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(SOLVED) Correct the following sentences by properly

using colons and semicolons The

Correct the following sentences by properly using colons and semicolons. The courts
instructions to the respondent are: to refrain from contacting the plaintiff in person, by
telephone, or by mail; to pay monthly child support, and to perform one hundred hours of
community service. The following statutes govern the issue, […]

Perform assignment 3 using a description of the title when drafting the law component, rather
than a relevant portion of the title. Assignment 3 Part A Alice purchases a new toaster from a
booth at the flea market. The market is open year round and the same products are always […]

Part A Read Dean v. Dickey in Appendix A. Identify the issue regarding the validity of the will.
Part B Read United States v. Martinez-Jimenez in Appendix A. Identify the issue concerning
whether the weapon was a dangerous weapon. Part C Read Wolcott v. Wolcott in Appendix A.
Identify the […]

Provide the correct citation name for the following cases: The United States of America v.
Thomas Terry Mary Kay Kraft, Mark Johnson, and Vanessa Hays v. Joseph Beazley and the
City of Chicago Kerry Handle et al v.The Jamestown Cooperative Kalley Institute v. Carrington
Insurance Company, Incorporated The American Civil […]


The client and her husband are residents of the state of Georgia. She wants to sue for divorce
claiming adultery. She does not want to file a no-fault divorce. Is adultery a ground for divorce in
Georgia? If so, what is the statute and what does it provide? What law […]

While the client was walking her dog in a city park, the client’s dog was attacked by another
dog. Before the dogs could be separated, the client’s dog was severely injured, and it died later
that day. The client’s dog was on a leash, and the other dog was not […]

Your supervising attorney recalls that there was a 1989 Arkansas case in which a county court
judge was convicted in federal court of vote buying. After the United States Court of Appeals
denied the appeal, the state circuit court declared the judge ineligible to hold public office. The
judge claimed […]


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