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ENROLMENT : 16-11560
TEACHER : Orelvi Felix Arvelo

Next, I will describe and talk about chocolate, which is, how you eat that and what your
contribution to health is.
It is good to know that eating chocolate is something sublime, something rich, and
something is associated with the times of St. Valentine, as happened this week, since it
is associated with something that came from the gods.

Chocolate is one of those earthly pleasures that is not missing in our daily lives: either
in tablet, liquid to drink in the cup, or in any gastronomic recipe that gives that sweet
touch that everyone likes (or almost everything). Long ago it was considered food of the
gods, as in his day was the ambrosia for the Greek and Roman divinities, reaching the
point of being an object of worship for Mayans and Aztecs. Long ago it was considered
food of the gods, as in his day was the ambrosia for the Greek and Roman divinities,
reaching the point of being an object of worship for Mayans and Aztecs.
Cocoa comes from the homonymous plant known more explicitly as Theobroma cacao,
which grew naturally in tropical forests of the Amazon and Orinoco, with its later
extension to its cultivation in Central America. In ancient times, during the Mayan era,
this precious grain was a bargaining chip until one day, fortuitously, a person crushed
the fruit mixed with water and discovered its nutritional properties as well as its intense
In Europe it was not until the time of Hernán Cortés when it began to be known, despite
its initial reluctance - the Mayans made it based on cocoa beans, spices and pepper -
because they considered this mixture very bitter and strong.
With the passage of time and thanks to the Jesuits this trend changed, and it was decided
to make chocolate based on sweet and aromatic ingredients such as honey, sugar cane,
anise, vanilla, cinnamon, almond ... these being indispensable elements of the recipe.
From this slight variation said drink is accepted for being invigorating and energetic by
the Spanish nobility
A few centuries later, in the 16th century chocolate began to take shape as we know it,
taking it at first and exclusively as a hot drink.
The technical advances made in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries made it
possible for this mixture to rotate 180 degrees compared to its original initial shape,
thanks to the hydraulic machine, which allowed crushing the grain, giving the
possibility of consuming it in a solid way or in pills This gave the possibility of
transporting it easily and keeping it for long periods of time.
Some of the ingredients that made up that bitter taste disappeared to stay in vanilla,
sugar cane and cinnamon.
In 1828 Conrad Van Houten was the precursor of cocoa powder, creating a press
capable of separating cocoa butter and cocoa powder. His discovery gave rise to know
the qualities of chocolate butter: solid at 20 degrees Celsius, but that melts at mouth
This important discovery did not go unnoticed by the Swiss Rudolf Lindt whose theory
says that depending on the amount of butter used, different types of melting can be
achieved. Thanks to that conjecture Lindt invented the "conching technique" that
improves the texture and aroma of chocolate. But not only that, it also allowed it to be
more malleable due to it: firmer for chocolates or tablets and more flexible for chocolate
coverage, as it must be cakes.
Another great achievement in the
history of this precious candy was
introduced by Daniel Peter in 1875;
the Swiss made milk chocolate
known thanks to the innovations in
milk treatment made by Henri
This has been, in broad strokes, the origin of one of the most ancestral pleasures of
humanity, a product that went from being a grain to become an irresistible sweet
capable of adopting many forms and conquering almost everyone.


There are many studies that every day show that chocolate (previously rejected for its
bad nutritional reputation), not only is not bad, but it is very beneficial for our physical
and mental health.
We must also bury the belief that chocolate is getting fatter, since a study conducted by
the University of Santiago (California) has revealed that pure chocolate, consumed in
small quantities, can help you lose weight and maintain a healthy weight.
According to the scientists, cocoa (plant with which chocolate is made) contains
stimulating substances capable of activating the metabolism, causing us to burn calories
more quickly.
Dark chocolate is also a great antioxidant. It contains a very high concentration of
polyphenols, a substance that helps reduce blood pressure and the proper functioning of
the cardiovascular system. Prevents degenerative and cellular diseases, since they
protect our body from free radicals.

It also stimulates brain activity, since its carbohydrates, when absorbed and after some
chemical processes, cause a greater amount of oxygen to reach the brain, which leads to
greater mental fluidity.
Many people say they feel better emotionally after eating chocolate. This is because its
consumption induces the brain to create serotonin, which is a neurotransmitter
responsible for our mood, sleep, sexuality or appetite.
The need to eat chocolate that some women feel in the premenstrual period is because
this food is also rich in magnesium. During those days, this mineral and serotonin are at
lower levels, and symptoms such as sadness, fatigue, nervousness, anxiety appear ... that
is why this need for chocolate is completely logical and demonstrates once again how
our body is wise.
Surely after knowing all these benefits that can bring you so rich food, you decide to
enjoy its flavor and qualities without so much remorse, but you must not forget that it is
highly caloric, so it is enough with a few pieces a day.
In addition, you should choose the one that contains less fats and sugars, the purer the
better. Discard white chocolate, since its composition is almost entirely milk.

WHY EAT CHOCOLATE makes me feel thirst?

Have you ever wondered what the reason why eating chocolate is thirsty is? Next I give
you the answer.
Eating chocolate can make you want to drink water because of the way your body
processes sugar, which is absorbed very quickly in the bloodstream, emptying water
from your cells, which warn your brain that it is time to hydrate . However, the latter
can also be detected only when the sugar is too concentrated in the blood.
As you may be inferring, it is not something that happens exclusively when eating
chocolate; the same happens to the inido some sugary food. Therefore, many sweet
foods are taken with milk.

Here I put some of the chocolates that I like:
This is in its chocolate version with almonds.
In this version is a chocolate table with some
almonds inside.

Hershey's Kisses
Who has not tried this chocolate, any other chocolate or
company prays. In this version, it is pure chocolate, but with an
exquisite flavor, that you feel as its name says, a kiss from the
woman who has you crazy.
Show some love with our bulk Hershey kisses! Few candies are
as recognizable as the familiar cone shape that is the trademark
of these chocolate treats. They are simply yet extremely
versatile. Hand them out at parties, use them to fill your candy
dish at home or add them to party or wedding favors. No matter where you are or what
the occasion may be, guests will savor the sweet taste and unique shape that has earned
these charming confections enormous popularity.
Every Hershey kiss candy is covered in a silver foil wrapper. Simply peel back the top
and enjoy the full, rich flavor that comes with every dainty bite! Our bulk candy
packages are the most convenient way to order your Hershey kisses in large quantities
for gatherings and events. You can also purchase a pack or two for baking around the
holidays so you always have enough to make your favorite Hershey cookies!


Chocolate, passion of crowds. One of the oldest foodstuffs in the world is becoming
more fashionable than ever, and all thanks to having managed to banish the myth of
being a product harmful to health. In ounces, in bars, in the form of chocolate, melted or
as a cover for a cake, few foods can be presented, and devoured, in more ways, and all
so pleasing to the palate. More and more studies are extolling the multiple virtues and
qualities of chocolate for health, and increasingly are doctors, dieticians and
nutritionists who recommend their daily intake, but like everything, in moderation.
It does not cause acne. One of the main fears of teenagers when it comes to facing a
chocolate bar: "Do not eat chocolate, which causes acne." However, as Patricia
Fernández says, "there is no scientific evidence" that demonstrates any link between the
consumption of cocoa and the appearance of acne. "It's the same as migraines, there is
no study to support it," they admit.
Rich in magnesium. From «Chocolates Santocildes» and «Chocolates Comes» insist
that cocoa is a product «rich in magnesium», which makes it ideal for «athletes» thanks
to its nutritional values. This results in muscle strengthening and a constant energy
contribution that promotes physical activity in a more continuous way.
Rich in antioxidants. One of the main values of this desired product lies in its richness
in antioxidants. "Cocoa butter is very special and has many antioxidant properties," says
Patricia Fernandez. "Chocolate is very rich in compound polyphenols, which have a
deep antioxidant character," he says. Sergio González, of «Conrado Confectionery»,
remembers that this helps to «prevent aging».
Differentiate from industrial chocolates. Something that all teachers agree on is to
"differentiate" the artisanal chocolates from the industrialists. "They use vegetable fats
different from those of cocoa and these kill the properties of cocoa," they point out from
Santocildes, warning that some "only have 10 percent cocoa and the rest is sugar."
Reduce the cholesterol. Another of the great benefits that have taken chocolate to a
second youth are studies that show that its consumption, moderate, helps reduce
cholesterol. "Cocoa has a high percentage of oleic acid that lowers bad cholesterol and
good cholesterol rises," says Sergio González. "It has phytosterols, especially beta
sitosterol," adds Patricia Fernández.
Good for the heart. From «Chocolates Santocildes», they assure that there are several
doctors and dieticians who are beginning to recommend cocoa to their patients to help
reduce cardiovascular accidents. "The myth that chocolate is bad is being banished and
more and more people are going towards pure cocoas because there is an awareness that
our diet is important for our health," he says.
Rich in iron. "Chocolate has more iron than beans or lentils," says David Peris, who
highlights the amount of iron that cocoa treasures among its nutritional values. An
affirmation that also Patricia shares, which also points to the "B vitamins" as another of
the great characteristics of chocolate, thanks to the fermentation process to which it is
subjected in the producing countries.
Reduces cardiovascular accidents. All these benefits, as indicated from the «Conrad
Confectionery», result in a «reduction of cardiovascular accidents» and the consequent
«lowering of blood pressure». From «Chocolates Comes» also point to the fiber and
vitamin E with which cocoa counts as another of the advantages that this propitiates for
our organism.
It does not produce cavities. One of the great allies of parents when denying an ounce of
chocolate to their children has been that it produces cavities, something that since
"Chocolate Santocildes" categorically deny. "Good cocoa is a product that does not stay
in the mouth, and by not staying does not generate the necessary conditions for cavities
to occur," Patricia insists.
One ounce a day finally, the three chocolate masters find unanimity when
recommending a recommended daily amount of cocoa, provided it exceeds 60 percent
purity. Thus, they believe that an intake of between 46 and 60 grams per day is more
than enough for the body. "Children can eat more because they have a greater energy
expenditure", adds Patricia Fernández. "Between one and two ounces a day," concludes
David Peris, to which Sergio González completes with "in short, chocolate lengthens
life and lifts your spirits, what else can you ask for".

Looking at this essay, I do not know how the reader feels or in this case you, but I am
crazy with chocolate, since I was little I always liked to flood my body tasting that
delicious flavor that is unique and characteristic of this piece of material.
As I said, chocolate has several properties, it was seen in the Mayan period, then the
foreigners arrived from the old continent and from here it became known all over the
Chocolate has great properties, among them; to feed the brain, keep it active, it's like
gasoline in the brain. There are people who may not like to eat chocolate, or one of its
different ways of tasting it, but yes, they do not know what they are missing.


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