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Kimberlly Malbas
Journal for April 25, 2020

Now I am currently lost in my daily

plans. Exercising, eating healthy, fixing
my sleeping routine, and now I think
that it's just all an adrenaline rush. It is
hard to be able to be productive
knowing that you're in the middle of the
crisis. My wall is just filled with
untouched sticky notes, no progress.
Some deadlines have passed without an
output. I am normally abnormal at the
end of the month because it's the time of
the month, you know typical women
thing. I am not diagnosed with it but my
PMS symptoms are extreme, and it
hinders me from being able to do
physical activities and even mental
capacity to be able to calm down. One
complication I have is I am anemic, that's
why I usually sleep and need much more
rest than any normal day. I cannot be
productive for a week before and during
this period but after it, I will be back to
normal. When I was in Grade 12, there's
even a time that after I finished taking a
bath, my eyesight blacked out.

Photo from: Unsplash


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