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Do the following quiz then watch the video and check your answers. Good luck!

1. How long does Christmas last in Iceland?

7 days 13 days 30 days
2. What do people decorate their Christmas trees with in Ukraine?
spider webs candles wooden shoes
3. The Philippines celebrate Christmas with a …… festival.
music fish lantern
4. Sweden celebrates the Christmas season displaying a giant straw statue of ….
a goat a horse a camel
5. In Austria people dress up as…
elves witches demons
6. Russia celebrates Christmas on the…
6th of December 26th of December 7th of January
7. People in Norway as a Christmas tradition hide their…
money brooms shoes
8. On December 7th people in Colombia traditionally light up…
candles Christmas trees bonfires
9. From the 16th to the 24th of December people in Venezuela love…
swimming rope skipping roller-skating
10. Canada starts the festive season with a parade dedicated to …
moose winter sports Santa Claus

10 Wonderful Christmas Traditions From Around The World - Crunch (video starts at 0:54 )

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