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Nama : Riski Paulina

Class/Program : 1-10/Tax

NPM : 2301180741

Teaching and Lecturer in Indonesian State College of Accountancy

Hello, my name is Riski Paulina. I am a first year student of Indonesian

State College of Accountancy¸ D III of Tax. Through this writing, I will tell you
what is in my mind about teaching and lecturer in Indonesian State College of

Teaching and lecturers in a school and university are important things

since school and university are place to expand our knowledge. Without teaching
and lecturers, how can educational institutions attain their purpose and vision?
Well, without those two important things, the purpose and vision feels
unreachable for educational institutions. Indonesian State College of Accountancy
as one of educational institutions in Indonesia also needs teaching and lecturers
too. So, how are teaching and lecturers in Indonesian State College of

In my opinion, teaching in Indonesian State College of Accountancy is not

totally different from senior high school. Why? When I entered senior high
school, the education system was changed by our government. The new education
system, called Curriculum 2013, asked the students to be more active in learning
process. It was not like previous era where the students only received what teacher
said in front of class. Based on Curriculum 2013, the teacher only gave the
students generally things about subject which they taught, so that the students
should learn the subject by themselves deeply. My senior high school applied this
education system, so that I should follow it. I and my friends were accustomed to
study and to learn subject by ourselves. Actually, Indonesian State College of
Accountancy also had same system. Thus, my effort to adapt with the system is
not too heavy..

The difference between the teaching system from my senior high school
and this college is only a little. In senior high school, the schedule was organized
well by the school. If the teacher could not come to the class, the students would
be given a task, while in Indonesian State College of Accountancy, the schedule
was organized by the student affairs section, but the lecturer could not come to the
class sometimes, so the schedule would be changed in other days. In other words,
we did not have a fixed schedule. Sometimes, it made us a little dizzy and tired
honestly. However, we had to face it, so that we decided to enjoy it rather than
complain it every day.

How about the lecturer? My class received qualified and kind lecturers.
Most of Indonesian State College of Accountancy’s lecturers are highly educated
person and best practitioner in their part. They also received many achievements
as long as they live. Some of the lecturers had studied abroad too. It showed us
that our lecturers are very competent. Besides, our lecturers very understood us.
They knew that most of us came from science program in senior high school.
They also knew that most of us were not familiar with the subject. In order to
make us understand the subject they taught, they taught us the subject clearly.
They were very patience person, I guess. They answered every question that we
gave in class. They also permitted us to give our opinion about something in front
of class. They did not limit us to improve our public speaking ability and critical
thinking ability.

Although our lecturers are kind, we realized that we were not allowed to
treat them arbitrarily. We should respect them wherever and whenever. We should
obey their class rules too. Besides, we also should give our best in every task they
gave to us and in every quiz they held. We should behave politely in front of them
too, so that we did not make them hurt. It was not because of our needs to receive
good mark. It was because of our necessity to appreciate other people, including
our kind lecturers.
I felt very grateful to God because God gave best lecturers for me. I was
very happy to know them as my lecturers because without them, I could not
understand the subject. In other words, I am nobody in this campus without them.

Like what I have written in previous paragraph, teaching and lecturers are
important things. I hope Indonesian State College of Accountancy can always
develop the teaching system, so that it will make the students can enjoy the
learning process in this campus. I also hope that the lecturers always blessed by
God. Besides, the lecturers also can maintain and improve the way they teach. I
hope this campus can make those happened.

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