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Reflect on physical activities conducted at home

Nowadays admit it or not, it is hard to keep our body and mind in shape for the reason
that we are being swayed to the rapid development of the technology which leads us to
sedentary lifestyle. Even when we are at home, we don’t have the time to stretch our muscle
even just for a minute because we are all eyes and ears in our gadget. We have to know the
importance of physical activities and do some work out at home because this will help us
develop our physical, social, emotional and mental aspect of life amidst the pandemic we are
experiencing at the moment.

Foremost, physical activities at home can help us develop our physical and social
aspect. We have workout material like yoga mat, stationary bike and five mins shaper at
home. At least a couple of times every week I make certain to exercise to maintain my body
in form and to keep away from getting illnesses particularly this pandemic. Before doing
vigorous exercises, I do warm ups and stretching first to avoid getting cramps and stretch a
cold muscle. Physical activities does not only enhance my bodily component, it is also a
manner of having greater quality time with my own circle of relatives due to the fact
whenever I am given time to exercise I ask them to join me and in this way our bond keeps
getting stronger and much healthier.

Another, physical activities at home can help us enhance our Emotional aspect. When
doing exercises, our brain releases feel-good chemicals called endorphins throughout the
body. These boosts energy and brainpower. It helps us reduce anxiety, depressed mood, and
enhances self-esteem. When our emotional aspect is healthy, the more resilience we will be.
And the more resilience we became, a happier and healthier life will be given to us.

Lastly, physical activities at home can help us hone our mental aspect. Honestly,
when I was not aware with the four aspect of life, I do not know that doing physical activities
will not just only keep our body in frame but also it helps us to think wisely. The more that I
engage myself in physical activities the more active I get and the more critical thinker I
become. Way back then, when problem comes on my way I jump into conclusion without
thinking about the consequences that may happen, now I bravely face it and think wisely on
how to escape those problems.

As we age our body structures are getting weaker and our brain functions slower.
Physical activities make us active and staying active is one of the factors to keep our mind
and body healthy. So, while we are young we have to keep in touch on doing physical
activities which can help develop our four aspects in life. We don’t have to hire some gym
instructors, doing exercises at home will be enough but make sure that you do it properly to
avoid getting fractured. Engaging in physical activities helps us produce happy hormones
which enhances our well-being and improve our quality of life. We have to keep in mind that
a healthy body plus healthy mind is equal to a healthy lifestyle.

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