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(SOLVED) A national union wanted to organize the

employees of Dexter
A national union wanted to organize the employees of Dexter Thread Mills. The company
parking lot was adjacent to a public highway, separated from the highway by a 10-foot-wide
grassy public easement. The union sought to distribute handbills in the parking lot; the company
sought to exclude the union from […]

Ginny Morris applied for a job as an executive assistant to the president of a software firm. She
received high evaluations from those on the hiring committee and was told that she looked like
an excellent candidate for the job, but before a final decision could be made, she would […]

Michael Meuter was an employee in a hospital emergency room. He used an extension phone
to call one of the workers in the pharmacy to order some drugs for the emergency room. After
placing his request, he started to complain to the pharmacy worker about his supervisor, calling
the supervisor […]

Caroline Williams works for a firm that has a written policy prohibiting the use of company
telephones for personal use. Employees have been told that the company randomly monitors
telephone conversations to enforce this policy. Caroline uses a company telephone to call her
doctor to find out the results of […]


In early December, Decco Manufacturing Corporation underwent a major downsizing and laid
off 40 percent of its employees. Robert Banks was not laid off, but he thought that he probably
would be laid off in the near future unless business got dramatically better. In fact, his
supervisor told him that […]

The FCC promulgated rules prohibiting cable television from broadcasting feature films more
than 3 years old but less than 10 years old in addition to certain other programs. Home Box
Office (HBO) argued that these rules were arbitrary and capricious and that they discriminated
against cable companies. The FCC countered […]

Kline was both president and one of two directors of Fayes, Inc. The business, the ladies’
readyto wear department of a department store, was supervised by a general manager and
operated under a five-year written lease. In March, the renewal lease was sent to Kline, as
president. He held the […]


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