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Peace be upon you and God’s mercy and blessings.

All praise belongs to Allah, the

Lord of the universe. May blessings and safety always be poured out to the noble
Prophet and Messenger, including his family and friends.
O my Lord! Expand me my breast, ease my task for me and remove the impediment
from my speech, so they may understand what I say.
Alhamdulillah, on this very beautiful day, let me share some inspirational story.
There was a highway robber ( a thief ), very famous at his time. He was in love with
one girl. He had the habit of sneaking into her house. He likes to watch her, observe
her for some time. And in night, he would go and attack caravans; hajj caravans and
travelers. He would strip them off their property, their wealth and their belongings. He
was notorious, to the extent, a lot of caravans will change the route, to avoid that area.
One night, he climbs up the wall to the house of the girl he loves, and he sneaks into
the house and as he making way into the house. Someone was praying night prayer.
Someone was standing before Allah (The Most Glorified, The Most High) and
praying at night alone, reciting the words of Allah SWT, “ Hasn’t the time come yet
for the believers, that their hearts pay heed and feel humility to the words of Allah. “
Hasn’t that time come yet and the words shook him and grabbed his heart. He was
moved deep inside and it hit a chord. He started thinking about this words and started
to think the main reason he came for this house. The only response on his tongue was
“Indeed My Lord, the time has come! “ And that moment he changed. So, he went out
of his house, roaming aimlessly, contemplating his life, contemplating his past, his
behavior, his reputation, his future, his relationship with Allah SWT. He ended up
with a group of people, who gathered together and they lit up a fire and they were
travelers. Strangers..He asked their permission to join them. He sat with them. They
were arguing whether to spend the night there or to carry on their journey. And one of
them said, we should stay here because there is that famous thief, that famous robber.
That’s his area and if we continue travelling and he might jump on us and you know
we will be in trouble. So, lets spend the night here. Then, we will set off in the
morning. And the name they mentioned the name of that thief was this person.

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