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Full Stack Java Development

Course Curriculum

Course Content
 Full Stack Java Development Course
o Web Technology

10 Days
 Introduction to Web, Basics of web
 Introduction to HTTP
 Client & Server
 Introduction to HTML
 Building blocks of HTML
 HTML tags
 Tables
 Forms
 Form Validation
 Introduction to CSS 3
 CSS selectors
 CSS Types
 Bootstrap 4
 Introduction to JavaScript
 Variables
 Conditional Statements
 Alerts, Console
 Data Types
 Objects, String, Arrays
 Functions
 DOM parsing,Validation, RegEx

o Relational Database : SQL

7 Days
 Course overview, Introduction to databases and RDBMS, Significance and
 What is SQL, types of SQLs. Database creation, concept of relation and
working examples
 Creating tables. Design view of the table, Alter table operations & Key
Constraints and working examples
 Read, update and delete operations on tables. Working with nulls and working
 Querying tables: Select statement, examples and its variations
 Filtering, Sorting, Predicates and working examples
 Joins in SQL and working examples
 Insert, Update, Delete operations and working examples
 Scalar functions in SQL and working examples
 SQL set based operations and data aggregation and working examples Sub-
queries in SQL and working examples
 Normalization and de-normalization: Introduction ,Views and Temporary tables
and working examples Transactions in SQL and working examples
 SQL programming Creating stored procedures, execution and working
examples , Cursors in SQL and working examples

o Java SE

20 Days
 Introduction
 Basic Programming Constructs Methods
 Methods
 Object Oriented Programming
 Arrays and Strings
 Exceptions Handling
 JDK 8 features
 Collection Framework
 List,Queue,Set,Iterator,List Iterator
 Map
 Threads
 VariablesFile Handling


5 Days
 Description about JDBC
 Description about Driver and its types
 Text Manipulation Commands - Head, tail, cut, paste, sort, diff, comm
 Types of statements a. Statement, b. Prepared statement c . Callable
 Description about ResultSet
 Loops: while, for
 Batch processing
 JDBC transaction
 Process Management related system calls


20 Days
 Introduction to web, Introduction to server, Understanding of HTTP
 Introduction to tomcat and tomcat setup
 Understanding of Deployment descriptor stub
 JEE Container, Introduction to servlets
 Servlets Types, Servlets Hierarchy
 Servlet Lifecycle, Servlet java configuration
 Servlet Config& Context
 Understanding Servlet Request and Response
 Understanding of Filters, Servlet+JDBC
 JSP Lifecycle, JSP Elements, Expression language
 JSTL, Cookies
 Session & session management
 Introduction of Maven Repository
 POM.xml
 Maven Example
 Maven Web App
 Maven Plugin
 ANT Vs Maven

o Java Frameworks

15 Days
 Introduction to hibernate
 Understanding DTO & DAO
 Components of hibernate
 Object relational mapping
 Java Persistence API
 Hibernate Query Language
 Singleton Design Pattern
 Integration with web
 Problems of ORM
 Criterion API
 Connection pooling
 Hibernate cache levels
 Introduction to spring framework
 Spring Architecture
 Understanding of Spring Container
 Spring Bean life cycle
 Scopes of Spring Bean
 Spring Java Configurations
 Inversion Of Control
 Dependency Injection
 Spring ORM (Integration with Hibernate)
 Spring Web
 Spring MVC Architecture
 Spring Expression Language,Spring AOP


2 Days
 Introduction of elasticbeanstalk
 Configuration of RDS with Application
 Upload source code to cloud
 Deploy application
 Get Ip address for web application
o Real Time Projects
 Java+JDBC=>Window Application(Real time Project)
 J2EE + Spring + JDBC + Frame Works = Web Application(Real time Project)
 J2EE + JDBC + Maven= Web Application(Real time Project)

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