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Name: Safayet Ahmed Ankur

ID: 1811175030
Fair & Lovely Case Study

1.Is it ethical to sell a product that is, at best, only mildly effective?
Answer: No, it is unethical to sell a product that is only mildly effective when it is promoted to
be very effective to the consumer market. In this case ‘Fair & Lovely’ exaggerates its product to
be effective enough to change the skin color one to three shades lighter. But it was very unlikely
to be so when consumers were using it. The product was contradictory to its description in
promotions and packages. So basically, selling such mildly effective product can be described as
fraud and against professional business ethics.
The case is evident to state that the product was only mildly effective based on the complaints of
Ex1 Indian women though used the product consistently the results were not effective
Ex2 the dermatologists’ states that the bleaching agents present in fairness cream only lightens
the facial hair.
2.Is it ethical to exploit cultural norms and values to promote a product?
Answer: No it is highly unethical to exploit cultural norms and values to promote a product. The
cultural issues have a certain level of sensitivity. In this case, In India there is a cultural norm
where having a lighter skin is seen as a privilege and people especially women with darker skin
is looked down upon sometimes even humiliated for it. HLL exploited this cultural norm to their
advantages to promote their skin lighting cream ‘Fair & Lovely’ by demeaning women. This
worsened the existing cultural norm of racism and gender discrimination. This was highly
unethical act to exploit such a superstitious cultural norm which should have been discouraged
instead of letting it grow and creating inferiority complex amongst dark skinned women. The
promotion of fair and lovely was a disrespectful and unacceptable act.

3. Is the advertising of Fair & Lovely demeaning to women, or is it promoting the fairness cream
in a way not too dissimilar from how most cosmetics are promoted?
Answer: ‘Fair & Lovely advertisements were highly demeaning women. They portrayed the ads
in a manner that a women’s success or having a good life depends on their lighter skin tone while
those who had darker skin aren’t beautiful. Certain ads showcased erroneous characteristics of
being dark skinned women as incapable of finding a life partner or boyfriend, not being able to
find a job where beauty is an essential factor. The promotions went to an extent of delivering
gender discrimination message where having a son is better than a dark skinned daughter who is
a burden to her parents as she is unable to earn. The promotion approach was completely
incorrect as they the theme was unacceptable. The definition of beauty was portrayed in a racist
manner which is not similar to any other cosmetic products. Generally, fairness products
describe beauty as being natural while fair and lovely defined it as a fair skinned girl is beautiful.
Therefore it is clearly seen that fair and lovely ads were demeaning women and was way too
dissimilar due to this negative way of promotions.

4. Will HLL’s Fair & Lovely Foundation be enough to counter charges made by AIDWA?
Answer: HLL’sFair & Lovely Foundation has quite enough to counter charges made by
The AIDWA pressed charges on Fair and lovely for certain discriminating ads. However, the
charges would no longer be faced by Fair and lovely Foundation as they stopped airing such
discriminating promotions and developed a positive approach by empowering women across 20
cities in India. They campaigned spreading the awareness that their talent can overcome any
obstacle no matter what their skin color is. This initiative aids women as they were given
resources in education and business helping numerous women in employment who had no entry
level skill by giving them special training in several fields, giving students support in education
and scholarship. These initiatives have definitely empowered large number of women and
inspired millions other. With such positive initiatives, Fair and lovely foundation need not face
any charges pressed by AIDWA as they redeemed themselves.

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