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Original Article

Adaptive Behavior
2017, Vol. 25(3) 117–128
Ó The Author(s) 2017
Why post-cognitivism does not Reprints and permissions:
(necessarily) entail anti- DOI: 10.1177/1059712317710496


Mario Villalobos1,2 and Joe Dewhurst3

Post-cognitive approaches to cognitive science, such as enactivism and autopoietic theory, are typically assumed to
involve the rejection of computationalism. We will argue that this assumption results from the conflation of computation
with the notion of representation, which is ruled out by the post-cognitivist rejection of cognitive realism. However, cer-
tain theories of computation need not invoke representation, and are not committed to cognitive realism, meaning that
post-cognitivism need not necessarily imply anti-computationalism. Finally, we will demonstrate that autopoietic theory
shares a mechanistic foundation with these theories of computation, and is therefore well-equipped to take advantage of
these theories.

Computationalism, post-cognitivism, enactivism, autopoietic theory, representation

1. Introduction Computationalism, in its traditional sense, is the thesis

that computation is necessary (and possibly even suffi-
Enactivism and autopoietic theory (AT) are two inti- cient) for cognition. This view presupposes that compu-
mately linked theoretical approaches in cognitive sci- tation is a real (mind-independent) phenomenon in the
ence, both in conceptual and historical terms. They, world which takes place whenever cognition takes
along with other theoretical approaches such as dyna- place, and assigns the notion of computation a founda-
mical systems theory, ecological psychology and radical tional theoretical role in cognitive science (Chalmers,
embodied cognition, constitute the main precursors 2011). However, there are other ways to understand
and representatives of the so-called ‘post-cognitivist’ computationalism aside from this strong ontological
paradigm in cognitive science (Fresco, 2014; Gomila & and realist sense. The notion of computation can also
Calvo, 2008; Wallace, Ross, Davies, & Anderson,
be used at a purely epistemological level, as a form of
2007). This paradigm, for reasons that will be partially
explanatory or predictive heuristic. This weaker sense
examined in this work, is typically assumed to involve
of computationalism does not make any particular
the rejection of the notion of computation as a way of
commitment to the real ontological status, whether
understanding cognition. That is, post-cognitivism is
computational or not, of the system that is being
assumed to entail anti-computationalism. Against this
explained or predicted. This form of computationalism
view, in this article, we argue that the rejection of com-
uses the notion of computation instrumentally, as an
putationalism is not an essential component of post-
explanatory strategy, and does not necessarily assign it
cognitivism, and we illustrate the point by analysing
a foundational role in cognitive science (cf. Schweizer,
the way enactivism and AT relate to computationalism.
The purpose of this article is not to assess the enactive 1
Escuela de Psicologı́a y Filosofı́a, Universidad de Tarapacá, Arica, Chile
approach and the AT with respect to their merits as 2
Instituto de Filosofı́a y Ciencias de la Complejidad, Santiago, Chile
cognitive theories, but rather to examine their potential 3
School of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Science, University of
compatibility with some aspects of computationalism. Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK
It is essential to make explicit, from the beginning,
what we mean by ‘computationalism’ (and by way of Corresponding author:
Mario Villalobos, Escuela de Psicologı́a y Filosofı́a, Universidad de
contrast, what we mean by ‘anti-computationalism’). Tarapacá, 18 de septiembre 2222, Arica, Arica y Parinacota, 1010069,
In what sense do we want to say that post- Chile.
cognitivism is compatible with ‘computationalism’? Email:
118 Adaptive Behavior 25(3)

2014, 2016). Thus, it is possible to distinguish between AT (but not limited to these theories), need not neces-
two senses of computationalism, which we will refer to sarily entail anti-computationalism.
as ‘ontological’ and ‘instrumentalist’, respectively.
Computationalism, in the context of this article,
denotes both the ontological and the instrumentalist
2. Enactive anti-computationalism
usage of the notion of computation in cognitive science. The enactive approach to cognition, in its classical or
Anti-computationalism, as a counterpart, denotes the canonical version, is defined by certain central assump-
attitude for which the notion of computation has no tions or unifying themes, one of which is the rejection
interesting role to play in cognitive science, either as an of computationalism as a research programme
ontological thesis or as an explanatory/predictive for- (Barandiaran, 2016; Froese, 2012; Stewart, Gapenne, &
mula, as in the instrumentalist sense. Anti-computa- Di Paolo, 2010; Varela, Thompson, & Rosch, 1991).
tionalists may nonetheless continue to use The canonical version of enactivism corresponds to the
computational technologies as part of their research, original formulation introduced by Varela, Thompson
for example, via modelling or statistical analysis, but and Rosch in The Embodied Mind (1991), and after-
we think it is clear that this does not commit them to wards developed, usually under the name of autopoie-
mentioning computation anywhere in their explana- tic enactivism, by Thompson (2007), Di Paolo (2005),
tions, and as such does not constitute a form of Froese and Di Paolo (2011), Barandiaran (2016) and
computationalism. others. In this article, when talking about enactivism
We will first introduce enactivism and explore the and its anti-computationalist stance, we will be refer-
reasons why it has historically been portrayed as an ring only to this canonical version.
anti-computationalist research programme. This, we The anti-computationalist stance of enactivism has
will argue, is primarily a case of early enactivists (and deep philosophical roots, and is grounded, to a large
others, including early computationalists) conflating extent, on two related but distinguishable theoretical
the notions of representation and computation. As we assumptions. First, enactivism assumes that cognition,
will demonstrate in Section 3, following more contem- at least in its most fundamental sense, does not involve
porary mechanistic accounts of computation, represen- representations. And second, enactivism assumes that
tation and computation need not be regarded as cognitive systems are autonomous systems. How do
intrinsically connected to one another. As a result, the these assumptions lead enactivism to reject computa-
enactivist opposition to representational theories of tionalism? To answer this question, at least partially, is
cognition need not necessarily require an opposition to the main aim of this section.
computational theories of cognition. When the enactive approach was launched as a
However, there is a further reason that enactivists research programme in the early 1990s, Varela et al.
might be opposed to computational theories, which is (1991) presented it as a way of replacing and overcom-
that computational theories can sometimes seem to ing what they called, following Haugeland’s (1978) clas-
assume a ‘cognitive realist’ stance wherein the existence sical characterisation, the ‘cognitivist’ paradigm in
of a pre-given external world is assumed. In Section 4, cognitive science. By ‘cognitivist’ paradigm, they meant,
we demonstrate that the connection between computa- basically, representational/computational cognitive sci-
tionalism and cognitive realism is in fact not so strong, ence, taking representation and computation as two
and that one can be a computationalist without being a inseparable assumptions of a unitary, and to their eyes
cognitive realist. Our general purpose is to show that incorrect, thesis about cognition.
the anti-computational stance of early enactivism The main worry of enactivists regarding the cogniti-
should be understood more as a reaction to the main- vist paradigm was what they took to be its philosophi-
stream cognitivism of its time, which was largely a cal commitment to metaphysical realism, which they
representational and realist version of computational- called ‘cognitive realism’ (Varela et al., 1991, p. 134).
ism, than to computationalism itself. We argue that in Metaphysical realism, roughly speaking, is the thesis
the current theoretical context, especially having in that the world, its objects and properties exist indepen-
mind contemporary mechanistic accounts of computa- dently of the presence and cognitive activity of the cog-
tion, the anti-computational stance of early enactivism nitive agents that know them (Khlentzos, 2016).
is no longer necessary (at least for the specific reasons Cognitive realism, according to enactivists, assumes
that will be addressed here). Finally, in Section 5, we that cognitive agents face a pre-given world, in the
examine the potential for the AT of cognition to inte- sense that they encounter a world whose objects and
grate computationalism. Building on the one hand on properties come already constituted and defined. The
the mechanistic account of computation, and on the problem with this realist approach, for enactivists, is
other on Schweizer’s instrumentalist approach, we hold that it leads us to a representational view of cognition:
that AT is compatible with at least an instrumentalist
version of computationalism. As such, we conclude We assume that the world is pregiven, that its features can
that post-cognitivism, in the guise of enactivism and be specified prior to any cognitive activity. Then to explain
Villalobos and Dewhurst 119

the relation between this cognitive activity and a pregiven cognitivist argument is that intelligent behavior presup-
world, we hypothesize the existence of mental representa- poses the ability to represent the world as being certain
tions inside the cognitive system (whether these be images, ways. ( . . . ) What is controversial is ( . . . ) the cognitivist
symbols, or subsymbolic patterns of activity distributed claim that the only way we can account for intelligence
across a network does not matter for the moment). We then and intentionality is to hypothesize that cognition consists
have a full-fledged theory that says (1) the world is pregiven; of acting on the basis of representations . . . (Varela et al.,
(2) our cognition is of this world-even if only to a partial 1991, p. 40, emphasis added and brackets removed)
extent, and (3) the way in which we cognize this pregiven
world is to represent its features and then act on the basis of
these representations. (Varela et al., 1991, p. 135) What was controversial or problematic for enacti-
vism, for the reasons briefly described above, was the
Against this realist and representational view, enacti- idea that cognition involves representation. But since
vism assumed, perhaps influenced by the idealist trend enactivists saw ‘computation [as] fundamentally seman-
of some of its theoretical ancestors (mainly phenomen- tic or representational’ (Varela et al., 1991, p. 41), they
ology and second-order cybernetics), a sort of anti-rea- rejected the notion of computation as a theoretical tool
lism. According to enactivism, cognitive agents do not for the study of cognition.
face a pre-given world whose features need to be repre- It should be apparent that in these enactivist consid-
sented, but co-determine or co-define, through their erations, there is no explicit and direct analysis of the
very existence and cognitive activity, the features of the notion of computation per se, separate from theoretical
world they inhabit. preoccupations about representation. It is relatively
In the realist view, so the enactive argument goes, clear, we think, that early enactivism set its agenda as
cognitive systems are depicted as heteronomous sys- an anti-computational research programme in a deriva-
tems, in the sense that their cognitive domains are not tive way, that is, as a consequence of its non-
endogenously generated but pre-specified from the out- representational view of cognition.
side. In contrast, enactivism saw cognitive systems as At a deeper metaphysical level, this tells us that early
autonomous systems, which, by definition, ‘do not enactivists associated computation with what they
operate by representation’ (Varela et al., 1991, p. 140). called ‘cognitive realism’, as if the notion of computa-
Autonomous systems do not represent an independent tion presupposed a commitment to metaphysical rea-
reality; instead, they bring forth or ‘enact a world as a lism. Correlatively, computational systems were
domain of distinctions that is inseparable from the categorised as heteronomous systems, that is, incapable
structure embodied by the cognitive system’ (Varela of ‘enacting’ their own cognitive worlds, and therefore
et al., 1991, p. 140). The rejection of realism and repre- could not be genuine cognitive systems.
sentationalism was, to a large extent, a consequence of In the next two sections, we will try to show that the
the autonomy requirement. enactivist conception of computation, upon which its
Enactivism sets forth these notions as criteria to anti-computationalism was grounded, turns out to be,
decide whether or not a system is genuinely cognitive. in the light of more contemporary approaches to com-
Cognitive systems, according to enactivism, are auton- putation, a misconception, and that the conditions that
omous systems, and therefore non-representational sys- enactivism assumed to be essential to computation,
tems. The interesting point, for us, is that the notion of namely, representation and realism, are not in fact
computation does not appear among these primary cri- essential to it.
teria. How, then, did enactivism come to reject compu-
tationalism? The answer, at least at a certain level of
analysis, is simple and straightforward. Enactivists 3. Computation and representation
thought (and seemingly still think) of computing sys-
tems as inherently representational systems, that is, as In the field of cognitive science and philosophy of mind,
heteronomous systems (and as we shall see in the next the philosophical understanding of computation has
section, historically they shared this assumption with historically been associated with the notion of represen-
most of their computationalist opponents). tation. As Sprevak (2010) describes it, the received view
When Varela and colleagues presented enactivism as in this field ‘is that computation must involve represen-
a way of overcoming cognitivism (and its associated tational content’ (p. 260). This commitment to repre-
cognitive realism), the direct target of their critique was sentation partly explains the historical antipathy that
not computation per se – there was not a separate and enactivism has held towards computational theories of
dedicated analysis of computation – but rather the mind. However, recent non-representational accounts
notion of representation: in philosophy of computation suggest that this commit-
ment might not be necessary. In this section, we will
[A] computation is an operation that is carried out or per- briefly describe the historical connection between com-
formed ( . . . ) on elements that represent what they stand putation and representation, before exploring some of
for. The key notion here is that of representation ( . . .). The these non-representational accounts.
120 Adaptive Behavior 25(3)

Piccinini (2004a, 2004b) describes how the associa- representational theories of cognition might, in princi-
tion between representation and computation arose out ple, make use of some version of computationalism in
of early work on computational theories of mind by their theoretical constructions. Second, we are inter-
(Putnam (1967a and b)) and Fodor (1975, 1981), which ested in their mechanistic affiliations. They understand
ended up conflating computationalism about neural computation as a kind of mechanism, and computa-
processing with functionalism about mental states. The tional explanations as a kind of mechanistic explana-
former was a relatively weak hypothesis, which claimed tion. In Section 5, it will be argued that a post-
that the functional relations between neural states were cognitivist theory such as the AT might exploit these
in some sense computational, while the latter was a two elements in order to cultivate a certain version of
stronger claim that mental states should be individuated computationalism. Other elements of the mechanistic
according to their functional role (Piccinini, 2004b). accounts, such as their firm realism about computation,
Putting the two together resulted in the kind of compu- are not essential for the kind of computationalism we
tational functionalism defended by Putnam and Fodor, have in mind in this article and that we have introduced
which identified functionally individuated mental states in the previous section. Computationalism, as we have
with the physical states of a neurological computer. As said, may come with an ontological realist thesis about
Fodor (1981) characterised mental states as the repre- cognitive systems, but is also possible as an instrumen-
sentational states of propositional attitude psychology, talist stance that sees computational explanations as
this led him to his now famous conclusion that there useful elements in the construction and development of
could be ‘no computation without representation’ cognitive theories. The latter is the kind of computa-
(p. 11). The classical view of cognition as internal sym- tionalism that, as we will try to show in Section 5, a
bol manipulation led straightforwardly to the assump- post-cognitivist theory such as the AT might embrace.
tion that computation, if it was to be instrumental Piccinini (2004b, 2008) characterises the mechanistic
in our explanations of cognition, must also involve sym- account of computation as committed to two central
bol manipulation. It was this kind of computational theses, namely, (1) computation does not presuppose
theory of mind, which assumed the necessity of repre- representation and (2) computational explanation is a
sentational content, which the early enactivists were species of mechanistic explanation. Here, we will focus
opposed to. on the first thesis, leaving the second one for Section 5.
There is also a second, more pragmatic reason that Piccinini provides a generic definition of computation,
computation has typically been understood as represen- which would embrace what he takes to be all possible
tational, which is as a way of avoiding the triviality varieties of computation (algorithmic, non-algorithmic,
arguments posed by Putnam (1988, pp. 121–125) and digital, analog, etc.). Piccinini (2015) defines generic
Searle (1992, pp. 208–209). These arguments were computation as ‘the processing of vehicles by a func-
aimed at the simple mapping account of computation, tional mechanism according to rules that are sensitive
which identifies a physical system as performing a com- only to differences between different portions ( . . . ) of
putation if there is a mapping between the causal the vehicles’ (p. 121). A rule, here, is any mapping from
dynamics of that system and the logical structure of the inputs to outputs (and possibly, but not necessarily,
computation. Putnam and Searle argued that any internal states), which, so Piccinini (2015) argues, may
abstract computational description could be mapped or may not take the form of an algorithm. A medium-
on to any arbitrary physical system, potentially render- independent vehicle is such that ‘all that matters for its
ing the notion of computation trivial. One response to processing are the differences between the values of dif-
this argument was to add the additional requirement ferent portions of the vehicle along a relevant dimen-
that ‘only physical states that qualify as representations sion’ (Piccinini & Scarantino, 2010, p. 239). The
may be mapped onto computational descriptions’ medium-independent character of computational vehi-
(Piccinini, 2012, p. 228), thus limiting the class of physi- cles allows that a given computation can be implemen-
cal computational systems to those that are in some ted in different physical media (which, according to
sense representational. Piccinini, is a stronger condition than multiple realis-
In response to the received view that computation ability). The key point for our discussion is that in his
requires representation, there have recently been a definition, Piccinini refers to computational vehicles in
number of attempts to give non-representational an absolutely neutral way. Vehicles may or may not
accounts of computation. In this article, we will be have representational status; all that matters is that
focusing on the various mechanistic accounts formu- they can be processed by some functional mechanism
lated by Piccinini (2007, 2015), Mi1kowski, (2011, 2013) according to some input-output mapping rule.
and Fresco (2014). What interests us most about these Triviality is avoided by limiting genuine computational
accounts is the way they separate the concepts of com- systems to only those whose mechanistic function is to
putation and representation. If these accounts are cor- compute.
rect, and the notion of computation does not Mi1kowski’s and Fresco’s accounts are broadly simi-
presuppose the notion of representation, then non- lar to Piccinini’s, in that they ground physical
Villalobos and Dewhurst 121

computation in a non-representational, mechanistic reject representation (and hence, computation) as a use-

framework, but there are also some important differ- ful notion to understand cognitive phenomena.
ences. Mi1kowski emphasises that while computation Mechanistic accounts of computation present a way of
may not require representation, in his opinion, repre- understanding computation that remains neutral with
sentation does require computation. Computational respect to representation, but typically do not engage
symbols, for Mi1kowski, do not represent anything by in metaphysical considerations about the relationship
themselves, and must be supplemented with a further between computing systems and the world. That is,
mechanistic account of representation if we are to have their neutrality regarding representation does not come
a representational theory of mind (Mi1kowski, 2013; from a rejection of metaphysical realism, which is, one
see Chapter 4). It is important to note here that might assume, the key factor to be addressed according
Piccinini, like Mi1kowski, is not necessarily opposed to to the enactivist view. Perhaps the notion of computa-
representational theories of mind. For both of them, tion, despite admitting non-representational formula-
what is important is that computation should not be tions, is intrinsically committed to metaphysical
intrinsically representational, but rather provides a realism, in which case the anti-computationalism of
non-representational foundation on which representa- enactivists would be, after all, well justified.
tional account of cognition may be built. For us, what Does computation presuppose the kind of realism
is important is that according to these accounts, and that enactivists reject? When we see a system in interac-
contrary to what canonical enactivism assumed, the tion with its environment, and we say that such a sys-
notion of computation does not presuppose tem is a computing system, are we forced to conceive of
representation. said interaction in realist terms? We think not. We will
Fresco’s (2014)‘instructional information processing argue that the notion of computation, at least under
account’ specifies that (non-trivial) physical computa- some version of the mechanistic approach, does not
tion must involve ‘the processing of digital data in presuppose metaphysical realism, or at least, not the
accordance with finite instructional information’ (p. kind of realism that worries enactivists.
158). A trivial computing system, according to Fresco Recall the main concern of enactivists is that cogni-
(2014), is one that can only perform a single, inflexible, tive systems should not be conceived of as facing a pre-
transformation – such as a basic logic gate that, given given world, but rather as constituting it through their
the same input, will always give the same output (p. very existence and cognitive activity. Assuming, for the
159). A non-trivial computing system, in contrast, is sake of argument, that the actual relationship between
responsive to instructional information provided by a cognitive systems and the world is the one that enacti-
controller of some kind, such as the machine table of a vists defend, we have to ask whether computing systems
Turing machine. Nonetheless, Fresco remains commit- need necessarily be conceived of as facing a pre-given
ted to the non-representational character of physical world.
computation, and his account may turn out to be equiv- Relatedly, we have to ask whether or not computing
alent to Piccinini’s. systems may be autonomous systems, for according to
Moving forward, we will assume that some version enactivists, only autonomous systems enact a world

of the mechanistic non-representational position is and can be recognised as genuine cognitive systems.
defensible, and that representation and computation Recall that the enactive distinction between autonomy
are distinct concepts that should be understood inde- and heteronomy, in the context of the metaphysical
pendently of one another. concern mentioned above, has to do with whether or
not the system has a constituent participation in the
generation of its world and domain of tasks. If the sys-
4. Computation and realism tem’s working, that is, its dynamics, rules, internal
states and behaviour, is prescribed from the outside, we
In the previous section, we reviewed three recent can be sure, so the enactivist claims, that the system is
mechanistic accounts of computation that do not see a heteronomous one, meaning that it lacks autonomy
representation as a necessary element for computation. and does not count as a genuine cognitive system. That
In the light of these mechanistic accounts, the enactivist is, roughly speaking, the enactive reasoning. But we
conception of computation as necessarily involving rep- have to ask, are computing systems, in the metaphysi-
resentation is, so we claim, a misconception, and its cal cognitive sense that matters to enactivists, necessa-
resulting anti-computationalist stance turns out to be rily heteronomous systems?
at least somewhat ill-founded. To address these questions, let us revisit Piccinini’s
However, in Section 1, we saw that the anti- account of computation. In the generic sense (i.e. the
computationalist stance of enactivism has deeper meta- most all-encompassing and neutral sense), computation
physical roots. The rejection of metaphysical realism in is ‘any process whose function is to manipulate medium-
cognitive science, identified by enactivists as ‘cognitive independent vehicles according to a rule defined over the
realism’, was the primary philosophical motivation to vehicles’ (Piccinini & Scarantino, 2010, p. 239, original
122 Adaptive Behavior 25(3)

emphasis). Notice that to qualify a system as a comput- relationship to a pre-given world. Autonomy, in the
ing system, in this sense, there is no need to presuppose specific cognitive and metaphysical sense analysed here,
anything about the metaphysical relationship that the is not prohibited for computing systems.
system holds with its environment. Formally speaking, Perhaps this conclusion may look, for some, like a
the notion of computation refers only to a kind of pro- bold metaphysical extension of the mechanistic
cess that takes place in a given system, and does not approach to computation. However, in the broader his-
presuppose the existence of an environment for said torical and theoretical context of enactivism as a
system. Computational vehicles, to be processed, need research programme, this conclusion should not come
not be causally connected or statistically correlated as an unprecedented surprise. It is well known that
with any source external to the system. As Piccinini enactivism has an important theoretical antecedent in
and Scarantino (2010) clarify, ‘what matters for a com- second-order cybernetics, and especially in the work of
putation to be well defined is that the [vehicles] be there Heinz von Foerster (Froese, 2011; Varela, 1996). And it
[i.e., available for the system], not that they correlate is also well known that second-order cybernetics, espe-
with anything else’ (p. 242, emphasis added). cially in von Foerster’s version, developed a strongly
However, concrete cognitive systems, one might constructivist (i.e. non-realistic) metaphysics with
reply, exist situated in a certain environment with which respect to cognitive phenomena (Segal, 2001; von
they interact, not as isolated systems or abstract entities Foerster, 2003). Von Foerster’s work nicely illustrates
in a formal domain. The question, then, is whether that the nervous system can be viewed both as a com-
viewing such systems as computing systems commits us puting system and as one whose computations (vehicles,
to understanding their relationship with the environ- rules and transformations) are specified endogenously
ment in realist terms. From a mechanistic perspective, it (Segal, 2001; von Foerster, 2003). It is curious that,
is apparent that a situated computing system, to be con- given the familiarity that the first enactivists had with
ceived of as such, does not need to be thought of as fac- second-order cybernetics, and especially the high regard
ing a pre-given world in which all of the properties are that Varela (arguably the main founder of enactivism)
defined in advance, independently of the system’s pres- always showed towards von Foerster’s work (e.g.
ence and the dynamics of interaction with that world. If Varela, 1996), the enactive conception of computation
an environmentally situated system is a computing sys- ended up so narrowly associated with ‘cognitive
tem, it is so in virtue of the kind of processes it performs realism’.
and the kind of vehicles involved in said processes, not If our analysis is correct, then, whatever the reasons
in virtue of its metaphysical relationship with the envi- for this association, the anti-computational stance
ronment. A computing system, to be such, must work embraced by early enactivism would be ill-founded not
by manipulating medium-independent vehicles accord- only with regard to representation but also at the meta-
ing to some rule defined over the vehicles, but neither physical level of the rejection of cognitive realism. The
the vehicles nor the rule need to be specified or deter- conception of computing systems as systems that neces-
mined from the outside. It is true, perhaps, that in the sarily operate in the context of a pre-given world is, as
domain of human design, it makes sense for us to treat far as we can tell, just another misconception on behalf
computing devices as solving pre-specified tasks accord- of the early enactivists.
ing to prescribed (engineered or programmed) rules, Getting free from such misconceptions, we think,
without needing to question the metaphysical status of might open a space for current enactivists to integrate
their respective relationships with the world. However, some versions of computationalism in their research
from a strictly theoretical viewpoint, the notion of com- agendas.
putation does not entail any of these conditions. A
computing system can be coherently conceived of as
processing vehicles whose nature is endogenously speci- 5. AT, computationalism and mechanistic
fied, according to rules generated by the system itself. explanations
Computing systems may certainly be framed within a
realist metaphysics, that is not in question. The point is We have already argued that the notion of computa-
that such a metaphysics is just one way of framing the tion, especially when understood in terms close to the
working of a computing system, and is not one that generic mechanistic sense proposed by Piccinini, does
advocates of computational approaches in cognitive sci- not presuppose commitments to representationalism
ence are compelled to embrace. A situated computing or cognitive realism. In so doing, we have tried to
system may be, without contradiction, a system that co- show that post-cognitivism, in the guise of enactivism,
defines the space of inputs that constitute its world, and is not necessarily incompatible with computationalism,
therefore, at least under enactivist standards, a system at least for the reasons that motivated the
that operates within a non-realistic metaphysics. The anti-computationalist stance of enactivism in its foun-
status of a system as a computing system is logically dational stages. In this section, what we aim to demon-
independent from whether or not it operates in strate is something more than a mere absence of
Villalobos and Dewhurst 123

incompatibility between computationalism and post- is, the view that some things in the world would intrin-
cognitivism. We aim to show a specific way in which sically be computing systems, while some others would
the notion of computation, understood in mechanistic not. Schweizer’s (2014, 2016) position, instead, exempli-
terms, might fit with a certain version of post-cogniti- fies an instrumental computationalism that specifies
vism. To do that, however, we need to go back to one some methodological criteria to determine when and
of the main theoretical ancestors of enactivism, namely, how a computational explanation is useful or informa-
the AT of cognition. tive, without any commitment to the intrinsic existence
The AT of cognition constitutes one of the main theo- of computing systems. We take it that both positions
retical precursors of enactivism (Di Paolo, 2005; are coherent and offer different but legitimate versions
Thompson, 2007; Villalobos, 2013). Like enactivism, AT of computationalism. The less demanding version is the
is a firmly non-representational and non-realistic theory instrumental one, and it is, we think, the version that
of cognition (Maturana, 1970, 1975, 2003; Villalobos, AT, in a possible first approach to computationalism,
2015); hence its post-cognitivist credentials. As we saw in might take.
previous sections with respect to enactivism, none of these Relatedly, it should be clear that the adoption of
post-cognitivist features (i.e. non-representationalism and computation as a formal explanatory tool in the study
anti-realism) entail an incompatibility with computation- of cognition does not require assigning the notion of
alism. But AT, we think, offers something more than a computation a foundational role in cognitive science.
mere absence of incompatibility with computationalism. AT, as we shall see, is in a position to adopt computa-
AT offers, as we shall see, interesting affinities with it. AT tional explanations as a part of its explanatory frame-
shares a strong mechanistic foundation with the accounts work, but it is unlikely, we think, that by doing so, AT
of computation reviewed in Section 3, which places it, we is going to assign the notion of computation a founda-
will suggest, in a good position to integrate computation- tional role. This, however, should not present any seri-
alism. By presenting the way computationalism fits with ous inconveniences for integration.
AT, we aim to provide a concrete example of how post- Having clarified these points, let us see how AT
cognitivism might be able to integrate computationalism. relates to computationalism. The first thing that is
Before starting the analysis, and to prevent in worth mentioning is that, unlike enactivism and other
advance some potential misunderstandings, the follow- post-cognitivist theories, AT has never explicitly pre-
ing clarification is in order. All we aim to argue here is sented itself as an anti-computationalist research pro-
that a certain version of computationalism fits with gramme. When introduced as a biological theory of
AT. More specifically, that explaining cognitive sys- cognition in the 1970s, its main targets of critique were,
tems (e.g. the nervous system) in computational terms on the one hand, teleological theories of living systems
is entirely compatible with explaining them according and, on the other, realistic and representational the-
to the precepts of AT. This, notice, is not to argue for ories of cognition. AT, since the early years until now,
either of the following things: (1) that AT, by recognis- has fought against a representational characterisation
ing and exploring this compatibility, would or should of the nervous system, without directly targeting the
commit to a realist ontological view about computation notion of computation (Maturana, 1970, 1975;
or (2) that AT, by recognising and exploring this com- Villalobos, 2015), which is to say, without assuming
patibility, would or should assign a foundational role that computation necessarily presupposes representa-
to computation in the study of cognition. tion. This, at first glance, might seem a merely rhetori-
In cognitive science, it has traditionally been cal point. Perhaps the autopoietic literature does not
assumed that if we do not conceive of computation as a allude to computational theories in a direct way, but,
mind (or observer) independent category, then the one might think, given the post-cognitivist nature of
notion of computation might become entirely useless. the theory, surely computationalism is among its ene-
If being or not being a computing system is just a mat- mies. On careful examination, however, this does not
ter of ascription or convention, so the worry goes, then seem to be the case. As we will show, AT is compatible
the computational approach to cognitive systems loses with at least some version of computationalism, and it
any theoretical interest. However, it has been recently seems more reasonable to interpret the lack of direct
argued, particularly in the work of Schweizer (2014, confrontation with computationalism as an indicator
2016), that a non-realist (i.e. instrumentalist) view of of such a compatibility.
computation does not render the notion of computa- The basic compatibility between AT and computa-
tion useless for cognitive science, for the notion may tionalism stems, we argue, from their shared functional-
still play, according to this view, an important explana- ist affinity. As is known, computationalism, at least in
tory role. As we said at the beginning, we take it that its classical formulation, is in essence a functionalist
computationalism may come in different degrees and theory committed to the ‘multiple realisability’ of cogni-
versions. The mechanistic accounts of computation tion (Putnam, 1975). Computationalism, in its descrip-
that we described earlier, for example, are committed tive and explanatory strategy, privileges a certain level
to a realist ontological view of computing systems; that of abstraction wherein what matters are the functions
124 Adaptive Behavior 25(3)

between sets of states, and not the details of the con- mechanicism. (Maturana & Varela, 1980, pp. 75–76,
crete material realisation of those states (Piccinini, emphasis added)
2015). What is not so well known is that AT is also fun-
damentally a functionalist theory of cognition. This, for
those who have approached AT through its links with AT’s mechanistic orientation offers a possibility for
enactivism, may sound quite odd. Usually associated the integration of mechanistic computationalism,
with enactivism, one would imagine that AT is strongly approached specifically as an explanatory strategy.
committed to an embodied view of cognition, where the According to AT, scientific explanations are, essen-

vital materiality of biological systems cannot be over- tially, mechanistic explanations. Laws or other kinds
looked in favour of functionalist abstractions (see, for of nomological regularities, when available, can be
example, Wheeler, 2010). However, although AT is included in the explanatory formulation, but they are
originally concerned with the cognitive domain of bio- not, so AT assumes, essential to it (Maturana, 1990,
logical organisms, it is not committed to the idea that 2000). This, taking into account that AT is fundamen-
cognition can only be instantiated on biological sub- tally a biologically grounded theory, should not come
strates. Cognitive domains, according to AT, can be as a surprise, given the prominent use of mechanistic,
recognised whenever a system in interaction with its rather than nomological, explanations in biology
environment exhibits structural plasticity, regardless of (Bechtel & Richardson, 2010; Craver & Darden, 2013).
the particular material composition of the system, or According to AT, a scientific explanation is composed
whether the system is ‘alive’ or not (Maturana, 2003). of four basic steps (Maturana, 1990; Maturana &
Furthermore, not only is cognition not intrinsically tied Varela, 1987):
to a biological substrate, but high level phenomena such
as human-like consciousness, according to the theory, (a) Describing the phenomenon to be explained;
may in principle be developed in non-living artificial (b) Proposing a mechanism capable of generating,
systems (Maturana, 1995). conceptually or concretely, the phenomenon to be
AT’s functionalism is clearly expressed in its strong explained (explanatory hypothesis);
mechanistic orientation, which informs both the general (c) Obtaining from (b), deductively, other phenomena
ontology and the explanatory strategy adopted by the not explicitly considered in the explanatory
theory. ‘Our approach will be mechanistic: no forces or hypothesis, and also describing their conditions
principles will be adduced which are not found in the for observation;
physical universe’ (Maturana & Varela, 1980, p. 75). (d) Observing these other phenomena obtained
from (b).
For AT, to adopt a mechanistic approach is to adopt,
first, a physicalist (although not necessarily reduction-
The key point for us is that the explanatory hypothesis
ist) ontology. Yet within that ontology, ‘our interest
(b) corresponds to a description of a mechanism that
will not be in properties of components, but in pro-
generates or produces the phenomenon to be explained.
cesses and relations between processes realized through
The mechanism can be formal (conceptual or mathe-
components’ (Maturana & Varela, 1980, p. 75). To
matical) or concrete (e.g. a concrete physical model).
adopt a mechanistic approach now means to look for a
Points (c) and (d), on the other hand, have to do with a
certain level of abstraction, focusing on the organisa-
sort of testability condition. They establish that, from
tion of relations and processes rather than on the mate-
the mechanism, we should be able to deduce certain
rial instantiation of the components involved in those
additional observations which, whenever possible, must
relations and processes. The functionalist flavour of 11
be tested as predictions.
this strategy, which AT identifies with ‘mechanicism’, is
For simplicity, let us assume the predictions can be
neatly illustrated through the following comparison:
tested. If they are successfully tested, then one can say
that the system involved in the phenomenon to be
An explanation is always a reformulation of a phenom-
enon showing how its components generate it through
explained implements or instantiates the proposed
their interactions and relations. ( . . . ) Thus, to explain the mechanism. At this point, it should be relatively easy to
movement of a falling body one resorts to properties of see the way mechanistic computationalism may fit with
matter, and to laws that describe the conduct of material AT. Recall that one of the central theses of mechanistic
bodies according to these properties ( . . . ), while to computationalism, according to Piccinini, is that com-
explain the organization of a control plant one resorts to putational explanation is a species of mechanistic
relations and laws that describe the conduct of relations. explanation. Under this construal, if cognitive systems,
In the first case, the elements used in the explanations are according to AT, are to be explained mechanistically,
bodies and their properties; in the second case, they are then in principle they might be explained computation-
relations and their relations, independently of the nature of
ally. If all this is correct, then computational explana-
the bodies that satisfy them. ( . . . ) This mode of thinking
tions may perfectly well form a part of AT’s
is not new, and is explicitly related to the very name of
mechanistic explanatory framework.
Villalobos and Dewhurst 125

AT, as we can see, has the potential to accommodate and Scarantino, 2010), may be coherently construed as
some form of computational explanation in its explana- totally independent from any notion of information
tory framework, and in that way, to retain the notion (Mi1kowski, 2013). Thus, a full integration between an
of computation as a useful theoretical element in the enactive or autopoietic version of post-cognitivism and
study of cognitive systems. This form would be given, computationalism would require, among other things,
essentially, by a mechanistic version of computational elucidating exactly what sense of information (e.g. struc-
explanations, understood in a broader epistemological tural, statistical, instructional, semantic), if any, is
framework. This, we think, is a modest but important required for computation, and whether information, in
way in which AT proves to be compatible with compu- that sense, would be problematic for these theories. Once
tationalism. It is modest because by embracing compu- this point has been clarified, hopefully in future work, we
tational explanation, AT is in no way endorsing a will be in a better position to reassess the possibility of
strong computational theory of mind, but is rather just integration between enactive/autopoietic post-cognitivism
utilising an implementational approach to computa- and computationalism.
tion. Biological systems, including the brain and the
nervous system, to the extent that they can be explained Declaration of conflicting interests
computationally, can be said to implement computa-
The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with
tions. This, however, is not a minor point. It shows that
respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this
post-cognitivism, at least in one of its versions, is com-
patible with some version of computationalism.

6. Conclusion The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial sup-
port for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this
We have argued that post-cognitivism, construed as a
article: Mario Villalobos’ contributions to this article were
broad family of theories and approaches including both funded by a grant from the Comisión Nacional de
enactivism and AT, need not be committed to an Investigación Cientı́fica y Tecnológica, Chile (FONDECYT
anti-computationalist attitude – it is in this sense that INICIACIÓN 11150652), and partially supported by
post-cognitivism does not (necessarily) entail anti- Performance Agreement UTA-MINEDUC.
computationalism. In Section 2, we argued that enacti-
vism’s traditional anti-computationalist stance results Notes
from an early (and overly narrow) understanding of
1. Other versions of enactivism, such as sensorimotor enac-
computation as essentially involving representation. In tivism or radical enactivism, as well as the broader enac-
Section 3, we presented three mechanistic approaches to tive community in general, may not share the canonical
computation as a demonstration that computation need enactivist’s opposition to computationalism.
not necessarily involve representation. In Section 4, we 2. It is worth clarifying that metaphysical realism is not
addressed the more fundamental issue of cognitive rea- epistemological realism. Metaphysical realism is not con-
lism, a rejection of which underpins enactivist anti-com- cerned with the accuracy (or inaccuracy) of the knowl-
putationalism, and we demonstrated that this too is not edge that cognitive agents may obtain of the world, but
a necessary requirement for computation. Finally, in rather with the question of whether or not the features
Section 5, we presented AT as an alternative post- of the world exist, and are what they are, independently
of the cognitive activity of those cognitive agents.
cognitivist tradition that perhaps has more in common
3. The mechanistic accounts defended by Piccinini,
with mechanistic approaches to computation, and pro- Mi1kowski and Fresco have a historical antecedent in
vides the basis for a potential union of post-cognitivist Stich’s (1983)‘syntactic theory of mind’. Stich argued
and computationalist approaches to cognitive science. that the representational theory of mind defended by
Moving this possibility forward, however, would still Fodor was unsustainable in light of the current state of
require some non-trivial philosophical adjustments, as actual cognitive science, and advocated an alternative
there are other important post-cognitivist assumptions syntactic theory of mind, which replaces representa-
regarding cognitive systems that might obstruct the tional states (canonically, beliefs and desires) with syn-
way. Notably, for example, the canonical enactive and tactical states that interact systematically with one
another but have no intrinsic content.
autopoietic views hold that cognition, at the most fun-
4. The issue of defining a mechanistic function is a complex
damental level, does not involve information processing
one that we will not be able to discuss in any detail here.
(Maturana, 1975; Maturana & Varela, 1980; Varela Piccinini (2015) proposes to do this by identifying ‘non-
et al., 1991). Mechanistic accounts of computation such teleological truthmakers’ (p. 103) that are grounded in
as Fresco’s and Mi1kowski’s explicitly identify compu- the survival and/or inclusive fitness of an organism (or
tation as a kind of (non-semantic) information process- derived from the designer in the case of artificial compu-
ing (Fresco, 2014; Mi1kowski, 2013), and it is not tation), but it is not yet clear how successful this account
entirely clear whether Piccinini’s version, pace (Piccinini will be (see Dewhurst’s (2016) review of Piccinini’s
126 Adaptive Behavior 25(3)

Physical Computation for some preliminary concerns). 10. It is worth mentioning that AT’s mechanistic approach
One alternative possibility would be adopting Craver’s to scientific explanation has been elaborated and devel-
(2013) perspectival account of mechanistic functions. oped independently of the (relatively recent) stream in
5. There is a further question here about the extent to philosophy of science known as ‘the new mechanical
which enactivism could accept any account of computa- philosophy’ (Craver & Tabery, 2016). The latter, repre-
tion that relies on some notion of information, whether sented in the work of authors such as Craver, Bechtel
that notion be instructional, semantic or statistical. In and Piccinini himself, is typically associated with a firm
the interests of concision and clarity, we will not be scientific realism, which contrasts with the non-realist
addressing that question here, although we will note that epistemology of AT. This contrast is important but does
it remains unaddressed. It is possible, for instance, that not represent an obstacle for our central argument. Our
enactivism could accept statistical information while argument is not that AT should adopt the ‘new mechan-
rejecting semantic or instructional information, which ical philosophy’, but that it might take advantage of the
would rule out at least Fresco’s account, and perhaps mechanistic account of computation and thus make use
Mi1kowski’s. We leave these as questions for future of, within its own epistemological framework, computa-
research, and will limit the current discussion to the tional explanations.
issues of representation and cognitive realism. 11. This testability condition might be reasonably relaxed,
6. We have argued elsewhere (Villalobos & Dewhurst, 2017) and is not essential for our argument regarding the com-
that computational systems may, under some physical patibility between AT and computational explanations.
implementations, exhibit autonomy in the enactivist sense. Testability, especially in the case of systems that are not
Our argument in this section is somewhat different, and tractably predictable (of which the nervous system might
focuses more closely on the question of cognitive realism. be an example), is too strong a requirement. A hypothe-
7. Although von Foerster does not elaborate an explicit tical mechanism from which we cannot obtain testable
and dedicated analysis about whether a computational predictions is not necessarily one that lacks scientific
approach to the nervous system is consistent with a con- validity or explanatory power.
structivist one, his work can be viewed as a non-
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About the Authors

Mario Villalobos is an associate professor of Philosophy at the University of Tarapacá, Arica,
Chile, and an associate researcher at the Institute of Philosophy and Complexity Sciences,
Santiago, Chile. His main area of research is the philosophy of mind and cognitive science.

Joe Dewhurst is a Teaching Assistant in Philosophy at the University of Edinburgh. His

research lies in the intersection of philosophy of mind and philosophy of science, focusing
especially on cognition and computation.

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