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Question: 1 Differentiate between growth and development.

Describe three factors that

affect human development.
Growth is the increase in size that is evident from physical change. Growth is also used to refer
to sustained growth and rise in value. For example, when a child increases in weight and height,
he/she is going through a process of growth.

Development is a cycle of incremental progression. This is an increase in the level of functioning

dependent on the learning of skills. Progress is not readily detected from a moment, but rather by
a thorough evaluation of the child's success on various abilities and memory retention.

Development refers to the process that actually creates growth, progress, meaningful change or
the inclusion of physical, environmental, economic social and demographic elements. The aim of
development is to increase the level and quality of life of the population and to create or expand
local regional income and employment opportunities without damaging the resources of the

Difference between growth and development:

1. Growth focuses primarily on quantitative change, while development is related to

both qualitative and quantitative change. For example, growth is associated with
visible and measurable changes in height and weight. When a child's weight increases
from 25 kilograms to 35 kilograms, an increase of 10 kilograms is due to growth. On
the other hand, development is not visible with naked eye. It is identified when
considerable change in IQ is reported in the brain capacity a child. For example, a
child's IQ level is incredibly low in childhood, but can increase substantially in
adulthood. Child’s IQ level will increase from 30 to 80 after developing his creative
and problem solving skills.
2. Growth ends at maturity, while development continues until the individual dies. It is
necessary to remember, as a teacher or parent, that growth stops at maturity. A child
will undergo growing growth-related changes between childhood and adolescence
maturation. Development is a consistent process that continues throughout life. A
child has the immense ability to acquire as much abilities, knowledge and skills as
possible to cope with the different challenges of living in adulthood. Even at the age
of 60 or 70, they can demonstrate advanced skills based on their knowledge and
experience, such as motivational speaking and problem-solving skills.
3. Growth depends on cellular changes, while growth depends on organizational
Growth is aligned with a progressive physical change from one level to another. On
the other hand, development is a gradual transformation of behavior and skill set
4. Growth is external while development is internal in nature. We can observe a child’s
growth on the basis of visible physical characteristics. Growth is visible form naked
eye. One can easily see the change in things. These changes include growth in body
parts such as hands, ears, legs, hairs and more. Such improvements typically manifest
over time on the basis of good and healthy nutrition. Development is an internal
mechanism and is invisible to the naked eye. Instead, a comparative assessment of
child's rationale, creativity and innovation is needed to determine their current state of
affairs. This can be achieved by setting different tests and games designed to evaluate
child's IQ in relation to creativity and reasoning.
5. Growth determines changes in physical appearance, while development specifies
changes in the character of the individual.
6. Growth takes place within a limited period of time, while development takes place
within a wide range of time. For example, a child can grow from a specific time
period like childhood to adolescence. After adulthood growth of a child stops while a
child’s development grow even at the age of 50. A child has the immense ability to
acquire as much abilities, knowledge and skills as possible to cope with the different
challenges of living in adulthood. Even at the age of 50 or upwards, they can
demonstrate advanced skills.
7. Growth focuses on one aspect of the life a child. At the other hand, development
focuses on a variety of facets of a child's life, such as emotional health, maturity and
interpersonal skills.
Factors influencing human development

There are numerous factors which plays vital role in the process of growth and development of a
human being.

Environment: The environment plays a crucial role in the growth of children and reflects the
overall sum of physical and psychological stimuli that the child receives. Some of the
environmental factors that influence early childhood development include the physical
environment and geographical conditions in which the child lives, as well as his or her social
environment and family relationships. Environmental influences on individual’s physical growth
and development has focused on the influences of social and economic factors; family and
household characteristics; urbanization/modernization; nutrition; and features of the physical
environment such as atmosphere, temperature, weather and climate.

Family Environment: The first environment, the child moves in, is his home. In his/her home a
child comes in contact with his family members, parents, siblings etc. child’s habit develops
likeness, dislikes, emotional responses, and stereotypes about people all are formed and shapes
in early childhood. The kind of training, nourishment and early childhood experiences received
from the family play a crucial role in the development of personality of a child.

Social Environment: When a child socializes with other individuals of his or her age, he/she
learns the values and manners of these fellows. Often, our personality is shaped by the people to
whom we are closed. They will modify and influenced our personality. Holding company with
people who bring value to your lives will go a long way towards creating the personality that
really works for you in your family, job and social life.

Heredity: Heredity and genes certainly play an important role in the growth and development of
physical and social characteristics from parents to their children. Different characteristics of
parents like intelligence, hair’s color, eye’s color, body weight and structure are highly
influenced by heredity.

Human growth and development also influenced by the nutrition. During infant malnutrition
causes children to have less energy and less desire to learn, which adversely affects development
and academic performance. Poor nutrition will also affect physical growth and development, thus
affecting growth rate, weight and, inevitably, height.

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