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Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation 5:341–346 (1999)

© 1999 American Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation

Historical markers in the development of allogeneic

hematopoietic cell transplantation
E. Donnall Thomas,1 Karl G. Blume2
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington; 2Division of Bone Marrow
Transplantation, Stanford University Medical School, Stanford, California

Correspondence: E. Donnall Thomas, MD, Professor of Medicine, Emeritus, Member, University of Washington, Fred
Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, 1100 Fairview Ave. N. D5-100, Seattle, WA 98109

(Received 2 August 1999; accepted 10 September 1999)

Leukemia • Immunodeficiency diseases • Cord blood • Cellular hypothesis • Histocompatibility typing

INTRODUCTION was logical to think that the marrow recovery was the conse-
As we come to the close of the second millenium, it is quence of humoral or hormonal factors that stimulated the
interesting to note that almost everything we know about marrow regrowth and, thus, allowed the mice to survive.
the transplantation of tissues and organs has come about
in the 20th century. Alexis Carrel received the Nobel
Prize in medicine in 1912 for his work on vascular sutures 1954–1956: THE CELLULAR HYPOTHESIS
and the transplantation of blood vessels and organs. He In 1954, Barnes and Loutit noted that the re c o v e ry
and others showed that an allogeneic graft could function brought about by spleen or marrow cell infusion might be due
for a time but then would fail. The antigenic basis of to living cells and that the reported experiments did not
tumor transplants was established based on experiments in exclude the cellular hypothesis [9]. In 1955, Main and Prehn
m i c e[ 1 ] and led to the recognition of the H2 transplanta- described studies of lethally irradiated mice protected by a mar-
tion antigen system [2]. Medawar clearly established the row infusion and given subsequent skin grafts from the marrow
imm unologic basis for gra ft reject ion and desc ribed donor [10]. Even across major histocompatibility barriers,
neonatal tolerance in mice [3]. Thus, at the end of World donor skin grafts were not rejected, a proof of tolerance that
War II, the stage was set for the development of hemato- could be explained only by the transfer of living cells. In 1956,
poietic cell transplantation. Ford et al. showed that the marrow of such mice displayed the
This brief account of historical markers is intended to cytogenetic characteristics of the marrow donor [11].
highlight those publications that had a direct bearing on the
clinical application of hematopoietic cell transplantation.
Three excellent monographs provide detailed information 1956–1959: RECOGNITION OF THE POTENTIAL OF
about the development of transplantation biology [4–6]. MARROW GRAFTING IN THE TREATMENT OF HUMAN
In 1956, Barnes et al. described the treatment of murine
1949–1951: THE HUMORAL HYPOTHESIS leukemia by supralethal irradiation and marrow grafting [12].
During this time, because of the possibility of atomic They pointed out the potential application of marrow graft-
warfare and the newly available radioactive isotopes, there ing to human patients. Attempts to treat human patients by
was a great deal of interest in the biological effects of irradi- supralethal irradiation and marrow grafting were reported by
ation. It was recognized that the bone marrow was the most Thomas et al. in 1957 [13]. In 1958, Kurnick et al. described
sensitive organ in the body and that marrow failure was the the use of the patients’ own marrow to facilitate marrow
cause of death at low lethal radiation exposures. In 1949, recovery of patients with solid tumors treated intensively with
Jacobson et al. found that mice could survive an otherwise chemo-irradiation [14]. In 1959, Thomas et al. reported two
lethal irradiation exposure if the spleen were protected by a patients with advanced leukemia who were treated with
lead foil [7]. In 1951, Lorenz et al. described a similar pro- supralethal irradiation and marrow from their identical twins.
tective effect of an infusion of spleen or marrow cells [8]. It Although their leukemia came back in a few months, they

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Figure 1. Outcome in dogs after transplantation following irradiation

Survival of dogs given 1000 rad total body irradiation and marrow from littermates matched and mismatched for dog leukocyte antigens. Some recipients of
matched marrow were given a short course of intermittent methotrexate after grafting to suppress the GVH reaction (adapted from [31–33]).

were the first patients deliberately given supralethal irradia- 1960s and concluded that none had been successful [21].
tion, and their prompt hematological recovery supported the Mathé et al. achieved the first allogeneic marrow graft in a
principles underlying this new treatment strategy [15]. patient with leukemia, but the patient died with many
problems that probably were due to the complications of
chronic GVHD [22]. Continued success with transplanta-
1956–1959: ADVANCES IN MARROW GRAFTING tion between identical twins demonstrated the feasibility of
TECHNOLOGY THROUGH ANIMAL STUDIES m a rrow grafting between histocompatible donors and
Experiments in inbred mice defined the immunology of recipients.
allogeneic grafting. It was shown in mice that intravenous Dogs are an outbred species suitable for clinical proce-
infusion was the optimal route for administration of marrow dures used for human patients, and family groups of them
stem cells [16]. Bellingham and Brent found that allogeneic are readily available. It was found that dogs could survive
cells in the marrow graft could mount an immune reaction 2 to 4 times the lethal exposure to irradiation if given an
against the tissue of the host, resulting in a wasting syndrome intravenous infusion of their own marrow cells that had
now known as graft-vs.-host disease (GVHD) [17]. Uphoff been set aside or cry o p re s e rved before the irr a d i a t i o n
reported that genetic factors controlled the immune reac- [23,24]. Studies in dogs demonstrated the spectrum of
tions of donor cells against the host [18] and that methotrex- results following allogeneic marrow grafting, including
ate could ameliorate the graft-vs.-host reaction [19]. failure of engraftment, graft rejection, engraftment fol-
Following the Main and Prehn report described above lowed by GVHD, and stable engraftment without GVHD
and its confirmation by other researchers, there was a great [25]. Hematopoiet ic c ell s for engr aftment co uld be
deal of interest in the possibility that a marrow graft followed obtained from the peripheral blood in dogs as well as in
by an organ graft might be a general method for allogeneic mice [26,27].
transplantation in mammalian species. In 1959, Mannick Dausset et al. and van Rood et al. had described human
et al. described a dog given lethal irradiation and a marrow leukocyte antigen (HLA) groups [28,29], and it was
graft, followed by a kidney transplant, from an unrelated dog thought that these antigens might be important in trans-
[20]. The treated dog died of pneumonia 73 days after irradi- plantation. Studies of skin graft survival in human volun-
ation and 49 days after the kidney graft, with a cellular mar- teers suggested that the human leukocyte antigens were
row and no sign of rejection of the kidney. This animal illus- histocompatibility antigens, but the graft survivals were
trated proof that marrow graft followed by organ graft could difficult to interpret and the technique carried the risk of
be successful, but, unfortunately, demonstrated the hazards transmission of disease to and sensitization of the recipi-
of allogeneic marrow grafting. This approach to allogeneic ent [30].
organ transplantation was abandoned because of similar dis- Studies of the dog leukocyte antigen system pro v e d
asters in human patients and also because immunosuppres- that dog leukocyte antigens (DLA) were crucial in deter-
sive drugs were beginning to be introduced at that time. mining the outcome of an allogeneic marrow graft [31].
Dogs given irradiation and marrow from a DLA-mismatched
littermate died of graft rejection or GVHD. Most recipi-
1960–1967: PESSIMISM ABOUT ALLOGENEIC MARROW ents of DLA-matched marrow, especially those given some
GRAFTING IN HUMAN PATIENTS BUT PROGRESS IN postgrafting methotrexate to suppress the GVH reaction,
ANIMAL MODELS OF ALLOGENEIC MARROW GRAFTING became long-term healthy survivors [32–34] (Fig. 1).
Bortin collected data about approximately 200 human These observations encouraged further trials of marrow
allogeneic marrow grafts carried out in the 1950s and grafting between matched human siblings.

Hematopoietic Cell Transplants

Effective supportive care of the patient without marrow In 1976, the Seattle team reported the development of a
function had been developed by 1968, including blood com- plateau on a semilog plot of a Kaplan-Meier disease-free
ponent transfusion technology and improved antibiotics. survival curve, suggesting that some patients with advanced
Increasing knowledge of HLA systems made it possible to leukemia were being cured by chemo-irradiation and mar-
select compatible family members as marrow donors. In row grafting [4l]. In 1977, they reported the long-term sur-
1968 and 1969, three infants with immune deficiency dis- vival of 13 of 100 patients who received transplants for
eases received successful transplants from HLA-matched advanced leukemia [42].
siblings [35–37]. Because of their disease, these patients Once it was shown that some patients in the end stages
required neither immunosuppression to prevent rejection of leukemia could be cured, it became possible to consider
and GVHD nor cytotoxic agents to eliminate malignancy. transplantations earlier in the course of the disease. In 1979,
More than 25 years later, these three patients are well and two reports of transplantation for acute myeloid leukemia in
are leading normal lives. first remission showed greatly improved results [43,44].
Successful marrow grafts from matched siblings proved Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) had not been cured
to be much more difficult to achieve for older children and by chemotherapy, but in 1979, Fefer et al. described the dis-
adults with advanced leukemia or aplastic anemia. In 1969, appearance of the Ph chromosome in four patients treated
the Seattle team treated a patient with the blastic phase of with chemotherapy, irradiation, and an identical twin mar-
chronic myeloid leukemia by total body irradiation and mar- row transplant [45]. Preliminary reports had described treat-
row transplantation from a matched sibling. The transplan- ment of CML in chronic phase by chemo-irradiation and
tation was successful, but the patient died of cytomegalovirus allogeneic marrow transplantation from a matched sibling
pneumonia, an early example of the problem of opportunis- [46,47]. In 1986, two studies of large numbers of patients
tic infections in the postgrafting period [38]. with CML re p o rted that a majority could be cured by
In 1972, the Seattle team reported successful transplan- c h e m o - i rradiation and a marrow graft [48,49]. Figure 2
tations for patients with severe aplastic anemia [39]. In 1975, shows the clinical results of 389 patients with CML who
a review article by members of the team described the state received marrow grafts from histocompatible related donors.
of knowledge of marrow transplantation at that time [40]. The first cures of Thalassemia major and of sickle cell
The article described the results in 37 patients with severe disease were also reported during this period [50,51]. Figure 3
aplastic anemia and 73 with leukemia in the terminal phase illustrates the outcome of transplantation for 34 patients
of their disease who received transplants after failure of con- with sickle cell anemia. Better prevention and control of
ventional treatment. Notable results were successful engraft- GVHD came from removal of T cells from the marrow
ment of some patients with aplastic anemia, and engraftment innoculum [52,53] or by a combination of a short course of
and survival in remission of a few patients with leukemia. methotrexate combined with cyclosporine [54,55].

Figure 2. Patient outcome after transplantation for CML

Kaplan-Meier estimates for survival, event-free survival, and cumulative incidence of relapse through 1996 for 389 patients in Seattle with CML who received
transplants from HLA-identical related donors during the chronic phase after treatment with either cyclophosphamide with total body irradiation or busulfan with
cyclophosphamide (reproduced by permission from Thomas ED and Cliff RA: Allogeneic transplantation for chronic myeloid leukemia. In: ED Thomas, KG
Blume, SJ Forman [eds] Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation. 2nd ed. Boston: Blackwell Science, 811, 1999).

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Figure 3. Patient outcome after transplantation for sickle cell disease

Kaplan-Meier estimates for survival and event-free survival following marrow transplantation for sickle cell disease are shown. An event is defined as death, graft
rejection, or recurrence of sickle cell disease. A cumulative incidence curve for rejection and return of sickle cell disease is also depicted (reproduced by permission from
Walters MC, Patience M, Leisenring W, et al. Collaborative multi-center investigation of marrow transplantation for sickle cell disease: current results and future
directions. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 3:310, 1997).

1986–PRESENT: HEMATOPOIETIC CELL et al. opens a new approach to the transplantation of his-
TRANSPLANTATION AS STANDARD THERAPY toincompatible marrow allografts, using cells made aner-
With hundreds of marrow transplant teams reporting gic by elimination of costimulatory signals [75].
data, it is not possible to cite all the important publications in
the space available. Among the most notable are the following:
• The development of the preparative regimen of cyclophos- During the second half of the 20th century, several
phamide and busulfan that avoids the use of irradiation generations of investigators from many countries have
for some diseases [56]. contributed a wealth of scientific information based on
• The introduction of ganciclovir for the control of experimental and clinical re s e a rch. These eff o rts have
cytomegalovirus infections [57,58] (reviewed in [59]). changed the role of hematopoietic cell transplantation
• The use of donor lymphocyte infusions for eradication of from a desperate therapeutic maneuver to a curative treat-
recurrent leukemia or lymphoproliferative disease [60–62]. ment modality for thousands of patients, especially when it
• The use of hematopoietic stem cells from peripheral is used for patients in the early stages of their disease. The
blood or cord blood, which has changed the terminology number of diseases for which hematopoietic cell transplan-
from marrow transplantation to hematopoietic cell trans- tation can be applied is also increasing rapidly. During the
plantation [63–65] . next decades, we are likely to witness a continued gain of
• The advances in immunogenetics of HLA, especially typ- new research information, leading to novel and improved
ing by molecular techniques (reviewed in [66]). concepts that may further extend the application of this
• The creation of large panels of tissue-typed volunteer form of treatment.
donors that has made possible transplantations fro m
donors who are not family members [67,68]. Donor reg-
istries have been established in many countries to facili- REFERENCES
tate international cooperation in locating matched mar- 1 Gorer PA: The antigenic basis of tumour transplantation. J Path
row donors (reviewed in [69]). Bact 47:231, 1938.
• Hematopoietic cell transplantation using nonmyeloabla- 2 Snell GD: Methods for the study of histocompatibility genes.
tive techniques to avoid regimen-related toxicity and J Genetics 49:87, 1948.
death [70] (reviewed in [7l]). These techniques suggest 3 Medawar PB: The immunology of transplantation. Harvey Lec-
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Hematopoietic Cell Transplants

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