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Slide 3: Dupa ce zic tot

The advantages of dogfooding are twofold. Firstly, you get to make use of the great product that you
have created. Secondly, it is a great opportunity to view your product from the perspective of customers
or clients, and by extension, ensure your user experience is exactly as you want it to be.

Slide 4: Citesc tot de aici

Testing products internally is a normal practice for many companies, and while beta testing with
individual consumers is also a good idea, it is almost a better idea to make sure everything humanly
possible is ironed out before those products or services are handed off to outsiders. This is typically how
Google tests many of their products and services, like Google Glass, Google Plus, and features that have
been introduced to Google Plus like "Collections." They refer to it as "Dogfooding," and it gives Googlers
a chance to see how things work, and what does not work and perhaps fix things with a little finer tuning
before public testing.

This process also serves to grab internal feedback from other like-minded individuals at the company,
which can sometimes help to steer things in the right direction and spark new ideas if things are not
exactly as they should be.

It's a practice Google has been doing for years, and one they aren't likely to quit doing any time soon.
Internal testing does seem to have its drawbacks though, and at least a few Googlers admit that various
Google product decisions are somewhat questionable, a factor caused by the types of people which are
employed by the company. As I’ve said, Google is a relatively forward thinking entity, and they produce
some really innovative and cool things. Some of the stuff they're researching could even be considered

A past Google Executive mentions that product launches require a crucial element of getting a bunch of
Google employees on board, and that to do so those employees would have to want to use the product.
This makes sense, but it can also sometimes lead to a resulting product or service in which doesn't
necessarily mesh well with the average user or consumer, generally because for the most part the
average users or consumers don't think like Googlers. This ends up sometimes resulting in products
shipping with features that engineers are drawn to, but these are also features which individuals may
not find simple to use. One particular service which is referenced was the Circles feature within Google
Plus, which a former employee stated some users found "unnecessarily confusing." To get around this
with other products, he tasked his employees with testing them after they'd had a few beers, a method
he thought might help his designers be more in tune with how users might feel when working with some
products made by Google. One need only look at things like Gmail, Android, and YouTube though to
recognize Google's successes in these areas too, all things which have had internal testing and all are
immensely popular, a sort of testament to Google's Dogfooding practices showing extreme promise.

As a conclusion to this dogfooding subject, Google spent 21 years learning how to release new products,
but, as the industry says ,, If one company is amazing at this concept, it's Google”

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