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Lumia@PTE黑科技编选的个人机经 Listening 听力部分

Listening 听力部分

SST Summarize spoken text 录音总结

1. Resource research/关于资源的研究 #7109 2020-01 本月高频


回忆要点:一个美国对世界各国的resource的研究,还提到了developing countries, middle east, war, weapons。大概讲


2. Father and child/父与子 #6909 2019-11 本月高频



3. Curator/馆长 #6742 2019-08 本月高频

I am going to talk today mostly about what I do as a curator here at the National Museum of Australia but I want to
draw some generalities from that in terms of a series of curatorial practices, tools, techniques and methods that I
think could be of interest to your students and to you in developing extension history courses. I want to talk about
what I do as a curator and then from that also talk a bit about the kinds of history that I think museums are
particularly good at creating and communicating. I think this is something I would really like to discuss because it is
not necessarily very well understood is that I think museums, as Dave insisted by putting up my quote in his slide,
create a very particular kind of history. It’s not the kind of history that gets created in books or in dating films or in
compositions, it’s a very particular kind of history that grows out of the fact that museums are centrally interested and
defined by their collections. I should say that is not an uncontested view of museums but it is certainly my view of

Curators try to understand material culture as evidence of other people’s lives as a means to try to understand other
people - what they look like, what they did, how they made a living, what they hoped for in their lives, how they tried
to construct their world and why they made particular choices. One way in which curators differ from other historians
is therefore in terms of how we interrogate the past, what elements we use to communicate the past. Most academic
historians are trained very much in the discipline of words and they concentrate on words still today, although it is
changing a little bit. If you go through university history primarily you are encouraged to draw on things like archival
accounts, manuscripts and now oral histories, and most of that work is actually promulgated in the form of books.

There are also other kinds of historians. Obviously, filmmakers and photographers concentrate on creating images of
the world and arranging them in meaningful sequences, but curators attend to objects. We look at objects as
evidence of the past and try to arrange objects in meaningful ways called exhibitions.

This topic is about practices, techniques and methods of curators.

Museums are good at creating and communicating history where museums are defined by their collections.
Curators understand material culture as evidence of people's life to understand people.
Curators are different from other historians.
Academic historians concentrated on words and photographers concentrate on images, while curators deal with
objects that are evidence of the past.

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They arrange objects into exhibitions.

4. Mars/火星 #6680 2019-07


回忆要点:在群里看到两个小伙伴考到了一个关于Mars的新题,大概点有 Mars is the second smallest planet in the solar

system, and it is similar to Earth. -Mars has seasons and weathers, which is not suitable for living, -the reason is that
its high temperature. -It is important to explore Mars -because it will be considered to living -whether we are the
unique living things in the solar system.

5. Bureaucracy/官僚主义 #6660 2019-07


回忆要点:第一句是 in the old world, we can identify who are in charge of the world.马上就提到了 bureaucracy 这个词根
的单词,感觉像形容词,但是没找到。最后讲到了 digital information world, bytes, bits 有句很清晰的话是system can
touch people, (but we cannot touch back) 感觉全文的意思是由于digital information 我们从一个bureau的世界到了一个扁

6. The study of the law/法学 #6639 2019-07

Studying law at university over three years gives you a really unique opportunity to acquire a much greater and much
more mature level of understanding and knowledge of the law, which can be a real benefit to your career in the
future. If you’re not so sure if you want to study law, law can also be an incredibly helpful degree for a multitude of
other careers. For example, politics, journalism, the charity sector and the United Nation. It can be a springboard to
all these different types of degrees that careers. Why is this? Because of the way that we teach law. A law degree
involves not only studying what the legal rules are, but really taking an analytical approach to the world around us. It
involves thinking about why certain law exists. Can they be justified philosophically? How have they developed
historically? What social goals are they trying to serve and how should the law develop in the future? So here in
Cambridge, we’re not just studying what the law is, what the law could be, what the law should be.

Studying law at university allows us to have a much greater and more mature understand of the law, which can be a
benefit to your career in the future, not only for law students but also for other disciplines and careers, because law
degree also involve analytical approaches thus help us understand the world around us.

7. How to construct argument/如何构思文章 #6632 2019-07


回忆要点:说的是how to construct argument, you should have a thesis, most important part of paper, provide points
for readers and yourself, firstly, think carefully before writing, should be debatable and supportable, points are not
something they already know, 只能想起来这么多了 基本都是听到的原词原句 这道题应该完成度还不错 大家可以留意一下

8. Efficiency of cognitive skill/认知技能的效率 #6629 2019-07


1. The development of the cognitive function efficiency is important 2. improving the efficiency can help people to
process information faster 3. but why the efficiency of cognitive functions matter? 4. Because the efficiency not only
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about speed, but also about accuracy. 5. Additionally, people have limited resources and brain compensation to
process information, so improving efficiency is important. 6. It is same with the gases and cars, if cars do not have
enough gases, it cannot run fast 全文基本是在讲cognitive 是limited 和efficeny的关系。第4点是全文重点必写,第3点不用
写。第5点原文是说我们是limited capacity,所以process的时候efficency很重要。最后一句话很快,但还是记下了。for
example, if cars have unlimited resources, then we won’t consider the efficiency of fuel of cars. 最后一句89不离10的样
子。但是回忆还是miss了一些points 想不起来了

9. Driving/驾车危险 #6616 2019-07


回忆要点:说的是 drive 说驾驶危险 danger 然后说了两个原因为什么危险 一个说的是 wrong way, turn back 第二个说的是
medicine 和 drug 最后一段说的好像是 怎么reduce这个风险 有大神帮忙补充下

10. Poverty in China/中国的贫困问题 #6606 2019-07


回忆要点:sst遇到一个讲poverty in China的 我昨天考完没敢回忆。。但觉得我写的应该内容还是有一分的,讲的是poverty

phenomenon in China. In 2000, China’s poverty contributed to a large percentage to the world. In 2015, it gets better.
还说了现在China是middle-class country 仅次于Australia啥的

11. Analyzing walking data/步数分析 #6605 2019-07


回忆1.题目是analyzing walking data (time, how fast, to do what post-learning activities) of students at campus.
identifying different groups of students. although they are only at campus, they can be used for urban planning like
where to put buildings
回忆2.听到的大概内容 phone app,这个讲的是psychology, social science 还有geology department联合起来设计了个手
机app,校园里的学生可以下载到自己的手机里。 这个app记录movement包含activities和position。到一些特定的地
方,psychologist 设计的问卷就会跳出来问一些问题。比如space quality, learning experience还是space如何影响
learning and quality?分析这些收集来的data,可以为urban plan做贡献,也可以improved campus。

12. Human memory/人的记忆 #6604 2019-07


回忆要点:挺简单的 讲human (biological )memory , forgetting is easy but remembering is hard due to biological
forgetting. Human memory isn’t fixed but can be reconstructed.最后一句想起来再补充…

13. Dogs/狗狗 #6601 2019-07


回忆要点:讲dogs的 第一句说的是什么是happy dog home. 首先要给狗狗 basic needs, food, water, comfort. 然后说还要
有simulation, 说狗狗和人一样是social动物, 需要interaction。The question about dogs is a broad one, and the
answer to it depends on individual; Dogs are concerned about can I get a nice bed and sleeping area when I need it?
Dogs need interactive communication; People do not provide enough for animals yet. 整体不是很难,很清楚。

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14. Judgement/判断 #6597 2019-07


回忆1.讲judgement 说speaker的一个朋友是company executive 他觉得person nothing can give for us 在他interview
someone 的时候。然后又有个例子我觉得不重要 说的是 一个football 的coach. 最后说 不应该judge 一个人在30mins is not
回忆2.讲一个人他的朋友是一个company executive,他要雇佣一个manager,来了个candidate,he has a good record
good past performance. 但是最后还是没有雇他,he told his employees that that guy is not right/ good fit 没听清。这道
题说那个学校的男孩是: he missed some very sample shoots, thus the coach feel he is not worth to pursue. 基本都是
原词内容。然后又举了另外一个例子 a football coach 想选一个kid那个kid 别人都说很优秀 但最后发现that kid hard to
control foodball。最后总结说within 30min to 1 hour it is hard to judge people how good they are. 最后一句是the
company executive is even worse.不知道最后一句话跟前面啥关系,但还是写上去了。

15. Shakespeare's poem/莎翁的诗 #6595 2019-07

Let's think about perhaps the top 10 things that people would like to know, ought to know about Shakespeare if
they're getting into his works. The first thing to say is that he did live quite a long time ago. He lived 400 years ago. So
if you're reading Shakespeare or listening to Shakespeare, you're listening to somebody whose language is not quite
the language of our current. You're listening to someone who was writing in a language which is a bit out of date for
now. It needs a little bit of effort to understand that language but the understanding will be done partly for you by the
actors if you're hearing it if you're seeing it performed. Another thing is that Shakespeare was a very great poet. He
wrote poems are at narrative poems and sonnets but he was also and this is my third point he was also a great
theater poet, his poetry is dramatic poetry in the plays. He's not just writing static poetry, lyric poetry in the plays,
which is therefore declamation. He's writing dramatic poetry which consists of interaction between the characters of
the plays.

There are top 10 things people want to know about Shakespeare.

The first is about Shakespeare’s language being out-of-date and may not be understandable nowadays.
The second is about Shakespeare’s identity. He is a great poet, especially in theater poetry.
The third is about is Shakespeare’ poetry.
His poetry shows the interconnection between the characters of play.

16. Globalization and IT/全球化与信息技术 #6594 2019-07

Well, I would argue that what they will say was the most important thing to happen in the early 21st century, was the
merger of globalization and the IT revolution. The two really fused in a way that the more IT started to drive more and
more globalization, and more and more globalization started to drive more and more IT. And what that fusion did was
take the world from connected to hyperconnected and from interconnected to interdependent. These are huge
differences of degree that are differences in kind. It happened over the last decade. You are all feeling it in your jobs,
in your universities, in your schools. But no one's really explaining it to people. Everyone's living this fusion now. The
plumbing of the world fundamentally changed in the last ten years.

The most important thing to happen in the early 21st century, was the merger of globalization and the IT revolution,
and what this fusion did was take the world from connected to hyper-connected and from interconnected to
interdependent, and everyone's living this fusion now.

17. What if money were no object/如果钱不是问题 #6593 2019-07

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What do you desire? What makes you itch? What's all of the situation would you like? Let's suppose, I do this often in
vocational guidance of students, they come to me and say, well, we're getting out of college and we have the faintest
idea what we want to do. So I always ask the question, "what would you like to do if money were no object? How
would you really enjoy spending your life?" Well, it's so amazing as a result of our kind of educational system, crowds
of students say well, we'd like to be painters, we’d like to be poets, we'd like to be writers, but as everybody knows
you can't earn any money that way. Or another person says well, I'd like to live an out-of-doors life and ride horses. I
said you want to teach in a riding school? Let’s go through with it. What do you want to do? When we finally got down
to something, which the individual says he really wants to do, I will say to him, you do that and forget the money,
because, if you say that getting the money is the most important thing, you will spend your life completely wasting
your time. You will be doing things you don't like doing.

When we finally got down to something, which the individual says he really wants to do, I will say to him, you do that
and forget the money, because, if you say that getting the money is the most important thing, you will spend your life
completely wasting your time.

18. Instinct and reflex/本能和反射 #6589 2019-07

Instinct is a term used to describe a set of behaviors that are both unlearned and set in motion as the result of some
environmental trigger. Instincts are also often discussed in relation to motivation since they can also occur in
response to an organism's need to satisfy some innate internal drive tied to survival. Instincts are present across
species and are consistent within individual species. In other words, many different species rely on instincts, and if
one member of a species possesses an instinct, then they all do. Before we move into a discussion of specific types of
instincts, it is important to distinguish the difference between an instinct and a reflex. Both are types of unlearned
behavior that tend to serve a survival purpose. The difference is that a reflex is a typically a simple reaction or a
response to an environmental trigger whereas an instinct is a much more complex set of behaviors.

For instance, an example of a reflex would be when a baby turns his head toward an object that is pressed against
one cheek in an effort to nurse. The head turn is a simple reactionary process. An instinct would be the manner in
which a mother bird regurgitates her food to feed her young in response to their signals of hunger.

This lecture focuses on the instinct and reflexes in order to explain their differences.
Firstly, Instinct describes a set of behaviors that are unlearned due to environmental trigger, and it is often discussed
relating to internal motivation to survive.
Secondly, a reflex is a simple reaction to an environmental trigger whereas an instinct is a much more complex set of
In conclusion, instincts and reflex are different.

19. Fast radio burst/快速射电暴 #6588 2019-07

A fast radio burst is very much like what it sounds. It’s a very fast burst of radio waves. It comes from outer space, a
long way away. And by fast, I mean really fast. So it starts and stops in about a thousandth of a second, so you click
your fingers, and it’s finished. Fast radio bursts are a real mystery. We don’t exactly understand where they come
from, or what actually makes them. And there’s a lot of open questions that we really don’t have an answer for. There
are probably more theories about what makes fast radio bursts, than there are actual detections of these things. So
since 2007, we’ve only had 20, but there are probably 30 or 40 different theories on what makes them.

The most interesting thing about this burst is the fact that we found it with the Australian square kilometer ray
pathfinder. So that is, it wasn’t really obvious that we would be able to do this, as well as we ended up being able to
do it. So this telescope is really a fantastic telescope. In fact, it’s probably the best telescope on the planet at the
moment for finding these bursts. So whereas in the past it’s taken ten years to find twenty bursts, once we’re really
going with this new instrument, we’ll be able to find them much more quickly. One or two every week.

This lecture talks about fast radio burst in order to explain it is a real mystery.

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Firstly, fast radio burst comes from outer space and starts and finishes in a thousandth of a second.
Secondly, people do not understand its origin and there are so many theories regarding what makes them.
In conclusion, people are able to use telescope and other instruments to find them more quickly now.

20. Intuition/直觉 #6584 2019-07


回忆1.关于intuition, 一开始很绕,很多类似you know without knowing how you know it这些句子. 讲了这是一种关于本能
的思维方式, 大家都有但却不是很理解,源自于右脑, intuition is from right hemisphere, 和understanding有关。最后还说
了left side of the brain是控制 produce logic 和 conscious的。然后又说回right hemisphere produce the understanding
of a big picture, emotion and feeling 忘了不少细节,笔记也记得有些混乱,期待补充。
回忆2.今天考到,文章顺序如下: Intuition means you know something but you do not know how you know that?It is a
phenomenon without logic, it just popped in you then you know it. We don't know how it happened ,but there is
some hint we can know how it works to us. Intuition is a process in right side of our brain. While the opposite side, the
left hemisphere processes the logic, conscious and about thinking. The right hemisphere is about feeling. When the
information comes to the right hemisphere, it will be charactered as intuition. The right hemisphere is related to our
physical features such as feelings and emotions. 原文大概如上,语法表达有瑕疵,但是我没改

21. Music and the brain/音乐与大脑的关系 #6581 2019-07

Interest in music in the mind is as ancient as philosophy itself. Plato was marveled at the power of music over human
character and human emotions. In fact, he was quite concerned about the way music could either degrade or elevate
the minds of young people. So you can see, in some sense, nothing has changed. He said rhythm and harmony find
their ways into the inward places of soul. Well, yes, that's true and he said this in 400 B.C. But what has changed since
then? It's just in the last few years, brain science has started to seriously investigate music and this young science is
confirming music's power over us. For example, some colleagues in Montreal decided to do a study to investigate
what happens in the brain when people get chills to music. This is intense emotional responses that often manifest
themselves as shivers tingling of the spines. Anybody here had this? OK, it's not uncommon. And they specifically
looked at chills to instrumental music. So this wasn't due to any associations that people had with lyrics. It was just
sounds of music. And they took advantage of the fact that people often know quite well what music gives them chills
they know the piece, sometimes the very passage in the piece and so they had people bring in their own self-selected
CDs and they scan their brains while they were having these experiences listening to music.

The interests of music in human’s mind is ancient.

Plato is concerned about the power of music in degrading or elevating young people’s minds.
Music’s power over people is also confirmed in brain science.
People have emotional responses when getting chills in music.
People have such response because of the sounds of music.
People know the power of music and their own responses and take advantages of such responses.

22. The history of laundry /洗衣服的历史 #6575 2019-07

For many centuries, sailors used to place their clothing in a cloth bag, tie the back to a rope and throw it overboard,
letting the ship drag it for hours. The principle was simple: force water through the clothes to remove the dirt. But in
the household before running water and electricity washing clothes took a staggering amount of labor. To wash, boil
and rinse a single load of clothes could take 50 gallons of water, which had to be hand carried from a pump or well.
Pan wringing rubbing and lifting the clothes could expose women to caustic substances in the soaps. The whole
process for a households laundry could take an entire day or more of back-breaking labor. In 1846, a patented

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washing machine imitated the human hand moving cloth over a washboard by using a lever to rub the clothes
between two rib surfaces. This machine was sold in the U.S. as late as 1927. The first electric clothes washers in which
a motor rotated the tub were introduced into America about 1900.

In the past sailors washed clothes by using ships to drag clothes, forcing water to move through clothes to remove
dirt. Before electricity washing clothes, the whole process of a household laundry required much labor. Later, a
patented washing machine was created to imitate human hands, moving clothes over a washboard. This machine was
sold in the US in 1927, while the first electric clothes washer was introduced in 1900.

23. Geography/地理 #6573 2019-07


回忆1.The lecture talks about geography. Geography is a study of the surface of the earth including atmosphere. And
we don,t concentrate on the inside study of the earth. Moreover, it is a subject including some disciplines and you can
become a natural scientist or cultural specialist by studying it. In conclusion, you can pursue arguments from
回忆2.考到了。攒人品来写一个考场回忆。 Geography is a subject to study the surface of earth and the vertical
underground field, but it doesn't include the outer air such as atomosphere. It includes courses with field in multiple
field displines, by studying which, students can become scientists or scientists of culture even languages. The goal to
of this course is to bring all information which bare with geography and to allow students pursue questions and
answers. 上面是我根据notes自由发挥的。具体能听到的片段有: study surface of the earth. no outer air such as
atomosphere vertical go underground with field fields displines scientists cultural language all information can be
brought in bare with geography questions to pursue

24. Research in marketing/关于市场的调查 #6572 2019-07


回忆要点:This lecture is about the research in Marketing on customers. In Marketing, we need to know how your
customers look like including their ages and xxxx. The research on Marketing can help to identify the target audience
of your products(know who will buy your product, who won’t) and pricing, but you should clarify ideas, think about
problems like competition, buy raw materials, in the practical process.

25. New Zealand/新西兰 #6571 2019-07

This is my next contribution to New Zealand’s super diverse future. The status quo is not sustainable. Superdiversity
stocktake. What I would talk to you about now is designed to help us to adapt to a super diverse New Zealand. To
make sure that we are foot for the future. Because New Zealand is super diverse right now, predominantly in
Auckland, but actually throughout New Zealand. Here, we are already 50 percent Maori, Pacifican and Asian. 44
percent are not born in New Zealand. And we have over two hundred ethnicities. Now the definition academically of
super-diversity is 25 percent are born in New Zealand a hundred ethnicities. So we are almost double that number
already. And Auckland will continue to become younger and browner as Angela says some population ages and
shrinks. So the megatrend here is not age. And the megatrend here is not urbanization. The megatrend is
demography. It’s ethnicity. And we need to get our head around that because most of the benefits from super-
diversity that we, as a country, are enjoying at the moment such as great renovation, productivity and investment
increase New Zealand’s financial capital, whereas the most of the challenges from super-diversity adversely affect
New Zealand’s social capital. However, if you don’t mitigate the challenges to your social capital, you are not gonna
maximize sustainably the diversity dividing benefits for your financial capital.

有最后一句版本:This lecture focuses on developing a super diverse New Zealand in order to tackle the unsustainable

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status quo. Firstly, New Zealand is super diverse with 200 ethnicities and Auckland will become younger and browner.
Secondly, demography is the megatrend which brings increasing investment for its financial capital, but adversely
affects its social capital. In conclusion, we should mitigate the social capital challenge to maximize the benefits for
financial capital.
无最后一句版本:The topic focuses on New Zealand’s super diverse future in order to indicate the need to adapt to
diversity. New Zealand is a super diverse right now and Auckland will continue to become a younger and browner city.
So, the megatrend in New Zealand is demography and ethnicity. The benefits from super diversity increase New
Zealand's financial capital, while most challenges from super diversity adversely impact its social capital.

26. Ocean environment/海洋环境 #6569 2019-07


回忆1.Human behavior, human footprint. 开头先说ocean environment是个problematic issue, 然后说lecture会给一些
solution. 但也喜欢可以provoke critical way to think。有很多的evidence证明了human behavior对ocean有影
响,fish,coral system还有…最后貌似说的是reduce/decrease human footprint can help this issue
回忆2.开头提会介绍ocean environment issue, potential solution,help students xxx critical way。increasing
environment damage caused by people, the problem of ourselves, restore the problems to large living space to
earth。 笔记当时记的是:ocean environment issue, potential solution, critical way, increase problem people
damage to the ocean environment, the problem of ourselves, restore xxx to large living space to earth。 通篇语速

27. Urban technology/城市技术 #6567 2019-07


回忆要点:女声,讲urban technology 对city发展的重要性,前面一大部分都是介绍,关键词有:urban technology, city,

urbanization, traffic light, integrated technology. 后半部分举了两个例子,讲一个sensor,可以guide driver 到given
location. 然后说,another example:这种sensor可以turn on and off automatically itself,所以可以save energy。 最后
在结尾提到collect data,make sure the tech do not cross the line. (最后结尾不太确定)

28. Ancient people/古人 #6566 2019-07


回忆1.5000年前,人们没有东西吃,现在人可以通过skeleton 了解因为没有living people 但是可以通过hunt gather plant
food 发展 agricultural 和 farming 吃animals 所以他们的diet会导致disease 然后他们的 life equality is hard
回忆2.一开头就说5000 年前, Stone Age, agriculture. Stone tools came to use. 由古人的Skeleton推断出来的。说了the
quality of diet, Ancient people have a wild variety of food source including 100 different animals.最后提到了infectious
disease. 以上英文部分,录音中都出现了。

29. Lawyers/律师 #6565 2019-07

My name is Graham Virgo, I’m a professor of English Private Law in the Faculty of Law at the University of Cambridge,
and I’m going to consider the question why you should study law if you don’t want to become a lawyer. A lot of
people who study law at university do so because they want to become practicing lawyers, whether barristers or
solicitors. But it is not necessary to read law at university to become a practicing lawyer. Equally, studying law at
university is a legitimate subject for academic study even if you definitely do not want to become a lawyer or think

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that you may not become a practicing lawyer. That is because the study of law at university is not a vocational subject,
it is an academic subject and an intellectual discipline. Even for those students who study law at university intending
to become practicing lawyers, they are required to do additional vocational training to prepare them for working
either as a barrister or a solicitor; for them the study of law at university by itself is not sufficient to train them to
become lawyers. So why do such students study law at university and why do others study law even if they don’t want
to become a lawyer? The answer is fairly similar in both cases, namely that studying law at university trains the
student to think and write logically and clearly.

Many students study law at universities, wanting to become lawyers, but this is not necessary, because law study is
not a vocational but academic subject and intellectual discipline for students either wanting or not wanting to be
lawyers. Only studying law is not sufficient to become lawyers. So why both two groups of students should study law
is because such subject trains them to think and write logically and clearly.

30. The role of women/女性角色 #6560 2019-07


identity,她们多半是待在家里照顾小孩。第二点讲了现在women 有了special role of social identity,变的更重要了,最后
2.考到 听到的key words有: Women in 19th century City play an important role Domesticity Take class Provide for
their home Expand knowledge for their children and husband 回忆了下考试听到的大概内容 讲的并不是母系社会 应该是
女性角色在19世纪的时候的转变,以及在家庭中所扮演的角色。提到了俩个方面 先说了一些什么在家庭里面承担家务,很清
楚的听到了 domesticity (至少提了两次)然后说了other...
1. The role of women is constantly changing over the years. 2. There are two main aspects to discuss the change of
role, which are historical aspect and classical aspect. 3. In the 19th century, women played an important role in
domesticity and motherhood. 4. 一些细节支撑domesticity和motherhood (They took the class and supported their
homes and families, and also expanded knowledge for their children and husband./ two steps: first been widely
expanded and became a mother, then use their experience to raise children and help husbands.) 4. Nowadays,
women play a special/central role in the society so women's roles have been widely expanded and then they have
gained their social identity.

31. Dress history/服装史 #6556 2019-07


回忆1.不知道自己又没听错说的是dress(这个单词是第一反应) history 一开始说它从前一直not important,do not
matter,现在人们觉得重要了,because we always judge people all the time, we talk about food, shelters, but the topic
about clothing is ignored
回忆2.一个专有名字开头 不知道是书还是什么 然后说了一个人is a nice girl, 这本书 makes the clothing industry to
us,People have always been judged from the past till now, it is massively matters. 有一个男性听众点头 嗯 听起来像学生
presentation. Not like food industry or 什么industry 忘了 the clothing industry has been ignored for a long period and
the warmth of cloth and the culture of clothing industry 不被在意 大概:一个好姑娘写了一个文献提了服装行业对我们有
多重要, 人一直忽视服装行业的重要, 可是人从来都因为穿着被评价,所以服装行业特别重要。不像饮食和另一个行业被我
们特别重视, 人们总是忽视衣服带给我们的温暖和服装所承载的文化。 我听到的大概就这些 谷歌了半天也没找到原文 请大神

32. Cognitive Advantages of Bilingualism/ 双语的认知优势 #6555 2019-07

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So, there is an example comes from the other end of life and has to do with what’s called wonder babies. This was a
study which was done a few years ago in Trieste which is basically at the border on Slovenia and Italy. So there are a
lot of Italians and there are a lot of Slovenians and there are of course a lot of mixed marriages. What they did was
they took three groups of babies, all babies were seven months old so there were a bunch of Italian speaking babies,
bunch of Slovenian speaking babies and a bunch of Italian-Slovenian babies from mixed families. They showed those
babies various puppets and then they switched the situation. Typically when the seven-month-old baby is used to
particular setting and the situation switches it takes them a little while to regroup. So turned out that seven-month-
old Italian and seven-month-old Slovenian babies would get used to the puppet appearing on the right, and then
when the puppet would appear on the left they would continue looking to the right as if nothing had changed.
Whereas the bilingual babies very quickly would turn their head and notice that the puppet has changed its position.

The study is about wonder babies and located in Slovenia and Italy, containing three groups of babies. Researchers
show babies various puppets and then switched the situation. Usually when getting used to particular settings, babies
take a while to regroup. So, when puppets are changed from right to left, the monolingual babies continue to look to
the right while the bilingual babies quickly turn heads and notice the changing positions.

33. Industrial Revolution V2/工业革命版本二 #6401 2019-05

Through the 1950s and into the 1960s, the idea of the Industrial Revolution was that it was the work of some genius
inventors who created machines used primarily in the textile industry but also in mining that eliminated blocks to
assembly line production. Then everybody was crowded into factories and the new brave world opened up. In fact,
one of the most interesting books and great classics that is still in print was written by an economic historian at
Harvard who's still alive called David Landes. It's a good book called The Unbound Prometheus, which was basically
that. Some of the inventions that I briefly describe in your reading, the spinning Jenny, etc, refer to that. Well, and that
kind of analysis led one to concentrate on England where the Industrial Revolution began, and to view
industrialization as beginning a situation of winners and losers by not going as fast. Now, that analysis has been really
rejected greatly over the past years, because Industrial Revolution is measured by more than simply large factories
with industrial workers and the number of machines. This is the point of the beginning of this. The more that we look
at the Industrial Revolution, the more that we see that the Industrial Revolution was first and foremost an
intensification of forms of production, of kinds of production that were already there. And thus, we spend more time
looking at, you know, the intensification of artisanal production, craft production, of domestic industry, which we've
already mentioned, that is people mostly women but also men and children, too, working in the countryside. The
rapid rise of industrial production was very much tied to traditional forms of production.

Industrial Revolution was the work of some genius inventors.

People concentrate on England where the Industrial Revolution began.
However, that analysis has been really rejected greatly over the past years.
People see Industrial Revolution as the first and foremost an intensification of forms of production, and they spend
more time looking at it.
The rapid rise of industrial production was very much tied to traditional forms of production.

34. Industrial Revolution/工业革命 #6342 2019-04

France, one thought that they were called them "retarded", a word that was used, unfortunately, at that time. And
then one tried to see why not. Now, that analysis has been really rejected greatly over the past years, because
Industrial Revolution is measured by more than simply large factories with industrial workers and the number of
machines. This is the point of the beginning of this. The more that we look at the Industrial Revolution, the more that
we see that the Industrial Revolution was first and foremost an intensification of forms of production, of kinds of
production that were already there. And thus, we spend more time looking at, you know, the intensification of
artisanal production, craft production, of domestic industry, which we've already mentioned, that is people mostly
women but also men and children, too, working in the countryside. The rapid rise of industrial production was very
much tied to traditional forms of production. In Paris, for example, in 1871, alright, 1870, the average unit of

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production had only slightly more than seven people in it. So, if you only look for big factories and lots of machines,
you'll be missing the boat on the Industrial Revolution.

France’s relation to ‘retarded’ is rejected because Industrial Revolution is measured more than large factories and
numbers of machines.
Significantly, Industrial Revolution was an intensification of production in domestic industries.
So, production rise is related to the traditional forms but in Paris the average unit of production is small.
Therefore, if people only focus on the factories and machine numbers, they will miss the boat on the Industrial

35. Motivation V2/激励 版本二 #6336 2019-04


回忆要点:the lecture was described as two types of motivation, which are approach motivation and avoidance
motivation. She firstly mentioned that approach motivation means moving to things that are positive, such as
vocational plans. Secondly, avoidance motivation is driving away things that are negative which its purpose is to
reduce anxiety. Finally she emphasized that avoidance motivation is quite intense.

36. Network/交通网 #6225 2019-04


回忆1.语速有点快,有点失忆,没太听懂。traveling and transport. People travel from one place to another. Many ways
to make the route. If you can’t... the ...And there is example about Paris.
回忆2.提到了network,有定义有拿Paris举例。我大约写的是Network is social relationships. People transfer information
between each other. The speaker gives a journey as an example. Networks will not help you to reach the destination
directly but will help to get there quicker. 请考过的同学补充

37. British colonies/英国殖民 #6222 2019-04


回忆要点:大概是英国殖民逼迫本地小孩学语言,之类的,亚裔,什么white Australia policy

38. Science/科学 #6162 2019-03


回忆1.主要好像是说xxx science,然后说了一堆科学的名字,能有七八个!sociology,literacy,philosophy。然后什么do
not need to be restricted,什么liberty。中间一大段用一种巨含糊的方式快速说过去了!完全不知道说啥呢!
回忆2.SST第一题考到这道题 听到一个男的说 the study of organizations is based on the whole families 然后说这个study
is related to sociology philosophy之后那个男的说了中间一大段听不清 也没听懂 最后他说but we should pay the price for
什么东西,然后最后好像说了这个study很interesting很meaningful 意义重大之类 就是对他很重要 反正没有听懂在讲什么 然
后我就很懵逼的用Firstly, secondly, moreover, 把我能记下来的这几个链接起来了, 再发挥了下自己的想象力。本来以为听

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39. Business and management education /商业教育与管理教育 #6108 2019-03


回忆1:贡献一个新题,不是以前的那个management education leadership。有改动。都提到了Stanford 但是侧重于说
business education management education 的区别,services的不同。business school education school有不同的
回忆2: 题目主要内容讲的是 Business management in Stanford business school 1. the importance of management and
leadership 2. educational purpose should not be only delivering services, but also providing quality 3. students should
be responsible for the management performance and identified how it could happen 4. the responsibility means the
accomplishment achieved by others doesn't indicate what a person's capability
回忆3:The emphasis of the lecture is about the difference between management education leadership and services.
Stanford has pointed out that business education is shifting to educate the students to be creative and critical
thinking, and it has separated the level of service. Thus, the business school has the responsibility to train a student to
have the ability to endure a commercialized​ society.

40. Young people communities/年轻人群体 #6103 2019-03


回忆1.考到个新题, 一个关于年轻人的research, 语速中等, 记的东西很多,下面是我的sst答案,基本走的原词. research on
a wide range of young students and people aged 3-25 The research is about how they participate in their communities
,how to form value and character education the outcomes involve parents friends school , figure out which is essential
and more important than others the impacts of the research do with xxxx 记笔记听糊了 求大神补充.
回忆2.The speaker conducted a study, mainly on children and young people. - He investigated 70% of people in the
United Kingdom and found how young people participate, communicate, and get involved in society. - Besides, the
speaker find what key factors can influence on young people. (Influence includes parents’ influence and friend’s
influence字数有限我就没写) - Many politicians are interested in his research.

41. Vitamin D V3/维生素D 版本三 #6099 2019-03

The body also manufactures vitamin D from cholesterol, through a process triggered by the action of sunlight on skin,
hence its nickname, "the sunshine vitamin." Yet some people do not make enough vitamin D from the sun, among
them, people who have a darker skin tone, who are overweight, who are older, and who cover up when they are in
the sun. Correctly applied sunscreen reduces our ability to absorb vitamin D by more than 90 percent. And not all
sunlight is created equal: The sun’s ultraviolet B (UVB) rays—the so-called "tanning" rays, and the rays that trigger the
skin to produce vitamin D—are stronger near the equator and weaker at higher latitudes. So in the fall and winter,
people who live at higher latitudes (in the northern U.S. and Europe, for example) can’t make much if any vitamin D
from the sun.

Human’s body manufactures vitamin D through the action of sunlight on skin.

However, some people do not make enough vitamin D from the sun and correctly applied sunscreen highly prevents
people’s absorption of vitamin D.
Furthermore, all sunlight is not created equally and varies in different geographical locations.
So, in the fall and winter, people who live at higher latitudes cannot make much vitamin D from the sun.

42. Renewable energy/可再生能源 #6098 2019-03

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回忆1.考到 sst 关于 有什么side of fierce(这个是听到发音是这样的) 还有oil gas renewable energy 比如wind energy
solar energy 然后store them is a problem 然后巴拉巴拉一堆 最后好像说 to address this technology is here。 有没有也考
过这个题目的。 求大神补充
回忆2.考过 我听到的是一个男lecturer 在说:1. There are many kinds of alternative energy/power, such as wind power,
sea momentum power 2.However, scientists are looking for a usable and renewable resource 3. Solar energy is a kind
of renewable resource.. 原谅我半个月才来分享,有些点记得不太清楚,应该是新题来着,跟我之前背的鸡精点不太一样
回忆3.是一个男的lecture,有什么renewable energy, including wind and ocean power. 说这些energy是contributor. solar
energy on this planet,最后总结是 the first place ... to address technology is here?
回忆4. 一开始先说一些annually consumable energies, 提到了coals, oils, fuels. 然后说道renewable resources, 这个也是重
点, 提到wind energy和ocean energy,but the storage of them is an issue,然后提到biomass和hydro- 一个词,记不太清
了,他们都是contributors,不过这个我没写,因为笔记太多了,最后删掉了这部分 然后说到了Solar energy,这个部分占据
了大部分的renewable energies,并说道it is where our new technologies should be put into, 因为字数限制,我就写的:
it is where our new technologies should focus on. 基本就是这样了。

43. Foreign lands/异域 #6095 2019-03


回忆1.考了个什么foreign lands,一开始说book的title是能在library里面帮你guide,然后听到了马可波罗,western people
do not know what is the foreign lands,还听到了civilization,其实没听懂,拼拼凑凑望大神复盘
回忆2. The Travels of Sir John Mandeville The book is popular in 1300 to 1400 in the library than Marco Polo which is
about Sir John Mandeville's journey to Mid east, Africa and Asia. This book is valuable even the foreign land described
in the book is not real, because it shows how the European people think about the foreign land outside Europe and
their imagination of the unknown.

44. World's globalization /全球化 #6093 2019-03

Globalization is an overused and often misunderstood concept. We hear it all the time on news broadcasts and in any
type of public discussion. But the starting point for understanding globalization is that it is industries and markets that
globalize, not countries. That’s why it’s helpful to think of Globalisation as ‘the integration of economic activities across
borders’. Q1 - But why does globalization matter? I would argue globalization matters because it means the rise of
interconnectedness between countries and markets across the world. For example, one of the reasons why the
financial crash of 2007/2008 was so serious was because the financial and banking systems of countries around the
world have become so closely interconnected with the globalization of markets.

Globalization is overused and misunderstood, but the starting point of it is the industries and markets that globalize,
rather than countries.
So, it can be understood as the integration of economic activities across borders.
Moreover, globalization matters because it means the rise of interconnectedness between countries and markets
across the world, which can be proved by the example of the financial crash of 2007 to 2008.

45. Internet structure/网络结构 #6092 2019-03


回忆要点:Internet is a complicated structure. If you are going to send an email to your home, a telephone exchanging
equipment will work on it. These switching equipments transfer the information from one city to another city through

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cables. The more we use those equipments, the more energy we consume.

46. Device/一种设备 #6055 2019-03


回忆1.一个完全听不懂的新题! 可能是 telescope(但我没听到这个词) 似乎是 ①某device can Measure speed and look
things far away; but there are some bad things regarding universe (似乎什么太远看不清) 还提到 but we dont have
time machine! ②it can observe fossil evidence, 8-dimensions,long distance objects, ③然后又回到说 look
universe… 最后还有个什么 in folding
回忆2.今天也考到了,好像讲的是the history of universe.接着说,if we look far away, it is a bad thing for people to
detect the universe exist or not. Because we don’t have time machine, so we cannot go back to look it, but we can find
some fossils to do research. Finally, we can use 8 dimensions theory to look back the history of the universe. 这个是我

47. Australian transportation/澳洲交通 #6023 2019-03


回忆1.请问有没有人考到SST是关于Australia Transportation的。前面讲澳大利亚人基本都开车,只有20%的不开车,比如小
孩,老人,残疾人。后面还讲到政府为这些人提供更好的公共交通什么的。最后一句好像是But it still has some big impact.
回忆3.这题讲的是Australian' s transportation, 先说了澳洲的living pattern need cars and most family have their cars, it's
very inconvenient without a car if you living in the Australia. 澳洲80%的人都会开车, 但似剩下20%的人不会开,基本都
是老人和小孩。 因此澳洲政府还是要improve public transportation, but it will leads to many other problems.

48. Books/书籍 #6022 2019-03

Why should we read the Republic? I met lots of students asked this question to themselves when they’re given it as a
set of books at the beginning of their university course. But in fact, there are many good reasons to read the republic.
And the first one I would pick on is just that it is immensely readable. It’s not Plato did not write philosophy like a dry
textbook. He wrote it like a living conversation. The whole of the Republic which is a fairly fat book is a living
conversation written in short almost soundbite type answers, but nevertheless, developing some very very important
ideas. So, my first answer then we should read the Republic just because it is readable. It is readable it was written by
a genius and it’s worth reading. It’s easy to read. It’s not difficult. But then there's also obviously the thoughts, the
content of the book and he's asking this absolutely fundamental question "why should we bother to be good?"
"what's in it for us effectively?". It seems when we look at the world, it looks as though injustice pays. It looks as
though crime pays whereas the good people get trodden down. So, Plato addresses this absolutely fundamental
question "why should we be good". I’m not going to tell you his answer. Read the book.

There are many good reasons for people to read the republic.
The first reason is that the republic is immensely readable.
It is a living conversation written by Plato and easy to read but develops very important ideas.
Plato addresses the fundamental question in the book about why people should be good in the book even though it
seems that injustice pays in today’s world.

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49. The exposure to emotions/情绪的表露 #6011 2019-03


回忆要点:The utility of negative emotions…… The negative things such as fears promote evolutions and help people
to survive. The positive things we are frequently to experience but it is limiting. However, the negative, emotions are
less frequently but very intensive.

50. The definition of great idea/伟大想法的定义 #6010 2019-03


回忆1. the definition of great idea. 语速较慢。大概内容是what is great idea? the great idea should have several
features. firstly, the great idea should be various(不确定这个词听的对不对) and novel. secondly, the great idea should
be unique, which means no one has thought about it. thirdly, the great idea should be transformative.
回忆2.一个男的说的 语速不快 what is essential for entrepreneurs? First is great idea. 不同的人有不同的idea. Great
businessman used some ideas which are existed for a long time. But it’s better to have unique ideas. for example
ideas which are protectable 版权保护。(后面有一两句觉得字数够了没听意思和前面差不多)

51. The real science/真正的科学 #6004 2019-03


回忆要点:The speaker wrote a book introducing 12 incorrect phenomena. He said the real science may not be what
people thought it would be. The real science might be boring.

52. French women rights/法国女性权利 #5987 2019-03



53. Human immigration/人类迁徙 #5986 2019-03

23,000 years ago, towards the end of the Old Stone Age, also known as the upper Paleolithic, the weather in Europe
and in many parts of the world took a turn for the worse. Temperatures plummeted, rain levels fell and a massive ice
sheet slowly advanced to cover most of northern Europe and stay there for the next few thousand years. We know
that during this glacial period, many animal and plant species sought shelter in Europe's three warmer southern
peninsulas, Iberia, Italy, and the Balkans. But the question is, where did the people go? Archeological material
recovered from this time period has shown that a large number of our ancestors retreated to Franco Cantabria, an
area covering the southwest of France and the northeastern tip of Spain. But was this the only area where people
traveled to escape the worst of the weather? Let's go back to the growing ice sheet. In order to grow, the ice mass had
to take up water, causing sea levels to fall. At its maximum when the ice reached as far south as Germany, sea levels
were up to 120 meters lower than today. That's approximately the same height as the London Eye. As a result, areas
of the shallow sea became exposed and Europe's shape was very different from the one we recognized. It could be
that humans lived on these exposed shores during the Paleolithic, but we have no evidence of their settlements
because it's now all underwater.

Many thousand years ago, the weather in Europe and in many parts of the world took a turn for the worse.

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As temperature decreased, the glacial period started, and many animal and plant species sought shelter.
Most of the human went to the southwest of France and the northeastern tip of Spain, but it was not the only place
where humans went.
And humans might live on exposed shores, but there is no evidence for that.

54. Clear and understandable/清晰易懂 #5981 2019-03


回忆1.讲的是前几天某个小伙伴考的-clarify?因为不会拼这个词,我完美避开了,全文开头:they don’t say anything, it
should be understandable, it must be clear, correct and detailed. 该文还举了个栗子:u should eat something, the
speaker mentioned that “xxx eat something” does not make sense 求大神补充。
回忆2.关键词precision, clarity。刚开始说到我们的words都不clear,要有一个second standard。整篇都在说precision和
clarity, 说话要精准,清晰。要人understandable。

55. Earth and Mars/地球与火星 #5976 2019-03


回忆1.Earth 和 Mars,记不住了 想起来几个关键词 geological surface/ rock formation/ lower gravity evidence of
water,billion years ago 就有水了
回忆2.我考的没有图片。第一句是 we are going to look at an interesting place today. It is called the Mars which is not far
away from the earth. 然后说landscape 是像dessert covered with Rock. 然后说found trace amount of water in icy form
just like the mountain. 然后说not much of atmosphere. But found rare gasses. Possible guess: heavy gasses did not
evaporate because of low gravity.
回忆3.关键词interesting planet, dry desert, atmosphere and low gravity , billions of years long enough.

56. English language/英语语言 #5973 2019-03


回忆1:English is not a pure language, which has been influenced by other 150 languages in history. English borrowed
vocabulary and phrases from other languages. We are not going to learn the language but focusing on history.
Different period of people has different views about this. In Shakespeare's period, people very hate those borrowed
words. 感觉不是5907 因为我没听到例子 就讲了英语历史上外来语对它的影响 我写的这些是我确定听到的 那个150的数字不
太确定。还强调English 和British people。
回忆2:今天考到这题了。和回忆差不多。我就记了3大点。先说 English is not pure language, borrow from 350 languages
on the history. 用dog 做了个例子,说的又快,也许这个不重要吧。然后说 the history and the language is connected, so
when you learn the language, you also learn the history. 最后说 people have different views, some people felt angry
about the language which is not original English. 莎士比亚不会拼,感觉还是要写上。350说了2次,第一次没记,觉得数字
回忆3.1. English is not a pure language. 2. English borrowed words from 350 languages in history (数字确定)3. xxx
people learn language not learn history. 4. In Shakespeare' period, people angry about the words(came不确定有没有
这个字) from other languages. hated the words xxx 这是我的笔记.

57. Food crisis/食物危机 #5972 2019-03

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回忆要点: 讲了food production和Food crisis 整片很短 这是我的总结 1. people will suffer food Crisis for the next 30
years until 2030 2. We should Double our production by increase 100%. 3. People should elevate the production now.
Predict 30% to 50% increase in the next 3 years 基本上都是原词 希望有同学补充一下

58. Biology application/生物学的应用 #5971 2019-03


回忆要点:讲biology application的,This lecture is about applications used in biology systems. Nowadays, scientists
can engineer and (v.) nature. While scientists could just cut and paste DNA from one organism to another 40 years
ago, they can write DNA and create new organisms and cells. Besides, scientists use microscale tools / devices (不确定)
in bacteria experiments in the labs and get millions of bacteria the next day. 求大神帮助补充完善。

59. Building's natural selection/建筑的物竞天择 #5967 2019-03


回忆1.也是讲 design of building的,上来先说 design of the building is important, 然后讲了一堆building的设计 什么floor
啥的,有很多poor work也有好的,regional state的 建筑挺好。然后 in the late 20 century, 许多建筑被推倒,我们根据建
筑的 natural 特性和function 来决定它们是否 remain还是 推倒。 有点蒙,听的不是很好,音频是中年女声,速度稍快。 有大
回忆2.补充一些 新内容 1. Applying Darwin theory natural selection for modifying old buildings. 2. Buildings adapt the
new world survive otherwise will be pulled down. 3. Criticism of modifying is unfair.

60. Research on social science/关于社会科学的研究 #5965 2019-03


回忆1.讲Research on social science 中间提到了 capacity of families and their children's education 后面还提到了
compelling and disturbing XXX
回忆2.这个演讲者很抑郁。说做了个关于social science的research。research很disturbing/ sociability/ make sure children
well-educated/ 再次提research is disturbing/confess that he is unable to address these deep roots in this society

61. Recycling water/循环用水 #5963 2019-03

Why do we need to recycle water? Because we don’t generate much new water. Chemically the process of generating
water, which is basically taking hydrogen and oxygen and burning them to produce water, is not a process that
happens a lot anymore. So in terms of our total volume of water in the world, yes it is changing, but it’s not changing
significantly relative to the rate at which we are using or demand fresh new water. Now there are a lot of different
areas of technology involved in water recycling, and we are later in the interview going to get to industrial use and the
reclamation of sewerage. What about in the home at the moment; what sort of technology is being utilized in the
home when we talk about water recycling? Well very little on average. Typically in a modern home, we turn on the tap,
we take a glass of water, we probably in turning on that tap flush ten glasses of water down the sink. We take a
shower, we use fresh water, we do a whole range of things, and there is nominally very little recycling of that. It goes
down the drain and it goes off to a wastewater treatment plant. There is actually very, very little recycling at a local
level. People don’t actually say well I’m now going to take the water I just used, put it through a sophisticated process
and reuse it and have a closed loop. It’s not a closed loop in the home.

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We need to recycle water because we don’t generate much new water.

The total volume of water is not changing significantly.
Although there are a lot of technologies for water recycling, we do very little water recycling at home.
People use fresh water to do a whole range of things, but we don’t reuse water at a local level.
There is not a closed loop in the home.

62. Mind-brain identity theory/心脑同一论 #5961 2019-03

And then in the 1950s, philosophers had this novel idea that perhaps the mind is just identical with the brain. OK? And
this hadn't occurred to philosophers before, and so happen, it happened around the same time the first department
of neuroscience started forming like MIT and Stanford so forth. But basically, there are a couple of philosophers both
educated here in Oxford Place (1956) and Smart (1959), and they made the claim that the mind just is the brain. So
that is the identity theory and with identity, identity in logic is the strongest relation. When you have identity between
A and B, you don't have two things, you have one thing. Alright? So now when you talk about mental events, you are
talking about brain events. Maybe when you talk about brain events, you are talking about mental events. OK? So
that's the identity theory. And it’s very popular, it’s basically the idea that mental properties are just properties of the

In the 1950s, philosophers thought that the mind is just identical with the brain, which had not occurred to them
before until the formation of the first neuroscience department.
However, later, there are several philosophers claimed that the mind just is the brain, and this is the identity theory.
In conclusion, identity theory is popular, and its basic idea is that mental properties are just properties of the brain.

63. Language acquisition/语言习得 #5952 2019-03

Child language acquisition, three little words. So let's take them on at a time. Child, when to start being a child? For
many people, language acquisition starts around about twelve months when kids say that first word, but don't forget
the first year. At the first year, our first year of life is very important as well and indeed before you are born,
remember there are couple of months before you are born, when you actually able to perceive in the womb,
something of the language that's around you. So language acquisition starts earlier than most people think. And it
also ends later than most people think. When does child language acquisition stop? Well, in a sense, you know, we
are all children, we stay being children all in our lives. There is no obvious endpoint for learning sounds, of course,
there is for learning grammar, there is for vocabulary, huh. I mean that goes on for the rest of our lives in million or
more words in English. Most of us only have a vocabulary of 50, 60, 70 thousand words, whatever it is until there is
always something to learn. So remember that two ends of child language acquisition are wider apart than some
people think. That means there is more scope for studying in it than most people think.

Language acquisition starts earlier than most people think.

They think language acquisition starts when children say the first word, but it starts in the first year even before
children are born.
Similarly, language acquisition ends later than people think and there is no obvious endpoint for it.
In conclusion, the two ends of child language acquisition are wider apart and there is more scope for studying langue
than people think.

64. Climate and crops/天气与农作物的关系 #5951 2019-03

Now we spend a lot of time thinking about how climate will affect crops. But crops affect climate themselves and they
do this in two ways. First of all, about one-quarter of the land surface is used for growing crops. Another 10-15 % are
used for pasture. So a substantial amount of the land surface is used in crop and agricultural production. And how we
used that land affects our climate? If we were, for example, to deforest a substantial area and replace it with an

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annual crop such as soybean. Then we would alter the characteristics of the land surface, alter the way that water and
heat flows from the land surface to the atmosphere and back, and ultimately change the regional climate if there is a
large enough change in land surface. So this is an absolutely fascinating topic and one that's really quite difficult to
understand because of the complexity. It's difficult because it needs us as crops scientists to work even more closely
with our climate scientist colleagues. And it's difficult because we have to join our models together.

This topic is significantly focusing on the topic of crops in order to explain how crops can affect climate.
Additionally, the substantial amount of land surface for crop, the example of using soybean to change the
characteristics of the land surface, and the change of the regional climate are involved to support the main idea.
The speaker also suggests it is quite difficult to understand it because of the complexity.

65. Can food/罐装食品 #5949 2019-03

One of the things that was going on during the Great Depression was the beginning of this sort of modern food
technology that rules, you know, the way Americans eat today. That is there are a lot of canned foods were being -
coming onto the market at the time. And also, refrigerators were really becoming very, very popular during the Great
Depression, both in cities and in rural parts of the country.

Thanks to electrification, the Rural Electrification Administration, people could buy appliances. You know, farmers
could buy appliances. And that meant frozen foods were becoming big. And, you know, at that time, few people could
afford to buy them during the early years of the Great Depression. But, you know, gradually, these things picked up.
And so this was, like, the sort of beginning of the era when people were starting to think about supermarkets with
rows and rows of freezer cases and rows and rows of canned foods.

One of the things that was going on during the Great Depression was the beginning of modern food technology, which
means, the way Americans eat today. And also, refrigerators were really becoming very, very popular. Thanks to
electrification people could buy appliances. At that time, few people could afford to buy frozen food during the early
years. But gradually, people were starting to think about supermarkets and canned foods.

66. Drop out of school/辍学 #5947 2019-03


回忆1.讲的是drop out of school. Low achievers are more likely to drop out of school.通常是男孩子,然后他们被推入就业
池子里。因为他们有很多的工作机会,主要在两个destination,一个船舶相关的,另一个没听到。 The remains主要是女孩
子are less likely to leave school,因为没有工作给她们,过早地离开学校会导致不好的结果,比如只能做part-time job
回忆2.听到的是 A common destination for boys is traineeship. 还有 The transmission is hard. 其他的 和 机经一样, boys
is a risky group and they are more likely to leave school. 然后 girls 离开学校就 unemployment和part-time job 音频里一
直说的是 leaving school。 pull factor 那里 我听得不是很好没记全就 没写,其他的点 记下来 也够了。

67. Semantic noise/语义噪音 #5942 2019-03

Semantic noise in communication is a type of disturbance in the transmission of a message that interferes with the
interpretation of the message due to ambiguity in words, sentences or symbols used in the transmission of the

Let's take a step back for a moment to provide a larger framework that helps you understand the idea of semantic
noise a bit easier. Communication is the process of transmitting information from one person to another. Information
is a pattern of data organized in a particular way. For example, a sentence consists of symbols that form words in a
particular language with a particular meaning. The sentence also utilizes grammar, which is a recognized way to
structure words forming a sentence. Noise is any type of disturbance that interferes with the interpretation of the

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information. Some argue that noise exists in all communication.

Semantic noise doesn't involve sound but rather ambiguity in words, sentences or other symbols used in
communication. The ambiguity is caused because everybody sees a different meaning in the same words, phrases or
sentences. The differences in interpretation can be quite small, even undetectable, in regular communication
between people from the same culture, age, education and experience, or drastically different because of such things
as culture, age or experience.

Semantic noise in communication is a type of disturbance in the transmission of a message.

Communication is the process of transmitting information from one person to another. Information is a pattern of
data organized in a particular way.
Noise exists in all communication, but semantic noise involves ambiguity in words, sentences or other symbols used
in communication.
The differences in interpretation can be quite small, or drastically different.

68. Online research/网上调研 #5915 2019-03


回忆1.主要说online research的 比较短 比较简单,我总结下The lecture is about advantages and drawbacks about online
research . The online research is quicker than the conventional methods and there is no gaps in quantities and
qualities . However, the drawback is that we cannot communicate face to face and we cannot get information through
how they react such as body language, which means we don’t know who they are.
回忆2.考到了这个SST 中年男人 无口音很清晰 讲的说internet飞速发展 不管是quality还是quantity,然后人们都可以get
instant information 灰常快 而且说了个点是inexpensive?这块我没听太仔细。 后面又很清晰的做了but的转折 说了
drawback,是我们没有face to face communication, 我们不能从body language 和observation to read their minds。我
们不知道他们是谁 但是我们知道他们是real person like us。逻辑清晰 蛮简单

69. Roman building/罗马建筑风格 #5913 2019-03

But you can see from the relatively crooked and narrow streets of the city of Rome as they look from above today. You
can see that again, the city grew in a fairly ad hoc way, as I mentioned. It wasn't planned all at once. It just grew up
over time, beginning in the eighth century B.C.. Now this is interesting because what we know about the Romans is
when they were left to own devices and they could build the city from scratch, they didn’t let it grow in an ad hoc way.
They structure it in a, in a very care, very methodical way. That was basically based on military strategy, military
planning. The Romans they couldn't have conquered the world without obviously having a masterful military
enterprise and everywhere they went on their various campaigns, their various military campaigns. They would build,
build camps and those camps were always laid out in a very geometric plan along a grid, usually square or
rectangular. So, when we begin to see the Romans building their ideal Roman city, they turn to that so call castrum or
military camp design.

The crooked and narrow streets of Rome was not planned all at once.
The buildings are built from scratch and structured in a very careful, methodical day.
Based on the military planning, the Romans built camps and those camps were always laid out in a very geometric
plan along a grid, usually square or rectangular.
Therefore, the Romans build their city according to the military camp design.

70. Language in vocabulary/语言词汇 #5907 2019-03

Well, a historical linguist compares languages at several levels. You start out looking for basic vocabulary. All

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languages of the world, natural languages at least, have words for eye and head and nose and ear and for sky and
earth and for water, sand and for sibling, mother and father. They may not have words for uncle and aunt. It becomes
much vaguer because in one culture an aunt is different when it comes from your father's side than from your
mother's side. You don't include snow. Most people know what snow is but in the tropics you don't have it. So you
look for notions that are totally comparable and that occur everywhere in the world. You take the hundred or two
hundred most universal notions in the human life, those which you call the basic vocabulary. So you take basic
vocabularies and languages that you think are related. You look for words that sound the same.

The relationship of basic vocabularies and languages is discussed.

When a historical linguist compares languages at several levels, all languages especially natural languages have basic
words, but some words becomes vague with culture.
Consequently, notions that are totally comparable and that occur everywhere are called universal notions in the
human life, which are basic vocabularies.
Finally, basic vocabularies and languages that you think are related because words sound the same.

71. The history of software/软件的历史 #5906 2019-03

The history of software is of course very very new. And the whole IT industry is really only 60, 70 years old which is
extraordinary and to be so close to the birth of a major new technology, a major new discipline is quite remarkable
given where we got to in those 60, 70 years. And the progression has been not so much a progression as a stampede
because Moore's Law, the rapid expansion in the power of computing and the rapid fall of the cost of computing and
storage and communications has made it feasible for information technology to move into all sorts of areas of life
that were never originally envisaged. What has happened is that there has been as I said a stampede for people to
pick the low-hanging fruit. And that is what's guided the development of software and information technology over
the past decades and continues to do so with a number of consequences that we will explore.

The factors and development of software are discussed.

Firstly, the history of software is very new, which is extraordinary, and this major new technology with major new
discipline is quite remarkable.
Moreover, this progression as a stampede has made it feasible for information technology to move into all areas of
life, which guided the development of software and information technology and related to consequences.

72. Consumer conduct/消费者的行为 #5903 2019-03


信,结果显示后者表现强于前者很多。说明人们更在意自己的潜在损失, 有人见过吗?

73. Internet/网络 #5896 2019-03


回忆1:好像考了一道新题 没听懂 讲什么 internet 一会programming 还听到了类似 military organity 的发音。剩下就听懂
个例子 说 graduates designed email system without suspect 什么的
回忆:2:考到这题 Internet is an innovation for people who is clever to programming. Moreover, the Internet is based
on security, which means the users should trust each other, and the Email system is designed for people to transmit
information. (这里大量遗漏)However, the Internet is never designed only for the sender side. 整篇文章很长大概90s 反
复出现Internet 和design 这些词 语速较快
回忆3.这道题其实讲的是1.Internet was proved 可以去做很多事情,举了好几个例子,排比句 2. 最初Internet是由学生和

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researcher建立的,尤其是graduate student 3. Internet最初的建立没有考虑security的因素,因为使用因特网的人互相彼此

都不怀疑对方 4.拿email举了个例子,并最后强调一句大概是authentication was originally not built in the system大概意思

74. California water war/加州水资源战争 #5893 2019-03


回忆1:考到一个新题. In Chinatown, they are common creations. 中间提到需要famers,famers destroy什么, 后面说They
are vital habitats for migration birds. 最后一句说什么doubled。等大神补充
2.有同学说可能是California water war,找到维基百科的资料给大家。The California water wars were a series of political
conflicts between the city of Los Angeles and farmers and ranchers in the Owens Valley of Eastern California over
water rights. As Los Angeles expanded during the late 19th century, it began outgrowing its water supply. Fred Eaton,
mayor of Los Angeles, realized that water could flow from Owens Valley to Los Angeles via an aqueduct. The aqueduct
construction was overseen by William Mulholland and was finished in 1913. The water rights were acquired through
political fighting and, as described by one author, "chicanery, subterfuge ... and a strategy of lies".[1]:62 Since 1913, the
Owens River had been diverted to Los Angeles, causing the ruin of the valley's economy. By the 1920s, so much water
was diverted from the Owens Valley that agriculture became difficult. This led to the farmers trying to destroy the
aqueduct in 1924. Los Angeles prevailed and kept the water flowing. By 1926, Owens Lake at the bottom of Owens
Valley was completely dry due to water diversion. The water needs of Los Angeles kept growing. In 1941, Los Angeles
diverted water that previously fed Mono Lake, north of Owens Valley, into the aqueduct. Mono Lake's ecosystem for
migrating birds was threatened by dropping water levels. Between 1979 and 1994, David Gaines and the Mono Lake
Committee engaged in litigation with Los Angeles. The litigation forced Los Angeles to stop diverting water from
around Mono Lake, which has started to rise back to a level that can support its ecosystem.
回忆3.总结了半天资料没想到今天考试就考这道题 第一句就是故事的background是Chinatown这个电影,然后引出主题
California water wars,details里提到了1913、1924、1941年,还有一个年份我忘记了,具体时间对应的事件大家参考我之

75. Internet and journalism/互联网对新闻行业的影响 #5738 2019-02


回忆要点:讲的Internet 对journalism的影响,大概是Journalism has changed since the rising of the Internet, including
how it is produced and how it is consumed. People become enthusiastic about such changes, viewing it improving the
spreading of news and helping people to gain information. Journalism becomes now a collaborative process and in a
marginal way, this is unexpected.但是后面in a marginal way那里我听的不是很好

76. Globalization and detraditionalization/全球化与去传统化 #5728 2019-01

So, I think you all know what I mean by globalization, don't you? This is the idea that we all live in a global village. With
instant communications, we can share ideas, and consume cultural artifacts from countries all over the world, just by
going into the Internet and all dream up, basically. The world is shrinking. In terms of speeds, it is accelerating, but in
terms of distance, it's shrinking. What do I mean by detraditionalization? I mean the disappearance or the erosion, for
the better word to use, the erosion of traditional cultures, of conventional ways of doing things, of conventional
moralities. More and more young people around the world are rejecting the culture they grow up in, and it's probably
a little bit cruel. But some imitating a Hollywood model of society, rather than the one which they inherit from their
local tradition background. OK?

Globalization means we all live in a global village.

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With instant communications, the world is shrinking, and the speed is accelerating.
The detraditionalization means the erosion of traditional cultures, the conventional ways of doing things, and the
conventional moralities.
More and more young people around the world are rejecting the culture they grow up in.
Some are even imitating a Hollywood model of society.

77. Two kinds of stress/两种压力 #5491 2018-12


回忆要点:讲有关stress的,关键词有little stress, exam, practice, necessary, calendar, play and work等! 本人听力79,
虽然这篇听的一般,但应该可以参考! The lecture is talking about stress.There are two kinds of stress, one is little
stress, it will happen when people taking exam or practice. But it is actually necessary because it could help people to
improve what they are doing. Another stress is what we usually talk about. To release such stress, people could use
calendar to schedule their play and work. 可能有漏掉一些词,但是这么写似乎也没问题,有听力大神的听到这道题了可以

78. The separation of power/三权分立 #5374 2018-12


回忆要点:the separation of power. 3个系统,第一个legislation,第二个(应该是administration但是我没听到)提到

officers care about...第三个负责interpret, 所以应该是司法,这样分工很清晰,但是在过去有个blurring line,因为他们不晓

79. Water resource/水资源浪费 #5372 2018-12


(feed the cattle,注意cattle不是复数)

80. Australian culture diversity/澳洲多元文化 #5371 2018-12


回忆要点:Australia is a multicultural country拥有世界上最古老的连续文化,拥有世界上最古老的连续文化,四分之一的人

出生在海边,近一半的人至少有一位出生在海外的父母;Migrants make a great contribution to Australia’s productivity and
fiscal benefit.

81. Fight-or-flight response/战逃反应 #5370 2018-12

To understand the Fight or Flight response it helps to think about the role of emotions in our lives. Many of us would
prefer to focus on our logical, thinking nature and ignore our sometimes troublesome emotions, but emotions have a
purpose. Our most basic emotions like fear, anger or disgust are vital messengers: they evolved as signals to help us
meet our basic needs for self-preservation and safety. It would be dangerous to be indecisive about a threat to our
survival so the brain runs information from our senses through the most primitive, reactive parts of our brain first.
These areas of the brain control instinctive responses and they don’t do too much thinking. This more primitive part
of our brain communicates with the rest of our brain and our body to create signals we can’t ignore easily: powerful

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emotions and symptoms.

This lecture is about the relationship between fight or flight response and emotions. Firstly, most people would prefer
logical thinking and ignore emotions that actually have a purpose. Secondly, basic emotions are vital messengers,
evolving as signals. So, the brain runs information through the most primitive and reactive parts of our brain, which
control instinctive response, don’t think much and communicate with the rest of our brain and body to create signals.
In conclusion, we cannot ignore these signals, including powerful emotions and symptoms.

82. Newspaper/报纸 #5363 2018-12


回忆1.Newspaper 行业shrinking. 有提到America,和美国一些州newspaper的情况。they can’t find buyers. 超过100个
have no money to publish the newspaper everyday. Some published three days a week. Small sized newspapers only
publish only.
回忆2.今天也考到了关于Newspaper shrinking的题,其中说到:Economic models changes although newspapers have
increase the cash flow, newspaper industry lost money because they can’t find buyers,small newspapers go online,
some newspapers disappeared, 100 small newspapers existence, the staffs worked in newspaper dropped 30-60%,
回忆3.讲newspaper行业的衰落shrinking,很多newspaper disappear了,有些还是positive cash flow. 有些publish 3 day
per week or only online. 有one third strunk,reduce 30%-50% or more

83. Need in English/英文中的需要 #5347 2018-12


回忆1.讲的是 the term need in English language. 1. Need 可能strong desire,not basic things ;2. need 是essential
thing,比如planet 要sunlight and water,然后还有提到了social environment,natural to people,后面听得不太好” 这么
回忆2.考到一篇讲need, English language里面指需要strong desire,不是essential needs, 不像plant need water,
psychological 里面指require from nature,
回忆3.开始说 In English language(演讲人说不是American language) 然后说designers 要design a planet with sunlight,
water, organic things and do on. 然后human beings,什么not for development but for social 什么的。 最后一句说this is
not psychological for nature. 听力能力有限,求听力大神复盘!

84. Secret life of plants/植物的秘密 #5346 2018-12


回忆1.有没人考过一篇新题secret life of plants,讲的是植物能interact,又可以talk to each other的
回忆2.开头男声旁白讲这是一个British experiment,之后主要女声讲 topic是secret life of plants,提到interaction跟一个啥
principle有关,然后audience opinion is valuable,plants can interact/communicate with each other not only in their
own species, but also other plant species。结尾是plant xxx themselves。非常像科学60s那种旁白+interviewer的形式。

85. Canadian work structure/加拿大工作结构 #5343 2018-12

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回忆要点:Canadian work structure 改变。一百年前有五分之一的农民,现在只有百分之4了,worker也是人数减少。但是

people still work for others。now there are 2 changes in labor force.一个是people only focus on paid work.还有一个是
an increasing number of women are in the workforce. 大致内容肯定没错的,细节待补充。

86. Childhood/童年 #5241 2018-11


回忆要点:现在孩子的童年和以前变得不一样,成长得更快更risky,threaten at streets,变得更customer了,manufacturer
针对性推出很多商品,并且刻意区分gender。。。 大家还有人听过这题吗?
回忆1:V1 1. Children have been losing childhood both in the past and now. 2. In the 19th century, the reason of losing
childhood was that children needed to work at an early age with high risks of staying around the streets. 3. However,
the reasons why children are losing childhood vary according to the change of society such as the changing aspects of
gender and commercial advertisements
回忆2:V2 1. Children lost their childhood in the 19th century under different situations. 2. Firstly, working children
suffer lots of risks in society such as sexual issues and criminal event. 3. They were also facing exploitation and high
demand of workload. 4. Besides, children may be threatened on the street for destroying events or opening door. 5.
Finally, the society with commercial feature and gender bias make children engaged their personal life.

87. Absolutism/绝对论 #5240 2018-11


回忆1.关于 absolutism. 我听到的key words:abosolutism contains some rules, guidelines and principles which are
universal. It is like a road map to guide individual and social behavior. some principles of absolutism cannot be
violated and betrayed and they have wide acceptance without assumptions and interpretations.
回忆2.考到个新题sst universalism and absolutism 不确定是universalism这个词 开头只出现一次,universe的音很快,后
面一直讲absolutism 先讲 ideas for universalism是concepts and principles of values ( individual, societies, environment)
要consistent xx 第2 部分讲absolutism (clear boundaries between right, wrong) 很多排比说no exceptions, no xxxx
回忆3.考过说的是absoluteness 24号bh 我写的是 关于一种让人follow的rule,一个规定人们行为举止的principle,between
right and wrong,no exception,no boundary...

88. Smile of mother and baby/亲子的微笑 #5204 2018-11

Ever try to get a baby to smile? It can seem close to impossible—and then suddenly there it is: that elusive, seemingly
joyous grin. Well it turns out those smiles aren’t spontaneous—they’re strategic.

Researchers have found that when babies smile, it's for a reason. They want whoever they’re interacting with—
typically a parent—to smile back. And they time it just so, a smile here and a smile there. The researchers call it
sophisticated timing. The study is in the journal PLoS ONE.

The researchers enlisted real mothers and infants and quantified their interactions, which fell into four categories.
One: babies wanted to maximize the amount of time smiling at their mothers. Two: they wanted to maximize the time
the mothers smiled at them. Three: they wanted to experience simultaneous smiling, and four: no smiling at all.

By studying when smiles happened and what the subsequent effect was, the investigators were able to figure out
that for mothers the goal 70 percent of the time was to be smiling simultaneously—while for babies 80 percent of the
time they just wanted their mother smiling at them. So, mothers want the interaction, while babies just want to be
smiled at.

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So your baby may not be able to feed itself, talk or even turn over yet. But when it comes to smiles, babies seem to
know exactly what they're up to.

The smiles of babies are strategic. The reason is they want whoever they are interacting with to smile back. The
researchers defined four categories of interactions between mothers and infants, including maximizing the time
smiling at the mothers, maximizing the time the mothers smiling at the babies, simultaneous smiling and no smiling at
all. As a result, mothers want the interaction, while babies just want to be smiled at. (69 words)

89. Design of the hospitals/医院的设计 #5203 2018-11


回忆1.主要是说along the history of the design of hospitals, researchers have found that patients recover faster when
they get access to the view of outside environment through hospital’s windows and are frequently visited by friends
and families. Viewing of hospital’s yard can help people rest and sleep faster and also release stresses easily. Nurses’
experience suggest that hospitals should be well-developed.
回忆2.好像之前看过的 hospital patients who have a window view over greenery recover faster

90. Automation/自动化 #5202 2018-11


回忆1.今天应该是考到了新题,automation, safer technology vehicle, level 4 car, remove human from the control
system, level 3 car, press button can read book, 听的不好,其他不确定的就不发了,可以查一下level3/4 car的特性 就是讲这
回忆2.网上搜到的level 3和level 4,不知道和考试题目一样不? Automated Vehicles for Safety Increasing road safety by
removing human involvement in driving level3: An Automated Driving System (ADS) on the vehicle can itself perform
all aspects of the driving task under some circumstances. In all other circumstances, the human driver performs the
driving task. level 4: The vehicle can itself perform all driving tasks and monitor the driving environment – essentially,
do all the driving – in certain circumstances. The human need not pay attention in those circumstances.
今天考到了 中年男人的声音,一开始说if we want to go further,我们需要好好利用我们的technology,目前有一个
technology,是automation on vehicles,it aims to remove human with side benefits,such as saving fuels and more
efficient。according to the authority in America(好像是美国道路管理局),level four is fully remove human from
driving,such as the google one,but i suspect it。Level 3 vehicles,still need human involvement,but people can
read a book by pressing a bottom。this one i believe could be the most accepted version of automation.主要是讲这个
speaker对于level 3 的偏爱吧。

91. Persuasive essay/说服力强的文章 #5200 2018-11


回忆1.开始就是how to write essay,write a persuasive essay is veay important,然后at beginning, write persuasive
essay need collect many materials, then the essay have four structure and the quotes xxxxxx ,最后说了essay is a
chance to identify your read and learnt。。大概就是这些。。
回忆2.关键词是hook!!!全篇都在说hook对persuasive essay的影响,本来不敢确定是不是hook,刚才去Google了一下,

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92. Land use/土地使用 #5177 2018-11


回忆:1:类似animal survive 但是讲的是人类和动物有conflict 因为地球的资源有限 土地和资源都 shrink …… 人需要更多的土
地盖房子 living ……之类的……
回忆2:人类和动物有conflict. 因为地球的资源有限 土地和资源都shrink. 人需要更多的土地盖房子living,Animals go
extinct. Human impact is making differences. Two causes: shrinking space and insufficient land use. Urbanization 和人
口增长导致wildlife population shrinking 和conflicts.

93. Three types of family/三种家庭 #5167 2018-11


回忆1.Three types of family#考场遇到 Three types of family: 1.nuclear family includes mom dad and children.
2.extended(这个词不太确定) family with grandparents, parents and children. Families live close geographically.
3.attenuated family, not live together but keep contact daily over phone and internet 没找到原文,小伙伴们一起看看
回忆2.考到3 types of family: the first is nuclear family,a typical unit in western has mom dad and the
children. It’s the dominated family organization in western countries. The second is extended family. Besides mom
dad and children, it has grandparents or other relatives, common in other parts of the world. They live geographically
close. The third is*** family. They dont live with grandparents or even parents, but in daily contact with them over
mobile phone or the Internet. 大概点都在这里 第三个是真的很难听到 主要感觉是单词太难不熟悉,把其他点抓出来应该也

94. Different learning methods/不同种学习方式 #5163 2018-11


回忆要点:讲的是英国girls 和boys的learning methods不一样 1. girls are much better than boys in the class 2. boys are
more simplified 3. 就说老师应该look for teaching methods 用来教男女混合的班级。

95. Telescope/望远镜 #5162 2018-11

The aperture of a telescope is several times larger than the aperture of the human eye so that the objects cannot be
normally seen by unaided eye can be seen. Lightgathering power of a telescope is proportional to the area of its
aperture and hence depends on the square of the radius of the mirror. Therefore, a 20 cm diameter telescope collects
four times more photons than a 10 cm diameter telescope.

A telescope can be equipped to record light over a long period of time, by using photographic film or electronic
detectors such as photometers or CCD detectors while the eye has no capability to store light. Along-exposure
photograph taken through a telescope reveals objects too faint to be seen with the eye, even by looking through the
same telescope.

A third major advantage of large telescopes is that they have superior resolution, the ability to discern fine detail.
Small resolution is good. The resolution is directly proportional to the wavelength being observed and inversely
proportional to the diameter of the telescope.

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The information of telescope is discussed.

The aperture of a telescope is several times larger than the one of human’s eye, and lightgathering power of a
telescope is proportional to the area of its aperture.
Moreover, a telescope can be equipped to record light over a long period of time, and large telescopes have major
advantage in superior resolution, which related to wavelength and the diameter.

96. Chimpanzees/大猩猩 #5144 2018-11


大致是一个nonhuman rights 的组织向一个New York Court上诉希望释放被用来research 的chimpanzee,希望争取legal
rights for nonhuman animals,然后court 没有同意,觉得they are not a person,即使他们有cognitive skills。大致是这
回忆2.一开始说在这个human right 最早在美国怎么样。 然后有说到在英国是什么样的一个情况。又说了animal 被关起来做
什么。。估计是research? 我没有听明白。 然后有说 Tommy这个名字。还说这个human organization 要求释放这个
Tommy。结果被拒绝了。 全程没有提到chimpanzee和Africa , 没有什么court 我是懵的。自己胡诌了一段话上去。 我开始
写的时候才感觉和这个chimpanzee很像 我也按照这个思路 胡乱写了。

97. Children literature /儿童文学 #5140 2018-11

And I am the professor of children's literature at Newcastle University and I want to write a very short introduction to
children's literature because although here in Britain one of the longest and most distinguished traditions of creating
books for children, perhaps the longest and most distinguished in the world. We often take them for granted and we
don't pay enough attention to what a remarkable cultural resource they are for adults and kind of cultural work they
do for children and the way that they have served writers and illustrators as a cultural space for creativity subversion
and opportunities to experiment with new ideas.

So what kind of cultural work the children's books do? Well, at the level of individual child, this is one of the places
where children learn the vocabularies, get the vicarious experiences, and see the images of the world that help them
think about how the world works and where they fit into it, because children's books are first places that children
encounter these things they are often very direct, as a source of information about what a particular period thinks
including what it thinks a child is, what a child needs to know, what childhood looks like, sometimes when we are
looking at children's books from the past, it 's very important to notice these kinds of children who aren't there, for
instance. So that is one of the things that we have in children's books.

This lecture talks about children’s literature. People don’t pay enough attention to what kind of cultural resource and
cultural work that they can provide for children.
Cultural work can help children to learn the vocabularies, get the vicarious experiences and see the images of the
world. Additionally, children’s books are first places for us to know the thinking and the needs of children.

98. Population changes/人口变动 #5138 2018-11


回忆要点:topic是population challenges,讲了三个点,density change(讲大部分人生活在urban areas), distribution

change(讲migration patterns changes), aging structure change(讲women have less children)最后一句话是Old
people will be as many young people on this planet

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99. Managers/管理者 #5114 2018-11


回忆1.Manager should read more book and go back to university to improve themselves. The best manager is not to
know their organization better, but to be a professor of management.
回忆2.前天刚考了这个题,补充几个内容 Manager should have broad perspective, Experience is not necessary, but
management knowledge is important. 后面还提到了Skills 最后一句就是回忆里Professor那个。 整体不是很难,但是要组

100. Vitamin D V2/维生素D 版本2 #5062 2018-10

Okay, to understand what Vitamin D does, we need to understand the central concept. The function of Vitamin D is to
maintain blood calcium. You probably think the function of Vitamin D is to maintain strong bones and teeth. But it
does that by accident. Its real function is to maintain your blood calcium level in a very narrow range. And the reason
for that is if your blood calcium level falls below about 9 milligrams per 100 milliliters, then you’re longing to be in a
big trouble, and die rather quickly. And that’s because blood calcium is important for muscle contraction and nerve
transmission. And if you don’t have enough of it, you can’t contract muscles normally, There can’t be normal nerve
impulses. And this results in a disease called tetany, where you got these uncontrol convulsions followed by rapid
death. Calcium is also important for enzymic activities and blood clotting.

This lecture talks about Vitamin D. Its real function is to maintain blood calcium in a narrow range.
It will cause trouble If people’s blood calcium level falls below a range, as blood calcium is important for muscle
contraction and nerve transmission.
Besides, it will cause tetany if people do not have enough of it. Finally, Calcium is important for enzymic activities and
blood clotting. (68)

101. Talent war V3/人才战争版本三 #5005 2018-10 本月高频

I think there is an intense competition at the moment to hire the most talented and most intellectually able people.
There is a time when I think companies have many of the adventures in the world. That involves the companies’ world.
It was the bosses’ world. Now I think it reverses the case. We have a shortage in talent base within countries and
between countries, have an intense battle between companies to hire the most talented workers and also between
countries, which are looking to recruit talented young people, talented young immigrants.

We have this sense of immigrants being things that countries are battled to keep out, and immigrants want to get in,
climb of the walls. I think the opposite isn’t that the case. And the topic is that countries are trying to lure bright young
people to get them to go to universities and get them to become immigrants.

So, on many levels, talent is a premium. There is a shortage of talent, and so countries, companies, all sorts of
organizations, of course, volunteer organizations as well as, are competing to hire the best and the brightest. You
know we have a baby-boom population which is aging. We have an economy which is becoming more sophisticated.
And so, for all those sorts of reasons, talent is a premium.

There is an intense competition at the moment to hire the most talented and most intellectually able people.
Many countries are trying to lure bright young people to get them to go to universities and get them to become
Since talent is a premium, countries, companies and organizations are competing to hire the best and the brightest,
and the reasons including population, economy and so on.

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102. Talent war V2/人才战争版本二 #5002 2018-10 本月高频

The time in late 1990s when management consultants wrote books with titles such as the war for talent. There was a
great deal of talk about the talent wars. And I think that was the bursting of the bubble with the bursting of the dot-
dom bubble and a sense of the people who had been the masters of the universe just a few weeks before we' re out
on the streets looking for jobs. I think this created a reaction, it gave me ideas that there was a war for talent. In fact,
all of things we saw in the late 1990s are reasserting themselves now. All those shortages are reasserting themselves
and the real reason the auditing was really the bursting of the bubble, not the shortages of talent. There are very
profound structural forces which are creating these talent shortages, one is the fact that the nature of the economy is
changing, it's putting more and more premium upon intellectual skills analytical skills, creative skills which are in short
supply. So there is a demand increase, but there is also a decrease in supply. Because we are seeing now the aging of
the baby boom, the shirking of populations in Europe and Japan and not very long in China as well and the sort of
stabilization of the population of the United States so we see a time when there is a greater demand for intellectual
skills and slowing down in the supply of people who possess those skills and also a mismatch between the sort of
things that people are learning at school and university and the sort of things the economy is placing a premium on
particularly with the shortage of trained people in the sciences and engineering. So for all sort of reasons, there's a
premium on talent.

There are talent wars because of the bursting of the bubble.

The profound structural forces are that the nature of the economy is changing.
There is a greater demand for intellectual skills.
Also, there is a mismatch between what people are learning at school and things the economy is placing a premium.
So there is a demand increase, but there is also a decrease in supply and a premium on talent.

103. Voynich manuscript/伏尼契手稿 #4950 2018-09

Well, the Voynich manuscript does have many different theories proposed for it. Some people think that it's a
complete hoax. It's now been carbon dated from the 15th century. So it’s most likely if it is hopes to have been a 15th-
century hoax which I personally don’t believe. But some people think it’s just gobbledygook. It’s just an invention to
make money. Somebody made it to fool people and make money. Other people think it’s probably a code. In other
words, someone encoded lots of secrets in it, hoping that no one would find out. And if so, that’s been very successful
because no one has corrected it so far. But, in my opinion, it is actually a genuine script. Obviously, a human devised
script but masking behind it a genuine human language. In a language, it seems to me to have more if you like Near
Eastern, maybe Caucasian Asian aspects, to it rather than European because of some of the words that I’ve decoded.
So I would imagine that once we’ve actually managed to decode the script, we’ll find that the language underneath is
a natural human language probably from that part of the world.

There are different theories proposed for the Voynich manuscript. It might be a complete hoax, a gobbledygook for
people to make money and can also be a code. However, the speaker believes that it is a genuine script, which can
reflect a natural human language from that part of the world and can also tell us about nature communicating wisdom
about nature to other members of the group.

104. Brain cell/脑细胞 #4942 2018-09


1. brain cell的连接是独一无二的 即使是克隆的也是不同 以为这个取决于后天的经历还有环境 这也是人类和其他生物不同的
原因之一。然后说每个人的不同的brain cell使我们每个人成为individual
2. The connection of humans' brain cells is unique, even if it is a set of clones. The reason is that the connection
depends on our acquired experience and the surroundings, which is also one of the key factors that differentiate
humans and other creatures. Our unique brain cells make us be unique individuals.

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3. connection between brain cells even you’re an identical twin, you will still have unique figuration and individual
experience you’re shaped by your individual experience that’s why human is stronger compared to other animals if
you adapted the environment and had individual experience, you would become an individual.

105. Employees' performance/员工表现 #4723 2018-09


回忆1.今天考到了,主要讲competition。competition can improve employees' performance, motivate employees. Top
10% people get bonus or rewards, cohorts in the middle fear and hope. This practice is predominant. Ranking was
widely used in good cooperations. Competitions make creative works possible… 听的不太全面,中间有零散的内容没听
50%,supervisor,departments。 好,第二部分确认是新题,开始用力听,文章大意,for most of companies, they think
the employees compete with each other can improve productivity. It's a common mistake. Even when they face with
simple work, they are full of fears. Inspiration and creation are impossible.

106. Indian peasants debt V2/印度农民债务(版本二) #4484 2018-07

Today a hundred and fifty thousand farmers in India have committed suicide in areas where seed has been
destroyed, where they have to buy the seed from Monsanto, and buy it every year very very high cost and that high-
cost seed is getting them into debt and that debt is pushing them to suicide. What we've done is create community
seed banks, places where we collect and save seeds, rescue them from disappearance, multiply them and then
distribute them according to farmers needs. About 40 community seed banks have been created across the length
and breadth of India, places where these have been created farmers are not in distress because the biggest cost today
is seeds and chemicals. These seed banks have now been a new place where we can respond to the new crises of
globalization on the one hand and climate change on the other. Globalization has led to farmers suicides. We are able
to take seeds to these suicide zones and distribute the seeds so that farmers can break out of that dependency, grow
food crops, get out of debts. We've been able to create community seed banks to deal with climate change with the
extreme flooding, the new droughts, the cyclones, the hurricanes that lead to salinization, and today, for us, the work
on seed has become the place from where we are responding to the worst tragedies and the worst crises of our

Thousands of Indian peasants committed suicide because of expensive seeds and chemicals which contribute to their
debts. The community seed banks are created, working on the increase of seeds and distributing seeds to farmers, to
release their economic stress. Furthermore, these banks help we respond to the globalization and climate change. In
conclusion, the seed banks help us respond to the worst tragedies and crises of our times.(68 words)

107. Theater/剧院 #4440 2018-07


theatre,it will be difficult for xxx(我写的making good theatre) because it cannot be experimental, 他说theatre should
shows pure life, although there will be new actors or directors. 他又说good theatre 包含心理学,物理学还有哲学,he
has a project and has been study this field since xxxx year(long period) 本人听力不高,求大神补充

108. Safe drinking water/安全饮用水 #4438 2018-07

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Today I want to talk about water and the law that surrounds drinking water, to talk about its quality, talk about what
your rights are to clean water, to also give you a sense of what key threats are to drinking water, what your exposure
might be, and what we might to do about it, both legally but also personally.

Water is a critical component of our environment and our bodies. Your body is close to 70 percent water. You can go
for several weeks, two or three on average, without food. You can only go for about four minutes without air. And you
can go for maybe four or five days without water before you die. So water is absolutely critical.

And one of the key arguments I want to make today is that it’s a largely neglected area of environmental law, given
the rapid increase in our knowledge about chemical threats to water quality and where those threats come from.

The lecture is about water and law. Water is a critical component of our environment and our bodies.
Another thing is that there is a largely neglected area of environmental law, given the rapid increase in our knowledge
about chemical threats to water quality and where those threats come from.
In conclusion, it is necessary to protect the quality of water legally but also personally. (65)

109. Non-verbal communication/非语言沟通 #4397 2018-07


回忆要点:nonverbal communication plays an important role in communicating with others. Facial expression;
gestures, postures, presentation; job interview,

110. Music record/唱片 #4387 2018-07


回忆要点:Music can be recorded in phonograph and disk. The music record was invented between the year 1870 and
the year 1890. Music records and paintings have similar function which can be preserved for the future generation.
Music record is the form of existence for memory. Edition said: Isn’t it fascinating that in the future we can hear the
voice of death.

111. Different spectacles/不同的眼镜 #4386 2018-07

Normally, however, spectacles are a part of an assemblage of items giving us an overall look. In fashion terms, they
are classes of accessories, along with shoes, jewelry, handbags or watches. But in healthcare terms, they are called a
medical device and, in many languages, other than English, they are often described as a prosthesis, an artificial part
of the body, part of you, making you who you are and choosing your spectacles is therefore your major decision.
Increasingly, people own two or more pairs for different occasions or times of the day and there is a phrase for this in
the industry, it is called lifestyle dispensing. And it dates back to the 1950s. The idea is that you wear one type of
spectacles in the workplace and quite other at leisure or on the beach.

Spectacles are a part of an assemblage of items giving us an overall look, they can be called as medical device for
healthcare terms or prosthesis for an artificial part of the body, in addition, choosing spectacles would be a major
decision, and there is a term called lifestyle dispensing, representing that people use different types of spectacles for
different occasions. (Word count:61)

112. Education purpose/教育的目的 #4375 2018-07


回忆要点:3 education purposes for school-age students:1.Convey contents to students in their study fields 2.Allows

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students to practice what they've learnt 3.Create situations, community for learners to learn together and learn from
peers If talking about adults education, the purposes are the same.

113. Moon/月亮的形成 #4374 2018-07



114. Overestimate height/被高估的身高 #4373 2018-07


回忆1.最后一句是people overestimate their height purely based on their reputation.文章中提到的字有
height,shorten,Oxford university,expect English department,列举了lecturer students professors。大概是讲地位
回忆2.是有个lecturer请一个男的穿the same outfit并且保持everything the same去到不同class去见不同学生。发现如果
introduce他是普通人,学生会estimate and judge他的height short,如果介绍他是professor or lecturer,大家觉得他个子
高。最后一句就是judge height purely based on the reputation
回忆3.people estimate the height of a person based on his reputation. A gentle wearing same cloth with same height is
brought to different lectures and introduced to students as different personal status such a professor or a student.
Students estimate his height to be taller if he is introduced as a professor than a student. 身高顺序professor > senior
lecturer > lecturer > student

115. Energy consumption/能源消耗 #4372 2018-07

This is a 40-watt light bulb. If you leave it on all the time, it uses one kilowatt everyday. And it’s possible to express all
forms of power consumption using this unit of the light bulb.

I started measuring everything around my house, around my office. And I found some surprising things. First, I plug in
a phone charger. And it didn’t even register on this power meter. It uses one hundredth of a light bulb of power. So I
don’t think the phone chargers can be our NO.1 phone energy consumption. Just taking one hot bath everyday uses
the same energy, same power of five light bulbs on all the time, non-stop. And I found I’ve been steadily using 40 light
bulbs worth of gas for heating, making hot air or hot water. And that surprises me.

Transport is one of the biggest forms of energy consumption, and it uses about a third about our energy. If you drive
an average car 50 kilometers a day, that corresponds to adding 40 light bulbs on all the time.

Today, the average British person is using 125 light bulbs of power. That’s 125 light bulbs on all the time, non-stop.
That’s huge.

It is possible to express all forms of power consumption using a 40-watt light bulb, and it is surprising that 40 light
bulbs worth of gas for heating, making hot air or hot water, in addition, transport is one of the biggest forms of energy
consumption, and it uses about a third about our energy, moreover, today the energy used by average British person
is very huge.

116. Face recognition/人脸识别 #4371 2018-07

Last week we talked about how people recognize objects and really how well people recognize objects, given how
difficult the problem is, given how objects can be seen in all different sorts of illumination, in different positions, in
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different angles. And yet we are able to extract that information, we are able to take the visual stuff out there,
interpret it in a way that allows us to recognize all the different things that we can in our environment. Today we’re
gonna kind of carry on looking at that, but we gonna look at what’s really a special class of objects. That’s the human
face. So we gonna look at how we recognize human faces and how we do it quite as well as we do. We’re really expert
at recognizing faces. So again we can think about how do we take that visual information and how do we transform it
into a form which allows us to put a name to a face, and to do all the other clever things that we can do with faces. So
I’m gonna start off again by just pointing out that it’s a hard problem. Face recognition is a hard problem, and it’s a
clever thing we do. If you think about all the different types of faces you can recognize, and all the different types of
information you can get from the face, you kind of start to appreciate how well we can do face recognition.

Previously, the lecture introduced that we are able to recognize objects in our environment.
Now the speaker is going to introduce the face recognition, specifically, how do we take visual information and
transfer it into a form that allows us to name it.
Finally, the speaker mentioned that the face recognition is a hard problem, so we should start to appreciate this ability.

117. Parenting baby/育儿 #4370 2018-07


回忆要点:考了,parenting baby, do conversation, promote baby's development, support and make parents enjoy it..

118. Motivation/激励 #4369 2018-07


回忆要点:This lecture describes about motivation with the concept and examples. The professor says motivation
means to move to action. There are lots of factors can affect motivation such as interests, value and inspiration.As
professor says, when people grow older, there are more things they have done. 我的答案应该只有全文的2/5,文章不难

119. Living things/生物 #4368 2018-07

Far too many people often say things like animals do this but we don't. Or this animal does this and that animal does
this, but the humans don't do things like that. Those statements have some assumptions like we are not animals.
When we say animals do this, animals do that, we often assume they are not animals. If we are not animals, what are
we? Are we plants or trees or flowers? No, we are not. Then okay we are not plants? And are we microorganisms, really
tiny microscopic things? No, we are not. Then the natural conclusion must be we are not living things. That's not true.
Yes, we are animals and I see animals in us and I see humans in animals. So I'm going to talk about the animal
behavior and human nature. In order to understand human nature, we can look into animals eyes and animal
behaviors and find something about what made us, who we are.

When people usually say things like animals do these but we do not, these statements have some assumptions like
we are not animals, actually, we are animals, and if we want to understand human nature, we can look into animals
eyes and animal behaviors and find something about what made us, who we are.

120. Translator and interpreter/笔译员与同声传译员 #4360 2018-07

Hello, it's Megan. This week I'm going to talk about the difference between translators and interpreters. It's a common
misconception that translators and interpreters do the same thing. So I just like to highlight a few similarities and
differences between the two. Firstly, translation refers to written communication whereas interpreting refers to

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verbal communication. So, for example, a translator will not attend a court hearing to verbally translate between the
parties involved. But would translate the written evidence used in the case. Secondly, both jobs require different skills.
I translate to require the ability to write well and comprehensively into a target language. This means that they need
to have an excellent command of their native language. For example, although I can speak French to a good standard.
I cannot translate from English to French although I could translate from French to English, which means I'm only
halfway there to being an international player. An interpreter needs to be able to speak both languages proficiently.
Thirdly, the qualifications and experience required to become either a professional translator or interpreter do differ.
Both roles acquire years of training, the resulting qualification. But what they can learn from the training will be
completely different. So just to be clear, translators will translate written texts and interpreters will translate a verbal

This lecture is about the difference between translators and interpreters.

Firstly, translation refers to written communication whereas interpreting refers to verbal communication.
Secondly, both jobs require different skills.
Thirdly, the qualifications and experience required to become either a professional translator or interpreter do differ.
In short, translators will translate written texts and interpreters will translate a verbal communication. (58)

121. Cooperation in sports industry/体育领域的合作 #4329 2018-07


回忆1.讲了cooperation 在三个领域中 一个是sport 然后解释了一下这也是为啥teamwork sport这么多的原因 然后说在商业
中 举例子说有两个firms 合作拍了movie 最后说在industry中
回忆2.Sports industry needs cooperation, but competition is the most important in most of other industries. For
companies like Telstra and Optus, there is always competition between them and customers can be better off from
the competition. But for companies in sports, there is an unusual cooperation between companies. For instance, they
need to cooperate to use the stadium on Friday nights. (还有提到antitrust legislation)

122. Money/金钱 #4326 2018-07


回忆1.Money is valuable nature of human beings Community decides it is valuable gold coins Money is more valuable
than gold, silver, ... cause it is precious metal. It has to be durable.
回忆2.我听力不好,供参考。Speaking of the history and culture of human, we might also think about the nature of
human beings. We use anything for money. In the last century, we saw money as time or a piece of paper. But now
anything valuable and anything can be interchanged or traded are considered as money. For example, if the
government decides to use something for commence, it will become the money (意思说只要是用于商业交易的都会被当
作money). 后面的一句话说到the gold coin, 但是跟前后的关系不知道是什么, 还有...throughout the centuries and
millenniums. Now there are more valuable types of money, such as gold, silver, precious metal and ... (好像有一个没听
到). But they are hard to be gotten hold of. One thing to be mentioned is that they must be durable.

123. Time machine/时光机 #4325 2018-07


回忆1.今天在上海考到一个新的 关于time的 没听太懂 好像是time machine fix time trouble 然后time一直存在但没人能给出
明确的解释,人们现在还谈论time 但time不是一个新的subject 它600年前就出现了。

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回忆2.前天刚考过,语速适中,main problem of time travel is that people need to know what is time. But no one can
explain it. People know what time means when they talk about it. But no one can explain it in specific(这里忘记具体是
什么词了,是说了人们不能具体在某几个方面解释时间)。Talking about what is time has been a popular topic in modern
society. Time is not a new subject, it appears (多少年忘记了)ago.
没听到time machine,开头讲time travel,具体的不记得了,好像就两句。 重点是time,we know what time mean when
we talk about time. But no one know 时间到底是什么(录音用了comprehended这个词,说对时间的定义comprehended,
但是我写summary的时候这个词怎么说都不太对,大家考的时候注意听听)。 最后说time is not a new subject, 1600年前就
有了(开头提过4世纪的时候谁说过什么什么,这里1600年前应该没毛病) 都只是大概意思,帮助理解。考的时候还是注意

124. Mary Mallon V2/玛丽马龙 版本二 #4320 2018-07

In 1906 in New York City, the Warren family got sick with the disease called "typhoid fever". Typhoid fever was a scary
disease without a cure. First a person would feel tired and feverish, and then they would have muscle aches, weight
loss, rash and a swollen abdomen. Quite often typhoid fever would lead to death. A government worker came to the
Warren home to investigate and see where the typhoid fever could have come from. As the worker investigated, he
took notice of the cook Mary Mallon. Mallon had worked as a cook for many families in the early 1900s and each of
them had contracted typhoid fever. It was soon realized that Mary Mallon was an asymptomatic carrier of typhoid
fever. That meant that she had the disease all the time but she never felt any symptoms of it. She was spreading the
disease without even knowing it. Mallon was given the nickname Typhoid Mary. Doctors and scientists were very
intrigued by Mallon and wanted to examine her, but she would always refuse. There was even an instance that she
chased away doctors with a carving fork. Eventually she was arrested and sent to a prison. Doctors were finally able
to determine that her gallbladder was where the dangerous bacteria was and they offered to remove it, but she
refused. Mallon was sent to live in a quarantine hospital on North Brother Island in New York. She lived there for
three years before she was released. At that point she had to agree to change occupations and not be a cook
anymore. Mallon did that for a time but later changed her name to Mary Brown and began working as a cook again.
Of course, families became sick and Typhoid Mary was to blame. Mallon kept running from authorities as she went
from job to job and people became sick. She was finally stopped after she started an outbreak at the Sloane Hospital
for Women in New York City. Mallon was quarantined for the remainder of her life. When she died in 1938, an
autopsy revealed that she did in fact have live a typhoid bacteria in her gallbladder. Typhoid Mary's body was
cremated and her remains were buried at the st. Raymond's Cemetery in the Bronx.

In 1906, Warren family got a disease called typhoid fever, which could not be cured, then there was a woman called
Mary Mallon, she was an asymptomatic carrier of typhoid fever, and therefore was called Typhoid Marry. However,
she refused to be examined and changed her name and jobs. Finally, she died in 1938, an autopsy revealed that she
did in fact have lived a typhoid bacteria in her gallbladder.

125. Ugly building/难看的建筑 #4255 2018-06 本月高频

It seems to me that architecture is very much something that causes us both pleasure and trouble. I live in the part of
western London where I think many of the streets are, where I live are really really ugly, and this distresses me every
time I walk to a supermarket or walk to a tube. I think why did they built that and with terribly without architecture. It
last so long, and if you write a bad book or do a bad play, you know, I will be shocked when it be showed and then no
one would suffer. A bad building has a serious impact for, could be hundreds of years on the people around it.

And suppose the book arose a little bit from the frustration, almost anger than there is so much bad architecture
around. And then I realize if you talk about architecture, you will say why building are not more beautiful. Then you
will say I can use such work as "beauty", that's a really arrogant word. And no one knows what beautiful is. It's all in
the eye of beholder. I couldn't help but think that actually. Well, you know that we all attempt to agree that Rome is
nice than Milkykings, and San Francisco has the edge of Frankfurt, so we can make that sort of generalization, surely
they are somethings we can say about why a building work or why it doesn't. So the books really attempt to suggest
why architecture works when it does and what might going to be wrong when it doesn't work.

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Architecture is very much something that causes us both pleasure and trouble.
I think many of the streets in London are really ugly.
A bad building has a serious impact on the people around it.
And no one knows what beautiful is. It's all in the eye of beholder.
People can make that sort of generalization about different cities.
The books really attempt to suggest why architecture works.

126. Adam Smith/亚当斯密的国富论 #4074 2018-05


回忆1.industrialization是output 不是input, Adam Smith的国富论, development是output, national income和 output 是
equal 的。
回忆2.不难很容易听懂,除了 output input 这一点,还有一个就是 unlike other people, Adam Smith also included
manufacturing industry in his theory,文章 前面说Adam的理论认为development is output不是input,然后又说尽管那个
时代 是农业为主,但Adam smith的理论也包括 了手工业,不是工业化的手工业,而是 handmade manufacture

127. Global Warming/全球变暖 #4062 2018-05

There can now be no reasonable, science-based, doubt about the reality of global climate change effects brought on
by the cumulative and rapidly growing emission of so-called "greenhouse" gases - primarily carbon dioxide - into the
atmosphere. As these effects become increasingly more obvious worldwide, so commercial interests, groups of
concerned individuals and national governments have been gripped by what amounts to mass panic about what to
do about it.

To many, Paul Ehrlich's Malthusian "Population Bomb" of 1968 appears about to explode in the world's face in an
indirect version of his millenarian vision of population growth which outpaces agricultural production capacity - with
predictably catastrophic results for humanity. And his three-part crisis scenario does indeed seem now to be present:
a rapid rate of change, a limit of some sort, and delays in perceiving that limit. Ehrlich's work was roundly criticized at
the time, and later, from many quarters, and much of what he predicted did not come about. Nevertheless, can the
world afford to take the risk that the climate scientists have got it wrong? Is it not in everyone's interests to apply the
Precautionary Principle in attempting to avoid the worst of their predictions - now, rather than at some future time?
As the Chairman of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Mr. Rajendra Pachauri, has recently pointed out,
eleven of the warmest years since instrumental records began have occurred in the past twelve, while major
precipitation changes are taking place on a global scale.

There is no reasonable and scientific doubt about the reality of global climate change effects brought on by the
growing emission, while many stake holders feel mass panic about solution because of the increasingly obvious effects
Nevertheless, the climate scientists have got it wrong probably risking the world due to everyone’s interest now or
Finally, the warmest records are recent, while major precipitation changes occur globally. (69)

128. Endangered Language/濒危的语言 #3921 2018-05

Language death is not mainstream theatre. It is not mainstream anything. Can you imagine Hollywood taking it on? It
is so far outside the mindsets of most people that they have difficulty appreciating what the crisis is all about, because
they are not used to thinking more about language as an issue in itself. Somehow we need to change these mindsets.
We need to get people thinking about language more explicitly, more intimately, more enthusiastically. Interest in
language is certainly there, in the general population – most people are fascinated by such topics as where words
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come from, or what the origin of their town’s name is, or whether their baby’s name means anything; they are
certainly prepared to play Scrabble and a host of other language games ad infinitum; and language games are often
found on radio and television, too – but a willingness to focus that interest on general issues, a preparedness to take
on board the emotion and drama inherent in the situation of language endangerment, is not something that happens

This lecture is about language death. It is not mainstream anything, and people are not used to thinking more about
language as an issue in itself.
Besides, it seems that people do not have enough willingness to focus on general issues or recognize the situation of
language endangerment.
Since interest in language is still certainly in the general population, it is our responsibility to change those mindsets.

129. HTML/超文本标记语言 #3803 2018-04 本月高频


回忆1.90's comes around,people got online,during that time,there are extraordinary works people created online
such as pics。this is not caused by normal factors such as religion,motivation,sizable profitability,but because
people can feel a sense of enjoyment through their creation.
回忆2.前几天考这题,大概写的内容是:According to the speaker, in the 90s, more and more people could get online,
and thanks to the UK, the invention of HTML allowed people to be able to create a wide variety of extraordinary works.
During the first decade, people created things like web pages and lessons without fears, without religious concerns,
without advertisement, without profitability, and without traditional promotion schemes, because they thought it was
a good idea.
回忆3.考试的时候这么写的,应该百分之95都是正确的,刚开始有点小噪音,差点没反应过来。90s came around, and more
and more people could get online. Thanks to the UK for the invention of HTML, which allows people to create a wide
variety of extraordinary works. During the first decade, people created web pages, learning resources and other
online contents. They did it without fears, without religious concerns, without advertisements, without profitability
and without traditional motivational schemes, because they enjoy it.

130. Misuse of Drugs/药物的滥用 #3634 2018-03 本月高频

“But what are the dangers of keeping these drugs at home?”

“There are a number of dangers. Parents should know that leftover drugs are dangerous because they may be
accidentally ingested by children. Either adults don’t keep the bottles properly closed and stored or because even
many kids can sometimes open childproof lids. Patients may use the drugs after their expiration date. The leftover
drugs may be taken for the wrong reasons. For example, someone may have a viral infection and self-prescribed to
left over into microbial that was prescribed for a bacterial infection. But that drug will have no effect as the viral
infections. Drugs that are left over might be given to or taken by someone else who may have a serious allergy to the
medicine and who for that reason would not be prescribed to medicine under the supervision of a physician. Finally,
inappropriate use of drugs promotes drug resistance if the drug is taken for the wrong indication, the wrong duration,
or in the wrong dosage.

“Todd, what can people do about this how can the situation be improved?”

“I think physicians, patients and parents of patients can take steps to improve the situation. First of all, physicians
should prescribe the drug only when appropriate, only in the correct amount and only for the correct duration. Also,
the physician must stress to the patient that the full course of the drug must be taken. This is recommended even if
symptoms resolved before the end of the prescription and parents of children on antibiotics need to ensure they
complete their course as well.”

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There are a number of dangers of keeping drugs at home.

Children may accidentally ingest leftover drugs, and patients may use the expired drugs.
The leftover drugs may be taken for the wrong reasons.
Inappropriate use of drugs may develop an allergy to the medicine and promote drug resistance.
Therefore, physicians should provide essential medication-related information for patients and stress the full course of
the drug must be taken.

131. Water Purification/水的净化 #3600 2018-03


This topic is described as water purification.

We all want to learn science to deal with global problems.
A huge global problem we are all facing is how to purify water.
CBAM is a foundation working on this problem and focusing on human health.
In developed countries, people are lucky to have bottled water and water from the tap to drink, but water purification
is still a major global problem that needs to be solved.
Nanotechnology would be used to find corresponding solutions, and it’s promising that the problem can be solved.
回忆1.using science to solve the problems,there are 2 main problems like how to Pure water and how to improve
health. 然后举例一个机构(好像叫 CBAM) working on water problem in countries have sufficient water resources and
countries don’t. 最后说一个啥科技 is the great way to solve this problem.
回忆2.sst有一道记得比较清楚是我们学习science 是为了解决global problem,现在非常需要解决的是水净化,虽然我们能买
瓶装水,有tap water,但是仍需要解决

132. Prevention of pandemic Transmitting/传染病的预防 #3586 2018-03

What we know is that the impact of the pandemic would be catastrophic if it is similar to what we had in 1918. In the
United States, there has been unprecedented amount of preparation so far. It’s, affects every aspect of public
health. We have efforts for treatment, efforts for better prevention, clinical management, key communications, the
domestic and international responses, and also efforts to try to prevent transmission within community. The federal
government has had tremendous amount of resources that they have put into development of the new antiviral
drugs, antiviral drugs stock piles; development of new vaccines and manufacturing facilities for vaccines. So, there’s
quite a lot that’s happening in the United States. However, developing countries do not have the level of resources
found in more developed countries. That’s the real challenge.

This topic is described as prevention of pandemic transmitting.

United States uses some methods to prevent pandemic transmitting, such as antiviral drugs.
In developing countries, it is more difficult for the government to make efforts to prevent disease because the lack of
resources will be a big challenge.

133. Description/表述 #3583 2018-03 本月高频

So the topic for today is abstraction. And this is a very important layer of computers because you can't do anything
with a computer unless you have a symbolic system in place. Right. So we're talking about the origin of symbolic
systems. Language is a classic symbolic system. Apparently one theory for why language evolved is that people
communicated with sign language and with movement quite well for a long time. And it turned out that they wanted
to communicate even while they were doing things. So, while they were trying to strangle the dinosaur, not the
dinosaurs, the rhinoceros, they wanted to say "Come help me" and they use sign language to do it. They had to let go
the rhinoceros and the rhinoceros ran away. So you can see that it's a good idea to be able to do something with your
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hands and be able to communicate at the same time. Hence, words and language.

This topic is described as description.

Two methods of description: symbolic language and body language.
The abstraction is an important layer of computers.
The origin of symbolic system was developed when people try to communicate with each other.
Sign language was developed, which means hand words in language.

134. Industrialization/工业化 #3578 2018-03 本月高频

Within most developed countries, notions of pragmatism, notions of the fact that we have democracies, have
succeeded in tempering the market economy. In the 19th century, 18th century, the Industrial Revolution has a very
negative effect on people, particularly working classes all over the world. We see data where life expectancy was
reduced, hikes we were reduced, we were looking at the medical record. We can see that actually, living standards,
much among large fractions of population, actually went down. But eventually, we pass the legislation about working
conditions. And eventually, we circumscribe some of the worst kinds of behavior. We eventually, in the 20th century,
we put regulations that composed better environmental conditions. And so some of the damage was reversed, and
that we have made the market economy work and ways that the benefits of the all is far more what we shared in the
world a hundred years ago.

In most developed countries, pragmatism and democracy successfully tempering the market economy.
In the past, the Industrial Revolution had negative effects on people, including reducing life expectancy and living
standards going down.
However, we pass the legislation about working conditions, circumscribe worst behavior and put regulations that
composed better environmental conditions.
Therefore, some damage was reversed, and we make the market economy work and better benefits for everybody.

135. Genes/基因 #3568 2018-03 本月高频


This topic is described as gene study.

Recent research has shown that genes can determine not only humans’ physical features, such as height and hair, but
also psychological features, such as our behaviour.
Our research on genes has provided interesting information to biology, psychology and neuroscience.
Genes不仅像我们以前说的那样可以决定physical features, 比如人的height, hair 等;最近我们发现也可以决定我们的
psychological features, 比如我们的行为。我们的基因研究这样就给生物学,心理学和neuroscience 神经科学提供了有趣的

136. Australian housing/澳洲住房 #3539 2018-03 本月高频

Well, it’s like, why is Australian housing is so expensive? Essentially, it’s showing of how well the Australian economy
has been doing over the last 15 years. We have had 15 years more or less of an uninterrupted economic growth
during which average earning has been raised by close to 90 percent. While over the course of that period, the
standard variable mortgage rate has roughly halved. That meant that the amount which a typical home buying
household can afford to borrow under rules which aren’t strictly applied as they used to be had more than doubled.
Over the same period, rising immigration in falling average household size has meant that the number of households
looking for accommodation has risen by about one and a half million. That’s around 200 thousand more than the
number of dwellings has increased by. So you have had a substantial increase in the purchasing power of households.

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No net increase in the supply of housing enhance all that addition purchasing power has gone into pushing up the
price of housing.

The reason why the Australian housing is so expensive is that it’s showing of how well the Australian economy has
been doing.
During this period, the standard variable mortgage rate has roughly halved.
Also, number of households looking for accommodation has risen.
Therefore, there is a substantial increase in the purchasing power of households.
No net increase in the supply of housing enhances purchasing power.

137. Memories/记忆 #3538 2018-03 本月高频


This topic is described as different systems of memories, including implicit memory and explicit memory.
Implicit memory is also called procedural memory, which cannot be consciously recalled. It is an experimental or
functional form of memory.
With implicit memory, behavior is automatic, and we do not know when we use it. Examples of implicit memory
include using language naturally, driving and reading. When people try to describe the behavior of driving, they may
even mislead themselves.
Explicit memory consists of a great deal of highly personal memories related to time space and people. It is totally
different from implicit memory.
Examples of explicit memory include remembering people’s birthdays and answering multiple questions on the test.
回忆1.主要讲Differences of memories. 形成了people’s behavior, Procedure of memory , 又说了Using Language
naturally, reading and riding are automatically, try to describe, conscious, 最后一句话是 consist a lot of highly personal
回忆2.different system of memory,人require记忆和语言一样naturally,然后有了记忆就automatically 运用出来,所以
don't know when we use it。举例子学会开车后就回来,answering multiple question in the test等等很自然的就会了!
回忆3.讲system of memory 分implicit 和 explicit, people are not aware of it called implicit, implicit relates cultural and
social background, 然后听到的是 language is automatic, reading and riding can be动词没听清楚 only once,接着说
explicit is different, it relates space and time and is more personnel, e.g. Birthday many years ago and questions on the
回忆4.考到 和回忆3差不多 考试原文和62楼同学说的2:03的视频不一样 但是后半段可以稍微参考下他的表达 上来讲 talk
about memory,什么hinden information (不重要) 先讲implicit memory,also known as procedural memory,its
about culture and social,开始举例子,driving automatically,speak language naturally,reading,but cannot
describe it 后讲explicit momory,known as episodic memory,its different from implicit memory,more about time
and space,related to personal life experience,举例子 remembering birthday,answer MQC(在开始讲explicit
memory之前,很快速的说了一句 我们所谓的bad memory 是指explicit memory 感觉像是在两个memory 之间过渡一下)
考试是女声,语速我觉得还是偏快的 但key words 应该就都是这些了

138. Political Words/政治词语 #3534 2018-03


This topic is described as political words.

Socialism started in 1880s, while communism started in 1840s. But both of them were not worded until French
The political words “left” and “right” originated from the national assembly during the French revolution. Political left
referred to the left side of the speaker podium, while political right referred to the right side.
Political left means progressive while right conserves to the old regime.
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一个什么在19xx年,另一个在1840年,但是都were not words,直到french revolution。然后开始讲political left and
political right. Right means progressive while left represents conserving elements of the old.
political left and right, left aggressive, right conserve to the old regime , after the French revolution
Socialism起源于1880s,communism起源于1840s,直到French Revolution后才成为意识形态,left和right这两个political
word就来源于法国革命是national assembly的会议,left指left side of the speaker podium, right指right side of the
speaker podium.

139. The Free Human Rights/自由人的权利 #3533 2018-03

The Human Rights Act can be seen as far-reaching, some would argue controversial in the UK’s history of rights. At
the same time, it can be described as a somewhat cautious document that provides the starting point for a wider
application of law to rights. In many ways, the freedom protections contained in the Human Rights Act were not new
to people in the UK. The Act puts into UK law most of the clauses of the European Convention on Human Rights. The
convention itself was devised following the end of the Second World War by the Council of Europe. UK law has played
a significant role in the drafting of the Convention and the UK was among the first governments to ratify the
convention in 1951. Rights are sometimes described as being of a positive or a negative nature. That’s to say some
can be expressed as a right to and others as freedom from. The 1998 act puts into place 15 specific rights and
freedoms which include rights to liberty and security, a free trial, free expression, free elections and the right to
marry and found a family. There are also freedoms from torture, from slavery or forced labor and from discrimination
on grounds such as race, sex, religion, political opinion or social origin. The Human Rights Act has been described as
the start of a process. The act itself does not expand on the provisions made by the European Convention which
some would consider is following a baseline or a minimum standard for human rights.

The Human Rights Act is controversial in the UK’s history of rights and is the beginning to apply rights in law.
UK law plays significant roles in drafting the European Convention and UK ratifies the convention.
Rights can be positive and negative in terms of rights and freedom.
So, the act is the start of a process, which is the minimum standard for human rights.

140. An Advertisement/一则广告 #3531 2018-03


Consumers are extremely smart in choosing product, and it takes them only a few minutes to make decisions.
Therefore, brand images and consumer values are important for business.
Our brand has the softest but strong product.
Do not shake before you put it in the washing machine because you do not want it separated.
回忆1.一个广告, 说一个softest product, 但是又strong . 满足Smart consumer的需求,人只需要几秒钟就决定要不要买。 又
说了fundamental engineering contradict. 开始以为是个洗衣机,但是最后一句话是You don’t want it to be separated
when you put it in the washing machine.
回忆2.consumers are extremely smart in choosing product, brand image, … is essential for business to create value
回忆3.Consumers are smart, consumer values are important for business. 还讲了个什么brand, we are best into
products, 文章重复了很多次soft, engineering, wet. 最后一句是you do not shake washing machine.
回忆4.刚考完,和机经内容差不多,但是后面的tide, toilet paper, tissue这些都是例子而已,主要中心意思是consumers are
extremely smart, can make decisions about price and value of product in a second; so brand images are essential for
businesses; consumers are willing to pay 15% more for better performance; there are some fundamental engineering
contradictions, such as we want products softest but also strong, light and strong, easy to break but cannot be torn;
examples are the “Tide” brand and so on.

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回忆5.看过一个机构的鸡精,回忆四只是其中的一 部分,主要讲的还是一个广告,产品叫 wheat gluten fiber,然后就是回忆四

的内 容,consumers are smart, brand images,和engineering contradiction再加上例子,最后又回到这个产品,说不要
wash,因为you do not want it separated.
回忆6.考到了 重点大致如下: 1. Consumers are smart, they can make their decision very quickly. 2. they willing to pay
extra 15% for better performance and consumer values, so it is important for companies to increase their brand
images. 3. but there are lots of contradicting engineerings, 下面举得是例子有飞机,不是重点 可以不记。 4. this product
as a tide brand, it is soft but strong, 说了自己的产品也在扣上面的engineering contradiction的点。 5. 最后就说了do not
shake before putting into wash machine, you don't want to separate it. 恩 大概就是这个,很清晰 点很多 不用怕

141. The Big Bang Theory/宇宙大爆炸理论 #3528 2018-03 本月高频

One of the most amazing things that have happened even in my lifetime is the prediction of cosmology. When I
started out forty-odd years ago, we thought we knew that the universe began a big bang, some people doubted even
then. We thought the universe was about ten or twenty billion years old. But now for really very sound scientific
reasons, we can say that the universe did start in a Big bang and it’s 13.8 billion years old. So it’s not 14, it's not 13
because a decimal point in there and that’s a stunning achievement to know that. And we also know that the laws of
physics that apply to tiny particles inside atoms also explains what happened in the big bang, you can’t have one
without the other. A very neat example of this is that when you apply nuclear physics, that kind of physics to
understand how stars work, you find out that the oldest star in the universe is about 13 billion years old. So their
universe is just a little bit older than the stars. Fantastic, if we done it and counted in the other way around and said
that the stars were older than the universe, we would say science was in deep trouble. But it’s not, everything fits
together and we know how the universe began, we got to know how the way it is. The future that it ‘ll suspects we
don’t know quite well what’s going, but we got some ideas, which are as good as those ideas we had 40 years ago
about how big bang happened.

The topic focuses on the prediction of cosmology.

The universe started in a Big bang and it’s 13.8 billion years old.
Also, the laws of physical explains what happened in the big bang, and discovers that the oldest star is about 13 billion
years old.
So the universe is older than the stars, which everything fits together.
Although we are not sure about the future, we got some good ideas.

142. Food and Income/食物与收入 #3527 2018-03

In my view, it's impossible to talk about wildlife, and not think about its role in livelihood. And I guess part of that is my
own view, part of the research that I do in Africa. In most eastern-west Africa. I look a role, all the humans rely on
wildlife as the source of food, and also the source of income. And we talk about our wildlife, it seems we talk about
fish, we are talking about what probably the single most important source of protein for human that across the globe.
And, so, billions of, or more than a billion of people rely on fish as their primary source of animal protein, and most of
these people living in poverty. So the management of fish resource of wildlife in that sense causing incredibly
important to livelihoods and health. And also, wildlife tourism is the multiple billion dollar industry, and in many
places, such as Africa, south America, it can be the No.1 source of income, it can be the No.1 source of foreign income
for economies.

This topic is described as the relationship between food and income in Africa.
According to a recent research, most residents in Africa suffer from poverty and the main livelihood is wildlife,
especially fish.
Fish is the major source of food and protein.
Fish is also the major source of their income since fishing industry can attract tourists around the world, which can
effectively facilitate the economic development.
Fish will become the top one source of income in Africa, even the income for foreign economies. Therefore, in Africa,

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their income is closely associated with food.

143. History and journalism/历史与新闻 #3524 2018-03


This topic is described as good quality of history.

Qualities of history and journal are similar because they all need resource and evidence, attention of logic, style and
These factors are crucial for academic and journal papers.
There is no clear line between them.
1.Good quality of history,就说了一些rules关于怎么判定是好的quality,比如说logic,style,writings, 最后他说这些rules
对academic and journal papers也很重要
2.Qualities of history and journal are similar because they all need resource and evidence, attention of logic, style and
writing which is quite crucial for academic and journal papers. Hence, there is no clear line between them.
The quality of good journalism is like the quality of a good academic history. Firstly, they both need the determination
to look for all available sources and the collection of evidence. Secondly, they both need universal sympathy for all
sides of the story. Thirdly, they both need detailed attention to logic and literary style, which means the articles should
be vivid, interesting and have a clear writing style.

144. A Survey on Happiness/一项关于幸福的调查 #3523 2018-03

So happiness economics can help us get to these questions, and I'll try to give you some examples of this. Now, even
though there's a lot of skepticism, originally about using this survey - surveys what people say make them happy. The
number of reason that we are getting increasingly confident in doing so. One is that their consistent pattern -
remarkable consistent pattern, that determines well-being across large samples of people, across countries, across
the world, and over time. Some of the basic things that make people happy, and I will show you some of these income
health, marital status, employment status. Some of these very basic things are remarkably consistent across countries
across world. So that gives us some sense that these surveys are picking up consistent patterns. And when we know
what consistent patterns are, we can look how other things that very much more, affect people's well-being. The
environment and equality, the natures institution raging on living, and all kinds of other things that very much more.

This topic is described as a survey on happiness.

The survey has large samples from regions, countries and even worldwide.
One factor that makes people happy is the consistent patterns, and they are prevalent and consistent across countries
and borders.
Consistent patterns include some basic things like income, marital status and employment status.
Other factors that make people happy include environment, quality of life and natural instinct.
回忆1:关于happiness的一个survey,这个survey follow 某一个pattern,这个survey有large sample在
regions,countries,甚至worldwide,然后她提到happiness取决于一些basic things,说了大概4-5个,然后她又说到
回忆2:What makes people happy. One factor: Consistent patterns They are prevalent and consistent across
countries, borders They include income, marital status, employment status Other factors: environment, quality and
natural instinct.

145. The Definition of Risk/关于危险的定义 #3515 2018-03 本月高频

What's the literal definition of "risk"? Business schools use risk analysis. So, what do you mean by "risk", and we need
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a dictionary. When you look at dictionary, this is literal, literal definition of risk. What it says is, the definition for
example, the possibility of injury, a dangerous element or factor, chance of, degree or possibility of such loss, and so
on. So, risk has two parts, as you look at the literal definition of risk. One part is the consequence of some kind of
particular danger, hazard loss. And the other is about the probability, of it: chance and consequence, OK? And then at
least just as English language concerns, when you look up the word of safe and safety, which you'll earn as, it's a little
bit of a loop, a little circular argument that free from harm or risks, secure from danger, harm or loss, the condition of
being safe and so on for all. And why we take out of it? At least when we talk about safe at least in English language,
we are talking absolute something is safe, or it sounds safe.

This topic is described as the definition of risk.

In the dictionary, there are two different definitions of risk. One is the situation of being in danger, and the other is the
consequence or possibility of being in danger.
Also, there is a difference between safety and safe.
Safe means being out of dangerous situation, and safety is a condition of being safe.

146. Experiment on Body Fat Change/观察体脂变化的实验 #3510 2018-03 本月高频


This topic is described as an experiment on body fat change.

31 women volunteered in the program in which they are provided with healthy diet and asked not to change diet and
exercise regularly for 6 months so they could burn 2000 calories weekly.
After six months, some people lost weight, and some people remained the same, while others gained weight.
There are two explanations explaining why women gained weight. One is they ate a lot or cheated on diet, and the
other is they ate subconsciously.
回忆1.讲一个关于body fat change的加拿大研究,说一群肥胖的女人参加一个项目,然后有diet and exercise,说6个月后
body fat change.
回忆2. 50年前一个Canadian research 关于body fat test的,31 obese women as volunteers in the research,they were
asked to not change their diet while taking exercising regularly within 6 months,在这个时间结束后,他们做了一次test
发现有人lose weight有人一没减,还有人gain weight,然后researcher说这有两种可能,either they ate a lot and cheated
the record or they consciously or subconsciously did it everyday.
回忆3. 1,补充一下关键词 obese women,记住obese,2,中间还有几句话都是围绕 supervision说的,应该是关键词
3,two reason 一个是cheat on diet,一个是consciously or subconsciously do less,这是最后一句话,less 读的很
轻,less 是最后一个字,后面没有exercises
回忆4. 一个实验邀请了六十个肥胖女性参加 期间饮食习惯不变同时增加锻炼 六个月后大部分人Body Fat减少 但是后续跟踪后
发现回升 判断可能是作弊或者无意识的增加了进食

147. Faults and Earthquake/断层与地震 #3509 2018-03 本月高频

So faults are breaks in the earth crust, we can identify them because of the discontinuity in the structure within the
earth crust across fault. And earthquake occur on these faults, so vary processes by which these faults moves to a
large extent is due to earthquakes. So we have a fault plane and the earthquake is so focus on this fault plane and the
earthquake starts at the particular point on the fault plane and we call that the focus of the earthquake. The rock
prorogates out from that point on the rupture plain to cover the entire fault plane.

The rupture is in that particular earthquake. We talked about the epicenter of the earthquake a lot. The epicenter is
just the surface projection of the focus of the earthquake. So if you wanted to looking at map view where the
earthquake was located we would be able to look that into the earth. We would see the focus down some depth in the
earth or the epicenter just a point vertically above that focus at the surface of the earth. So this is the focus between
the faults and the earthquakes.

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The faults are breaks in the earth crust, and earthquakes occur on these faults with vary processes.
We have a fault plane and the earthquake.
The epicenter is just the surface projection of the focus of the earthquake.
The focus is down some depth in the earth or the epicenter is just a point vertically above that focus at the surface of
the earth.

148. Decline/蜜蜂数量减少 #3505 2018-03 本月高频

So, various conclusions. Yes, bees are in decline. These declines are well documented. They are supported by the
strong scientific evidence. It is the only evidence that accounts. The drives to decline are various depending on
species. The loss of pollinator may be huge.

So is it a catastrophe? Not yet, but it could be. On the positive side, we're aware of the problem and people are taking
actions. Before fixing the problem, we can recognize it.

This topic is described as the decline of bees.

The conclusions are bees declined. These conclusions are real and well documented with strong and only evidence to
The drivers of the decline are varied depending on different species.
There is a possibility of a huge loss.
The good thing is people began to be aware of the problem and have taken some actions.

149. Children’s depression/儿童抑郁症 #3504 2018-03

A depression in a child dates back as far as the 16th century when the first concept of children's depression was
discovered. A research was taken at that time to find out what happened to children who suffer from depression. The
study revealed that a dramatic increase in children's depression can increase the risk of life. For example, long-term
illness such as diabetes and heart disease are caused by depression. One of the studies shows children with
depression behave differently and respond differently to medical treatment. This is why many specialists respond
differently to medical treatment. This is why many specialists have tried bringing a cure but no one found a perfect
medicine. It is quite rare that children suffer from depression but in the recent study the number has dramatically
increased. Nowadays no one doubt about children's depression. It has become a common sickness in a child.
Children's depression is still a puzzle for scientists and specialists that needs to be resolved sooner than later.

This topic is described as children depression.

In the past, children rarely have depression.
A research showed a dramatic increase in children depression, which change the way people think about children
Now, no one doubt about children depression. In conclusion, the study shows children with depression behave
differently and respond differently to medical treatment.
回忆1:The topic taken into consideration is children's depression, back to 16th century. There are following studies to
find out what happened to children with depression, which increases the risks of life, such as diabetes and heart
disease. To scientist interest, it is very different as they though before, also the medicine. Children's depression is still
a puzzle needs to be resolved.
In the past, children rarely have depression. A research showed a dramatic increase in children depression, which
change the way people think about children depression. Now, no one doubt about children depression. The study
shows children with depression behave differently and respond differently to medical treatment.
补充几个细节,Childhood Depression先是说in the 16th century, it is rare that child have depression but the in a recent
study the number is significantly increasing, nowadays no one will doubt the child will get depression in their
childhood. 然后说,the ways child shows depression is different and the medicine they used is different. 最后是the

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puzzles still need to be solved. 有个细节说是increasing risks of children depression对他们长大成人后也让大家改变想

法,不确定是不是发病率risks都让大家改变了,所以我都写了……除了no doubts以外,还leading to more studies for
further research
回忆2.过去 rarely depression occurred in childhood if it occurred,there was no much to do 做了很多研究 the result
shows that a huge increase in childhood depression 现在no one doubt children depression 研究表明 children behave
differently,responds to medicine differently which remains a puzzle to resolve

150. Krebs/克雷布斯 #2484 2018-01

This is Hans Krebs, who in 1937 published a paper showing the sequence of chemical reactions, by which energy is
released in individual cells. It is called the Krebs cycle, which some of you may remember from your chemistry course
in your high school. Krebs is a wonderful example to me of how a scientist who is determined can overcome all kinds
of human obstacles. Krebs’s father constantly discouraged him and told him that he had just mediocre intelligence
whenever to anything important in his life, as a teenager. What Krebs remembers in his memoir, his father said to
him "you can’t make a silk purse at a sow's ear". And later on, when Krebs studied with the great biochemist Otto
Warburg, Warburg also told him the same thing. Not the same quote but that he had only mediocre ability and would
never be a great scientist. And we all hear about how important it is for parents to encourage their children, but
sometimes the children will go on to do great things no matter what we say to them.

Hans Krebs is a person who published a paper showing the sequence of chemical reactions. His invention is called the
Krebs cycle. Although he was discouraged by his father and his teacher, his experience indicated that determination
can overcome all human obstacles. it is important for parents to encourage their children, but sometimes the children
will go on to do great things no matter what we say to them.

151. Fossil Fuels/化石燃料 #1795 2017-11

This is talk about visualizing life without fossil fuels, we have an addiction to fossil fuels and it’s not sustainable when I
say we. I’m talking about the so-called developed world, the developed world gets 80 or 90% of all it’s energy from
fossil fuels and living on fossil fuels for energy. In this way, it’s not sustainable for three fairly obvious reasons. First,
on the left easily-accessible fossil fuels are a finite resource and so some point that resource will be exploited and
humanity will have to do something else. Second, setting fire to fossil fuels puts carbon dioxide upstairs. So we have
the climate motivation, the clear consensus of the climate science community is with substantial aerobars still on
exactly what might happen their advice is. This is a geoengineering experiment that was well advised to stop as soon
as possible. And third, even if you don’t believe in climate change and even if global fossil fuels aren’t running out.
Today it might be the case that your fossil fuels are our fossil fuels in a particular country or state have run out and
you might depend on other countries or states for fossil fuels in the future. So you have a security of supply
motivation for saying let’s look into really getting off fossil fuels in a serious way. I find all three of these motivations
are equally compelling and I’m just going to take it as given now that we are interested in discussing life after fossil

We have an addiction to fossil fuels in the developed world.

It’s not sustainable for three fairly obvious reasons.
First, on the left easily-accessible fossil fuels are a finite resource.
Second, setting fire to fossil fuels puts carbon dioxide upstairs.
And third, you might depend on other countries or states for fossil fuels in the future.
All three of these motivations are equally compelling.

152. Three Major Developments of Physics/物理的三大主要发展 #1766 2017-11


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There are three major developments of physics in 19th-century.

Firstly, the energy conservation law indicates that total energy of isolated system remains constant.
Secondly, the four laws of thermodynamics define fundamental physical quantity (temperature, energy and entropy)
that characterize thermodynamic systems at thermal equilibrium.
The third one is Kinetic theory. The work is needed to accelerate a body of given mass from the rest to its stated

153. Magic Natural Color/奇妙的三原色 #1668 2017-10


This topic is described as magic natural color.

Three primary colors can be used to explain where the natural colours come from.
Yellow comes from many plants.
Red comes from the ground and some insects can provide as well.
The only source of blue is indigo.

154. Kids museum/儿童博物馆 #1667 2017-10

So, we were founded just over ten years ago, when I was in the Royal Academy, a Museum in the center of London,
with my three children, at the Aztec exhibition. I don’t know if any of you saw it. I had an older child and two younger
children, twins, strapped in a pushchair, and one of my children, three years old, shouted – and I’ve never denied he
shouted – he shouted, ‘Monster, monster!’ at this statue which looked just like a monster, had snakes for hair, a big
beak for a nose. And, I thought, this is fantastic – I’ve got a three-year old that’s appreciating pre-Hispanic art – how
good can it get?

So, I bent down and I said, ‘Yes, it looks just like a monster’. And, at that moment, a room warden came over, a gallery
assistant came over and said we were being too noisy, and threw us out.

Wrong family. I was, at that time, a journalist with The Guardian newspaper, and two days later wrote a big piece in
The Guardian about being thrown out of the Royal Academy. What was really interesting was, by the end of that day,
we had had, at the paper, over 500 emails from other families saying, ‘Museums aren’t working for us. Let’s try and
make it work’.

So, that’s what we did. In The Guardian, we set up a campaign. We called it the Kids in Museums campaign, but it
didn’t really exist. It was just a few pages. We ran loads of stories on it; I began touring the country talking about how
to make your museum family friendly; I was a journalist.

I was called in to see the then director of the National Gallery in London, and I’ll never forget this moment, when he
called me in and said, ‘We really like this Kids in Museums campaign, and we’ve been talking on our board about it,
and we have some ideas of how we might work together, and I’d like you to take them back to your team.

This topic is described as the kids in Museum Campaign.

A journalist was in a British Museum with her three kids and they were kicked out for being too noisy.
She wrote about her experience in Guardian and she received a lot of emails from other families.
Therefore, she started a campaign on family friendly museums and finally obtained the support of the director of the
National Gallery in London.

155. Music and language/音乐和语言 #1666 2017-10

Both music and language have a lot of similarities: They involve complex sequences that unfold in time. They are both
forms of communication. This has interested all the world's best philosophers from Plato going back over 2000 years
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ago. Scientists like Darwin wrote about possible evolutionary links between music and language in his book the
Descent of Man and so did artists like Leonard Bernstein who gave a series of lectures at Harvard in the 70s. He spoke
about the grammar of language and the grammar of music from Noam Chomsky's theories. So it's a persistent
question. It keeps drawing interest from scientists today but there are some basic obvious similarities. For example,
both music and language have rhythmic systematic patterns of timing accent and grouping. Both language and music
have melody-structured patterns of pitch, over time. Both have syntax. Discrete elements like words or notes and
principles for combining those elements into sequences. Sentences are just random sequences of words. Both convey
affect which means emotion using sound. You can make out a lot of emotion from a persons voice and music has the
characteristic of providing emotions like happiness or sadness.

The similarities between music and language keep drawing interests from world’s best philosophers, scientists and
artists to study since Plato until nowadays.
This topic is described as the similarities between music and language.
Some obvious similarities include having rhythmic systematic patterns and melody-structured patterns of pitch, having
syntax, combining discrete elements into sequences and conveying emotional information.

156. Language and Convention/语言与传统 #1665 2017-10


This topic is described as language and convention.

The rules of languages are reflected by convention, which represent the ways that people think and understand.
Each language is unique, valuable and not translatable, since the meaning of a word in different languages is not
exactly the same.
Even some simple languages let us understand the world and are important.
All the languages are important for document review purpose and human heritage.
大意是the rules of language are reflected by convention 因为每个人表达的方式是受传统影响的.
Language is not translatable because the meaning in different language is not exactly the same.
要document不同的language due to human heritage.

157. Social Contract Concept/社会契约观 #1664 2017-10


This topic is described as the social contract concept.

This concept started from 17-18 century.
In the past, the concept was that humans came from the nature and acted like animals, which were neither peaceful
nor fierce and depending on personal beliefs.
Nowadays, the concept is used to describe a situation where people join together to work on a project, agreeing not
to fight and trusting each other to resolve their disputes.
说它是一个concept源自17-18世纪,最开始是描述人们come out of nature, acting like animals, which are either peaceful
or fierce, depending on personal beliefs.
现在它是在用来说people join together to work on a project, agree not to fight, and trust each other to resolve their

158. ATM/取款机 #1663 2017-10

People often forget their cards after taking money from the ATM. Occasionally, this is the common reason, because
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they get the money and walk away. In the UK, it becomes less common because people take their money after they’ve
taken their card. In the past, people made the error by forgetting to get their cards after their money. UK has
restructured the new ATM system. You have to get your card before you get your cash. Although you would forget to
get your money, it is more catastrophic if you lose your card because it can access your bank account.

This topic is described as the task structure.

In the past, the ATM gave money first before it gave cards, and people sometimes forgot to take cards because money
is the task they focus on.
Nowadays, the situation happened less in the UK because the ATM is restructured and gives card first.
In conclusion, it is more catastrophic to lose your card because it can access your bank account.

159. Development of VR/虚拟现实的发展 #1662 2017-10


This topic is described as the development of VR.

A company started the research and the development, experiencing a lot of difficulties.
Nowadays a few companies and universities use the technology to train their employees and help their students to
understand the courses better.
开始说了VR的发展历程. 2003年 一个名字爆长的公司开始研发,历经种种困难. 2003年 一个名字爆长的公司开始研发,历经种种

160. An Interview of a Science Professor/一次对科学家的采访 #1660 2017-10


This topic is described as an interview of a science professor.

The most important thing is to confirm why young people get involved into this course.
Technicians in classrooms are important.
If there is no technician, there is no support.
The importance of the need for teachers with expert skills.
Students with a right teacher can do magical things.
Science experiment course 采访的形式 一个人采访professor, professor 说最重要的其中一点是confirm why young
people get involved into this course.
另外一点 element and equipment是 technician, technicians in classroom are important, if no technician, no support,
the need for teachers with experts skills, students with a right teacher can do magical things.

161. Importance of Tea/茶的重要性 #1659 2017-10


This topic is described as the importance of tea in England.

Drinking tea in England was a symbol of social freedom.
Men talked about business and trades when they drank tea in the coffee house.
Women drank tea in private places. Men took a pack of tea back home for their wives.
There were four favourite drinks in England including coffee, tea and chocolate.

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Tea, 男的 drink tea, 提到了 social freedom, 谈论 business,trade 时在 coffee house drink tea.
Women 在 private 地方 drink tea, men took a pack of tea back home for wife.
谈及 England 当时 4 大 DRINK 吧 有 COFFEE, TEA, CHOCOLATE, 最后还说 3 个 England favorites. coffee house, private 出

162. Marshmallow Test/棉花糖实验 #1657 2017-10

They call it the marshmallow test. A four to six year-old-child sits alone in a room at a table facing a marshmallow on
a plate. The child is told: "If you don't eat this treat for 15 minutes you can have both it and a second one. Kids on
average wait for five or six minutes before eating the marshmallow. The longer a child can resist the treat has been
correlated with higher general competency later in life.

Now a study shows that ability to resist temptation isn't strictly innate-it also highly influenced by environment.
Researchers gave five-year-old used crayons and one sticker to decorate a sheet of paper. One group was promised a
new set of art supplies for the project-but then never received it. But the other group did receive new crayons and
better stickers. Then both groups were given the marshmallow test. The children who had been lied to waited for a
mean time of three minutes before eating the marshmallow. The group that got their promised materials resisted an
average of 12 minutes. Thus, the researchers note that experience factors into a child's ability to delay gratification.
When previous promises have been hollow, why believe the next one?

This topic is described as marshmallow tests.

The marshmallow experiment shows that children that can resist treats for a longer time have a higher general
competency later in life.
However, a study shows that the ability isn’t strictly innate but highly influenced by environment.
In conclusion, researchers note that experience factors into a child's ability to delay gratification.

163. Sound receptors/声音受体 #1653 2017-10 本月高频

You've got sound receptors in your ear, and they are beautiful. We're not going to talk about them at any length, but
there's little flappy, these little spiky things going along in your ear and they can translate vibrational energy coming
from your ear, hurting your eardrum, being translated into a vibration into the fluid in your ear into a physical motion
of these little receptors there into an electrical motion, into an electrical signal that goes into your ear. So, all of that,
all of that's pretty impressive stuff. We are not going to talk about the details of it, but I invite some of you who want
to learn more about this, particularly MIT students I think to find receptors really quite remarkable kinds of devices.

This topic is described as sound receptors.

Sound receptors are little spiky things that we have in our ear that can translate vibrational energy of the sound in our
eardrum into the physical motion, and after that it is converted to an electrical signal.
In conclusion, the speaker invited MIT students to have a closer view of receptors, and they will find it very

164. Welsh Language/威尔士语言 #1650 2017-10

Welsh is a Celtic language spoken in Wales by about 740,000 people, and in the Welsh colony in Patagonia, Argentina
by several hundred people. There are also Welsh speakers in England, Scotland, Canada, the USA, Australia and New
Zealand. At the beginning of the 20th century, about half of the population of Wales spoke Welsh as an everyday
language. Towards the end of the century, the proportion of Welsh speakers had fallen to about 20%. According to the
2001 census 582,368 people can speak Welsh, 659,301 people can either speak, read or write Welsh, and 797,717
people, 28% of the population, claimed to have some knowledge of the language. According to a survey carried out by
S4C, the Welsh language TV channel, the number of Welsh speakers in Wales is around 750,000, and about 1.5 million
people can 'understand' Welsh. In addition, there are an estimated 133,000 Welsh-speakers living in England, about

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50,000 of them in the Greater London area.

This topic is described as Welsh language.

Welsh is a Celtic language spoken in Wales, Wales’s colony, England, Canada, USA.
The proportion of people speaking Welsh decreased from half to 20% over the 20th century.
According to the 2001 census 750,000 people use Welsh and 28% of the population have some knowledge of the
In conclusion, the number of Welsh speaker has a positive prediction.

165. Dendrochronology/ 树木年代学 #1626 2017-10


This topic depicts dendrochronology, tree rings and the year of the tree.
Dendrochronology can be used to date the year of the tree by cutting down and counting the rings inward, but the
year of the tree cut could be ambiguous.
Furthermore, the sequence message of narrow and wide is like Morse Code, and the information provided is more
abundant and more diagnosable.
In conclusion, tree rings allow people to reconstruct the climate.

166. Management and Leadership/管理能力和领导力 #942 2017-04 本月高频

The Education Leadership Initiative was started by Dean Bob Joss, of Stanford Graduate School of Business. He talked
a lot about the importance of education leadership. Education leaders need to be dynamic and entrepreneurial
change agents. Managing is not enough -- increasingly leaders must rise to the challenge of changing their
organizations through innovative, problem-solving strategies. So we are combining forces from our School of
Education and School of Business to support the development of management skills and leadership capacity for
current superintendents and other central office leaders. The School of Education will focus on learning while the
School of Business will focus on management. Now many institutes are providing education leadership learning
opportunities, for profit or non-profit. We want to make sure that here at Stanford, we are not only delivering the
services but with good quality. The program incorporates case-studies and research-based presentations,
discussions, and exercises. Participants also collaborate and build relationships through group work. However, they
must realize that it is their own responsibility to achieve and accomplish – what others can do does not indicate what
you are capable of.

A lecture held by Stanford University Business School stressed the importance of management and leadership.
The speaker further discussed the relationship between business school and education school.
The purpose of business school is management while the purpose of education school is learning.
Meanwhile, students should realize that the responsibility and accomplishment achieved by others do not indicate
what you are capable of.

167. Biology/生物学 #940 2017-04 本月高频

Now, the study of biology is responsible for some of the most profound insights that humans have, about the world
around them. So, take a look at these four panoramas. In the upper left, you see some bacteria this happens to be an
equal line, you obviously see a butterfly, a flower, a dolphin. If you see that in outer space, just look these different
forms and structures. You have no idea that they were all related to one another. So one of the most profound things
that biology told us is that all life on earth is exceptionally related similar to one to another. So, for example, all of
these life forms rely on DNA and RNA for storing and transmitting in using their genetic and inherited information.
They are all based on cells. The cell is the fundamental building block of all life. All of these organisms consist of cells,
and the cells essentially have the same chemicals inside of them - carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen, and the
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whole bunch of other stuff and much smaller amount. All these organisms conducted metabolism, in other words,
chemical reactions that using convert energy from one form to another. And the basic chemistry is all very similar to
one and another. The types of the molecule are used very similarly to one and another.

This topic is described as DNA and RNA.

Although animals look different, they are interconnected.
All creatures are based on genetic and inherited information, and cells are the foundation of building organs in which
same chemicals are contained.
DNA and RNA are used to store and transmit genetic information.
In conclusion, metabolism system converts energy from one form to another by chemical reactions.

168. Animal Survive/动物生存的条件 #700 2017-04

We all know that there are some factors for species and animals to survive and reproduce, including environmental
conditions, temperature, tolerance range, body size, weight, diets, seasonal and daily activity, behavior, and the
altitude they live. Animals migrate to find a new habitat because the change of environment and only species that
have the tolerance for the new environment could survive and reproduce. Human beings are the only organism that
makes extensive use of technology to extend the limits of its natural tolerance range.

This topic is described as animal survival and reproduction.

There are many factors for species and animals to survive including environmental conditions, temperature, tolerance
range and body size.
Some animals migrate to new habitats due to changes.
Only the animals with the tolerance of new environment can survive.
In conclusion, only humans use technology extent their limit of tolerance range.

169. Universities' Competition/大学的竞争 #698 2017-04 本月高频

Today a university like the LSE certainly has to acknowledge that it is in competition for the best students, all of whom
have choices they can exercise, and many of them choices which run across national and continental borders. We are
in competition, too, for staff. The academic job market is one of the most global there is. And in the 21 st century
English is the new Latin, so universities in English speaking countries are exposed to more intensive competition than
those elsewhere. We are in competition for government funding, through the assessment of research quality. We are
in competition for research contracts, from public and private sector sources, and indeed we are in competition for
the philanthropic pound. Many of our own donors were at more than one university, and indeed think of the LSEs
requests alongside those of other charities to which they are committed. That is a competitive environment which is
particularly visible to a Vice-Chancellor.

Today a university like the LSE certainly has to acknowledge that it is in competition for the best students, for staff, for
government funding, for research contracts, for philanthropic pound, and that is a competitive environment which is
particularly visible to a Vice-Chancellor.

170. Agriculture and Urbanization/农业与城市化 #697 2017-04 本月高频

I am trying here to capture the dynamics that is conventionally being associated with urbanization developments. And
get back once again, to this question of agriculture. Once you have cities and you also the reverse of the cities, you
have countryside. You have rural areas and have this relationship with urban areas and it needs to developed
agricultural goods. And you trade with increasing industrial goods. Increasing agriculture productivity, reduces labor
needs and opportunities in the rural areas, pushing people towards to the cities. There is this notion that in order to
have progress and development in cities, you need people. If everybody is busing growing to crops, growing food that
exists, you can't have people all going into the city. You need to increased productivity in the countryside. You need to

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have one farmer producing enough food for more than one family. And then you will have growth and productivity in
the countryside, which will free of people move to the cities. In fact, in many ways, it will compel it. They will go to the
cities and search for jobs and provide labor force for the production of all kinds of things.

Trading of agricultural products forms the relationship between urban and rural areas.
Urbanization requires increasing supply of workforce for urban development.
Less people are needed for agricultural industry.
One method to push farmers into city is to increase the productivity of agricultural sector. This will compel farmers to
go to cities because there are more jobs and opportunities in the cities.
People moving to cities are more likely to lose their jobs and farmers can serve as labour supply for the cities.
This lecture talks about the relationship between the agriculture and urbanization.
One farmer grow food can benefit many families in the city. And the food trade in city also can benefit people in
However more and more people don't want to live in countryside anymore, a lot of people move to urban area, as
there are more opportunities in the city.
If all people are move to city, then they start losing jobs, increasing unemployment rate.

171. Citizenship curriculum/公民教育的现状 #695 2017-04 本月高频

Last month I published alongside my annual report a subject report on the development of citizenship in schools. The
report celebrates the success of some schools in implementing the citizenship curriculum. It praises those schools
where there have been substantial developments in the subject, and which now go a long way towards fulfilling
national curriculum requirements. In the report, we are critical of schools which have not taken citizenship seriously,
either through reluctance or lack of capacity to make appropriate provision in the curriculum. Citizenship is
marginalized in the curriculum in one-fifth of schools. It is less well established in the curriculum than other subjects,
and less well taught, and some critics have seized on this as a reason for wanting to step back from supporting it. Yet,
the progress made to date by the more committed schools suggests that the reasons for introducing citizenship are
both worthwhile and can be fulfilled, given the time and resources. Indeed, those reasons are given added weight by
national and global events of the past few months. While not claiming too much, citizenship can address core skills,
attitudes, and values that young people need to consider as they come to terms with a changing world.

The main problems standing in the way of implementation of citizenship continue to be: the lack of commitment on
the part of many school leaders; and insufficient amount of initial and in-service training provision to ensure that
every school can call upon teachers with subject expertise; and its uncertain place in the curriculum.

The topic focuses on the development of citizenship curriculum. Some schools have implemented the citizenship
curriculum successfully, while some schools have not taken citizenship seriously. However, it is worth introducing
citizenship in schools, and it can be achieved. The citizenship curriculum can provide young people with core skills and
values. Therefore, the problems of implementation of citizenship need to be considered.

172. Amory Lovins/卢安武 #694 2017-04 本月高频

Who knows who Amory Lovins is? Nobody. Amory Lovins is an unusual character. He is something of polymath. Just
to say, he is sort of him of knowledge across a wide range of fields. He’s not an academic. He has a consulting
company which he runs off until huge recently out of his home in Colorado. He is outside Snowmass in a house built
into the side of the mountain that has no furnace. For that 30 years, he has been kind of iconic plastic oddball genius,
thinking of ways to save energy, thinking of ways to solve problems using technology that already exists. And he has
demonstrated several of them. He also offers he is something that he is such of oddballs that people tend to think he
is kind of crazy. Anyway, Elizabeth Kolbert, went to spend some time with Amory Lovins. And so he has written his
pieces called Mr. Green.
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This topic is described as Amory Lovins.

He is an environmentalist with a wide range of knowledge but not from the academic world.
He runs a consulting company and is regarded a genius.
He is dedicated himself to saving energy and resource problems, building a house by himself at the top of a mountain.
In conclusion, a writer called him Mr Green, but other people call him crazy Amory Lovins.

173. Einstein/爱因斯坦 #693 2017-04 本月高频

For thousands of years, philosophers and astronomers and thinkers of all sorts have imagined that the universe, the
space around us was rather like this floor in front of us. It was fixed and unchangeable and things happen on it, just
as people walk around. So the stars, the comets, and the planets, and the other heavenly bodies moved around and
traced down their parts on this completely unchanging stage of space. In the 20th century, as the result of Einstein’s
work, that view of the universe was completely transformed. We began to understand that there was no absolutely
fixed stage of space at all on which all celestial notions were played out. But in some sense on the larger scale in the
universe, the space itself was in this state of a continuous dynamic change. That was a prediction made by Einstein.
But is wasn’t Einstein Harold the owner of making the discovery that our universe was really like that.

For many years, philosophers, astronomers and various thinkers imagined that the universe was fixed, unchangeable
and flat for stars, comets, planets and heavenly bodies to move around.
However, in the 20th century, Einstein’s work entirely transformed this opinion.
He predicted that the space was not perfectly fixed and flat while in a large scale, the space should be in a state of a
continuous dynamic change, which has been confirmed.

174. International environmental law/国际环境保护法 #692 2017-04 本月高频

Before we consider international environmental law and climate change we need to consider domestic legislation, as
it is within the sovereign states that international law is put into practice. This reflects the environmentalists' maxim,
'think globally act locally.'

United Kingdom legislative control over the impacts of man's activity on the environment is not new. As long ago as
the reign of Charles II the main concern was the production of smoke from the burning of sea coal. Almost all areas of
trade and industry were subject to very detailed legislative controls at that time, although some were governed by
'self-regulation' in the form of guilds, which regulated both supply and methods of production. However, the
measures implemented were mostly ineffective because then, as now, the specifying of legal duties and standards
without providing any appropriate enforcement merely indicated good intentions but were of little practical effect.

The next stage was prompted by the Industrial Revolution with the urbanization of society and its profound effects on
the environment. Local industrialists used the Adam Smith model to maximize their economic benefit, but this was to
the detriment of the local environment with the operation of 'Gresham's Law' that is, the bad drives out the good.
Those industrialists who were concerned for either the health of their employees or the local environment faced
higher costs than their competitors. The result was the need for increasingly comprehensive statutory controls on the
discharge of pollutants into various receiving media.

In UK, the environmental law is not new.

During the reign of Charles the Second, UK has posed legislative controls to regulate pollution caused by smoke.
Unfortunately, due to inappropriate enforcement, the measures implemented were ineffective and of little practical
However, the government prompted the laws were prompted during the Industrial Revolution, because some
industrialists used Adam Smith model to maximize benefits, leading to detriments of the local environment.

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175. Development of Genes/基因的发展 #691 2017-04

The pace, the pace of which that the human minds have evolved over the last half million years and more recently the
last 200,000 years has been so frighteningly rapid that the evolution of cognitive function and perception in different
ways, can only happen to the actions of a small number of genes. If one needed to adapt a dozen of genes changes
and concert, in order to acquire the penetrating minds that we now have, which our ancestors 500,000 years ago
didn't have, the evolution could not have taken, could not have occurred so quickly. And for that reason alone, one
begins to suspect that the genetic differences between people who lived 500,000 years ago sever that cognitive
functions than ours are not so large. Therefore, a rather small number of genes, maybe responsible for comforting us
that powerful minds which we now, which the most of us now processed.

The pace that the human minds evolved has been frighteningly rapid.
If we needed to adapt to a dozen of genes changes and concert, the evolution could not have taken and occurred so
Therefore, we begin to suspect that the genetic differences between us and the people living long time ago are not so
Therefore, a rather small number of genes are most powerful we now process.

176. Drug Ads/药物广告的影响 #690 2017-04 本月高频

The amount of money drug companies spend on TV ads has doubled in recent years. And it's no wonder: studies
show the commercials' work: consumers go to their doctors with a suggestion for a prescription drug they saw
advertised on TV. Now a study in the Annals of Family Medicine raises questions about the message these ads
promote, NPR's Patty Neighmond reports.

You're most likely to see drug ads during prime time, especially around the news. Researchers analyzed 38 ads aimed
at people with conditions like hypertension, herpes, high cholesterol, depression, arthritis, and allergies.

The drug industry says the ads arm consumers with information. But researchers found that though the information
was technically accurate, the tone was misleading.

UCLA psychologist Dominick Frosch headed the study." What we would see in these ads is that before taking the
prescription drug, the character's life was out of control and the loss of control really extended beyond just the impact
of the health condition,"

For example, herpes patients were portrayed as being incapacitated for days, insomniacs utterly out of synch on the
job and depressed patients friendless and boring at parties.

"When the character is then shown taking the drug, he then magically regains complete control of his life."

None of the ads, of course, mentioned lifestyle changes that could also help treat the condition. After all, it's mass
marketing. But in this case, Frosch says, prescription medications are not soap.

Drug companies have doubled investment in advertisements because they worked.

Many people consult doctors or buy prescription drugs with suggestions from drug advertisements.
Researchers found that commercial information is technically accurate but the tone is misleading.
In drug ads, patient characters magically regain complete control of life after administering medicines but changing
lifestyle, which is beneficial for treatment, is not mentioned in any advertisement.
It is marketing after all.

177. Vitamin D/维生素D #689 2017-04 本月高频

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So today we're going to finish talking about the fat soluble vitamins. I'm going to start with Vitamin D. And I think
probably most of you know that Vitamin D is called the “sunshine vitamin”. And it's called that because there's
absolutely no dietary need for vitamin D if you get adequate sunshine. And the real important word there is “it”
because it turns out that in climates which aren't near the equator there's a big question as to whether or not using
these you get adequate sunshine. And that's important because foods are not naturally abundant in vitamin D. And
that's why milk is fortified but the fortification may not be enough. So again just exposure to sunlight is adequate, no
need for vitamin D. So Vitamin D really isn't the Vitamin, it's a prohormone when human beings evolve, we evolved in
tropical climates and ran around naked. There was plenty of skin exposure to sunlight. And so there was no dietary
need for Vitamin D. As humans migrated away from that tropical regions, they actually created a need for Vitamin D
in food because sunlight was inadequate, particularly during the winter.

This topic is described as Vitamin D. Vitamin D is a fat-solute prohormone.

Very few foods contain vitamin D.
Synthesis of vitamin D in the skin is the major natural source and requires sunshine.
The production of vitamin D will reduce when people migrate away from the equator or wear more clothes in winter.
In conclusion, More food that contains vitamin D is needed for people to keep healthy.

178. Devolution of Power/下放的权力 #688 2017-04 本月高频

Well, that’s one aspect of what’s called, reducing government — modifying government, to be more precise.

Another aspect of it is what’s called “devolution” — reducing — moving governmental power from the Federal to the
State level. And that has a kind of a rationale which you hear all over the time — place. For example, there was an op-
ed a couple of weeks ago in the New York Times by John Cogan — Hoover Institute at Stanford, who has pointed out
what he called a philosophical issue that divides the Democrats from the Republicans. The philosophical issue is that
the Democrats believe in big government and entitlements, and the Republicans believe in getting power down closer
to the people, to the States, because they’re kind of populist types.

Well, it takes about maybe three seconds’ thought to realize that moving power down to the States, in funding and so
on, is just moving it away from the people, for a perfectly elementary reason: there’s a hidden part of the system — of
the power system that you’re not supposed to know about, or think about, and that’s private power.

Devolution is about reducing and moving governmental power from federal to the state level.
The philosophical issue is that democrats believe in the big government and big entitlement.
The republicans believe in getting power down closer to the people.
There’s a hidden part of the system for the power system, the United States supposed to know about and think about
and that’s private power.

179. A Female Novelist/女性小说家成长经历 #687 2017-04 本月高频

I have been writing non-fiction for years actually, but secretly wanting to be a novelist.

When I first started writing at the age of 30, it was with the intention of writing fiction, but I took a little detour for 10
or 12 years, and write non-fiction which I absolutely have no regret about at all. I think it's exactly the right thing for
me to do. But there's this dream tucked away inside of me to do this. Now I was remembering reading something
that wrote, who is a great novelist from Mississippi who had a big influence on me actually. She said, "no art ever
came out of not risking your neck." And I think she's absolutely right about that. It felt that way to me at the time; it
actually feels that way every time I sit down to write something. Finally, in the early 90s, I took my deep breath and
started writing fiction. It felt risky to me at the time to do that. And one of the very first things that I wrote was, what I
thought was going to be the first chapter of a novel, called "The Secret Life of Bees." I wrote it in 1992, and it is actually
essentially the first chapter of the novel as it is now.

This topic is described as a female novelist.

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She started writing from 30, and her initial intention was to write fiction novels.
However, she took some detour but she never regretted.
She spends 10-12 years to figure out what is fiction.
A great novelist inspired her to take some risk.
In conclusion, she literally started writing from 1951 with the first chapter “the secret life of bees."

180. Globalization/全球化产业变革 #685 2017-04 本月高频

Globalization, what is globalization? I think that it takes on a few different definitions in one sense of the word.
Globalization means proliferation of transactions across country. So, one way of thinking about globalization is a way
to describe, increase international communications, more trade happening between countries and be less self-
sufficient in providing goods and services to their people and more companies that have offices in multiple countries,
which we call multinationals. So, the source of growth in travel and communication and corporate trade across
borders. And this way of thinking about globalization is the continuation of thinking that has been around for a long
time, such as when the Europeans went to the Orient, to find spices, which was also an example of global trade and
communication. Another way to think of globalization though, is an economic system. It is a system in which countries
become integrated in a way that never had been before. In this system, we see a global split in the process between
consuming and producing goods. Some countries produce goods, some countries consume goods, and then these
countries in different areas of the globe depend on each other in a kind of organic solidarity rather than having an
economic system being just inside your country. The system is the way economy in your country functions depends
on economy of another country. And in fact this way of thinking about globalizations represents a new area of
economic progression. The past industrialist economy has been a global issue.

Globalization means a proliferation and transactions across countries.

One way of think about globalization is a way to describe increased international communication.
It is a sort of growth in travel and communication and corporate grows across boards.
Another way to think globalization though is as an economic system.
The global is split in the process between consuming and producing goods, and this represents a new era of economic

181. A mother’s loan/一位母亲的贷款 #683 2017-04

I'm 43 years old, and I owe tens of thousands of dollars in student loans. Oh sure, I knew the loans were piling up as I
went through school. But with one loan coming from here, another from there, I had no idea of the rock slide that was

Fifteen years later, I still experience moments of sheer horror regarding my families financial situation. My monthly
student loan payment is more than triple my car payment. OK, so without my college degree, I would not have been
able to get my current job. For that I'm grateful but at what cost?

My loans have been accruing at a rate of 10 percent, and now they have burgeoned to well. I'm an English major; you
do the math. I don't think they'll ever get paid off. Were in debt way past our eyeballs, and there's no hope in sight.
I'm being kept in class a financial class of graduates whose only hope for attending college meant borrowing money
from the government. Because of our mounting credit card debt and monthly payments that far exceed our families
income, my kids will also join the class of citizens who can rely on their parents for college support. Do I wish I'd
chosen another educational route? You bet.

This topic is described as a 43-years-old women who cannot pay off her student loan.
Although her college degree helped her find a job, she has been paying mounting debts for the expensive education
She cannot rely on parents’ financial support.
She can’t support her children’s education either.
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In conclusion, she advises students practically plan their future and choose an affordable educational institution.

182. Governments use tricks/政府使用技巧 #682 2017-04 本月高频

I suppose it's the truism to point out that citizens need to be well-informed. Maybe it's something we take for granted
in our liberal western democracies. But there will be plenty of societies, well, that is run counter to explicit
government policy. Many areas of the world still suffer from the reverie of the deliberate missing information.
Governments, especially the unelected ones, but also some elected ones, have denied the events that have ever taken
place. They pretend that other events did take place. They would help spin what they cannot deny. Ensure they've
used every trick of the book, to pull the eyes of the world, and in an attempt to cover up their mistakes.

This topic is described as government and democracy.

At the beginning of the lecture, the speaker mentioned that citizens should be well-informed, which stands for
He further discussed that in some societies people are deliberately hidden from the truth.
In conclusion,some governments do all tricks in the book to cover their mistake.

183. Mary Mallon/玛丽马龙 #681 2017-04

Mary Mallon, also known as Typhoid Mary, was the first person in the United States identified as an asymptomatic
carrier of the pathogen associated with typhoid fever. She was presumed to have infected 51 people, three of whom
died, over the course of her career as a cook.1 She was twice forcibly isolated by public health authorities and died
after a total of nearly three decades in isolation.23From 1900 to 1907, Mallon worked as a cook in the New York City
area for seven families.7 In 1900, she worked in Mamaroneck, New York, where, within two weeks of her
employment, residents developed typhoid fever. In 1901, she moved to Manhattan, where members of the family for
whom she worked developed fevers and diarrhea, and the laundress died. Mallon then went to work for a lawyer; she
left after seven of the eight people in that household became ill.

In 1906, she took a position in Oyster Bay, Long Island, and within two weeks 10 of the 11 family members were
hospitalized with typhoid. She changed jobs again, and similar occurrences happened in three more households. She
worked as a cook for the family of a wealthy New York banker, Charles Henry Warren. When the Warrens rented a
house in Oyster Bay for the summer of 1906, Mallon went along too. From August 27 to September 3, six of the 11
people in the family came down with typhoid fever. The disease at that time was "unusual" in Oyster Bay, according
to three medical doctors who practiced there

This topic is described as Mary Mallon.

She was the first person identified as a carrier of typhoid fever in the US.
She was an excellent cook and proud of her work.
She infected 22 people, one of which died.
She denied she had the disease and was isolated for three years before she died.
In conclusion, the disease was unusual at that time.

184. Indian peasants debt/印度农民的债务 #680 2017-04 本月高频

The debt today is so high, it’s two hundred thousand rupees, three hundred thousand rupees of peasant who have no
capital. They who know within a year or two, when they accumulate that kind of debt. Where is the debt coming from?
It's coming from a seed that is costing a hundred thousand to two hundred thousand rupees per kilogram, depending
on what you got. Seeds that used to be free, used to be theirs. Pesticides each time, the more they use, the more they
have to use, 12 sprays, 15 sprays, 20 sprays. Pesticides used in just the last five years in the land areas of India has
shown up by 2000 percent. That’s why the free market and globalization have brought and since we are talking about
peasants, who have no money, who have no capital, they can only buy expensive seeds and expensive pesticides by

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borrowing. And who lend that money? The seed companies that sell the pesticides, which are the same companies
that sell the seeds, as you know, are now also the major creditors.

The debt now is so high for peasants.

The debt is coming from seeds and pesticides whose money has increased rapidly due to the free market and
Peasants who have no money and no capitals can only buy expensive seeds and pesticides from by borrowing money
from companies who sell seeds and pesticides.

185. Benefits of Laugh/大笑的益处 #678 2017-04 本月高频

Laughter is one of the greatest therapies in combating adversity; and whole communities and nations have frequently
relied on humor to get them through their bleakest times.

On august 13,1961, the barbed wire was rolled out of Berlin to create the Berlin wall. For nearly 30 years, until it was
dismantled, wall jokes proliferated - especially among those living in the east. Laughing was all that was left.

Jokes about those who rule you - and sometimes those who tyrannize you - are a form of folklore that has existed in
societies as seemingly different as communist eastern Europe, Czarist Russia, modern Egypt, 12-century Persia, and
modern day Iran. Humour can also be wonderfully subversive. It can protect self-respect and identity.

This topic is described as the importance of laughing.

Laughing has many benefits, especially in adversity.
Laughing is not only a kind of humor but also great therapy.
The war jokes about the Berlin Wall helped people recover from the pain caused by the Second World War.
In conclusion, laughing can also protect self-respect and identity.

186. Talent war/人才争夺战 #677 2017-04

The war for talent refers to an increasingly competitive landscape for recruiting and retaining talented employees. In
the book, Michaels et al., describe not a set of superior Human Resources processes, but a mindset that emphasizes
the importance of talent to the success of organizations.

The war for talent is intensified by demographic shifts (primarily in the United States and Europe). This is
characterized by increasing demand along with decreasing supply (demographically). There are simply fewer post-
baby-boom workers to replace the baby boom retirement in the US and Europe (though this is not the case in most of
East Asia, Southeast Asia, Central Asia, Central America, South America, or the Middle East Eastern Europe also tends
to have similar demographics, namely an aging and shrinking labor force).

While talent is vague or ill-defined, the underlying assumption is that for knowledge-intensive industries, the
knowledge worker is the key competitive resource. Knowledge-based theories of organizations consistently place
knowledge workers as a primary', competitive resource. Talent is never explicitly defined in the book, though the
Preface notes, "A certain part of talent elude description: You simply know it when you see it." After several further
caveats, the authors go on: "We can say, however, that managerial talent is some combination of a sharp strategic
mind, leadership ability, emotional maturity, communications skills, the ability to attract and inspire other talented
people, entrepreneurial instincts, functional skills, and the ability to deliver results." The authors offer no outside
support for this assertion.

A 2006 article in The Economist, which mentions the book, notes that "companies do not even know how to define
"talent," let alone how to manage it. Some use it to mean people like Aldous Huxley's alphas in Brave New World
those at the top of the bell curve. Others employ it as a synonym for the entire workforce, a definition so broad as to
be meaningless."

The 'War for talent is seen by various sources as becoming irrelevant during economic downturns. However, there

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have been highly visible talent poaching by solvent firms of others who have economic hardship.

This topic is described as talent war.
The intensive competition for talented people is not only within a country but also between countries.
The changes of the nature of economy lead to an increase in talent demand.
The aging of baby boomer generation causes decreased supply of skilled workers.
Some countries attract talent by attracting young people to go to university in their countries.
In conclusion, talent is at premium.

187. Computers and AI/电脑与人工智能 #676 2017-04


This topic is described as computers and artificial intelligence.

Humans can tell the computers what and how to do by giving the meaning of the certain word, and computers can
operate, and they have systems and symbols.
Computers rely on analyzing messages into bytes, which is similar to human brains.
In conclusion, both human brains and computers are symbol processors, so the computer has potential to bring
artificial intelligence.

188. Sea creature/海洋生物与模拟 #675 2017-04

Sea creatures are inspiring the latest devices that harness wave power.

This one called the Oyster sits on the sea floor and opens and closes as waves pass over it. Cables attach it to
generators on the shore. Since November 2009, it's been powering 9000 homes in the Orkney Islands. Another device
looks like a snake. The anaconda is made from a rubber tube filled with water that floats just below the surface. When
the swell hits the front of it, the tube squeezed above ripples done its links and powers a turbine in its tail. Prototypes
are currently being tested, but the full-scale version will be 200 meters long.

This system also looks like a snake. But this one is made of steel. It floats near the surface, where waves make its
joints move, this drives hydraulic systems that power electrical generators, like the anaconda. It's still being tested.
Results will prove that these devices are up to the job of supplying viable sources of green energy.

The topic is described as the devices that harness wave power and are inspired by sea creatures.
An oyster like device has powered 9000 families.
A snake-like device has a rubber-made tube that can squeeze and power the turbine.
Another snake-like device is made of steel and can power electrical generators.
In conclusion, the two snake-like devices are still being tested but results have shown they can provide green energy.

189. Cocoa/可可 #674 2017-04

During the time of the Aztecs, cocoa was mainly used as a beverage. Wines and drinks were made from white pulp
around the seeds of the cocoa pod. The beans themselves were used to make hot or cold chocolate drinks. Both the
Maya and the Aztec secular drinks used roasted cocoa beans, a foaming agent sugar, toasted corn, and water. Vanilla
and chili were also used as an ingredient in the drinks. Cocoa beans were also used as a currency and as a tribute tax
from peoples ruled by Aztecs. The oily layer floating in the chocolate drink cocoa butter was used to protect the skin
against the sun. For the Aztecs cocoa had a religious significance. Cocoa was believed to be of divine origin: the cocoa
tree was a bridge between earth and heaven. Human sacrifices to propitiate God or sun were first sanctified by giving
him chocolate. Cocoa beans were given to priest’s assistants at children’s coming of age ceremonies. During marriage
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ceremonies, the couple drank a symbolic cup of chocolate and exchanged cocoa beans. Aztecs believed that drinking
chocolate gave mortals some of Quetzalcoatl wisdom. God of learning and the wind.

This topic is described as the importance of cocoa in Aztecs times.

Cocoa was mainly used as beverage, and the beans were also used as currency and as a tribute tax.
The oily layer could be used to protect the skin against the sun.
In conclusion, cocoa also had a religious significance since it was believed to have divine origin.

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