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Gr 7 Elective English Exam:

1. I made an airplane out of stone. ("Stone Airplane")

2. I put a piece of cantaloupe underneath the microscope. ("Nope")
3. Oaties stay oaty, and Wheat Chex stay floaty, and nothing can take the puff out of
Puffed Rice. ("Cereal")
4. While fishing in the blue lagoon, I caught a lovely silverfish. ("The Silver Fish")
5. They say if you step on a crack, you will break your mother's back. ("Sidewalking")
6. They just had a contest for scariest mask, and I was the wild and daring one
who won the contest for scariest mask—and (sob) I'm not even wearing one. ("Best
7. My voice was raspy, rough, and cracked. ("Little Hoarse")
8. I opened my eyes and looked up at the rain, and it dripped in my head and flowed into
my brain. ("Rain")
9. They say that once in Zanzibar a boy stuck out his tongue so far that it reached the
heavens and touched a star, which burned him rather badly. ("The Tongue Sticker-
10.I'm going to Camp Wonderful beside Lake Paradise across from Blissful Mountain in
the Valley of the Nice. ("Camp Wonderful")
11. I joke with the bats and have intimate chats with the cooties who crawl through my hair
("The Dirtiest Man in the World")
12. The animals snarled and screeched and growled and whinnied and whimpered and
hooted and howled and gobbled up the whole ice cream stand. ("Ice Cream Stop")
13. The antlers of a standing moose, as everybody knows, are just the perfect place to hang
your wet and drippy clothes. ("A Use for a Moose")
14. We'll walk with a walk that is measured and slow, and we'll go where the chalk-white
arrows go. ("Where the Sidewalk Ends")
15. If I had a brontosaurus, I would name him Horace or Morris. ("If I Had a
16. I am writing these poems from inside a lion, and it's rather dark in here. ("It's Dark in
17. A piece of sky broke off and fell through the crack in the ceiling right into my soup.
("Sky Seasoning")
18.The grungy, grumpy, grouchy Giant grew tired of his frowny pout and hired me and Lee
to lift the corners of his crumblin' mouth. ("The Smile Makers")
19. If you were only one inch tall, you'd ride a worm to school. ("One Inch Tall")
20. The traffic light simply would not turn green, so the people stopped to wait as the
traffic rolled and the wind blew cold, and the hour grew dark and late. ("Traffic Light")
21. The festival, ______________ lasted all day, ended with a banquet.
1. That
2. Who
3. Which
4. What
22. I am looking for someone __________ can watch my dog while I go on vacation.
1. Which
2. Who
3. Whom
4. Whoever
23. The police needed details _____________ could help identify the robber.
1. Who
2. Whatever
3. That
4. What
24. I’d like to take you to a café _______________ serves excellent coffee.
1. What
2. Whatever
3. Which
4. Whichever
25. The clubhouse, in __________ the dance was held, housed about 200 people.
1. Which
2. Where
3. That
4. Whom
26. You can choose one person, __________ you like, to share the cruise with you.
1. Whomever
2. That
3. Which
4. Whom
27. I saw the shoes __________ you bought last week on sale for less this week.
1. When
2. That
3. Who
4. Whom
28. The winners, __________ known, will receive money and other prizes.
1. Whoever
2. Who
3. When
4. That
29. This is the place __________ we met.
1. When
2. Where
3. Who
4. That
30. The baby, ________ nap had been interrupted, wailed loudly.
1. Whose
2. Whomever
3. Whom
4. Who
1. Did you see the car   was driving much too fast?
2. It was very sad to see the bird   wing was broken.
3. Today, I saw the woman   always helps grandma with her shopping.
4. Do you like the new plants   I bought for the living room?
5. I was offered a job by the manager of the company,   I met at the interview.
6. This is the bank   was robbed yesterday.

7. A boy   sister is in my class was in the bank at that time.

8. The man   robbed the bank had two pistols.

9. He wore a mask   made him look like Mickey Mouse.

10. He came with a friend   waited outside in the car.

11. The woman   gave him the money was young.

12. The bag   contained the money was yellow.

13. The people   were in the bank were very frightened.

14. A man   mobile was ringing did not know what to do.

15. A woman   daughter was crying tried to calm her.

16. The car   the bank robbers escaped in was orange.

17. The robber   mask was obviously too big didn't drive.

18. The man   drove the car was nervous.

19. He didn't wait at the traffic lights   were red.

20. A police officer   car was parked at the next corner stopped and arrested them.

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