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Lumia@PTE黑科技编选的个人机经 Writing 写作部分

Writing 写作部分

WE Write essay 文章写作

1. Differential education/分流施教 #5855 2019-02 本月高频

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of differential education, i.e. splitting students into different classes
according to their academic performance.

2. Technology used for space travel/太空旅行科技 #5854 2019-02

Governments should focus on people's life or technologies used for space travel. To what extent do you agree with it?
Use your personal examples.

3. Life choices/人生选择 #5851 2019-02

Some people argue that young people should concentrate on study or work, some people think it is better to put
energy in activities designed to broaden their experience, such as international travel and volunteering. Support with
examples or cases.

4. City/城市 #5849 2019-02

Over half of population lives in cities. Is it a positive or negative development?

5. Unhealthy lifestyles/不健康的生活方式 #5848 2019-02

Poor lifestyles have a negative impact on people’s health. List some unhealthy lifestyles and discuss what government
services could help?

6. Government fund/政府基金 #5847 2019-02

Should governments allocate funds to which areas of concern? Climate change? Education? Public health? Explain
your idea with examples.

7. Public transportation/公共交通 #5846 2019-02

What are the advantages of cheaper public transportation? What will it cause to achieve it?

8. After-class activities/课外活动 #5845 2019-02

There are numerous after-class activities for students. Is it good or not?

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9. Tuition fee/学费 #5844 2019-02

Because university degrees can get jobs with higher salaries, university students should pay full cost for their
education. Do you agree or not?

10. Children education/儿童教育 #5842 2019-02

Parents play an important role in educating children as much as a teacher. Do you agree or disagree?

11. The purpose of education/教育的目的 #5671 2019-01

The purpose of education is for workers and good members of society, or individuals to fulfill their life. Which opinion
do you agree with?

12. Industrialization/工业化 #5670 2019-01

In the 18th century due to industrialization, a lot of people migrated to developed countries. This affected lifestyle
and increased problems in developed countries. What is your opinion about this?

13. Immigration /移民 #5669 2019-01

Many people choose to emigrate to other countries. What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in a foreign
country? Discuss with your own experience.

14. National happiness index/国民幸福指数 #5668 2019-01

More people consider ‘national happiness index’ as a better measurement for a country’s success than the country’s
economic growth. What do you think about the idea? What can be used to measure ‘national happiness’?

15. Education system/教育体制 #5667 2019-01

What do you think are the strengths and weakness of the education system in your country. Use your own experience
to support your idea.

16. University tuition fees/大学学费 #5666 2019-01

University tuition fees are increasing. Some argue that higher education should be made free. To what extend do you

17. Works of literature/文学作品 #5665 2019-01

Works of literature is a waste of time for students today. Do you agree and use your own experience.

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18. The impacts of Media/传媒的影响 #5664 2019-01

Media make people lose contact with real life, do you agree or disagree.

19. The use of English /英语的使用 #5663 2019-01

The use of English seems to be growing as the world interconnected, what reasons cause this phenomenon and what
are the disadvantages and advantages of this?

20. The impact of Internet /因特网的影响 #5657 2019-01

Internet or media is bad for young people because they make the young generation poor in communication and
forming relationships. Do you agree with this opinion? Please use examples or your personal experience to support
your idea.

21. Take part in Sports/做运动 #5656 2019-01

People should take part in sports either in individual or in teams, because people can learn many useful skills. How
far do you agree? Explain and use examples or your own experience.

22. Job /工作 #5655 2019-01

There are more men or women in certain jobs and there’s nothing we can change about it. Do you agree with that?

23. Global warming /全球变暖 #5654 2019-01

Scientists believe that the increasing average temperature is an issue. What caused global warming and present
solution to reduce its effect.

24. Work experience /工作经验 #5653 2019-01

The experience of work is more important than having a qualification. Do you agree or disagree?

25. Technology /科技 #5652 2019-01

Technology allows us to have a useful and interesting life than in the past. Do you agree or disagree?

26. Computer games /电脑游戏 #5651 2019-01

Computer and online games should be banned to students in schools as they have no educational value. What’s your

27. Environmental challenges/环境挑战 #5650 2019-01

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The statement “business and commercial organizations of any kind need to work hard to help with environmental
challenges that faced by the whole world.” To what extent do you agree with this? Talk about your view.

28. Overcrowding/过度拥挤 #5648 2019-01

As urban population growing, city roads are busy and public areas such as parking is packed. People feel that city
space is overcrowding. What solutions can you think of for this problem?

29. Foreign language/外语 #5647 2019-01

In globalization, it is impossible to succeed if you cannot speak at least one foreign language. Do you think everyone
must learn at least one foreign language?

30. Job satisfaction/工作满意度 #5645 2019-01

Is it realistic for everyone to expect job satisfaction?

31. Human activities/人类活动 #5644 2019-01

Lots of scientists agreed that human activities increase global temperatures. Do you agree? Please give solutions for
global warming.

32. Nature and Nurture/先天与后天培养 #5643 2019-01

Scientists have been debating the impact of nature and nurture on people’s personality and behavior. Which one do
you think has a greater influence on people’s personality and behavior?

33. Attend classes/上课 #5642 2019-01

Some people think students should attend all classes they enrolled in, but other people believe that students can
choose to attend the classes or not. Give your own opinion.

34. Personality/性格 #5641 2019-01

The kind of a person’s life depends on his or her personality. What’s your opinion of this, and use your own
experience as an example.

35. Look for a job/找工作 #5640 2019-01

When you look for work, some people think salary is more important while others think work condition is more
important. Which one is more important when you are looking for a job?

36. Extra-curricular activities/课外活动 #5639 2019-01

It is equally important for school children and university students to be involved in the extra-curricular activities as it

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is good for academic studies and examinations. What’s your opinion? Use your expertise or examples to support.

37. Public transportation system/公共交通系统 #5638 2019-01

What is the strength and weakness of the public transportation system in your country?

38. The primary purpose of business/做生意的初衷 #5563 2019-01

The primary purpose of any business, whether small or big, not for change society or save the planet but for maximize
the profits. How far do you agree with this statement? Give the reasons and examples of your view.

39. Technology research first/科研是否该优先 #5449 2018-12

Governments should allocate sources prior to the technology research, do you agree or disagree? Give your own
experience and example.

40. Life experience or education/生活经验还是教育重要 #5448 2018-12 本月高频

Some people think that life experience is more important than the formal education provided in schools and
universities. How far do you agree with this statement, and provide examples?

41. Bid to host sports events/竞标举办体育盛会 #5447 2018-12

What do you think of bidding to host sports events? Is it a blessing or a curse? Give your opinions.

42. Good handwriting/字体好看的重要性 #5445 2018-12

Nowadays, people are more likely to type words. Do you think good handwriting is still important? Give your opinions.

43. Lazy journalism/懒人新闻 #5412 2018-12

The lazy journalism has become commonplace in today’s digitalized world. Explain what is it and the cause of it. How
do you define “lazy” journalism and what is the cause?

44. Economic Growth/经济增长 #5411 2018-12

Governments promise continuous economic growth, but it’s actually an illusion. Some people think that governments
should abandon this. Please talk about the validity and the implications.

45. Reduce air pollution/治理空气污染 #5355 2018-12

The only way to reduce air pollution is to increase the prices of fuels for vehicles. What is your opinion and explain
with your own experiences and examples.

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46. Life of a person/生活对性格的影响 #5352 2018-12

The life that a person has depends on the personality, to what extent do you agree? From your own experience and

47. Purpose of prison/设置监狱的目的 #5351 2018-12

Some people see prisons as the place where criminals should be punished, while some people think their primary
function should be to teach them how to lead better lives. What is your opinion about the main function of time spent
in prison is punishment or rehabilitation?

48. Younger and older employees/职场新手与老手 #5345 2018-12

Younger employees have more skills, knowledge and more motivated than older employees. To what extent do you
agree or disagree, support your argument with your own experience.

49. After-class activity/课外活动 #5331 2018-12

Some parents think children should do more extra classes, but others believe children should play after school.
Discussed both view. Give your own opinion and experience.

50. Globalization/全球化受益者 #5327 2018-12

Globalization has brought people closely together, especially in culture, communication and business field. Who do
you think would benefit the most from globalization?

51. Choose university/大学选择 #5055 2018-10

Some students choose university near where they live and continue to stay at home with families, other students
choose university away from family, what is the advantages and disadvantages for both sides.

52. Less exercise/懒得运动 #4952 2018-09

School children are doing less sport and exercises than their parents when they were young.” How far do you agree
with this statement? Give some examples from your personal experience.

53. Provide fundings/提供资金 #4951 2018-09

Should wealthy countries provide some fundings for poor countries?

54. Journalist/记者 #4639 2018-08

Being a journalist is one of the most difficult jobs in the world. To what extent, you agree with it.

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55. Listener or talker/做听者还是说者 #4565 2018-08

A good listener is better than a good talker in a social situation. Do you agree or disagree?

56. Subject choosing/选专业 #4485 2018-07

Rather than choose a subject that is suitable for future employment possibilities, you should choose a subject that
you interested in or could get good grades. Agree or disagree?

57. Restriction/限制 #4466 2018-07

Do you think that young people should be restricted on certain things that they can do such as driving or smoking
until they reach the age of 25? What are your views on this?

58. Overcrowding/过度拥挤 #4455 2018-07


59. Long distance communication/医患沟通 #4144 2018-06

Long distance communication is helpful for both doctors and the patients. Give your opinions about this statement.

60. E-books and real books/电子书和纸质书 #4142 2018-06

Some people say it is time to say goodbye to real books with real paper because e-readers and e-books are available.
Do you agree or disagree?

61. Part-time Job and study/兼职与学习 #4140 2018-06

Study requires peace, comfort, which means it is impossible for a student to combine learning with employment.
What’s your opinion?

62. Advertisement/广告 #4137 2018-06

Some people think the advertising is bad because it encouraged people to buy things they do not need or cannot
afford, while others believe that advertisement is good because it can improve people’s lives. What's your opinion?
Explain the answer with examples.

63. Rural and urban/从乡下涌向城市 #4082 2018-05

People in rural areas are moving to urban areas for job and study opportunities.Do you think this development is

64. Healthy diets or exercise?/健康饮食还是保持锻炼? #4078 2018-05

“A healthy diet is more important to keep fit than exercise. ” Discuss, and use your personal example to prove your
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65. Digital media/数字媒体 #3727 2018-04 本月高频

With the increase of digital media available online, the role of the library has become obsolete. Universities should
only procure digital materials rather than constantly textbooks. Discuss both the advantages and disadvantages of
this position and give your own point of view.

66. Online content/在线内容 #3713 2018-04

Online content such as musics, videos, consumer-generated contents or blogs are accessible to all users at no cost in
technically advanced society today. To what extent do you agree people should pay for online content or not?

67. Creativity/创造力 #3706 2018-04

Creativity is something that a person is born with, other people think that creativity can be taught or developed. To
what aspect you agree or disagree?

68. Birth rate/出生率 #3696 2018-04

In some countries, the birth rate is slowing, the problem of an aging population, what is the causes and effects of this
issue? How to solve this problem?

69. Healthy body/健康的身体 #3681 2018-03

Healthy body is more reliant on healthy diet than exercise. Do you agree? Share your personal experience to support
the statement.

70. Personal finance/个人理财 #3674 2018-03

Teenagers should receive lessons on principles of personal finance, such as investing and debt. To what extent do
you agree with this statement?

71. Workers and nurses/工人和护士 #3628 2018-03

Workers like nurses and teachers should be paid more. Especially in recent years film actors and company leaders
were paid a larger amount of sum. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the above statement and what is
your opinion?

72. Education/教育 #3627 2018-03

Education is important as it teach ethics and life value as it teach us practical things for future employment. What is
your opinion?

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73. The role of a library/图书馆的作用 #3626 2018-03

Increase in information in media, the role of a library to updating textbooks is obsolete, agree or disagree?

74. Investment/投资 #3612 2018-03

Government should reduce their investment in arts, music and painting. Agree or Disagree.

75. Build more roads/修更多的路 #3611 2018-03 本月高频

Due to cities expanding, governments should create better more public transport networks for everyone rather than
build more roads for vehicle owning population. To what extent do you agree with this statement? Give the reasons of
your opinion.

76. Library's book are useless/图书馆的书毫无用处 #3609 2018-03

More information available online so library's book are useless.

77. Examination/考试 #3605 2018-03

Put the examination at the end of the semester or separated small tests throughout the entire semester, which one is

78. Health or education/健康或教育 #3599 2018-03

Which should require more financial support from the government: health or education. To what extend do you
agree or not. use your experience.

79. Music impact/音乐的影响 #3595 2018-03

Some people say music promote children learning. However, there are mixed results on impact of music generated
from researchers. To what extent do you agree or disagree that: music has impacts on humans' life?

80. Extracurriculum activities/课外活动 #3590 2018-03

School should organize activity after class.

81. Medical technology/医学技术学 #3588 2018-03

Medical technology can increase life expectancy. Is it a blessing or curse?

82. Effective learning/高效学习 #3575 2018-03

In order to study effectively, it requires comfort, peace and time. So it is impossible for a student to combine learning

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and employment at the same time, because one distracts the other. Is it realistic to combine them at the same time?
Support your opinion with examples.

83. Cashless society/无现金社会 #3574 2018-03 本月高频

In a cashless society, people use more credit cards. Cashless society seems to be a reality, and how realistic do you
think? What are the advantages and disadvantages of this phenomenon?

84. Design of buildings/建筑设计 #3573 2018-03 本月高频

Whether design of buildings will have a positive or negative impact on peoples life and work?

85. Cars and airplane/汽车和飞机 #3556 2018-03

The importance of cars and airplane in modern life. Give examples.

86. Studying films/电影学习 #3555 2018-03

Whether studying films at school is as important as studying literature? Do you think school should have curriculum
asking students to play old drama and work for theater centuries ago?

87. Children education/儿童教育 #3518 2018-03

Children should take large number of exams or learn more in schools.

88. Personal life/私人生活 #3517 2018-03 本月高频

The time people devote in job leaves very little time for personal life. How widespread is the problem. What problem
will this shortage of time causes.

89. Experimental learning/实践学习 #3491 2018-03 本月高频

Experience is more effective and useful than books and formal education. To what extent do you agree with this

90. Deduct marks/扣分 #3484 2018-03 本月高频

Some universities deduct marks from students' works if given in late, what are your views and what action will you
recommend to take?

91. The space travel/太空旅行 #2686 2018-01

The space travel is fantastic these day and they are very fascinate towards its but there are many environmental
problems in our planet we should resolve the problems or travel space and spend a lot of money. In under developed
countries, tourism has disadvantages and can be said the opposite as well. What is your opinion?

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92. Environment influence accomplishments/环境影响成就 #2479 2018-01

Some people say that a man’s life is defined by the place where he grows up. Use a successful person to discuss how
his accomplishments were or weren’t influenced by the place where he lived when he was young.

93. Tourism/旅游业 #2466 2018-01

In a less developed country, the disadvantages of tourism can be as great as advantages?

94. Social media/社交媒体 #2169 2017-11

What are the pros and cons of staying connected on social media for 24 hours a day.

95. Idol/偶像 #2168 2017-11

Successful sports stars and glamorous film stars are role models for youngsters. Do you agree with this statement?

96. Gender Equality/男女平等 #2163 2017-11

Most high-level jobs are done by men. Should governments encourage that a certain percentage of these jobs be
reserved for women? What is your opinion?

97. Global Problems/全球问题 #1745 2017-10 本月高频

Global problems related to governments and international organizations, what are the problems and what is your

98. University Education/大学教育 #1744 2017-10

Sole aim of university education is to make students ready for employment. What is your opinion?

99. Formal Written Assessment/正式书面评估 #1742 2017-10

Please discuss the significance of formal written assessments in today's world to evaluate children's performance. Do
you agree that education system that assesses the student's learning by written exam is correct?

100. Pursue Scientific Knowledge/追求科学知识 #1739 2017-10

Pursue scientific knowledge, for knowledge itself or for practical use, which one is the most important reason.

101. The mass media/大众传媒 #1363 2017-07 本月高频

The mass media including TV, radio and newspaper influence our society and shape our opinions and characters.
What is your opinion?

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102. The information evolution/信息进程 #1362 2017-07 本月高频

The information evolution brought about by the mass communication has positive and negative consequences for
both the individuals and society. Do you agree or disagree? Discuss and give examples and own experiences.

103. Formal writing examination/正式写作考试 #1361 2017-07

Whether formal writing examination is a good way to assess students learning?

104. Greatest inventions/伟大发明 #1360 2017-07 本月高频

What are the greatest inventions of the 20th century among medicine, airplane and computers, why?

105. Extreme sports/极限运动 #529 2017-04 本月高频

Extreme sports like skiing, water rafting etc. are dangerous and should these be banned.

106. No need of newspapers/不需要报纸 #523 2017-04

There is no need of newspapers in modern world. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

107. Competitive environment/竞争环境 #522 2017-04

A competitive environment in school and university would bring excellence and need to be encouraged. Agree or

108. Governments' problems/政府面临最大问题 #517 2017-04

The world’s governments and organizations are facing a lot of issues. Which do you think is the most pressing
problem for the inhabitants on our planet and give the solution?

109. Study and job/学习和工作 #512 2017-04

It is usually foolish to get married before completing your studies and getting established in a good job? Do you agree
or disagree?

110. Law/法律 #503 2017-04 本月高频

Some people believe law changes human behavior. Do you agree or disagree?

111. Marketing/市场 #496 2017-04 本月高频

Should marketing for consumer goods companies like clothing and food focus on reputation or on short-term
strategies like discount and special offers?

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112. Climate change/气候变化 #493 2017-04 本月高频

Write about climate change. Who is responsible whether government or industries? Why?

113. Children's acts/孩子的行为 #490 2017-04 本月高频

Parents should be held legally responsible for their children's acts. What is your opinion? Support it with personal

114. Work/工作 #489 2017-04 本月高频

It is important to maintain the balance between work and other aspects of one’s life such as family and leisure
activities. Please give your opinion about how important to maintain the balance and why some people think it is hard
to achieve it?

115. Large shopping malls/大型商场 #486 2017-04 本月高频

Large shopping malls are replacing small shops. What is your opinion about this? Discuss with appropriate examples.

116. Voting/选举 #484 2017-04

"In some countries around the world, voting is compulsory. Do you agree with the notion of compulsory voting?

117. Employees in decision-making/员工参与决策 #483 2017-04

Company's top-level authorities should get their employees in decision-making process. Discuss.

118. Success/成功 #481 2017-04

Different people get success in different fields. Some people work long hours to get success, but others feel that
spend free time for joy than Wealth. Which style closely related to you and explains your views?

119. The advance of technology/技术进步 #479 2017-04

The advance of technology affects daily life. Mention a recent tech and elaborate the pros and cons and justify.

120. New technology/新兴科技利弊 #478 2017-04

Any new technological development in the recent years is a boon or curse for the society in general.

121. Television/电视 #477 2017-04 本月高频

Television has many useful functions to play in everyone's life, for some its relaxation, for some it is companion.
Discuss your viewpoint and support your answer with examples and discussion point.

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122. Growing place/成长环境 #475 2017-04

Do you think the place where a person grew up helps him/her in accomplishing goals in life? Give an example of a
famous person to explain it.

123. Daily invention/日常发明 #474 2017-04

Talk about the pros and cons of this era as is full of daily invention. Any recent invention that you think proved
beneficial or detrimental to society.

124. Climate change/气候变化 #470 2017-04 本月高频

You need to study climate change. Which aspect of climate change will you choose and why? Use examples.

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