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14/02/2011 18:57

Build your own Startup Death Clock

few months ago I created a fun device at email appeared with a focused list of “must-haves”
WPEngine to focus everyone’s attention the before release (with a few items omitted from the
most important thing. previous “must-have” list).

Sometimes fear is a good motivator. In this case, Yeah, it works.  Try it!
fear takes the form of a tiny spreadsheet:
Tracking Progress

Of course as you improve your profitability — hope-

fully through more revenue but possibly through
lower expenses — this date will change. Tracking
that change over time is an easily-digestible demons-
I know it’s looks silly to name the very day that tration of progress, and/or acceleration of progress.
we run out of money — why not include the hour
and minute too? Clearly it’d be more accurate to Here’s our actual data:
say “sometime in Q1 2011.”

But the goal here isn’t accuracy, it’s motivation and

focus. Nothing drives correct thinking about getting
to profitability like facing your own demise. No
hedging, no estimating, no complex Profit & Loss
projections, just a date.
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Confronted by an ultimatum, your thoughts crysta-

lize. Maybe some of those things on your to-do list
for this week aren’t as important as you thought.
Maybe you could get v1.0 out the door faster. Maybe
you should be spending your time getting revenue 
instead of ruminating on the philosophy of startups It’s easy to see that we’re replacing our burn to some
with strangers in the comment section of some blog. extent, with a notable down-spike when we make
(Err, except for this blog of course!) a new investment that eats cash. It’s a particularly
nice way to visualize just how big of an investment
[UPDATE: @rjrodger created an awesome, easy tool we made, and how subsequent income replaces it

for this at] (or doesn’t).

So did it work?
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Four minutes after emailing this internally someone

responded with a way for us to launch a week ear-
lier than planned. Three minutes after that another

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14/02/2011 18:57

Build your own Startup Death Clock

Even better: Tracking your break-even project from there, but this products erratic results
date due to the normal bumps and dips in the graphs. So
it turns out you need to use least-squares regression
Tracking “death” is good motivation, but it’s so to generate approximation lines that are relatively
negative! If you actually have revenue — and it’s immune to minor undulations. Determining the x-
growing, and growing faster than expenses — there’s value for where the two lines intersect is as easy as
another more positive and more useful way to plot setting the linear equations equal and solving for x.
your progress: Your anticipated break-even date.
(For those of you actually following along with the
Here’s how we generate this date for WPEngine. First math, remember that what you’ve just computed is
we track our expenses measured daily as “monthly the number of days from the beginning of the data
accural revenue for past 30 days.” Put another way, window that the two lines intersect. I also convert
if 100% of our expenses for this month (salaries, that into an actual date, e.g. March 14th, 2011, not
servers, bandwidth, credit cards) were paid on a a relative date, e.g. 127 days from “now.”)
single day, how much would it be?
The result is worth the effort; here’s our projected
Second we track the same concept but with revenue. break-even date over time:
Our customers pay us monthly, but everyone is on
a different day of the month (specifically, 15 days
after they signed up, when their trial expired).

The result looks like this (dollars intentionally omit-

ted… there’s a limit to transparency!):
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When the date is moving out it means we’re being

less efficient (either at expenses or revenues or
both), and the same in reverse. Recently it’s stabi-
lized which is a good sign that we’re starting to lock
in our process, and with the break-even date much
closer than our running-out-of-money date, we’re

We can see that revenue is catching up with ex- confident we won’t run out of money.
penses, so how do we project when that date will be?
And perhaps most importantly of all, as soon as
The idea is to  approximate  both of these curves anything changes for the worse, we see it. No
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with straight lines and see where they’d intersect. surprises three months later when suddenly we
The simplest linear estimation is to just draw a line realize we don’t have enough money to keep going.
between the first and last point in the window and

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Build your own Startup Death Clock

It ends

As you approach cash-flow break-even, your “run

out of money” date accelerates into the future. As
you blow past that magical moment, your business
can sustain itself indefinitely without further cash
investment, and the date becomes infinite.

That’s the end of the chart. Congratulations, now

there’s only 47 other metrics you need to be tracking.

Oh well, we should all be so lucky.

Let’s compare notes

What other simple, motivating metrics can you

use early on in your startup? What’s your death-
day? Join the conversation in the comment section.
Click here to send your feedback
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