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Dianne: Hey babe! How are you? By the way I saw you with a girl can please tell me who’s that girl?

Edward: Babe I don’t know what are you talking about can please enlighten me?

Dianne: I’m asking who is that woman? Is she your mistress?

Edward: Babe I’m sorry

Dianne: I saw it with my two eyes how dare you. I deserve an explanation I deserve an acceptable

Edward: Please let me explain

Dianne: Everything you say must be all based on facts, not mere fantasy

Edward: Please forgive me I didn’t want to do it peer pressure from my friends they told me to do that
please don’t leave me please

Dianne: Sorry, I can't decide on that now. I am still focused on what have you done to me. Never talk to
me again, please.

Edward: Please babe forgive me

Dianne: It’s not my problem anymore thank you, goodbye.

Dianne: Until we meet again.

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