of your mansion? A whole bunch of antique
cars, and you’ll hold shows there all of the time for people to bring there’s there… But I bet if I
started naming things, you’d get really happy. Like surfing maybe, or for the first time in your life,
being able to act in a movie, or the roller coasters, the amusement park. I could keep
on going. Passionate paradise. Video land; Cartoon Village. I hope I’m bothering
some religious spirit’s a lot. Comedy clubs, where the angels come staggering out because
they’ve laughed so hard.
The Living Creatures – They’re awesome and powerful beings with eyeballs all in there
feathers and all of those eyes are moving independently of each other. They have them in the
front and the back. They even have them in their arms and their hands. They are massive beings
that stand upright like us. They have these gossamer garments on, but you can see through them
and see the thousands of eyes in their bodies. And you have to walk past them to get to the
Father. And they’re big! If they stood in here their head would probably
touch the ceiling. Except I don’t think there’s any way you can really measure, it’s hard to
measure dimensions in Heaven, because things are so big…
Kenneth Hagin Sr…. how many people knew Kenneth Hagin Sr. was? For those of you who
don’t know, he was a powerful man of God that helped with the faith movement down here. He
really knew His Word inside and out. He did a lot of great things for the Body of Christ. Now he’s
celebrating in Heaven. He probably has a lot of property up there. He taught people how to
believe and declare for a lot of property, he’s probably got acres and acres, and who said you
couldn’t have acres and acres? You don’t get a little plot with your mansion. Even the ground
around your mansion is designed for you. Isn’t that wonderful? You could live in Cowboy Heaven
or Christmas Town. The more you know God, you will understand that He names
everything. He names buildings and places and things. When you go home to
Heaven, He’s going to have a nickname for you. You know it talks about in the Word, where you
get a white stone with a name on it that only He and you know. It’s a nickname. It’s not some
big long theological sounding name… And that white stone is a white
diamond. It’s not a little river rock.
#213) Kat Kerr – Your Crown Room
In your mansion, you actually have a Crown Room to keep all of your
crowns. The Crown of Righteousness, the Soul Winner’s Crown. There’s
about five different crowns. I saw that people had accumulated through their life on this
earth. Then there’s another one. The crown to rule and reign that He gives you. You keep them in
your mansion and when everybody gets there, one day we all will throw them at the feet of Christ.
Because of Him, He made it possible, didn’t He?
Jesus came into my home and said: “You will help to reveal the Father. They need
to know who He is and how much He loves them”, that’s why I have a lot of
revelation on Him.
The trees literally clap their hands, and sometimes they sing too. You know
the rocks literally cry out and shout praises to God in Heaven. You will be so
undone, just when you step out. When you die and you move to Heaven and are going to stay
there, and not come back. I’m not talking about near death experiences. Where you could have
gone up through a portal, you go up through a light and come back. Angels catch you up; Jesus
appears to you and catches you up; but when you die and move there, they come and pick you
up in a chariot or a transport…
They take you through the universe, and you go by all of the planets, and nebulas, and the
galaxies that God put out there. If you ever want to know what’s out there, one day
on your way home to Heaven, you get a tour. Isn’t that glorious? Just thinking about
that one thing alone, you just get so undone thinking about the goodness of God, and He said,
“If you really like something, I’ll take you by a second time”. I have been on that
trip. All my life I wanted to be an astronaut. I didn’t want to be anything normal…
#215) Kat Kerr – Aqua Mansions
“I’m going to talk a little bit, a few minutes about the mansions. Who would like to know what
some of them look like? (Say, “I would!”) …I saw aqua mansion, that’s what they call them. Built
under the Crystal Sea. Why? Because people love to train the dolphin and swim
with the dolphins. And you get them up close and personal, these aqua mansions look like
huge big bubbles about 8,000 square feet. They’re on these amazing columns. They can make
them go under the Crystal Sea, or sit above the Crystal Sea. Now when I say like people picture
a column holding up the mansion, going up and down. It’s not like that. Your mansion is like a big
ring, sitting on this column that is an aquarium. Probably with about a half a million gallons in it,
and there’s an opening at the bottom where the fish can swim up inside. And this thing is probably
like forty feet across. So your whole mansion is built around this supernatural
aquarium, where sharks and all kinds of fish are swimming in this thing, in
your house! Isn’t that awesome? And that ring moves up and down on that
column, wherever they want to be, and in that mansion is a portal that you
jump through, and you’re swimming in the Crystal Sea. Say “God is supernatural!”
“And so is my home.”
I have seen this beautiful place at the mountain of spices, it’s talks about in
the Song of Solomon, that are the highest mountains in Heaven. The rocks change colors,
like fall colors… In the mountain of spices, all the leaves on all of the trees are gold , orange, and
garnet. I mean beautiful colors. Purple, and they’re like that all of the time. They never fall off. And
every time you go into another level all these mountains, you smell things like pumpkin pie,
cinnamon, and nutmeg, sandalwood, all these beautiful aromas that just engulf you when you go
up into these mountains. It’s very high in Heaven, and when you get to the top, you look down
into this amazing valley they call “The Valley of the Falls”
#222) Kat Kerr – One Thousand Drummers
“Music is one of the biggest parts in Heaven and it is everywhere. They
have a “1,000 drummers”. I’ve been in the Throne Room many times, and guess what,
there is different things that go on. Not everything is the same all the time… I’ve seen them when
they had a 1,000 drummers. They have this thing called “The Warfare Beat”. I’ve actually heard
them imparting it into ministries. I hear them start on those war drums, lightning comes from the
drums. Bolts of lightning start shooting out of the drums, when they hit that
beat that they do, and those lightning bolts, if you’re in the Throne Room
and they hit you, you go down. You didn’t die. You thought you did again, but you didn’t.
It’s love. It’s passion. Those lightning bolts are filled with the passion of God. It’s what He about to
send to this earth. It will hit you in the Throne Room and you’ll go down like you’re melting in a
puddle of love…They have a 1,000 drummers, and you hear it all over Heaven. When they have
them in the Throne Room, everybody wants to come….
They have some styles I couldn’t even tell you what they were made out of. They have some
strange, kinds of drums, and they have some unique different kinds of drums up there, and they
some really high pitched sounds…The drums literally were made to create warfare. I know King
David had a lot of them. Solomon had a lot of them. When he sent the worshippers out ahead of
the armies, they actually carried drums, and they would play those drums over and over. They
would drive the enemy nuts. The Israelites would drive their enemies nuts, because they started
playing them days before anything was going to happen. They did it twenty four hours a day.
They didn’t even get to sleep, because they could hear those drumbeats coming. It was more of a
warfare thing that anything. It gets you excited? Doesn’t it do something to the inside of you?
I love it when I see flags. They have such pageantry in the Throne Room of God and I love to tell
people this. If you like to make banners down here. Guess what you’ll be
doing, you’ll be making them for Throne Room. Whatever is on that banner
when they start running with it comes alive! Literally, if there is lion, the lion comes
alive on the banner. It begins to take and roar off of the banner. They roar. If there’s trumpets on
it, the trumpets start trumpeting off of that banner. They are like 30 feet long. It’ awesome!
223) Kat Kerr – Training the Child in the Way They Should Go – What That
“The Word says to train up a child in which way they should go and they
will not depart from it. I’m going to give you revelation on what that
means. It’s all about the gifts God gave you to be to this world. How important
it is to use your gift. That’s what the judgment seat of Christ is about, by the way. Have a lot of
revelation of the Word. I’m also going to tell you what hot, cold, and lukewarm means. It opens
your eyes. And you go, “Why didn’t we see that?” because revelation is truth, and it’s straight
from the Father…
So that scripture does not mean to raise up a child to know Jesus. That is the other scripture that
says “Raise up a child in the admonition of the Lord.” That means to know Him. To know about
Him. To adore Him. In the Hebrew, that other scripture means raise up a child in the “bent”, in the
way I made him. And he shall not depart from that. This is how simple the Father makes
it. Raise up a child in the gift I made them to be, that is their passion, and
they’ll never run around in the world, trying to figure out who they are.
Because they’re doing the thing they loved the most. Whether they’re a drummer,
an artist, or they’re going to design houses, or a fashion designer. Those are gifts. And guess
what? When the Kingdom of God is within you, part of the kingdom is you of course. But you’re a
gift. That means that your gift is actually part of establishing the kingdom on
this earth.
#224) Kat Kerr – The Thing You’re Most Passionate About
“So that chef would have an amazing, beautiful mansion. If he likes to be by the water, it’s built by
the Crystal Sea. If he likes the mountains, it would be up in the mountain of spices, it talks about
in the Song of Solomon. It actually exists in Heaven. If they like real high tech things,
they’d be a place in Heaven they call “Techno City”. If they were an artist
or a dancer, or anyone who worked with fabrics or fashions or jewelers, or
any kind of real artsy stuff, you’d live near a place they call “The
Galleria”. (I’m going to get you out of your box.) If you understand about the gifts, you would
see that’s why they are irrevocable, that’s what the Word says… That your gifts are irrevocable
and without repentance. Without repentance means you should know what it is. Because it is the
thing you are the most passionate about. It’s the thing that if you could use it, and make a living
doing it, you would do it. It’s probably your hobby. It’s what if you have a little money, you’re going
to spend it on that thing. How many people know their gift?
I’ll tell you what the Father said about the Body, He said: “The world has no
problem identifying their children’s gifts, and being trained and raised up
in it and release them in the world, but the Body comes to church and sits
on the seat, trying to figure out what their spiritual gift is so they can use it
for God.” And yet they’d probably be one of the greatest florists ever… Yet they think it’s not
good enough because it’s not a spiritual gift. Yet God didn’t make a mistake when He made you.
Hair designers. They have salons in Heaven. Why? Because, guess what? Someone has that
#225) Kat Kerr – Be Passionate About Your Gift
“He was the most controversial person in His day. He really was. He likes
controversy. Because it draws people…”
“It’s so important to identify your gift. And I’ll tell you how important it is to God. He said, I’d rather
you be hot nor cold. If you’re lukewarm, I’ll spew you out of my mouth. That doesn’t mean you
won’t go to Heaven. That means He can’t use you in His plans. Because it is about your gift…
Hot is a believer on fire for God, has identified their gift and is using it in the earth. Cold is the
world not knowing God, but has identified their gift and using it in the world. All He has to do is get
them saved, and they’re hot. But if you’re lukewarm you don’t care what it is,
have no intention of using it, if you did know what it was, He can’t use you
in His plans that He has for you. That’s why He put it in you… It’s really important
because when you get to Heaven, you’re really going to use that gift
#227 Kat Kerr – Genesis 1:1 and 1:2
“By the way it was split with water, not a meteorite. Don’t you wonder what the
water came from for the ice age? Kind of makes sense. When it was sent from the atmosphere of
earth on the original earth, He made this water vapor shield that held billions of gallons of water,
more than was on the earth in the oceans. And when Lucifer was cast out of Heaven, he began to
defile the dinosaurs so they ate each other. You know when He first made it, they
didn’t kill each other? It was perfect in every way. They lived in harmony.
God lit the original earth with His glory. That’s why the sun wasn’t created
until after verse 2…
But in 1:1, it makes a statement. In the beginning, God created (that’s past
tense) the heavens and the earth. It was done. It was finished. It was perfect. It
was beautiful. But something happened. And from 1:1 to 1:2 they go “Man it happened fast.” No,
millions of years went past. In (verse) 2, the earth is void and without form .Is that right? Darkness
is upon the face of the deep, and His Spirit is hovering over the waters… Something did happen.
Lucifer was cast out of Heaven. He began to make this earth a wilderness. God reaches over,
breaks the water vapor shield with His finger. Billions and billions of gallons of water
hit this earth. The one land mass was cracked into pieces and separated it.
Then after flood covered the whole earth, He blew on it and froze it. One
breath. Then eons go by when He’s ready to start us. He leans over, blows on it again and melts
it, and there’s verse two.
And you’ll get to see every single bit of that when you go home to Heaven. You go to this
amazing place called Creation Lab. And you get to stand there with this amazing “hologram”
movie so real, you think you could touch the stuff. You said God appear, and nothing, watch Him
speak and make the universe. You see Him make the original earth in His own hand. Hold it,
speak. Put water in one palm. Pour out the whole ocean, with one land mass on the earth. Watch
Him put the dinosaurs there, 200 foot high trees, twenty foot flowers that were on the original
earth. You get to see all of it. Then you find out how the Ice Age happened. How He melted it with
one breath.
Can you imagine? We’re like a speck in the vastness of space, and yet WE are what God loves.
That little speck in all of space, He choose us to be here. He put us to be here to impact everyone
on this world that they might know Him. He knows what’s going on. Time is in His hand, not the
enemy’s hand
#228) Kat Kerr – The Babies!
…and they grow very, very, slowly. Whatever in your mind you picture that baby being, the age
you continually picture them being, that’s how old they’ll be when they get to Heaven. Most of
them stay babies, and you get to help that finish raising that child grow. They’ll laugh, play, sing,
no diaper changes (women), no all night feedings. None of that. That don’t need any of that.
They already know who you are. They go and sing to their parents. They’ll
be carried to the portal. They’ll sing to their parents. They know who you
are. And if you aborted the baby, this is the best news God has for you. If you’ve already asked
for forgiveness, don’t let the devil beat you up any more, because they actually forgive the people
who did that. Jesus greets all aborted babies when they to come to Heaven,
and heals that little part of them. Because they know they weren’t
wanted. They actually forgive their parents. They forgive the people who performed the
abortion. They totally forgive them. And all these little babies, one of the things they get to do in
Heaven, because the Father lets them, is they go and sit on Jesus’ lap, and they receive Him as
their savior. These babies are in one of the most beautiful places in Heaven where they’re cared
for, the angels will rock them and sing and the breath of God nourishes their little spirit. Jesus
comes and has parties with them. They don’t sleep. Forget that! Because your baby is never
going to sleep. I have pictures of the nursery wall. One of the nursery walls. I’m a sketch artist,
and my artist took it and made them all laying down. (You’re going to have to change that Walter,
because they were hanging off these things.) Climbing up them. Living roses and flowers grow
out. The birds come and take them for rides. The deer come in from the meadow, and they put
them on their back, they take them for rides into the meadows and the forest. They live an
amazing life, but the thing they want the most is for you to come home to
And name them if you never named your baby. If you don’t know what it was, pick a
girl name or a boy name. It’s got to be one of them. Do you know what the Father does? I don’t
care if it was thirty years ago, He goes and sends for them, puts them on His lap, He says “Your
parent just named you. This is now your name, because the angels give them nicknames when
they get there, and their name is embellished over their, their beds are these alabaster shelves.
Mother of pearl coating on the inside of them. The most glorious fabrics. They actually sing, even
their blankets sing to them. But they don’t stay in there very long. They play! That’s what they do.
They play a lot in Heaven.
#228) Kat Kerr – Another Look at Your Doors!
“Gemstones represent the heart of the Father. God embellishes things for you in Heaven with
them… If you have a chandelier in your home, it’s probably forty feet long
and it’s made out of real diamonds. Then they have special light that shines on it and
you sit there and eat and rainbows are shot all over the walls of your house while you’re sitting in
your dining room. If you have drapes on your window, they probably have real pearls about “this
big” that go all over the border of those drapes. They’re beautiful…
You share everything in Heaven. You don’t care who comes in your mansion. You leave and go
off, you don’t even have locks on your doors. Some people don’t even have doors! They people
to just wander in and say, “Hi, can I see your place? It looks so amazing outside. When we’re
done, can we go look in your doors?” Some of you are going to say, “What are you
talking about? I told you it was a supernatural place. And beside your amazing mansion, outside
on your property you have doors suspended everywhere. There’s no space in Heaven. No time or
space, right? That means here’s this little pulpit, this little table can take up one space. One thing
and one space. In Heaven, that is beyond your imagination. It can be unlimited how things take
up the same space. And the way the Father explained that to me was to show me the doors on
someone’s property. And I saw this huge family, all having a big picnic on their
property. Dinosaurs were roaming around them. They were eating. None o
them were wild. None of the animals in Heaven are wild. They’re having this huge big picnic,
but there was a door, right there, where they were having their picnic. I thought, “Well, that’s
pretty strange!” And so I walked around. There’s the back of the door. There’s the front of the
door. And the Holy Spirit said: “Now go in the door!”. I opened that door, and when I
went in, I was in a whole different place taking up the same space as that
whole family having their picnic. So, guess what? You will never stop being surprised by
your Father. You think you have this beautiful piece of property, you’ve got more than what you
see even when you get there. Because there’s realms within realms in Heaven.
And while I was in that beautiful place, it belonged all to that guy who’s
mansion I was at. There was another door! And you went through there, there was a
whole different place taking up the same space as the other places. So guess what? It’s unlimited
what God can give you in Heaven, because it’s a supernatural realm.
Paint or Play the Piano
And even if you always wanted to paint and never could, in Heaven you’ll go to someone like
Hellene there, and in about three lessons, you’ll be painting just like her. You don’t have to take a
long time, but yes, there’s even ways you can do that. If you want to learn the play the
grand piano, you get about three lessons, and you’re perfect at it. It’s so
amazing. Things you always wanted to do, and you figured it cost a lot of money, or take years to
get there, that doesn’t happen in Heaven. But God allows them to teach you a little bit, so they
can use their gift. And they love seeing people learn quickly, and they’re so good. And then
God gives you places to go have concerts. You don’t even have to go around to look
for a gig, if you’re in a band. They already got all of that covered in Heaven. You’ve got interested
in Heaven they never had down here. The music is so much more fantastic in Heaven. Many
times, the Father will let you come and play for everyone in the Throne Room. It’s such an honor.
God has so many ways to honor you when you get there. You’re so happy just to be there. Just to
be with Him is enough for all eternity, but He’s not just going to stop there. He’s going to make
sure He blesses you
#229) Kat Kerr – Hall of the Super-Heros
“One of the greatest honors God has in Heaven is if you get put in the Hall
of the Super-hero’s. I haven’t talked about this in many places. God calls all of His
intercessors superhero’s. If you’re an intercessor, you’re a superhero in Heaven. Because you
stand in the gap for others, not just your own. And God said, “I hand select the ones I call to be
an intercessor. I empower them to handle things that maybe other people can’t handle. If you
don’t know this, many times He’ll just catch up an intercessor. Show them the battle going on with
the enemy. Then He’ll load stuff in them just to pour out for Him to declare
into the atmosphere, and they literally will produce weapons that God will
take, and have the angels take and go fight the enemy with those things.
So your life really counts down here. Prayer is very powerful. But someone
who’s been called and chosen to be an intercessor is something really special. God trusts you
with other people’s lives, with their destinies, even the destiny sometimes of nations, that God
trusts you with…
He took me one time and said: “I’m going to show you how precious intercessors are to Heaven.”
He took me to this place, and it said: “Hall of the Super-Hero’s”. and I walked in this beautiful
place, and I’ve told people before, they name places in Heaven. Sometimes even your mansion
already has a name on it. It’s your place, but sometimes God gives it a name because of all the
stuff He’s put around it, for whatever reason… But this amazing Hall of the Super-Hero’s, He
showed me, I think it was “Maria Woodsworth-Etter”, and you go down this
amazing hallway with these beautiful lights, reflecting it’s like a bronze, almost of your face, only
it’s like 3D or something, on these walls, and their name is under there. But that’s not all it is. I
have learned that no matter what’s there, there’s going to be something supernatural about it. So
I kept standing there, and all of a sudden light began to come around this bronze of her
face. Streams of light began to come out and it grabbed me and took me
back in time, where she was literally crying out to God on behalf of
somebody. I don’t remember who she was praying for. She was on her
knees just crying out to God in her interceding and deep intercession. You
know what amazed me? God’s throne was right there. He said: “The minute you
say ‘Father, I come.’ the minute you intercessors say ‘Father, I come‘, I can’t
resist it. I called and anointed you. You were willing to pour out your life.” That’s what she said,
she just said: “Father”, and His throne appeared in front of her, and the whole time she was
interceding, He was right there hearing her prayers. The whole she was there, she was literally
creating one weapon, not just one, one weapon after another began to form out of her mouth
because of the words that she was saying, and there was a whole group of angels there that
would grab them and fly. Grab them and fly. Grab them and go! Grab them and go! And she was
literally producing weapons to fight against the enemy with. So you intercessors, you’re warriors.
I’ll tell you right now, you’re warriors. God calls you His super-hero’s, and yeah He even has guys
that do that too. I know some of the guys that do that too. You’re super-hero’s also. I saw many
people’s faces. Some of them I recognized, some I never saw before.
He said, some of the greatest mansions in Heaven will belong to the little
grandmas who all they did was get in their closet and intercede. You’ll think,
“Who’s great big beautiful mansion is that?” It’s some little intercessor, grandma who poured out
her life for God on behalf of Heaven for people on this earth. So your Daddy He’s going to reward
you when you get home to Heaven, because you have blessed Heaven, you’ve helped Heaven to
do things on this earth. Don’t ever think your life doesn’t count. If all you do is love people for
God, it is one of the greatest calls you’ll ever have on your life is to love people. He actually wants
you to do that no matter who you are. You bless the heart of God because you’re being His heart
down on this earth.
I used to tell people, that I saw many people, loving people, then God would catch me to Heaven,
show me their robe that was being designed in Heaven, and every time they did
something kind or something wonderful to help somebody, He’d take some
more gemstones and embellish them on that robe of that person. I thought, no
wonder when I was first taken I used to see people just walking with these robes that just glowed
with the glory of God. All kinds of beautiful designs, with all of these beautiful gemstones were on
their robe. I thought, “Where did they get those?” I thought maybe they went to a shop and got
them. No, they earned them. Amen? They earned them with love. So if all God asked you to do is
to bake cookies for your neighbor and love on them, you’ve got glorious things on your robe in
Heaven. If all He has you do is call and encourage people, just uplift them when they’re going
through hard times, God will embellish your robe
230) Kat Kerr – 2 Subjects: The Nephilim & Melchizedek Part 1
“Do you know where the spirits of the Nephilim came from? Can you talk about the Nephilim or
the corruption of man’s DNA? The whole Genesis 6:4 angel theory?
Yes. I do know the actual answer to that. I haven’t really put it out there yet, but I actually
know how they were produced by the angels, what happened to those
angels. It has everything to do with Melchizidek, although he wasn’t a part
of those angels. I guess I can give you a little glimpse of it, maybe not the full thing that I
know, but I would just tell you this, that there are so many millions of angelic beings, and I call
them created beings. We are human beings. We’re made totally different than all of the angels in
Heaven; the living creatures, seraphim; all of those beings that God spoke and they were. We, He
actually created and made in His image, so anything that’s not a human being, is normally
considered a spiritual being. That means they can pass through the walls in this physical realm.
The physical structures can’t hold them. Heaven is a spiritual world and everyone who lives there
now are spiritual beings. Even the redeemed that die, your body dies, your spirit moves to
Heaven, Your spirit is not in that body, which I seem to find a lot of that going on, they want proof.
And the Word says, “To be absent from the body, is to be present with the Lord”. That’s the
scripture you give people.
So when you die, your spiritual body moves to Heaven living in a spiritual world. So most of the
beings, I would have to say the greater percentage of all of the angelic beings, or a created
being, which would be like the living creature, or something else on that line, they don’t all look
like us. Millions of them do not look like us. There’s many that do, but there are many that don’t
look anything like you and I. God is not stuck in a box in His ability to create, and so. He
decided, a long time ago, that He was going to make a special tribe of
angels. It talks about it in the Word. I’m not going to give you the scripture right now. People
can try to find it if they can but, I have a whole teaching He’s given me on that will actually be
released on a DVD or CD.”
#231) Kat Kerr – 2 Subjects: The Nephilim & Melchizedek Part 2
“I would just tell you this that He did make some angels before He created mankind and He put
flesh on them. In other words, I would call it part physical, party spiritual being, and He made
them that way for a purpose. And that’s those angels. Those angels, it says they “went beyond
the bounds they were created for, and they left their former estate”, that’s what the Word says
about them, that created the Nephilim. And that’s how they were able to have physical relations
with the daughters of men. They were actually put on this earth for a specific purpose. They didn’t
just come on their own. Angels just don’t come on their own and decide to live here. So when
God made this earth the second time, He posted “watcher angels” on the
earth, and they were here to help educate mankind. Now these angels had to be
seen by the people, or they could not have done that. That’s why He made them part physical,
part spiritual beings. They were still an eternal being, a created being, and He made them for a
purpose. One of the purposes was to be down here to help educate men for God, to guide and to
give them knowledge. Because when Adam and Eve sinned, and they fell (this was all given
to me by the Father. He showed me. He didn‘t just tell me. He showed me
everything I‘m telling you.), but it does talk about it in the Word, people just don’t know
what that scripture means. He had to do something, because they cut that relationship with Him.
He couldn’t walk with them anymore, when they fell. He did have a plan, and He posted angels,
you remember, in the Garden of Eden when they sinned, and they left. Remember the angels
with the flaming sword (cherubim), those were actually part physical-spiritual beings because
Adam and Eve would not be able to see them if they were not part physical and
spiritual, because when they fell (they actually could see into the spirit realm
before they fell, before they sinned, they could see into the spirit realm).
That was taken away when sin came in. So they could no longer see. But they
saw them. Those were part of those angels, but their were others sent on the earth to help
educate mankind. They just couldn’t have got here on their own. Some of those angels that were
sent only for that purpose, God actually made a contract with them: “I’m sending you here for this
purpose. These are the boundaries that you have to operate within. You cannot leave these
boundaries, or you will step outside what I have made you for.” So they were sent here to help
educate mankind, not to physically mingle with them.
They ended up desiring the daughters of men. They wanted them for their wives, and so they let
their former estate (in other words that means they left what God made them for), went beyond
the bounds they were created for, they were beyond the bounds of just helping to
educate them, mixed with them. That’s why giants were created. That’s where
they came from. There’s a whole lot more to it than that. Now those angels that stepped (and
that’s of course before the flood came, to destroy all those that had been created), the ones that
had caused that, it says clearly in the Word that they are bound in chains and held in darkness for
future judgment. Those original beings that did that are not on this earth. They’re bound and held
in darkness.
And later on in the Word, it says that we, the redeemed living in eternity
with God, it says that we will judge angels in ages to come. Those are the
angels we will judge.. People don’t understand that. Because that sin was against mankind.
Are the angels going to fall? Are they going to sin in the future? No those angels that did that, we,
the redeemed, this is after everything is done and over with, I mean the tribulation, everything,
God makes a new earth, we get to angels those angels that did that. We get to sentence them.
So there were beings, it actually talks about it in the Word. There was a tribe of angels. See
tribes, weren’t the first time we hear they’re mentioned, weren’t the Jewish people (the Tribe of
Benjamin, or Judah, and all that), but actually there are tribes of angels. That means a group of
angels, that God made groups of angels for specific things in Heaven. And some of these
angels, what they were created for, they served Melchizedek while he was
on the earth. Melchizedek is not Jesus. There’s all kinds of assumptions what people
think Melchizedek was. He’s always been with God, and I’ll just tell you, He is God’s personal
high priest. He served Him in Heaven before the earth was ever made, and that was his
position. Then when mankind was put on the earth, he was sent here on the
earth to represent God. And he collected tithes, not just from Abraham, but
from many people on the earth. He even headed, there was a temple on the earth. He
was in that temple. People came there to give tithes to God. He had some of these other angels
who were part of this group that came and served him.
And there’s a scripture, and I’m not going to say where it is. People who are hungry can find it,
because eventually I’ll release it. It says that there is a tribe, Melchizedek was at a temple where
no human hands served at those altars. Now that’s on the earth, that he is talking about. So in
other words, there were no human beings that came and served Melchizedek in this position, but
those were other angels from that same tribe. So not all of them fell, not all of them
went beyond the bounds they were created for, or left their former
estate. They didn’t all do that. So anyway, that answers your question.”
#248) Kat Kerr – The Nephilim
Another question I am continually asked…What about the Nephilim?
I’m going to give you an answer that’s been given to me by Heaven to share. It may not be the
fulness of an answer, but I’m going to go ahead and share it. The Nephilim were on the earth,
actually in the days of Noah. And these were angelic beings who were it said changed their
original state, the way God meant them to be, the way he designed them to operate, they left that
original state. In doing so, they sealed something about themselves that can never be changed.
They couldn’t belong to God anymore. They couldn’t access Heaven anymore. And what that
allowed them to do on the earth regardless of who they did that contract with. Personally I think it
was the enemy, with Satan, and they actually were able to have intercourse with the daughters of
mankind. I’m talking about women in those days of Noah. They did produce offspring that were
“giants in the land”. There was something of a supernatural quality to them. I’m not sure of all the
power they had. I do know they were huge beings. Probably fifteen feet tall,
maybe higher than that. As far as I know, none of them were good beings. They didn’t do
good things. They meant harm for people. I know that one of the reasons God brought the flood
in those days, was because of that activity that was going on. And I will tell you that, as far as I
know, the actual ones who actually started that, that stepped out of their original state, the Word
of God says that they were bound in chains, and they’re being held for their judgment in the
future. And actually “we”, the sons and daughters of God will be the ones who judge them. When
the flood came, of course all of those offspring were destroyed… that they had produced were
destroyed. As far as I know, they themselves are no longer on this earth. There certainly
could be a spirit. There’s so many spirits that operate with the enemy, with
Satan still on this earth that have been there thousands of years. I’m sure
they’re going to try to restart that activity, but as far as I know, the original angels
that srrated that whole thing are still bound in chains. That’s what the Word says, and as far as
what God has said, they will be judged by us in the years to come.. in the ages to come. So my
issue is, it’s not that big of a deal about whether they come or not, it’s us, using God’s power in
the earth to push back darkness in this earth. That’s my explanation of the Nephilim.
#249) Kat Kerr – The Weather in Heaven
Something else I’d like to answer is: What is the weather like in Heaven?
“Well I can tell you, you’ll never have storms. You don’t have to worry about torrential rains, or
lightning striking you. Unless of course it’s in the Throne Room of God. Lightning comes from the
Father. It’s the only place you’ll find lightning in Heaven. It’s like a million megawatts of love.
People actually run to get struck by that lightning.”
“But outside around the country, or the cities in Heaven, there’s not weather like we have here. Of
course there’s beautiful clouds; streams of unbelievable color everywhere. God gives you light
shows, much better than the fireworks we have on this earth.”
“But there are certain areas in Heaven where it does rain. They actually
have a place. I’ve never really talked about it before. It’s like the
rainforests on this earth. It rains all of the time, but it’s a delightful,
wonderful rain. There are places that it snows in Heaven. One is called Christmas town. It
snows all of the time. You can go play in the snow. It’s kind of cold but you’re never going to
freeze. There are places like the mountains of spices, around your being it might be a little
different temperature.”
“But it’s always perfect temperature in Heaven no matter where you are. It’s always going to be a
good thing. There’s a little bit of rain or a beautiful snowfall. In your mansion some of the people
don’t even have roofs on them. Because you know what? You’re not going to get flooded. You’re
not going to have mudslides. You’re not going to have storms in Heaven, unless it’s a spiritual,
amazing experience. But your house is never going to experience anything against it, like rains
not going to hurt anything. No mold, no mildew. Nothing ever rusts in Heaven. It’s just beautiful
everywhere you go. So the weather is always perfect in Heaven.”
“But the sky in Heaven can be many different colors. I wouldn’t say that
there’s one color all of the time everywhere. Because I have been many places and
seen many different colors. It’s always daylight. There’s no darkness like we have on this earth.
There are times that are just waves after waves of beautiful colors going through the sky. Now the
light also, there’s not like a sun. Light comes from the glory of God. So it comes from the ground,
the trees, the sky itself, and the colors passing through parts of the sky there… Some of it’s like
the fireworks that I talked about earlier. Just beams of light, explosions of light filled with colors we
don’t have on this earth. If you those kinds of things, you probably have them at your mansion all
of the time. So sometimes I see, like if it were a blue sky it would be saphire
blue, and like an aqua blue, and maybe a baby blue, all at the same time in
Heaven. Even the sky seemed to be alive.”
“So it’s a delightful thing to lay on your back in the meadow and watch all
of the beauty. You see many different things happening in the atmosphere of Heaven. Many
different types of angels going back and forth. People, one of the things I love in the sky in
Heaven, is when you worship in Heaven you’re caught up, and you literally ride on your worship
across the skies of Heaven. So that’s something you’d see in the sky of Heaven. Many things
going on all of the time. It’s going to be a wonderful thing no matter what it looks like. It seems to
be ever changing.”
“Like I mentioned about the people in Heaven, when you worship you’re caught up, you literally
ride on your praise. Sometimes people are floating on their back across the skies of
Heaven. Many times some of the buildings in Heaven aren’t even on the
ground, they’re like up in the skies of Heaven, you just float up there to
“There is a place however where you literally learn to fly. And it’s in this amazing amusement
park. They have one of the amusements, it’s called “Fly By”. You learn to fly like Superman. And
one of the really exciting things I found out is who teaches you. It would be Christopher Reeves.
Yes, he made it to Heaven. And you know one of the best roles he ever played on this earth was
Superman, he still gets to use that in Heaven, and nothing more delightful than that. When you
learn to fly there’s an “amateur” or beginner’s area where you learn to fly.
There’s actually stands there like in a football stadium, and all your family
and friends come to watch you for the first time. And I can tell you what, it is
absolutely hilarious. You see people spinning, because they don’t know how to take off right,
before their lessons. You see people like going through the air. You know they think they’re a
Peter Pan wanna-be or something. But finally when you get to the instructor, and he teaches
you… You have to practice. You literally take off like Superman and fly through the air. It’s so
exciting. And everywhere you go in the amusement park, you fly. You don’t walk. Everybody does.
Then you go into the rest of the amusement park which is where all the… You’ve really gotten
good, either medium to excellent in your flight. And people just streak back and forth so quickly in
the skies of Heaven. Especially in the amusement park, and you do get to fly like Superman. It’s
#256) Kat Kerr – God Left “Watcher Angels” Part One
“…them made, and He had a tribe of them made… …so He took some of those angels
that were under Melchizedek, these angels that had flesh on their body, put
them on the original earth. These dinosaurs had flesh, they’ve found the bones. They had
to have somebody to watch over this original earth, their footprint would clearly be left on the
earth. Those are the footprints they’re finding, they’ve found next to the dinosaur print, were those
watcher angels. They were not human beings. And those bones they say they keep finding, no
matter says they were cavemen or human beings, they always find out they weren’t. They are
not, and they never will be proven…
Their were all kinds of beings or animals, that God put on the original earth. Some, not all,
some… He re-put back on the earth, when He re-made it in verse two… He takes the earth apart
and redoes it… In verse one, it was done, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the
earth. That was a time, it was an “age”. It was the original creation age. What
happened to change everything was when Lucifer was kicked out of
Heaven. He was kicked out of Heaven on a lightning bolt from God Himself, although God had
an army in Heaven, He didn’t use the army to kick the enemy out. He sent the lightning bolt from
Himself and took Lucifer out of Heaven. He hit the earth.”
“He was laughed at by those angels who were sent here by God and
assigned by God. By the way, there weren’t just beings. If you could see in the spirit realm,
you would know there are spiritual buildings out there, not just beings. On this earth are
spiritual buildings, many built by God. Many built by the enemy. Angels that
are assignment from either place use those facilities. Does that make sense? …So the devil has
spiritual buildings on this earth that he’s allowed to build in places because people who live there
serve him, give permission. He has permission to inhabit those areas. And God does the same
So when He left them here, He had places for them to stay that they used
while they were here on the earth. Those original watcher angels were here, and what
happened was, when Lucifer was cast out of Heaven and was sent here, he decided that he
would take over this earth. Now, you know he was ticked off, his whole plans were foiled.
Literally what happened was… he stepped inside God to lead worship… (Read Ezekiel 28). God
made him to produce glory, he was not just a worship leader. He was more than a worship leader.
He was the only angel that He made that He anointed. He anointed him to produce glory from
Himself. That’s the unpardonable sin… And so Lucifer would step inside God. All the
angels that were under him saw him do that. Every angel could not do that. Every
angel did not have access to step inside God. The archangels did, but the rest of them didn’t.
Here is their leader stepping inside God, opened his beautiful wings with all of the instruments…
He would produce this beautiful sound from himself. And then all of the angels would worship
God. All that worship would go right into the heart of God. Guess who it passed right through? He
felt every bit of it
#257) Kat Kerr – God Left “Watcher Angels” Part Two (Lucifer’s Fall)
“And yet there was no sin found in him. Not for a long time… It gave him
delight and pleasure to step inside God there. In Job it talks about when the
morning star shouted for joy, that was Lucifer’s old name. Did you know that? That was his old
name. And he loved to produce glory. And when those flames would hit all the gemstones up his
back and on his wings, it would push the rainbow outside the Throne Room. He was producing
glory from his being for God Himself and he decided to steal it for himself. And one day he steps
in.. “I like this.“ The next time he steps in, it didn’t take long when deception starts. The very next
time he stepped in to lead worship he goes, “I think I deserve this.” The very next time he stepped
inside, he goes: “I’m taking this.”
How many people can see that picture? But this is God. You are going to find out that God has a
mode of operations. He has a way He operates. It isn’t what most people do, but it’s God and it’s
how He does things. And right now He is doing the very same thing He did with Lucifer in
Heaven. He did the three days in Hell when He had another “sting operation” against the enemy.
He’s about to do the same thing right now. When darkness is showing off itself. And you know
what? God didn’t stop him. He went to every angel in Heaven and offered
himself. He had his own mini-concerts to prove if God was smart enough. If He knew what He
was doing, He would stop him. And yet every time he’d come and step back inside
God, full of himself; leading worship and God didn’t say anything.
And so he was telling these angels, “He doesn’t even know what I’m doing. That’s shows you I’m
smarter than Him”. And they’d stand there. They saw him step in and God never showed
anything. Guess what? They believed him. They believed the father of lies. And the more he
stepped in, and he was now going around blatantly, openly talking about himself taking over. And
so, he was trying to convince everybody, “You know I’m smarter. I’m better. And I created us, but
I’m still smarter. He doesn’t know what I’m doing.” How many people think God knew what he
was doing?”
#258) Kat Kerr – God Left “Watcher Angels” Part Three (Satan Cast out of
“And the more puffed up he got, the more deceived he got of himself, he even went to the
headquarters of the host, and Michael place. I’m sure they laughed him out
the door. And they knew for the first time, why God made them. There was no
war, and yet God had one third of the angels were army. They ran maneuvers. They were
powerful. They had no one to fight until the day that he showed up and said: “I have some news
for everybody here. I’m taking over!” Michael knew what his assignment was going to be. And so
I’m telling you, finally when he had gone to every single angel, and they all got to choose once
who they were going to serve.
And you know what? Did God take Lucifer’s gift away when he fell? No. That’s why these people
are thinking the same thing Lucifer did. Aren’t they? “I am so much higher. My gift is so much
greater. God doesn’t care what I’m doing or He would say something to me.” That’s exactly what
happened with Lucifer… And the day he’d gone to the last angel, he went to step
inside God… No opening! In that very second he knew he was in
trouble… God said, “I forever destroyed your ability to enter into the stones of fire”. He
destroyed that portal He had made for him… So He told Michael to get ahold of him,
and Michael held him “like that”, and God sent a lightning bolt from Himself.
Took Lucifer down the earth. Wham! Lightning strikes for the first time, and
that’s all one third of the angels… And he decided, “I’m taking this place! Don’t worry
everybody. I’m taking over this place! And he did, and because of the evil that he was releasing
into the earth in the atmosphere. Vegetation started dying; the dinosaurs became bad; started
devouring each other; and began to cause the earth to become a wilderness. And God said, “I’m
not putting up with this any longer.” He reaches over with His finger (and you watch all of this in
Creation Lab)… You see the finger of God go: “Poof!” and breaks the water
vapor shield and here’s twice as much water hitting the land mass. It split the
land mass into pieces. It overlapped each other. It caused great rifts into the earth, even under
the water. You saw mountain ranges going over.. You saw whole herds of dinosaurs being
covered up with all of this earth… You see all of that happening. And then finally, when it’s done
hitting the earth, there’s nothing but water. There was twice as much water. It covered everything.
It actually “trapped” sky. It trapped some of the sky underneath the water, til
there was water-sky-water-earth, and then God leans over and blows on it
and froze it. And there’s the “Ice Age”… There’s Satan sitting on an ice ball that he
cannot melt. And he was not very happy. Once again God showed him he wasn’t in control of
anything, and there is all of his beings with him again disappointed, disgusted because their
master had once again lost. And they never learn
#259) Kat Kerr – God Left “Watcher Angels” Part Four (Leaving their Former
“And so God just let it sit there for a long, long time. The original earth was good for a long time.
Years had past… That’s why in verse two… this is whole new age… God leans
over and blows on it and melts it, and there is verse two. Darkness was on
the face of the deep. The waters covered the whole earth. The Spirit of God hovered over
the face of the deep.
And that’s verse 1:2, right there. In Genesis 1:2, you’re in a whole new age. You’re
in the age where God is going to create man on the earth. And you see God
taking His hand and lifting the water off of the sky. You see the firmament. It talks about it, the
water was separated from the firmament; that was the sky, not the land… Then He begins to put
the earth back together. You see Him putting the animals, and the plants on there. He says,
‘Replenish the earth’. That’s the biggest clue you have that something was
there before. “Replenish the earth.“ You can’t restart your car if you haven’t started it before…
You can’t remodel your home if it wasn’t modeled before… And then He began to make man, and
you actually see and watch Him make Adam out of the earth. You see Lucifer, or Satan (by this
time), waiting for his chance. He knew exactly what God was doing…”
They Became ‘gods’ on Earth.
“It was those angels who had the flesh on their body, later on, during
Noah’s time on the earth, there was still some on the earth, some of them
chose to become a ‘god’; to the Aztecs, Mayans, Egyptians. That’s how
those civilizations became great. That’s how they produced the offspring. Because God
made them and put them on the earth. And this is what He said: “You have boundaries”… These
angels were given boundaries. “You can come to the earth to help educate the people… Educate
the people about Me…” Just educate them in general, so they would have some smarts.
When Adam and Even fell, that severed that relationship with God. So they would never have
progressed the way they did on their own. They just never would have done that. And so this is
the other thing, Adam and Eve when they left the garden, saw the angels with
the swords. Remember it talks about that? Those were “Watcher
Angels”. Because when they severed that relationship with God… Before they saw the spiritual
and the realm. They saw both realms. Because when He made them, they were pure and
undefiled. They saw God; they walked with God; they spoke with God. When they ended their
relationship, they could no longer see Him. They heard Him… But they could still see the angels.
So those were spiritual angels with flesh on their body.
So later on, when God redid the whole earth, He placed more angels. They
were sent here by Him. He gave them boundaries. “If you leave these boundaries,
you break the contract I have with you, and you will no longer be under My protection, or My
guidance.” He says, “This is your estate… You’re sent here and made for a certain estate, if you
leave that estate, you’re going to pay a price”. He told them this.
So not everyone of them fell, but some of them began to desire the women.
And they were mighty fine to look at themselves. And they went beyond the
bounds, the Word said they went beyond the bounds they were made for. They left their former
estate, and they created these offspring on the earth. It says right in here, “That the angels that
left their former estate were chained and held in darkness”…
They’re not on the earth right now creating more things, ok? I don’t think the Nephilim are coming
back… Anyway, the original angels that did that cannot possibly be on the earth . They’re held for
future judgment.
How people know that scripture? That in the ages to come we will judge
angels? That’s those angels. Because their sin was against humanity. And
once all of the righteous, God’s got them; everything’s done; everything’s past and done. The
tribulation is gone. The Millennial Reign is gone. When all that is done, we get to judge the angels
that are held and bound…”
“They went from just saying, we want to marry them because we love them.” And God has said,
“You’re not going to intermix with them!” But they decided to do it anyway.
Once you allow yourself to be deceived, once you start to play with darkness in something God
said don’t do, you are in big trouble. Because you’re not going to go back the other way unless
God stops you. Once they said, “We’re going to step out of the bounds”. They were
consumed by darkness, by the enemy.
And some of these ended up by being literal ‘gods’ that were worshiped on the earth by
mankind. That’s how their civilizations grew greater than the rest of them.
Because they gave them the knowledge. Most civilizations had human
sacrifice. That’s why .l Because those angels, those angels that fell demanded it. Because
then they were now controlled by darkness.
#261) Kat Kerr – A Place Called “Jello Land”
“Heaven is not boring. Amen? I know that there is some kids here, so you’re just have to put up
with me talking about heaven for kids. Because I don’t always get to talk to them; and so, anyone
who already is a kid, or is childlike, you’re going to love this…”
“God does make special places in Heaven just for kids! They have a place called “Jello
Land”. Why? Because kids like Jello. But it’s even more fun when you jump
on it and eat it at the same time. They have all different flavors in this place where kids
love to go. Especially when they first come to Heaven; they make friends right away. They even
actually have some created beings that look like children that aren’t really children. They’re
ancient beings that God made, so that when the children come to Heaven they have a new
friend. And He knows like anyone else when you move to a new neighborhood, you don’t know
anybody, the next door neighborhood kid… All they have to do is say, “Would you like to come
and play?” They don’t care who that person is. Kids will run and play. And so He actually has
even little ones to get the little toddlers at ease and have fun.”
“But they have a place called “Jello Land”, and that’s exactly what it is. All
the buildings, the streets. Everything is made out of Jello. All kinds of flavors. It’s
not going to melt. Don’t worry about that. And the kids will run in, and grab parts of it off and eat it.
They go into these little Jello houses and they bounce like “this”, back and forth off of the houses.
They have places like swimming pools that are made out of Jello, and the kids actually dive in it.
They try to tunnel through it and everything. They’re being kids. And the whole time they’re eating
it. And they have flavors up there we don’t have down here. They have different things to
decorate on the Jello houses. They’re all edible. Like chocolate doorknobs.
#262) Kat Kerr – Waterfalls Made of Chocolate!
“At the end of this place of Jello Land, there’s another place where the kids
dive down waterfalls made out of chocolate. People are “Like that’s gonna ruin their
teeth!” There is no problem with any kind of decay in Heaven. If God made it, it’s safe. It’s kid
‘And by the way, I’m just going to let you know right now, Jesus has a sweet tooth, and I can
prove it in the Word. And it actually ran in the family. Now the Holy Spirit told me this
one time. If you don’t think He’s a character. He loves to tell jokes. He is the
One who is behind all poetry. Even people who never wrote poetry, when you go to Heaven, it
just comes out of you all of the time. You will write poems and go to these portals and say it to
your family members on earth. They can’t hear you, but that doesn’t stop you from doing it;
because you finally got creative. And you go over there and say these profound poems over your
family members, or just somebody special from Heaven.
And they enjoy doing that because the Holy Spirit loves to rhyme. And so He made this
wonderful place where kids can dive down through chocolate waterfalls and
enjoy every kind of flavor of chocolate possible.”
“One little girl had her Momma write me and say, “I know my daughter’s got a big imagination
(she was like seven), but I’m gonna ask you anyway because she keeps begging me.. Do they
have chocolate houses in Heaven?” I answered back.. Absolutely yes! Probably one right next
door to wherever your daughter will be living when she gets to Heaven. It could possibly be on
her property. And that was not the answer her mother was expecting. “Why would God
want chocolate houses?” Because He is a fund Dad, and He wants His kids
to have fun. What is better than chocolate anyway? I’m sure that if they had money in Heaven,
it would be chocolate. People have this weird idea of Heaven not being exciting.”
#263) Kat Kerr – Bubble Transports & Play Ports
“They have another place that you can go into, and they have these
“bubble transports”. And you stand on these platforms, and a whole big bubble encases
around you, and all of your friends get one of their own, and you go across the sky bumping your
bubbles like “this”.. and you bump off of each others. And you see all of these kids going around
laughing and laughing. And when you get to where they want to, they just pop
it. Isn’t that cool? I think we should have bubble transport down here! It doesn’t hurt the
“They do have playgrounds, but they call them “play ports”, because they’re not on the ground.
They’re up in the sky. And they slide down real rainbows. Is that cool? They ride on music all over
Heaven. They have all kinds of fantastic things. Your children, if they’re in Heaven, they are not
bored! They’re living with family members or very close friends until you get there, and most of
the time, God keeps them the same age they were when they came…”
#264) Kat Kerr – Talking Pets
“You really need to know the depth and love of God. How much He cares about you. He cares
about what you care about. That’s why your pets go there. He said it is not
a theological discussion. Don’t even try. He made them. If He feels like taking them to
Heaven so you can enjoy them, He’s going to do it. And not only that, your pets talk! I
hope you were nice to them. There’s a reason why they talk, because they talked in the Garden
of Eden. And you make think, “That’s shocking too!”, but why do you think that Eve was willing to
listen to that snake talked to her? If they were not accustomed to the animals talking, she would
have never listened to that snake…
But when sin came in, it took that ability from the animals to talk. Do you know what God
told me? It was bad enough for the people to be cursing Him, I wasn’t going
to have the animals cursing Me too. That’s what He actually said. So your pets are
there waiting on you…”
#265) Kat Kerr – Kids Have the Most Fun
“But kids have the most fun in Heaven… They love being with Jesus. Jesus comes and spends
time just with them. He loves them. Even the little babies. He spends time with the little
babies. He has little parties. Little tea parties with all of the little girl
babies. And He sits in these little chairs in this beautiful nursery thing and they all have tea
together, because He loves them. Those nurseries are embellished so beautifully. The babies
beds are these beautiful mother-of-pearl seashells. I think Anne Geddes knew something… I see
these beautiful mother-of-pearl beds. The babies are not sleeping. They’re climbing on them;
swinging on them. Even little babies “this big” I’ve seen in Heaven. They sing, play, talk.
They know who their parents are. They very much want you to come to Heaven. And they even
have a ceremony in the Throne Room where they can come and receive Jesus as their Savior
because they want to…”
#266) Kat Kerr – Life’s Better in Every Way
“I’ve seen the pizza; tasted the pizza; walked down the streets of gold. You
cannot measure the depth of those streets. Transparent, pure gold, so beautiful.
Reflecting the glory of God everywhere. Some of the buildings are alive. Some of them float in
the air. You just float up there and go in…”
“There are no electrical lines. Not even solar panels in Heaven. If He put something in your
mansion, it works because it is alive. You sit down at your tables in Heaven. You say what you
want. It appears in front of you, exactly the way you like it. You eat it. There’s no weight gain. No
food allergies. When you’re done (this is the best part), it all disappears.
You’re not going to labor when you go to Heaven. You’re enjoying your life. Some of them have
dining rooms that seat fifty people. Some I’ve seen seat a hundred people, because they like to
entertain people. Sometimes it’s not just family members who come. And how do you let people
know, that you’re going to have an event? You stand in your mansion and you announce it, and
everyone you want to come hears it, and they come! And they’re never going to be late or stay to
Welcome Center to Help Those in Culture Shock
“And they have a welcome center for all those who are in shock, never
thinking that Heaven would be like that. They thought that it would be like a
monastery or convent and they have people that help you. They indoctrinate you into the culture
of Heaven. You’re really here. This is really the place! And it’s more amazing than you ever
So you’re gonna be ok. They adapt really soon, but you can tell the new people. They’re all
gawking, walking down the streets. They look at everything. They’re in absolute shock at the
beauty and splendor that’s there in Heaven. They see people begin to worship, and you’re caught
up and ride on your worship across the skies of Heaven into the Throne Room…”
#267) Kat Kerr – The Friendly Forest
“There’s a place in Heaven (just because the kids are here) called “the
Friendly Forest”. Guess what’s there? The Friendly Forest! The trees will dance with you.
The flowers will dance with you. The rocks have faces. They sing praises to God. The waterfalls
have faces. They sing praises to God, and you have a whole concert going on in this forest. It’s
beautiful! I’ve seen people, how they get to this forest, and run down this meadow, and there’s
these six or seven foot tall flowers, they call them “flower-copters”. And you grab this stem, and it
pulls you up and takes you across the sky of Heaven to where this friendly forest is.”
“You’re going, “You sound like a fantasy!” Trust me, Heaven’s beyond any fantasy they show on
television because God is a Creator, and He is going to bless, bless, bless you…”
#268) Kat Kerr – Your Own Secret Garden – Alone Time with Jesus
One of the things that He keeps doing for you and it doesn’t matter how many times you go back
into your mansion… You leave and go on tours of Heaven; you go visit to the Throne Room, and
stay as long as you want to, and you get saturated with the love of God until you can’t even walk
or stand up. You just lay there. You lay there engulfed in His love.
And then you go with Jesus. Sometimes He’ll take you places in Heaven
Himself just to bless you. He wants to be with you.
Everybody gets a secret garden. And whenever you want to be with Jesus,
you have a key. You go in and lock it and He comes and spends time with
you. Isn’t that precious? There’s a place the Father does the same thing with you. He wants to
have alone time with you too.
People go, “That’s probably never going to happen. Is it?” I said, “You don’t know Him”. He is
consumed with passion for each and every one of His kids. He made you. He carried you. He
loves you. He wants you to know Him. And He would rather have people won by love than by
fear. You can scare people with Hell, but it only lasts so long. But if they fall in love with Him.
They’re never going to want to stop being a part of you…”
#270) Kat Kerr – Famous Entertainers in Heaven
“Do you know how awesome it is to see John Wayne in Heaven? I don’t care how they did it; as
they were dying; as they stepped out of their body; if they declared the blood of Jesus Christ and
repented, they are in Heaven! And only God knows the heart of man And I’ve seen a lot of them
there. Guess what they’re doing? Making movies; writing scripts; owning big restaurants up there,
feeding people. Working in the amusement park, like Christopher Reeves who teaches you to fly
like Superman. There’s always going to be people who go: “I like everything she said, but that!”
“Now, I don’t want none of it!”
“He knew he was dying, and I know he didn’t always believe in him, but guess what? Something
happens to you when you know you’re dying.”
“Now I don’t know if you actually know this, but John Wayne, we have a witness that he received
Jesus Christ. How many people know that? There’s a witness… his daughter. He loved the
Crystal Cathedral. He was watching it. He was very weak from the cancer. And he was speaking
about Heaven and giving yourself to Jesus and said: “Right now if you have not done that, if
possible, please get on your knees!” And his daughter gave his testimony from the Crystal
Cathedral herself. He crawled out of bed because he couldn’t stand. He crawled
out and got on his knees and he said that prayer and received Jesus Christ
as his savior. So don’t you think he has a right to be in Heaven making cowboy movies?”
“Roy Rogers, and Dale Evans, and Trigger! Bob Hope! George Burns and Gracie! … Whitney
Houston. Some of you are really gonna be shocked when I give names… If with their last breath,
they went Jesus! They’re there! There is no sinner’s prayer in the Bible…”
“Anna Nicole… Michael Jackson… who really would like to hide most of the
music he produced… How many know that he contacted a well known believer recording
artist he knows just a couple weeks before he died, Guess what he did? He prayed with him to
receive Jesus Christ. I know he still had issues. You still have struggles sometimes. After you
receive Him, you have struggles in your flesh. But you know, God will take your words, if you
were sincere and you meant it.”
“So I have seen Danny Kaye, Danny Thomas, Lucille Ball, Ricky Rickardo.
Can you imagine going to their comedy clubs? What else could He give
“Now just to be fair, I have seen Elijah, the apostle Paul, King David, Queen Esther, father
Abraham, King Solomon. You’re going to love King David. He would have fit in, right here.
Because he is one of the biggest characters in Heaven. Adam and Eve… Not Judas…”
“I saw the last pope we had in Heaven. I do know that every child; every baby goes to
Heaven. When you get home to Heaven, you get to finish raising them…”
Kat Kerr – #276 – Jesus’ Prize for the Cross – Taking you Home to the Father
“…People are so undone just by the presence of God when they arrive in Heaven. Here’s
Jesus, Son of God, walking them up the steps of the throne. He actually told
me that that was the prize He was shown for going to the cross. It wasn’t just
millions of people that would be won because of His sacrifice. But it was that every time one
came home, He Himself would get to walk them back up and give them back to the Father.”
“And so you’re having this amazing encounter with the Lord of glory, and
all He is talking about is the Father. He can’t wait for you to meet the
Father. Because of the love of God, you know, He came and died for us. And you see this
amazing being, sitting on this throne. It would be the Father and the glory, waves of glory just
coming out; so brilliant the colors, and you get closer and closer, and you think you’re going to
melt into the steps. You feel the passion that He has for you, and the love that He has; these
waves of love consuming your whole being. And you look into those rays of glory and
you begin to see the outline of the Father’s face, and let me tell you, you
do still cry right now in Heaven, but it’s a good thing. It’s the “undone”
cry. It’s the amazed cry. It’s the joy that you feel. It does say that He’ll wipe away all tears, but
that’s the end of everything; but that’s at the end of the Book of Revelation; that’s after the
Millennial Reign; after the tribulation; after all that’s done, that’s when He wipes away any tears.”
“And you remember none of the bad things that happened; or stuff in your life. You know, that
went wrong… You’re never going to be concerned by them. Probably anybody who didn’t make it
to Heaven, that memory probably is also taken.”
“There’s no suffering in Heaven. And then He’ll reach out and take you in His arms
and hold you, and you feel like you just want to disappear into His
being. And I can tell you, you know at that moment, you know you are home! No matter how
much you loved this earth, or no matter how much you loved your family, you know you’re in the
arms of the One that made you. That is so glad to have you home. They have this huge
celebration party…”
“Eventually your family members will drag you out, because they have been planning the biggest
welcome home party in your own mansion. And let me tell you, you do worship God all of the time
in Heaven, and when you see the mansion and the grounds, and the property He gave you to go
with that mansion, you will never stop shouting praises to God. It’s such an amazing experience
to really know what happens…
#277) Kat Kerr – Garments of Praise – Whitney Houston (another account)
Pt 1 of 2
“..another mystery is revealed to us. It talks about in the Bible garments of
praise, and I always wondered… I didn’t know what that meant. Who did know what that
meant, and way beyond what you think it is. So He actually has shown me many people in
Heaven; some that we all know that lived on this earth.”
“Even recently, like Whitney Houston. He’ll catch me up; let me see what they got as a reward,
what their mansion looks like. And sometimes He’ll tell me how they received Him. They
rededicated their life to Him.”
“I promise you. There is only one way to Heaven, and that is receiving the
blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God. And that’s absolutely
necessary, and I’ll tell you why, because His blood that was shed was holy. It is holy. And it was
the only thing that was powerful enough to wipe away our sins like the never existed.”
“Heaven is an awesome, holy place; and the awe, and wonder, and the power of the holiness of
God you feel all over Heaven. And sin cannot enter into Heaven. It was the only way
that He could make it possible by receiving that sacrifice, that blood sacrifice to wipe away our
sins. You become righteous when you receive that; and that’s what gives you entrance into
Heaven. That’s why it was necessary for Him to do that.”
“But let me tell you, if you have received Jesus Christ as your savior, and people try to attach all
kinds of things to that; like you’ve got to be water baptized; you’ve got to receive the baptism of
the Holy Spirit; you have to be baptized in the Name of the Father, Son, & Holy Spirit. All kinds of
things that man has attached to that; and I’ll tell you what the Father said: ‘There is
one thing required, believe on the Lord Jesus Christ as your savior and thou
shalt be saved.’”
“And I tell people all of the time, that thief on the cross, did not get water baptized. He didn’t get
baptized in the Holy Spirit. He did one thing… He didn’t even say a sinner’s prayer. He looked at
Him and said, ‘Remember me when you enter into your kingdom.’, because at that moment in his
heart he was recognizing Jesus Christ as the Son of God.”
“So He said, ‘Today you will be with Me in paradise’. That’s another whole
story of what He showed me what happened when Jesus left the cross; when
His spiritual body left the cross and He descended into Abraham’s Bosom first, and then He, of
His own free will, crossed over to Hell.”
“Let me tell you, let me just give you a clue people; they in Abraham’s Bosom… Abraham,
Isaac, Jacob, and all those who passed on, up until the point where He died
on the cross, they knew who He was before He even showed up. Because,
#1 John the Baptist was there, and if you don’t think he wasn’t being a
witness… Lazarus had already been there and then left! If you don’t think that
they were witnessing about Jesus being the Son of God, and people don’t even think about those
things, but they actually happened. So he was with Him in Paradise, “briefly”. That’s another
whole story…”
“But this about Whitney was this… I was on a western tour. I did thirty-six meetings in six weeks;
I’ll never do that again. Let me tell you what, that was over a hundred hours of speaking about
Heaven; and by the end of doing that my mind almost disconnected with this natural realm. I
couldn’t even think of a math problem, or a telephone number. I was so filled with sharing about…
even the people who were travelling with me almost couldn’t disconnect from that realm of glory,
about hearing so much about Heaven.”
“ And I was sitting on the front row in Phoenix, Arizona waiting to speak, and I just heard recently
that Whitney Houston had passed. This is what the Holy Spirit said to me, I go by what the Spirit
says. He said, ‘She sang her salvation’. I go like, ‘Wow! What does that mean?’, and He didn’t
explain to me. He doesn’t always tell me… But I found out later what it meant…”
“So a few days later, I’m sitting on the front row, and right with everyone there; and the pastor’s
wife, sitting right next to me. They didn’t even know I was gone for seconds! He caught me up,
and Whitney Houston was still at the throne with the Father. She was beautiful! I just can’t even
tell you; the glory that was coming from her face. She was young. She looked like she
was in her 20’s. So much life was in her, and all she could do was just look
at the Father. She had such eyes of adoration for Him. And there was Jesus
standing right next to her. She was so undone by being in Their presence; and the waves
of love that I could actually see going through her being; the glory passing through her being. And
her gown looked like a queen’s gown. it ‘s the gown of salvation. I was just reflecting the light of
God off of it.”
“But this is why the Father caught me up. He wanted me to see what He was giving her as a
reward. And He was sitting on the throne, and He said: “Daughter, because you were willing to
use the gift of song that I put inside of you before I sent you to this earth; because you were
willing to use that gift, I’m going to give you part of your reward right now. And I’m going to give
you one of My own songs that has never been sung; not even in Heaven.” Now that kind of
surprised me.”
“And He reached down and picked up this beautiful chest. (If you think you know what a treasure
chest looks like. You don’t have a clue until you’ve seen them in Heaven.) It was probably, I don’t
know 18”, maybe 9” high; I just kind of think that it was about that size. And when He opened this,
it was gem and pearl encrusted. It was glorious. And it had a crown like a symbol on it,
and when He opened it, I SAW music! I didn’t just hear it. I heard it, but I
saw music begin to flow out of this treasure chest, and it was like a garnet
red color; almost looked like liquid fabric. I can’t explain really sometimes. And it
began to wind around the feet of Whitney, even over the top of her of gown of salvation. It began
to wind itself around, and as it did, the music began to consume her being. And I heard one of the
most beautiful songs I’ve ever heard sung. And this song was wrapping itself around her like this
garment, and when it was done, it became this garnet gown.”
“I’m telling you on this earth no one has anything as beautiful as this thing was, and every time
that she would move her hand, this song would begin to come off of her gown. The gown she was
wearing. And the Father looked at her and said: ‘I am giving you garments of
praise!’ And that was the first time I realized, that is something literal. That
is something real that actually exists in Heaven. And I was getting as undone as she was. It was
so beautiful to see her, and the Father looked at her and He said:
‘Everywhere you go in Heaven where you wear this, people are going to know that I gave you My
song. Because you were willing to use that gift for Me; and when you get to your mansion
daughter, you go to your treasure room and you’ll find more of My songs and more treasure that
you have laid up in Heaven by using your life for Me.”
“I can tell you, I’ll never forget that scene. I may draw it and put it in my third book. I was at a
meeting sharing this, and someone came up, tears coming down their eyes,
and they told me that they were Whitney Houston’s cousin. And she is just
weeping and weeping. And she said, ‘I have got to share this message with her mother and her
grandmother.’ She said, ‘They will be undone.’ She said, ‘They have been saying from the day
she left that she was in Heaven’.”
#278) Kat Kerr – Garments of Praise – Whitney Houston (another account)
Pt 2 of 2
“They knew she was in Heaven, and that her funeral took this world to
church! If you did not see that service that she had… I went back and watched some of it
online. You can go on there and watch it online.
Literally, she took this world to church and they didn’t care. The media didn’t care. They talked
about God. They talked about Jesus. They talked about Heaven during their
whole service. Even people you never expected would make statements about God, and
about Whitney’s life.”
“I can tell you, she started in the church. She started using that gift for God
singing the gospel. She wrote gospel albums. She knew who created her. She knew there
was a God. She knew who Jesus was and her Mom and Grandmother never stopped praying for
“And this is what the Holy Spirit allowed me to find out later, I did not know this at the time, but the
last day of her life, she was out with her friends somewhere, I don’t remember exactly where it
was. But they were in this place, I don’t know if it was a bar and grill, or what it was, and Whitney
wasn’t feeling that well at the time. And her friend said, ‘You’ve got to sing for us before we leave’.
And she didn’t really want to do it. And she said ‘Anything you want. Just sing something’. And of
course, she was almost at the bottom of the barrel at this time with her life. She knew that her life
wasn’t necessarily in order and that she’d been through a whole lot of stuff. And they said she
stepped up and began to sing ‘Yes Jesus Loves Me!’
Everyone was crying in this place when she was singing, and they were so undone. And I tell you
why, because this is what the Holy Spirit said: ‘She meant every single word,
and when she sang that song, she was recommitting her life back to Me’.”
“How precious, and yet in our minds, we would think, ‘No, she has to be in a church. She has to
walk down the aisle. She has to have a whole bunch of people see her do that, or it’s not real.’
You know what? It’s what was done in her heart, and only God knows the hearts of men and
women. And I will tell you this, no matter what other people have said. I don’t care if they say they
saw her in Hell, trust me, she is in Heaven. Jesus received that song as her recommitting her life,
and she is up there.”
“And this is what the Lord told me. He said, ‘It was time to bring Whitney
home because we are right now rehearsing the songs that will be sung
during the Marriage Supper of the Lamb and one of the people we have
chosen to sing those songs was Whitney.’”
There were many video segments created individually. For those who desire to see them,
reference Youtube. There is a thread on Whitney Houston’s death which is really
a more appropriate place to list those. I have listed a couple of relatively short ones
(by comparison) to get a feel for the service.)
She watched it! It’s good to have so many people care for you; even in the
#279) Kat Kerr – Talks about Cremation
“One of the things that I tell my services, what the Father said, He said: ‘It doesn’t matter
to Me, what is done with your body when you die.’ He said, ‘For some
reason people think I can’t put ashes together.’
“He said: ‘In the Word, I know that people are using the scripture that says: ‘Don’t allow yourself
to be passed through the fire.’ He said: ‘That scripture, when that was written, was not written
about cremation.’”
“He said: ‘It’s cheaper. Do it. Keep the money for yourself. Your loved ones
are not going to care.’ And He said, ‘That scripture was talking about, back in the Old
Testament, people would literally, while they’re still living, cut hunks of their body off and lay it on
the arms of an idol, and it would burned as a sacrifice. Some people (which is so horrific, we can’t
imagine this), would take even family members while they were living, and they would put them
on this idol, and there is this huge fire that would pass up, and they would pass that body, even
while someone was living through that fire as a sacrifice to that idol. That’s what He meant when
He said, ‘Don’t allow yourself to be passed through the fire’. He was saying, ‘Don’t do that idol
worship.’ ‘Don’t give yourself, even pieces of yourself to that.’ Because He knew it was the devil.
It’s all about the devil receiving worship.”
“And so He was forbidding them to do that. It has nothing to do today with being buried or being
“My own father, who had an extremely intimate relationship his entire life from the age of five or
four, knew God well, asked for himself to be cremated. And I can tell you, my Dad would have
“God Himself said, ‘Tell them to go ahead and do it.’ He said, ‘I will have no problem bringing
those ashes back together.’ He said, ‘What is the difference in you doing that or
some precious, beloved, child of Mine being killed in a fire, and being
burned up in that fire, and now they’re ashes… Do you think I’m not going
to do something with their body?’”
“People have this idea that God, because you know on that day of the resurrection of the dead,
they think if you don’t have literal bones (some are nothing but bones by that time in their casket);
they feel like if that body is not together, He can’t resurrect them, which is totally silly. He knows
where every ash and molecule and cell is of your body; and, at one point He is going to bring all
of them back together and glorify that body that you had; and you’re going to look so much better
than you do now.”
“And then I tell people, He is going to “superglue” your eternal spirit. If you’re living in Heaven,
He’s going to take your eternal spirit and put it in that glorified body, and you’re going to have it
back, and it will be one glorified being. Then you will be immortal, and no longer mortal.”
“Those living on the earth when all of this happens, He will catch you up, and you will be glorified
instantly with your spirit in your body, and you will become immortal. But He said this,
‘There is nowhere that you can hide; whether you’re eaten by a shark,
blown up in an explosion; it doesn’t matter how you die. I know where
every part of your being is. I made you in the beginning, and I can put you
back together.’”
“So please: there is absolutely nothing wrong with people being
cremated. It’s much less expensive, and you need the money. They don’t need it in Heaven.
They have a mansion you couldn’t even pay to have built up in Heaven. Don’t feel bad if you had
to have that done. It’s perfectly alright with God. Amen.”
#280) More About Maurissa’s Family
Heaven Invasion I
“Anyway, the thing I forgot to mention, which was really significant…”
“I was invited to all of his son’s weddings, because I was real close to the pastor and his wife. A
few months after this happened , one of his son’s got married and I was sitting at the table, you
know, just enjoying the wedding and the reception.; and this whole group of people come across
the floor, towards me. I’m like, “Ok, what do they want?”
“And I did see Esther there. I was in Maurissa’s Grandmother’s home, Esther was coming
towards me, as was his brother, David, and several other family members I recognized. There
were a few I didn’t know. One of them was carrying a book. And I thought, “What are they doing?”
“Well, number one, the few that really knew me, they loved me, they hugged me, they cried over
me. I just changed their life. Not only did I reveal what Maurissa was doing, but I talked to them
about their father, and what he was doing in Heaven. So that was phenomenal, but
somebody didn’t quite believe it. So they brought his college yearbook. He
was in his 20’s in his college years. So they opened the book and put it down in front of
me, and back then, the names weren’t put under the pictures. They were put in a column. The
whole list “here”, for all of those pictures went on “that” side. The second they opened it, I said,
“He’s right there!”. Of course after that, what could they say?”
“He didn’t look anything like that. I had actually seen my pastor’s father before he passed away.
He was very “round”. His face was round. He didn’t have a lot of hair. He wore glasses. He didn’t
look anything like he did when he was in his 20’s. He was a sharp looking guy. He had light brown
hair, not white, falling out. And he looked exactly like his picture, except that his hair was a little bit
“Once I shared that, they all believed me. So that was something significant. They had to have
proof. Well, they got proof! Because, when I saw I saw somebody, I saw them; and to this day I
could describe him in detail. He was very happy. He had a young heart again. He did look like he
was in his 20’s…”
#283) Kat Kerr – Hoverboards
“They have a place in Heaven where the kids go and they all get their own
“hover boards”. If they’re age five and up, they all get one. And they run on
light, and they jump on it and that’s how they travel across Heaven.. With no parents! They’re not
going to get hurt. They can’t get lost. It’s not earth. And you see whole groups of them going
places in Heaven to enjoy themselves. And it’s real exciting. Can you imagine giving a five year
old something like that? …That’s only a sample of what’s in Heaven because people are creating
things similar to what they have in Heaven , but they are a whole lot better up there.”
“…earth is only a shadow of what is in Heaven. There is countryside; there is a massive city;
there’s beautiful trees; flowers; animals. He made earth as a shadow of what’s in Heaven. So if
it’s already here, it’s surely going to be up there, but just a lot better. There are dinosaurs up
there. None of them are wild. They’re filled with the love of God. Like in the Garden of Eden.
None of these animals hurt each other…
#284) Oral Roberts Trip Home!
Kat Kerr – VTS
“When you step into Heaven, when you have died and moved to Heaven, they will come and pick
you up and take you there. If it’s a near death experience or you’re just caught up, that could be
done many ways, but when you die and you’re gonna move to Heaven they actually will come
and pick you up in something. Either in an amazing transport, or chariot; sometimes the Lord will
come and get you Himself. And that’s really quite something when He does that. I’ve seen His
chariot many times. Fire comes off of it, all of the horses that take that chariot through the spirit
realm. They all have fire on them. It’s a glorious thing to see.”
“I was allowed to see Oral Roberts go home to Heaven. The Lord picked him up in
His own chariot. And he actually prophesied his own going. It was amazing. He
actually was singing. I found out later (I knew he was singing when the Lord picked him up.) and
he was singing his theme song, “Something Good is going to Happen to You Today because the
Lord of Glory is Gonna Pass by Your Way”; and his son and daughter were with him at the time.
But he changed the words and started singing, “Something good is gonna happen to me today;
because the Lord of glory is gonna pass by my way”. And He did, and He picked him up! Amen!
And he looked really good. Oral looked really good; the Heavenly host that poured off of Heaven
to greet him. They were really honoring a general in God’s army. And there were so many people
between the gate and the landing area, where you get out of your chariot or transport; you
couldn’t even see the gate. There was a sea of people waiting to meet him. All the prophets;
all of the disciples were there; great men and women of God in the past. I
saw Lester Sumrall was there; Kenneth Hagin Sr. was there; Smith
Wigglesworth, John G. Lake; they were all there; all of them looking really young.
You don’t look old when you go to Heaven. I tell people. You look like you’re in that perfect age; in
your late 20’s, maybe early 30’s. You just look amazing!”

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