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From the story of the two influential people, I learn that being a leader must be a man that leading

the people to create a better

nation. Even though they have made some mistakes but the majority, they give honor and freedom to their Motherland.

From the video I learn that Mandela was good at converting others. In his early career, he supported and advocated violence to
achieve his political ends, and did not believe in non-violent resistance. But Mandela’s long time in prison changed his perceptions.
He became a man that helped to unite South Africa, where the cruel system of white minority rule. He symbolized for all of Africa a
commitment to democracy and freedom.
Mandela became a unique visionary who can see the present challenges and suffering beyond. He was persuaded that the best parts
of mankind would one day overcome the worst parts.
He also encouraged his rivals through repentance and forgiveness to be better than they've ever been.
In all nations where human rights violations have occurred and pain needs to be cured, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission he
created is a great model for achieving justice. He is a man of great compassion, forgiveness, and humility.

On the other hand. The leadership of Adolf Hitler used His powerful skill and ability to influence people. Hitler embodied the
definition of social intelligence concept, which states, “that a leader with social intelligence has social awareness, and empathy. Like
one of the reasons why Hitler was so popular with conservative Christians in Germany was because he promised to restore
traditional morality. He opposed abortion, homosexuality, pornography, and just about everything else conservative Christians
complained were ruining modern Germany.
It became the center of his ability to get an entire country to do unspeakable acts without question.
With his propaganda campaign that reinforced his public speaking messages, he can able to brainwash an entire society to believe
and to do unspeakable acts without question. His traits were on full display from the infancy of his reign right up to the end, he
believed he was doing it for the best of his people and his country.

These two powerful and influential people became great leaders because they are willing to be one of the others and they hear
other's concerns. As they lead they have this social perceptiveness (ability to read social cues), behavioral flexibility (ability to adapt
solutions to changing circumstances), and social performance (persuasive ability)”.

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