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I be folies-a-deux in which each partner claims

In practice one finds certain patients who preference and precedence; both are violent, or
cannot use transference interpretations; the one dominates and the other is passive, some-
difference between these and other patients is times alternating.
qualitative, not quantitative. They do not form The analytical relationship is only understood
a defined group, but include people suffering on this kind of basis, and attempts are made to
from character disorders, sexual perversions, establish a folie-a-deux with the analyst. Un-
some psycho-somatic conditions, psychopaths, equal relationship or give-and-take on some-
etc., i.e. sane people with a great deal of both one else's terms, seems to be something
persecutory and depressive anxiety. which has never happened before; the idea is
When a transference interpretation is given met with blank incomprehension, going on to
to such a patient, either: (i) it is experienced by fury when the patient has to give way; if the
the patient as meaningless, and no use can be analyst gives way it may not be perceived at all,
made of it; or (ii) it is accepted by the patient, but if it is perceived it produces great satis-
with apparent understanding, but the analyst faction, and guilt.
realizes later that it has had no effect; no change (e) These patients seem to develop a sort of
happens, and no insight has been gained. addiction to analysis. They have an insatiable
In the analysis of these patients several other need for love and attention by means of which
characteristics are found. they seek magically to control their limitless
(a) Ordinary analysis of their dreams does not hate and destructiveness.
work. They bring dreams of two kinds; of one This 'addiction to analysis' leads to a
the manifest content leads to innumerable ruthless, repetitive searching for something, at
associations, but no meaningful latent content any cost to either patient or analyst; but this
can be found; nothing else exists in the dream very quality sometimes makes an unpromising-
but the defensive mechanisms. In the other looking analysis successful in the long run, if
type of dream the manifest and the latent only that ' something' can be recognized and
content are one, and the manifest content is the got, at least in token measure. The gap between
dream thought. the need and what is got has to be fully
(b) There are defects of thinking. The capacity acknowledged by the analyst.
to symbolize is deficient, there is 'symbolic equa- (f) These conditions seem to have arisen
tion' (' primary process symbolization '), and con- out of a situation where the mother herself was
crete thinking, and the capacity to make accurate infantile, and as incapable of bearing either
deductions or inferences is largely lacking. separateness or fusion as her baby, a mother
(c) Acting-out is violent, or the violenceappears whose anxiety and inadequacy acted as real
negatively as passivity. These patients call a persecutions to the child. The depressive
good deal of attention to themselves, involve position could not be reached, as in these
other people in their affairs, and interfere in the circumstances the ordinary mechanisms of
.affairs of others. projection and introjection become ineffective.
(d) They tend to be very dependent, and find (This is an oversimplification, of course, but I
someone else to carry out as many of their ego- cannot enlarge upon it here.)
functions as possible. There is neither real
separateness, nor real fusion, no mutuality; II
• tit-for-tat', 'you scratch my back and I'll In these patients the character of the trans-
scratch yours'. Their relationships turn out to ference is essentially delusional.
1 Paper read at the 20th Congress of the International Psycho-Analytical Association, Paris, July-August, 1957.
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As in neurotics, the transference is ambivalent, In it subject and object, all feeling, thought, and
and is therefore twofold, though it often appears movement are experienced as the same thing.
only in its positive aspect, as what has been called That is to say there is only a state of being or of
, erotized transference " the purpose of which is experiencing, and no sense of there being a
to keep only the idealization and to deny that person; e.g. there is only an anger, fear, love,
the opposite exists. movement, etc., but no person feeling anger,
But a neurotic can recognize the analyst as a fear or love, or moving. And since all these
real person, who for the time being symbolizes, things are one and the same, there is no separate-
or 'stands-in' for his parents, either as they ness or distinction between them. It is a state
actually were, or as he experienced them in his of undifferentiatedness, both as regards psyche
childhood, and he is accessible to verbal inter- and soma, experienced as chaos.
pretation of the transference. To reach this state is a terrifying thing, as it
Where the transference is delusional there is means losing all sense of being a person, and
no such ' stand-in' or ' as-if' quality about it. all sense of identity. The patient who reaches
To such a patient the analyst is, in an absolute it becomes for the moment only a pain, rage,
way, with a quality of' authenticity', both the mess, scream, etc., and is wholly dependent on
idealized parents and their opposites, or rather, the analyst for there being anywhere a person
the parents deified and diabolized, and also who feels or acts. There is in fact, identification
himself (the patient) deified and diabolized, for with the analyst of primary kind, but the patient
the analyst is assumed absolutely to be magical. cannot be aware of it.
To resolve the transference the patient has to This state has to be reached so that the un-
be enabled to bring together his love and his reality of these identities can be recognized, but
hate on to one person, to find both good and the reaching of it is felt as utter annihilation-
bad aspects of his analyst, his parents, and him- hence the need to maintain the delusion in the
self as human beings, and to know the difference transference. At the same time, the inner
between imaginative and objective reality. reality of these identities has to be preserved.
The main mechanisms used in the production In a neurotic, where the relation between inner
and maintenance of a delusional transference and outer reality is established, the inner reality
are splitting, denial, isolation, projection, and of these identities is already axiomatic, and
repetition. survival can be taken for granted, but in a
But it seems to be chiefly a failure of integra- deluded person any fresh recognition of reality
tion between psyche and soma (with consequent is felt as a threatened destruction of everything,
failure of integration between weakly organized and both inner and outer reality seem shaken to
ego and id) that makes the ego inaccessible to their foundations when the delusion is disturbed.
transference interpretations, so that they cannot The quality of the disturbance is cataclysmic,
result in altered behaviour or bodily activity, and can be compared with orgasm; it might be
or lead over from inner to outer reality. Their described as an ' orgasm of pain', with tension
false acceptance or rejection depends on the rising to a climax, discharged in an impulsive
insistence on identity between analyst and movement, and followed by relief. It is not an
parent-imago: 'Of course, how could it be agonal state, as there is no person suffering it,
otherwise?'; or' Fancy thinking that!' no functioning ego. In effect it is a state of
This failure of integration depends upon frenzy, and the discharge, an acces de rage, may
very early body experience, when awareness is take the form either of an attack upon the self,
essentially body-awareness, at a pre-ambivalent, self-injury or suicidal attempt, or of a maniacal
pre-verbal, pre-object-relation stage. Tension attack upon the analyst. It is a moment of very
is experienced as something intolerable, threaten- real danger. When the movement is outward,
ing life itself. Discharge is experienced accord- towards the analyst, contact is made with a
ing to the setting in which it happens and its person who is separate from the feelings and
effect on the environment. Response by the movements, and uninvolved in them; he
environment may be felt to be good or bad; experiences them, but his experience is different
absence of response of a positive or active kind from the patient's, and this brings a new
may be felt to be either, according to the patient's situation. The delusion cannot be maintained
need and his previous experience of response. and is no longer needed.
The transference delusion hides a state in the With the movement has come differentiation.
patient which he both needs and fears to reach. The giving up of the delusion starts from the
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discovery of a body moving in response to an Verbalization has to go back not only to
urge and finding contact. This is the beginning nursery and onomatopoeic words, but to very
of recovery, for the primary identification breaksprimitive sounds and mouth movements, from
up, secondary identification becomes possible, where other movements and body happenings
and through that again can come the ability to can be reached, so as to make the contact
take the consequences of a happening. between inner and outer reality, and to help the
change over from concrete and magical thinking
III to the acceptance of substitutes and symboliza-
It follows that the analysis depends upon tion.
breaking up the delusional transference. To do Since transference interpretation is found to
this reality must be presented undeniably and be ineffective, other ways of bringing the patient
inescapably, so that contact with it cannot be into touch with reality have to be found and used
refused, and in such ways that the patient does -ways that are out of place in the analysis of
not have to use either inference or deductive neurotics. In order to reach both pre-verbal
thinking. It might be compared with the and body levels and to enable the patient to
waking from a dream of a tiny child, but some- reach the state he dreads the analyst's ego-
one must be there to help the waking. function has to be maximal, and his object-
Regression to a very early dependent level is function minimal. He has ultimately only
unavoidable, and there are many patients who himself to use, since the help from the outer
cannot manage without some regressive illness. world is small, and has to be related to him;
In my experience this is usually so where an psychically it has to come from him.
existing folie-a-deux has to be destroyed for the The analyst's own instinctual impulses have
analysis to be carried out. Dependence is both to be used as fully and directly as possible. Very
demanded and rejected, and it is not always primitive emotions are suddenly aroused in him,
easy to get a patient to accept the care that is often leaving him no time for conscious thought
needed for safety. before he has to speak or act. Provided his own
Body memories of very early infantile ex- analysis has gone far enough for sublimations to
periences of primitive' orgiastic' quality, both be established; provided he is mature, knows
good and bad, have to be found; i.e. both of his limitations, and is not depending on, or
real satisfaction, and of real frenzy. These have exploiting his patient, the dangers which are
to be linked with experiences in the analytic admittedly there are fair risks, especially
situation, also of a body kind, otherwise both considering the seriousness of the illness.
the separation between psyche and soma, and He may sometimes have to use body activity
the limitless destructiveness and greed for love and movement, e.g. to hold a destructive patient
persist unchanged. The early experiences have in a frenzy; he may have to allow his feelings
to be reconstructed as convincingly as possible to be plainly seen, as the only meaningful way
and linked with the analytic experiences through of conveying the truth about a situation to a
whatever cover-memories can be found to serve patient to whom words cannot convey it, and
this purpose; any element of conjecture must who cannot make deductions from the less
be admitted. personal, less direct ' signs' to be found in the
The analytic set-up provides something to- analytic room and ordinary analytic technique.
wards these body experiences, though its There are times when nothing can reach a patient
importance in this respect is often overlooked; but a direct expression of what the analyst is
e.g. the couch, warmth, shaded light, quiet, etc. feeling at that instant, and times when such
Where there is regressive illness or a lasting expression has immediate and profound effect-
psychotic episode more may be needed; hospital just because it is meaningful.
or nursing care in intercurrent illness can give It is through these things-feeling and move-
a good deal in this way. These things need to ment-that the patient finds himself as a separate
be firmly linked with the transference, appearing person, with likenesses to and differences from
as and being used as extensions of the analyst other people, as his analyst is like others and
himself, on the delusional level, he taking full yet different from them. But the recognition
responsibility for them in the realm of psychic that it is true when the analyst says that feeling
reality, whatever may be the actual reality, and and its expression are right comes most clearly
however much the patient may be aware of it in when the patient finds it happening, experiences
another area of himself. his feelings and his analyst's separately, finds.
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who is feeling what, and that the relationship described the id as ' all that the ego is not ... a
is not destroyed as he had expected. chaos, a cauldron of seething excitement'.
I have only touched on the question of tech- 'Instinctual cathexes seeking discharge', he
nique in analysing a delusional transference. said, 'is all that the id contains.'
Ordinary interpretative technique forms the But Freud has also described the breaking up
main part of the analysis; it cannot be super- of a delusion, and he has done so in much the
seded or replaced, but it can be supplemented same way as I have. I have not consciously
in the ways I have indicated, to make the ego followed him here; I read Delusion and Dream
accessible to interpretation. The technique needs during my training as an analyst. I have only
to be flexible, with free use of imagination (and reread it in the last few weeks, and found that I
flexibility does not mean sloppiness, any more had forgotten it almost entirely. In Wilhelm
than rigidity means strength). The funda- Jensen's novel Gradiva is told the story of a
mentals of analysis must be observed, and the young man's temporary delusion and its cure.
analyst's own analysis must be continued, His sufferings when the delusion is disturbed
actively, throughout. differ from those of a patient whose delusional
transference begins to break up only by being
POSTSCRIPT less in degree. It is clear that he is in danger at
A number of speakers at the recent Congress this time; he perceives a threat (real or
(in particular those taking part in the discussion imagined) to the young girl whom he is both
on neurotic ego distortions) described patients seeking and avoiding, and in averting the danger,
for whom it was impossible to make analysis by impulsively' swatting' the insect that might
mean anything, patients whose ability to use it sting her, he touches her arm with his hand, and
appeared to be blocked in some way, for whom in doing so finds her reality. The final break-up
some new method of approach seemed to be of the delusion, and his recovery, come about
needed. as the result of this body movement and contact.
I have tried to put forward something of a Freud traces in detail the processes involved,
new approach, and I want to link it with the in the light of psycho-analysis. His account is
work of other analysts besides these. There are, penetrating, self-consistent, and convincing,
of course, many who have touched on these but he does not suggest the possibility of
problems either directly or indirectly. I will resolving a fixed delusional state in this way. I
only mention very shortly here two people, was astonished to find that the analysis of my
Ernest Jones and Freud. patients whose transference is delusional follows
In the last number of the International Journal this exact pattern, but of course, since the
of Psycho-Analysis, in a short communication delusion in these cases is neither temporary nor
entitled 'Pain', Ernest Jones describes how recently developed (nor are the patients charac-
, when the white-heat peaks of intense pain are ters in a novel), recovery does not come about
reached localization disappears, and the entire through a single episode of this kind. It has to
self is filled with nothing but pain', and he goes happen repeatedly, and with each repetition it
on to describe the ego's reaction to it. This is becomes more meaningful and more effective.
the state of a person suffering pain, but at this This word 'meaningful' was often used by
point it borders on the state which I have speakers at the Congress, and I think that its
described above, where unbearable stimuli meaning for us in this context is really , ego-
break through the defensive barrier (Reizschutz) enlarging'. It seems that in these delusional
at a very early level of ego development, and cases the ego-enlargement can only come about
the sense of being a person is lost. He speaks to all intents and purposes traumatically, which
elsewhere of 'aphanisis', giving the term partly accounts for the difficulties encountered.
different meanings for the individual at different
stages of his ego development. He does not I want to go on to something more about the
refer to it in this communication. state of undifferentiatedness which the delusion
But the state which I have described, in which hides. It is a very complex subject, and calls for
there is loss of all sense of being a person, is a a separate paper which I hope to be able to
state in which the ego's defensive functioning is write. It is not a new or original theme; only
temporarily suspended deliberately, through the my approach to it may be new.
analytic process, and id drives are released. The terms 'primary identification' and
In the New Introductory Lectures Freud , primary narcissism' to my mind do not fit it,
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nor does 'paranoid-schizoid position'. I the basic unity, being at once indistinguishable,
would rather describe it as a state of primordial psychically, from the patient, and still preserving
undifferentiatedness, or of basic unity, in which his entity. He must find what he feels right for
a primitive identification might be said to be himself (i.e. what he wants to do or say), and
included. What I want to convey is that the assume that it is equally right for the patient.
undifferentiatedness is absolute, in both degree It is a point at which he must be able to commit
and extent. Nothing exists apart from anything himself, even sometimes risking making a
else, and the process of differentiation has to mistake, but remembering that the biggest
start from scratch. mistake of all at this point may be not doing
From this unity a body happening (such as just this. He has to be very plain and definite
movement, salivation, etc.), crystallizes out, and in saying certain things, but leave the patient
emotion follows it, according to the response of free to take or leave them. Refusal on the
the environment. These happenings are largely patient's part often only means delay until once
painful ones. The discovery of pain helps to more the basic state can be reached, when he
differentiate between self and not-self. Dis- feels ' If you think that, then I do.'
covery of positive pleasure seems to help only It is sometimes difficult to avoid the appear-
secondarily, by making the discovery of pain ance of' cashing-in' on the patient's compliance
tolerable at all; primarily it tends to increase the and dependence, but waiting usually brings
cohesion between the undifferentiated particles, acceptance (though this acceptance, of course,
and so to make for stability. But the discovery does not of itself guarantee the analyst's right-
of pain is already a differentiation in itself, and ness).
the process, once started, tends to continue, This state of basic unity is the unconscious
progressively and cumulatively, and can do so basis of the whole of the transference pheno-
as long as there is sufficient stability inside and mena; it can account, too, for such things as
outside the analyst-patient unit. suggestibility under hypnosis, and the mysterious
The analyst's task, then, is to enable the patient , confessions' we often hear about. Where
to suspend the defensive functioning of his own pleasure, promoting love, has contributed enough
ego, to let the analyst function for him, and let to its strengthening it is there, axiomatic, and
happen what happens, the analyst being in charge taken for granted; and it becomes the basis of
and looking after things, otherwise chaos marriage, mothering, and such sublimations as
develops. This process can come about through child-care and psycho-analysis itself.
this same basic unity, for the patient feels' What Where it has been too early or too extensively
you want is what I want, since you are me and disturbed by pain, of whatever kind, in infancy,
I am you.' We have here, too, I think, the with the balance of ambivalence tipped in the
explanation of the compliance which we so often direction of hate, and chaos develops, it can be
find in our patients, and its negative, defiance. seen for instance as the basis of the less attrac-
The further task, after the delusional trans- tive features of ideologies, and of class and
ference has begun to be resolved, is that of racial strifes. Where it has to be asserted (in
enabling the patient to take over his own ego order to deny its absence or insufficiency), we
function of suspending his defences, recognizing find bonhomie and brotherhoods.
for himself when he is deluded, and dealing with
what lies behind the delusion in his own indi- In this paper I have talked about 'what',
vidual version of the way in which his analyst and 'why', rather than about 'how'. The
has done so for him, before. , how' is not easily described in ways that convey
Being able to do this involves perception of meaning. Once one begins to describe ways of
the analyst and his ways of doing things, going doing things that are unfamiliar to one's hearers
on to internalization of him on the primitive anxiety is inevitably aroused, with consequent
pattern of eating (which is a body experience, misunderstanding and distortions. We have to
not magical introjection), digesting, absorbing, rely largely on empathy, which is relying on
building up into the self, so that the analyst is this basic state, but enlarged by experience.
no longer there recognizable, in his original, Each of us has to find his own ' how', by trial
unchanged form. All of this depends on separa- and error, letting happen what happens in him-
tion from the analyst, i.e. differentiation out of self, and finding out for himself the realities of
the basic unity. analysis.
For this purpose the analyst must accept fully
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