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I went to walk yesterday and see a great number of people, cars and bikes.

My boyfriend, Diego, came

with me. Our idea was to do some shopping and to go to the square to take fresh air. First, we entered
to a local shop and we bought a camera and some devices for my notebook. The camera instructions
were in English, Diego had to look for too many of the words at the dictionary, he knew few of them.
After that, we went to a square, there was barely any space to sit on the grass. When we fund a place,
we sat down and drunk some mate. This is a beverage like tea that we usually drink in my country.
Because of the heat (we are close to summer) other people were eating ice cream or drinking soda.
Almost all were sit on the grass and using mask because of Covid. The square was plenty of kids, each of
them were playing different games. Every kid was with their parents.

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