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1. COVID 19- is an infectious disease caused by a virus.

2. CORONA VIRUS- any group of RNA viruses that cause a variety
of diseases in humans and other animals.
3. PANDEMIC- is an epidemic of an infectious disease that has
spread across a large region.

4. PNEUMONIA - is an acute disease that is marked by

inflammation of lung tissue.
5. LOCKDOWN- an emergency measure or condition which people
are temporarily prevented from entering or leaving a restricted
area or building during a threat or danger.
6. SOCIAL DISTANCING - it means keeping a safe space between
yourself and other people who are not from your household.
7. QUARANTINE- a restraint upon the activities or communication
of persons or the transport of goods designed to prevent the
spread of disease or pests.
8. BAT - a nocturnal animal believed to be a carrier of corona virus
that spread among humans.
9. CHINA- an Asian country which is known to be the origin of
10. ITALY- a European country which was hit with many deaths
caused by Covid 19.

ACTIVITY 2. Ishare
1. What do you call the virus that struck the world in 2020?
the virus that struck the world in year 2020 is called Covid-19
2. In which country did the virus come from?
the virus is said to originate from the country of china
3. What is the effect of this virus to the human body?
the virus can make your lungs inflamed and this can make it tough for
you to breath properly. it can lead to pneumonia which is the infection
of tiny air sacs in the lungs where blood exchanges oxygen and carbon
4. What were the measures done by different countries to protect
their people from
this virus?
the Philippines lockdown the whole country when the virus had entered
the country, while countries like japan, Australia and new Zealand
banned people travelling in and out even before the virus reached them.


ACTIVITY 4. iThink
1. According to the Dr. Sanjay Gupta, is it safe now to use the
COVID19 vaccine developed by Russia?

No, because it did not undergo all the phases needed for the vaccine to
be effective.
2. What proof does Russia have to support their claim that the
COVID19 vaccine they have is effective?
Their Minister of Health approved the vaccine and that they already
had 2 phases out of 3 approved.

3. How did Dr. Fauci take this move by the Russian government?
He just hoped that the vaccine Russia has made is effective and
lectured that having a vaccine and having an effective vaccine are two
different things.

4. Do you think the interviewer managed the interview very well?

Why or why not?
yes because He managed to get all the information needed to say that
the vaccine Russia has produced does not have high percentage of

5. Based on the interview, are you in favor of the mass production

and distribution of this vaccine all over the world for human use?
No, because it did not undergo all the phases for them to say it is
effective. and like dr. sanjay gupta said it can be harmful to the human
health if this vaccine will not work.

6. What knowledge did you gain from the interview that you think
you may use in your everyday life.
That not everything a powerful persons ay is true just like how Russia
believed that the vaccine is safe just because their minister of health
said so. Also if you want something to be successful it must face a lot
of trials.
ACTIVITY 5. iCollect
With your family as respondents, conduct an interview about a current
event in our country. Write your interview on a one whole sheet of
paper and submit it along with the other activities when you return
your module

question 1: have you heard about the dolomite sand that they will put in
the manila bay?
answer: yes.
question 2: what are your thoughts about it?
answer: I think it was such a waste of money and effort. a bad timing
and a destruction of parts of nature
question: why do you think it was a bad timing?
answer: because we are in a pandemic and small mined people flocked in
the shore without social distancing and others without mask, this could
have been resulted to a major outbreak if ever there is one positive in
question 3: why do you think it is a bad project?
answer: because they could have used the money for more funds in
responding in covid 19, and they should have done the project in a time
where all of us are not suffering in this pandemic. I also heard that the
dolomite they used was from a forest in cebu.
question 4: what happened to the forest in cebu when they took the
answer: I saw pictures from the internet, the forest looked like it was
stripped of trees and resources.
question 5: well since it was there already, what can you say about the
“white sand” of manila bay
answer: well at first when I saw pictures, I can say I was a little
amazed but when it was days later that’s where you can see it was a
waste of money
question 6: why is that?
answer: because the dolomite sand was washed away. its purpose to
beautify the manila bay was washed away with it.
question 7: did you know that only a small part of manila bay was
covered in dolomite sand?
answer: yes I saw that in the internet, and we were like scammed.
question 8; except from the almost failure of putting dolomite sand in
manila bay, are there any other issues you know about manila bay?
Answer: well the trash is still there though I appreciate the effort of
our current president in lessening the trash:
question 9: as you said that the trash are still ther do you think they
should have cleaned it first before putting the fake white sand?
answer: yes because the cleaning process was much harder because of
the white sand.
question 10: do you have an suggestion in making a positive view in this
dolomite issue?
answer: just like what harry roque said let’s just use the picture of
manila bay white sand for our mental health instead of beig=ng
stressed out of it.

1. Who are the two former justices of the Supreme Court of the
Philippines asking to void the Anti-Terrorism Act?
Retired Supreme Court justices Antonio Carpio and Conchita Carpio

2. On what grounds do they think it should be voided?

They said Republic Act No. 11479, which was signed into law by
President Duterte on July 3, should be declared unconstitutional
because it endangered protected speech in violation of Article III,
Section 4 of the Constitution.

3. Cite parts of the news that support their claim.

the law curtailed other constitutional liberties such as the right to due
process, to presumption of innocence, to bail, against incommunicado
detention, against unreasonable searches and seizures, to privacy of
communication and correspondence, to association, to
publicinformation, and the right not to be subjected to a law with
retroactive effect and bill of attainder.

4. In your opinion, will the Filipinos benefit from the petition to junk
the Antiterrorism Act?
Yes because human rights and democracy will still prevail in our
country. The anti terrorism act gives total power to AFP-PNP to
designate innocent organization or group of people as a terrorist group
without much evidence that they are. which makes human rights
5. Do you think the Anti-terror Act is unconstitutional? Support
your answer.

Yes as it diminish the constitutional liberty such as right to due

process,to presumption of innocence to bail and many more.


in a Saturday morning two sisters namely erin and elle were watching
kdrama in a television, few minutes later elle accidentally changed the
channel and it was a news about the anti terrorism bill that can possibly
turn into a law. they got really immersed in the news and when it
finished. they had opposing opinions and views about it. Elle approved
of it while erin disagreed. their father saw them fighting and thought
of a way to make them stop, “ how about this, I will give you time till
tomorrow afternoon to research evidence about your opinion on the
anti terrorism bill, then we will have a debate where you fight for your
point” their father suggested. the two run to their rooms and grabbed
their phone to search for articles about the anti terrorism bill.

the day of the debate they tossed coin to know whose going to speak
first and erin won
“ I disagree of this bill turning into law because it diminish our human
rights, freedom of speech, freedom of the press and many more and
that is according to a leading human rights lawyer”

“ That is not always the case, according to Philippine gazette the anti
terrorism act of 2020 only defines terrorism as engaging in acts that’s
intended to cause death or serious injury to any person’s”

“The text of the act says inciting others through "speeches, writings, proclamations,
emblems, banners, and other representations tending to the same end" could
carry a punishment of 12 years in prison.”

“what you are saying is according to Section 3. Definition of terms, (h) Recruit
because you are inciting someone to join terrorism that is why it is punishable by
12 years in prison”

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