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Activity 6

1. Select all of the text below the dates July 8 - July 12.
2. Use the Convert Text to Table to insert the text into a 6-
column table. Make sure to Separate text at Tabs.
3. Delete the Saturday column.
4. Insert a column to the left of the Friday column and
type Thursday in the top cell.
5. Change the table style to any style that begins with Grid
Table 5. Hint: Style names appear when you hover over them.
6. In the Table Style Options menu, uncheck Banded Rows and
check Banded Columns.
7. Select the entire table. In the Borders drop-down menu,
choose All Borders.
8. With the table still selected, increase the table row height to
0.3" (0.8 cm).
9. Select the first row and change the cell alignment to Align
10. On page 2, insert a Line chart into the Word document.
11. Copy the data from page 3 and paste it into the chart's
12. Change the chart title to (your family name) Sales.
13. Change the chart type to Stacked Column.
14. Use the Quick Layout drop-down menu to change to Layout
15. Use the Add Chart Element drop-down menu to add
a Primary Vertical Axis Title.
16. Double-click the axis title, then rename it (your first name)
17. Switch the Row/Column data.
18. Export as PDF
19. Name the PDF to Activity 6 – Familyname, firstname
(i.e. Activity 6 – Dela cruz, Juan XXVI)

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