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LLCM Discussion

-Which is your favourite piece performed today and why?

*My favourite piece that i've performed today is un sospiro from listz because I enjoy the romantic period
than the other period, you can express more with the top note and the melody on the piece is very
delightful. My favourite part of this piece is the opening part because its so calm and the melody is so

-From which period of musical history does this piece come? What are some of the characteristics of the
piece that indicate it is from this period?

• - Mozart in C Minor: Classical period

Reason: Emphasis on beauty, elegance and balance. More variety and contrast within a piece than

- Chopin ballade no 1: romantic period

Reason: dramatic contrast of dynamics and pitch and freedom of form and design.

- Un Sospiro : romantic period

Reason: dramatic contrast of dynamics and pitch and freedom of form and design

- Danzas Argentina: 20th century period

Reason: The rhythm is more complex, the melody are often fragmented or dissonant, the harmony is often
experimental and dissonant.

- Marigold: 20th century period

Reason: The rhythm is more complex, the melody are often fragmented or dissonant, the harmony is often
experimental and dissonant.

-Tell me about the composer - do you know or play other pieces by them?

 W.A. Mozart: Mozart is considered one of the most important and most famous classical music
composers in history. His works include compositions that are widely recognized as the
culmination of symphonic musical works, chamber music, piano music, opera music, and choral
music. Examples of his work are the operas of Don Giovanni and Die Zauberflöte.

 Franz Listz: Franz Liszt is a composer, pianist, and music teacher from Hungary in the 19th
century. In adition, he introduced new forms of music in the Romanticism era and is one of the
greatest pianists in history. Some of the most widely known works of Franz Liszt are: La
Campanella, Hungarian Rhapsodies,
 Frederic Chopin: Frederic Chopin is a composer and performer piano virtuoso from Poland .He is
recognized as one of the greatest Romantic musicians. Chopin had a natural talent for playing the
piano, this is seen in his improvisations for the piano.

 Alberto Ginastera: Alberto Ginastera was an Argentinian composer of classical music. He is

considered one of the most important 20th-century classical composers of the Americas.
Ginastera’s masterpiece is the chamber opera Bomarzo , which established him as one of the
leading opera composers of the 20th century.

 Billy Mayerl: William Joseph Mayerl was an English pianist and composer who built a career in
music hall and musical theatre and became an acknowledged master of light music. And his best-
known composition is”Marigold”.

-What difficulties did you overcome in performing this piece?

- Chopin ballade no.1: You need to play it very expressive and at the end part, for me it’s the hardest
part is the end because its really fast and you need to be precise to hit every note correctly.

- Un Sospiro: This piece is quite challenging for me because you need to be consistent and its hard to
play the melody because you have to switch often with your righ and left hand.

- Sonata in C Minor: The hardest part for me is the song is very long and to play the song perfectly for
20 minutes isn’t a easy thing for me and the second movement there is lots of articulation and you need a
lot of practice to mastered it.

- Danzas Argentina: For me, the third movement is the hardest part of the song because its ridiculous
fast and you need to focus at the right hand and left hand at the same time and to play it perfectly its quite

- Marigold: the toughest bit that i found was the tremelo section on the second page. Try to keep you
wrists relaxed through the whole piece, and remove as much tension as possible. But this piece is really
fun to play and I really enjoyed it.

-What did you particular feel pleased about your performance today?

* Im so proud that I can play the end part of the chopin ballade no.1 so clear and clean because ive
practice that part really for months.

-What, if anything, were less pleased about?

* I will feel a bit upset because I know that I can do better than that. I will practice as hard as I can to play
the piece perfectly

-What inspires you to perform your music?

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