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Good Morning students and teachers, and welcome to the CKY Morning Radio.

I am
Matthew Wong, welcome to “Sustainable Future”. You should make a difference by having a
green lifestyle. A sustainable future is not only a promise. It is better for our environment,
better for your personal health, however, the society has not adapted yet.

Every time you buy a bottle of water, eat lunch from a plastic lunchbox, have you thought of
how long plastic will stay on our environment? Daily Sabah states that it takes up to 1000
years for plastic to decompose. If you use less plastic, turn less air-cons in your classroom,
open the windows at home. Just a small step, you will be able to help the environment.

Second, it is better for your personal health. You can simply encourage your family to eat
seasonal fruits and vegetables. They are higher in Vitamin A and B according to Reader’s
Digest. If you go plastic-free, you won’t eat fast foods with plastic packaging, no more junk
foods! It is such a win-win situation, you get healthier and you will help Mother Nature!

On the other hand, the society has not adapted this type of lifestyle. The government has
not yet set up many resources where can let the citizens adapt a green lifestyle. GREEN @
COMMUNITY by The Environment Bureau recycling shops in all districts, recycle more to win
more. You can’t lose! So why not do it? One step at a time, we will save the world.

In conclusion, it is important for you to live a green lifestyle, better for our environment,
better for your health. One step at a time, there will be a sustainable future. Start today by
simply recycling something. A plastic bottle or your tissue box. Recycle, waste less and use
less plastic. Live a green lifestyle, create the sustainable future, you can make a difference.

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