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(SOLVED) Beacon Mutual Insurance Company sold

insurance in Rhode Island u

Beacon Mutual Insurance Company sold insurance in Rhode Island under its name and also
under the marks Beacon Insurance and The Beacon. It uses a lighthouse logo. A competitor
changed its name to OneBeacon Insurance Group and used a lighthouse logo.Beacon sued
OneBeacon for infringement.What claims could it make, and […]

U.S. Search, LLC sued U.S., Inc.claiming infringement of its trademark. U.S.
Search, LLC claimed first use of U.S. Search. It had not registered the mark, but filed a request
with the Trademark Office for registration and also sued, demanding that, Inc.
not be allowed to have continued use […]

A real estate development sells houses with a covenant that prohibits the sale to buyers under
the age 55 so as to discourage children from living in the area. The covenant may even prohibit
children from being permanent residents of the area; they can come as visitors but not
residents. […]

Strahs, age 84, slipped on an icy spot in the parking lot of a drugstore, fell, and broke her hip.
She sued the drugstore and the company that was under contract to keep the parking lot
plowed for snow. While it had been plowed, there were icy spots remaining in […]


Members of Earth First! Demonstrated in a forest against logging. Several protestors chained
themselves to logging machinery owned by a private company. Logging operations had to be
ceased for a day because of the protest and occupation of machinery (which was not
damaged). What cause of action does the logging […]

Allen slipped and fell on a grape that was on the floor at a grocery store. No one saw the
accident and no one is sure how the grape ended up on the floor. The manager claimed that the
area had been recently checked to make sure it was clean. […]

While Rouse was looking at new cars at a dealership, he gave his car keys to a sales rep so
that his car could be examined for its trade-in value. When Rouse decided to leave without
buying, the keys were hidden from him-supposedly lost-for about a half hour. The sales […]


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