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European Journal of Clinical Investigation (2000) 30, 905±914 Paper 727

Virological and immunological effects of antioxidant

treatment in patients with HIV infection

F. MuÈller*, A. M. Svardal², I. Nordùy*, R. K. Berge², P. Aukrust* and S. S. Frùland*

University of Oslo, The National Hospital, Rikshospitalet, Oslo, ²University of Bergen, Haukeland Hospital, Bergen,

See Commentary on page 841 and paper on page 915.

Abstract Background Intracellular oxidative stress in CD4‡ lymphocytes due to disturbed glu-
tathione homeostasis may lead to impaired lymphocyte functions and enhanced HIV
replication in patients with HIV infection, especially in those with advanced immuno-
de®ciency. The aim of the present study was to assess whether short-term, high-dose
antioxidant treatment might have effects on immunological and virological parameters in
patients with HIV infection.
Materials and methods In this pilot study, we examined virological and immunological
effects of antioxidant combination treatment for 6 days with high doses of N-acetylcysteine
(NAC) and vitamin C in 8 patients with HIV infection. The following were assayed before,
during and after antioxidant treatment: HIV RNA plasma levels; numbers of CD4‡, CD8‡,
and CD14‡ leukocytes in blood; plasma thiols; intracellular glutathione redox status in
CD4‡ lymphocytes and CD14‡ monocytes; lymphocyte proliferation; lymphocyte apop-
tosis and plasma levels of tumour necrosis factor (TNF)a; soluble TNF receptors and
neopterin in plasma.
Results No signi®cant changes in HIV RNA plasma levels or CD4‡ lymphocyte counts in
blood were noted during antioxidant treatment in the patient group. However, in the 5
patients with the most advanced immunode®ciency (CD4‡ lymphocyte counts
< 200 ´ 106 L 1), a signi®cant rise in CD4‡ lymphocyte count, a reduction in HIV RNA
plasma level of 0´8 log, an enhanced lymphocyte proliferation and an increased level of
intracellular glutathione in CD4‡ lymphocytes were found. No change in lymphocyte
apoptosis was noted.
Conclusions Short-term, high-dose combination treatment with NAC and vitamin C in
patients with HIV infection and advanced immunode®ciency lead to immunological and
virological effects that might be of therapeutic value.
Keywords Glutathione, HIV, N-acetylcysteine, oxidative stress, vitamin C
Eur J Clin Invest 2000; 30 (10): 905±914


Infection with human immunode®ciency virus type 1

(hereafter referred to as HIV) results in a progressive
impairment of immune function, ultimately leading to
Section of Clinical Immunology and Infectious Diseases, clinically manifested disease including opportunistic infec-
Medical Department and Research Institute for Internal tions and malignancies characterising the acquired immu-
Medicine, University of Oslo, The National Hospital, node®ciency syndrome (AIDS). A fundamental
Rikshospitalet, Oslo (F. MuÈller, I. Nordùy, P. Aukrust, S. immunologic abnormality in HIV infection is the progres-
Frùland) Department of Pharmacology (A. M. Svardal) and sive decrease and functional impairment of CD4‡ lym-
Department of Clinical Biochemistry (R. Berge) University of
phocytes. The functional capacity of lymphocytes is
Bergen, Haukeland Hospital, Bergen, Norway
critically dependent on the intracellular redox balance,
Correspondence: Fredrik MuÈller, Institute of Medical and oxidative stress, i.e. an inadequate ability of antiox-
Microbiology Rikshospitalet, N-0027 Oslo. Tel.: ‡47 23071141; idants to neutralize the formation of reactive oxygen species
fax: ‡47 23071110; e-mail: (ROS), has been shown to impair lymphocyte functions
Received 15 December 1999; accepted 31 March 2000 [1±3].

Q 2000 Blackwell Science Ltd

906 F. MuÈller et al.

Glutathione, a cysteine-containing tripeptide, is the by the Regional Ethical Committee. Signed informed con-
dominant intracellular antioxidant [4,5]. Several reports sent was obtained from all patients. For comparison of
have suggested that decreased antioxidant defence due to baseline levels of plasma and cellular measurements in the
disturbed glutathione homeostasis plays a role in the HIV patient group, a control group consisting of 10 HIV-
immunopathogenesis of HIV infection [6±10]. ROS have seronegative blood donors was included.
also been shown to enhance HIV replication through
activation of NF-kB [11,12]. Antioxidants such as N-
acetyl cysteine (NAC), glutathione, glutathione-esters Study design
and vitamin C have been demonstrated to inhibit HIV
replication in vitro [11,13±21]. Several antioxidants appear All patients received N-acetylcysteine (NAC) and vitamin
to have co-operative interactions. For example, glutathione C for 6 days. NAC was administered as continuous intra-
has been found to be involved in the recycling of vitamin C venous infusion for 72 h (300 mg kg 1 24 h 1 in glucose
and vice versa [22,23]. Notably, it has been shown that 50 mg mL 1; 1000 mL 24 h 1). Thereafter, the drug was
vitamin C and NAC act synergistically in inhibition of HIV given perorally (5 g q6 h) for three days. Vitamin C was
replication in vitro [15]. Based on these data, several given perorally (3 g q6 h) for six days. Clinical evaluation
investigators have suggested that clinical trials with anti- and blood samples were performed at baseline, 3, 6 and
oxidants, in particular with glutathione replenishing drugs, 13 days after treatment was started.
should be carried out [15,24±27].
In this pilot study, we have examined the effects of short-
term antioxidant treatment on a number of immunological Sampling of plasma
and virological parameters in patients with HIV infection.
Based on in vitro data regarding interactions between NAC Blood was drawn into sterile pyrogen-free vacuum blood
and vitamin C [15,22,23], these compounds were given as collection tubes (Becton Dickinson, San Jose, CA) using
combination treatment. EDTA as an anticoagulant. Tubes were immediately
immersed in melting ice and centrifuged within 10 min
(600 g and 4 8C for 10 min). Plasma was stored at 80 8C in
multiple aliquots until analysis. Samples were thawed only
Methods once.
For determination of various thiol components in plasma,
Patients and controls blood was collected into three evacuated tubes placed in
melting ice containing heparin as anticoagulant and isotonic
Eight HIV-seropositive men were included in the study solutions containing either monobromobimane (mBrB,
(median age 34 years; range 22±56 years). They were clini- Molecular Probes, Eugene, OR, USA), N-ethylmaleimide
cally classi®ed according to the revised criteria from Centers (NEM, Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, MO, USA) as thiol-
for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) [28] as shown in derivatizing reagents or no addition [29].
Table 1. None of the patients had suffered from any clinical
events in the last six months before blood sampling. Six
patients received antiretroviral therapy as shown in Table 1. Plasma thiol redox status
None of them had initiated therapy or changed dosage
regimen during the last 3 months. The study was approved Assays of reduced, free oxidized and total forms of

Table 1 Clinical and laboratory parameters in the HIV-seropositive patients participating in the study

CDC Antiretroviral HIV RNA CD4‡ lymphocytes CD8‡ lymphocytes

classi®cation treatment Age copies ml plasma ´106 L 1 ´106 L 1

1 C2 ZDV 41 1 267 650 98 1310

2 B ddI 21 4 018 95 218
3 A ZDV 32 4 649 275 375
4 A ZDV 35 64 086 108 280
5 A ddI 26 21 219 15 200
6 A ± 55 66 551 160 1510
7 A ZDV ‡ 3TC 24 29 120 305 570
8 A ± 40 64 761 250 920
All patients 34 46 603 134 473
(21±55)* (12 934±65 656) (97±263) (249±1115)

Data are given as medians and 25±75% percentiles (*range).

CDC, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; ZDV, zidovudine; ddI, didanosine; 3TC, lamivudine.

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Antioxidant treatment in HIV infection 907

homocysteine, cysteine and cysteinylglycine have been Institute of Public Health, Oslo, Norway; ®nal concentra-
described in detail elsewhere [29,30]. Brie¯y, the amounts tion 1 : 1000) or left unstimulated. Cells were cultured
of reduced thiols were obtained from the mBrB-treated (0´2 ´ 106 cells well 1) in ¯at-bottomed 96-well microtitre
plasma samples, free oxidized forms were quanti®ed in plates (Costar, Cambridge, MA, USA). The endotoxin
NEM-treated plasma, while the total thiol were obtained level in culture medium was less than 10 pg mL 1 (Quan-
from untreated plasma. titative chromogenic limulus amebocyte lysate test,
Processed and derivatized samples were stored at 80 8C BioWhittaker Inc., Walkerswille, MD, USA). Cells were
(median storage time 8 weeks; range 4±16 weeks) until pulsed with 1 mCi of 3H-thymidine (Amersham Interna-
chromatographic analysis and were thawed only once. tional plc., Little Chalfont, UK) after 48 h of culture, and
then harvested 16 h later onto glass ®lter strips, using an
automated multi-sample harvester (Skatron, Lier,
Isolation of cells Norway). 3H-thymidine incorporation was determined by
liquid scintillation as counts per minute (cpm). The
Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) were obtained stimulatory ratio was determined as cpm (stimulated
from heparinized blood by Isopaque-Ficoll (Lymphoprep, cells)/cpm (unstimulated cells).
Nycomed Pharma AS, Oslo, Norway) gradient centrifuga-
tion within 1 h after blood sampling as previously described
[31]. PBMC were resuspended in RPMI 1640 with 2 mM L- Lymphocyte apoptosis
glutamine and 25 mM HEPES buffer (RPMI, Gibco BRL,
Paisley, UK) supplemented with 10% heat inactivated Lymphocyte apoptosis was quanti®ed as described else-
pooled human AB‡ serum (culture medium) at a concen- where with some modi®cations [35]. Brie¯y, PBMC
tration of 2 ´ 106 cells mL 1. The fraction of CD4‡ lym- (4 ´ 106, 2 ´ 106 cells mL 1) were seeded in 24-well plates
phocytes and CD14‡ monocytes in the isolated PBMC was (Costar; 1 mL well 1) in culture medium for 24 h. Non-
determined by immunomagnetic quanti®cation [32]. adherent cells were washed once in PBS, ®xed in 1%
Positive selection of CD14‡ monocytes and CD4‡ paraformaldehyde in PBS at ‡ 4 8C for 10 min, washed
lymphocytes was performed as described elsewhere [33]. once in PBS and resuspended in 100% methanol at 20 8C
Puri®ed CD14‡ and CD4‡ cells were immediately trans- over night. Cells were then washed once in PBS and
ferred to liquid nitrogen and stored. The purity of the cell incubated in 50 mL buffer consisting of: 10 mM biotin-16-
populations was > 98% [33]. dUTP (Boehringer Mannheim, Mannheim, Germany);
0´25 mg mL 1 BSA (Calbiochem, San Diego, CA, USA);
0´1 mM dithiothreitol (Sigma); 2 mM cobalt chloride
Intracellular glutathione in CD4‡ lymphocytes and (Sigma); 0´2 M sodium cacodylate (Sigma); 25 mM Tris-
CD14‡ monocytes HCl (Sigma) and 5 U terminal deoxynucleotidyl transfer-
ase (TdT; Boehringer Mannheim) for 30 min at 37 8C.
Glutathione analysis was performed as described elsewhere Control cells were incubated in the same buffer, but with-
[10,29,34]. Brie¯y, ice-cold 5% sulphosalicylic acid out TdT. After one wash in 0´1% (v/v) Triton X-100
(Merck AG; Darmstadt, Germany) containing 50 mM (Sigma) and 5% (w/v) BSA in PBS (washing buffer), cells
dithioerythritol (Sigma, St. Louis, MO, USA) was added were incubated in FITC-streptavidin (1/50; Amersham),
to the frozen cell pellets to prevent in vitro oxidation of thiol 0´1% (v/v) Triton X-100 and 3% (w/v) nonfat-dried milk
groups. After thawing, precipated proteins and immuno- (Sigma) in PBS for 30 min at 20 8C. After a ®nal wash in
magnetic beads were immediately removed by centrifuga- washing buffer, cells were resuspended in PBS and ana-
tion. Storing of cells with immunomagnetic beads did not lysed by ¯ow cytometry within 2 h using a FACScan
in¯uence intracellular glutathione levels (data not shown). (Becton-Dickinson, San Jose, CA, USA) with CellQuest
Total free glutathione (reduced glutathione ‡ glutathione software (Becton-Dickinson). List mode ®les were col-
disulphide ‡ soluble glutathione mixed disulphide; for lected for 10,000 cells from each sample. Calibration and
simplicity referred to as total glutathione in the text) and adjustment of compensation were done with ¯uorescence
reduced glutathione were determined in the acid extract beads (Calibrite, Becton-Dickinson) and FacsComp soft-
according to a modi®cation [29] of a chromatographic ware (Becton-Dickinson). The gate for apoptotic cells was
procedure described previously [34]. Measurements were set so that < 1% of cells were positive in the control samples
performed on blind samples in duplicates. (without TdT).

Lymphocyte proliferation HIV-RNA in plasma

PBMC were stimulated with phytohemagglutinin (PHA; HIV-RNA levels were measured in plasma by quantitative
Murex Diagnostics Ltd, Dartford, UK; ®nal concentration reverse polymerase reaction (Amplicor Monitor, Roche
1 : 100), inactivated in¯uenza virus A/Singapore/6/86 Diagnostic Systems, Branchburg, NY, USA). The limit of
(INF, formalin-inactivated; a gift from The National detection was 400 copies mL 1 plasma.

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908 F. MuÈller et al.

Lymphocyte subsets in peripheral blood calculated by the Spearman rank test. The calculations
were performed using the STATISTICA (StatSoft, Tulsa,
The numbers of CD4‡ and CD8‡ lymphocytes were OK, USA) software package. Data are given as medians
determined by immunomagnetic quanti®cation [36]. and 25th to 75th percentiles if not otherwise stated. P-
values are two sided and considered signi®cant when
P < 0´05.
Neopterin, interleukin-10, TNFa, and TNF
receptors in plasma

Neopterin was quanti®ed by radioimmunoassay (IMMUt- Results

est Neopterin; Henning Berlin GMBH, Berlin, Germany).
Enzyme immunoassay was used for quanti®cation of IL-10 Adverse reactions
and sTNFR-I and sTNFR-II (R & D Systems, Minneapo-
lis, MN, USA) and TNFa (Medgenix, Fleurus, Belgium). Two patients experienced moderate abdominal discomfort
during the ®rst three days of antioxidant treatment, while
all patients reported distaste of the perorally administered
Statistical analysis NAC.

For each parameter, patients and controls were compared Cysteine, cysteinylglycine, homocysteine and
by the Mann±Whitney U-test, while pre- and post-treat- glutathione in plasma
ment values in the patients were compared by the Wilcoxon
matched pairs test. Coef®cients of correlation (r) were While total cysteinylglycine and homocysteine levels were

Table 2 Antioxidant levels in CD4 ‡ lymphocytes, CD14 ‡ monocytes and in plasma from 10 blood donor controls and from 8
patients with HIV infection before, during and after treatment with N-acetylcysteine and vitamin C

Baseline Treatment with NAC and vitamin C

Controls 0 3 days 6 days 13 days

CD4‡ lymphocytes
Total glutathione 1´0 1´0 1´3 1´8 1´4
(nmol/106 cells) (0´8±1´1) (0´7±1´7) (0´7±1´7) (1´0±2´2) (0´8±2´9)
Reduced glutathione 0´9 0´9 1´0 1´5 1´2
(nmol/106 cells) (0´8±1´0) (0´6±1´3) (0´6±1´5) (0´9±1´9) (0´7±2´4)
Reduced:total 0´91 0´82 0´80 0´85 0´83
glutathione ratio (0´89±0´96) (0´77±0´88) (0´77±0´96) (0´83±0´88) (0´80±0´86)
CD14‡ monocytes
Total glutathione 1´5 2´3* 3´1 2´1 2´2
(nmol/106 cells) (1´4±1´7) (1´9±3´5) (2´2±4´3) (1´4±2´5) (1´8±3´5)
Reduced glutathione 1´3 2´1 2´7 1´8 2´1
(nmol/106 cells) (1´2±1´5) (1´6±3´0) (1´9±3´4) (1´3±2´2) (1´6±2´9)
Reduced:total 0´87 0´86 0´86 0´86 0´88
glutathione ratio (0´85±0´87) (0´81±0´91) (0´83±0´87) (0´83±0´90) (0´85±0´97)
Total glutathione 6´7 6´7 6´8 5´6 5´0
(mmol L 1) (6´1±9´2) (5´7±8´9) (4´0±8´8) (4´8±6´1) (4´7±6´5)
Total cysteine 169´2 222´4* 117´1** 195´2** 233´6
(mmol L 1) (161´6±209´4) (212´0±252´0) (101´1±136´2) (171´7±205´7) (174´3±273´6)
Reduced cysteine 4´0 6´1 14´0** 6´3 6´1
(mmol L 1) (3´2±5´4) (3´2±8´0) (12´7±16´9) (5´3±8´4) (4´4±8´1)
Reduced:total 0´02 0´03 0´12** 0´04 0´03
cysteine ratio (0´01±0´03) (0´01±0´04) (0´10±0´20) (0´03±0´05) (0´02±0´04)
Total cysteinylglycine 18´5 19´1 11´1** 17´2** 18´4
(mmol L 1) (17´6±25) (18´5±19´4) (8´8±12´9) (14´0±17´8) (14´2±21´2)
Reduced cysteinylglycine 0´6 0´7 2´0** 0´9** 0´8
(mmol L 1) (0±0´7) (0´3±0´8) (1´6±2´6) (0´7±1´3) (0´5±1´1)
Reduced/total 0´03 0´03 0´17** 0´05 0´05
cysteinylglycine ratio (0±0´03) (0´01±0´04) (0´14±0´29) (0´04±0´09) (0´03±0´07)
Total homocysteine 3´4 4´1 0** 1´6** 4´2
(mmol L 1) (3´22±4´32) (3´2±5´3) (0±0) (0´9±2´6) (3´7±5´3)

* P < 0´05 vs. controls; ** P < 0´05 vs. patient baseline levels.

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Antioxidant treatment in HIV infection 909

Figure 1 Effect of antioxidant combination treatment with monocytes. Corresponding levels for blood donor controls
NAC and vitamin C in 5 HIV-infected patients with CD4‡ (n ˆ 10) are given for comparison. Data are given as medians
lymphocyte counts in blood < 200 ´ 106 L 1 on: (a) reduced:total and 25±75 percentiles. The horizontal bar below the x-axis
glutathione ratio in CD4‡ lymphocytes; (b) total glutathione shows the period of antioxidant treatment. *P < 0´05 vs. patient
level in CD4‡ lymphocytes; (c) reduced:total glutathione ratio baseline levels; **P < 0´05 vs. controls.
in CD14‡ monocytes; (d) total glutathione level in CD14‡

similar in controls and patients before antioxidant treat- CD4‡ lymphocytes tended to increase (P ˆ 0´09; Table 2).
ment, cysteine levels were signi®cantly higher in the patient However, in the subgroup of patients with CD4‡ lympho-
group (Table 2). During antioxidant treatment, a pro- cyte counts in blood < 200 ´ 106 L 1, the intracellular total
nounced reduction of total levels of all plasma thiols glutathione level rose signi®cantly from 0´75 (0´6 to 1´74)
except glutathione was noted, reaching the lowest levels nmol/106 cells to 2´23 (2´01±2´24) nmol/106 cells before
after 3 days as shown in Table 2. Concomitantly, the and after 6 days of treatment, respectively (P ˆ 0´04; Fig.
reduced forms of cysteine and cysteinylglycine increased 1b). No signi®cant change in the reduced/total glutathione
markedly, resulting in a marked increase in the reduced:- ratio in CD4‡ lymphocytes was observed during antiox-
total ratio for these thiols during therapy (Table 2). idant treatment (Fig. 1a).
In monocytes, intracellular glutathione levels were sig-
ni®cantly higher in the patient group before treatment
Intracellular glutathione in CD4‡ lymphocytes and compared to controls (Fig. 1d). No apparent changes in
CD14‡ monocytes glutathione levels (total, reduced or reduced:total ratios)
were noted during antioxidant treatment either in the
While total intracellular glutathione levels in CD4‡ lympho- patient group as a whole or in those with CD4‡
cytes were similar in the control and patient groups (Table 2), lymphocyte counts < 200 ´ 106 L 1 (Table 2, Fig. 1c,d).
the reduced:total glutathione ratios tended to be lower in the
patient group (P ˆ 0´07 vs. controls). When patients with
CD4‡ lymphocyte counts in blood < 200 ´ 106 L 1 were HIV RNA in plasma
analysed separately, they had a signi®cantly lower reduced:-
total glutathione ratio compared to controls (Fig. 1a). A trend to reduction in plasma HIV RNA levels was noted
During antioxidant treatment, total glutathione levels in during 6 days of antioxidant treatment, also persisting after

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910 F. MuÈller et al.

Table 3 Immunological and virological parameters in 10 blood donor controls and in 8 patients with HIV infection before (baseline),
during (3 and 6 days) and after (13 days) treatment with N-acetylcysteine and vitamin C

Baseline Treatment with NAC and vitamin C

Controls 0 3 days 6 days 13 days

HIV-RNA ± 46 603 28 010 13 438 17 097

(copies mL 1 plasma) (12 934±65 656) (12 007±70 057) (8500±81 115) (3787±75 009)
CD4 ‡ lymphocytes 630 134* 187 178 164
(´106 L 1) (500±930) (97±263) (101±258) (115±200) (113±237)
CD8 ‡ lymphocytes 420 473 445 515 590
(´106 L 1) (310±580) (249±1115) (360±1110) (280±1300) (360±1115)
CD14 ‡ monocytes 430 335 400 370 360
(´106 L 1) (320±530) (272±400) (305±555) (325±550) (285±403)
CD19 ‡ lymphocytes 150 123 170 100 125
(´106 L 1) (120±180) (83±183) (120±215) (70±140) (98±148)
Unstimulated lymphocyte 371 603* 464 523 422
proliferation (cpm) (308±586) (479±718) (402±495) (369±711) (378±585)
In¯uenza-antigen stimulated 5070 984* 767 1307 1217
lymphocyte proliferation (cpm) (2648±7437) (499±1738) (467±1649) (684±2296) (705±1736)
PHA stimulated lymphocyte 125 333 58 918* 72 850 59 785 67 550
proliferation (cpm) (103 450±157 739) (36 226±89 378) (33 410±79 481) (36 981±90 576) (32 302±74 047)
Lymphocyte apoptosis in vitro 3´3 12´5* 14´9 14´9 11´3
(% apoptotic cells) (2´3±5´1) (5´4±19´8) (7´5±19´3) (7´4±18´8) (8´4±15´2)
Neopterin in plasma 9´0 31´3* 27´5** 31´5 29´9
(nmol L 1) (7´3±10´4) (29´7±39´4) (22´7±33´4) (20´3±33´8) (22´1±38´4)
TNFa in plasma 3´8 46´4* 53´5 51´3 50´8
(pg mL 1) (3´7±6´2) (40´6±55´3) (36´8±71´3) (37´7±58´4) (38´1±60´6)
Soluble TNFR-I 602 916* 889 912 887
(pg mL 1) (581±606) (705±1081) (707±1034) (868±1008) (832±1012)
Soluble TNFR-II 2142 6514* 3489** 5877** 6504
(pg mL 1) (2057±2452) (5622±6998) (2863±4009) (4512±6090) (5629±7662)
IL-10 in plasma 1´0 3´3* 3´2 2´8 2´5**
(pg mL 1) (0´8±1´4) (2´6±4´2) (2´5±4´5) (2´2±3´3) (2´1±3´1)

PHA, phytohemagglutinin.
* P < 0´05 vs. controls; **P < 0´05 vs. patient baseline levels.

13 days, but these changes did not reach statistical signi®- antigen (in¯uenza) or the nonspeci®c mitogen (PHA), or
cance (Table 3). However, in the 5 patients with CD4‡ stimulatory ratios were noted during antioxidant treatment,
lymphocyte counts in blood < 200 ´ 106 L 1, a signi®cant although there was a trend towards increased stimulated
reduction of 0´8 log was found after 6 days of treatment responses (Table 3). Again, in patients with CD4‡ lympho-
(P ˆ 0´04; Fig. 2a). cyte counts in blood < 200 ´ 106 l 1, a signi®cant increase in
the PHA stimulatory ratio from 88 (57 to 94) to 123 (71±
173) was observed after 3 days of treatment (P ˆ 0´04),
Lymphocyte subsets in peripheral blood
re¯ecting both decreased spontaneous and increased PHA
stimulated responses (data not shown).
No signi®cant changes in CD4‡ , CD8‡ , or CD19‡
After 24 h in culture without any stimulants, the percen-
lymphocytes or in CD14‡ monocytes (Table 3) were
tage of apoptotic lymphocytes at base-line from the patients
found during antioxidant treatment. However, CD4‡
was signi®cantly higher than in lymphocytes from the
lymphocyte counts tended to rise after 6 days of treatment.
controls (Table 3). Antioxidant treatment did not lead to
When patients with CD4‡ lymphocyte counts in blood
any signi®cant alteration in the percentage of apoptotic
< 200 ´ 106 L 1 were analysed separately, a signi®cant
lymphocytes either in the patient group as a whole (Table 3)
median increase from 102 to 130 CD4‡ lymphocytes was
or in those with CD4‡ lymphocyte counts in blood
observed after 6 days of treatment (P ˆ 0´04), and this
< 200 ´ 106 L 1 (data not shown).
increase persisted after 13 days (P ˆ 0´04 compared to
base line; Fig. 2b).

Neopterin, interleukin-10, TNFa and soluble TNF

Lymphocyte proliferation and apoptosis receptors in plasma

No signi®cant changes in unstimulated lymphocyte Patients had elevated levels of neopterin, IL-10, TNFa,
proliferation, proliferative responses of lymphocytes to sTNFR-I and sTNFR-II at baseline compared to

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Antioxidant treatment in HIV infection 911

controls (Table 3), re¯ecting the immune activation seen

in patients with HIV infection. During antioxidant treat-
ment, signi®cant reduction in the levels of neopterin
(approximately 12%) and sTNFR-II (approximately
46%) was observed after 3 days, while IL-10 levels
showed a declining trend with a signi®cant reduction
13 days after initiation of treatment (Table 3). No sig-
ni®cant changes were noted for TNFa or sTNFR-I
neither in the patient group (Table 3) nor in those with
with CD4‡ lymphocyte counts in blood < 200 ´ 106 L 1
(data not shown).


Our data indicate that high dose combination treatment

with N-acetylcysteine and vitamin C for 6 days may have
immunological and virological short-term effects in
patients with HIV infection and advanced immuno-
de®ciency which might be of therapeutic value. In fact, in
patients with CD4‡ lymphocyte counts in blood
< 200 ´ 106 L 1 there was a signi®cant decrease of 0´8 log
in viral load, and signi®cant increases in CD4‡ lymphocyte
counts in peripheral blood and in lymphocyte proliferative
responses. At the same time a down-regulation of certain
parameters of immune activation was observed. Notably,
all these changes were associated with a three-fold increase
in intracellular levels of glutathione in CD4‡ lymphocytes.
These ®ndings therefore underscore the potential utility of
antioxidant therapy in HIV-infected patients, at least in
those with advanced immunode®ciency as re¯ected in low
CD4‡ lymphocyte counts.
This study was designed as an uncontrolled, small pilot
study, and the results should be interpreted with caution.
On the other hand, the study design permitted an in-depth
analysis of a number of parameters of relevance to the
pathogenesis of HIV infection.
The effect of NAC administration to patients with HIV
infection has been addressed in other studies. De Quay et
al. [37] noted a moderate increase in glutathione level in
PBMC from eight HIV-infected patients in response to a
single dose of NAC. In another study, six patients were
given NAC for two weeks, but no increase in glutathione
level in PBMC or plasma was noted [38]. In a double-blind
placebo-controlled trial, Akerlund et al. [39] treated 45
HIV seropositive patients with CD4‡ lymphocyte counts
> 200 ´ 106 L 1 for 4 months with orally administered NAC
(800 mg daily) or placebo and found that the decline of the
CD4‡ lymphocyte count was less steep in the NAC group
compared to the placebo group. Herzenberg et al. [40]
administered NAC for 8 weeks to 27 HIV-seropositive
Figure 2 Effect of antioxidant combination treatment with patients and found a signi®cant increase in whole blood
NAC and vitamin C in 5 HIV-infected patients with CD4‡
GSH as well as increased survival compared to placebo.
lymphocyte counts in blood < 200 ´ 106 L 1 on: (a) number of
Finally, Look et al. [41] administered NAC and sodium
HIV RNA copies in plasma; (b) CD4‡ lymphocyte counts in
blood; (c) CD8‡ lymphocyte counts in blood. Data are given as selenite for 24 weeks to asymptomatic HIV-infected
medians and 25±75 percentiles. The horizontal bar below the patients and found increased CD4:CD8 ratios, a trend
x-axis shows the period of antioxidant treatment. *P < 0´05 vs. towards an increase in the percentage of CD4‡
patient baseline levels. lymphocytes, but no alteration in viral load.

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912 F. MuÈller et al.

Compared to several of these studies, the patients with reduced thiol forms increased signi®cantly, thus increasing
advanced immunode®ciency in our study showed more the plasma antioxidant capacity. The mechanisms under-
extensive effects of antioxidant treatment in terms of rise lying this rise in reduced thiol forms are unclear.
in CD4‡ lymhocyte counts and reduction of viral load. The patients in this study were included during the
These discrepancies may have several explanations. Firstly, beginning of the HAART (highly active antiretroviral ther-
it may be due to the more advanced level of immunode®- apy) era. At present, HAART, with combinations of differ-
ciency in our patients compared to the patients in most of ent classes of reverse transcriptase inhibitors and protease
the other studies. In fact, we have previously found that inhibitors [47,48], is the cornerstone in treatment of HIV-
severe glutathione disturbances in CD4‡ lymphocytes are infected patients. Although the results of HAART have
con®ned to patients with advanced clinical and immuno- been impressive, there are also several problems related to
logical disease [10]. Secondly, orally administered NAC, as this treatment, such as the emergence of drug resistant HIV
used in all the other studies mentioned, has a low bioavail- variants, long-term side-effects, dif®culties with strict
ability of < 10% [42]. In our study, the initial intravenous adherence to treatment regimens, and frequent lack of
administration of NAC might thus lead to more potent complete immunological reconstitution [47±51]. These
antioxidant effects. An indication of the ef®ciency of the dif®culties have led to a renewed interest in other treatment
treatment is the three-fold increase in intracellular glu- modalities in addition to antiviral therapy, including immu-
tathione level in CD4‡ lymphocytes. Thirdly, the combi- nomodulating agents such as glutathione replenishing
nation of NAC with vitamin C in our study might be of drugs.
bene®t as it has been shown in vitro that vitamin C In conclusion, a number of immunological and virolo-
potentiates the antioxidant effects of NAC [22,23] and gical short-term effects were found in patients with HIV
that the two compounds act synergistically in inhibition of infection and advanced immunode®ciency during short-
HIV replication in vitro [15]. However, in vitro data [11,43] term high dose combination treatment with NAC and
suggest that relatively high concentrations of NAC are vitamin C, which may be therapeutically useful. Larger,
needed for inhibition of HIV replication. Thus, even the controlled studies are needed to further assess the effects of
high NAC dosage employed in our study may be insuf®- antioxidant treatment in patients with HIV infection, pre-
cient to reach ef®cient inhibition of HIV replication in vivo. ferably with other glutathione replenishing drugs with
In addition to immunode®ciency, HIV-infected patients better bioavailability than NAC. In future trials, such
are characterized by persistent immune activation, as also agents must be given in combination with state of the art
reported by ourselves [44]. Thus, in the present study the HAART regimens.
patients had raised plasma levels of neopterin, TNFa and
sTNFRs as well as elevated spontaneous lymphocyte pro-
liferation, suggesting a sustained and inappropriate
immune activation in these patients. Notably, several para- Acknowledgements
meters re¯ecting immune activation decreased during anti-
oxidant treatment. While there was no decline in TNFa This work was supported by the Norwegian Research
levels, sTNFRs, and particularly sTNFR-II, are believed to Council, the Norwegian Cancer Society, Medinnova Foun-
be better and more stable circulating parameters of activa- dation, Anders Jahre's Foundation and Odd KaÊre Rabben's
tion of the TNF system than TNFa itself [45]. Indeed, Memorial Fund for AIDS research.
there was a signi®cant decline in sTNFR-II during anti-
oxidant therapy. We and others have previously suggested
that enhanced oxidative stress during HIV infection might
be related to enhanced immune activation, particularly in
the TNF system, which also enhances oxidative stress,
resulting in a vicious circle (reviewed in [5]). Thus the
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