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Over the centuries, many anarchs have discovered innovative ways to use the
powers of their vampiric blood, much as their rivals in the sects have done.
more than one Cainite scholar has speculated that the eternal struggle between the
different vampiric factions has been the catalyst for the evolution of these
Discipline applications, several more mainstream Disciplines and even some of the
minor bloodlines. Wise anarchs who come across the secrets of these combination
Disciplines hold them in reserve until they are absolutely necessary, as they
one of the few edges unique to the Cause; the less the enemy is allowed to know cr
l b out
them, the better.
Listed for each combination Discipline is an Experience Trait cost and the
prerequisite Disciplines a character must possess before he can attempt to master
new power. Characters who fail to meet either of these requirements cannot even
attempt the feats described - those who have the prerequisite Disciplines but who
have not spent the necessary Experience Traits lack the necessary understanding to
perform what the combination Discipline entails. It is also within a Storyteller’s
discretion to disallow any or all of these combination Disciplines. While intended
expand roleplaying opportunities and demonstrate the heights vampiric power can
reach with suitable effort and dedication, they can also be abused by power-hungry
and unscrupulous players, and the Storyteller should always ensure that the needs
the story and the game as a whole come before a few lines on a character sheet.
These combination Disciplines cannot be taken at character creation, regardless
of what a character’s backstory might be; all combination Disciplines require an
teacher and ideally should only be earned after a suitable period of extensive
investigation and painstaking experimentation. It is therefore highly recommended
that the requisite Experience Traits for a combination Discipline not be spent all
once, but rather spent over a period of time to reflect the student’s efforts to
master her
new power. Not only does that evocatively demonstrate to the player the amount of
time it takes to master these complex Disciplines, but it also keeps the new
from seeming to “magically appear” on a character’s sheet between one game and the
next, and encourages the acquisition of it to become part of the character’s
storyline. In addition, Storytellers should remember that required teachers are
rare, and
few anarchs possess such unique variations to the standard Disciplines. Finding a
suitable instructor can easily be the goal of a fairly long storyline involving of
a number
of expensive favors, thorough investigation and personal growth.
Note: For purposes of power comparison, a combination Discipline is considered
to be the same level as the highest-level Discipline it requires to learn. Thus, if
a combination Discipline requires two Basic Disciplines and one Advanced
it is considered an Advanced power.

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