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Infant observation was introduced into the lasting about an hour. The observations of the
curriculum of the Institute of Psycho-Analysis candidates at the Institute usually stop at about
in London in 1960 as part of the course for the end of the first year. Contrary to our
first year students. The detailed observational expectations, there was no difficulty in finding
material that I am quoting in this paper is mothers willing to have an observer-either
mainly drawn from the work of these students. through acquaintances or through other chan-
Infant observation had, in fact, been part of the nels. Mothers have frequently indicated expli-
training course for child psychotherapists at the citly or implicitly how much they welcomed the
Tavistock Clinic since 1948 when the course fact of having someone come regularly into their
began. We then decided to include in the first home with whom they could talk about their
non-clinical year some practical experience of baby and its development and their feelings
infants. about it. We found that it was best to give a
I thought this important for many reasons, simple explanation to the parents-namely, that
but perhaps mostly because it would help the the observer wished to have some direct
students to conceive vividly the infantile experi- experience of babies as part of his professional
ence of their child patients, so that when, for development. Note-taking during the obser-
example, they started the treatment of a two- vation was soon recognized as unsuitable and
and-a-half-years old child they would get the disturbing as it interfered with free-floating
feel of the baby that he was and from which he attention and prevented the student from
is not so far removed. It should also increase responding easily to the emotional demands of
the student's understanding of the child's non- the mother.
verbal behaviour and his play, as well as the Much thought had to be given to the central
behaviour of the child who neither speaks nor problem of the role of the observer in the whole
plays. Further, it should help the student when situation. This problem seemed to be twofold,
he interviews the mother and enable him to as it involved the conceptualization of the
understand better her account of the child's observer's role, and also the conscious and
history. It would also give each student a unconscious attitudes of the observer. First the
unique opportunity to observe the development question of role; as infant observation was
of an infant more or less from birth, in his home planned as an adjunct to the teaching of psycho-
setting and in his relation to his immediate analysis and child therapy, rather than as a
family, and thus to find out for himself how research instrument, it was felt to be important
these relations emerge and develop. In addition that the observer should feel himself sufficiently
he would be able to compare and contrast his inside the family to experience the emotional
observations with those of his fellow students in impact, but not committed to act out any roles
the weekly seminars. thrust upon him, such as giving advice or
I want to turn now to the method of obser- registering approval or disapproval. This would
vation which has evolved over the years and has not seem to exclude him being helpful as a
been constantly discussed in seminars. The child particular situation arose-by holding the baby,
psychotherapy students visit the family once a or bringing it an occasional gift. In other words,
week up to about the end of the second year of he would be a privileged and therefore grateful
the child's life, each observation normally participant observer.

1 A paper read to the British Psycho-Analytical Society, July 1963.

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The second problem, that of attitudes, is, preoccupation of the students in the seminar
however, more difficult. Here, in the house of with the mother's handling of the baby. Their
parents with a new baby, the observer, however attitude was highly critical and emotional. At
experienced with babies or in psycho-analysis or first I tried to mitigate the problem by en-
in scientificmethods of observation, is confronted couraging them to give more attention to the
with a situation of intense emotional impact. baby and less to the mother. This did not help.
In order to be able to observe at all he must I realized it was necessary to give more considera-
attain detachment from what is going on. tion to this factor-the depression in the mother
Yet he must, as in the basic method of psycho- and its impact on the observer as well as on the
analysis, find a position from which to make his baby and other members of the family. It is, of
observations, a position that will introduce as course, not the purpose of this paper to attempt
little distortion as possible into what is going on to give a systematic account of depression in the
in the family. He has to allow some things to mothers of newborn babies, but before giving
happen and to resist others. Rather than the observational reports I want to clarify how
actively establishing his own personality as a I am using the word' depressive' here. I am not
new addition to the family organization he has using it primarily descriptively, but rather
to allow the parents, particularly the mother, to metapsychologically, to describe those aspects of
fit him into her household in her own way. But the mother's relation to the baby in which a
he must resist being drawn into roles involving clear-cut regression to part-object relationship
intense infantile transference and therefore is evident. The mother can be clearly seen to be
counter-transference. experiencing emotional detachment from the
To give an example, an older child in the baby, helplessness in understanding and meeting
family may try to monopolize him as an ally its needs, relying on the baby to make use of her
against the mother-baby couple. The mother breasts, hands, voice, as part-objects.
may attempt to build up a strong dependence Naturally depressive trends tend strongly to
relation. He may find himself being influenced disturb the observer's detachment, both because
by the baby to become a substitute mother. In of the mother's needs which pull the observer,
other words, if he becomes involved in the family and counter-transference anxieties which push
organization as do other members of the him. He. is pulled towards augmenting the
family-grandparents, father, relatives, friends, mother's vitality and pushed to identify with the
who all 'observe' after all-his observations disturbed and resentful aspects of the baby. To
would then be as little objective as those of a illustrate this problem of the way in which the
father or mother student wanting to bring mother's post-partum depressive trends tend to
observations of their own children. Further, the draw the observer into roles unsuitable to his
tensions of the situation would invade him; function and to place him under great emotional
particularly, the inadequacies in the care of the stress, I will bring two different types of material:
infant would upset him and the whole mystery one, a summary of two months' observational
of the situation intrigue him too much. He must work, and the second, more detailed observa-
not allow his behaviour to be dominated by tional notes. I think in both examples one can
these feelings which, on close scrutiny, will often feel the observer's struggle to tolerate the situa-
be found to have been intensified by projections tion. In the first example it will be seen how the
from members of the family. Whilst much of crumbling of the manic trends in the mother
this must be dealt with in the student's analysis, tends to draw the observer into the role of a
the seminar can at least uncover some of the dependent figure.
projections into him that are operating and K., a male baby, was the first child of young
which intensify his own internal conflicts. parents (about 25 years old) who worked to-
To illustrate this function of the seminar I have gether as office caretakers. The baby was
chosen for discussion a problem which has unplanned and came after two years of marriage.
appeared the most ubiquitous and difficult, Some months later, when the mother was much
namely the operation of the mother's post- more secure about herself as a mother, she
partum depressive trends. While we have confessed to the observer that when other girls
known for some time that these trends are almost at school had talked of getting married and
universal, I was not prepared for the intensity having children she thought privately to herself:
with which they impinged on the observer. , Married may be, but I'll never have a baby;
What one was struck by was the exclusive I am sure I should let it die.' This mother was
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specially selected by a health visitor as one who changed, quite unlike the doll they practised on
was normal, capable, and unlikely to be disturbed in the ante-natal clinic. She continued to try to
by being observed. The mother continued work comfort him in the pram, to dress and undress
up to term despite diarrhoea and backache, as him on the table. When the baby was screaming
part of her dependent and grateful relationship with hunger and impatience after the bath she
to her devoted husband. She described the rather would go on talking while dressing him in an
precipitous delivery which had caused her some apparently unconcerned way. At other times,
lacerations as a delivery in which, once his head when the baby was distressed, she pressed him
was through, ' he shot out'. Thus she expressed on the observer while she got on with other tasks
an attitude emphasizing the baby's strength and or even while she chatted. The breast feeding
independence which she maintained later. ended at six weeks.
At the first observation, when the baby was The father seemed to give the mother a great
two days old, mother and baby were enthroned deal of support; he sometimes impersonated the
amid flowers, presents, and new furnishings; the baby to express gentle criticism of the mother or
mother, radiant, talked incessantly in an excited to indicate the baby's feeling to her. He did not
way about her pride in the baby, her delight that compete with her in her role as mother, he
he was a boy and so strong, the presents she had regarded her unquestioningly, despite all her
received, and her gratitude to her husband who uncertainties, as the expert as far as the baby was
helped her so much in the last weeks. At the concerned, and was at hand whenever possible.
same time she was planning to fit the baby into This supportive behaviour of the father seemed
a routine which would enable her to go on with to be an important factor in the gradual
her work and to help her husband. She reiterated improvement in the mother's closeness and
her intention to breast-feed, driven by the tolerance towards the baby. In this material the
conviction that it produced less flabby babies, manic defences of an immature and dependent
but she was plainly very uncertain about her mother can be seen to collapse, revealing her
ability to do so. great anxiety about being able to take care of the
Five days later all was changed. The mother baby and her distrust in her ability to do so.
was up, tired and harassed-looking, feeling The observer's anxiety about the inadequacy of
burdened by the observer's visit but impelled to this baby's mothering comes through in her
incessant talk. She said she had never thought difficulty in tolerating such points as the mother's
that feeding a baby and keeping him clean would incessant talking when the baby was in distress
take up so much time, or that it would take so and the mother's lack of warmth and concern
much to satisfy him. She had a blister on her for her baby, as well as in her own relief at the
nipple and pains under her arm, and talked in father's support and its effect on the family.
terms of trying to continue breast feeding for The seminar also felt that as the relationship
six weeks. between mother and observer went on there were
When the baby, who had been asleep in the indications of a helpful improvement, evidenced,
pram, began to cry, the mother seemed at a loss for example, in the mother's being able to tell
to comfort him, talking rapidly to the observer the observer of her adolescent anxieties about
of his strength, the beauty of the pram, and of ever being able to be a mother at all.
her overworked state. Finally, she turned the
baby over, saying, 'Mustn't spoil you, young In the second example I will give an account
man " and told the observer that though they of a first observation, both to show the observer
had not specially wanted a baby she and her at work, indicating, as I said earlier on, the
husband were quite delighted, but since she had impact of the mother's depression on him, and
never much liked other people's babies she did also to show the richness of observational data
not know what to do with him, and ended, -a point to which I shall come back later.
, I've really let myself in for something now .. .' Charles, a baby often days at the first observa-
Further observations in the early weeks tion, was the second child of a professional
were similar, as the mother struggled to satisfy couple. I shall quote now from the report.
this 'wild, hungry baby', as she called him, 'I rang mother and explained who I was in
who strained so hard both to get at and get away terms of the line of contact and we arranged that
from the breast, who wanted but seemed unable I should come the next day so that we could
to get all 'the dark part of the nipple into his meet and see how we liked each other and
mouth', who wriggled and struggled when being whether we could make an arrangement for
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observations. In fixing the time of this meeting gized for the unfinished state of the house,
mother asked whether I would like to see the pointing out the packing-case legs of the dining
baby awake or didn't it matter. When I said I table. I said that the food probably tasted just
would prefer to see the baby awake, she sug- as good, to which-" It's O.K. now that
gested a feed, which I took up very readily. She Mother's here!" There was a long pause in the
showed some eagerness to accommodate me, conversation and she remarked that she ought
being prepared to move the time of the feed to have my telephone number.
up to half an hour. I said I could come when , Mother was timing the feed with her watch
he was usually fed. off her wrist. When she took the nipple out of
, Mother is aged about 25, has glasses, short Charles's mouth and put him over her left
thick light-brown hair, a square masculine sort shoulder the watch dropped off her lap and I
of head and face, rather quiet and serious in picked it up for her. She patted his back firmly
looks and voice, but smiles readily with a warm but not too hard, and he brought up wind
smile. She was wearing a Swedish-Liberty almost at once. He straightway began to shout
striped blouse and a large black skirt; rather and roar in ever-increasing tones of anger, was
shabby-looking was the general impression, but not quietened by his mother's talking to him,
somehow not in an unattractive way. She had and when she gave him the right breast he made
quite a dignified manner, although visibly several attempts to take the nipple, making a
anxious about how to deal with me. kissing sound as he did so. The mother finally
, I was first taken out to the garden behind the put the nipple right into his mouth and he began
house where the mother's mother sat holding to suck. This time I could see a bit better, and he
Charles wrapped in a blanket. The mother seemed to be sucking very gently and slowly.
muttered something about it being feeding-time There was the same motionless quality to his
and would I care to see the feed. I followed her whole body as he sucked.
and Charles back into the living-room. The , As he began to suck he gave the breast a pat
mother sat first on a divan and invited me to pull with his right hand just above the nipple. His
up an armchair opposite, then changed places hand seemed to interfere with his mouth (as it
because there was a draught on to the divan from were, falling on to the nipple), so that the mother
the door to the garden (and grandma). By chang- twice moved his hand away. He finally arranged
ing places the door could be left open without any it in a trumpet shape around his mouth. His feet
draught on her. It also meant that the mother were motionless, except that I noticed he once
could be seen by her mother from the garden, made a small stroking action against the chair
while the divan where I sat could not. with one foot. Mother said: " Come on, work",
'When I first saw Charles he was wrapped very gently, and in a somewhat resigned sort of
very voluminously in the blanket on his grand- way.
mother's lap. When the blanket was drawn , After a certain time mother took Charles off
back he was lying with his left hand on his ear, the breast, very sleepy, and first held him sitting
his right hand over the whole front of his face, up facing her, saying that Spock advised winding
kneading his cheeks and mouth and nose. His this way before trying the shoulder method, but
right thumb was in his mouth. He had several that she had never had any luck with this nor
scratches on his cheeks and upper cheekbone heard of anyone who had. I agreed, and men-
and his right eye looked faintly discoloured, as tioned my own son and our experiences in
though he had poked it too hard. When the winding him. She asked how old he was and
mother and Charles settled in the armchair for remarked that Jack, Charles's brother, was
the feed I could see very little of him indeed. I 19 months old.
asked his name and how old he was. The mother 'The mother then put Charles over her
asked me about my work. I explained that shoulder, very sleepy and lolling and with a
I hoped to work with children ultimately. We replete air. I don't recall that he brought up
discussed possible times for me to come, and the wind.
mother seemed to prefer me to come to see the , She then put him back to the right breast,
bath rather than a feed. This, however, was a where he sucked even more slowly for a while.
misunderstanding. We found a suitable time She then carried Charles against her shoulder
and agreed that arrangements would be flexible upstairs to change him. I walked behind, and
because Charles's time-table would change and at this point Charles's face was quite calm but
we could see how things went. Mother apolo- rather bloated and expressionless really. He was
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more in a stupor than asleep, it seemed, and mother came and put a cardigan and bonnet on
made no sound. him, treating him sympathetically and talking to
, We went into the little room where the mother him. He fell asleep again and was carried
slept with Charles. The bed was unmade, and downstairs on the cot mattress which was going
there was an empty chocolate wrapper beside it. in the pram. As he lay on the mattress while the
The mother arranged the blanket on the bed and mother and grandmother gathered together
laid Charles on his back, at which he woke up things for the walk, I was struck by his expression,
quickly and began to scream. She left the room which had quite altered in the meantime and
to fetch clean napkins. He continued to scream, was now fixed in a look of great pain of an
both hands constantly round his face with intense kind, and not a muscle moved. for the
pushing and scraping-off movements, his feet two or three minutes between when I first saw
doing the same; pushing the left against and it and when I said goodbye to them outside the
down the right. house.'
'The screaming stopped when the mother I have given this material in considerable
called from another room, and was replaced for detail to show the observer at work and the
a moment by a happy low cooing sound. Then impact that this experience makes on him.
screams till the mother came back and talked Further, I want this baby to become familiar
sympathetically while she changed him. During because I shall discuss other material from him
the changing he cried miserably, but without later in this paper.
drowning the sound of his mother's voice. His If we consider this material mainly from the
hands were constantly around his face, his left point of view of how it affected the observer, we
hand moving in front of him with a stroking naturally take into account that this was his
action which reminded me of a blind man. first meeting with the family. The observer
'The mother powdered his genitals and noted the mother's anxiety about how to deal
stomach generously, drew attention to his rash, with him. Between the lines the observer's
and remarked that lots of babies around had tension can be discerned. He notes that the
such a rash. When he was changed, she laid him mother changes places with him so that grand-
on his left side in the cot, leaving his hands free mother in the garden can see the feed while he
of the blanket which wrapped him. She then left cannot. His sensitivity is registered in the record
to get Jack up from his sleep, as they were going by calling the mother's invitation' muttered "
for a walk. and perhaps by misunderstanding her remark
, Charles lay with his left thumb in his mouth, about times in the sense that she did not want
the fingers of his left hand over his face, especially him to see the feed. When, to the mother's
over the right eye (the left eye was turned apologies for the state of the house, particularly
somewhat into the sheet); his right hand was the dining table, he remarks that the food
curling over his temple. He breathed fast and probably tastes just as good, the mother says
noisily, and irregularly from time to time. Then it's O.K. now that her own mother is here. Here
his left hand assumed the trumpet shape that we can see the first glimpse of the mother's
his right hand had done during the feed. His depression and dependence on her own mother
face showed scarcely any movement. All at and the observer's attempt at comforting her.
once there was a sudden, heavy, heaving sigh and , There was a long pause in the conversation and
he seemed to relax altogether. His breathing the mother remarked could she have my tele-
became inaudible, his hands moved slightly phone number.' That two relationships are
away from his face. Over the next few minutes going on-baby-breast, mother-observer-in
he gave several jerks forward, his arms out- relative isolation is evident. The observer's
stretched as though he was falling and clutching sympathy for the mother's depression comes
at someone. This seemed to happen sometimes through again when, after prolonged attempts at
to external stimuli. (The mother's voice talking the second breast, the mother said to Charles,
to Jack in the next room, a door banging, and , Come on, work', and the observer notes she
sometimes without any external stimulus that said it ' gently, in a somewhat resigned sort of
I noted.) way'.
, Finally he lay quietly asleep. Two or three Identification with the baby's misery (the
times he half woke at some loud noises from scratched face) and later feeling of desertion in
Jack's room, began to pucker and cry, but then favour of the older brother whom the mother
fell asleep again. He began to cry when his now went to awaken is written in each sub-
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sequent line. The mystery of the face scratches whilst at the second breast he sucked very gently,
begins to be solved as both hands constantly his mouth barely moving. The mother remarked
move round his face with pushing and scraping- on one occasion that he usually takes his meal at
off movements, his feet doing the same, while the first breast and ' fiddles around', as she puts
the mother is out of the room. it, on the second. However, she persevered,
After being changed the baby is seen to fall taking him off and putting him back, saying that
asleep, an event described by the observer he would not sleep the right length of time if he
vividly with great attention to detail, but on did not get enough. At the second breast
parting he was struck by Charles's expression, Charles also made many movements with his
which had quite altered into a look of great pain hands, patting, making the trumpet shape,
of an intense kind although the baby was holding to his mother's jersey, stroking.
asleep. That the observer could have noted and Thus after some weeks we had noted the
reported in great detail with these tensions going pattern in the way Charles related himself to the
on and in his first baby observation is striking. two breasts, but it was only later with additional
The problem in such a paper as this is to material about the hand movements that certain
convey the use that the seminar makes of such links suggested themselves-and these I am
observations, and this I can do only to a very going to discuss later.
limited extent. To convey it correctly one would Another pattern emerged from the second
need to report the discussion in the seminar in as observation when the bathing was watched.
much detail as the observational material itself. Charles began to cry as soon as his napkins were
And even this could give a fallacious impression, taken off, but his crying became much more
since the deductions drawn necessarily depend intense when his nightdress came off. It became
upon previous 0 bservations and discussions, from fainter when his mother handled him, washed,
which, slowly, series of observations can be soaped him, and spoke to him softly. When put
linked and patterns of behaviour seen to emerge. down on a sheet his crying became louder. Once
The point that I am stressing here is the import- back in his nightdress the crying stopped
ance of consecutive observation of the individual immediately; he relaxed and began to look
couple. The experience of the seminar is that around. This pattern of crying intensely when
one may see an apparent pattern emerging in one his body was exposed during the bath or when
observation, but one can only accept it as put down was repeated in every observation
significant if it is repeated in the same, or a until the end of the second month. He was
similar, situation in many subsequent observa- soothed by his mother's voice and her handling,
tions. Paying attention to such observable but quietened immediately when wrapped up,
details over a long period gives the student the i.e. in his nightdress, or covered with a blanket
opportunity to see not only patterns but also in the cot.
changes in the patterns. He can see changes in While the foregoing patterns seem to suggest
the couple's mutual adaptation and the impres- the working of intrapsychic defensive operations,
sive capacity for growth and development in patterns of communication between mother and
their relationship, i.e. the flexibility and capacity child can also be observed, in which the mother's
for using each other and developing which goes fundamental role of ' holding' in Winnicott's
on in a satisfactory mother-baby relationship. sense or containing projections in Bion's sense
The excitement in the seminar has been just as can be observed.
much in searching backward as in looking It becomes apparent that between a particular
forward. mother and child certain preferred modes of
I will give two examples of such patterns of communication become central in their relation
behaviour from the same baby, Charles. to one another. It is difficult to tell whether this
In the first observation the observer described choice originates in the mother's or the baby's
the baby's difficulties when feeding at the second preference. I would like to give two examples.
breast; how the feeding was slow, long drawn One of the m others, whom I will call Mrs A.
out, and how the mother remarked that he did was uneasy in the feeding situation. She held
not work hard-but went on with the feed. In the baby very awkwardly, and seemed tense and
later observations we began to see that this was anxious at having the baby so close to her body.
part of a pattern in which he related himself This is similar to the mother on whom I reported
differently to the two breasts. At the first at the beginning of this paper, who also could
breast he sucked vigorously, sometimes gulping, not stand the close physical contact with the
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infant. Mrs A. showed that she was happiest as a regular pattern of behaviour whenever the
when, after the feed was over, she would either baby came close to her. At thirteen weeks, the
put the baby comfortably on the floor or hold it mother gave the observer the baby to hold while
with both arms away from her body. She would she went out to prepare the bath and said, ' Go
look at it, make movements with her lips (open to your auntie, she's got to study you.' James
and shut her mouth), to which the baby res- lay on the observer's lap looking at her, but did
ponded in the same way, or she would talk to the not touch her. When the mother returned he
baby and the baby make various sounds back. looked at her and followed her with his eyes
One day, when the baby was in his fifth month, until she took him. On her lap he felt for the
the mother had to go out shopping and left him breast with mouth and hand and later held her
with the observer to whom she gave various arm with his hand. After the bath, at the
instructions. The observer sat down with the breast, he clutched at the breast; his mother
baby, and as long as he held it on his knee with removed his hand. He then put his hand on top
tts back to him, the baby was quiet. As soon as of the mother's hand and moved it rhythmically
he started talking to the baby, or turned it round while he sucked. At twenty-two weeks he was
so that it could see him, it began to cry. This stroking the breast with wide movements. 'At
happened several times. In the discussion in the twenty-four weeks' (I am quoting from the
seminar it was felt that to this baby the asso- student's notes) , James took the breast eagerly.
ciation to a happy relation with mother was His mother said he would not be having it much
predominantly visual and vocal. The voice and longer, the milk was giving out. With his left
sight of the observer was different from that of hand James played with the mother's breast and
the mother, and awareness of this made the baby then with her hand. His movements remained
cry. It occurred to the observer that while the lively all through the taking of the breast. As I
baby was sitting quietly on his knee it looked watched him I wondered if his movements might
fixedly at the part of the room where the mother be a conscious caressing of the mother; he
had been just before she left, as if it found appeared to me to be aware of what his hand
comfort in looking at the area which was was doing. The mother put James to the second
connected with the mother, while the voice and breast and he took this eagerly, stroking her
sight of the observer was proof that the mother breast and neck and touching her mouth,
was not there, and the baby cried. although usually I have only noticed him do this
Here is a contrasting example in which the during the first breast. He was weaned to the
kinaesthetic pattern is the key to the nature of bottle at twenty-seven weeks. There followed a
the relationship. The observation began when week of distress when he refused food, falling
baby James was four and a half weeks old. His asleep between mouthfuls, whilst sleeping badly
mother had been undressing him in preparation at night. The mother remarked that he behaved as
for the bath. As she first put him on his back he though he was a little baby. In the following
tried to reach for the breast and made some week he started touching the bottle, later reach-
protesting noises. The mother talked to him ing out for it, stroking it lovingly, as he had done
continually, saying, ' It's horrible, isn't it? ' ... with the breast, and eventually settled down to
, Poor old fellow, never mind, you will soon be keeping one hand on the bottle and touching,
in the water.' She told the observer that he loved stroking, and caressing the mother with the other
actually being in the water, unlike her other hand.'
children who disliked it when they were babies. I have, of course, described the overall
When in the water he lay quietly bringing his patterns-the gross trends-and have had to
knees up to his stomach, making no sound and omit the many finer details of the ups and
looking quite contented. In later observations downs, as time would not permit of recounting
he splashed, kicked, and played in the bath and them. The material convinced us in the seminar
often protested when taken out, as at this first that the relation of this baby to the breast and
observation when he was four and a half weeks mother was close and intimate, and he expressed
old. Then when mother put him on to the his love as well as anger towards her, pre-
breast he attached himself to the nipple at once dominantly by handling her body. We noted
and sucked vigorously. He had his eyes open that although the mother was very vocal herself,
and with the right hand he touched the breast the baby remained relatively silent, with a
and the button on the mother's dress alternately. preference for tactile and kinaesthetic modes of
This touching of the mother's body was observed relationship and communication.
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Before closing I would like to mention some squeezing the other, twisting the fingers and
aspects of the baby observation as training for thumb quite hard. Occasionally one hand
scientific data collection and thought. In the described a small circle in front of his mouth
seminars it comes out very clearly from the while his face had a disagreeable, discontented
beginning how difficult it is to 'observe', expression, rather screwed up. After this a
i.e. collect facts free from interpretation. As soon change came about. He became very much
as these facts have to be described in language we calmer and played with his hands in a much more
find that every word is loaded with a penumbra playful way, bringing them together, rubbing
of implication. Should the student say the them and poking his fingers through each other.
nipple 'dropped' from the baby's mouth, Put to the right breast he sucked regularly. His
, fell " was 'pushed', 'released', 'escaped', hands were on each side of the breast well away
etc. ? In fact, he finds that he chooses a particular from the nipple. The mother remarked that he
word because observing and thinking are almost often touched the breast while feeding with a pat
inseparable. This is an important lesson, for it and a poke, quite hard.
teaches caution and reliance on consecutive , 10 weeks-his mother had her hand on his
observations for confirmation. chest and he began to play with her fingers,
What we also find is that the students learn to curling his own round hers and gently drawing
watch and feel before jumping in with theories, his forefinger along her wrist and hand. He also
and learn to tolerate and appreciate how mothers looked at her face and made friendly sounds in
care for their babies, and find their own solutions. response to her talk. Prior to this, at the left
In this way the students are slowly able to discard (first) breast where he sucked powerfully and
rather fixed notions about right and wrong regularly, his right hand was lying high up in the
handling and become more flexible about centre of the mother's chest. Then he began to
accepted principles of infant care. What is borne stop and resume sucking. During the stopping
in upon them is the uniqueness of each couple, his right hand began to clutch and clench
how each baby develops at its own pace and markedly. Later at the right breast he sucked
relates itself to its mother in its own way. less regularly. He had both hands on the breast
Probably the most exciting aspect of the close to the nipple on each side and gently
seminars, as they develop during the year, is the moved his fingers on the breast, occasionally
opportunity for teasing out of the material bringing his hands momentarily together.
certain threads of behaviour which seem , From now onwards a definite pattern could
particularly significant for a particular child's be observed. When he was at the right (second)
experience of his object relations. An item may breast he would stroke and caress the breast in a
strike the group as having a meaningful con- variety of gentle movements, but when he was at
figuration. Its earlier history can then be traced the left breast his hand was either on the
in the notes, hypotheses made and predictions mother's chest, his fingers sometimes clenching,
evolved for validation in further observations. or both hands were on either side of the breast,
For instance, it will be remembered that in the motionless.
first observation with baby Charles, at ten days, 'We were struck by the way in which the
it was noted that he patted the second, right hands related to each other, at first twisting,
breast and formed a trumpet shape with his hand plucking, squeezing rather hard, later rubbing
around his mouth as he sucked away very gently and poking the fingers through each other
and slowly. When left alone on the bed later his playfully. At the next observation Charles was
right hand was exploring around his eye and seen to play in this second way with the mother's
temple whilst his left thumb was in his mouth. hand after the feed at the first breast, at which he
Then gradually his left hand assumed the had alternated between powerful sucking and
trumpet shape and all at once he went to sleep. stopping, while his right hand clenched and
The fact that hand activity was an important unclenched when his mouth was inactive. We
mode of contact with his object and his body could see in the seminar a strong suggestion here
seemed clear in a general way, but of no special of his hand being mouthlike in its activities and
interest until the observations at 9 and 10 weeks. mother's hand being breastlike in its significance,
The observer reports: '9 weeks-after a thus suggesting that his two hands might at
disturbed feed because of a change in routine, times also be relating to each other as mouth to
Charles played with his hands in a complex way. breast.
First one hand seemed to be plucking and 'When put to the second breast Charles
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sucked gently, having both his hands on the the poking through and the poking in of fingers
breast near the nipple, gently caressing and evidence of a projective mode of achieving
occasionally bringing his hands together. In identification? Are the hands held away and the
contrast, at the first breast powerful sucking clenching alternating with powerful sucking to
alternated with hand clenching, the hand being be seen as a primitive attempt to spare the
held far away from the nipple.' breast? Innumerable exciting questions arise,
As I have indicated earlier in this paper, this showing the students the vast area of the
split in his relation to the two breasts and the unconscious still to be explored by psycho-
accompanying pattern of hand activity subse- analysis.
quently became quite firmly established. Which- My impression is that the students find the
ever way we may attempt to explain it, the vital observational evidence for the early working of
significance of these minute activities is undeni- the splitting processes and identification of body
able. Charles clearly relates himself to the two parts with objects fascinating, regardless of the
breasts in a very different way. His hand tends theoretical framework within which they may
to behave like a mouth. He brings his hands choose to express the recognition of infant
close to the second breast but away from the mental functioning. I think that the infant
first. He treats his mother's hand with his hand observation experience, linked later with clinical
as his mouth treats the breast. His hands relate experience with adults and children, will add to
to each other at times as mouth to breast just as their conviction of the importance of observing
his mouth relates to his hand as a breast. Is this patients' overall behaviour as a part of the data
evidence that the relationship to the breast as of the analytic situation as well as strengthen
part-object is the basic unit of relationship from their belief in the validity of analytic recon-
which more complex relationships are built? Is struction of early development.
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