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Seeker’s Delight! 2012 in a New Light!!

Available soon at:

1 Let’s Explore Our Life Story
2 Evolution and Devolution
3 Competition, Cooperation, and Intelligent love
4 The Subject/Object Split
5 Memory
6 Our (Divided) Minds
7 Ego and Penitence
8 Consciousness
9 The Quantum Field and the Present Moment
10 The Bible
11 The Future
The Devolution of Man, and the Rise of a New Humanity

This book is a sincere but humorous attempt to narrow the gap between science
and religion, using a philosophical perspective of Quantum Theory as a bridge.
Our philosophy of life is incomplete without both science and religion.
What we call religion is just a set of ideas/beliefs we have formed convictions
around and consolidated into our Life's narrative. These convictions become an
emotional anchor that gives our Life meaning and purpose. Whatever we aspire to
in Life is our religion/emotional anchor. The dictionary defines religion as personal
beliefs and values. Worship is respectful emotional adoration. Whether it is money,
sex, family, friends or fun, "religion" in this sense cannot be excluded from our
philosophy of Life. Let's make respect for all Life part of our religion.
I use Jesus as my emotional anchor. But that's only because I think we need to
be "rescued" from our self-centered ways. But there can be no salvation in
a ”Jesus" without Love. It doesn't matter what you call him/her/it,
only interpersonal Love can save us from our self-centered ways.
The Bible says God is Love. If God is Love, then Love is God. Let us wrap
our convictions around Love, and dissolve the differences that separate us. None of
us can be "right" if we exclude others from our Love.
Love begins at home. Without a healthy self-love, our Love and
compassion toward others will at best be superficial. And what keeps us from
loving ourselves constructively? Self-pity. Yes, we all have some of that driving
our behavior. I found out through my struggles with suicidal depression.
Creative evolution has brought us to the point where we are aware that we
are evolving ourselves. Human thought will soon drive our evolution where we
want. Our minds are expanding as we evolve. The Quantum Field has enough
energy in one cubic meter to boil all the oceans on earth! But we must get our
moral attitudes strengthened before we can tap into it in an expanded way. 2012
will usher in the awareness of the need for these new attitudes.
Read the book, and find out how to expand your mind now! Our daily lives are
not just our suggestion of what Human nature should be; we are creating/defining
Human nature as we live out our daily lives. The declining mental health of
America and our current knowledge of Human psychology tells us self-pity is
inhibiting our capacity for constructive self-love and self-creation, producing
implicit attitudes that have us believing our personal lives are more important than
the whole of Humanity itself. The devolutionary behavior arising from this implicit
attitude is threatening our survival as Homo sapiens.
The predisposition to feel sorry for we can be inherited epigenetically from our
parents, if they were wounded themselves early in Life. Implicit pessimism
develops early in Life, and much of our Life's efforts will be spent always trying to
make things better for ourselves. Not that that is a bad thing, but motives play a
crucial role in determining whether our efforts are constructive or destructive. Self-
pity creates an implicit victim mentality in us, creating implicit entitlement issues,
devolving our scruples into excessive Reptilian brain survival "instincts", which
then commandeer our egos. I call it lizard-brained thinking! We will then think too
highly of ourselves for the wrong reasons. This is not true self-love. Self-pity
precludes self-love.
Also, if we measure our value by comparing our neighbor's possessions with
our own, we are sure to "devalue" ourselves as we see our neighbor's bigger
house, nicer car, fancier boat, etc. The "sense of loss" we experience from this
will develop into implicit self-pity, driving us to compete with each other in
unhealthy ways, threatening our survival as a species.
In the book, I explain how we can expand our preconscious mind,
using Penitence and our Conscience as tools to clear our subconscious mind of
clutter that blocks our heart's true expression. As our hearts open up, a New
Humanity will emerge, and we will more clearly understand how to survive, both
in the here-and-now, and in the great here-after.
Let us bow our hearts before each other in Love today! To heal ourselves
and others is to be willing to share in other's pain. The Great Buddha taught us
the value of extending compassion toward one another. But we have to learn to
embrace our own suffering, before we can truly have compassion on others. And
that means living in the present moment, exploiting it in its fullness, rather than
running from it. We are not held back by the Love we didn't receive in the past, but
by the Love we are not extending in the present.
Our collective hope for Humanity as a whole will create a brighter future
for us; our excessively singular self-centered motivations will isolate us from
the collective whole of the New Humanity emerging in us. Beyond the grave,
personal survival is threatened if we are not connected with the
collective Spirit/Consciousness of H. sapiens. And it isn't just Humans evolving to
higher complexity. The collective consciousness of Earth's entire Biosphere, (Gaia)
past, present, and future is what God's Universe is creating on Earth's Turf!
The Earth is our nursery, not our factory. We cannot just keep consuming
without end, hoping everything will stay the same. We are interfering with natural
cycles that are vital to survival. But some people don’t care. They are more
interested in their own personal gain, than their children’s future. And I realize we
can’t just change our behavior overnight. But we can change our attitudes
Our Scientists are now telling us we are well into the beginning of the 6th mass
extinction to occur in Earth's history. Extinctions are natural phenomena that have
been vital to the rise of Homo sapiens. Normal, background extinctions remove on
average about 3 species every million years. Currently, the earth is losing about
27,000 species a year. That translates into about 3 species every hour!
We might not have brought this one on, but we probably have guaranteed it will
be more severe than it would have been without our contribution. So the New
Humanity emerging from it will be more grandiose than we can imagine! The
effect of global warming is the Great Tribulation depicted in the Bible. Every time
it has happened before, Life on Earth has made a quantum leap in complexity. The
New Humanity arising from this one is what 2012 consciousness is all about. As a
disciple of the teachings of Jesus, I think this new awareness will be the revealing
of the Mind of Christ in the Hearts of Men and Women. Heaven is not some
"place" out there, or over there; it is an expansive state of consciousness that we
can bring to Earth, in our hearts, today. It is Love.

This book is currently being printed and will be available soon!

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