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Technical Requirements

Developer’s Software Requirements

Components Software

Developing Environment PhpMyAdmin, Word Processor

Programming Platform Web

Programming Language Php, HTML, CSS

Software Development Notepad++, XAMPP

Operating System Windows 10

The table above shows that the proponent used the following softwares to develop the system. The proponent
purposely used the following software for a reason that the aforementioned softwares are all open source except for the
operating system.

User’s Software Requirement

Components Software

Operating System Windows Vista or higher

Web Browser HTML5 or higher (Google Chrome, MS Edge, Mozilla


Project DoTS website requires any internet browser that has HTML 5 versions or higher to view and use all the functional
buttons that the website offers.

Hardware Specifications

User’s Hardware Requirements

Components Specifications

Mobile Device Smartphone with Browser

RAM 500mb or higher (1gb recommended)

Processor Intel Pentium or higher / AMD Athlon or higher

The system is accessible both in desktop/laptop units and mobile phones. The desktop or laptop needs to have 500 Mb
or higher RAM and an Intel Pentium/AMD Athlon higher versions for fast utilization of the system.

Network Specifications

Components Specifications

User’s Network Requirement 512 kbps or higher

Virtual Private Server 30Gb

Disk Space Allocation 23Gb
 Usable Disk Space 2Tb
Bandwidth 1 Main IP
IPv4 Address 100Mbps
Node speed
The proponent seek the help of a third party provider of Virtual Private Server. Since the nature of the system is to track
the activities of the document inside the office, the system requires a greater bandwidth to accommodate the huge traffic
of interoffice documents. Virtual Private Server is needed to serve the MySQL remotely and VPS has the capability to
provide huge MySQL processing/traffic. Through this, the provider will setup a server intended solely for the client side
application to utilize the entire system. And also, whenever a need arises to deploy new database for the client side
application the proponent may still use the technology VPS subscribed from the provider.

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