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Presented as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

The Master Degree in Language Study at Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta






BOYOLALI IN 2015/2016 ACADEMIC YEAR.”Muhammadiyah University
of Surakarta.Thesis. 2016.

This research focuses on analyzingthe use of phrases in writing descriptive text by

the students of sma negeri 1 boyolali 2015/2016 academic year. The objectives
are to describe the students‟ ability in writing of phrases in descriptive text, to
know the dominant phrase found in descriptive text made by student, and to
describe the construction of phrases used by the students.This research applies
descriptive qualitative method. The data and data sourcearethe phrases written by
the twelfth grade students of IIS 2. The ways to collect data are by using
docummentation, task, and documentation. The results of the research show that,
firstly, the ability of the twelfth grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Boyolali in
writing phrases of descriptive text was very good. It can be seen from the
percentage of total correct phrases (92.15%) to the total incorrect phrases (7.85%).
The highest incorrect phrase made by the students was on the verb phrase. They
totally produced 216 verb phrases with 165 correct phrases and 51 incorrect
phrases. The students used all five phrases in writing descriptive text namely noun
phrase, verb phrase, adjective phrase, adverb phrase and prepositional phrase.The
dominant phrase found in writing phrases of descriptive text written by the twelfth
grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Boyolali was noun phrase (47.94%). The writer
found many constructio of phrases made by the students in writing descriptive text
with the theme of historical places. They produced 43 construction of noun
phrase, two construction of verb phrase, adjective phrase of complementation,
adverb phrase, and prepositional phrase.

Keywords: phrase, genre, descriptive text


Penelitian ini bepusat pada menganalisa (1) Kemampuan siswa dalam menulis
frase-frase dalam teks deskriptif (2) Dominan frase yang ditemukan dalam teks
deskriptif yang dibuat oleh siswa (3) Kostruksi frase yang digunakan oleh siswa-
siswa. Penelitian ini diambil di SMA Negeri 1 Boyolali. Penelitian ini
menerapkan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Subyek dari penelitian ini meliputi 320
siswa kelas duabelas dari SMA Negeri 1 Boyolali di tahun ajaran 2015/2016.
Untuk alasan efisiensi, penulis hanya mengambil satu kelas yang terdir dari 31
siswa. Mereka terdiri dari 24 siswa perempuan dan 7 siswa laki-laki.. Data dan
sumber data antaralain frase-frase yang ditulis oleh siswa kelas XII IIS 2 dalam
menulis deskriptif teks.hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, yang pertama,
kemampuan siswa kelas duabelas dari SMA Negeri 1 Boyolali dalam menulis
frase-frase deskriptif teks adala sangat bagus. Hal ini bisa dilihat dari presentase
darijumlah total frase yang benar (92.15%) dari total frase Yang salah (7.85%).
Frase tertinggi dari frase yang salah yang dibuay oleh siswa adalah pada frase
kata kerja. Mereka secara keseluruhan memproduksi 216 frase dengan jumlah
165 frase yang benar dan 51 frase yang salah. Siswa-siswa menggunakan lima
seluruh 5 frase dalam menulis deskriptif teks yang bernama frase kata benda,
frase kata kerja, frase kata sifat, frase keterangan, dan frase preposisi. Dominan
frase yang ditemukan dalam penulisan frase dari teks deskripsi yang ditulis oleh
siswa kelas duabelas dari SMA Negeri 1 Boyolali adalah frase kata benda
(47.94%). Penulis menemukan banyak konstruksi dari frase-frase yang dibuat
siswa dalam penulisan teks deskripsi dengan tema tempat-tempat besejarah.
Mereka memproduksi 43 konstruksi dari frasekata benda, dua konstruksi kata
kerja, frase kata sifat sebagai pelengkap, frase kata keterangan, dan 2 konstruksi
frase preposisi.

Kata kunci: menulis, jenis teks, teks deskripsi, dan frase


“Where there is a will, there are many ways”

“Waktu itu bagaikan pedang, jika kamu tidak memanfaatkannya

menggunakan untuk memotong, ia akan memotongmu
(HR Muslim)


This research paper is dedicated to:

Her beloved family

 Her beloved friends


Alhamdulillahi Robbil„aalamin, praise to Allah SWT for the strength and

guidance so that the writer is able to finish writing the research entitled “ The Use

of Phrases in Writing Descriptive Text by The Students of SMA Negeri 1

Boyolali 2015/2016 Academic Year”.

The research is completed because of advice, support, prayer from

everyone. Therefore, the writer would like to express her gratitude and

appreciation to:

1. Prof. Dr. Khudzaifah Dimyati, SH, M.Hum, the Director of Muhammadiyah

University of Surakarta,

2. Prof. Dr. Markhamah, M.Hum, the Head of Language Study Department,

3. Dr. Anam Sutopo, S.Pd, M.Hum. and Mauly Halwat Hikmat, Ph.d as the

consultants, who have given guidance, information, suggestion and correction

patiently during the arrangement of the research.

4. Her beloved father and mother who always give warm feeling, prayer, care,

support and motivation during the writer completing this research.

5. Her beloved husband (Arief Prastya) and son (Diandra Rafie Prastya) for


6. Her beloved brother (Bagas and Bagus) for all care, pray and support.

7. Her respondents (students of XII IS 2) who have given their time and support.

8. Her closed friends (Maratina Indah, Dinar Setiyani, mbak Icha, Dian, and

Nandi) for the support, help, and being very good friends.

9. All friends of MPB Inggris Class A 2014 who have given their support and

motivation (Dyah, Dewi, Hesti, Linda, Rifky, ibu Nurul, mbak Indria, mbak

Linna, Nok, Hima, Tira, bang Muvid, mas Jimmy, mas Eko, mas Tono, mas

Agung, and pak Danang).

10. All of her families, friends, and leturers that cannot be mentioned one by one,

who have supported her.

The writer realizes that this research is far from being perfect. Therefore, the

writer will accept all positive and constructive criticism and suggestion.

The writer


NOTE OF ADVISOR I...................................................................................................... i

NOTE OF ADVISOR II ................................................................................................... ii
APPROVAL ..................................................................................................................... iii
ACCEPTANCE ................................................................................................................ iv
PRONOUNCEMENT ....................................................................................................... v
ABSTRACT ...................................................................................................................... vi
MOTTO ........................................................................................................................... viii
DEDICATION ............................................................................................................... viv
ACKNOWLEDGMENT ................................................................................................. ix
TABLE OF CONTENT................................................................................................... xviii
LIST OF FIGURE ........................................................................................................ xix
ABBREVIATION ........................................................................................................ xx
CHAPTER1 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................... 1
A. Backgrounds of the Study ................................................................ 1
B. Limitation of the Study ..................................................................... 5
C. Problem Statement ............................................................................ 5
D. Objectives of the Study ..................................................................... 6
E. Benefits of the Study ......................................................................... 6
1. Theoretical Benefit ........................................................................ 6
2. Practical Benefits .......................................................................... 6
a. Students ................................................................................... 6
b. Institution ................................................................................ 7
F. Research Paper Organization .......................................................... 7
CHAPTER II UNDERLYING THEORY ...................................................................... 8
A. Previous Study ................................................................................... 8
B. Related Theory ................................................................................ 14
1. Teaching Writing ........................................................................ 14
a. The concept of teaching writing ............................................ 15
1) Choosing and narrowing a topic..................................... 16
2) Brainstorming................................................................. 17
a) Listing ...................................................................... 17

b) Freewriting ............................................................... 18
c) Clustering ................................................................. 18
b. The writing process ............................................................... 19
1) Writing Stage 1: PREWRITING .................................... 19
2) Stage II: PLANNING ..................................................... 19
a) Making sublist .......................................................... 19
b) Writing the topic sentence ........................................ 20
c) Outlining................................................................... 20
3) Stage III: WRITING and REVISING DRAFTS ............ 20
a) Writing the first rough draft. .................................... 20
b) Revising content and organization. .......................... 21
c) Proofreading the second reading. ............................. 21
d) Writing the final copy. ............................................. 22
c. Types of writing .................................................................... 22
1) Practical Writing ............................................................ 22
2) Creative or Imaginary Writing ....................................... 22
d. Purpose of writing ................................................................. 22
1) Informative ..................................................................... 22
2) Expressive or narrative ................................................... 23
3) Persuasive....................................................................... 23
e. Requirement of good writing ................................................ 23
1) Need ............................................................................... 23
2) Verification .................................................................... 23
3) Attainable ....................................................................... 24
4) Clarity............................................................................. 24
a) Unity ......................................................................... 24
b) Coherence ................................................................. 25
2. General Concept of Genre ........................................................... 25
a. General Concept of Genre ..................................................... 25
b. Kinds of Genre ...................................................................... 26
1) Description ..................................................................... 26
2) News Item ...................................................................... 27

3) Report ............................................................................. 27
4) Analythical Exposition ................................................... 27
5) Hortatory Exposition ...................................................... 28
6) Explanation .................................................................... 28
7) Discussion ...................................................................... 29
8) Review ........................................................................... 29
9) Procedure ....................................................................... 29
10) Recount .......................................................................... 29
11) Narrative......................................................................... 30
12) Spoof .............................................................................. 30
3. Descriptive Text .......................................................................... 30
a. Definition of Descriptive Text .............................................. 30
1) Describing Process ......................................................... 31
2) Describing and event ...................................................... 31
3) Describing a personality ................................................. 31
4) Describing a place .......................................................... 31
5) Describing an object ....................................................... 32
b. Generic Concept of Descriptive Text .................................... 32
c. Grammatical Feature of Descriptive Text ............................. 32
4. Phrases......................................................................................... 33
a. Noun Phrase .......................................................................... 34
1) The definition of Noun Phrase ....................................... 34
2) The Construction of English Noun Phrase ..................... 35
a) Determiner ................................................................ 35
b) Pre modifier .............................................................. 38
c) Post modifier ............................................................ 39
3) The Complex Noun Phrase ............................................ 40
b. Verb Phrase ........................................................................... 41
1) Definition of verb phrase ............................................... 41
c. Adjective Phrase .................................................................... 44
1) Definition of Adjective Phrase ....................................... 44
2) Classes of adjective: ....................................................... 45

3) Characteristic of the Adjective ....................................... 45
4) Syntactic functions of adjectives .................................... 46
d. Prepositional Phrase .............................................................. 50
1) Definition of Prepositional Phrase ................................. 50
2) Preposition and Prepositional Phrase ............................. 51
3) Simple and Complex preposition ................................... 52
a. Simple prepositions .................................................. 52
b. Complex prepositions ............................................... 52
4) Syntactic function of prepositional phrase ..................... 53
C. Theoretical Framework .................................................................. 54
CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD ....................................................................... 56
A. Research Type ................................................................................. 56
B. Research Subject ............................................................................. 57
C. Research Object .............................................................................. 58
D. Data and Data Source ..................................................................... 58
E. Technique of Collecting Data ......................................................... 58
1. Observation ................................................................................. 58
2. Task ............................................................................................. 59
3. Documentation ............................................................................ 59
F. Data Validity.................................................................................... 60
G. Technique of Analyzing Data ......................................................... 60
CHAPTER IV RESULT AND DISCUSSION ............................................................. 62
A. The Students’ Ability in Writing Phrases in Descriptive Text.... 62
1. Noun phrase ................................................................................ 63
2. Verb phrase ................................................................................. 65
3. Adjective phrase .......................................................................... 66
4. Adverb phrase ............................................................................. 67
5. Prepositional phrase .................................................................... 67
B. The Dominant Phrase Found in Descriptive Text Made by the
Students. ........................................................................................... 70
C. The Construction of Phrases Used by the Students. .................... 71
1. Noun Phrase ................................................................................ 71
2. Verb Phrase ................................................................................. 87

2.1 Main verb .............................................................................. 87
a) Present tense ................................................................... 87
b) Main verb participal ....................................................... 87
c) Infinitive ......................................................................... 87
2.2 Auxiliary verb ....................................................................... 88
a) An auxiliary (be) and a main verb past participle .......... 88
b) An auxiliary (have) and a main verb past participle ...... 88
c) A modal verb and a main verb ....................................... 88
d) An auxiliary (have) and a main verb perfect passive ..... 89
3. Adjective Phrase.......................................................................... 89
4. Adverb Phrase ............................................................................. 90
a. Adverb phrase with type of prepositions ............................... 90
b. Adverb phrase made with infinitives type of purpose ........... 90
5. Prepositional Phrase .................................................................... 91
D. Discussion of Research Finding ..................................................... 91
CHAPTER V CONCLUSION, IMPLICATION, SUGGESTION ............................. 96
A. Conclusion ....................................................................................... 96
B. Implication ....................................................................................... 97
C. Suggestion ........................................................................................ 97
1. For students ................................................................................. 97
2. For teacher................................................................................... 98
3. For other researchers ................................................................... 98
BIBLIOGRAPHY ........................................................................................................... 98
APPENDIX .................................................................................................................... 101


1. TABLE 1. Students‟ name of class XII IIS 2.

2. TABLE 2. The table of phrases produced by the students.
3. TABLE 3. Types of phrases made by AP.
4. TABLE 4. Types of phrases made by AAM.
5. TABLE 5. Types of phrases made by ALW
6. TABLE 6. Types of phrases made by AA
7. TABLE 7. Types of phrases made by BP
8. TABLE 8. Types of phrases made by BFH
9. TABLE 9. Types of phrases made by CN
10. TABLE 10. Types of phrases made by DMS
11. TABLE 11. Types of phrases made by DMMP
12. TABLE 12. Types of phrases made by ESU
13. TABLE 13. Types of phrases made by EDP
14. TABLE 14. Types of phrases made by FUU
15. TABLE 15. Types of phrases made by FWFS
16. TABLE 16. Types of phrases made by FAA
17. TABLE 17. Types of phrases made by GAW
18. TABLE 18. Types of phrases made by IE
19. TABLE 19. Types of phrases made by IDP
20. TABLE 20. Types of phrases made by IHP
21. TABLE 21. Types of phrases made by INSA
22. TABLE 22. Types of phrases made by KHP
23. TABLE 23. Types of phrases made by MDC
24. TABLE 24. Types of phrases made by MN
25. TABLE 25. Types of phrases made by MAI
26. TABLE 26. Types of phrases made by NCNR
27. TABLE 27. Types of phrases made by NWP
28. TABLE 28. Types of phrases made by ONA
29. TABLE 29. Types of phrases made by PPW
30. TABLE 30. Types of phrases made by RDCS
31. TABLE 31. Types of phrases made by TKS
32. TABLE 32. Types of phrases made by TMA
33. TABLE 33. Types of phrases made by VFV


1. Figure 1. Table of phrases made by each students.

2. Figure 2. The dominant phrase found in descriptive text made by the students.


1. Adj. P : Adjective Phrase

2. Adv. P : Adverb Phrase
3. Det. : Determiner
4. N : Noun
5. NP : Noun Phrase
6. Prep. P : Prepositional Phrase
7. VP : Verb Phrase


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