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Chapter 2


In the solid state of a body, the atoms are closely packed and the density is comparably higher than those
of the liquid and gaseous state. So it is difficult to compress a solid. Thus solids have a definite shape and
volume at a given temperature and the shape cannot be easily changed. In actual practice, however, there
is no body as a perfectly rigid body. All bodies can, more or less, be deformed by suitable applied forces.
When the deforming forces are removed, the body tends to recover its original condition. This property is
called elasticity.

2.1 Different Terms of Elasticity

The elasticity is called the property of a material body to regain its original condition, on the
removal of the deforming forces. Bodies which can recover completely their original condition, on
the removal of the deforming forces, are said to be perfectly elastic. On the other hand, bodies
which do not show any tendency to recover their original condition, are said to be plastic. There
are, however, no perfectly elastic or plastic body.

If a load or a deforming force applied to a body then the body, due to its elasticity, creates an
opposite reaction inside it. This equal and opposite force created inside the body tends to keep the
body to its original shape. Thus the restoring or recovering force per unit area set up inside the
body is called stress. Restoring force per unit area perpendicular to the surface is called normal
stress. Restoring force parallel to the surface per unit area is called tangential stress.
f orce F
Therefore, stress = = .
area A

The change per unit dimension of a body, when a force is applied to it, is called strain. There are
three types of strain: linear or longitudinal strain, volume strain and shearing strain.
Longitudinal strain: The ratio of change in length to its original length is called longitudinal
strain. If the original length be L and change in length be l, then the longitudinal strain is = l/L.
Volume strain: The ratio of the change in volume to its original volume is called volume strain.
If the original volume be V and change in volume be v, then the volume strain is = v/V.

2.1 Different Terms of Elasticity Chapter 2. ELASTICITY

Shearing strain: Shearing strain is defined as the A

angle of shear measured in radians. Let a force l l
F is applied along the side AB of a rigid body L L
ABCD. Due to the tangential stress, the body is θ θ
reshaped by A! B!CD. Therefore, shearing strain,
tan θ ≈ θ = AA l
AD = L . L

Elastic limit:
If a wire is subjected to gradually increasing stress, the wire strain will obviously increase. We plot
the stress versus strain curve to show the characteristics of the elasticity of the wire. Figure 2.1
shows a stress versus strain curve.


Plastic range
A yielding range Breaking point
Due to breaking stress
Elastic limit

Elastic range


Figure 2.1: Stress versus strain curve.

The straight and sloping part OA of the curve clearly shows that the strain is directly propor-
tional to the applied stress. On the removal of the stress, the wire will recover its original condition
of zero strain, represented by O. In other words the wire is perfectly elastic up to the stress repre-
sented by A, which therefore measures the elastic limit. The strain up to this limit is really very
small, the total increase in length being of the order 10−3 of the original length of the wire.
As soon as the elastic limit is crossed, the strain increases more rapidly than the stress and the
graph curves along AB, the extension of the wire now being partly elastic and partly plastic. Hence,
on being unloaded here, say, at the point B, it does not come back to its original condition along
For further increasing of stress beyond the point B, the portion BD of the graph is an irregular
wavy line. The stress corresponding to it being known as the yielding stress. The yielding ceases
at D, and further extension, which now becomes plastic, can only be produced by gradually in-
creasing the load so that the portion DE of the curve, where the cross-section of the wire decreasing
uniformly with extension up to E. The portion DEF is called plastic range. The maximum load
to which the wire is subjected divided by its original cross-sectional area is called the ultimate
strength or the tensile strength of the wire and is also sometimes termed as the breaking stress.
The stress corresponding to the point F represents the maximum stress (breaking stress) where the
wire will break and the point F is said to be breaking point.

Dr. Md. Kamal-Al-Hassan 14 Dept. of Physics, DUET, Gazipur

2.2 Hooke’s Law Chapter 2. ELASTICITY

2.2 Hooke’s Law

This fundamental law of elasticity stated by Robert Hooke in 1679. It states that within elastic limit
stress is directly proportional to strain.
Therefore, we can write
Stress ∝ Strain,
or Stress = E × Strain,
or = E,
where E is a constant and called modulus of elasticity.

2.3 Modulii of Elasticity

Corresponding to the three types of strain, we find three types of modulii of elasticity. All modulii
of elasticity are to be considered within elastic limit.

2.3.1 Young’s modulus

The ratio of longitudinal stress to linear strain is called Young’s modulus.
Young’s modulus,
Y= = .
l/L Al

2.3.2 Modulus of rigidity

The ratio of tangential stress to shearing strain is called modulus of rigidity.
Modulus of rigidity,
η= = .
θ Aθ

2.3.3 Bulk modulus

Let a force is applied normally and uniformly to the whole surface of a body, a change is occurred
in volume without any change in shape. Then the ratio of normal stress to volume strain is called
bulk modulus.
Bulk modulus,
K= = = .
v/V A.v v

2.4 Poisson’s Ratio

If α be the increase of per unit length due to per unit tension along the direction of the force, and β
be the contraction of per unit diameter due to per unit tension along the perpendicular direction of
the force, then the
Poisson’s ratio, σ can be defined as
σ= .

Dr. Md. Kamal-Al-Hassan 15 Dept. of Physics, DUET, Gazipur

2.4 Poisson’s Ratio Chapter 2. ELASTICITY

Figure 2.2 shows a wire of length L and diame-
ter D is vertically suspended by a load W. When- L
ever a body is subjected to a force in a particu-
lar direction which causes a change in the same
direction, obviously, it also causes the change in
dimensions of the other two perpendicular direc-
D - dD dL
tion. It means, if the applied force increase the
length of the wire (Fig. 2.2), it will decrease the
diameter of the wire.
Figure 2.2: A wire of length L and diameter D is ver-
tically suspended by a load W.

Therefore, Poisson’s ratio is defined as the ratio of lateral strain per unit stress to the longitudinal
strain per unit stress. For the given wire,

β dD/D
σ= =− .
α dL/L

A minus sign is taken because of the length is increased but the diameter is decreased by the applied
! dD "! L "
∴ σ =− (2.1)
dL D
Let the volume of the wire remains unchanged by the applied force. Initial volume of the wire
! π D2 "
V= L. (2.2)
Differentiating Eq. 2.2 we have
π 2
dV = (D dL + 2LD dD).
But change in volume, dV = 0,
π 2
∴ (D dL + 2LD dD) = 0
# $# $
dD L 1
or =− . (2.3)
dL D 2
Now comparing the Eqs. 2.1 and 2.3 we have
σ= .
This is the maximum possible value of Poisson’s ratio. The value of Poisson’s ratio mainly depends
upon the nature of the material of the body. For most of the substance, the value of σ varies between
0.2 and 0.4.

Dr. Md. Kamal-Al-Hassan 16 Dept. of Physics, DUET, Gazipur

2.5 Relations Connecting the Elastic Constants Chapter 2. ELASTICITY

2.5 Relations Connecting the Elastic Constants

Figure 2.3 shows a cubical block ABCDEFGH having length s, breadth b and thickness t. Let the
block is subjected to outward stresses as shown in figure. The stress P is acting on the faces ABFE
and CDHG. Q is acting on the faces AEHD and BCGF, and R is acting on the faces ABCD and
Each stress produces an extension in its own direction and a lateral contraction in the other two
perpendicular directions. Let α be the longitudinal strain per unit stress and β be the lateral strain
per unit stress.
∴ Poisson’s ratio σ = .
Increase in length due to the stress P is Pα s and corresponding contraction in breadth and
thickness are Pβ b and Pβ t, respectively. Similarly, due to the stress Q increase in breadth is Qα b
and corresponding contraction in length and thickness are to be Qβ s and Qβ t, respectively. Also
due to the stress R increase in thickness is Rα t and corresponding contraction in length and breadth
are to be Rβ s and Rβ b, respectively.



b B

Figure 2.3: An elastic cubical block having length s, breadth b and thickness t.

∴ Final length = s + Pα s − Qβ s − Rβ s,

final breadth = b + Qα b − Pβ b − Rβ b,
and final thickness = t + Rα t − Pβ t − Qβ t.
Now, final volume = sbt[1 + Pα − (Q + R)β ] × [1 + Qα − (P + R)β ] × [1 + Rα − (P + Q)β ]
= sbt[1 + (P + Q + R)α − (P + Q + R)2β ]
= sbt[1 + (P + Q + R)(α − 2β )].
∴ Change in volume = sbt[1 + (P + Q + R)(α − 2β )] − sbt = sbt(P + Q + R)(α − 2β ).
Let the stresses are equal, i.e. P = Q = R.

We have change in volume = sbt(3P)(α − 2β ).

Dr. Md. Kamal-Al-Hassan 17 Dept. of Physics, DUET, Gazipur

2.5 Relations Connecting the Elastic Constants Chapter 2. ELASTICITY

sbt(3P)(α − 2β )
∴ Volume strain = = 3P(α − 2β ).
Bulk modulus, K = ,
3P(α − 2β )
or K= , (2.4)
3(α − 2β )
or K= ! ",
3α 1 − 2αβ
or K= , (2.5)
3α (1 − 2σ )
where .σ=
If we now imagine a cube of unit edge, acted upon by unit tension along one edge, then the exten-
sion is produced by α .
Young’s modulus, Y = .
We put F=1, L=1, A=1 and l = α . Then we have
Y= . (2.6)

Relation between η , α , β :
Figure of right side shows that the top face ABHG
of a cube be sheared by a shearing force F, keep- G H
ing rigid to the bottom face. So that, A and B take F
up the positions A! and B! , respectively. Here, /
∠ADA! = ∠BCB! = θ . Let the side of the cube be A l /
L and AA! = BB! = l. E
F/A θ θ
Modulus of rigidity, η = . L
Let, = 2 = T (tension). D C
∴ Modulus of rigidity, η = . (2.7)
Let α be the longitudinal strain per unit stress and β be the lateral strain (contraction) per unit stress.
Diagonal extension along DB is DB.T.α and compression along AC is to be AC.T.β = DB.T.β . The
compressive strain along AC also increases the length of DB.

Therefore, total extension in length of the diagonal DB is

DB.(T.α + T.β ) = DB.T.(α + β )

√ % √
= 2.L.T.(α + β ) (∵ DB = L2 + L2 = 2.L.)

Dr. Md. Kamal-Al-Hassan 18 Dept. of Physics, DUET, Gazipur

2.5 Relations Connecting the Elastic Constants Chapter 2. ELASTICITY

Let BE⊥DB! . Increase in length along DB is EB! .

∴ EB! = BB! cos ∠BB! E ≈ l cos 45o = √ .
Now we can write,
l √
√ = 2.L.T.(α + β ),
L.T 1
or = ,
l 2(α + β )
T 1
or = ,
l/L 2(α + β )
T 1
or = , (2.8)
θ 2(α + β )
where shearing strain, θ = l/L.
Therefore, from Eqs. 2.7 and 2.8 we have the modulus of rigidity
η= . (2.9)
2(α + β )

Relation between Y, K and η :

From Eq. 2.4 we have
K= ,
3(α − 2β )
or α − 2β = . (2.10)
From Eq. 2.9 we have
η= ,
2(α + β )
or 2α + 2β = . (2.11)
Adding Eqs. 2.10 and 2.11 we have,
1 1
3α = + (2.12)
3K η
Putting the relation of Eq. 2.6 in Eq. 2.12 we can write
3 1 1
= + ,
Y 3K η
9 1 3
or = + . (2.13)
Y K η
Equation 2.13 gives the complete relation of three modulii of elasticity- Young’s modulus Y, bulk
modulus K and modulus of rigidity η .

Dr. Md. Kamal-Al-Hassan 19 Dept. of Physics, DUET, Gazipur

2.6 Work Done due to Strain Chapter 2. ELASTICITY

Relation between Y, K and σ :

From Eqs. 2.5 and 2.6 one can find
K= ,
3 (1 − 2σ )
or Y = 3K (1 − 2σ ) . (2.14)
Equation 2.14 gives the relation between bulk modulus K, Young’s modulus Y, and Poisson’s ratio

Relation between Y, η and σ :

From Eq. 2.9 we have
η= ,
2(α + β )
or η= ! ",
2α 1 + αβ

or η = ! ".
2 1 + αβ
Since Poisson’s ratio σ = α and Young’s modulus Y = α1 , then we have

η= ,
2 (1 + σ )

or Y = 2η (1 + σ ). (2.15)
Equation 2.15 gives the relation between Young’s modulus Y, modulus of rigidity η and Poisson’s
ratio σ .

Relation between K, η and σ :

We have from Eq. 2.14, Y = 3K (1 − 2σ ) and from Eq. 2.15, Y = 2η (1 + σ ).

∴ 3K(1 − 2σ ) = 2η (1 + σ ),

or 3K − 2η = σ (6K + 2η ),
3K − 2η
or σ= . (2.16)
6K + 2η
Equation 2.16 gives the relation between bulk modulus K, modulus of rigidity η and Poisson’s ratio

2.6 Work Done due to Strain

(i) Elongation strain: Let F be the force applied to a wire, fixed at the upper end. Then for a small
increase in length dl of the wire, the work done will be equal to F.dl. Therefore, during the whole
stretch of the wire from 0 to l, & l
work done = F.dl.

Dr. Md. Kamal-Al-Hassan 20 Dept. of Physics, DUET, Gazipur

2.6 Work Done due to Strain Chapter 2. ELASTICITY

Now Young’s modulus for the material of the wire,

F.L Y.A.l
Y= or, F = .
A.l L
Therefore, work done during the stretch of the wire from 0 to l is given by
& l & l
Y.A.l Y.A YA l 2
W= .dl = l.dl =
0 L L 0 L 2
1 Y.A.l 1
= .l = .F.l.
2 L 2
So, work done = 2 .elongation f orce × elongation.
Therefore, work done per unit volume
1 1 1 F l 1
= .Fl. = . . = . sterss × strain.
2 LA 2 A L 2
(ii) Volume strain: Let P be the stress applied to a body. Then, over an area A, the force applied
is P.A, therefore, work done for a small movement dx, in the direction of P, is equal to P.A.dx. Now,
A.dx=dv a small change in volume. Thus the work done for a small volume is to be P.dv.
Therefore, total work done for the whole change in volume form 0 to v, is given by
& v
W= P.dv.
P.V K.v
Now Bulk modulus K = v or, P = V .
& v & v
K.v K K v2
W= .dv = v.dv = .
0 V V 0 V 2
1 Kv 1
.v = .P.v.
2V 2
So, work done = 2 .stress × change in volume.
Therefore, work done per unit volume
1 P.v 1 v 1
= . = .P. = . sterss × strain.
2 V 2 V 2
(iii) Shearing strain: Let a cube of edge L and a force F is applied along the side AB of a
rigid body ABCD. Due to the tangential stress, the body is reshaped by A! B!CD. The displacement
AA! = BB! = l. Therefore, shearing strain, tan θ ≈ θ = AA l
AD = L .
Now consider a small displacement dl. There-
fore, work done for the whole of the of the dis-
placement, from 0 to l is given by
& l A
W= F.dl. l l

Modulus of rigidity, L L
θ θ
η= =
θ Aθ
F = η .A.θ or, F = η .A. D C
or, F = η .L2 . = η .L.l.
& l & l
1 1 1
∴ W= F.dl = η .L.l.dl = η .L.l 2 = (η .L.l).l = .F.l.
0 0 2 2 2

Dr. Md. Kamal-Al-Hassan 21 Dept. of Physics, DUET, Gazipur

2.7 Bending of Beams Chapter 2. ELASTICITY

So, work done = 12 . tangential f orce × displacement.

Therefore, work done per unit volume
1 1 1 F l 1 F 1
= .Fl. 3 = . . = . .θ = . sterss × strain.
2 L 2 A L 2 A 2
Therefore, in conclusion we see that, in any kind of strain, work done per unit volume is equal to
2 stress × strain.

2.7 Bending of Beams

A beam is a rod or a bar of uniform cross-section (circular or rectangular) of a homogeneous,
isotropic elastic material, whose length is very large compared with its breadth and thickness.
When such a beam is fixed at one end loaded at the other within the limit of perfect elasticity, the

W (Load)
Figure 2.4: A bending beam.

loaded end sinks a little. As a result, the beam gets bent under the action of the couple due to
the load applied (see Fig. 2.4). The upper surface of the beam thus gets stretched and assumes
a convex form and its lower surface gets compressed and assumes a concave form, the plane of
bending being the same as the plane of couple.
The extension and contractions are, however, not confined only to the upper and the lower
surfaces of the beam respectively, but also take place inside the body of the beam, all longitudinal
filaments in its upper half getting extension and, in its lower half, getting compressed.

2.7.1 Bending moment

It can be shown the change in length of any filament is proportional to its distance from the neutral
surface. Let a small part of a bending beam shown in Fig. 2.6. Let R be the radius of curvature of
the part ab of the neutral axis, and a! b! be an element at a distance z from the neutral axis.
Hence, ab = R.θ and a! b! = (R + z).θ . We have increase in length of the filament = a! b! − ab =
(R + z).θ − R.θ = z.θ .
Change in length z.θ z
Strain = = = .
Original length R.θ R
We see that Strain ∝ z. Therefore, the strain of any filament of a bending beam is proportional to
the distance from the neutral axis.

Dr. Md. Kamal-Al-Hassan 22 Dept. of Physics, DUET, Gazipur

2.7 Bending of Beams Chapter 2. ELASTICITY

Let a beam ABCD fixed at the end AD and /

loaded by a load W at the other end BC. EF is the
neutral axis. An equal and opposite reactional
force W! must be acting vertically upwards along
P! P, which gives the support to the beam fixed at
the end AD. E
D /

Figure 2.5 shows the couple due to these two (W P B

& W! ) equal and opposite forces tends to rotate F
or bend the beam in the clockwise direction. This C
couple due to the load applied to the free end of
the beam, is thus the bending couple, and the mo-
ment of this couple is called the bending moment,
M. Figure 2.5: Bending moment.

/ /
a b
A a b B
e f

Figure 2.6: A small part of a bending beam.

Consider a small area δ A at a distance z from the neutral surface.

stress z
Young’s modulus, Y = , or, Stress = Y × strain = Y .
strain R

Let consider the rectangular cross section of the beam, with its breadth b and thickness d, as it
is shown in Fig. 2.7. Let a small element of cross-section be δ A at a distance z from the neutral
plane. Force acting on the element δ A is to be
F= .δ A.
Forces acting on the upper half and outward direction produces elongation, and forces acting on
the lower half and inward direction produces contraction. These two forces constitute a couple.
Therefore, moment of the force about the neutral surface or axis e f be
# $
Yz Y.δ A.z2
δM = .δ A z = .

Dr. Md. Kamal-Al-Hassan 23 Dept. of Physics, DUET, Gazipur

2.7 Bending of Beams Chapter 2. ELASTICITY


a l p lane

Figure 2.7: Rectangular cross-section of the beam.

The moment of all the forces about the neutral axis

Y.δ A.z2 Y
M=∑ = ∑ δ A.z2 .
Now, ∑ δ A.z2 = AK 2 = Ig,
where A is the total cross-sectional area of the beam, K is the radius of gyration about the neutral
axis, and Ig (= AK 2 ) is the geometrical moment of inertia.
Therefore, bending moment of a beam,
Y Ig
M= . (2.17)
For a rectangular cross-section of a beam of edges b and d,

A = b×d and K2 = ,
d 2 bd 3
Then Ig = AK 2 = bd. = .
12 12
Y bd 3
Therefore, bending moment for a rectangular cross-sectional beam is M= .
r2 r2 π r4
For a circular cross-sectional beam A = π r2 , K 2 = Hence Ig = AK 2 = π r2 . = .
4 4 4
Y π r4
Therefore, bending moment for a circular cross-sectional beam is M = .

2.7.2 Cantilever
A cantilever is a thin uniform beam fixed horizontally at one end and loaded at the other.
Figure 2.8 shows a cantilever of length L whose end A is fixed to a rigid pillar, and end B is
free to move. AB represents the neutral axis. Let a load W is suspended to the end B such that the

Dr. Md. Kamal-Al-Hassan 24 Dept. of Physics, DUET, Gazipur

2.7 Bending of Beams Chapter 2. ELASTICITY

end B is depressed into the position AB! . Consider a section P of the beam at a distance x from the
end A.
Therefore, moment acting on it = W × PB! = W (L − x). (2.18)
Now from Eqs. 2.17 and 2.18 we have in equilibrium condition
Y Ig
W (L − x) = . (2.19)

x (L - x)

P dθ
R B/

dθ W

Figure 2.8: A cantilever depressed by a load W.

Let consider PQ = dx, a small distance between P & Q.

The curvature, PQ = dx = R.d θ or, R = .

Substituting the value of R in Eq. 2.19, we have

W (L − x) = Y Ig
W (L − x)
or, d θ = dx. (2.20)
Y Ig
Let two tangents PC and QD cut the line BB! at points C and D, so that angle subtended by CD is
also be equal to d θ . Now take CD = dy (say), we find

dy = (L − x) d θ . (2.21)

Substituting d θ of Eq. 2.20 in Eq. 2.21 we have,

W (L − x) W (L − x)2
dy = (L − x) dx = dx. (2.22)
Y Ig Y Ig

Dr. Md. Kamal-Al-Hassan 25 Dept. of Physics, DUET, Gazipur

2.8 Examples Chapter 2. ELASTICITY

Therefore, the depression y = BB! of the loaded end B below the fixed end A, can be obtained by
integrating dy between the limits x = 0 and x = L.
& & L
W (L − x)2
∴ y= dy = dx
0 Y Ig
& L
= (L2 − 2Lx + x2 ) dx
Y Ig 0
' (L
W 2 x2 x3
= L x − 2L +
Y Ig 2 3 0
' (
W 3 3 L3
= L −L +
Y Ig 3
W L3
or, y = . . (2.23)
Y Ig 3
Therefore, if the free end of a cantilever is loaded by a load W, then it depressed from its original
condition by the amount W 3Y Ig .

2.8 Examples
Example 2.1: Find the greatest length of a steel wire that can hang vertically without breaking.
Breaking stress for steel = 7.9 × 108 N/m2 . Density of steel = 7.9 × 103 kg/m3 .
Solution: Let the greatest length that can be hung vertically without breaking. In this case, the
weight of the wire will be the stretching force.
The weight of the wire mg = L.A.ρ .g.
F mg L.A.ρ .g
Longitudinal stress = = = = Lρ g.
This longitudinal stress will be equal to the breaking stress.

∴ Lρ g = 7.9 × 108 ,

7.9 × 108
or L= = 10.2 × 103 m.
7.9 × 103 × 9.81

Example 2.2: A copper wire 2 m long and 0.5 mm in diameter is supported a mass of 10 kg. It
is stretched by 2.33 mm. Calculate Young’s modulus of the wire.
Young’s modulus, Y = = .
l/L A.l
Here, F = mg = 10 × 103 × 981 = 10 × 103 × 981 dynes,
A = π r2 = 3.14 × (0.025)2 cm2 , l = 2.38 mm = 0.238 cm, L = 2 m = 200 cm.
10 × 103 × 981 × 200 1962 × 106
∴ Y= = = 4.2 × 1012 dynes/cm2 .
3.14 × (0.025)2 × 0.238 467.1 × 10−6

Dr. Md. Kamal-Al-Hassan 26 Dept. of Physics, DUET, Gazipur

2.8 Examples Chapter 2. ELASTICITY

Example 2.3: 200 cc of air is taken under a pressure 760 mm of mercury. By increasing the
pressure 1 mm of mercury at constant temperature, the volume is observed to decrease by 0.263 cc.
Find the Bulk modulus of the gas. Density of mercury is 13.6 gm/cc.
Bulk modulus or, coefficient of volume elasticity, K = .
Here, p = hρ g = 0.1 × 13.6 × 981 dynes/cm2 , V = 200 cc, v = 0.263 cc.
0.1 × 13.6 × 981 × 200
∴ K= = 1.01457 × 106 dynes/cm2 .

Example 2.4: Calculate the Poisson’s ratio of a material, given Young’s modulus Y = 12.25 ×
1010 N/m2 and modulus of rigidity η = 4.55 × 1010 N/m2 .
We have, Y = 2η (1 + σ )
Y 12.25 × 1010
or, 1 + σ = = = 1.346.
2η 2 × 4.55 × 1010
or, σ = 1.346 − 1 = 0.346.

Example 2.5: Calculate modulus of rigidity and Poisson’s ratio for silver, given Young’s mod-
ulus and Bulk modulus of the silver are 7.25 × 1011 dynes/cm2 and 11 × 1011 dynes/cm2 .
Solution: Here, Y = 7.25 × 1011 dynes/cm2 and K = 11 × 1011 dynes/cm2 . We have to calcu-
late Poisson’s ratio σ and Modulus of rigidity η .

We know, Y = 3K(1 − 2σ )
Y 7.25 × 1011
or, 1 − 2σ = = = 0.21969
3K 3 × 11 × 1011
or, 2σ = 1 − 0.21969 = 0.78.
∴ σ= = 0.39.
Again, we know, Y = 2η (1 + σ )
Y 7.25 × 1011
or, η == = = 2.61 × 1011 dynes/cm2 .
2(1 + σ ) 2(1 + 0.39)

Example 2.6: The Young’s modulus of a metal is 2 × 1011 N/m2 and its breaking stress is
1.078 × 109 N/m2 . Calculate the maximum amount of energy per unit volume which can be stored
in the metal when stretched.
Solution: Here, Y = 2 × 1011 N/m2 .

Stress Stress 1.078 × 109

Y= or, Strain = = = 5.39 × 10−3 .
Strain Y 2 × 1011
Energy stored per unit volume, = × stress × strain

Dr. Md. Kamal-Al-Hassan 27 Dept. of Physics, DUET, Gazipur

2.8 Examples Chapter 2. ELASTICITY

= × 1.078 × 109 × 5.39 × 10−3 = 2.90 × 106 J/m3 .

Example 2.7: Find the work done in stretching a wire of 1 sq. mm cross section and 2 m long
through 0.1 mm. Y = 2 × 1011 N/m2 .
Solution: Here, L = 2 m and l = 0.1 mm =10−4 m.

l 10−4 m
Strain = = = 5 × 10−5 ,
L 2m
and Y = or, Stress = Y × Strain = 2 × 1011 × 5 × 10−5 = 107 N/m2 .
Work done per unit volume = × stress × strain
= × 107 × 5 × 10−5 = 2.5 × 102 J/m3 .
Now volume of the wire = AL = 1 sq. mm × 2 m = 10−6 m2 × 2 m = 2 × 10−6 m3 .
Total work done, W = work done per unit volume × volume
= 2.5 × 102 J/m3 × 2 × 10−6 m3 = 5 × 10−4 J.

Dr. Md. Kamal-Al-Hassan 28 Dept. of Physics, DUET, Gazipur

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