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Contaminarea Uleiului

DENSO Europe BV This information is exclusive property of DENSO corporation. Without their consent, it shall not be reprinted or given to third parties. 1
Amestecuri ulei de compresor

R134a amestecat cu:

• DENSO ND-oil 8 (PAG46)

Amestec transparent si clar, se

vad mici „spirale“ de ulei

DENSO Europe BV This information is exclusive property of DENSO corporation. Without their consent, it shall not be reprinted or given to third parties. 3
Amestecuri ulei de compresor

R134a amestecat cu:

• DENSO ND-oil 8 (PAG46)
• Solutie UV

Toate lichidele sunt amestecate si clare

DENSO Europe BV This information is exclusive property of DENSO corporation. Without their consent, it shall not be reprinted or given to third parties. 4
Amestecuri ulei de compresor

R134a amestecat cu:


Doua straturi diferite, refrigerantul si

uleiul universal nu se amesteca.

DENSO Europe BV This information is exclusive property of DENSO corporation. Without their consent, it shall not be reprinted or given to third parties. 5
Amestecuri ulei de compresor

R134a amestecat cu:

• DENSO ND-oil 8 (PAG46)

R134a si PAG46 sunt amestecate.

Uleiul universal se separa deasupra
amestecului de refrigerant si PAG. Aspect
usor laptos.

DENSO Europe BV This information is exclusive property of DENSO corporation. Without their consent, it shall not be reprinted or given to third parties. 6
Amestecuri ulei de compresor

R134a amestecat cu:

• DENSO ND-oil 8 (PAG46)
• DENSO ND-oil 11 (POE-ulei izolator)

Uleiurile si refrigerantul sunt

amestecate. Aspect usor laptos.

DENSO Europe BV This information is exclusive property of DENSO corporation. Without their consent, it shall not be reprinted or given to third parties. 7
Amestecuri ulei de compresor

R134a amestecat cu:

• DENSO ND-oil 8 (PAG46)
• Solutie UV

R134a, PAG46 si solutia UV sunt amestecate.

Uleiul universal se separa deasupra amestecului.
Nu este transparent si este colorat intens de
solutia UV

DENSO Europe BV This information is exclusive property of DENSO corporation. Without their consent, it shall not be reprinted or given to third parties. 8
Compressor oil QUALITY CHECK

DENSO Europe BV This information is exclusive property of DENSO corporation. Without their consent, it shall not be reprinted or given to third parties. 10
Compressor oil QUALITY CHECK

presiune JOASA

1. Vacuumeaza 1 minut, apoi
conecteaza furtunele la INALTA si
2. Porneste motorul si A/C-ul
Deschide robinetul de INALTA
- recipientul incepe sa se umple
- verifica calitatea lichidului
3. Inchide robinetul de INALTA si
1 deschide-l pe cel de JOASA
vacuum - lichidul o sa treaca prin duza
inapoi in sistemsub forma de gaz

presiune INALTA
DENSO Europe BV This information is exclusive property of DENSO corporation. Without their consent, it shall not be reprinted or given to third parties. 11
Contaminarea uleiului de compresor

ulei PAG Oil si ulei universal

PAG, ulei universal si apa… …. se creaza PARAFINA

DENSO Europe BV This information is exclusive property of DENSO corporation. Without their consent, it shall not be reprinted or given to third parties. 12
Contaminarea uleiului de compresor

ulei PAG amestecat cu ulei POE

DENSO Europe BV This information is exclusive property of DENSO corporation. Without their consent, it shall not be reprinted or given to third parties. 13
Contaminarea uleiului de compresor


Reziduuri de la reparatii precedente Solutie Leak stop

DENSO Europe BV This information is exclusive property of DENSO corporation. Without their consent, it shall not be reprinted or given to third parties. 14
Contaminarea uleiului de compresor


± 40% din totalul cantitatii de ulei, va ramane in

compresor cand sistemul este in functiune

DENSO Europe BV This information is exclusive property of DENSO corporation. Without their consent, it shall not be reprinted or given to third parties. 15
Basic principle

DENSO Europe BV This information is exclusive property of DENSO corporation. Without their consent, it shall not be reprinted or given to third parties. 16

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