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Lumia@PTE黑科技编选的个人机经 Reading 阅读部分

Reading 阅读部分

SA_R MC, Single Answer 阅读单选

1. Euripides/欧里庇得斯 #7101 2020-01 本月高频


回忆要点:介绍古希腊剧作家欧里庇得斯 Euripides 问该作家的作品有什么特点?不再关注英雄式的主题,更加注重平民的普


2. Culinary/烹饪 #7038 2019-12 本月高频


所以整体下来我选的culinary school,求大神指点,这个题考到两次。
蛋糕, 这一周内你每天都会把狗带回去,他都会给你一些奖励 但是到了下一周,他突然不给你奖励了,你还会帮他把乱跑的
小狗带回去吗?你会坐视不管? 还是依旧帮助他,不管有没有奖励 问题是:文章表达什么意思,我选的是motivation,做事
的动机 其他三个不记得了 这篇不长 比较好理解

3. Language/语言 #7025 2019-12

If our language acts as a pair of glasses with tinted lenses, can we go one step further? Are these lenses actually
distorting? Does our language predispose us to a particular line of thinking and warp our view of reality? Do the
differences that exist between languages in their grammatical structure or in their vocabulary actually control our
patterns of thought? As some linguists have asked: How different would Aristotle's logic have been if he had spoken
Mandarin or Hopi? What is the main issue which is concerning the writer? the reasons behind Aristotle's philosophy
the way in which writers distort reality the extent to which language influences thought the causes of differences
between languages.

4. Fear of crime/犯罪恐惧感 #7024 2019-12

It would come as a surprise to many that the concept of fear of crime is a recent invention. However, prior to the mid-
1960s the term was never used, and certainly not in the sense we use it today. This may not on the face of it seem
very significant; terms, ideas and language continually change. However, fear of crime is more than simply a term to
describe a physical or psychological reaction to the threat or perceived threat of victimization. Rather, it is now seen
as a quantifiable, measurable, social scientific object, a policy target and a political issue. Read the text and answer the
multiple-choice question by selecting the correct response. Only one response is correct. This information suggests
that the key way in which the concept of fear of crime has changed is that _____ it is now regarded as a measurable
phenomenon, which can be addressed through government policies. before the 1960s it was linked to victimization
without being linked to more commonly held views about violence. before the 1960s it referred to personal issues
whereas now it refers to abstract issues. it was previously conceived in physical terms, whereas it is now seen in
psychological terms.

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5. Law, code and professional/法律法规及专业人士 #7023 2019-12 本月高频


回忆要点:是判断law,Code 和professional标准三者之间的联系,我阅读时间够读的很认真 基本确定

law>code=professional。 因为文章中很明确的说当law和code出现分歧是law是prevail的,但是当code和professional出现
分歧时需要问leader/director。 问题是code的地位,所以我最终选项选了不高于law也不高于professional的选项。

6. Augustus/奥古提斯 #7020 2019-12


回忆要点:"问题是古罗马Augustus/ɔ:'ɡʌstəs/(奥古提斯)为什么能掌权? 我选的有supernatural那个选项"《对超自然就
解释权》 回忆二:借楼回忆阅读单选:问题是古罗马Augustus(奥古提斯)为什么能掌权 ?文章大体就是说古代那时候有很

7. Lava/岩浆 #5892 2019-03


回忆1.考了一题讲一个海沟为啥这么深,问 what make Mariana Trench ‘deeper’? 说因为有lava,冷却后是ridge更高显得海

8. New material/新型材料 #5444 2018-12


回忆要点:说牛津的一个24岁的student and researchers 发现了一个新的材质,可能对以后听力/视力(不记得到底是什么

了)受损的人有帮助,因为她发现的这个人组织是可降解的。 问写这篇文章的目的是什么?选项BC之间纠结。B是赞扬这个
young scientist 和her discovery。 C 介绍一个promising的discovery。 我选的是C,因为B不是scientist,而且根据名字我

9. Venus/金星 #5337 2018-12


回忆要点:Venus Arora(,选项较明确,原文有明显对应。选择和significant change有相似内容的选项)

10. Statement/声明 #5168 2018-11



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11. Map/地图 #5106 2018-11


回忆要点:说一个map,好像是个古老的map是给国王看的,上面有coastal啥的,然后选项问我们能推测出什么,选 help
the king XXX coastal protection。文中说了这个 map的目的可以defence。顺便补充一下 文章第一句 this map,showing
parts of Kent and Sussex。有兴趣可以找资料了解一下。其它选项是这个map上的city plan上的city已经no longer exist

12. Chinese culture course/中国文化课程 #5105 2018-11


面有一句讲课程的assessment包括啥,好像是要求些4个written的work和参加tutorial class。题目文:课程的assessment
是啥构成的,选项是B:要写作业还要有class involvement。这题非常简单应该100%正确

13. A book/一本书 #4769 2018-09


回忆要点:XX Voyage(这是一本书的名字)人们认为这个voyage是profitable 的 在那个时代这本书被人们认为是Novel。答

案我选:这本书还可以被看作是其他目的(因为在那个时代被看作 后面又说这本书其他内容 我觉得暗含意思就是可以看作其

14. Pioneers/先锋 #4750 2018-09


回忆要点:讲的什么pioneers, 现是说什么人们不敢说一些东西,然后列举了两个人敢于说, 然后说他们是跟Beethoven and

Byron(Bryron?)一样的人物。 以上是我对这题的理解。

15. British Library/大英图书馆 #4658 2018-08


回忆要点:内容是 British Library is a national library. it welcomes all visitors. but the Reading Section need Pass card.
由于太多人,所以服务不周,需要人工审核,如果你有别的需要,工作人员会给予你指引。 选项有 1.进去British library 需要
pass card. 2. 进去Reading sector 需要人工审核 3. 一般需要等待时间是几周 4. ....

16. Labor markets/劳动力市场 #4655 2018-08


回忆要点:大意是The UK has one of the most flexible labor markets in Europe. // With the active labor market, the
young are highly beneficial from it, 讲了一堆年轻人积极找工作,失业率低,很成功什么的. // 最后说There is a program,
targeting people who are aged 25 or over, which yet not worked very well. Therefore, we need to make some changes
on it. 问: Why is the unemployment rate low for young in the UK, because the young ....? 选: is in active employment
market. 干扰: benefits from the program (文中强调说这个项目运行地不好) 干扰: suits the flexible labor market (后半句话
是对的,但好像没有说到年轻人suits) 干扰: more successful than people over 25 (没有比较这两个)

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17. Class-dominant theory/阶级优势理论 #4654 2018-08

The class-dominant theory argues that the media reflects and projects the view of a minority elite, which controls it.
Those people who own and control the corporations that produce media comprise this elite. Advocates of this view
concern themselves particularly with massive corporate mergers of media organizations, which limit competition and
put big business at the reins of media – especially news media. Their concern is that when ownership is restricted, a
few people then have the ability to manipulate what people can see or hear. For example, owners can easily avoid or
silence stories that expose unethical corporate behaviour or hold corporations responsible for their actions.

回忆要点:选: distrust large media organisations 干扰: are anti-competitive 干扰: are the minority 还有一个选项肯定是错

18. Elizabeth portrait/伊丽莎白画像 #4542 2018-08


1.Elizabeth portrait: owned to a private person called(文章写的是life portrait, followed by xxx人名)其他的文章说
may from Italy(选项说from Italy所以没选)portrait life (选项说的portrait life before painting所以没选)选项是
2.文章说的是伊丽莎白女王的人物画像portrait,尽管在位时间很长,女王不经常坐着让别人画,所以很多画作都come from
life(我理解的是 以女王的日常生活为基础创作人物画像)最出名的一幅画叫做 Danalys Portrait 公认是最好的 画家的手法不
像是受过英国教育的 更偏向于意大利画风 问的是可以得出的结论 选项有4个 1伊丽莎白女王认为这幅画最好 2作者是个意大利
人(不确定) 3作者生活在国外(大概这个意思) 4 画作的拥有者名叫Danalys 我选的4 因为文章里是这样说的 the portrait
is called the “ Danalys Portrait”, after the previous owner, is the most accomplished portrait recognized by the public.

19. Electricity/电 #4503 2018-08



20. Lighthouse/灯塔 #4502 2018-08



21. Divorce/离婚 #4501 2018-08


回忆要点:英国,离婚之都,因为法律参考有钱人案例分给女方钱多。答案选 给女方钱多。

22. Dark matter/暗物质 #4500 2018-08


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回忆1.讲宇宙中的暗物质dark matter,这题记得不全。 第一段,We found most matters in the universe are dark. ..... But
what is the dark matter? And how can astronomers detect things in the dark? 第二段,Erik Verlinde uses the term
gravitational lensing to explain the dark matter. 后面展开解释什么是gravitational lensing。 选项待补充...
回忆3.开始说到darkness matter,但是后面都是说那个lense,有个人写了关于这个lense的书,问题是问的这个书的作者怎
么怎么样 一共5个选项。选项有 说这个作者解决了universe的很多谜团。这个是不对的。 中间三个选项失忆。。说是
universe怎么了的好像都不对,重点是那个lense。 最后一个选项说这个文章的作者admire这个书的作者。这个我选了,因

23. Email processing/处理邮件 #4499 2018-08



24. Old information/旧消息 #4498 2018-08


回忆要点: 比较简单 问old information的特点,从文章最后一句选到contain more information

25. Peasant and aristocrat/平民与贵族 #4497 2018-08


回忆1.考到一个要怎么样才能从peasant那边征税! 选项A单词不认识,纠结好久,选了那个有household的那个选项!感觉
回忆2.那个A单词,应该是Aristocrat。但是有household的选项我没啥印象了。讲中世纪分化和向农民征税,难词很多 大意
是 In the Middle Ages, the privileged classes are aristocracy and clergy. They had political power, and taxed peasants
who were using these lands. They even purchased position of bishops and priests. On the other hand, peasants have
lower social status, who were busy with producing and trading goods, and had little rights and no political power. 问
How could people tax peasants in the Middle Ages? 我选了 To purchase a clergy’s title 其他选项 To executive an
aristocrat 其它选项To produce goods,也有同学选了to produce goods,考试时候注意听原文分辨

26. Thoughts/想法 #4496 2018-08


回忆1.有一个很短的阅读说的是什么是Cognitive and thoughts. Cognitive 什么什么的决定了什么的思想 行动 情绪 之类的。
回忆2.什么是thoughts我今天考了,我选:你此刻的mental status那个

27. Women and children/妇女和儿童 #4495 2018-08

That was partly because infant mortality was high. People had many children and accepted that not all of them would

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In the early 19th century a group of Evangelical Christians called the Clapham Sect were active in politics. They
campaigned for an end to slavery and cruel sports. They gained their name because so many of them lived in
Clapham. Organized religion was much more important in the 19th century than it is today. Nevertheless in 1851 a
survey showed that only about 40% of the population were at church or chapel on a given Sunday. Even allowing for
those who were ill or could not make it for some other reason it meant that half the population did not go to church.
Certainly many of the poor had little or no contact with the church. In 1881 a similar survey showed only about 13 of
the population of England at church on a given Sunday. In the late 19th century organized religion was in decline in

During the 1800s the factory system gradually replaced the system of people working in their own homes or in small
workshops. In England the textile industry was the first to be transformed. It employed many children. Unfortunately
when children worked in textile factories they often worked for more than 12 hours a day. In the early 19th century
parliament passed laws to restrict child labor. However they all proved to be unenforceable. The first effective law
was passed in 1833. It was effective because for the first time factory inspectors were appointed to make sure the law
was being obeyed. The new law banned children under 9 from working in textile factories. It said that children aged 9
to 13 must not work for more than 12 hours a day or 48 hours a week. Children aged 13 to 18 must not work for
more than 69 hours a week. Furthermore nobody under 18 was allowed to work at night (from 8.30 pm to 5.30 am).
Children aged 9 to 13 were to be given 2 hours education a day.

回忆要点:借楼回忆【19世纪 工业革命 关于妇女和child 工作】原文在 只不过

是分开取段落search: 从 that was partly because infant mortality was high开始 到讲child 工作几个小时

28. Hero/英雄 #4491 2018-07


回忆要点:讲一个远古时期对两个heroes的看法,我选的是authors 崇拜这两个人。 名字都挺长的 实在记不住

29. Password/密码 #4457 2018-07


回忆要点:设置密码,文章说虽然设置密码了,但是黑客还是能盗取信息,我选的是sophisticated method to盗取信息那个


30. Graffiti/涂鸦 #4456 2018-07

Postgraduate student Genevieve Rowles is working hard to make graffiti a rarity rather than a fact of modern city life,
as part of her Master's degree in forensic science.

Ms. Rowles is studying graffiti tags to find a way of identifying the perpetrators and eventually building a statewide
database of offenders and their tags. She says a common defence among taggers is to admit to one offense but deny
multiple tags, claiming them to be forgeries. Her aim is to be able to disprove that tags can be forged, so that
offenders can be prosecuted for multiple tags.

回忆1.考到一个postgraduate 做的一个关于graffiti 的study,我选的是acclaim xxx那个,我估计我选错了,应该选
consequence 那个选项,欢迎大神补充 Ms Rowles is studying graffiti tags to find a way of identifying the perpetrators
and eventually building a statewide database of offenders and their tags. She says a common defence among taggers
is to admit to one offence but deny multiple tags, claiming them to be forgeries. Her aim is to be able to disprove that
tags can be forged, so that offenders can be prosecuted for multiple tags.

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回忆2.前面说她是一个postgraduate 外做一个study,当时做这个题的时候是最后一题,但是生词太多选错了。当时在两个选
项里纠结 1.acclaim artists 2.crime consequences 剩下两个选项直接排出了,这个题应该选2

31. Protein/蛋白质 #4382 2018-07


回忆要点:第一段说muscle needs protein, that's why people need milk or nuts bar after exercises. 第二段说但是没有实
验证明whether plant protein is as effective as meat.第三段说但根据美国近期一个研究,发现plant protein是有效
的,which is a good news for vegetarian 问文章的观点是?选plant protein is proved to be as effective as meat protein.

32. Thieves/小偷 #4377 2018-07


回忆要点:刚考完这题很简单保对: 说防信用卡被偷了后盗刷,现在很多website require the billing address same with

the mailing address, 所以你的信用卡即使被盗刷,小偷买的物品也只能寄去你家,这样小偷获得物品的概率非常小。问这主

33. Decision/决策 #4376 2018-07 本月高频



34. Engineering/工程 #4352 2018-07


回忆要点:一个PhD和我一起做了关于 the economics of time use 的研究。This topic was considered as a classical social
science subject. But now the engineerings find this discovery can be used to assist the invention of ... (IT的什么发明,很
常见的,突然忘了) 问: 下列哪项正确? 选: Social science discoveries have a lot of contributions on engineering.

35. World Wide Web/万维网 #4351 2018-07


回忆要点:In the first years after the World Wide Web (WWW) has been invented, the ancient web owners had no
control over what the web page would look like to readers. They could only decide which part would be the headline,
and which part should be the straight text. They could only have options like bold and italic, but this was the end of it.
问: Why web designers were frustrated about the WWW in 19xx? 选: Because they were constrained (restrained) about
the presentation options.

36. John Robertson/约翰罗伯逊 #4294 2018-06

When he was awarded an Honorary Degree by the University of Newcastle, even John Robertson himself must surely
have looked back in wonder at his astonishing rise to success. The year was 1910, and those assembled were to hear
not only of his generosity to the University, which enabled it to contribute to the pioneering research into tropical

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diseases being carried out at that time, but also of his humanitarian work in southern Africa, where he was ahead of
his time in improving the working conditions of local mine workers. To those who knew John in his youth, it will have
come as no surprise to hear of his success. He was now enjoying the rewards of the fierce determination, desire to
succeed and extraordinary ability to acquire knowledge, which they had noticed in the young man.

He was born in Africa.

His abilities were evident at a young age.
He studied medicine.
He completed his degree in 1910.

37. Jupiter/木星 #4292 2018-06

Jupiter has two and a half times more as compared to all other planets put together. Besides, it's diameter is 11 times
more than Earth's diameter. Because of its size, the scientists were also forced into believing that it became a star.
Gasses and dust contracted to build the planet and immense pressure was created by the gravitational forces along
with tens of thousands of degrees of temperature. However, unlike the Sun, the unavailability of sufficient mass
required to create the temperature which can initiate fusion reaction, Jupiter relatively got cooler over a period of

Comparison of Jupiter's temperature with other planets.

Size of Jupiter compared to other planets.
Jupiter's development as compared to Earth over a period.
Jupiter's development as compared to sun.

38. English Court/英国法院 #4063 2018-05

人民对于英国法院不满的原因,应选: women get larger reward

39. Orientation/方向 #4061 2018-05

回忆要点:和Orientation同时的是:文章超长,挑着读的,看到一个选项是throughout semester给排除了,最后没时间了
蒙的Sydney program

40. Rocket/火箭 #4004 2018-05


回忆要点:问在…之前rocket的作用,文章最后提到了measure upper atmosphere和discovery X-ray,在选项study the

earth和development of X-ray纠结,因为觉得development和discovery不一样就选了study earth

41. Art/艺术 #3812 2018-04

Many argue that art cannot be defined. We could go about this in several ways. Art is often considered as the process
or product of deliberately arranging elements in a way that appeals to the senses or emotions. It encompasses a
diverse range of human activities, creations and ways of expression, including music, literature, film, sculpture and
paintings. The meaning of art is explored in a branch of philosophy known as aesthetics. At least, that is what
Wikipedia claims.

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Art is a difficult and complex form to explain.

Wikipedia defines art under aesthetics, which is a branch of philosophy.
Music, literature, film and sculpture do not define art.
Art is directed in a way that it deliberately appeals to the emotions of people.

42. High Quality Child Care/高质量的育儿 #3741 2018-04


回忆要点:文章内容有:mothers found it difficult if extensive child care...还有关键字sensibility...文章最后一句话是,high

quality child care depend on the investment from government for the public rather than mothers or child carers.问题
是 high quality child care 的观点是?选项有:1. mothers-child relationship 2. 私人对child care的捐赠(干扰项) 3. 忘了

43. Cheating/说谎 #3740 2018-04


文章内容是 cheating is a kind of deception. 当你说谎时,你心里并不认同,所以你会表现出来,然后对方就能看出来。然后

说 that is a lose of trust. that lead to deterioration of society 问题是 :短文对 deception的观点是? 答案是 deteriorate

44. Relationship research/关系分析 #3700 2018-04


介绍relationship research,因为一般的实验需要耗费很多精力和时间,relationship research可以用在一般的实验前面,去


45. Counseling service/咨询服务 #3618 2018-03


讲的是counseling service 里面有加粗字体,为啥意思?选: make them stand out

46. Sculpture/雕像 #3495 2018-03


举了一个建筑前的人物雕像的例子 说这个雕像可以被理解成不同的意思 选项也应该是选这个

47. Pluto/冥王星 #3494 2018-03


回忆1.有一个问冥王星为什么从九大行星中择出去了 答案是因为它旁边和别的什么什么share...卫星?闹不清那单词啥意思
回忆2.回忆要点:给了一张宇宙的照片,讲为什么冥王星是矮行星而不是行星,大意是: There are three criteria to be a
planet. Firstly, it should have a shape of ball. Secondly, it must be in orbit around the sun. And the last factor is that it
cannot share with its “neighbourhood” around the orbit. Pluto meets the first two criteria, but not the last one. Pluto is

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a dwarf planet in the Kuiper belt, a ring of bodies beyond Neptune. 后面重点讲研究员怎么发现 orbit of Pluto and
Neptune 重合的。 问: According to IAU’s definition, why is Pluto currently considered as dwarf planet? 选: Pluto shares
the orbit with Neptune. 干扰: Pluto has no shape of ball. 干扰: Pluto doesn’t orbit the sun. 干扰: Pluto is an asteroid.

48. Artist/艺术家 #2230 2017-12

Being one of his best works and he never again allowed his art to be influenced by contemporary politics. On the
contrary, he had the utmost contempt for the age in which he lived, for its crass materialism and complacent belief in
progress; and his art is almost entirely an attempt to escape from it. He escaped into the subjects of romantic poetry,
in particular, that of Shakespeare, Byron, and Walter Scott. Some of his greatest pictures were inspired by Byron, and
he had a Byronic power of self-identification with the forces of the sublime - in particular ‘the roaring of lions and the
destructive sword’. Baudelaire said that when an idea shot through his mind his muscles quivered with impatience
and his eyes shone like a tiger stalking its prey. At feeding time in the Paris Zoo, he was overwhelmed with happiness.

C:这个艺术家有strong emotion

49. A Prestigious Man/一个名人 #2204 2017-12


选项有 1). 他的作品 artificial 2). 他的lyric朴实 3)...

50. Safe Injection/安全疫苗注射 #2203 2017-12


讲非洲打疫苗等,百分之多少的人能接受安全疫苗注射,百分之多少人和needle打针有关,愿望是希望每个人都 affordable
to safe injection.
答案有:1.the majority of people can safe injection...2....

51. White maize/白玉米 #2137 2017-11


White maize为什么涨价,原因是总统变了,移民多了,种黄玉米有补贴,大部分吃黄玉米,价格涨了,所以大部分商家就开
始买白玉米,应该选政策税收变了那个,时间紧张选项很tricky 要从文章中分析

52. Infection Procedure/侵染程序 #2136 2017-11


给了一堆在医院怎么隔离病人怎么洗床单怎么auditing 问这篇文章主旨 infection procedure

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53. Perfect Competition/自由竞争 #2124 2017-11


accounting background的大概都知道,就是perfect competition:大概就是因为市场 太大,所以一个人很难影响到整个市

场,举了个例子,wheat farm,因为产量太大,一 个farmer无法通过reduce supply来提高价格。选项大概也是这个意思

54. Journalist/记者 #2123 2017-11


Journalist 和科学家风格的不同

55. Gender Equality/男女平等 #2122 2017-11


gender equality的重要性,给了三research,问中间那个讲什么?大概内容是女CEO的 公司或者有女董事的公司outperform

答案:选项里面有leadership的那一个选项。有个迷惑选项是女员工多的公司 outperform

56. Lock stock and Barrel/全部地 #2121 2017-11


Lock stock and Barrel (全部地,一股脑地)

答案:选 completely

57. Overseas Student Health Cover/海外学生医疗保险 #2120 2017-11


回忆2.卧龙岗大学的,第一段就说这个是给international student的通知,大意说有个项目,要参加,你可以不用学校默认的
机构,可以自己选,但是一定要买,确保你在留学期间是被cover的。我选的好像是国际学生要自己买保险负担health care,

58. Darkness/黑暗 #2065 2017-11

If humans were truly at home under the light of the moon and stars, we would go in darkness happily, the midnight
world as visible to us as it is to the vast number of nocturnal species on this planet. Instead, we are diurnal creatures,
with eyes adapted to living in the sun's light. This is a basic evolutionary fact, even though most of us don't think of
ourselves as diurnal beings any more than we think of ourselves as primates or mammals or Earthlings. Yet it's the
only way to explain what we've done to the night: We've engineered it to receive us by filling it with light.

问什么正确的 选项一个有说人是nocturnal 这个是错误的.

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59. Typical Prisoners/典型罪犯 #596 2017-04



60. Speech Recognition/语音识别 #595 2017-04



61. Successful people/成功人士 #594 2017-04



62. Voting Machine/投票机 #593 2017-04


答案:选Voting Machine Distribution

63. District/地区 #592 2017-04


回忆要点:No culture最高的地区,答案选80%的那个

64. Literature review/查阅文献 #591 2017-04


答案:选 the book is old edition

65. Crime and beyond routine/犯罪与逾矩 #590 2017-04


并不是所有的犯罪都是异常, 例如超速行驶。逃税是异常的。
答案:选speeding is not deviant
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66. Portraits/画像 #589 2017-04


答案:选Unknown subjects

67. Illiteracy rates/文盲率 #588 2017-04


回忆要点:问题:从这篇文章里来看, 哪些人群更需要了解和解决文盲政策? 答案:选woman from central and south Asia

干扰选项:man from..(incorrect, man has 1/3 illiteracy rates, while woman has 2/3); woman from xxx, country

68. Home education/家庭教育 #587 2017-04


答案:their focus should be on home issues
干扰选项:1. they envy their daughters (incorrect) 2. they want them to school education (incorrect)

69. Enterprise operations/企业运作 #586 2017-04


It is understandable that management avoid risk-taking behavior, but doing nothing is no way better.
答案:选doing nothing is not always better than taking transitions这个选项

70. Magazine writers and journalists/杂志作家与记者 #585 2017-04


答案:Differences in referencing style(引用风格的差异)

71. Magnetic field/磁场 #584 2017-04


答案:altering the surrounding atmosphere of Venus(Magnetic field in Venus changed the atmosphere,选跟这句相

72. Languages/语言 #583 2017-04

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Languages are disappearing in Australia, because a native began to speak English

保存语言的method是record video book(录制视频书籍)
答案:和record video book有关的选项

73. Lecture/讲座 #582 2017-04


男女对话,男的抱怨课程表Monday上讲座,一周五天classes everyday

74. Climate change/气候变化 #581 2017-04 本月高频

Every day millions of lights and computers are left on in deserted offices, apartments, and houses. Environmental
activists say that simply switching them off could cut Sydney's greenhouse gas emissions by five percent over the next
year. Per capita, Australia is one of the world's largest producers of carbon dioxide and other gases that many
scientists believe are helping to warm the Earth's atmosphere, causing climate upset. A long-standing drought and
serious water shortages in Australia have focused much attention on climate change. Some experts warn higher
temperatures could leave this nation of 20 million people at the mercy of more severe droughts and devastating
tropical cyclones.

Gas emissions
Environmental activists
Carbon dioxide

75. Artists/艺术家 #580 2017-04

The artists were not a rich man's frivolous addition to his entourage but an essential part of a scientific team in the
age before photography. Their principal task was to draw the specimens that the scientists collected. Although the
naturalists, such as Banks, intended to preserve some of their specimens and take them home to England, it would
not be practical to do so with all of them. Banks also expected to dissect certain animals, and the artists would
preserve a record of this work. In addition to their scientific drawings, Banks wanted the artists to sketch the people
and places they visited.

Dissecting specimens was not as useful as taking them to England.

Naturalists themselves were often talented artists.
Photography eventually made scientific expeditions more productive.
Artists performed a variety of tasks in early scientific explorations.

76. Photography/摄影 #579 2017-04


回忆要点:讲发明了 photography 后,人们用来 holiday, leisure, store memory, 另外还反应了 hidden reality, such as
wars and inaccessible inhabitant.问题:photography 独特的作用 选reveal something people don’t know (大概就是这个
意思,是 hidden reality 的同义)

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77. Female leadership/女性领导力 #578 2017-04

Companies with 30 percent female executives rake in as much as six percentage points more in profits, according to
a study on Monday, feeding into a global debate over the scarcity of women in decision-making business roles. The
results indicate the presence of women in corporate leadership positions can boost a firm’s performance, suggesting
a reward for policies that facilitate women rising through corporate ranks. But the study found while having women
in executive ranks resulted in better profitability, female CEOs or board members did not have a statistically
significant impact on the bottom line.What’s the result of the research?

答案:选more female in leadership tend to generate more profits

78. Computer Games/电脑游戏 #577 2017-04

电脑游戏(有GO的,类似 alphago),有三个选项,各是“未来会超越人类” “未来可能会超越人类”和“未来不可能超越人类”

答案:选 “未来有可能超越人类“ 的那个意思的选项

79. Home-working/在家工作 #575 2017-04

文章说现在很多人home-working, 但是有很多顾虑,穿着睡衣工作不是很好,问括号里的话有什么含义?


80. Allusive/暗指 #574 2017-04


备选选项:1.fleeting 2. motivate 3. persuasive 4. suggestive或是implicit 5. realistic

81. Communication/交流 #573 2017-04

问科学的实验和艺术的共同点,提到communicate, 说他们是可以互相交流的


82. Power/能力 #572 2017-04

有一个古老的地方 D 开头的然后问为啥那个组织有power?

答案:应该是选那个带law的,因为block message of law在文中有rules和secrecy,对应block。

83. Submitting a paper/交作业 #571 2017-04

You can only submit a paper by entering into the 'classroom' of a class in which you are enrolled. Enter the classroom
by clicking on the class name in your class portfolio. Your classroom page is divided into two broad sections: to the
left is your assignment list and to the right is your portfolio.

In your assignment list, to the right of the assignment that you must submit, you will see an icon of a document

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beneath the submit column. Click this to submit an assignment. You will now be asked to attach your assignment.
Before you submit your assignment, you will need to copy the following declaration and paste at the top of your title
page:I declare that this assignment is original and has not been submitted for assessment elsewhere, and
acknowledge that the assessor of this assignment may, for the purpose of assessing this assignment:

1.reproduce this assignment and provide a copy to another member of faculty; and(or)

2.communicate a copy of this assignment to a plagiarism checking service (which may then retain a copy of this
assignment on its database for the purpose of future plagiarism checking).

assignments being misplaced by university staff

students copying others' work
overcrowding in classrooms at peak times
the poor quality of English expression in assignments

84. Essay/论文 #570 2017-04

为什么学生一直在自己的 essay 里面重复已经说过的东西,他们这样做to meet the ten pages requirement?

答案:选:increase the length of the assignment

85. Cognitive awareness/认知知觉 #569 2017-04


答案:带低收入妈妈的选项mothers with low-income and working in urban cities 其他选项有women from a wide range;
women from rural areas

86. Written sources/写作材料 #568 2017-04

Social scientists use particular methods to gather qualitative evidence, from observation to interview, but they also
use autobiographical accounts, journalism, and other documentary material to flesh out and add meaning to
statistics. As with reading numbers, reading textual evidence requires us to practice, to set time aside to learn how to
do it, and to understand the conventions of writing which operate in the different forms of writing we encounter. One
of the main problems with reading textual evidence, though, is that, unlike the relationship most of us have with
numbers where we may use them at a pretty basic level, most of us are, if anything, over-familiar with words. When
we want to understand their value as social science evidence we need to forget how familiar we are with first person
accounts and everyday speech - for example, in newspapers, magazines, and books - and learn a different approach
to them.

Social scientists use observation, interviews and even print journalism as evidence for the claims they make. They may
collect evidence through questionnaires with pre-set questions and by open-ended interviews which allow
respondents to speak for themselves. They may observe social relations explicitly as social scientists or may
participate themselves in a particular community to gain 'inside' information.

Social scientists also draw on print journalism on occasion and may use the same sources, for example official
statistics, and the work of other social scientists to support their claims. We need to remember, though, that
journalists do not need to present the same rigorous referencing and support for their claims as social scientists are
required to do. Most importantly, newspaper and magazine articles are written under commercial pressures; for
example they must help to sell the newspaper by being deliberately provocative, or by reflecting the dominant views
of its readers.

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Formulating questionnaires and interview questions.

Advising them on how to collect qualitative evidence.
Adding information to other data they have collected.
Change their understanding of numbers.

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MA_R MC, Multiple Answer 阅读多选

1. Hubble/哈勃 #7261 2020-06


回忆要点:文章是哈勃的生平,哪年生,干了那些事,还有Edwin Powell Hubble的全名,我记到本上了(因为有个sst提到

哈勃怕不会写 )一共5、6个选项,我选了两个选项,1.他先干了别的,再当了天文学家(原文中有出现他先去当兵)2.他证

2. Optional courses/选修课 #7240 2020-04 本月高频


回忆要点:说的是美国的教育制度,secondary school和high school怎样怎样,本来提供很多课程是为了学生可以向自己喜

欢的方向发展,结果学生只是和关系好的人选同一门或选容易的课程,使得课程设置原本的目的没有达到。 五选二, 我选

3. Child care/儿童保育 #7239 2020-04


回忆要点:考到一个child care 的文章,选项要选一个government child care 更有效,还有一个是带mother的那个选项,阅


4. Instant noodles/方便面 #7022 2019-12

In 1958 instant noodles went on the market, yellowish wormy bricks in cellophane bags, and were laughed at by
fresh-noodle makers all over Japan. They were just a high-tech craze, costing six times as much as the fresh stuff;
they would never catch on. By the end of the first year, Momofuku Ando had sold 13m bags and had attracted a dozen
competitors. He never looked back. The Japanese voted instant noodles their most important 20th-century invention,
Sony Walkmans notwithstanding. Mr. Ando's firm, Nissin, became a $3 billion global enterprise. Read the text and
answer the question by selecting all the correct responses. You will need to select more than one response.

Mr. Ando's products are not well-known outside of Japan.

When instant noodles came on the market they cost much less than the fresh ones.
Mr. Ando's business venture was successful with the public.
Mr. Ando purchased the firm Nissin for $3 billion.
Mr. Ando was initially concerned about having so many competitors.
People in the noodle business initially ridiculed Mr. Ando's idea.

5. Power resources/动力资源 #7021 2019-12 本月高频

The distribution of power resources in the contemporary information age varies greatly on different issues. We are
told that the United States is the only superpower in a unipolar world. But the situation is far more complex than first
meets the eye. The agenda of world politics has become like a three-dimensional chess game in which one can win
only by playing vertically as well as horizontally. On the top board of classic interstate military issues, the United
States is indeed the only superpower with global military reach, and it makes sense to speak in traditional terms of
unipolarity or hegemony. However, on the middle board of interstate economic issues, the distribution of power is
multipolar. The United States cannot obtain the outcomes it wants on trade, antitrust, or financial regulation issues
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without the agreement of the European Union, Japan, China and others. It makes little sense to call this American
hegemony, and on the bottom board of transnational issues like terrorism, international crime, climate change, and
the spread of infectious diseases, power is widely distributed and chaotically organized among state and non-state
actors. It makes no sense to call this a unipolar world or an American empire. Read the text and answer the question
by selecting all the correct responses. You will need to select more than one response.

He does not agree that the United States has world domination, except in military matters.
He worries that important transnational issues won't be resolved because the U.S. isn't given the lead.
He thinks that discussions of how power is distributed in the world are frequently oversimplified.
He feels that the United States, as the richest country, should always get its way in economic matters.
He does not believe that crucial issues in world politics should be compared to a game like chess.

6. Mars/火星 #7019 2019-12


回忆要点:回忆1:说Mars表面的water channel曾经是怎么形成的(是曾经,因为现在已经是ice了)。然后有说原因是
surfacexxx的运动,然后在火星表面形成了water channel什么之类的。选项让选文章中描述不对的。我记得是5选2,A肯定
选,因为选择A的volcano debris文中没提。另外一个想不起来了。 回忆2:借楼回忆,没看到有鸡精,讲Mars上面的水和
debris,文章很多复杂的词,没有读的太懂. 问题问:下面哪个statement NOT true? 选项 A mars上面 有 volcanic debris...
选项 B说 Mars上面debris是被水冲刷过(应该是对的,文中提到可能有大量的水冲过形成了debris); 选项C说Mars 可能存
在很多underground frozen water。 还有一个正确的选项。不记得了。

7. Social media/社交媒体 #7018 2019-12


回忆要点: social media对社交的影响,有提到Facebook。 选了一个:孤独的人更喜欢用社交软件。 选项: 1) Websites

like facebook can improve well-being. 2) Lonely people make the most use of internet(facebook) 3) Most people use
facebook to make new friends. [明显错] 4) D: 忘了。。(记得是个正确答案) 可以确定不选C,因为文中有说facebook是
人们用来维系old friends 的,除了选了D,我在AB中徘徊,最终选了B. 有几个选项很有迷惑性,我记得印象中好像是讲人们

8. The Crystal Palace/水晶宫 #7017 2019-12 本月高频


回忆要点:The Crystal Palace水晶宫【4-11月】 回忆1:讲水晶宫的,玻璃结构,设计师和1851年的展览。 The huge, modular, iron, wood and glass, structure was originally
erected in Hyde Park in London to house the Great Exhibition of 1851, which showcased the products of many
countries throughout the world. At this point renowned gardener Joseph Paxton became interested in the project, and
with the enthusiastic backing of Commission member Henry Cole, he decided to submit his own design.最后讲了这个建
筑耗时多久建好,用了多少人工和物力,维多利亚女王在里面开了第一届世界博览会,后来它怎么被烧掉的; 问下面的
statement哪个是对的? 记得的选项有 选项1: 维多利亚余生都在这度过;【错误】 选项2:那个设计师是水晶宫的gardener;

9. Zoo/动物园 #6749 2019-08



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技术让zoo更有意义。大概是这样的选1. Zoo is like museum now; 2. Zoo should be more educational

10. Information Fatigue Syndrome/信息疲劳症候群 #6620 2019-07

Too much information can have negative effects on health and well-being, says psychologist David Lewis. He coined
the phrase "Information Fatigue Syndrome" for the condidtion that, he says, is caused by unrelenting exposure to
excessive information. He warns that businesses may even face litigation and financial liability for failing to protect
employees from the health consequences of information overload.

11. Totalism/集体主义 #6534 2019-06


回忆要点:很短一篇文章,讲totalism 集权主义的。问题是集权和民主的相似点是什么, 非常好选

12. School interaction/校园互动 #6191 2019-04


回忆要点:校园互动 问题是这样做有什么好处? 这种活动能改变科学家们在孩子们心目中传统的形象 让孩子们了解微生物学

双赢 增加这些研究员研究topics的范围和深度 答案不确定

13. Introvert and extrovert manager/内向与外向的经理 #6190 2019-04


回忆要点:introvert和extrovert manager的优劣 答案版本一: 选 introvert更适合快速变化的环境 以及quiet manager更易

与直言的员工工作 答案版本二: 我选了 People have biases on introverts. 和 Extrovert leaders and proactive members
can’t work together. "

14. Orchid/兰花 #6189 2019-04 本月高频


回忆要点:"orchid兰花 选择:加快通风 和 防止fungi

15. Employment situation/就业情况 #5406 2018-12


前工资的80%作为补助,并且会再给他们培训。选项我觉得正确的是,undertake trainning,和receive a mount of
financial support from gov. 求大神补充

16. Medical research/医学研究 #5139 2018-11


回忆要点:讲新的和旧的医学研究 药物什么的 答案里面有一个选项是旧的方法过时了还是啥的

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17. Cycling/骑自行车 #5137 2018-11


调查数据 问文章主旨 选项:阅读82 所以不能保证对的 1.cycling have many benefits 在不同的方面(我选了,文章有说骑自
行车的人更加快乐,可以更好的control life) 2.骑自行车的人better performance 工作中(这个我比较纠结,感觉文章里面
没有直接提到工作表现更好) 3. 骑自行的人可以better control life(类似这个意思 我选了) 4.more people driving to
work(数据就是调查各种人上班交通工具的比例 我记得开车的人最多 好像有60% 骑自行车的人%最少,但是我没选这个,应
为文章主旨不是强调使用交通工具的%) 5.骑自行车上班的人最少(同上 虽然对的 但我也没选)

18. Electronic buses/电动巴士 #5084 2018-10


考到一个新能源公交车的题:electronic buses, 提到两个公司,公司1占有市场份额的60%,第二个公司blabla……然后是

government 购买这种bus to be environmentally friendly,选项还挺确定的 选1: 政府为了环保购买这种bus 选2: 公司1的
market share大于公司2 (虽然文章中没明确提到,但是公司1占有了60% 的市场份额,所以marketing share 肯定高于公司2

19. Music/音乐 #5057 2018-10


回忆要点:讲music对店铺的影响 然后research 关于不好的影响 interview了一些人,有的人说他们听到音乐会不自觉跳舞,

有的人说音乐的品味针对某一类人群,他们会更快的离开店铺,最后一段还有讲到音量的大小 选项有: 1. 音乐会让人们留在
店铺 2.音乐会让人们更快离开 3.音乐会让人们unconscious movement 4.音量… 别的不记得了 希望大神补充

20. Jails/监狱 #5054 2018-10


回忆要点:今天考到了一篇讲关于监狱的文章 密密麻麻的数字啊,大体上是关于有百分之多少的囚犯是因为什么罪被关的,

21. Snow melt/雪融化 #4838 2018-09

Large forest fires have occurred more frequently in the western United States since the mid-1980s as spring
temperatures increased, mountain snows melted earlier and summers got hotter, according to new research. Almost
seven times more forested federal land burned during the 1987-2003 period than during the prior 17 years. In
addition, large fires occurred about four times more often during the latter period. The research is the most
systematic analysis to date of recent changes in forest fire activity in the western United States. The increases in fire
extent and frequency are strongly linked to higher March-through-August temperatures and are most pronounced for
mid-elevation forests in the northern Rocky Mountains. The new finding points to climate change, not fire
suppression policies and forest fuel accumulation, as the primary driver of recent increases in large forest fires.

回忆要点:考到climate change导致雪融化(snow melt),还导致了越来越多的forest fire。 1993-2003多了7次森林火

灾。 选项选了1. Climate change causes snow melt; 2. More forest fire during 1993-2003 干扰项有:森林火灾的温度上
升,雪融化使climate change之类的。 求核对答案。

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22. Origins of hospital/医院的起源 #4837 2018-09


回忆要点:讲19世纪初在欧洲的医院起源。 主要是教堂先设立了医院,但是当时的医院和现在医院目的功能不一样,当时的
医院是给人提供care 和comfort, 而不是治愈病人,。 并且真正的病人,尤其是传染病病人是不被当时医院接收的。我选了两

23. Transparency/透明杯子 #4836 2018-09


回忆要点: transparency和一个单词的研究 文章内容讲 一个玻璃杯 一个马克杯 我们可以看见玻璃杯里有什么 但是马克杯装

咖啡是我们自己想象的 选项 1 transparency 和那个单词是同一个东西 2 transparency和那个单词不是一个东西 之后的忘了

24. Research about light/牛顿对光的研究 #4835 2018-09


回忆要点:牛顿光的研究 内容是 1. 发现光是直线的 2 发现光穿过水或什么会折射 3 忘记 选项 我选了 1 光是直线的 2 光穿过

Solid material 会折射 选项还有3 光在穿过介质时候速度会改变

25. Dennett/丹尼特 #4653 2018-08

Dennett recognizes that all human minds are shaped not only by natural selection but by enormous cultural
influenced which effectively redesign our minds. He invites us to think of the conscious mind as consisting of those
mental contents that win in competition against other mental contents in the battle for control of behavior. What we
are is the “organization of all the competitive activity between a host of competences” that our bodies have
developed. Consciousness is defined by what a mind can do – whether it can concentrate, be distracted, recall earlier
events, keep track of a number of things at once etc. Dennett urges us to resist the temptation to imagine animals as
accompanying their clever activities with streams of reflective consciousness as we would. We may not know that they
do not, but we certainly cannot assume that they do. He notes that the more we learn about clever activities in
animals and how they are accomplished, the less the processes in their brains seem to resemble the thoughts we
imagined were doing the work.

Our minds are shaped by natural selection.

Our conscious mind tries to control our behaviors.
Our minds are not shaped by cultural influences.
Animals make decisions based on their conscious minds.
A mind cannot concentrate or cannot be distracted.

26. America and Canada/美国与加拿大 #4492 2018-07


回忆要点:有提到加拿大美国经济blabla 有个选项很tricky说 北美都xxxx 这个是迷惑选项,因为加拿大:heavy_plus_sign:美

国 不等于 北美。

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27. 3D Printing/三维打印 #4465 2018-07

With the help of their latest invention in science – a 3D printer, researchers managed to create the exact copy of a
man's thumb bones. The device can now be used to help surgeons restore damaged bones by creating their precise
copies, which are made from the patient's cells. The new method implies a number of steps. Initially, it is important to
have a 3D image of the bone that is going to be copied. In case the bone has been damaged, one can create a mirror
image of the bone's intact twin. Afterwards the picture of the bone is inserted into a 3D inject printer that puts thin
layers of a material (selected beforehand) on top of one another till the 3D object shows up. After successfully
replicating a bone, the copy itself features small pores on its "scaffolds". This is where bone cells can eventually settle,
grow and then completely displace the biodegradable scaffold. Scientists removed CD117 cells from bone marrow
that remained after hip-replacement surgical operations. These cells develop into primordial bone cells, also known
as osteoblasts. The latter were syringed on top of the bone scaffolds in a gel that was created to nourish the CD117
cells as well as support them. In the final step, scientists sew scaffolds under the skin on the backs of laboratory mice.
After 15 weeks the scaffold had turned into human bone.

image,用来3d打印需要重建的骨骼。或者也可以用DNA分析来建立所需的3d image(大概这个意思)。 3d打印机是先打出
一个scaffold,之后细胞可以慢慢replace 这个框架scaffold。 3d打印机里面load的是xx,xx和xx化学物质,这些物质是从人
体中自然存在的,可以帮助一些事情(抱歉,这忘记了,不过不重要)。记得的几个选项: 1、3d打印机可以打印3d image -
显然错的不选,是要先建立3d image,打印机再依据它来打印scaffold。 2、打印机打的scaffold是biodegradable。这个不
确定。 3、打印机里的ink是自然存在的化学物质。我选了这个。 其他两个忘了。
回忆2. 我选了: 可以use one’s one cell 的选项 还选了: 有 mirror image 的那个选项 别的干扰不记得了,都忘记题主说的
biodegradable是哪个选项了,我这题不会做,看到选项都挺对的 = = 晕,大家看到选项自己斟酌吧

28. Exercise/运动量 #4420 2018-07


回忆要点:澳大利亚海外人和本地人的每天运动量,有一个按照age group分的柱状图。选择了2项:有一半的澳大利亚的65

29. Cross-culture/交叉文化 #4350 2018-07 本月高频


回忆要点:文章很长,总共4段。 前面讲派员工去不同的国家 to develop their cross-culture competence。后面2段说某科

学家的观点。 问: 这个科学家的观点是什么? 选: Workers have deeper understanding of their own languages can better
deal with other cultures. 另一个肯定正确的选项忘记了 干扰: Workers find it’s hard to distinguish adopted culture and
adapted culture. (文章提到 Workers should adapt to other cultures 而不是 merely adopt to them,但没有说 hard to
distinguish) 干扰: Workers have little understanding on their own culture. 干扰: Workers have varying views on their
own culture.

30. IQ Test/智商测试 #4270 2018-06


回忆要点:考了一题说学生5%做了IQ测试 结果发现其实他们不是很聪明 就是一般学生 但是期末考试结果他们最好 说明老师

对带学生的态度直接影响学生的成绩 选择老师的态度对学生是不一样的 另外一个没太敢选 应该是5%的学生啥的 有考过的同

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31. Snow Slide/雪崩 #4016 2018-05

Now, Osvanny Ramos of the Ecole Normale Suprieure in Lyon, France, and colleagues say prediction is possible after
all. They designed an experiment that induced avalanches in a two-dimensional pile of 4-millimetre-diameter steel
beads. They placed a 60-centimetre row of randomly spaced beads between two parallel, vertical glass plates 4.5
millimetres apart, with the beads glued to the bottom to simulate the ground under a natural pile. Then they dropped
in one bead at a time, creating piles of up to 55,000 beads. After each drop, the team photographed the pile and
measured the position of each bead to calculate the "space factor" - a measure of the disorder in the system, which
was related to the space surrounding each bead (see diagram). The greater the disorder round a bead, the more likely
an avalanche was. If one or more beads moved when a new bead fell on the pile, that was considered to be an
avalanche. An extra-large avalanche involved between 317 and 1000 beads. The researchers found that if the space
factor before a bead dropped was greater than it had been 50 steps earlier, they could predict an extra-large
avalanche with 64 per cent accuracy. Ramos says that they can improve the odds by analysing more information, such
as the size of the pile (Physical Review Letters, vol 102, p 078701). The work could also have important consequences
for predicting earthquakes. Ramos has an inkling why forecasting earthquakes is so difficult: seismologist tend to use
information about the time and size of events, known as a time series. However, Ramos found that this didn't help
predict the next big avalanche. "When seismologists try to predict earthquakes, they analyse the time series," he says.
He argues that they would have more success analysing data analogous to the internal disorder in the pile of beads.

Space factor is related to the space around each bead, and the greater disorder indicates a higher possibility of
The greater the disorder around a bead, the less likely an avalanche was.
Internal disorder analysis will lead to a more successful model.
They could 100% accurately predict an extra-large avalanche based on the change in space factor of a bead.
Forecasting earthquakes is easier than predicting avalanche.

32. Aristotle/亚里士多德 #3698 2018-04


回忆1.Aristotle开头的一篇文章,问五世纪到十六世纪的development有哪些。我选的1. strengthes and weakness更突出2.
意识有变化,但主要观点没变化。 答案完全不确定
回忆2.考到了 是讲Aristotle(亚里士多德) Ptolemy(托勒密,天文学家,地心说学者) Copernicus(哥白尼,日心说) 3-
16世纪一直是Aristotle and Ptolemy的学说(地心说)统治天文学长达13 centuries,直到16世纪Copernicus提出日心说。
这题是多选,不过我保险起见只选了一个 D. 大概意思是 16世纪的时候,人们没直接接受日心说,但对天文学的观念发生改变
阅读89 供参考

33. Voting/投票 #2241 2017-12


回忆要点:Young people voting

正确选项:1. Young people don’t have too much health problems 2. 他们不是纳税大户

34. A French Philosopher/一个法国哲学家 #2240 2017-12



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错误选项: 有一个选项好像说哲学家和那个group一个立场(是相反的) 选项说EU受欢迎,但是US没人搭理(这个人在EU和

US都备受追捧) 还有一个选项说这个人让一个领域变成新世界的大门(NG,不选)
正确选项: 一个选项是:这个人和爱因斯坦就time有过一次讨论,之后名誉受损 另外一个选项和原文讲的一致(关于哲学家

35. Mail Station/邮件总站 #2225 2017-12


回忆要点:一个伦敦的旧 mail station 为什么是chosen one?


36. Services Industry/服务行业 #2224 2017-12


回忆要点:Services industry的发展。选agriculture跟manufacturing生产力提高,还有工人生产效率提高这两个选项

37. Distance Education/远程教育 #2223 2017-12


其中一个正确选项是resources available的那个

38. Assessment on Health Workers/对医生的评估 #2139 2017-11


只记得一道 是一个 assessment on health workers, 大部分医院都没达标,然后选项有很多百分比,我记得我选了大部分医


39. A Device of Protecting/一个保护鸟类的装置 #2138 2017-11


回忆要点:题目是pink tube,有一个配图,是一个野鸭子(duck),脚脖子上套了一个粉色的tube,文章大意是,鸭子数量
减少的一个原因是误入了fishing areas,被渔网缠住不能脱生。问下面的statement哪个是对的,我就选了一个答案:好像是
B, 大意是pink tube 为了保护prevent鸭子免于被渔网缠住

40. Job Training/职业培训 #616 2017-04


关于job training的几个advantages.
答案: relatively inexpensive和flexible pace

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41. ANZAC/澳新军团 #615 2017-04


回忆1.AUS 和NZ 的军队在土耳其战争中,有一个答案是确定的:对澳洲现代人的value有巨大影响。
回忆2.考过,感谢所有提供回忆的同学,我总结一下他们的回答。 文章关键词是 Turkey, battle of Gallipoli, 13,000 died,
ANZAC = Australian and New Zealand Army Corps, first war encounters一共6个选项 (A-F不对应选项顺序)。 肯定的选项
是: A. 对澳洲人民有深远影响 value B. 士兵都互扔手榴弹 hand grenade (对应原文第一段 back and forth,因为ANZAC离攻
击的地方足够近) 不确定的选项是: C. 他们在挖工事 tunnel 的过程中起了很多人 (文章中提到单词 xxhill,不确定是否对应挖工
事) 确定错误的选项是: D. 死了13,000 土耳其人 E. 这些站死的军人从别的战役过来 F. ANZAC 侵占了土耳其

42. Understanding of education/教育的认识 #614 2017-04


The article tells the story of an organization in an area of several schools for students survey about the understanding
of the education.
答案:1. They asked students some questions on their awareness of education; 2. The students are not aware of xxx.

43. Company culture/公司文化 #613 2017-04


答案:1. Cloths;2. Negotiations

44. Globalization/全球化 #612 2017-04


回忆要点:讲的是全球化。答案: 1. unavoidable;2. Benefit for all people

45. Writing/著作 #611 2017-04


答案: 1. Study far east; 2. Map making

46. Make a decision/做出决定 #610 2017-04

By the laws of probability, most decisions made under pressure should be flawed ones, yet psychologists have found
that people routinely make correct judgments most of the time, even with limited information. One of Gladwell's
surprising points is that we can actually learn how to make better snap judgments, in the same way that we can learn
logical, deliberative thinking. But first we have to accept the idea that thinking long and hard about something does

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not always deliver us better results, and that the brain actually evolved to make us think on our feet.

The brain is designed to enable quick decision making.

Quick decision making can be improved.
Quick decision making routinely leads to error.
To make correct decisions we require all relevant information.
Thinking things through thoroughly will lead to greater success.

47. Steam Engine/蒸汽机 #609 2017-04


蒸汽机(Steam Engine)的发明。在此基础上发明了engine,什么人发明的,出于什么目的发明的等等。提到两个时间,一
答案:1. Contribute greatly in technology; 2. 划时代的伟大发明

48. Calendars/日历 #608 2017-04


回忆要点:在17世纪英国和欧洲的日历中的差距包括哪些因素? 答案: 1. Britain’s continuous use of Julian Calendar; 2.The

accrual of very minor differences between the calendar used in Britain and real solar events. 3. The decree of Pope
Gregory XIII.

49. Mount Everest/珠穆朗玛峰 #607 2017-04

In the year 1852, a clerk rushed into the chanber of Sir Andrew Waugh, India's surveyor general, and exclaimed that a
Bengali computer named Radhanath Sikhdar, working out of the Survey's Calcutta bureau, had discovered the highest
mountain in the world. In 1865, nine years after Sikhdar's computations had been confirmed, Waugh bestowed the
name Mount Everest on Peak XV, in honor of Sir George Everest, his predecessor as surveyor general. As it happened,
Tibetans who lived to the north of the great mountain already had a more mellifluous name for it, Jomolungma, which
translates to "goddess, mother of the word," and Nepalis who resided to the south called the peak Sagarmatha,
""goddess of the sky", But Waugh pointedly chose to ignore these native apellations (as well as official policy
encouraging the retention of local or ancient names), and Everest was the name that stuck.

1. Waugh 不该以前辈的名字命名。
2. 应该根据Tibetan和Nepail起名字。
5.应该保持Peak XV。

50. Jelly Fish/水母 #606 2017-04


回忆要点:问第二段为什么用invasion这个单词? 答案:1. 说明海蜇数量多(Vivid description of the amount of

jellyfish);2. 说明海蜇很危险(Indicate the danger of the fish)

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51. Spain/西班牙 #605 2017-04

Here is a part of Spain's sun-baked Andalucia that is extraordinary not only because of its unspoiled terrain and
authentic Spanish traditions but also because of its caves. These are not dark, damp holes, with dripping water and
evil smells. They are residences, ancient Bronze Age dwellings now being refurbished for hundreds of 21st century
Spaniards. In Galera, the region's most important village, it's estimated that there are at least 1,000 such habitations
carved into its hillsides. We take old caves renovate them, then sell them on, says Rob Oakley, office manager of
leading developer Galera enterprises. Our company was set up by someone who discovered the area of Galera when
it was just a tourist attraction 15 years ago and saw its potential. The ancient abodes are transformed from rough
caves into relatively luxurious homes, equipped out with amenities like electricity and sewage, phone lines, running
hot water, even internet connections.


52. Industries/工业 #604 2017-04


Industries which require more than 50% of labour.

答案:Health (选项中有 medicine的那个)和 education (选项中有 language的那个)

53. Pigeons’ Homing Skill/鸽子归巢的技能 #603 2017-04

The theory that pigeons famous skill at navigation is down to iron-rich nerve cells in their beaks has been disproved
by a new study published in Nature.

The study shows that iron-rich cells in the pigeon beak are in fact specialised white blood cells, called macrophages.
This finding, which shatters the established dogma, puts the field back on course as the search for magnetic cells

“The mystery of how animals detect magnetic fields has just got more mysterious” said Dr David Keays who led the

Dr Keays continued: “We had hoped to find magnetic nerve cells, but unexpectedly we found thousands of
macrophages, each filled with tiny balls of iron.”

Macrophages are a type of white blood cell that play a vital role in defending against infection and re-cycling iron from
red blood cells. They’re unlikely to be involved in magnetic sensing as they are not excitable cells and cannot produce
electrical signals which could be registered by neurons and therefore influence the pigeon's behaviour.

We employed state-of-the-art imaging techniques to visualise and map the location of iron-filled cells in the pigeon

54. Impressionism Painting/印象派 #602 2017-04


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回忆要点:介绍impressionism painting的基础知识,举例子有Monet。
答案:其中一个选“会将history paintings进行imaginary的创作” 的这个选项,另外一个不确定。

55. Culture and Business/商业与文化 #601 2017-04


不同的文化当在其他国家工作的时候,公司认为有的时候他们能得到 local company的帮助。UK 的会议就是针对问题來开
会,而其他国家则可能只是 discussion。最后说,商业应该与其他国家建立 Business relationship.答案: 1. Other
countries use meeting for social purpose; 2. It is necessary to build up a business relationship with other countries

56. Status of Women/女性地位 #600 2017-04


答案:1. 家庭size变小,2. 不结婚在社会上也acceptable 错误的混淆选项:结婚less popular

57. Paper/纸张 #599 2017-04


回忆要点:关于 paper,说14世纪的时候,由于法律的原因,人们没法看到太多书,最后提到了文艺复兴,问题是选出这篇

58. Cost of Child-raring/养育小孩成本 #598 2017-04


答案: 1. 统计部门不 data widely available;2. 人们忽视养育小孩成本

59. Schools/英国岛上的学校 #597 2017-04

The Turks and Caicos Islands are a multi-island archipelago at the southern tip of the Bahamas chain, approximately
550 miles south-east of Florida. The islands are an overseas territory' of the United Kingdom although they exercise a
high degree of local political autonomy. The economy of the islands rests mainly on tourism, with some contribution
from offshore banking and fishing.

Primary schooling is divided into eight grades, with most pupils entering at the age of four years and leaving at twelve.
After two kindergarten years, Grades 1-6 are covered by a graded curriculum in maths, language, and science that
increases in difficulty as pupils get older. There is little repetition and pupils are expected to progress through
primary school in their age cohorts. At the end of primary schooling, pupils sit an examination that serves to stream
them in the secondary setting. Primary and secondary school enrolment is virtually universal.

There are a total of ten government primary schools on the Islands. Of these, seven are large enough to organize
pupils into single-grade classrooms. Pupils in these schools are generally grouped by age into mixed-ability' classes.
The remaining three schools, because of their small pupil numbers, operate with multigrade groupings.

They serve communities with small populations whose children cannot travel to a neighboring larger primary school.

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Pupils in these classes span up to three grade and age groups.

As far as classroom organization is concerned, the multigrade and monograde classrooms are similar in terms of the
number of pupils and the general seating arrangements, with pupils in rows facing the blackboard. There is no
evidence that the multigrade teachers operate in a particularly resource-poor environment in the Turks and Caicos
Island. This is in contrast to studies conducted in other developing country contexts.

In the last paragraph, what information can you have?

答案: 1. Multigrade 和 monograde 拥有相似的教学资源;2. 在这个地区的 multigrade 要比其他国家的好
According to the text, which of the following statements can be concluded about primary classes in the Turks and
Caicos Islands?
答案:1. Multigrade classes are mostly found in smaller schools;2. Most primary pupils are in mixed-ability classes.

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