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Bella G. Clinkscale
Cleveland State University

Many students aren’t too enthusiastic about a 2. Members of group report every idea possible.
course in oral communication because they do not The wilder the idea the better.
see the need to develop speaking skills. Good speak- 3. Ideas offered build on each other so that the
ing techniques can be developed only through prac- thinking of members is put to work.
tice. Therefore, students must be provided the 4. Ideas presented are positive.
opportunity to participate in various group pro-
cesses that will help them interact with others and
at the same time develop speaking skills. CASES
The use of a variety of group techniques in an
oral communication class will provide students Given specific case problem to solve, students
with speaking experience and encourage purpose- are encouraged to analyze the written description
ful speaking. of a realistic situation, to make decisions, and, final-
Group processes involve the communication or ly, to formulate plans for dealing with it. A leader
mutual exchange of information and ideas between can be assigned to conduct the discussion as all par-

people. Group participation can also serve many ticipants are encouraged to look at the problem ob-
different needs for students as they prepare to com- jectively. From the discussion, principles are drawn
municate in the business world. It can influence from the group and the steps in problem solving
them, has an impact on their social beliefs, and is shown below are used to determine the best solu-
the basis for problem solving which necessitates tion.
analysis and decision making. In addition, groups
are effective in helping students become aware of Problem-Solving Procedure for Case Problems
their own values, sensing how they appear to
others, and gaining an understanding of another’s Creative, scientific, and mathematical processes
feelings. Students in my class seem to enjoy partici- are used to solve problems. However, the creative
pating in group activities. process is used most frequently and has been suc-
Several types of group strategies that have been cessful in helping students develop problem-solving
used to improve students’ oral communication skills skills. The following is a list of creative problem-
are described here. solving steps:
1. Determine the problem.
2. Set limits to the particular area identified as
BRAINSTORMING the problem.
3. Marshal presently known facts and skills
The Brainstorming technique involves collective needed to solve the problem.
thinking of the group members whose solutions to 4. Detemine what new facts and skills are needed
a stated problem are expanded upon to make them to solve the problem.
more complete. If this technique is used, the group 5. Determine all possible solutions.
can be most creative. A leader for the group is 6. Select the best solution and indicate why it
identified and offers a specific topic or problem to was chosen.
the group. A secretary or tape recorder can be used 7. Apply or test the solution and at the same
to record every idea offered. When ideas are ex- time evaluate the solution.
hausted a summary bf the session is then reviewed
(tape played back or notes from the secretary read)
and additional ideas are requested. DEBATE
Brainstorming works best if:
1. Ideas offered are not criticized or ridiculed by The debate strategy can provide a speaking situ-
members of the group. One of the main objectives ation in which the class can be set up to represent
of brainstorming is to gather as many ideas as pos- two opposing sides. The ideas presented represent
sible. solutions. to an identified topic for discussion. The

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proponent of a solution makes an oral presentation participation of the class. The question to be dis-
to convince the group that the ideas stated should cussed is assigned in advance so everyone involved
be adopted in preference to all others presented. can secure information enabling them to establish a
The debate actually consists of a contest of discus- definite point or to prove an issue. A chairperson
sion in which two opposing sides defend and attack calls the session to order and a member from the
a given problem. Members of the group are encour- class will move the question for the day. Students
aged to say what they sincerely think regarding is- are encouraged to rise of their own accord to speak,
sues that are selected to be discussed. This includes but they can choose their own time and occasion to
the pros and cons of the problem. volunteer. By declaring their own opinions and ideas,
Preparing for a debate involves: 1) gathering practice is provided in extemporaneous speaking.
material by collecting facts and evidence and 2) de-
signing a plan of argument by making a brief of
what is to be said, being careful to support the var- PANEL DISCUSSION
ious points to be presented with evidence.
The chairperson used for the debate is responsible A panel discussion is an excellent means of cover-
for stating the question to be debated such as, ing a selected subject and at the same time allowing
&dquo;Dress Is Important To One’s Success On The Job.&dquo; group members to exchange ideas and ask questions.
This is a technique and topic that I have used suc- The purpose is to allow for a free discussion of a
cessfully in my Oral Communication Class. The subject according to its numerous phases. A general
chairperson is also responsible for naming the subject is chosen and divided into topics. A chair-
speakers for the respective sides, introducing person is chosen and students can volunteer to par-
speakers, and closing the debate. ticipate on the panel according to their interests and
knowledge of the central theme. Panel members are
seated at a long table or at a series of short tables;
GAMES however, if tables are not available, participants are
seated facing the class. During the presentation of
A business, sales, or war learning game is an ex- various topics, the class is encouraged to join in the
cellent means of getting students competitvely in- discussion. Panel members then make any final com-
volved. Games can be designed to meet specific ments on the subject and the chairperson concludes
needs of a real-life situation; to foster understand- by evaluating and summarizing the ideas presented.
ing of structure and dynamics of social processes; The results of a well-planned panel discussion are
and to develop problem-solving skills. Complete a better understanding of the subject discussed and
rules for participating in the game are given to the the opportunity for self-expression on the part of
class before the game starts. For the writer, the all participants.
most successful games have been those in which
competing teams were used. This allows students
the opportunity to work together. QUESTION AND ANSWERS
This technique is a good one to show students
THE LECTURE FORUM how to keep a meeting moving. Some highlights of
this approach are:
The lecture forum is used to allow each individ- 1. A person can emphasize important points and
ual student the opportunity to make a presentation make certain the group understands and retains the
for a specified period of time followed by a period information.
in which members of the class are permitted to 2. One can relate information to on-the-job situ-
direct questions to the speaker. ations.
The topic for the lecture is selected in advance 3. One can rate individuals by their performances.
and is designed to inform the listeners on a busi- 4. The effectiveness of the question-and-answer
ness topic. period can be evaluated each time it is used.
Approaches that can be used to conduct ques-
tion-and-answer sessions are:
OPEN FORUMS 1. Use the &dquo;buzz group&dquo; technique. Divide the
class into small groups. Assign each group an area
An open forum promotes quick thinking by active on which to prepare.

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2. Plant questioners among the class. roundtable should allot time for each person to
3. Have the class write down their own questions. talk on a subject. No one should talk more than
4. Suggest categories of questions to the large their allotted time, and no one should talk a
group. Then have the listeners prepare questions second time until everyone has had a chance to
for the speaker. speak.
5. Allow questions at any time during the pre-

ROLE PLAYING This method is particularly effective in helping

students to relax before an audience. It gives them
Role playing skits can be used to simulate typi- an opportunity to talk about a familiar subject. It
cal face-to-face encounters between two or more also serves as a morale builder. Two rules should be
people. These are more effective if there is a lesson followed when using this strategy: 1) encourage
to be learned by each participant as well as the students to use realistic success stories, and 2) use
entire class. Role playing may be: 1) highly struc- supportative material to show how they have suc-
tured, with written role descriptions for participants ceeded with a given task.
to study in advance; 2) less structured, with the in-
structor briefly outlining the profiles of the charac-
ters, their motivations, and the setting; and 3) un- THE SYMPOSIUM
structured, with interaction situations being formed
on an ad hoc basis. The purpose of a symposium is to inform and
Players extemporize according to the roles they stimulate the listeners. This is a method that can be
have been given. It is often good to have players used to present representative aspects of a problem.
switch roles. Players should also be encouraged to Usually three or four speakers talk about one topic,
be realistic. At the end of the role playing situation, with each speaker presenting views. A chairperson
both participants and observers should be asked to serves as a moderator and leader by synchronizing
discuss their reactions to the problem situation as

the different speeches so that a unified idea can be
played. presented. Remarks from speakers are related to
the main question, and time allotted to each speak-
er should be the same.

QUIZZES One way to organize a symposium is to choose a

subject, have several people speak on chosen phases
This is variation of the question-and-answer
a of the subject as formal address, and then have the
technique. An informal pre-quiz will cause the chairperson ask for free discussion from the floor.
students to ask questions of themselves, of each Another way to organize a symposium is to allow
other, and of the discussion leader. Inform the no discussion of questions. The program merely
group in advance what subject will be covered. consists of speeches to an audience which is then
The main requirements in using this technique free to form their own opinions.
are that questions be phrased clearly and that
answers be provided when the presentation is
over so that individuals will know how they SUMMARY
The best occasion to use different types of group
processes depends on whether the main objective
ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSION of the discussion necessitates analysis and decision
making. Whether the gathering to be simulated in
A typical roundtable discussion is a gathering class calls for a debate, panel discussion, role play-
which provides for exchange of opinions and ing, or merely a brainstorming session must be de-
ideas. The roundtable style uses a presiding chair- cided ahead of time.
person to lead the discussion; and the members Any type of group process will stimulate your
of the class are allowed to discuss questions of class through their involvement with it. This keeps
their own accord. The purpose is to bring about the attention and interest while all are actively tak-
full reciprocity of opinions. The leader of the ing part. There is a two-way flow of communica-

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tion, not just a speaker directing the entire outflow fectiveness of their sessions. They too have found
upon the class. that using the various group processes assures the
Many businesses have also learned that too much success of their meetings.
lecturing or one-way communication lessens the ef-



Byron Brown
University of Florida

Three of the most difficult tasks facing teachers COMMUNION

of business communication are those of helping
students discover ways to establish rapport with A sense of communion is essential in securing
their readers, to present their wishes to that audi- the good will of an audience, and it is especially
ence in a convincing way, and to give bad news important in sales, special requests, and bad-news
without forfeiting their readers’ good will. In our letters. Vocabulary can often open the door to the
search for ways to help students solve these prob- reader’s sympathy; the diction of communion
lems, we cannot afford to overlook the resources includes respecting occupational euphemisms,
available in both ancient and modem rhetorical using appropriate abbreviations, and employing,
theory. whenever possible, the special or technical vocab-
Contemporary rhetorical theory treats these ulary of the reader. Appropriate euphemisms nat-
tasks as the need of the writer to establish Com- urally include those naming certain professions or
munion (or create a sense of shared values and places of work (a person may prefer to work in
goals) with an audience, to evoke Presence (or an &dquo;abbatoir&dquo; instead of a &dquo;slaughterhouse&dquo;) as
attach a sense of reality to a concept so that it well as certain unpleasant realities (i.e., a worker
fills the reader’s mind) during persuasion, and will prefer to be &dquo;reassigned&dquo; rather than &dquo;de-
to achieve a sense of Severance (or dissociation moted&dquo;).
of the writer from the message) when giving bad Writers may use abbreviations when they are
news.1 sure that their audience (not only themselves) is
However, students must not only recognize familiar--and comfortable-with them. Under these
these problems; they must solve them efficiently, circumstances a deft reference to &dquo;the NSF&dquo; (Na-
and this necessary economy can be found in tional Science Foundation), or to &dquo;R&D [research
certain figures of speech taken from classical and development] possibilities&dquo; immediately as-
rhetoric. The idea of using traditional rhetorical sumes at least a degree of communion.
figures in business communication is certainly not The analysis of letters and articles designed for
new, but the persuasive powers of these figures are an audience of business executives quickly con-
seldom explored adequately. vinces students that to &dquo;reimburse&dquo; rather than
This study will, I hope, uncover some of the &dquo;pay back&dquo; may have positive effects, as may using
rhetorical possibilities of these figures of speech for words like &dquo;expenditure&dquo; instead of &dquo;cost.&dquo; Even
creating Communion, Presence, and Severance in using words with positive connotations, such as
business communications. &dquo;know how&dquo; or &dquo;innovation,&dquo; may help draw the

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