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Legend of Mount Budheg

Once upon a time in Bethak, Bedalem there was a beautiful princess named Rara
Kembangsore. One day Rara Kembangsore escaped from the duchy as being chased by Duke
Kalang, a Duke who was also hiding in Bethak Bedalem because he lost the war with
Bethoro Katong. So Roro Kembangsore had to hide to avoid duke Kalang.

Roro Kembangsore arrived in a house of a widow named Mbok Rondo Dadapan. When Roro
Kembangsore arrived at the house, the widow the owner was not being at home. there was
only boy named Joko Bodho. “can I hide in your house please?” “Yes of course” Joko
said.Mbok Rondo glad to accepted kembang sore in her house, they lived together for a
while. Roro`s beauty made Joko Bodo Fall in love with her, “ Oh what a beautiful girl she
is”, “She is so beautiful as a princess”, “if I can live together with her ...?” so Joko Bodho
expressed his purpose to marry Roro Kembangsore. “Rara kembang sore.. I want to talk to
you’” said joko bodho to rara’ , “Rara kembang sore I have alling in love with you at first
sight, and would you live together with me in our live ?” Rara Kembangsore was a wise
woman. Eventhough in her heart she did not want to marry joko bodo but she did not want to
hurt Joko Bodho's heart. So to refuse it politely, she made a condition . Joko I am willing to
be your wife, but I ask something”. She said “I ask you to fast for 40 days and 40 nights “and
you must wear Cikrak to cover yourhead and meditate it on a small hill overlooking the
southern sea, so no one can see you” Joko agred to these terms and started to do it .

While Joko was meditated, MBok Randa need Joko’s help. So, she called him ”jokoooooooo
kooo jokooooo….where are you..” after many times , she looked for Joko every where ,
around the village and she asked to villager.She walked until slope of the mountain , mbok
rondo found Joko Bodho “ oh my son you are here “! What are you doing my dear ?’ asked
mbok rondo but no word out from Jaka Tawang’s . Finally mBok Randha felt in deep sorrow
by her son’s behavior she spelt the words " Joko you are my son, why you don`t answer me ,
Joko ... Joko... “ and She said “ Joko I am your mother, but not word out from you, you freze
like a stone “.

Slowly Joko Bodo's body turned into the stone with Cikrak on his head. Mbok Rondho
suprised, Mbok Rondho was very sad and knelt down and prayed to God ”oh God please
forgive me”.it is not true, I say that , I dont believe it, from now I name this place...... “Mount

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