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A Letter Of Advice To My Son

When seeing you for the first time, my first feeling was shock at how much immediate my love for
you was. My second thought was: “He is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever laid eyes on.”

Those sparkling big, green eyes, beautiful shiny blonde hair and a smile that can light up an entire room. I
knew you were going to be special.

I can’t explain the feeling I felt that day. My heart opened in a way that I never knew it could. My heart was
filled to the brim.

June 9th, 2009.

I heard two terrifying, yet wonderful words: “You’re pregnant.”

You see, they were terrifying because I knew immediately that someone else’s life would forever be in my
hands. Everything I did from that moment on, would impact you in some way, shape or form. And let me
tell you, my dear boy, that is A LOT of responsibility on a person’s shoulders.

They were wonderful because I was excited. I welcomed every last bit of responsibility and learning that I
knew I had coming. Because that's what a Mother does. I knew you would be amazing. I knew you would
come into my life, turn it upside down, and it would be amazing.

Parenting has been the greatest adventure I’ve ever had. It’s hard. It’s awesome. It’s amazing. It’s
frustrating at times. It’s scary. But you make it worth it.
You have the kindest heart I’ve ever known, one that truly cares for others, you understand empathy, you
have a mind that is analytical and sharp, and the most beautiful sound in the world to me is your laugh. You
have always been very happy by nature, and always smiling.

I love your innocence. I never want to see those things go away. I don’t want the struggles of life to take
away your kind heart. I don’t want life to make you smother a laugh or a smile.

I want them to stay forever. But, there are some things that you need to understand.

This world that we live in, though you don’t know it yet, is tough.It can be cold, hard, and relentless.

You must remain vigilant in keeping those wonderful qualities that you possess.
As you grow, you are going to see terrible injustices in the world. You are going to see hard
times, and struggles as any human does, you are going to see all of the bad that I have shielded
you from.

If I could protect you from all of it, I would. But without those, you won’t learn on your own. You won’t
learn to be a man, and to stand on your own two feet.

There Are Some Things I Want You To Remember

Throughout Your Life:
 Choose to be kind in an unkind world.
 Accept others for who they are, no matter what.
 Put yourself in another's shoes from time to time, you might be surprised at the
perspective you find there.
 You can be your own worst enemy and your own best friend. Choose wisely.
 Be grateful, always.
 Hard times can be used as lessons. Learn from them.
 Dare to be an optimist.
 Never lose hope. Even when it feels like there is none left... there is.
 Love with everything you have.
 Do whatever it is that makes you happy.
 Laugh often.
Long after I am gone, no longer here to guide you, I hope you will still remember my lessons I have taught
you, and the love I have for you.

I hope when you think of me, you will think the same way I do when I think of you; with love.

I hope you remember my favorite band, The Doors, and the song I would sing to you:

"I love you the best. Better than all the rest."

I sang it to you since you were born for a reason. Because it’s true.

Never forget that.

Love Always, Your Biggest Fan- Your Mom

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