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Social psychological factors and their relation to work-related stress as

generating effect of burnout

Article  in  Interdisciplinaria · December 2019

DOI: 10.16888/interd.2019.36.2.3


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1 author:

Ricardo Prada
Universidad EAN


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Social psychological factors and their relation to work-related
stress as generating effect of burnout

Ricardo Prada-Ospina1

Doctor en Ciencias Empresariales. Doctor en Gestión. Magister en Administración. Profesor Ti-


tular, Facultad de Administración, Finanzas y Ciencias Económicas, Universidad EAN. Bogotá,

Colombia. E-mail:

Resumen obtenidos se pudo determinar que existen

correlaciones entre las actividades laborales,
El entorno cambiante actual donde las el burnout y el desinterés emocional, la falta de
exigencias y la competencia al interior de incentivos, en relación con los programas de
las organizaciones genera altos niveles de bienestar en el trabajo. Así mismo, los análisis
presión, propicia la aparición de enfermedades de regresión evidencian el efecto negativo del
profesionales: estrés, síndrome de burnout, síndrome de burnout y la incidencia negativa
entre otras, en las que el factor emocional o del estrés laboral en la motivación de los cola-
psicológico juega un papel determinante. El boradores.
presente artículo está orientado a determinar
la incidencia de cinco factores del trabajo y su Palabras clave: Motivación; Bienestar laboral;
repercusión en la motivación, el estrés laboral Estrés; Salud mental; Satisfacción laboral.
y el bienestar de los colaboradores de salud
en cuatro hospitales de alta complejidad y Abstract
otros de menor nivel en Medellín y Bogotá.
Conforme a este objetivo se aplicó el cues- Workers are the most valuable and impor-
tionario Maslach Burnout Inventory-MBI tant resource in organizations, however, the
cuyas 22 preguntas se relacionaron mediante specific demands of high competitiveness
la agrupación en cinco factores del trabajo due to globalization, market needs and rapid
conducentes a producir agotamiento. La changes in organizations and companies
muestra estuvo formada por 360 profesionales have come to complicate the work environ-
de salud que respondieron al cuestionario ment in which their activities are developed.
MBI, adaptado a conocer su percepción con The importance of work is so strong that on
respecto a las variables Incentivos, Satisfac- several occasions the value of a person is
ción y Burnout, entre otras. defined by their profession or work, by their
Fueron encuestados profesionales de la location in the formal structure of an organi-
salud de diversas disciplinas (médicos, anes- zation or company, or by the titles and honors
tesiólogos, enfermeras, auxiliares de enfer- obtained (Pérez, 2005). This has led to daily
mería, instrumentistas y administradores), work becoming more demanding every day
en la búsqueda de indagar por los puntos and generates concern, suffering and illness in
débiles de su trabajo, la ausencia de incen- the human beings who work, affecting moti-
tivos, los niveles de desapego, así como la vation, interest and professional satisfaction.
posible desmotivación inducida por ausencia As a result, it has diminished and the percep-
de programas de bienestar. De los resultados tion of efficiency is affected, until it achieves

INTERDISCIPLINARIA, 2019, 36(2), 39-53 39


a form of detachment in the workplace the variables Incentives, Satisfaction and

(Maslach, & Jackson, 1981). Burnout, among others. For this purpose,
A growing factor in recent times is the health professionals from different disci-
study and investigation of what happens to plines (doctors, anesthesiologists, nurses,
man in his work experience. The work envi- nursing assistants, instrumentalists and admi-
ronment is one of the main sources of risk nistrators) were interviewed, in the search
of exhaustion or chronic work stress. This to investigate the weak points of their work,
stress is related to pressure factors in the work the absence of incentives, the levels of deta-
environment, greater demands than the capa- chment, as well as the possible demotivation
bilities, resources and needs of the worker. induced by absence of welfare programs.
Causes emotional fatigue, lack of persona- From the results obtained it was possible to
lization and low professional satisfaction, determine that there are correlations between
this can occur in occupations that are largely work activities, burnout and emotional disin-
oriented in the field of providing assistance terest, the lack of incentives, in relation to
and services to people, in occupations where workplace wellness programs. Likewise,
there is a relationship between the provider regression analyzes show the negative effect
and the recipient of the service, caused by of the burnout syndrome and the negative
different situations, among them, the pressure incidence of work stress on employee moti-
for the increase of the productivity, the lack vation.
of training or conflicts not solved correctly.
In turn, the persistence of stress related to Keywords: Motivation; Wellbeing at work;
work can lead to the development of burnout Stress; Mental health; Work satisfaction.
syndrome, which is characterized as a type of
chronic work stress. Introduction
The purpose of this article is to determine
the incidence of satisfaction and motivation Workers are the most important resource
in work-related stress and acceptance of well- in the organizations, however, globalization,
being in the emergency rooms of four highly needs of the market and quick changes in the
complex hospitals and two hospitals with organizations and companies have compli-
lower levels of care, in Medellin and Bogotá cated the working environment. Daily work is
by applying the Maslach Burnout Inven- more demanding every day and it generates
tory-MBI whose 22 questions were related by concern, suffering and disease in humans,
grouping into five factors of work leading to affecting the motivation, satisfaction and
exhaustion. professional fulfilment. As a result, it has
The research focuses on the analysis of five decreased and the perception of efficiency is
variables that were selected because of their impaired, until it achieves a form of an atta-
importance for the involvement of workers chment in the workplace (Maslach & Jackson,
and that will allow creating a specific concept 1981).
of the elements that motivate and discourage Stress is linked to factors of pressure in
workers in the health area using previously the working environment, greater demands
conducted studies. These are: stress related than the capabilities, resources and needs of
to work activities, burnout syndrome, work the worker. It causes emotional exhaustion,
incentives and job satisfaction, and well-being non-personalization and low professional
at work. fulfillment, this can take place in occupations
The sample consisted of 360 health profes- which are oriented largely within the field of
sionals who answered the MBI questionnaire, the provision of assistance and services to
adapted to know their perception regarding people, in occupations in which there is a rela-

40 INTERDISCIPLINARIA, 2019, 36(2), 39-53

Psychosocial factors generating burnout syndrome

tionship between the provider and the reci- mona and Robles-Ortega (2011) as an
pient of the service, caused by different situa- inappropriate answer to a chronic emotional
tions, among them, the pressure for increased stress, is the result of the above situations,
productivity, lack of training or conflicts not causing in people a remarkable psychological
resolved correctly. In turn, the persistence of and emotional exhaustion, physical tiredness,
work-related stress can lead to development low enthusiasm and low personal fulfillment.
of burnout syndrome, characterized as a type In the area of health, this anomaly is frequent,
of chronic occupational stress. because of the employees’ high stress levels
This article aims to determine the incidence (European Agency for Safety and Health
of the degree of satisfaction and motivation on at Work, 2009). In Spain, for example, it
work-related stress and acceptance of welfare has been found that nursery staff, especially
in emergency rooms of four high complexity female gender, endures higher work pressure
hospitals in Medellin and Bogota through the in front o the daily situations of their job,
application of the Maslach adapted question- causing anxiety, depression, headaches, high
naire. blood pressure, ulcers, among others (Limo-
nero et al., 2004).
Theoretical framework
In the case of Colombia, the healthcare
The importance of the work is so strong that staffs live something similar. Work-related
in several occasions the value of a person is fatigue and dissatisfaction in employees of
defined by its profession or job, by its location operating rooms is constant due to the stress
in the formal structure of an organization or that arises daily and the complexity of their
company, or by the obtained titles and honors activities, causing fatigue mainly by the exten-
(Pérez, 2005). An increasing factor in recent sive day, multiple activities in charge and not
times is the study and investigation of which enough staff, perceiving also that compensa-
occurs to man in his labor experience. The tion received falls short against the amount of
work environment is one of the main sources work assigned. The quality of life of emplo-
of stress risk. The investigation focuses on the yees is affected by demand and the commit-
analysis in five variables that were selected by ment that represent their functions, due to
its importance to the affectation of workers grueling work schedules and specially by the
and which will allow to create an own concept constant search for balance between personal
of the elements that motivate and discourage - familiar life and working life, where most
workers from the area of health using studies times the role as a healthcare professional
previously carried out. These are: Work-re- wins.
lated stress, syndrome of burnout, motivation
and satisfaction in the work, and wellbeing at Work-related stress.
Work-related stress is a factor of risk for Social, technological and cultural advances
the psychological wellbeing of workers, and specially the constant changes in the stra-
consequently the organizations, worried by tegies of management of organizations carry
the increase of cardiovascular diseases, the both positive and negative consequences for
high indices of obesity and the conditions the lifestyle of the workers. The permanent
associated to the activities performed in the evolution and adaptation to changes of the
work sites, currently pay more attention to market brings with it an accelerated growth in
this type of affectations of the health (Fernán- companies as well as a significant increase in
dez-López et al., 2003). On the other hand, the the assigned activities to each partner; assu-
syndrome of burnout, defined by García-Car- ming in this way an excessive workload in

INTERDISCIPLINARIA, 2019, 36(2), 39-53 41


comparison with their capabilities. Excess of is a level of occupational stress extended that
work commitments and personal (externally includes emotional tiredness, interpersonal
and internally conditioned) associated with isolation and reduction of bonding with other
the lack of psychological resources of control people (Trigo, Teng & Hallak, 2007).
or situational coping, leads to work-related Freudenberger (1974) is the author who
stress (Dolan, García & Díez, 2005). The term introduces the concept of burnout. He
stress comes from physics and refers to the defines it as the sensation of failure and as
pressure exercised by one body on the other; the exhausting existence resulting in over-
the one who receives more pressure can be charged energies, personal resources and
destroyed and was adopted by Psychology, spiritual strength in the worker. While, Pines
becoming a denominator of the set of psycho and Kafry (1978) state that someone can
physiologic symptoms such as: tiredness, loss undergo physical, emotional and behavioral
of appetite, weight loss and asthenia, among fatigue. At that time, in 1976, the social
others (Selye, 1950). psychologist Cristina Maslach studied the
Work-related-stress could be perceived as emotional responses of employees of helping
those situations in which people feel threatened professions to people, describing the gradual
by their working environment, it takes place process of lack of responsibility and lack of
in their needs, personal and profession growth interest among their workmates, with a term
or in both physical and mental health, which similar to that used by California attorneys.
affects the integration of the worker’s field of That is, burnout, which was a term of great
work (França & Rodríguez, 2005). Work-re- social acceptance (Maslach & Jackson, 1986).
lated-stress can be seen as “any force” that Unlikely, Gil-Monte and Peiró (1997) define
leads any psychological or physical factor burnout as the answer to chronic stress that is
beyond stability limits and it produces the accompanied with a subjective experience of
individual tense behavior (Cooper, Cooper & feelings, cognitions and attitudes that provoke
Eaker, 1988). According to Siegrist’s (1996) physiologic changes in the person and nega-
point of view, work-related-stress is asso- tive consequences to working institutions. In
ciated with the lack of equilibrium between the conceptual delimitation of the term two
effort and reward at work. There exists an perspectives can be differentiated: the clinical
optimum stress level for every person (Eues- and the psychosocial (Gil-Monte & Peiró,
tres). In a way that if it keeps an activating 1997), being the clinic, that which has a state
level above or below this level, it will have a to which the subject comes as a result of work
negative effect over the working performance stress, supported proposal for the first contri-
(Korman, 1974).  butions of Freudenberger (1974) and of Pines
& Aronson (1988). The psychosocial perspec-
Burnout syndrome. tive is when this event is presented by the inte-
raction of characteristics of the work environ-
Work-related-stress concerns a conside- ment and personal order, for which Maslach &
rable number of situations that belongs to Jackson (1981), Gil-Monte, Peiró & Valcárcel
daily-life and it is an excellent base for the (1995), among others, contribute differences
development of the burnout approach, to in different periods within their jobs.
which it is possible to get through a process Harrison (1999) considers
of psychological accommodation between the the burnout hypothesis as the kind of stress that
stressed worker and the working job (Cherniss, persists in working situations and turns out to
1980). The word “burnout” is an Anglo-Saxon be the constant and repetitive emotional pres-
word that means not only exhausted but also to sure. It is associated to an intense and long-
lose motivation about work (Aranda, 2006). It term implication with people. Farber (1983)

42 INTERDISCIPLINARIA, 2019, 36(2), 39-53

Psychosocial factors generating burnout syndrome

explains that the relation of the burnout notion sonal relationships with peers, subordinates,
at work: “Burnout is a syndrome related to bosses and clients, as well as the stimuli of
work. It emerges for the perception in the the work environment for the fulfillment of
subject as a discrepancy between the realized assigned activities (Marrau, 2009).
efforts and what has been achieved” (p. 23). The burnout syndrome is recognized as an
Edelwich and Brodsky (1980) defines the occupational risk for professionals that unders-
burnout syndrome as the progressive loss of tand health cares, education and personal
idealism, energy and the reasons lived by the services (Trigo et al., 2007). According to
people in the helping professions, as the result the European Agency for Safety and Health
of the working conditions. This is an extended at Work (2009) it impacts in a higher degree
answer to chronic stressors that have an inter- to health and education professionals, who
personal and emotional basis (Grau-Alberola, do activities that require big commitments
Gil-Monte, García-Juesas & Figueiredo-Fe- such as guaranteeing healthy, safe and satis-
rraz, 2010), the nature of this is conceived by fied patient. Also, the semi-permanent care
the physical, emotional and mental tiredness of children, pre-adolescents and adolescents.
and it is caused by the person who has been Young employees are prone to suffer from this
involved for long periods of times, which disorder, taking into consideration that during
affects him/her emotionally (Pines, Aronson & their first working years these helpers are in a
Kafry, 1981). However, sometimes it is diffi- sensitization and adaption stage to the conti-
cult to differentiate them, since their effects nuity of the service. There is a negative effect
(pyscho-physiological and social) could be from work-related-stress in the family life of
everlasting (Peiró & Salvador, 1992). Barros workers, due to physical and emotional tired-
and Nahas (2001) highlight the fatigue caused ness, which is exteriorized in different scena-
by the burnout’s syndrome may lead to disrupt rios such as home (Patlán, 2013).
the individual’s self. As a consequence of it, it In any case, there is still no consensus on
favors the development of cold, negatives and equating the terms burnout and work stress,
insensitive personalities; it traduces the loss except for reconceiving some kind of simila-
of humanity, hostility, intolerance and imper- rity between the two concepts. However, defi-
sonal treatment. It arises from a malfunction nitions such as Freudenberger (1974), Maslach
among the individual’s capacities and his/her & Jackson (1981) or Pines, Aronson & Kafry
requirements from work. This can be chronic, (1981) reiterate in their works the difficulty in
when the person cannot recover completely considering these terms as similar.
during work-time, or worse, considering then
short-term situations (Martínez-Selva, 2004). Motivation.
The establishment of high goals and the
generation of expectations in the workplace The term motivation is difficult to quantify
are also latent causes of burnout syndrome, and qualify among employees, because it is
since people who manage to establish posi- intimately linked to attitude and perception,
tive connections with their work seek to fulfill even so it is defined as one of the principal
the proposed objectives and when faced with influencers of success, learning and outcome.
situations of failure or failure to comply with Consequently, human motivation must also be
an expected result they become frustrated considered, it is defined as an emotional state
and end up developing this disorder (Marrau, that is generated in a person as a consequence
2009). This syndrome responds to a set of of the influence exerted by certain motives on
organizational factors such as the workplace their behavior (Koenes, 1996).
climate, the institution’s own culture and its Motivation comes from the Latin motivus
concordance with individual values, interper- (movement) and the suffix -ción (action and

INTERDISCIPLINARIA, 2019, 36(2), 39-53 43


effect) which means: to move or generate González & Agulló, 2007). Meliá &d Peiró
energy that leads to the accomplishment of an (1989) define work satisfaction as an attitude
aim; it also could mean have or offer motives or ensemble of developed attitudes by people
for action. Motivation is what drives the indi- to their employment situation. Also it can be
vidual to respond with different behaviors to related to work in general or some specific
particular activities or situations, therefore, facets while Koontz & O’Donell (2006) state
work motivation is the force that encou- that work satisfaction has to do with the well-
rages the worker to meet their own needs and being experienced at work, when a desire is
achieve goals through the development of his fulfilled, to which work motivation is asso-
job. ciated.
Labor motivation can be defined as the level
of effort that people are willing to perform in Work well-being.
their work (Boada, Tous, Ester & Vigil, 1998;
Boada, 1999; Boada, 2001). According to Work well-being is a set of characteristics
Koenes (1996) it is the emotional state of an that include positive personal experiences in
individual derived from the influence exerted the development of their work, which gene-
by certain motives. Aguado (2014) argues that rate the worker, a high degree of satisfaction;
motivation can affect the expected outcome generating a high index of well-being both
and in turn reflects such behavior in the beha- physical, mental and social; understanding that
vior, since it can be affected by external stimuli labor well-being does not distinguish occupa-
and personal factors, which affect the outcome tions or ranks within the company (Rodríguez
and therefore the behavior that can occur in & Reyes, 2010). Interest in the study of well-
some situation. In short, it is what makes an being has existed for some years now. Research
individual act and behave in a certain way. It on this aspect, have broadly pointed out, that
is a combination of intellectual, physiological there are psychological factors that favor the
and psychological processes that decides, in a increase of well-being. In this respect, Blanch,
given situation, how vigorously it acts and in Sahún, Cantera & Cervantes (2010) refer that
which direction energy is channeled (Solana, the most commonly accepted concept of well-
1993). being (subjective or psychological) lies in a
set of value judgments, as well as emotional
Working satisfaction. reactions regarding the level of satisfaction,
positivism and satisfaction, obtained in the
A key factor in successful organizations is experiences of life, which makes think that an
collaborators’ satisfaction in their daily tasks optimistic and pleasant view of the individual
inside companies, which make efforts by doing in front of their own and environmental condi-
some satisfaction studies and evaluating each tions will depend on the degree of well-being
of the factors that may influence on decision perceived and achieved by it.
making and the quality of the offered services. One of the critical factors to ensure the
Different researchers have contributed by well-being of workers is the opportunity for
pointing out some definitions on work satis- workers to develop their skills and knowledge
faction, which provides the well-being study in the organization, making their contributions
at work and allows the beginning of interac- generates new ideas that are taken into account
tion analysis in the workers’ environment. within the operation and / or strategy of the
Labor satisfaction is revealed as a predictor organization. The development of leaders and
of permanence at work and of labor produc- follower groups is of vital importance for the
tivity, besides being an indicator of psycho- development of workers in the company, as
logical well-being (Mañas, Salvador, Boada, is economic remuneration, although this does

44 INTERDISCIPLINARIA, 2019, 36(2), 39-53

Psychosocial factors generating burnout syndrome

not guarantee the happiness of the workers 2) depersonalization and 3) reduced personal
nor their conformity with their long-term life fulfillment (Maslach & Jackson, 1996;
(Nader & Solano, 2010). Maslach, 1979, Maslasch & Leiter, 1999).
Regarding health institutions, different According to Maslach & Jackson (1996), a
studies on the welfare of the work have been sector that is very vulnerable to suffer this
carried out. For example, in Spain a study was malaise are mainly doctors, and between 20 %
carried out on elements that affect the well- and 35 % nurses because the levels of burnout
being of emergency physicians; finding that between both sectors are of the highest
the lack of resources to develop their work, averages, because it has important effects on
burnout syndrome, vigor, exhaustion and the performance of their work, generates labor
dedication are crucial elements when talking conflicts and mental instability that could lead
about well-being. The highest scores occur in them to suicide. The MBI model seeks to
exhaustion and dedication, and lack of time evaluate a more varied range of emotions and
for rest as a trigger for motivation lack of thoughts resulting from work practice; This
vigor and commitment (Castaño et al., 2011). instrument is considered the most used and
measures: emotional exhaustion (AE) deper-
Research methodology sonalization (D) and personal fulfillment (RP)
where once applied and obtained the results,
The research is type descriptive and has we can speak of professionals with burnout,
a quantitative nature. This kind of research when the first two dimensions, AE and D are
is observable, measurable and copied since high scores, while the (RP) dimension is at a
in its elaboration, it must collect and analyze lower level (Maslach & Jackson, 1986).
quantitative data. Besides, it uses some This scale has a high internal consistency
language with math precision and employs and reliability close to 90 % and consists of
some statistic models on the related variable 22 items in the form of affirmations, on the
in order to study its phenomena and establish feelings and attitudes of the professional in
probabilistic hypothesis, that in case they are their work and towards patients and their
accepted and demonstrated, they can be done function is to measure professional burnout.
as general theories.
Factors of work
Participants and procedure.
According to Jones (1980), labor factors
The research was carried out in four hospi- influence the emergence of Burnout syndrome
tals of high complexity in the care of patients in health personnel, differentiating various
and 3 of lower levels, located in Bogotá and groups of causes. Within these causes, we can
Medellin that agreed to respond to the Maslach first mention the work overload as a cause
Burnout Inventory questionnaire, adapted to of burnout, which is mainly related to the
this research. A total of 360 health professio- emotional exhaustion dimension. In this sense,
nals (183 doctors, 133 nurses, 65 instrumenta- the work overload resulting from the activi-
lists and 15 administrative staff) received the ties related to the work of health personnel
surveys. In the end, 24 answered surveys were is considered an important psychosocial risk
rejected. factor, possibly due to the increase in the
It was decided to use the Maslach ques- population that attends for medical attention
tionnaire because it is one of the most widely and the strong assistance pressure to reduce
used instruments in the world today. For the the lists Standby. Consequently, there is a lack
knowledge of the burnout syndrome three of time for the development of clinical activi-
aspects are used: 1) emotional exhaustion, ties, which affects health professionals.

INTERDISCIPLINARIA, 2019, 36(2), 39-53 45


Another aspect to consider is the one programs of welfare in institutions.

related to incentives, that is, the rewards that Taking into account the aforementioned
the health professional receives in accordance factors of work, as elements that influence the
with the work performed. They include social onset of stress, the 22 questions of the MBI
recognition, financial rewards (salary) and questionnaire are used to evaluate the five
intrinsic rewards. Even when the salary is variables object of the study, which were inte-
not the most important to motivate the health rrelated as follows: to evaluate the dimension
professional, however, a low salary can have a Activities that in Similar form measures the
negative impact on the level of responsibility emotional fatigue and physical exertion of
of these professionals. the staff, questions 4, 5, 10, 22 were grouped,
The satisfaction for the work done, that is, expecting a maximum score of 36. To measure
the acknowledgment of the work by the mana- the variable Burnout, which measures the
gement, the work colleagues, the patients and degree of exhaustion, questions 1, 3 were
he, is related to the burnout. Professionals who grouped , 8, 14, 16, 20, for a maximum
find their work little recognized by bosses and expected score of 30 points. To evaluate the
patients or with an inadequate intrinsic moti- variable Incentives, questions 7, 9, 15, and 18
vation, that is, when there is a low degree of were used for a total of 20 maximum points.
identification with the workplace are equally For the Welfare variable, we worked with
affected. Also important are the relationships questions 2, 6, 11 and 13 and, finally, for the
of camaraderie based on teamwork, because Satisfaction dimension, questions 12, 17, 19,
with the help of others the professional faces 21 were taken into account, with a maximum
better the demands of work. expected score of 20. The levels of intensity
Another labor cause that generates burnout were adapted using a Likert scale with the
is the absence of welfare programs or social following values ​​and meanings: (0) never (1)
support programs. This social support refers few times (2) once a month or less (3) a few
to the framework of social relationships that times a month or less (4) once per week (5) a
complement personal resources for the deve- few times a week (6) every day.
lopment of adaptive coping in situations The questionnaires MBI were delivered in a
of need, and includes informal ties, friends personalized way in the institutions, at working
and family, as well as formal links, bosses / hours and in the staff place of work. The period
supervisors and peers job. It is important that of the work filed was during the first four
health professionals perceive the existence of months of 2017. The obtained score has been
impartiality in their place of work. Thus, some studied statistically with the SPSS program,
correlation could be observed between the five the 22 version that allows identifying the rela-
proposed dimensions of burnout syndrome, so tionship among the target variables.
that it has repercussions on the development
of this syndrome in its employees. Data analysis and final results

Adaptation of the MBI questionnaire. This epigraph offers some analysis of the
information obtained from doctors and nurses
The objective of the use of the instrument based on the activities they do. This analysis is
was to obtain and consolidate the opinions carried out in two parts: the first one makes an
of the professional staff in emergency room univariate descriptive analysis that permits to
health of the four institutions about their observe specialists behavior according to their
perception of the incidence of the degree characteristics. The second part realizes an
of satisfaction and motivation on the work inferential analysis that is directed to observe
stress that they manage and the acceptance of the influence of a variable over the rest.

46 INTERDISCIPLINARIA, 2019, 36(2), 39-53

Psychosocial factors generating burnout syndrome

Descriptive analysis. of the respondents were male (56 doctors, 44

nurses, 27 instrumentalists and 6 office staff).
The descriptive analysis has a basis a unidi- As for participants’ ages in the study, it could
mensional analysis so that it is possible to be determined that the average corresponds to
outlook the collected data. It was found that people who are 26 and 45 years old , with a
63 % of the interviewed in a sociodemogra- slight percentage of people being older than
phic scale are women (91 doctors, 89 nurses, 38 45. In the chart 1, it is shown the average
instrumentalists and 9 administrators), and 37 % statistic result of all four overviews.

Table 1. Statistic outcome of percentages.

Standard Percentiles
Dimension Average IQR
Deviation 0% 25 % 50 % 75 % 100 %
Activities 3.32 .78 .89 1.11 2.89 3.5 3.78 5
Burnout 3.45 .63 .75 1.25 3 3.5 3.75 4.75
Incentives 3.61 .78 1.21 1.17 3 3.67 4.21 5
Well-being 3.44 .68 .93 1.73 3 3.57 3.93 4.53
Satisfaction 3.65 .74 .81 1.75 3.25 3.75 4.06 5

It is possible to see a median tendency that in the timetable of those activities. Besides,
is very similar in the five dimensions. The less numbers with low response, as an average in
perspective is found in Well-being activities. participation, is the incidence of additional
Nonetheless, it is one that scatters values the costs that these activities produce.
most; this explains that there are individuals Regarding the incentives, the participa-
that present a high and low participation in tion of some numbers is somehow similar.
well-being activities. On the other hand, satis- However, highest perceptions are reported in
faction outcomes the highest median partici- the incentives offered by personal institutions,
pation, the average person with less qualifica- which influence in their work-motivation and
tion in this dimension is near to the two units, performance, whereas the lowest scores are
providing a high valuation to satisfaction. reported in the achievement of proposed goals,
For participation in activities and the they represent a higher encouragement. As
perception of stress there is more individuals for motivation, the highest scores report that
that register an average from 2 to 3 that results when institutions demonstrate the importance
from 4 to 5, while the perception of incen- of their work in the institutions. In relation to
tives, motivation and behavioral programs stress, the highest reports are showed when
highlight opposite results. This reveals a low the nature of the activities have provoked
tendency to participation in activities, as well stress moments, while the lowest report is
as low stress scores. stated when professionals invest some time
To complement the description, it should be in their health, improving the performance at
calculated the participation of every variable work but affecting family and themselves.
on the total of the dimension in order to test
what of them have the highest participation. Inferential analysis.
The next graphics show the percentage in the
variable participation per each dimension. In order to evaluate the relation of the dimen-
It is perceptible that the participation in sions in the questionnaires, it has been adjusted a
activities has been influenced by the qualifi- regression model on the middle stress level and
cation in high numbers in work-motivation, other regressive variables. It will be illustrated
followed by a high perception in the incidence the associations between interest variables.

INTERDISCIPLINARIA, 2019, 36(2), 39-53 47


Graphic 1. Results of dispersion.

Graphic 1 exposes the results in both Pearson correlations are bivariate in the dimen-
dispersion and distribution of each variable. sions presented in the chart 2. Using Holm’s
This allows evaluating the relation between adjustment, they can be determined (in color) the
variables or dispersion. It is can be observed significant correlations in 95 %. It can be observed
a direct relation among well-being activities, that it exists some negative correlation between
motivation and some others between satisfac- every dimension against stress, which implies the
tion and incentives. On the other hand, it is more one of the rises, the more stress diminishes.
visible some kind of inversed trend between On the other hand, it is noticeable that there are
stress and a number of activities, between inversed significant relations with incentives and
satisfaction and stress and between stress. satisfaction. In other cases relations are positive.

Table 2. Coefficient in Pearson’s correlation.

  Activities Burnout Incentives Well-being Satisfaction
Activities 1 -.1237 .5219 .9217 -.0314
Burnout -.1237 1 -.3455 -.2418 -.3258
Incentives .5219 -.3455 1 .812 .3153
Well-being .9217 -.2418 .812 1 .1219
Satisfaction -.0314 -.3258 .3153 .1219 1

48 INTERDISCIPLINARIA, 2019, 36(2), 39-53

Psychosocial factors generating burnout syndrome

The regression model is adjusted to permit faction under the following model:
evaluating the influence model of activities Stress = alpha + activities + Incentives +
participation, incentives, programs and satis- programs + satisfaction + ɛ, with ɛ~N (0,σ)

Table 3. Statistical abstract of the regression model.

  Estimation Standar Error T. number p. number

Intersection 4.965 .424 11.721 < 2e-16
Activities .011 .097 .114 .91
Incentives -.225 .102 -2.197 .031
Satisfaction -.203 .092 -2.206 .03

Using Step way method to choose the best model, with the BIC criteria, it must be included the
incentive and satisfaction variables, obtaining the next adjustment:

Table 4. Adjustment to the regression model.

  Estimation Standar Error T. number p. number
Intersection 4.965 .424 11.721 < 2e-16
Activities .011 .097 0.114 .91
Incentives -.225 .102 -2.197 .031
Satisfaction -.203 .092 -2.206 .03

According to the model, it is observed The model contemplates a R2 close to 0.2.

that for each unit that increases in incentives, Also, we can see that p. numbers are lower
stress decreases in 0.218 units. Similarly, than 0.05, which implies the rejection of the
for each unit that increases satisfaction, it is hypothesis that zero is the coefficient of the
obtained a reduction of 0.205 units of stress. variable.

INTERDISCIPLINARIA, 2019, 36(2), 39-53 49


Graphic 2. Adjustment diagnosis. Burnout approximation to incentives + satisfaction.

Graphic 2 shows the basic adjustment diag- According to obtained results, the higher
nosis, the tendency is normal with presence of stress level the lower motivation for emplo-
two extreme data. The residence tend to have yees, while the more and the better well-being
a zero median, there are two points in which programs, it could be evident that they have
its adjustment against the residual is conside- a positive impact in co-workers’ motivation.
rably high. Therefore, the hypothesis is confirmed to be
Conclusions It is important to mention that among the
variables of the well-being program and the
When the employee lives in a complex and burnout syndrome, the correlation is signifi-
hostile environment, not only he is affected in cantly low in comparison to the first analyzed,
his satisfaction level but also in the materiali- which translates a weak incidence.
zation of his personal and professional needs. The burnout syndrome variable and the
This also leads to an impact on their physical work satisfaction variable have such a nega-
and mental health triggering work stress. tive correlation, which is evident for those
Extreme chronic and continuous stress situa- institutions case of study, especially people
tions will cause the burnout syndrome. working in emergency rooms, stress is a factor
Stress symptoms are not presented imme- that affects in a disproportional and inversely
diately or dominant. A series of complex reac- way in work satisfaction. That is, the higher
tions in a biologic, psychologic and social in the stress level the lower the motivation.
circumstances of pressure and internal stru- There is no significant trend between Well-
ggle in which the resources of each worker being activities and Work Satisfaction, and
can be exhausted until exhausted determines their correlation number. Despite of having a
the stress. If this perturbation persists, it will negative behavior, this evinces a weak rela-
get a critic situation in which the resistance is tion among these dimensions, an additional
over and it will appear physical and psycho- data to confirm that there is not such relation
logic tiredness. among the variables exposed as study.

50 INTERDISCIPLINARIA, 2019, 36(2), 39-53

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Received: October 11, 2017

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