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Abnormality : An abnormal physical condition resulting from defective genes or developmental deficiencies. [Anormalidad]

ADHD: Abbreviation for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Anxiety: A state of apprehension, uncertainty, and fear resulting from the anticipation of a realistic or fantasized threatening event or situation, often impairing physical and
psychological functioning. [Ansiedad]

Behaviour: Manner of behaving or conducting oneself [Conducta]

Bipolar: Relating to a major affective disorder that is characterized by episodes of mania and depression [Bipolar]

Bipolar Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (BP-NOS): Is a diagnosis for bipolar disorder (BD) when it does not fall within the other established sub-types. Bipolar disorder NOS
is sometimes referred to as subthreshold bipolar disorder. [Trastorno bipolar no especificado]

Brain Disorder: any disorder or disease of the brain. [Trastorno cerebral]

Brain Tumour: A tumor in the brain. [Tumor cerebral]

Chronic: Developing slowly or of long duration [Crónico]

Criteria: A standard, rule, or test on which a judgment or decision can be based. [Criterios]

Cyclothymia - Cyclothymic Disorder: A mild bipolar disorder that persists over a long time, characterized by alternating periods of elevated and depressed mood..

Cyclothymic: adjective for Cyclothymia. [Ciclotímico]

Delusional Disorder: any mental disorder in which delusions play a significant role. [Trastorno delirante]

Depression: A psychiatric disorder characterized by an inability to concentrate, insomnia, loss of appetite, anhedonia, feelings of extreme sadness, guilt, helplessness and
hopelessness, and thoughts of death. [Depresión]

Depressive: Of or relating to psychological depression. A person suffering from psychological depression. [Depresivo]

Diagnosis: a. The act or process of identifying or determining the nature and cause of a disease or injury through evaluation of patient history, examination, and review of
laboratory data.

b. The opinion derived from such an evaluation. [Diagnóstico]

Diagnostic: a.Any symptom that provides evidence for making a specific diagnosis. b.A diagnosis [Diagnóstico]

Disease: A pathological condition of a part, organ, or system of an organism resulting from various causes, such as infection, genetic defect, or environmental stress, and
characterized by an identifiable group of signs or symptoms. [Enfermedad]

Disorder: an upset of health; ailment. [Trastorno]

Distress:a. Mental pain; anguish b. The act of distressing or the state of being distressed Angustia

DSM: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. [Diagnóstico y Manual Estadístico de Trastornos Mentales]

Episodes: a noteworthy happening occurring in the course of a continuous series of events. [Episodios]

Fluctuations: a. A wavelike motion of fluid in a body cavity that follows a shaking motion. b. A variation in a fixed value or mass [Fluctuaciones]

Genetic Epidemiology: The branch of epidemiology that studies the role of genetic factors and their interactions with environmental factors in the occurrence of disease in
various populations. [Epideiología genética]

Hypomania: an abnormality of mood resembling mania but of lesser intensity. [Hipomanía]

Illness: an abnormal process in which aspects of the social, physical, emotional, or intellectual condition and function of a person are diminished or impaired compared with
that person's previous condition. [Enfermedad]

Mania: Mania is an abnormally elated mental state, typically characterized by feelings of euphoria, lack of inhibitions, racing thoughts, diminished need for sleep,
talkativeness, risk taking, and irritability. In extreme cases, mania can induce hallucinations and other psychotic symptoms. [Manía]

Maniac: one affected with mania. [Maníaco]

Mixed States: In the context of mental disorder, a mixed state, also known as dysphoric mania, agitated depression, or a mixed episode, is a condition during which features
of mania and depression, such as agitation, anxiety, fatigue, guilt, impulsiveness, irritability, morbid or suicidal ideation, panic, paranoia, pressured speech and rage, occur
simultaneously.[Estados inestables/Estados mixtos]

Mood Shifts: extreme or rapid change in mood. Such mood swings can play a positive part in promoting problem solving and in producing flexible forward planning.[1]
However, when mood swings are so strong that they are disruptive, they may be the main part of a bipolar disorder. [Cambios de humor/ánimo]

Patient: A person who is under medical care or treatment. [Paciente]

Poles: Either of two antithetical ideas, propensities, forces, or positions. [Polos]

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): an anxiety disorder associated with serious traumatic events and characterized by such symptoms as survivor guilt, reliving the
trauma in dreams, numbness and lack of involvement with reality, or recurrent thoughts and images. [Estrés postraumático]

Psychiatrist: A physician who specializes in psychiatry. [Psiquiatra]

Psychologist: A person trained and educated to perform psychological research, testing, and therapy. [Psicólogo]

Psychotic Disorder: A severe mental disorder, with or without organic damage, characterized by derangement of personality and loss of contact with reality and causing
deterioration of normal social functioning. [Trastorno psicótico]

Rapid-cycling Bipolar Disorder: Rapid cycling, according to the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, occurs when a person experiences four
or more mood swings or episodes in a twelve-month period. An episode can consist of depression, mania, hypomania or even a mixed state. According to Mitzi Waltz in
Bipolar Disorders, women and children are more likely to be rapid cyclers. [Trastorno bipolar de ciclaje rápido]

RNA: Ribonucleic acid (RNA) is a ubiquitous family of large biological molecules that perform multiple vital roles in the coding, decoding, regulation, and expression of
genes. [ARN (acido ribonucleico)]

Schizophreniform Disorder: Schizophreniform disorder is a mental disorder diagnosed when symptoms of schizophrenia are present for a significant portion of the time
within a one-month period, but signs of disruption are not present for the full six months required for the diagnosis of schizophrenia. [Trastorno esquizofreniforme]

Social Phobia: Social phobia is a strong fear of being judged by others and of being embarrassed. This fear can be so strong that it gets in the way of going to work or school
or doing other everyday things. [Fobia social]

Stroke: A sudden loss of brain function caused by a blockage or rupture of a blood vessel to the brain, characterized by loss of muscular control, diminution or loss of
sensation or consciousness, dizziness, slurred speech, or other symptoms that vary with the extent and severity of the damage to the brain. Also called cerebral accident,
cerebrovascular accident. [Derrame cerebral/ Embolia cerebral]

Suicidal: a. Involving, indicating, or tending towards suicide. b. Liable to result in suicide a suicidal attempt Suicida

Symptoms: Any sensation or change in bodily function experienced by a patient that is associated with a particular disease. [Síntomas]

Thyroid Condition: medical condition impairing the function of the thyroid. [Condición tiroidea/ Trastorno tiroideo]

Treatable: : capable of being treated ,yielding or responsive to treatment. [Tratable]

Treatment: The application of medicines, surgery, psychotherapy, etc., to a patient or to a disease or symptom. [Tratamiento]

Undiagnosed: (Of a medical condition, a problem, etc.) not having been identified [No diagnosticado/ Sin diagnóstico]

Unipolar Depression: A major depressive episode that occurs without the manic phase that occurs in the classic form of bipolar disorder. [Depresión unipolar]

Untreated: (Of an illness, etc.) not having been dealt with. [No tratado/ Sin tratamiento]

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