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Our group decided to make a mobile application for our prototype project.

This will not only give

the whole community social changes but it will also give everyone the awareness of segregating of
waste is important. This will help us humans and of course our environment to have a better
surroundings. So this is how it works. As you download it, it needed to connect to the internet or you
should use data. The Application should be connected to your GPS. This only works when you have
Wi-Fi. Once you download it, you need to connect it to your location. You will be able to see the
schedule when someone will pick up trash in your area. You will be updated if it’s the biodegradable
truck, non-biodegradable truck or recycle truck. With this application, we humans will help to prevent
climate change and global warming just by segregating our waste. And the truck that will be picking
up your trash will give you another or new garbage bag. You do not have to burn your garbage at
home or in any establishment you are in. The 20 in TrackIt 20 is also a little help for our garbage

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