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Definition and Scope

a. Legal Medicine
b. Medical Jurisprudence
c. Forensic Medicine

II. Medical Evidence

a. Autoptic or real evidence
b. Testimonial Evidence
c. Ordinary vs Expert witness
d. Experimental
e. Documentary
f. Physical evidence

III. Medico Legal Aspect of Death

a. Brain Death
b. Cardio Respiratory death
c. Kinds of Death
1. Somatic or Clinical
2. Molecular or Cellular
3. Apparent death or state of Suspended animation
d. Signs of Death
1. Cessation of Heart Action
2. Cessation of Respiration
3. Cooling of The Body (algor Mortis)
4. Insensibilities of the Body and loss of power to move
5. Changes in the eye
6. Changes in the skin
7. Actions of Heat in the Skin
e. Changes in the body following death
1. Rigor Mortis
2. Cadaveric Spasm
3. Post-Mortem lividity or cadaveric lividity
f. Autopsy PD No. 856, December 23, 1975
1. Post Mortem examination
2. Hospital or Non-Official Autopsy
3. Medico legal or official autopsy
4. When shall autopsy be performed
5. Negative autopsy vs Negligent Autopsy
g. Causes of Death/ Medico Legal Classification
1. Natural Death
2. Violent or Unnatural Death
1. Accident
2. Negligent Death
3. Infanticidal
4. Parricidal
5. Murder
6. Homicidal
7. Suicidal Death
h. Special Death
1. Judicial Death
2. Euthanasia
1. Orhothanasia
2. Dysthanasia
3. Suicide
4. Starvation

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