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Good morning Ma’am, good morning all ... Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.
How many of you here consider yourself as a caffeine addicts? How much coffee do
you drink in a day? 1 cup? 2 cups? Or more? Guys, caffeine is pervasive these days.
There are so many researches, articles, and news that shown caffeine is bad for us
or good for us. What are we to believe?
Today, I want to share you some of the facts about caffeine and its effect on
your body. I may not to change your caffeine consumption, but at least you know
what you are putting into your body. I’m going to talk about the beneficial effects of
caffeine, the negative effects, and the save levels of caffeine consumption.
Let’s start with the good news. Caffeine, a compound that naturally derives from
over 60 plant sources including coffee beans, tea leaves, cocoa seeds, and cola-nut
seeds, is well known as a stimulant that caused people addicted to it. Caffeine helps
to wake up and feel more alert and it can increase attention spans. This beneficial
effect for people who are driving long distances and for those who are doing tedious
work. Caffeine also contain antioxidants which have been shown to have cancer
prevention and it may reduce suicide risk in adults. Other studies have also
suggested that caffeine intake may protect againts 2 types of diabetes, cancer, and
many more.
But of course, there can be also negative consequences of caffeine consumption
depends on how much you consume because the effects of caffeine is vary from
person to person. The Mayo Clinic state that consuming more than 500-600 mg
caffeine in a day may lead to insomnia, nervousness, restlessness, irritability, an
upset stomach, fast heart rate and even muscle tremors. And also consuming 4 cups
of coffe in aday during pregnancy may increase the risk of early death. The
dependence can be so strong for some individuals that they’re unable to reduce
caffeine consumption.
According to the Medline article on the National Institute of Health website,
having up to 3 cups of coffee or 250 mg caffeine in a day is considered as average or
moderate level, and having up to 10 cups of coffee in a day is considered as
excessive level.
As you can see, caffeine can have negative and possitive effects on our health.
Nevertheless, the bottom line is that if you drink your coffee in moderation, you are
still in the save level. So, it’s up tou you to have how much coffee in a day, at least
you have know the effects on your body and your health.

That’s all from me, thank you. Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

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