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Culture of P. monodon in Semi-intensive Culture System through Responsible

Aquaculture in Cox’s Bazar Region (Brave Pvt. Co. Ltd.)

Technical Report · September 2016

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.24086.14407


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1 author:

Abdulla- Al- Asif

Bangladesh Agricultural University


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Culture of P. monodon in Semi-intensive Culture System through Responsible Aquaculture
in Cox’s Bazar Region (Brave Pvt. Co. Ltd.)

Prepared By Abdulla-Al –Asif

Assigned By Mr. Nizam M. Selim

Traditional shrimp farming has been carried out in Asia for centuries, large-scale commercial
shrimp farming began in the 1970s, and production grew steeply, particularly to match the
market demands of the United States, Japan and Western Europe. The total global production of
farmed shrimp reached more than 1.6 million tonnes in 2003, representing a value of nearly
9 billion U.S. dollars. About 75% of farmed shrimp is produced in Asia, in particular
in China and Thailand. The other 25% is produced mainly in Latin America, where
Brazil, Ecuador, and Mexico are the largest producers. The largest exporting nation is Thailand
(Wikipedia, 2016). Shrimp has been farmed in South East Asia and China for centuries, using
traditional low-density methods. In Indonesia, the use of brackish water ponds, called tambaks,
can be traced back as far as the 15th century. They used small scale ponds
for monoculture or polycultured with other species, such as milkfish, or in rotation with rice,
using the ricepaddies for shrimp cultures during the dry season, when no rice could be grown
(Rönnbäck, 2001). Such cultures often were in coastal areas or on river banks. Mangrove areas
were favored because of their abundant natural shrimp (Lewis et al., 2003). Wild juvenile shrimp
were trapped in ponds and reared on naturally occurring organisms in the water until they
reached the desired size for harvesting. Industrial shrimp farming can be traced to the 1930s,
when Japanese agrarians spawned and cultivated Kuruma shrimp (Penaeus japonicus) for the
first time. By the 1960s, a small industry had developed in Japan. Commercial shrimp farming
began to grow rapidly in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Technological advances led to more
intensive forms of farming, and growing market demand led to worldwide proliferation of
shrimp farms, concentrated in tropical and subtropical regions. Growing consumer demand in the
early 1980s coincided with faltering wild catches, creating a booming industry. Taiwan was an
early adopter and a major producer in the 1980s; its production collapsed beginning in 1988 due
to poor management practices and disease (ISAN, 2000). In Thailand, large-scale production
expanded rapidly from 1985(Hossain and Lin 2001). In South America, Ecuador pioneered
shrimp farming, where it expanded dramatically from 1978 (McClennan, 2004). Brazil had been
active in shrimp farming since 1974, but trade boomed there only in the 1990s, making the
country a major producer within a few years. Today, there are marine shrimp farms in over fifty
countries. Marine shrimp has different genus and species. In this article I am going to describe
the P. monodon, the black tiger shrimp and in Bangladesh locally called “Bagda”. The black
tiger shrimp, P. monodon locally known as “Bagda” is one of the largest penaeid shrimps
reaching 260 mm in body length and 250 g in weight (Wyban, 1996). P. monodon is the most
important cultivable species among the penaeids. It takes only 3-5 months to reach a body weight
of 35g. P. monodon is omnivorous that needs only cheap food with a low production cost.
Typical survival rates of this species are 80-95%, with a survival rate of 95%, production cost are
merely half those of similar species, with 50% survival (Liao, 1981). It is rather hardy and
resistant to diseases with only a few cases reported for this prawn (Liao, 1977). The production
of marine shrimp in impoundments, ponds, raceways and tanks, got started in the early 1970s,
and, today, over fifty countries have shrimp culture activities. In Bangladesh, culture of Bagda
was started from 1970‟s. From then this culture industry is growing and growing. Some farmer
from Khulna, Shatkhira and Cox‟s Bazar primarily started this culture in past. Now this culture
of Bagdha is spreading in coastal zone of Bangladesh. At present about 150000 hectare of coastal
land are under shrimp cultivation in the Bangladesh (Nuruzzaman, 1985). If we want to see the
present scenario of Bagda culture the first thing we found that most of the ghers are almost
traditionally, collect the fry from the natural sources and rear them in the ghers. As a result,
production is 250-273 kg/ha. Whereas production rate exceeds 1500-3000 kg/ha in some country
(FAO, 1997). Presently, land under shrimp culture has increased to about 141352.54 ha to
52,000 ha estimated at the year 2001-2002 (DoF. 2003). About 75% of this land is located in the
Khulna, Bagerhat and Satkhira districts in the south and the rest in the Cox's Bazar district in the
south-eastern region of the country. This amount and number of farm is enough for the national
and internation demand but the production was very low from extensive farm is decreasing the
national production of shrimp. If we want to see the culture method of shrimp then we found that
three types of farm are presnt in world aspect. The shrimp culture practice includes: extensive
(traditional); extensive (improved); semi-intensive; and intensive systems. In Bangladesh,
extensive culture of shrimp is widely practiced system. There is some few farms present in
Bangladesh that are followed the semi-intensive method. No intensive farms are found in
Bangladesh. This article is focused on the semi-intensive culture of Bagda (Shrimp) in Brave
Pvt. Co. Ltd. in Cox‟s Bazar. If we want to describe the semi-intensive practice then firstly we
have to know the term “Semi-intensive”. The semi-intensive fish farming was defined as a fish
farming practice where feeding is carried out at least two times per week and fertilizing once per
week. Such a definition was chosen following consultation with aquaculture literature and
technical experts familiar with the region. Other indicators such as stocking density, production
level and the disposal of the product were not considered suitable since these are not necessarily
unique to semi-intensive fish farming. Semi-intensive is another improved form of aquaculture.
In this system, 10–35 post-larvae /m2 are stocked in smaller ponds, with sizes ranging from 0.4–
5.0 ha. They are given mostly pelleted feed but they also partly subsist on natural foods. The
ponds are generally aerated and 10–20% of water is exchanged daily by gravity drainage. Yields
of 2–5 Mt/ha/yr are commonly obtained. The fourth one, intensive is the highly scientific culture
system organized by a stocking density of 35 post-larvae/m2, pond size ranging from 0.1 ha to 5
ha in size. Water is aerated and at least 30% of pond water is exchanged daily. Shrimp are fed
entirely with artificial feed and production is about 5–10 Mt/ha/year. The giant tiger shrimp,
cultured throughout Asia, has always represented more than fifty percent of world production of
farmed shrimp. The global shrimp industry has experienced phenomenal growth over the last
twenty-two years generating more than 730,000 metric tons of farm cultured product annually. In
Bangladesh Shrimp farming already consumes more than 141352.54 hectares of land and is
suffering from unprecedented environmental pressure to clean up its damaging methodology.
Semi-intensive culture of Bagda is too much profitable and economically viable from the other
like extensive culture. The Brave Pvt. Co. Ltd. has an ongoing semi-intensive Bagda farm
that on production. This assignment work is provided by Mr. Nizam M. Selim, the
Managing Director of Brave Pvt. Co. Ltd. Here I will focus on how to operate semi
intensive farm operation and how the company can profit from their project along with
following FAO criteria of “Responsible Aquaculture”.

Biology of Shrimp


Penaeus monodon was first described by Johan Christian Fabricius in 1798. That name was
overlooked for a long time, however, until 1949, when Lipke Holthuis clarified to which species
it referred. Holthuis also showed that P. monodon had to be the type species of the
genus Penaeus. (Holthuis 1949).
Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Arthropoda

Subphylum: Crustacea

Class: Malacostraca

Order: Decapoda

Suborder: Dendrobranchiata

Family: Penaeidae

Genus: Penaeus

Species: P. monodon (Fabricius, 1798)

Figure: P. monodon

Habitat and Biology of P. monodon

Penaeus monodon mature and breed only in tropical marine habitats and spend their larval,
juvenile, adolescent and sub-adult stages in coastal estuaries, lagoons or mangrove areas. In the
wild, they show marked nocturnal activity, burrowing into bottom substratum during the day and
emerging at night to search for food as benthic feeders. Under natural conditions, the giant tiger
prawn is more of a predator than an omnivorous scavenger or detritus feeder than other penaeid
shrimp. After moulting, the new shell is still soft which causes prawns to become vulnerable and
they may subsequently be eaten by their predators or companions. Adults are often found over
muddy sand or sandy bottoms at 20-50 m depth in offshore waters. Wild males posses
spermatozoa from around 35 g body weight and females becomes gravid from 70 g. Mating
occurs at night, shortly after moulting while the cuticle is still soft, and sperm are subsequently
kept in a spermatophore (sac) inserted inside the closed thelycum of the female. There are five
stages in ovarian maturation; undeveloped, developing; nearly ripe; ripe; and spent. P. monodon
females are highly fecund with gravid females producing as many as 500 000 to 750 000 eggs.
Spawning occurs at night and fertilization is external with females suddenly extruding sperm
from the thelycum as eggs are laid in offshore waters. Hatching occurs 12-15 hours after
fertilization. The larvae, termed nauplii, are free swimming and resemble tiny aquatic spiders.
This first stage in larval development does not feed but lives on its yolk reserve and passes
rapidly through six moults. The next larval stages [protozoea, mysis and early postlarvae (PL)
respectively] remain planktonic for some time and are carried towards the shore by tidal currents.
Protozoea, which have feathery appendages and elongated bodies, moult three times and then
metamorphose into the mysis stage. Mysis, which have segmented bodies, eyestalk and tails
characteristic of adult shrimp, also moult three times before metamorphosing into PL with
similar characteristics to adult shrimp. The PL subsequently changes their habit to feed on
benthic detritus, polychaete worms and small crustaceans after PL 6. Juvenile and adolescent
stages can tolerate salinity conditions as low as 1-2‰ (FAO term paper, 2004).

Farm Establishment of P. monodon

If we establish a Bagda farm we have some criteria to follow considering FAO responsible
Aquaculture. The procedure are given below-

Culture Species

In Brave Pvt. Co. Ltd. farm, the main culture able species is Bagda (P. monodon). No other
species are allowed to mixed culture with Bagda. So that we can called Brave Pvt. Co. Ltd. farm
is monoculture farm.
Site Selection

The managing board of Brave Pvt. Co. Ltd. had previously made their decision to establish their
farm in Cox‟s Bazar region. The main region choosing this area is to availability of salt or saline
water from Bay of Bengal. Because Cox‟s Bazar is the located at the shore line of this bay. Other
logistic and technical support is too much available in this region. I think Brave Pvt. Co. Ltd.
made the appropriate decision to make their farm in Cox‟s Bazar region.

Pond Layout

I have talked with the managing director of Brave Pvt. Co. Ltd. He told me the ponds dikes are
made of concrete and bottom has mud to hide from light for culture species. Muddy bottom are
require for some other case of water quality management. This given criteria is highly
recommended by researcher in semi-intensive Bagda culture. I am highly appreciated this
innovative technology with concrete dike and muddy bottom for semi-intensive operation.
Because P. monodon is very sensitive species.

Figure: P. monodon Farming tank.

Waste water disposal and Water recycling

Water is a very resourceful element to our nature. The Managing Director of Brave Pvt. Co.
Ltd. assures me the water that would be used in farm operation is filtered by using chemical and
mechanical filter.
Figure: Inlet and out let of Farm drainage.

Semi-Intensive Culture System

In this section I will describe the total operation procedure of semi intensive culture of P.
monodon. The procedure are given below-
Two water reservoirs are mandatory for a farm operation. If one falls down or does not work
then we can use another. The water reservoir should have some height of 5-6 meter. We can
reserve sea water collected from Bay of Bengal. For the RAS (Recirculation aquaculture
systems) two water reservoirs is mandatory.

Figure: Water reservoir.

Inlet-Outlet and Pumping System
The farm requires a very clean and separate inlet and outlet system. By this separate system the
used water and new filtered water will not mixed up each other. Separate outlet and inlet is
mandatory for the responsible aquaculture.
We can use electrical aerator for aerated the culture pond. Different brand and capacity‟s aerator
are found in market. But the product from Linn Company of Germany (AquaJet) is
recommended by me. After some study about aerator I found that this company is producing the
best grade aerator in the world. But if company choose another brand the production facility will
be operated as company policy. If the tank is too much large then we can use two aerators.
Aerator will be needed in late night when the oxygen level degrades below optimum level. We
should check the DO twice a day. Firstly early in morning from 8-10 am and then 4-5 pm. It can
be check at midnight also.

Figure: Aeration in farm tank.

Office building and store room is require for successful farm operation. A 10*10 feet store room
is require for storing different materials need for next day operation. It can be used to place
different scientific equipment also.
Pond Preparation
According to the CEO of BRAVE the tank has concrete dike and muddy bottom for shelter for
culture species. Because P. monodon is a bottom dwelling species. Before operation we can dry
out the whole farms tank. Then we can disinfect the tank with chlorine and lime. Then we can
stock water from Bay of Bengal and then the PL of P. monodon.

Source of fry

We can collect fry (PL) from recognized hatchery that has goodwill in Shrimp hatchery business.
Because if we collect the PL from some known source but have problem with genetic source
then production can be fall down. Before fry collection we should make a laboratory test by PCR
to screen genetic disorder.


After collection of PL from recognized source to farm, we should acclimatize the PL to stock in
tank. 15 minutes is the best time for acclimatization. The acclimatization is very much important
because the hatchery water temperature and farm tank temperature will not be same. For minimizing
and absorbing the temperature equality the acclimatization is a mandatory process. Before stock of fry we
should check the pH, salinity, DO, Alkalinity, hardness, NO3, NH3 and other bio-chemical parameter
should be checked by multi-meter.

Figure: Acclimatization before stock.

Stocking Time

Stocking of PL in farm tank is too much sensitive issue. We should stock the PL in tank in early
morning or before evening. In morning 8-10 am or 4-5 pm is the best time for stock the Pl in
farm tank.

Stocking Rate

The CEO of BRAVE informs me over phone that this company has a semi intensive farm. As a
fisheries expert I can say that for semi-intensive culture of P. monodon 20/m2 is the best stocking
rate. We can stock 20/m2 in farm. But different scientist suggests different stocking densities.
The FAO with responsible aquaculture suggested that 20/m2 is the best stocking density in semi-
intensive P. monodon farm.

Feed and Feeding

Feed is a very crucial element for a successful farm operation. In Bangladesh maximum
company does not provide the labeled percentage of protein in feed. For P. monodon culture 35-
40% of protein is required for its growth and survival. We can use feed with Crude protein 40–
45 % of starter, 30–35% grower and 30–35% for fisnisher. We can use Encapsule feed (Royal
Caviar, Biospheres and Royal Oyster) from BernAqua company at the time of larval stage. Then
P. monodon Culture Feed, Premium Grade or Economy Grade from Ocialis Company can be
used for juvenile, sub-adult and adult stage. We can also used formulated feed by mixing 1 egg +
5 g C-Vita + 20 g flour with 1 kg feed. We can serve the feed in four time in a day (6 AM, 11
AM, 5 PM, 10 PM).

Figure: Feed used in farm for P. monodon

Post Stocking Management


Sampling will be done in weekly interval for measuring body weight of the species and checking
water quality parameters. Health of culture species as well as the physic chemical parameter of
the water should check through different scientific equipment.


Sometimers Fertilizer is needed in semi-intensive culture of P. monodon. Proper management

and balanced feed can reduce the fertilization frequency. But if company wants to fertilize the
culture tank we can use different doze of fertilizer. I can‟t say the dose now because I don‟t
know the size of pond and amount of land.


During culture period we can use dolomite or lime just before the moulting period in our semi-
intensive culture tank. Liming can be also done for reduce the pH when it raise as well as control
the algal bloom.


Harvesting was done at a time in semi-intensive ghers. For this, we can open the outlet to remove
water of the tank and set a set-bag-net at the mouth of the outlet. We should be very careful
during harvesting because if the shell or pereiopods or antenna is broken of culture species then
the market price can be reduced.

Figure: Harvested farm products.

Water quality management


the optimum range of temperature for the Black Tiger shrimp is between 28°C-30°C. Increase in
temperature beyond 30°C increases the activity level and the metabolism. This also increases the
growth rate. If the temperature still increases then the shrimp reaches a threshold of physical and
nutritional tolerance, which is 33°C in poor quality water or 35°C in good quality water and
remains stationary at the pond bottom. If the environment does not improve the culture organisms may
get infected by germs, swim in a disoriented way to the surface or due to exhaustion. If the temperature
falls below 28°C, the metabolism reduces and so does the active behaviour and growth rate. Below 20°C,
the shrimp will take less feed. Shrimps cannot tolerate a temperature less than 13°C. In the semi intensive
culture system, shrimps are more sensitive to temperature than in the extensive one because of the higher
biomass and less water volume. During the rainy season, there is a greater possibility of occurrence of
thermal stratification in pond water column, as well as the salinity (density) and dissolved oxygen
stratification. Water depth and water volume affect the thermal capacity of the pond and the extent of
light penetration. It is related to fluctuation of planktonic algae and benthic algae. It also influences the
volume of the pond and therefore the ponds capacity to support the dissolved oxygen, influencing
productivity, biomass and production yield.

Figure: Measurement of temperature


The optimum range of salinity for black tiger shrimp is between 10 and 25 ppt, 30 ppt is the best salinity
condition to proper grow out the Bagda. Although the shrimp will accept salinity between 5 and 38 ppt.
since its eurihaline character. The early life stages of both shrimp and prawn requires standard seawater
salinities but while growing they can with stand to brackish water or even to freshwater. However, for
better survival and growth optimum range of salinity should be maintained in the aquaculture ponds.

Figure: Salinity measurement in farm by salinity meter

Dissolved Oxygen

Typically, dissolved oxygen is measured either in mg. per litre (mgI-) or parts per million (ppm) with O
ppm representing total oxygen depletion and 15 ppm representing the maximum or saturation
concentration. The oxygen cycle and hence oxygen balance can be affected by, what is known as
the biochemical oxygen demand (B.O.D.) of the pond. Decaying plant and animal matter
consume substantial amounts of oxygen in the decaying process. It is important to realize that the
oxygen cycle and hence dissolved oxygen levels can be affected by changes in the surroundings;
a cloudy day with little sunlight will reduce the photosynthetic oxygen contribution to dissolved
oxygen. Similarly, unusually high temperatures will lower the solubility of oxygen in water and
hence low dissolved oxygen. When a pond is in „balance‟ dissolved oxygen will not vary
erratically. Oxygen affects the solubility and availability of many nutrients. Low levels of
dissolved oxygen can cause changes in oxidation state of substances from the oxidized to the
reduced form. Lack of dissolved oxygen can be directly harmful to culture organisms or cause a
substantial increase in the level of toxic metabolites. It is therefore important to continuously
maintain dissolved oxygen at optimum levels of above 3.5 ppm. There is above 21% oxygen
content in the air. Air acts a big reservoir for oxygen concentration in water is limited by its
solubility. Supplemental aeration is generally provided during nighttime when DO increases to
levels below 4.0 ppm. It was found that the paddle wheel aerator is capable of elevating the
dissolved oxygen level from 0.05 to 4.9 mg/l with in 4 hours in 0.5 ha. Pond. It was also
suggested that the low dissolved oxygen values in the aquaculture ponds be improved rapidly by
combination of aeration and water exchange.

Figure: DO measurement in farm by DO meter


pH or the concentrations of hydrogen ions (H+) present in pond water is a measure of acidity or
alkalinity. The pH scale extends from 0 to 14 with 0 being the most acidic and 14 the most
alkaline. PH 7 is a condition of neutrality and routine aquaculture occurs in the range 7.0 to 9.0
(optimum is 7.5 to 8.5). Exceedingly alkaline water (greater than pH 9) is dangerous as ammonia
toxicity increases rapidly. At higher temperatures fish are more sensitive to pH changes. It is an
important chemical parameter to consider because it affects the metabolism and other
physiological processes of culture organisms. A certain range of pH (pH 6.8 – 8.7) should be
maintained for acceptable growth and production. But in semi- intensive culture, re-optimum
range is better maintained between pH 7.4 – 8.5.

Figure: pH meter.


Ammonia is the second gas of importance in fish culture; its significance to good fish production
is overwhelming. High ammonia levels can arise from overfeeding, protein rich, excess feed
decays to liberate toxic ammonia gas, which in conjunction with the fishes, excreted ammonia
may accumulate to dangerously high levels under certain conditions. Fortunately, ammonia
concentrations are partially „curbed‟ or „buffered‟ by conversion to nontoxic nitrate (No3 -) ion
by nitrifying bacteria. Additionally, ammonia is converted from toxic ammonia (NH3) to
nontoxic ammonium ion (NH4 +) at pH below 8.0.
Figure: Multi-meter can use for ammonia measurement


Numerous inorganic (mineral) substances are dissolved in water. Among these, the metals
calcium and magnesium, along with their counter ion carbonate (CO3 -2) comprise the basis for
the measurement of „hardness‟. Optimum hardness for aquaculture is in the range of 40 to 400
ppm of hardness. Hard waters have the capability of buffering the effects of heavy metals such as
copper or zinc which are in general toxic to fish. The hardness is a vital factor in maintaining
good pond equilibrium.

Figure: Multi-meter can use for hardness measurement


Water turbidity refers to the quantity of suspended material, which interferes with light
penetration in the water column. In prawn ponds, water turbidity can result from planktonic
organisms or from suspended clay particles. Turbidity limits light penetration, thereby limiting
photosynthesis in the bottom layer. Higher turbidity can cause temperature and DO stratification
in prawn ponds. Planktonic organisms are desirable when not excessive, but suspended clay
particles are undesirable. It can cause clogging of gills or direct injury to tissues of prawns.
Erosion or the water itself can be the source of small (1-100 nm) colloidal particles responsible
for the unwanted turbidity. The particles repel each other due to negative-charges: this can be
neutralized by electrolytes resulting in coagulation. It is reported that alum and ferric sulfate are
more effective than hydrated lime and gypsum in removing clay turbidity. Both alum and
gypsum have acid reactions and can depress pH and total alkalinity, so the simultaneous
application of lime is recommended to maintain the suitable range of pH. Treatment rates depend
on the type of soil.

Figure: Multi-meter can use for turbidity measurement.

Water Exchange

When stocking density increases in semi intensive culture, it is of primary importance to have a
dependable water supply and to maintain good water quality. So far, besides aeration, water
exchange is still the most effective and widely employed method to maintain good water quality
besides water quality enhancers like sanitizers, zeolite etc. In semi-intensive systems, frequent
and sometimes even continuous water exchange at a small flowing rate is employed. Abrupt
addition of large quantities of water in small ponds may result in sudden environment change,
which subsequently can stress in culture organism. Therefore, massive water replacement is not
recommended unless there is sudden die-off of plankton, critical low oxygen or after the
application of chemicals. Continuous water exchange should be accompanied with running of
paddlewheels to have the pond water fully mixed. Otherwise, it will cause great differences of
water quality within a pond and heterogeneous distribution of culture organisms on the pond
bottom. Lowering the water level first and adding new water is not recommended, especially
during daytime in summer


There are no chemicals or drugs available to treat the viral infections listed but good
management of pond, water, feed and health status of stock inputs can reduce their virulence.
Here I describe some of Bagda diseases and their causative agent as well as syndrome with
control measure.
Disease Agent Type Syndrome Measures
Acutely infected shrimp Screening of broodstock,
show rapid reduction in nauplii, PL and grow-out
food consumption; stages; avoiding rapid
lethargy; high mortality changes in water
rates with cumulative conditions; avoiding
Part of the
White spot mortalities reaching 100 shrimp stress; avoid use
white spot
(WSD)Otherwise percent within 3 to 10 of fresh feeds,
syndrome Virus
known as WSBV, days of the onset of particularly crustacean;
WSSV clinical signs; acutely minimizing water
infected shrimp often exchange to prevent virus
have loose cuticle with carriers entering the
white spots (which pond; treating infected
represent abnormal ponds or hatcheries with
deposits of calcium salts 30 ppm chlorine to kill
by the cuticular infected shrimp and
epidermis) of 0.5 - 2.0 carriers; disinfect
mm in diameter that are associated equipment
most apparent on the
inside surface of the
carapace; in many cases
moribund shrimp display
a pink to reddish-brown
colouration due to
expansion of cuticular
chromatophores and few
if any white spots
Acute epizootics with
high cumulative
mortalities that may reach
100 percent within 3-5
days after appearance of
clinical signs; infection is
Screening of broodstock
horizontally transmitted;
before hatchery operation
PL 15 have been found to
and PL before stocking in
Yellowhead (YHD) be resistant but PL 20-25
pond; avoiding rapid
Also known as and on-growing juveniles
changes in water pH,
Yellow-head shrimp through to sub-adults are
alkalinity, and dissolved
disease, Yellow-head highly susceptible;
Not yet O2; avoiding fresh
virus (YHV), Yellow- Virus initially, feeding
described aquatic feeds; proper
head baculovirus increases, followed by
cleaning of pond bottom
(YBV), Yellow-head reduced feeding in later
before stocking; infected
disease baculovirus stages of the disease; pale
ponds and hatcheries
(YHDBV) body; yellowish swollen
must be disinfected
cephalothorax and
similar to WSV (see
hepatopancreas; whitish-
yellowish-brownish gills;
presumptive diagnosis can
be made on basis of pond
history, clinical signs,
gross changes and
Generally infects larvae
Wash fertile eggs through
Baculoviral Midgut and early postlarval stages
a soft gauze by running
Gland Necrosis in which it can cause high
clean seawater to remove
(BMN)Also known as mortalities; apparent
excrement or faeces of
midgut gland cloudy Baculovirus Virus white turbidity of the
spawner; if infected,
disease, white turbid hepatopancreas caused by
culture facility must be
liver disease, and white necrosis of tubule
disinfected to avoid re-
turbidity disease epithelium and possibly
introduction of virus
also the mucosal
epithelium; larvae
affected but later stages
(late postlarvae) tend to
show resistance; source of
infection documented as
wild-caught female
spawners; larvae float
inactively on the surface
and exhibit a white
midgut line through the
Lethargy, anorexia, dark
coloured shrimp; reduced
feeding and growth rates;
often increased surface
and gill fouling with
various epibiotic and
epicommensal organisms;
severely affected larvae
Reduce stocking density,
and postlarvae may
use of chemicals and
exhibit a white midgut
environmentally induced
line through the abdomen;
stress; prevent
acute MBV causes loss of
contamination of
Nuclear Polyhedrosis hepatopancreatic tubule
fertilized eggs from
BaculovirosesAlso and midgut epithelia and,
spawner faeces by
known as Monodon Baculovirus Virus consequently, dysfunction
washing in formalin or
baculovirus disease of these organs, often
iodophore treated
(MBV) followed by secondary
seawater; if infected,
bacterial infections; linked
culture facility must be
with high mortalities
disinfected and stock
(>90%) in late postlarvae
should be removed and
and juvenile shrimp in
many culture facilities;
usually juvenile and adult
P. monodon are more
resistant to MBV than
larval shrimp; MBV may
predispose infected
shrimp to infections by
other pathogens;

Other Hazard Management of Farm

Biosecurity involves the practices, procedures and policies used to prevent the introduction and
spread of disease causing organisms (e.g., bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites) as well as many
aquatic invasive species (e.g., zebra mussels, rusty crayfish). Fish diseases continue to be one of
the greatest causes of economic loss for the industry, accounting for million of dollars in annual
losses to U.S. fish producers.

In general, biosecurity is more easily implemented in small, intensive, and controlled farming
systems than in outdoor and large-scale operations (Horowitz and Horowitz 2003). Biosecurity
measures in the shrimp industry can be seen as a two-pronged approach: excluding pathogens
and eliminating pathogens when they are present.

Lightner (2003) discussed ways of excluding pathogens from stock (i.e., post larvae and
broodstock), especially through the use of quarantine and specific pathogen-free (SPF) certified
stocks, and restricting imports of live and frozen shrimp. Excluding vectors and external sources
of contamination and preventing internal cross contamination were suggested methods for
excluding pathogens from hatcheries and farms.

Horowitz and Horowitz (2003) described physical, chemical, and biological precautionary
measures to be taken as well as a second line of defense against potential disease outbreaks.
Physical measures are those that aim at preventing the intrusion of disease-carrying vectors to the
farm site, and include physical barriers, water treatment, and quarantine. Chemical measures are
those used to treat materials before they enter the facility. Chlorination and ozonization are often
used to treat incoming water, and iodine and chlorine are used to treat other potential vectors
such as tools, footwear, and clothing. Biological measures include the use of SPF shrimp, which
are readily available commercially. A second line of defense for the shrimp industry is to use
specific pathogen-resistant shrimp, which, in addition to being disease-free, are resistant to
specific diseases. If a disease presents itself at a particular pond, effective biosecurity measures
should prevent the complete loss of the crop and the spread of disease to other ponds. Lightner
(2003) recommended an approach to eliminating pathogens at the stock level and partial
disinfection at the facility level. To eliminate pathogens in post-larvae and broodstock, affected
tanks and ponds should be depopulated, disinfected, and restocked with SPF shrimp. It may,
however, be necessary to depopulate the entire stock and to fallow the entire facility if partial
disinfection (using lime, chlorine, or drying) is not successful.
Horowitz and Horowitz (2003) suggested providing better environmental and biological
conditions to the infected population to increase its ability to resist diseases. They discussed the
following steps: a) effect physical measures (increase aeration, control temperature, improve the
feeding regime, remove sludge and organic matter, and treat wastewater) to improve the
environmental conditions, b) effect chemical measures, including control of PH and salinity,
reduction of ammonia and nitrite, and application of antibiotics, and c) to use effective biological
measures, consisting mainly of the use of probiotics containing a mix of bacterial species to
establish beneficial microbial communities under culture conditions.

We should surveillance work to protect biosecurity of farm

The quality of inputs

Whether they are animals (eggs, larvae, juveniles...) or supplies (food, veterinary products...), it
is essential to check the quality of all resources that are used in the farm.

The quality of incoming water

This is a more or less controllable variable depending on the rearing system that is applied. After
all aspects of the pre-installation phase have been checked, the water must then be sampled
periodically. This is a key parameter that needs to be monitored and assessed on an ongoing

The disinfection of vehicles accessing the farm

It is common for drivers of vehicles entering a farm to circulate in between several fish farms as
they are likely to be veterinarians, feed manufacturers, fish transporter, etc. To this end, wheel
dips can be used for better disinfection of cars.
Figure: Disinfect the vehicle entering the farm.

The disinfection of equipment used in handling fish

Precautionary measures related to pathogens must be applied to all production units - ponds,
cages, ponds or aquarium - within each farm. Therefore, the transfers of equipment from pond to
pond must be spaced out as much as possible, especially when it comes to the transfers of nets,
which are the most likely tools to be directly in contact with animals.
Figure: Disinfect farm personnel.

Employee hygiene within the farm

Farm workers must regularly wash their hands; this rule especially applies to those who
manipulate animals through sorting, vaccination, feeding... Hydro-alcoholic solutions have
proved efficient and easy to handle to this end. In addition, all employees must have their shoes
thoroughly decontaminated. In this respect, placing footbaths and brushes at the entrance of each
livestock compartment can help limit the spread of pathogens. Keeping a regularly updated
register of visits also constitutes an important component of the protection process.

The manipulation of dead and/or moribund animals

Since dead animals are particularly likely to be contagious, their carcasses should be handled
with care so the pathogens they contain will not spread. It is also of the utmost importance to
isolate and destroy these carcasses soon after death has occurred.

The reduction of the stress level in animals

Limiting animals‟ stress can favor improved performance. Furthermore, stress has physiological
repercussions leading to the spread of diseases in livestock.
Culture of P. monodon is a very profitable business. This whole article has a brief discussion on
culture of P. monodon in Brave Pvt. Co. Ltd. I would like to thank Mr. Nizam M. Selim for his
direction to me for the study about P. monodon culture. Without his direction I do not encourage
to have such a deep study on this topic. This article is assigned to me to justify my fisheries
expertise about Bagda culture. I don‟t know the company will or will not recruit me as a
Production manager in Brave Pvt. Co. Ltd. but this study open my eyes that as a fisheries
graduate I have lot of lacks on deep study with some of topic in my expertise area and fisheries.
This study makes me as a P. monodon specialist and its culture specialist. Again thanks to Mr.
Nizam M. Selim.

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