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Based on my understanding, create 2 weeks of shock microcycle and follow by 1 week of

unloading microcycle also can be consider as part of summated microcycle. After that, Daily
Undulating Periodization (DUP) is suitable for football because it’s a major and synonym with league
format. It’s a lot of competition for example like have more than 1 game in a week. So, the coach
need to be more flexible with the training plan but still need to follow the objectives training for the
competition. Moreover, block periodization is function for accommodate for advance and elite
athletes which is have a high physical capabilities in order to break their threshold. This BP require
concentrated training load in 1 week. Meanwhile, classic periodization is suitable for novices
athletes more focus on step by step in training load. Furthermore, the coach also can apply tapering
for endurance athletes before enter the competition in order to prepare well and avoid fatigue.
Other than that, the element of psychological skill training is not same like block, serial and other
training. Lastly, three sessions of training is quite rare and it will use when they have a short
preparation. The negative effect is can makes athletes loss of a lot of energy.

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