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To further grasp the idea, we will use training as an example.

What are the 4 secrets in training that maximizes the business impact?
There are many variables that affect the impact training has on an organization’s bottom line. In order to know
those variables, critical techniques are used. These are the following:
Define the problem
Design the right intervention
Deliver the right solution
Determine the business impact
Define the problem.
Most often, training professionals address symptoms and fail to identify and address the specific root cause of
a problem. So the first thing they should always do is be like an investigative journalist and try to uncover the
root of the problem.
. Design the Intervention.
Whatever the root cause is, the next step is to propose and design the appropriate solution. Many times
training is NOT the solution. It may be part of the overall solution, but very rarely is training (in isolation) the
only thing needed to address the cause of any problem. And whatever the solutions may be, they MUST be
aligned to a business driver or metric. This is critical because without the alignment to a business driver or
metric, it will affect the management / stakeholder support for the solution.
Deliver the Solution.
Once training is part of the solution, it has to be delivered in an engaging manner. Here is one fact about
training delivery – the majority of the time it is delivered poorly because the trainer has not been adequately
trained in adult learning principles. The Master Trainer’s recommendation is that the trainer should use
experiential activities in a very targeted manner to increase the retention and transference of what was
Determine the Business Impact.
This is perhaps the most difficult task of all. Evaluating the impact does not have to be complex, but it does
need to be attempted. It is recommended to utilize the most appropriate evaluation approach based on your
organization’s time, cost, and quality constraints. There are several methods available (Donald Kirkpatrick
model, Jack Phillips model to name a few
One of the negative impact on a business is layoffs. So, how do we minimize this?
How to Minimize the Impact of Layoffs on Your Organization 
Whether you are downsizing, restructuring, or simply letting a single employee go, no employer looks forward
to the aftermath of layoffs. A reduction in personnel can have negative effects on your remaining workforce,
leading them to feel concerned for their own job, and can hurt their morale, job satisfaction and overall
performance. Therefore, it is essential that you plan ahead and adopt strategies to mitigate these feelings
before your layoffs ever happen.
The way you manage the layoff process is incredibly important. To maintain positive morale, consider the
First of all, treat those who have been laid off with sensitivity and respect. If people are treated poorly during
this process, you can bet that it will get back to your remaining employees later on.
Decide on a clear message or justification for the layoff. Be consistent with your reasoning and emphasize that
the decision was not made lightly. All managers should deliver the same message across the board.
After layoffs are complete, meet with the retained employees to inform them of personnel changes as soon as
Communicate openly about the future of your organization and the jobs of your remaining employees. Ensure
everyone from upper management to entry level employees that you are on the same page to dispel rumors
and avoid panic.
Let employees know that they can come to their managers or supervisors with questions or concerns following
the layoffs. Offer to meet one on one with any employees to listen to their thoughts and concerns.
Show appreciation for your employees. Recognize the contributions of your employees during the transition
period after layoffs, in which they may experience reduced staff and an increased workload.
Provide training where necessary to help your staffs adjust to new job demands that they may face following
During this tough time, remember to promote communication with your remaining employees and focus on
your organization’s plans for the future. Re-motivating your employees is key to maintaining positive morale
and minimizing the impact of any layoffs. Ask employees to help identify areas where your organization can
improve, and update employees regularly on your progress towards your goals. Keep in mind that no layoff
process will happen without some sort of impact on your workforce; however by considering some of the
above factors ahead of time, you can mitigate the negative effects.
How to overcome a negative impact from market downturn and competitor attack?
Ask yourselves the following questions:
Do I/we have a viable offering? (Do we have something that adds value through delivering benefits?)
Is there a viable market to target?
Do I/we have an effective way to deliver this offer in response to demand?
Have I/we seen enough success to persevere on this course or do we  pivot?
If the choice is too pivot, it is predominantly because of the answer to either question 1 or question 2. Because
we are in a world of oversupply, we cannot chase the wrong markets or the wrong targets with the wrong
offering. If you have a viable offer that serves a viable market, someone will buy. It might not be as many
people as you would hope for, but it will be enough to see sustainability at the very least.
Change your mindset. Be positive, be focused, be driven and be accountable. If you are going to fight, fight.
Pick one offer to focus on taking to market. This enables consistency and a platform to gain positive
Build better relationships with your network. Referral partners, advocates and market influencers (to name
but a few) can make the difference in a world of oversupply.
Start relationships with people/businesses/associations etc. that you do not know but they could become a
valuable part of your network.
Assess the value of diversifying your offer, repackaging it and/or penetrating new markets. The world is a small
place. The majority of small businesses that are successful at this time are focusing on specific 
markets, one at a time, and increasing their reach geographically or through modified offerings.
Ensure your message is compelling and relevant. Again, we are bombarded by messages. Make sure you give
yourself the opportunity to stand out in the noise.
Have a good, clean, data sample for your target market. Buy a list or build a list, just get a list that is large
enough for you to hit targets.
Set realistic targets.
Leverage technology to ensure you are not leaving money on the table. Use CRM, Social Media and anything
else that can:
a) make your commercial operations more productive and
b) enable you to influence your network and audience.
Nurture your prospects and audience until they are ready to have a sales conversation with you.
Track performance, to the infinite detail, whether you are sales led or marketing led. Do this so you can
proactively modify your activity to hit targets.

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